Positive human qualities: a complete list of human virtues

Every person has positive and negative qualities that determine their character and attitude towards the world around them. The character of everyone is different, personal human qualities are important components, putting them together, you can see a psychological image. Personal qualities are divided into two groups:
  • positive
  • negative

No one can consist entirely of positive, best people, but they certainly must prevail. You can work better on yourself, eradicate the bad sides, improve the good traits in your character and behavior. Negative qualities often spoil life, the attitude of others, affect success, and provide a better position in society.

Kindness is one of the best character traits

From childhood, a child is taught to be kind, to love animals, to help people, and to do only positive deeds. There are a countless number of sayings and proverbs about kindness; children learn them at school. Our ancestors came up with proverbs in order to make the world a better place. Unfortunately, not everyone has this best trait, one of the most successful for a happy life. A good-natured person is ready to help unselfishly, does not wish harm, and has no envy in him. This can be cultivated in oneself if a person feels that he is envious, demanding, he definitely needs to work on himself, eradicate negative traits and instill better, positive ones.

What to write

Before filling out the box in which you need to indicate your shortcomings, think about your answer. Do not miss it under any circumstances, because ideal people do not exist. As a rule, managers want to see how adequately you evaluate yourself. If you don't know what to write, look at the suggested options and choose something that suits you best.

The following weaknesses can be written:

  • excessive directness, the habit of telling the truth face to face;
  • difficulty establishing contact with strangers;
  • inability to show flexibility in labor matters;
  • reliability;
  • increased anxiety;
  • excessive emotionality, hot temper;
  • love of formalism;
  • restlessness;
  • slowness;
  • hyperactivity;
  • fear of air travel.

All of the weaknesses listed in your resume can become strengths if you look at them from a different angle. An example is restlessness. For a sales representative or active sales manager, this can even be a plus. The same goes for reliability. This is a signal to the manager that you may be the person who will do all the overtime work.

Honesty is a positive side of character

One of the best human virtues is such a quality as honesty. It is highly valued by others and helps to reflect the most important requirement of morality. An honest person will be better valued, respected, pleasant to work with, communicate with, because he does not lie, is not a hypocrite, and does not betray. Honesty includes traits such as:

  • loyalty;
  • truthfulness;
  • sincerity.

An honest person respects himself and others, is committed to his accepted obligations, and is convinced that he is doing the right thing by telling the truth to others. First of all, honesty is sincerity towards oneself; such people are self-confident, invariably live in accordance with their conscience, have a strong character, self-confidence, and respect others. An honest person is open to others and does not allow deception in communicating with others. This is one of the best qualities that speaks of decency and morality. Most people prefer to communicate, work, make friends, and choose honest individuals as life partners. Sometimes you can hear an unpleasant truth from an honest person, but this is much better than hearing a pleasant lie. However, honesty is not an innate quality, but acquired during upbringing. It is necessary to form it from early childhood; responsibility for this lies with the child’s family.

Volitional personality traits

Many would undoubtedly like for everything in life to happen naturally, so that they don’t have to make an effort. However, everyday life dispels their dreams. After all, every day people have to solve many problems, they face a lot of difficulties and they have to constantly make efforts.

Even going to the nearest supermarket is already a bit of effort. At the same time, in order to move forward and develop, people act, but each subject chooses the path of progress individually. Its length and speed along it are most often determined by the individual’s attitude towards difficulties, how much he intends to overcome in order to achieve the goal.

Simply put, on this path a person uses his own volitional qualities.

The volitional personality traits include the following:

– determination (the ability to instantly identify a goal and the trajectory of its implementation, even in extreme circumstances);

– determination (confident progress towards the intended goal, determination to devote time and make efforts in order to achieve it);

– perseverance (the ability to bring a new task to a consistent completion, not to deviate from the plan, not to look for an easier path);

– courage (overcoming confusion and fear while soberly understanding potential dangers);

– self-control (self-control, the ability, through the will, to restrain one’s own actions that interfere with the implementation of the plan);

– discipline (meaningful subordination of one’s own actions to certain norms);

– independence (the ability to perform actions alone, without looking at the environment, as well as evaluate the behavior of other individuals according to one’s own beliefs).

It is believed that a person’s volitional parameters do not belong to innate qualities. It should be understood that their formation is determined by temperament, which depends on the physiological characteristics of the nervous system. People's response to certain life difficulties is associated with the intensity and speed of mental reactions, but the formation of volitional personality parameters occurs only in the process of activity and gaining experience.

The first manifestations of volitional acts are observed in early childhood, when the baby tries to control himself (does not require immediate satisfaction of needs). Communication and knowledge of the surrounding reality forms a character in which strong-willed traits subsequently take over the leading position in the structure of the personality.

Personal development occurs only in conditions of overcoming obstacles. Often, the more pronounced the manifestations of a person’s volitional parameters, the more successful his professional sphere, standard of living, social relationships and satisfaction with his own existence in general.

Everyone wants to be known as a strong personality, but few people realize that a strong personality has qualities acquired through daily work and struggle with life’s obstacles. That is, simply put, a strong person is a subject who has developed strong-willed personality parameters, confidence and a positive worldview, since they cannot be frightened or stopped by any troubles or obstacles.

Thus, all volitional characteristics of a person are developed throughout existence, interaction and activity. At the same time, childhood is considered a particularly significant stage of such formation.

Loyalty is the key to happiness

Such a side of character as loyalty occupies far from the last place in the list of the best qualities of a person. This best trait can be viewed from different angles; there are different types of loyalty. This character trait denotes immutability, steadfastness of feelings and views during the performance of one’s duties and duty. A faithful person, after making a decision once, always follows his choice, despite doubts. Loyalty is shown to a friend, loved one, family, homeland, beliefs, principles, given word.

An error leads to its destruction; it can be accidental or deliberate. This is already called betrayal, manifested towards oneself, the rules, a person. Betrayal and violation of devotion always leads to losses of a moral and physical nature. A person experiences it differently, it all depends on the situation. Marital devotion implies devotion, care for the spouse, submission, and sharing of his interests. If one of the spouses cheats, most likely, such a relationship will be destroyed forever. After all, the one who has been betrayed will lose trust, which means his positive opinion about the other person will be destroyed.

Objective assessment

My strengths, what are they? On the one hand, the question is not difficult, but many cannot accurately describe themselves. Assessing your capabilities is an important point. If personal growth and self-improvement are important to you, you should not neglect it.

By making a list of your strengths, you can understand what you lack for career growth, and therefore begin the path to eliminating gaps in knowledge and opportunities.

Responsiveness is one of the best virtues

One of the important spiritual and moral qualities of a person is responsiveness. The trait is characterized by the fact that a responsive person is constantly ready to help his neighbor, to come to the rescue at any time, and to do it without self-interest. The advantage of such a human trait: a kind attitude towards others, a sense of one’s own personality as spiritual, selfless.

In general, this concept is complex; it is impossible to explain it in a nutshell. It is directly related to the psychology of the individual, when she is able to understand the importance of other people’s problems, accept their characteristics, and come to help, even if she is not asked. A responsive person knows how to sincerely sympathize, empathize with everyone, respects, appreciates people, and shows the best towards them: cordiality, kindness, friendliness.

Responsiveness is a rare quality, therefore it is highly valued by people and is one of the best. After all, not everyone is ready to give up everything and devote their energy, time, and sometimes resources to solving the problems of others. A person with a high level of responsiveness helps from the bottom of his heart and does not do bad things towards others.

Education influences this best character trait. In a child’s worldview, it consists of what he receives in childhood, from family, and school. The basis of formation: parents, their demonstration of attitude towards nature, others, animals. It is important to cultivate compassion, kindness, respect and empathy in a child. All this together develops into responsiveness.

Work on yourself

A person's strengths and weaknesses are closely intertwined with each other. No one can boast that he is perfect and has no weaknesses. A self-sufficient person always admits that he has shortcomings. There is nothing wrong. After all, a person’s shortcomings are traits that, with volitional influence, make it possible to develop further, not to stand still. If you engage in self-development, then over time a person can turn all weaknesses into strengths.

It is not always easy to identify a person’s strengths and weaknesses. People are not inclined to hide their positive qualities; they know very well what they can do best. However, sometimes people overestimate themselves and do not always correctly assess their capabilities.

If everything is more or less clear with positive character traits, then with shortcomings everything is more complicated. Few people are able to honestly admit to themselves that they are excessively lazy, are constantly late, or cannot bring the work they have started to its logical conclusion.

What are human weaknesses? In most cases, people are characterized by laziness, excessive gentleness of character, shyness, problems with maintaining a daily routine, and lack of discipline.

Many human shortcomings can be easily corrected on their own, but others cannot be dealt with without the help of a psychologist. Some human flaws cannot be removed. According to them, experts advise adjusting your own lifestyle so that they do not cause inconvenience.

Generosity - noble deeds

One of the best qualities of human character is its ability to provide selfless help to others in the necessary measure. Generosity also manifests itself in gifts, charity, and the ability to share. This is a sign of generosity and kindness itself, a wonderful character trait that needs to be developed. A generous person receives in return warmth, happiness, and joy for those around him. Realizes that helping another is an additional step towards making the world a better place, does not limit his happiness to resources.

Generosity is one of the best forms of kindness, the opposite of selfishness - one of the worst aspects of character.

Generosity is manifested not only in the giving of material goods, but also in the donation of one’s strength and time. There are people in the world who simply cannot live comfortably knowing that it is difficult for someone, they want to help and make their life better. They are ready to share what they have right here and now, and not someday when their situation turns out to be better than today. Timely, albeit small, generosity is much more valuable and better than large, but belated.

Structural aspect of personality

For a more complete understanding of what qualities characterize a person, it is worth highlighting the structure of individuality. Conventionally, we can imagine four levels:

  • I. The level of temperament, including the characteristics of genetic predisposition, in particular the individual nervous system of a person.
  • II. The level of individual mental processes, revealing features determined by the peculiarities of perception and imagination, memory and will, sensations and attention, thinking.
  • III. A level that affects the experienced part of the personality, namely qualities in the field of knowledge, skills, abilities and habits.
  • IV. The level of social orientation includes features that reflect the individual’s relationship to the outside world. They guide and regulate the psychological foundation of human behavior - these are interests and views, beliefs and social attitudes, moral principles.

The connecting link between all four levels are such individual qualities that characterize a person as needs and character, abilities and egocentrism, which together with the above levels form the personal shell of the individual.

Humor is the ability to live positively

A sense of humor shows the capabilities of human intelligence, the ability to assess situations, to better notice the features and contradictions of the surrounding world. A person with a good sense of humor will be able to notice and evaluate from a comic point of view the contradictions of the world around him. The development and manifestation of this characteristic trait begins in childhood.

Humor in many ways serves as the best psychological defense; sometimes it becomes easier to survive difficult life moments if you look at them from a humorous point of view. It is always easier, better and more interesting to communicate with people who understand jokes and react positively to them, because they themselves can joke and cheer up those around them.

Ability Indicators

Individual psychological qualities of a person contribute to the achievement of success and excellence in a certain activity. They are determined by the social and historical practice of the individual, the results of the interactions of biological and mental indicators.

There are different levels of ability:

  1. giftedness;
  2. talent;
  3. genius.

The development of an algorithm of a person’s personal qualities and abilities is characterized by the ability to learn new things in the mental sphere. Special features are manifested in a specific type of activity (musical, artistic, pedagogical, etc.).

How to speak, move and listen correctly

Appearance is only a component of a leader's characteristics. The development of true leadership qualities is complemented by:

  • good manners;
  • clear, competent speech;
  • reserved gestures;
  • good posture and ability to move;
  • confidence.

Learn proper manners - a large amount of business literature of this kind is published. Observe the leaders and their behavior. You also need to learn to speak correctly. For this:

  • sign up for special courses;
  • read a small text and record it on a voice recorder, speech errors will be visible - incorrect inflections of words, unclear pronunciation of endings, use of filler words;
  • try to read more classical literature, and your vocabulary will increase;
  • a simple game helps develop speech, the essence of which is that players describe an object in 5 sentences that others cannot see, and then they guess the name from the description;
  • You should give a speech in front of a mirror for 5-10 minutes or record yourself on video. This is how you see yourself from the outside;
  • try to structure your speech, highlight key points with your voice and intonation, then the speech will captivate your interlocutor.

To learn how to move well, enroll in a dance school. This will help combine physical activity, emotional relaxation and learning the correct movements. Communication in a new team is the development of communication skills as leadership qualities.

There are people who are born leaders, but do not realize their potential. But there are also those who are capable of becoming one, having developed the necessary leadership qualities. Developing a leader is hard work. But without it you cannot talk about achieving success in life.

Other important characteristics

High-quality professional activity of a lawyer is impossible without a developed memory. The work process implies the need to memorize a considerable amount of theoretical material. In addition, you need to be able to not only store information in memory, but also analyze it. The corresponding abilities will also not be superfluous for a potential lawyer.

It is curious that high-class representatives of the above-mentioned profession may even have acting talent. For example, such a skill will be useful when speaking in court, namely at those moments when a lawyer has to state his own position, defending the interests of the client who has approached him. An eloquent specialist can more easily convince those present that he is right than his shy colleague who is afraid of any public speaking.

For lawyers, there is such a thing as professional conduct, which is regulated by relevant regulations. If you violate them, you may incur the application of appropriate sanctions provided for by law.

As a rule, the problem of compliance with professional conduct arises when a lawyer combines several types of activities. For example, legal, political, entrepreneurial. A similar problem may also affect those specialists who seek to use their official position for personal gain.

A professional lawyer must have willpower that will allow him to control emotional impulses. It is impossible to completely abandon feelings, since it is common for any person to experience them. However, you can minimize the likelihood of them getting out of control.

Willpower can and should be developed. However, you need to know that this is a rather lengthy process. Ideally, this quality should be developed from childhood. However, improper upbringing can significantly reduce the manifestation of a strong will. In its absence, even seemingly persistent people are capable of committing unwanted, unusual actions that lead to negative consequences. A weak-willed person is useless in work, and in an extreme situation can even be dangerous. A strong will is perhaps the key to success in the field of legal activity.

That is why it is so important to pay attention to its development

Is it necessary to indicate weaknesses?

It is better to indicate weaknesses; it will look more honest and correct. There are no people without shortcomings, and any employer knows this. You can display such modest factors as shyness and timidity. Often, such little things are not paid attention to.

Pointing out weaknesses

People's strengths help them in life. They are necessary for both personal and professional needs. It is quite important for a manager to know the greatest strengths of a subordinate. When writing a resume, it is recommended to indicate qualities, taking into account the specifics of a particular position.

Checklist for resume

During all recruitment procedures, basic personal and professional qualities are of great importance. An HR specialist does not know each candidate personally, so he can only get a first impression from a well-written resume. Accuracy is important in this matter. You should not indicate too many or few positive qualities. It is also not recommended to indicate standard cliches or simply repeat the information specified in the vacancy. HR specialists will immediately notice this, and the chances of getting a job will drop sharply.

Note! The resume should consist of the most understandable and clear formulations and descriptions.

The most effective resume is one that links a person's strengths with professional achievements and business acumen.

A certain area of ​​business has its own specifics and characteristics. A resume should be tailored to meet the requirements for each position and specialty. For example, for such professions the following advantages are valued:

  • the secretary must have patience, attentiveness and accuracy;
  • for an accountant, perseverance and scrupulousness are important;
  • High-level communication skills and stress resistance are valuable for a sales manager;
  • Managerial employees must have responsibility and dedication.

A well-written resume is one of the most important aspects of finding a job. The first thing the employer will see is this document. Whether an applicant is invited to an interview depends on whether the employer likes the content. However, most applicants have no idea what qualities are best to write in order to differentiate themselves from other competitors and establish themselves well.


Personal characteristics that are desirable to be displayed in a resume for the position of engineer:

  • attentiveness;
  • perseverance;
  • high concentration on the task;
  • responsibility;
  • good organization;
  • discipline;
  • Possession of a technical mind.


The seller must have:

  • high politeness and developed diplomacy;
  • the opportunity to listen and understand;
  • sociability;
  • ability to work as a team;
  • positive attitude;
  • hard work;
  • self confidence;
  • positivity.


Lawyers are subject to some of the most stringent requirements for personal qualities. This is due to the need to be able to solve other people's problems. Must have the following properties:

  • attention to detail;
  • developed logic and deduction;
  • stress resistance;
  • self-confidence;
  • sociability;
  • the ability to speak and write clearly, to convey your thoughts clearly and clearly.


A specialist in this field must have:

  • attention to detail;
  • high performance;
  • perseverance;
  • organization;
  • scrupulousness.

Sales manager

For employees of this specialization, it is important to have good communication skills, literacy and good pronunciation, initiative, the ability to multitask, the ability to think outside the box and have a presentable appearance.


For senior managers, it is necessary to have flexible thinking, organizational skills, multitasking, perseverance, observation, demanding and efficient. The ability to make quick decisions and result orientation are valued.


An employee of the presented specialty is valued for:

  • politeness;
  • attentiveness;
  • communication skills;
  • prudence;
  • resistance to stress.


The most important qualities for the position:

  • positivity;
  • the ability to quickly adapt to unusual situations;
  • communication skills;
  • ability to learn;
  • literacy and speaking skills;
  • initiative.
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