Qualities of a woman: what positive qualities a girl should have, complete list

Many men dream of having an ideal life partner, who will later become an excellent wife and housewife. And ladies, in turn, strive to develop positive traits in themselves in order to constantly please their partner. After all, in any family the “soul” is the spouse. She sets the tone for the marriage, supports the chosen one, and monitors the order and atmosphere in the house. Therefore, in this article I will give a list of the good qualities of a real girl and woman and describe what “ideality” actually consists of.

Signs of a real woman: what makes her stand out from the crowd

There are women who seem to “glow from within.” This is noticed not only by the stronger sex, but also by everyone around. Men are drawn to women who are not only beautiful in appearance, but also have rich inner potential. There are five qualities that attract almost all men. What are these signs that men like?

Sign 1. Feminine. This is the almost elusive “smell of a woman”, that “light breath” that she brings into the lives of those around her. They combine tenderness and strength, fragility and charm. Interesting facial expressions, a charming smile, the ability to present oneself in society - this is what distinguishes a real girl. Screams that turn into squeals, angular sharp movements, hysterics - deprive a woman of her charm.

Femininity presupposes the presence of a courageous man nearby, the role of whose inspiration the lady will play.

A woman then and a woman now, is there a difference?

Our world is changing very much every day, every hour. We imagine what women were like 50-100 years ago only from photographs, books, magazines and films. Indeed, looking at their manners, behavior, appearance, we understand that the difference between us is an abyss, and that they were far behind our level in many ways. But don't rush to such conclusions. I'll explain why.

In those days, great importance was attached to personal qualities, and not to appearance, as is customary in the modern world, and, as annoying as it is to admit, our inner world has not yet developed to the level of their inner world. After all, the woman of those times is sincere, she has real natural beauty, which is not spoiled by tons of makeup, silicone and other artificial accessories. They have a completely different psychology, thinking and values, they live not only for themselves, and they like to live that way.

Of course, I will not belittle our modern girls and women, we are also very good for our time, it’s not about us, but about life conditions that dictate their own rules to us and adjust our behavior to suit themselves. Many of us have such a very good trait as self-development and the desire for perfection. And I believe that this is a very important quality not only for women, but for everyone. I advise you to read my article about self-development and you will understand why it is so important and how important it is; also there you will find information about self-development benefits.

What should a real woman (girl) be like?

In ancient times, women knew four rules that helped them in relationships with the opposite sex.

A woman is like water. Then she will wash the man like a river washes stones, and she will not be in any danger. If he enters into confrontation with him, he will destroy it.

A woman knows how to be different, but at the same time remember the mood of a man. Let him play the role that the man needs now.

It is not difficult for a woman to create a certain atmosphere in which a man will feel comfortable. Even if he has a lot of problems, at home he can relax and be soft and loving.

A woman can remain an eternal mystery. Then, even far from home, he will think about her and want to return to unravel the great mystery that exists next to him.

Raising a woman from childhood

A modern woman needs to be educated from childhood.

Parents of daughters should pay great attention to their all-round development and acquisition of good qualities. This does not mean that every day you need to give your daughter a lecture about what a modern woman should be, she needs to be taught by example. For example, when a mother prepares food, cleans the apartment, or puts on makeup, she should involve her daughter in this, asking her to do something easy, even if it’s insignificant. This will help her feel important and build adequate self-esteem.

- You can’t be angry with you, you’re still a child - I’m a woman, and that says it all!

The role of dad in raising a girl is also very important, because he is the basic image of a man for her; looking at him, from early childhood she knows what men are like and how they should be treated. A girl who was raised correctly by her father will not experience difficulties communicating with men in adulthood. Parents must tell their baby how beautiful, smart and good she is; this gives her the motivation to become better and better for her loved ones. When she grows up, she turns into a real modern woman who knows how to communicate with people, has certain abilities and skills, trusts and helps people, and lives life to the fullest.

How to become a real woman?

If you were born a woman, then be one in everything, even in small things, because a real woman must learn the Ten Commandments.

Love your age and yourself at this age . Are you 17? Wonderful. This is the age of love, discoveries, passions. Appreciate him! Are you seventy? Also good. This is the age of experience, wisdom, calmness.

A woman always remains a woman. She does not believe that at some age something is too early, and at some age it is too late: to love, to study, to do yoga, to make your own little discoveries. She knows that there are great opportunities at any age. And it doesn’t matter what others think about you. You just need to leave your fears and internal prohibitions behind. This doesn’t mean that you have to wear mini clothes as an adult or behave the same as you did when you were 20 years old. You should always respect your age and live up to it.


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How I Became a Woman

It all started when I met Ira at a party, this was 6 years ago.
She herself offered to take her home, I agreed, and so we started dating. To be honest, I have always been a timid boy and never made decisions on my own. Therefore, Irina began to dominate in our relationship, and I simply accepted everything she offered, it was always like that. She was the first to drag me into her bed and for the first time in my life I felt what a woman was. She was a little taller than me, she had beautiful features, but not very large breasts, well, in general, I didn’t have to choose, so I’m very glad that I have it. After the first night, Ira invited me to move in and live with her. I didn’t want to refuse because living alone was much worse, and my home looked like a shack compared to hers. I sold my apartment and moved to live with Irina. Since then I have not worked. Ira said that she did not need the crumbs that they paid me and that it would be more useful if I stayed at home. So it turned out that I do the housework, and Ira earns money. Once we had a conversation about changing roles, I, of course, understood that I should have earned a living, and Irina would have to do housework, but I was also satisfied with the role of a housewife, so I did not deny it when Ira suggested trying a change of roles in bed. “You still behave passively and the size of your dignity cannot satisfy me.” That’s why I bought this toy,” she took a dildo out of the box, I didn’t resist, she told me to lie on my back and spread my legs, and inserting part of the dildo into her crotch and securing it with straps, she said: “Get ready, it will hurt a little at first.” I felt the head of the dildo slowly begin to penetrate me, a sharp pain pierced me, I twitched trying to pull it out. “I said lie still, now the pain will subside, try to relax,” I had no choice but to obey. Gradually the pain subsided, I just felt her penis, which rhythmically penetrated me. I looked at Irina and saw that she enjoyed the process itself, she liked to dominate, she liked to have me. After 10 minutes of attacking my ass, she ordered me to turn over on my stomach, now I didn’t see her face, but only felt the thrusts of her hips on my buttocks, but I liked this position more, so I touched my penis to the bed, and Irina’s thrusts stimulated me . A few moments later, Ira burst into a strong orgasm and collapsed on me, then she kissed me on the cheek and said that these were the most pleasant moments that I gave her. She turned me over on my back and saw my twitching penis, I was excited and expected from her that she would allow me to enter her, but this did not happen, but instead I heard that now she would rest and make another attempt and then I I can cum. And so it happened, Ira told me to get on all fours, and she again pierced my ass with her dildo, now there was no pain, but there was such a pleasant feeling somewhere in the depths of my stomach, and plus Ira grabbed my penis and with a few pushes brought me to orgasm, it was the most powerful orgasm I have ever felt. I fell on my stomach and lay there for several minutes in complete bliss. “Well, dear, did you like it,” Ira asked, I replied that I had never experienced anything like it. “I’m glad you liked it, now this is the only way we’ll make love to you.” But for this I would like to change your image a little. I don’t like your hair on your body and face, so tomorrow I’ll take you to Tomka - she’s a doctor, and she’ll help me give your body a neater look. I was not used to arguing with Ira, and in my experience it never led to anything, so I shook my head. The next day we went to see Tamara, Irina’s friend from college, she worked at a beauty institute. - Come in, have a seat, well, you finally brought yours. Hello, handsome, tell me, how far have you come? And Irina told Tamara everything, I didn’t know where I was going to end up. - Well, what do you say, darling, did you like it? I didn't know what to say. - Well, okay, you just haven’t gotten the hang of it yet, well, for all your time. Irisha, so have you decided what we will change? “I would like to remove all the hair on his body and face.” - Well, it’s not a problem, a few sessions of photo-epilation and you can forget about all the vegetation, but that’s all? Irina looked at me with a predatory look, I began to worry. “You told me that you want complete feminization.” - Yes, but I haven’t talked to him about it yet. - So what? Let's talk together. Sasha, do you love Ira? - Yes, but I don’t understand what you want to talk about. -Did you enjoy last night? - Yes. - So you like it when Ira dominates in bed, plays the role of a man? - Well... - Without any yes or no, do you like obeying her? - Yes. — Do you like the way of life you live? - Yes. “Then I don’t understand, Ira, what’s the problem?” “Sasha, it’s very simple - I love you, I like making love with you, but I prefer to see in you not a man whom I fuck, but I want,” Ira looked at me with a piercing gaze, “well, in general, I want, so that you look as much like a woman as possible. I was dumbfounded and couldn’t say anything right away. - Let’s do this, you will listen to Tom completely, then ask your questions. - So for starters, this is hormone therapy, I will give you the names of drugs that will suppress the release of his hormones, and then you will start giving him drugs containing female hormones, so we will replace male hormones with female ones. Your skin, Sasha, will become softer and more tender, the deposition of fatty tissue will begin according to the female type, on the hips, your butt will become rounded, become softer, your breasts will begin to grow and your voice will change a little. You are only 20 years old, so all these changes will happen quickly and painlessly for you. This is what we want to do in the near future. Then Ira wanted to enlarge your breasts, and of course clean up between your legs, although Irisha agrees that this is the final stage, it’s too early to talk about it. Well, darling, what do you say? I was silent and didn’t know what to answer; it seemed that Irina had long ago decided everything for me and just gradually led me to what was happening now. - Don’t be silent, say something. I was worried and didn't know what to say. — I don’t want to do any operations. - Yes, you’re just afraid, just think, your whole life will change, you’ll feel like you’re in a different capacity. Your beloved woman will love you and take care of you. You will learn a lot of new things and discover the world of women's joys and pleasures. In one life you will try two completely different lives, you have already lived one, and it was not the best, you have not achieved anything, you have not turned out to be a real man, and you never will. You are used to having decisions made for you by someone who is stronger. The one who is responsible for you. And Irina made such a decision, and I believe that you simply do not have the right to refuse her. Please understand, we are not trying to persuade you, we are simply explaining to you what will happen to you in the near future. Now undress, I want to examine you and take the necessary tests. I realized that it was useless to resist, I went to the couch and began to undress. - So let’s see what we have here, well, Irisha, I think that everything is very good, the muscles are poorly developed, the proportions of the body are not clearly male, so in a year the figure will be female. But I just want to say that in the near future we need to remove two of his ribs on each side, so the proportions between the chest, waist and hips will be super. Let me measure you, so height 170 cm, chest 85 cm, waist 70 cm, hips 83 cm, weight 61 kg. We will remove the hair today and repeat the procedure in two weeks. Ira, come pick him up in 4 hours, but in the meantime, here’s a list of medications, buy everything and start giving him today as I prescribed. Ira left after kissing me, and I was taken to the treatment room, where for 5 hours they removed all the hair on my body and face, then they rubbed my whole body with some creams and Ira took me home. On the way, Ira stopped at a store and said, now we’ll buy you something more comfortable and beautiful, and remember, you won’t wear men’s clothes anymore; it’s not for you. She led me through the departments with the words: “Well, for now I’ll choose everything for you to your taste.” I just stood and watched as the saleswomen showed her various lingerie and clothes, and Ira chose and looked at me with a smile and satisfaction. We went home with big bags and boxes. Upon arrival, Ira told me to undress and put my clothes in bags, and all my clothes went there too. “Now you won’t need it anymore.” Now put on these panties,” she handed me a pair of lacy white women’s panties. I put them on, but what was between my legs created a lump and Ira said: “You see such beautiful underwear, but this unnecessary piece spoils everything, well, it’s okay, I don’t think it will last long.” I didn’t say anything, but simply put myself at her complete disposal and felt a little confused. - Now put on your bra. A very unusual sensation, but pleasant, the delicate fabric gently cupped my breasts and gave them a feminine look. - It’s okay when you have female breasts, everything will be in its place, but for now just get used to wearing women’s underwear. Then I put on stockings, it turns out it’s very nice when the nylon hugs my legs, high-heeled shoes caused discomfort and awkwardness. — Get used to it and learn to walk in heels, it is the stiletto heel that emphasizes a woman’s figure. When I put on the dress, I felt naked underneath, everything was blown out and I had to sit, as Ira taught, with my legs constantly together. Then the hairstyle, it didn’t suit Ira at all, so I realized that tomorrow they would not only give me a woman’s haircut, but also dye my hair a lighter color. Then Ira started working on my face, it’s very unpleasant when eyebrows are plucked, but otherwise nothing unpleasant, it’s just unusual to feel mascara on my eyelashes and lipstick on my lips, but when I looked in the mirror, I realized that everything had gone so far that my the wife will definitely not back down now. Tomorrow I was promised a new hairstyle and pierced ears, but for now I spent several hours listening to how to sit, walk, how to behave, how to care for my skin and hair, how to prepare myself for sex. So, over the course of a year, a lot of changes happened to me, firstly, my breasts became quite noticeable, my nipples grew larger and they became darker, my hips became wider and my butt was rounder, my skin became very soft, thanks to hormones and creams it became lighter, I was forbidden to sunbathe, Ira wanted my skin to be milky white. Thanks to Tamara’s efforts, my figure became feminine; the only thing that gave away my gender was what hung between my legs. Hormone therapy was doing its job, my penis had not been erect for a long time, and no one needed it during sex, I only got pleasure from when Irina fucked me in the ass. Tamara kept telling Ira that it was high time for me to change my gender to female. But Ira did not want to deprive me of the last sign of belonging to the male sex. - Ira, you understand, we achieved our goal. He looks like a woman. He gets pleasure from you fucking his ass. He sits at home and does all the work of a housewife, but in life anything can happen and we must make sure that he can never return to his previous state. You don't want to lose him, do you? - Okay, how do you want to do it? - Firstly, let’s surgically enlarge his chest to at least the third size, after that it will be very difficult and expensive to return it to its previous state, and he doesn’t have money, but large and full breasts are difficult to hide and it will make him constantly feel who is he. And let’s face it, he just can’t get enough of good female breasts right now. Then I insist on your consent, if not for a sex change, then let’s at least castrate him, this will give a greater effect of hormone therapy, he will begin to gain weight, but only according to the female type, his hips and butt will become larger and more appetizing. If you want to leave him a penis, only I will make sure that he keeps it, and you can make a semblance of labia out of the machine. - Can you make him a vagina? - Certainly. — Will it be possible to have it there too? - I will try to make his female genital organ as realistic as possible, I will also put the urinary canal there so that he will simply need to sit down in order to pee. - Well, Tomka, you got me going, is it really possible to do all this? - Don’t even doubt it, dear. Call him here, I will tell him about your decision. When I entered the room, Toma was beaming with pleasure, she had not seen me for about a month, and I thought that my appearance caused such an expression on her face. I got used to constantly wearing lingerie and clothes, I did my own makeup, my hair grew longer, I fulfilled Irina’s requirements and therefore wound it with large curlers. Just when they called me, I finished this procedure and appeared before them with curlers on my head, maybe this caused such a reaction from Tamara. - Well, dear, how do you feel in your new capacity? I became embarrassed and lowered my eyes. I couldn’t say that I really liked my appearance, but the fact that I just looked forward to every night, that I just adore when Irina penetrates me with her dildo... for this I was ready to do anything to please Irina, so that she had me every night. “You look very cute, darling, our efforts are not in vain.” And in an intimate sense, how our butt changes its size. Ira what size are you fucking him? — I recently switched to a new one, although it’s still tight, but I don’t think it will last long, its hole is so pliable that 22x6 cm will have to be changed soon. - Why are you silent? Tell me how you feel when a woman fucks you. “I really like it, otherwise I wouldn’t do everything that Ira wants from me.” - Well, that’s nice. I want to inform you that Ira has decided to make some more changes to your appearance. She is not very happy with the rate at which your breasts are growing, so she decided to insert silicone implants into you, so that soon you will have normal female breasts of size 3-4. - Is there no way to do without this? - Well, Ira, he’s already starting to argue and hesitate. I told you that he should have been castrated a long time ago. Yes, dear, and don’t look so surprised tomorrow, I myself will eliminate what prevents you from becoming obedient and timid. Dear, bring him tomorrow at 8 am, and in a week you will get your lover back, but he won’t argue with you anymore. You must pay an invoice of 500 rubles for advertising

External femininity

Guys love with their eyes, as you know, which is why for them a feminine lady is one whose figure and appearance evoke desire. This is the so-called external femininity, which creates a certain set of impressions in the stronger sex just at one glance at a girl.

How to become feminine and desirable for a man? Is your figure and selectivity in clothing important?

  1. A feminine woman, according to many men, has long hair. Historically, young ladies with waist-length thick manes are considered more attractive than girls with short haircuts. However, the main thing is well-groomed and natural hair; it is better to do without high and overly complex hairstyles.
  2. A beautiful figure is not just a tribute to fashion. You should not think about beauty standards; it is better to think about normal weight, exercise and nutrition. A slim figure and optimal body weight are signs of femininity.
  3. Femininity through a man's eyes is the presence of dresses, high heels, and transparent blouses in a girl's wardrobe. In clothing, it is preferable to use materials that are soft to the touch, flow and give the figure lightness and airiness. Excessively brutal things destroy the feminine essence.
  4. Surveys on men's forums show that, not particularly understanding the intricacies of using cosmetics, guys subconsciously consider excessive “coloring” on the face to be vulgar. In their opinion, a feminine woman prefers soft and delicate shades in makeup.
  5. The figure, of course, is important, but an equally essential condition for the external attributes of femininity is a well-groomed and neat appearance. Beautiful skin, clean, smooth hair, neat manicure are the most feminine signs of a true lady.

Signs of femininity

First of all, this is not an external ostentatious image, this is what comes from within the young lady. There are many beauties around in supposedly feminine dresses, but this does not give them femininity.

Thus, femininity is the meaningful satisfaction by ladies of their own innate needs, which are expressed in behavioral patterns and qualities. These qualities, as a rule, include subtlety, correctness, tact, tolerance, complaisance, devotion, gentleness, affection, restraint, calm, measuredness, charm, mercy.

Female immaturity is revealed in her failure to accept her own innate needs, in other words, the denial of her own nature.

Women who develop primordially masculine traits in their own person, in contrast to their hereditary carriers - men, rather evoke pity and sympathy, but not admiration.

The masculine traits of masculine women have a destructive effect on the inner world of women, behavioral patterns, personality and prevent the creation of a favorable environment around them. The Universe does not endow masculine women with energy for alien qualities that are unusual for it. As a result, such ladies are left without energy, become disappointed and exhausted.

Thus, young ladies who consciously or unconsciously excessively cultivate primordially masculine traits in themselves, such as firmness, self-control, responsibility, and stop cultivating feminine traits, are the most destructive and repulsive variation of immature young ladies.

Courageous women evaluate the well-being of their own existence in accordance with male standards of success.

Immature ladies are individuals deprived of expressed needs determined by their gender; they are disturbed by everything that would disturb persons who do not have satisfaction of basic needs, namely food, rest, clothing.

To satisfy their innate needs, young ladies need to develop feminine traits.

Psychology explains what femininity is from the perspective of four levels of the analyzed concept: physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual. She claims that to achieve femininity it is necessary to improve at all of these levels.

Achieving perfection on the physical level is as easy as shelling pears, since it includes the image of young ladies, consisting of sophisticated outfits that highlight the charms of the figure and reliably hide some of its flaws, well-groomed skin, the presence of a manicure, accessories that complement the image, clean comfortable shoes, neatly styled hair, light , unhurried, graceful gait, grammatically correct, measured, calm speech.

The ability to create a special warm and cozy atmosphere in the home can also be counted among the components of this level.

The emotional level implies harmony of nature and communication with the environment.

Femininity is the ability to:

– understand the needs of your loved one and give him what he needs without cultivating a sense of self-sacrifice;

- be able to forgive;

– do good without demanding the opposite;

- be able to admit when you are wrong;

– accept loved ones as real, without endowing them with far-fetched qualities and forcing them to adapt to a fictitious image;

– take a creative approach to solving problematic issues;

– support loved ones, inspiring them;

– thank, care, speak openly.

The key quality of the level described is the ability to love and receive love.

The intellectual aspect implies education, manners, erudition, and good manners.

Intellectual femininity includes the ability to:

– it is appropriate to speak (that is, the young lady understands when to say, to whom, where and what, she also understands that there is information that is better to withhold);

– behave adequately in society;

– delegate responsibility, giving others the opportunity to express themselves;

– have a personal position and correctly defend it;

– end disputes in a timely manner and make compromises;

– desire for self-education.

The spiritual level of femininity is the most difficult to achieve. Here we are not talking about the religiosity of the ladies. The key component at this level is gratitude.

Spiritual femininity implies accepting the blows of fate without complaining, with the understanding that this strengthens, helping others, supporting.

Partial femininity does not exist. Femininity must be balanced at all given levels. In addition, the presence of femininity does not require proof. It does not require verbal or other confirmation.


We already understand where to start if a man wants to become a woman, but what to do if complications arise after this? It is necessary to treat this with understanding and it is better to immediately prepare for the fact that this is possible.

First of all, complications can manifest themselves in depression, suicidal thoughts and actual attempts to commit suicide. This occurs due to the strong shock that a person experiences when changing gender. Despite the fact that he himself dreamed about it, underwent therapy for a long time and was sure that this was his true desire, in the end it may turn out that he is completely dissatisfied with the result. This will plunge him into a terrible psychological state, so professional help from psychologists will be required.

Chat with your friends

It is extremely important to communicate with other girls to reveal your feminine energies. That is why a woman should not be prohibited from communicating with her friends and sisters. You've probably noticed yourself how sometimes we really want female communication, and how good we feel after it? This is because at first we experienced a lack of feminine energy, and then we made up for it.

The results of my thoughts

In my article, I shared with you my thoughts about what a modern woman should be and how to raise her, and made a presentation for you. All these thoughts and ideas were received by me based on work experience and psychological education; I in no way claim that this is a mandatory pattern of behavior. My dears, despite any life circumstances and outside influences, do not lose your uniqueness, because the main rule of a modern woman is to be individual, unique.

If you have any significant shortcomings, try to get rid of them, be constantly on the move, look for changes in life. Thus, you will definitely find yourself and your place in this huge world. I will be very glad if my articles help you become better and inspire you to achieve achievements, because that is exactly what I write for. Read my creations, comment, share with your friends and acquaintances on social networks, let more people know about our secrets, and add their own that we missed.

And today I’m waiting for your comments, whether you agree with my opinion or want to challenge it, if you don’t agree, express your opinion, don’t be afraid of criticism and opposition, share your knowledge for the benefit of us all. Happiness and goodness to everyone!

Set Clear Goals

Identify at least three areas in which you would like to develop.

For example:

  • Professional - I want to become an actress.
  • Appearance - I want to lose 10 kg by August 2022.
  • Intellectual - I want to learn French.

Break each goal into small steps. Do something from this list every day. To avoid forgetting anything, get a habit tracker.

For example:

  • I'm driving in the car and doing speech technique exercises.
  • I do abs 30 times in the morning.
  • I learn ten new French words every day.

Write down different options, suddenly a couple of free minutes will suddenly appear, and you can spend them usefully.

Go to beauty salons and spas

A woman’s body simply needs massage, first of all, for her health. It needs soft tactile contact, because... Thus, it improves the circulation of not only blood circulation, but also energy. This is why after a massage a person feels so good. Don't forget about manicure, facial and hair care. All this is not just a woman’s whim or whim. This is the basis of her psychological health and self-esteem. Self-care always gives a woman pleasure, and this is important. Don't forget to enjoy your bath without rushing. Give yourself at least half an hour to soak in the bath with soft foam and drops of aroma oils.


The problem of a man wanting to become a woman has been carefully studied by psychiatrists. At the moment, medicine can offer all the conditions for changing gender. Surgeons and endocrinologists have reached the required level to carry out an operation of such complexity without any problems.

Note that over time this phenomenon occurs more and more often. If previously cases of gender reassignment were extremely rare, today an increasing number of people consider themselves transsexuals. Despite the rapid development of medicine and science, scientists cannot say for sure why such a desire arises.

What to do if a man wants to become a woman? First of all, you need to understand that this is not a person’s whim. This is a deep need that puts great pressure on the individual. A person experiences suffering and, in extreme cases, is ready to change his gender. At the same time, he is constantly on the verge of psychological stress, because he feels a gap between the male role that society imposes on him and his own self-determination. Many men say that they are scared to be in their body, they want to get rid of it as quickly as possible, modify it.

View from the outside

“I want to be a woman” is a completely normal desire that can be inherent in males. In fact, women who want to turn into a man are also common.

We do not know the exact reasons for this phenomenon, but it cannot be denied that such people exist and need help from society. If they are confident in their needs, then they must try to satisfy them, because in the end it is not the gender of a person that is important, but whether he is happy or not.

It is necessary to develop your tolerance and understand that the world is very diverse, every person has the right to self-expression. If you hear someone you know say something like “I want to become a woman,” then you shouldn’t turn away or scoff. Perhaps you were entrusted with your most intimate thoughts in the hope of support. Always be gentle and tolerant when dealing with such people because they are psychologically unstable and suicidal.

Believe in yourself!

Even when everyone laughs, even when it doesn’t work out, even when the whole world is against it!

Remember, people are jealous that you can make a statement and they can’t. I love Lady Gaga's quote:

“Of course, people don’t like it when you’re not like them. They will ridicule you for a long time, condemn you, humiliate you, but all this comes from envy. They can’t do it like you, they don’t have the courage. It’s easier to call someone crazy than to admit that you’re afraid to stand out from the crowd.”


The symbol of femininity is long hair and dresses. You don't have to grow your braids or have elaborate hairstyles. But you should get rid of crew cuts and the like. If there is no inner femininity, such hairstyles will make you look like a man. Soft curls, frivolous curls or straight shoulder-length hair will add charm. You don't have to do your hair every day. But clean and healthy hair is a must.

Flowing dresses or formal skirts will emphasize the femininity of the figure and add mystery. Heels - even low ones - will introduce fragile instability into your gait and visually lengthen your legs.

You should not put too much makeup on your face or drench yourself in perfume. A slight understatement of the smell will make men come closer. It is better not to overuse cosmetics, but to prefer a healthy complexion and the radiance of a snow-white smile.


So, a man wants to become a woman. What to do? First, accept his desire and react calmly, even if you have a negative attitude towards it. Do not disturb the mental balance of your loved one, because if he expects some kind of external support, then only from the people closest to him. If you turn away from him at such a moment, you will greatly worsen the relationship or even destroy it.

Remember that if a person repeats “I am a man, I want to become a woman,” then it is not a fact that this will actually happen. Perhaps, after several sessions with a psychologist, your loved one will understand that these desires were inspired by some conditions or pathologies.

How to become a nice girl: appearance and character

What features of appearance and character characterize a feminine girl.

Let's consider these features in separate paragraphs


  • Clothes that suit you
    . Buy clothes that fit you well. If you're tall, you don't have to put up with sweaters whose sleeves are short, constantly pulling them up to your wrists. And if it’s low, don’t wear jeans that drag slightly on the ground. That is, choose clothes in accordance with your height and figure. For example, if you know that you have several folds in the waist area or a tummy that is seriously annoying you, then do not choose tight dresses. The point is not even that the thing will emphasize these features and make a negative impression. It is possible that a man will not pay attention to the “flaws”, but he will probably notice your gloomy mood or lack of self-confidence. Don't wear something that doesn't make you feel 100 percent attractive.
  • The character of a feminine girl contains restraint, accuracy, and self-discipline
    . Keep a diary that contains plans for the week or month, adjust it regularly, and stay organized.
  • Feminine girls are characterized by politeness and friendliness
    . Treat the people you interact with kindly. Don’t take out your bad mood or dissatisfaction on them.
  • Eliminate swear words or rude, hysterical intonations from your conversation
    . They don't make you look good.

Femininity through the eyes of men in appearance

The image of a girl is made up of her natural characteristics, as well as a set of attributes: shoes, clothes, hairstyle, manicure, accessories. Don’t forget about posture, neatness, cleanliness, and neatness.

If we talk about appearance, then you can acquire a lot over time, develop and cultivate in yourself, which, unfortunately, cannot be said about natural data. Although, thanks to a wide selection of cosmetics, any disadvantage can turn into an advantage.

On average, men are attracted to girls who are not very tall, with delicate, even childlike features: large glowing eyes, a smile, a small nose, blush and a playful look.

As for the figure, a thin waist and wide hips are considered feminine; a man will be attracted to such proportions not only because it is beautiful, but also because nature has an understanding that such a girl will be able to give healthy children.

The image should radiate a thirst for life, positivity, lightness and airiness. Unobtrusive makeup and pastel-colored clothing will help with this. Skirts and dresses are what will always attract a man's eye. Choose flowy structures: silk, chiffon, cotton.

Long hair, moderate manicure, smooth skin in various problem areas are unconditional indicators of femininity in the eyes of men. It’s not difficult to understand how to develop femininity in your appearance: take care of yourself, don’t try to stand out with bright and flashy looks, keep cleanliness and tidiness, be modest in clothes and accessories.

Invest in yourself!

A big goal requires a big investment: mental, physical, emotional. Read more books. I love books on motivation, psychology and biographies of interesting people.

My list of books that I have read and am very pleased with:

  1. Larisa Renard "Circle of Female Power".
  2. Larisa Renard "Discovering a new self."
  3. Jen Sincero "NISES".
  4. How I Became the Famous Skinny Rich Happy Me by Eric Weiner.
  5. Mila Tumanova “A woman begins with her body.”
  6. Mikhail Labkovsky “I want and I will.”
  7. Vadim Zeland “Reality Transurfing” (all parts).
  8. John Gray "Men are from Mars, women are from Venus."
  9. Petr Ploskov “The Power of Instagram.”

List of books I want to read in the near future:

  1. Larisa Renard "Four Facets of Perfection."
  2. Larisa Renard "Make your husband a millionaire."
  3. Andrey Kurpatov “Happy of my own free will.”
  4. Lev Vozhevatov “A man’s view of relationships.”
  5. Bertrand Russell "The Pursuit of Happiness"

Learn to be selfish

How to learn to be feminine if you are ready to help everyone except yourself? First of all, your personal condition and desires should be important to you. That is, it is your interests that come first, not men, children, moms, dads, not work, an old neighbor or a sad friend. You come first!

Do you want to watch a movie today and not go to your parents’ dacha? Go for it. Do you want to walk along the embankment all day, and not hang out with your guy's stupid friends? Forward. Yes, at first your loved ones will be angry with you and, perhaps, some will stop being close to you. But when they see signs of femininity in you, when they feel your energy, everything will fall into place. Stop being comfortable!

Techniques and exercises for developing femininity

In this section you will find the most popular practices that are discussed at women's trainings.

  • I am a woman

Repeat this phrase out loud several times. You can even stand at the mirror and look at your face at this moment, examining your body. Many women have mixed feelings when talking about their feminine nature. Some feel shyness and awkwardness, some hear a trembling in their voice, some feel mistrust and even start laughing. What are you experiencing?

This seemingly simple exercise perfectly identifies gaps in the topic of femininity. Do you accept yourself in this role or are you afraid of it, are you confident in it, etc.

  • Mother

I will not open America for you if I say that a mother is the main woman in a child’s life, that it is she who lays the foundations of femininity in a girl, sets an example of relationships with men, and instills trust in the world and self-confidence. This is ideal. In fact, many have received a not entirely pleasant psychological inheritance and are forced to work on themselves on their own. But this is not a reason to be angry with your parents.

An extremely important step on the path to femininity is accepting your mother. With all its shortcomings, fears, traumas. The least you can do, regardless of whether she is alive now or not, is to ask her forgiveness for the misunderstanding between you, thank her for the opportunity to see this world and forgive yourself for not being able to build a harmonious relationship.

There are many other ways to feel feminine energy. For example:

  • Listen to special meditations in video or audio format.
  • Repeat affirmations. These are positive statements in the form of a short phrase. For example, from the Soviet film with Irina Muravyova “The Most Charming and Attractive.”
  • Explore your body for pleasure, experience orgasms.
  • Read books on the topic of relationships, literature on psychology, on raising children, etc. This way you will better understand your nature and get a magic kick to start changing. For example, I advise you to start with Olga Valyaeva’s book “The Purpose of Being a Woman.”

Act, praise yourself for your actions and reward!

In such small steps. You will see, you will be very proud of yourself, you will realize that you are moving in the right direction.

“Journal of Victories” will help you! Write down every little thing there and reward yourself: for a small step with a small gift, for a big one with a big one.

Pamper yourself, arrange Beauty Days for yourself. Even in Moscow it is not very expensive. For example, I am an active user of the Dry and Go Bar format: you can do your hair for 990 rubles in just half an hour.

Going to the spa at least once a month should become a good tradition. Do you think it's expensive? Myth! Google Biglion coupons.

End the day with meditation

An application with cool meditations and tips is available on iTunes and is called “Circle of Feminine Power”, where, by the way, you can also find Larisa’s books in electronic format (see point 3).

Relax and calm yourself at the end of the day. After all, a chic woman is, first of all, about her inner state.

With love, self-motivation expert Anastasia Rudenok

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