Positive human qualities: a complete list of human virtues

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What are the personality characteristics?

The components of character express the characteristics of states, psychological processes, temperament and behavior of an individual. Its interaction with society and the environment depends on them. Today there are many different classifications of individual traits, as well as typologies of people based on them. Knowledge about them influences awareness, forces you to identify them in yourself, outline a future path and work on yourself.

All positive qualities of a person are accepted and supported in society, unlike negative ones. We must try to eradicate them. However, the division between these groups is conditional and consists of social principles, ethics and morality. After all, personality is a very subtle component. It is impossible to decompose it into “black” and “white”. Apart from this, knowing about the basic properties can help you understand anyone better, be it an employer or a lover.


Another most important quality of a man in the family. Because marriage is a responsibility. For the family, for its well-being, for myself. Before marriage, pay attention to how a person fulfills his obligations to you, to his loved ones, to friends and employers. If you see that a person approaches all tasks seriously and responsibly, this is most likely how he will behave in the family. By the way, some young ladies may be scared off by such a man: “He is so correct, so serious! It's boring!" This is due to their lack of knowledge.

List of positive characteristics and virtues of a person

It can be as huge as listing the opposite properties. Familiarization with the main points will help you understand what is valued among others or what to include about yourself in your resume. Let's figure it out.


This is a tendency towards order. She is seen in neatness, in caring for things, and thoroughness in actions. This quality is more characteristic of the female sex, so men need to make a little effort to develop it in themselves.


It is concern for goods regardless of who owns them. Here we are talking not only about property or other material objects, but also about the state of mind, human energy.


The good side of a person, denoting the lack of desire to benefit from one’s actions. For a sincere person, “profit” is not so important. She helps others and doesn't ask for anything in return.


Respect for others, shown even in situations that do not involve politeness. By the way, this quality greatly irritates bad individuals. After all, they want to lead to conflict, and a polite interlocutor builds a barrier that cuts off the possibility of a quarrel.


A property that means devotion not only to loved ones, but also to one’s views and principles. This is an important point in the connection between a man and a woman, because such a negative feeling as jealousy often arises between them. The characteristic indicates constancy and reliability, and therefore increases confidence in the chosen one.

Good manners

Proper behavior in society, good manners. Such a person is polite to everyone, regardless of their social status. He respects nature, other people's property, and society. He won't be ashamed of him.


Such an individual knows how to comply with requirements and adhere to a certain routine. He knows how to manage his own time wisely in order to get everything done.


Without this property, the list of positive human qualities would be incomplete. It manifests itself in affection and care for people, responsiveness, the desire to provide help and come to the rescue in difficult situations, without thinking about profit. This is a very valuable trait that often provokes response.


Such a person strives for pleasant communication; her behavior shows openness and compassion. Thanks to goodwill, you can easily make a huge number of new acquaintances.

Communication skills

Ability to establish contact and enter into any company and team. This is a useful trait in life, be it work or various activities. Such a person is unlikely to be left alone, because he can find a common language with anyone.


Those who are not afraid to take on responsibilities show independence and maturity. This is the absence of fear of serious decisions and assessment of their consequences, as well as the ability to be responsible for what is entrusted to be done. So, the husband is responsible for the family, the mother is responsible for the child, and the employees are responsible for the assigned tasks.

Psychologist Daria Milai

Make an appointment


Willingness to come to the rescue in a difficult life situation, to respond to a request without self-interest. The advantage of the trait is that a person shows his kindness, improves his own sense of self and earns the approval of others.


Time is a valuable resource. And those who include such a positive personality quality in their list are undoubtedly unique. This characteristic relates to the elimination of delays, compliance with requirements and fulfillment of all agreements.


This is the skill of implementing your plans, not being afraid of difficult decisions, and not succumbing to anxiety and fears. An individual knows how to cast aside all doubts before taking a serious step and show willpower. This property closely resonates with fortitude and courage.


A person does not consider his own views and opinions to be the only true ones, adequately assesses his own capabilities and abilities, and also has a sober attitude towards the worldview of others. However, one should adhere to the “golden mean”. After all, excessive feeling indicates low self-esteem.


Lack of desire to put oneself above others. Agree that it is much more pleasant to communicate with successful people who do not boast of their virtues at every corner, but adhere to tactful behavior in society. However, this property occurs not only out of respect for others, but also because of shyness.


There is a saying that the brave are not afraid of anything. This is not entirely true. A complete lack of fear is recklessness or a sign of mental illness. An example of the described quality of a person is the ability to act without succumbing to anxiety and fears. After all, firefighters can also be afraid of fire, but they perform their professional duty.


Feeling of impartiality. The characterization is based on a clear understanding of good and evil. Just people adhere to the laws of reward for good deeds and punishment for bad ones. Excluding subjectivity, they evaluate events according to the principles of morality and morality developed within. After all, it is possible to possess this property only if there is objectivity.


There are those who attribute this point to the group of negative ones based on personal prejudices. However, tolerance towards others excludes the possibility of dividing them by ethnicity, religion, nation or orientation. Such a person does not question other people’s points of view and does not allow himself to be rude to others. This is a very valuable skill in our world.

Hard work

Lack of laziness and a positive attitude towards work. This is not only the willingness to give your time and energy to work, but also to do it while enjoying the process. After all, anyone who tries to avoid responsibilities or performs tasks poorly and without interest is a headache for the whole team.

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Respect for others

This is the recognition of other people's opinions and views. Showing respect indicates that one accepts the personality in everyone. In the service, this property is mandatory, as it ensures discipline and develops subordination.


A positive assessment of one’s own abilities, determination and the ability to manage oneself in ambiguous situations. A confident individual speaks in public without fear, knows his worth and knows how to restrain himself in conflicts.


The ability to go straight to the goal and achieve it at any cost. This quality is inherent in those who are not afraid of difficulties and obstacles and do not give in to failures. Perseverance to implement plans indicates a strong core and steadfast character. Such individuals achieve great heights thanks only to their own efforts.


Elimination of deception towards yourself and others. She speaks of reliability, good manners and decency. With such a friend you should not be afraid of betrayal, because he always respects everyone and believes that it is better to tell the truth, even if it will not be pleasant to the interlocutor.


A high quality inherent in a person who knows how to evaluate his capabilities, understands his significance and value in society, and also has self-respect. He is unlikely to be able to decide to lie or do a bad deed; he controls himself in any conflict. For him, the first place is not the opinion of others, but the assessment of his actions.


Perception of any event from a comic point of view. Even more important is to find a similar side in everything. It is much easier to communicate with such an individual, and life becomes easier. This trait is a clear sign of peace of mind. This also includes self-irony - the ability to accept even shortcomings in oneself and boldly talk about them.


The ability to remain calm in a conflict situation, bravely endure misfortunes and other suffering, and refrain from aggression. True patience requires tact and inner resilience. This is a manifestation of reason, since by maintaining composure, you can easily cope with the problem.


A characteristic manifested in the skills to understand the psycho-emotional state of others, express sympathy and empathy, and penetrate the inner world. This is a characteristic of a strong personality who knows how to sense the severity of other people’s fears and experiences. But it is important not to turn away from your loved one, but to tune in to their emotional wave, listen and support.


This is the “foundation” of humanity in any society. A moral individual follows certain spiritual principles: conscience, duty, honor, justice, etc. This is the true dignity of people who evoke respect and love with all their actions. The aspects that an individual holds are within himself and appear in his outlook on life.


The ability to show real feelings, show purity of actions and not be shy about it. This is the intention to act without lies and deception, or selfish signs. Such an interlocutor is able to listen and hear a friend, openly perceives new information, and accurately expresses thoughts. Together with restraint, good manners and delicacy, it constitutes the high qualities of any strong personality.


Intellectual property, skills of using the mind and life experience in analyzing consequences, events and actions, as well as drawing appropriate conclusions. A reasonable individual soberly assesses what is happening, understands the essence of phenomena and reasons sensibly about them.


This is an active desire to achieve a set goal and obtain a good result. Such an individual knows what he wants and what he is trying to fight for. Clarity of mind helps him analyze the situation and move forward, regardless of obstacles. Also, the characteristic means the presence of certain beliefs, from which they do not deviate under any circumstances.


This trait will fit perfectly in the “My positive qualities” column. An optimistic person believes that the world around him, despite its shortcomings, is still the best. He finds positive aspects in everything, knows how to see only the good aspects of life, and believes in success and prosperity. Such a person has deep trust in others, focuses exclusively on favorable moments, but does not try to turn a blind eye to difficulties.


This is always a cheerful attitude, the ability to see great joys even in small things. A cheerful individual does not need a lot of money, big houses and expensive cars. He greets the new day with a smile and is completely confident that something good will happen today. After all, he realizes the full value of his existence and perceives it as the highest good.

What good qualities of a person should be included in a resume: advice from personnel officers

No matter how simple the task of writing a resume may seem, there are secrets in this matter. The person who compiles it should know that such a document should not exceed 1.5–2 pages. The information must be meaningful and accurately correspond to the proposed vacancy.

Photo: vintagemadras.com: UGC

Therefore, when filling out the form, take into account the following recommendations from HR representatives:

  1. Be serious and precise in your wording. Humor is not appropriate in such documents.
  2. Do not use template resumes, do not rewrite other people's data.
  3. When indicating your personal qualities, evaluate yourself critically: highlight your strengths and weaknesses. If you indicate in the list those properties that you do not possess, an awkward situation may arise when you have to undergo additional special tests.
  4. Focus only on those properties that distinguish you from other applicants. To do this, study their similar resumes.
  5. Positive character traits must correspond to the requested position.
  6. Specify no more than 5 such properties.

Remember: a resume is the initial stage of introducing a potential employer to applicants for the proposed vacancies. Next, wait for an interview. So that there are no inconsistencies between what is described in the self-characteristic and the obvious. Excessive modesty, as well as excessive listing of positive personal qualities, can be harmful. Be objective and open.

Absence of unhealthy “corrals”

If you're watching your weight and trying to eat more vegetables, that's great, but if you're freaking out the pizzeria staff by demanding they make you a pizza without dough, that's something else entirely.

This applies to all your principles and hobbies - you need to know moderation in everything, and painful attachment to some behavior does not please anyone.

How to get rid of too strong attachments? First you need to generally understand whether you have them. And to do this, ask your best friends and relatives - let them honestly say what they think about this. Chances are they even told you about this before, but you weren't paying attention.


It happens that a woman in love falls into marriage like into a pool. What awaits her there and what the essence of her chosen one is - she does not always realize. And even if she doesn’t like something, the woman is full of confidence that the man will definitely change for her sake.

But men don't change. They only adapt to new circumstances and conditions.

However, independence is a quality that can be successfully developed in marriage. Here the question is different. The chances that a student husband will become more independent over the years, including financially, are very high. And if we have before us a middle-aged man who still judges everything from the words of his mother and is in search of himself, living at the expense of his parents, then the situation is completely different. Quite sad...

Don't lose your sense of style

All positive characteristics, all personal qualities will undergo severe testing. The interview is not limited to reviewing the resume: the applicant will have to convince the personnel officer that all the listed qualities “have a place to be.”

If you indicated “loyalty and flexibility,” when asked about the reason for changing jobs, you should not recall grievances associated with the previous manager. It is better, instead of describing the deceit of the former boss, to modestly note:

  • convenient location of the new office;
  • higher salary;
  • other neutral reasons.

An applicant who has indicated his learning ability must prepare for several tests. A quality that is valuable to an employer will be tested directly during the interview process.

This also applies to those who, when asked: “What strengths of yours will help you cope with the work we offer?” – he cheerfully declared his calmness and self-control. A psychologist on staff at the company will most likely suggest keeping such a balanced person in the waiting room for a couple of hours longer. Uncertainty and misunderstanding of the situation can throw many people off balance.

Several examples of job descriptions


Required qualities: responsibility, learning ability, attentiveness.

Will be well appreciated: scrupulousness, non-conflict, resistance to stress.

Sales Manager

Required qualities: result orientation, activity, communication skills.

Will be well appreciated: competent speech, innovative thinking, resistance to stress.


Mandatory qualities: diligence, accuracy, resistance to stress, competent speech.

Will be well appreciated: neatness, well-groomed, pleasant appearance.


Some people's attention is focused solely on their own emotions. Others are more sensitive and understanding. It is from such individuals that you can get a dose of sympathy, valuable advice or a wise answer.

Appreciate those who know how to listen and hear. People who can look at a problem through your eyes, who have the emotional strength to put themselves in another person's position, are worthy of respect.


Some men have been disorganized and somewhat unserious about life since their school years. They may be late, forget to complete an assigned task, do everything “behind them,” be distracted from an important task... The wives of such husbands often call them “another child in the family.” There is infantilism in behavior here. A disciplined man is the exact opposite of a “man-child.” This is a responsible person who takes the assigned tasks seriously. You can rely on him for everything. Needless to say, this is exactly the kind of life partner that most unmarried women dream of.

Professional qualities of a lawyer

In addition to personal characteristics, there is a whole set of those that characterize the direct performance of duties. Let's take a closer look at them.

Educational institutions that provide theoretical training for future lawyers focus their activities on various professional programs that require a certain level of training for young specialists.

One of the most important factors is social adaptation, which presupposes a certain normative behavior of a lawyer. It is based on a whole list of different qualities. Let's list them:

  • Justice.
  • Integrity to combat violations of law and order.
  • Commitment.
  • Performance.
  • Discipline.

All the previously listed qualities of a lawyer allow a specialist to fulfill his own duties and be able to bring even complex tasks to their logical conclusion.


A man who prefers the role of a passive observer of the flow of life is of little use in marriage. Family life requires active action.

Needless to say, it is an energetic (in the right direction) spouse who is able to provide for his family and create better living conditions for it. In addition, a man full of strength and energy is very attractive. Yes, with him a woman has to keep herself in good shape, always be competitive - but that’s great! This will prevent her from blooming.

Do something well

It doesn’t matter what your skill is - driving a car well, playing the guitar masterfully, or speaking three languages ​​fluently. People are always fascinated by other people's skill, no matter what it concerns.

How to learn? Just find something you love and hone your skills to perfection. By the way, if you don’t have a relationship at the moment, this will help you start one - as soon as you immerse yourself in what you love and forget about the desire to have a relationship, they magically appear in your life.

The ability to be spontaneous

Some people like complete spontaneity in their actions, others prefer consistency and reliability. But in any case, without a bit of spontaneity, imagination and unexpected actions, “in the flow” it will be boring.

Just like that, for no reason, on a weekday, offer to go to a restaurant (especially if it’s not a flower-candy period, but a more or less stable and almost family life), just sing when you’re in a good mood, offer to learn some kind of dance or go for a ride on a weekend in nature to find an incredibly beautiful place.

Spontaneity prevents relationships from becoming part of drab everyday life, makes them interesting and colorful, and provides many pleasant memories.

How to develop spontaneity? Listen to yourself more often, what exactly you want. For now, it doesn’t matter whether your impulses are appreciated or not, the main thing is that some desires appear.

First job

If your career is just beginning and your resume is being compiled for the first time, then the section on personal qualities can be filled out as follows:

  • Desire to work fruitfully in a team.
  • Creative approach to business and creativity.
  • Activity.
  • Good memory.
  • Easy to learn.
  • Desire to improve and learn.

For a specific vacancy, you need to determine your priority options for personal qualities - depending on the proposed position and profession.

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