Projective technique “House.Tree.Person”: detailed interpretation

In this article we will tell you:

  1. Methodology “House.Tree.Person”: characteristics
  2. Interpretation of a house drawing
  3. Relationship between drawing and sheet of paper
  4. Conclusion

Everyone knows the saying, part of which is to build a house, plant a tree and give birth to a son. It is no coincidence that the “Home. Tree. Man" (HCH) is one of the most popular among psychologists who use projective techniques in their work. In the article we will tell you what the projective technique “House.Tree.Person” is and how the drawing is correctly deciphered.

Methodology “House.Tree.Person”: characteristics

The technique itself was proposed by J. Book in 1948. It was originally intended to determine the level of intellectual development of a person. But then they saw the opportunity to use drawings to obtain a psychological portrait of a person.

Various modifications of the “Home. Tree.Man” differ in that it is proposed to draw them on one sheet of paper with one scene or on different sheets. We will consider them separately.

Let us remind you that for the drawing you need:

  • unlined paper, white, selected standard
  • simple medium soft pencil

What need to do? Draw a house, a tree and a person. Stop and draw your picture. And then read the interpretation.


Thick smoke rushes upward from the chimney - this means that the child inside is tense. A thin stream of smoke indicates a lack of communication between the child and his parents. The pipe is hidden and is located entirely on the side of the roof that is not visible in the picture - the child is clearly alienated from emotional connections with others, even with his own family.

If your child needs psychological correction, our child psychologists will be glad to see you and use their wealth of experience to make the child’s life and yours happier and more harmonious. Make an appointment:

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Interpretation of a house drawing

There are three possible house options:

  • multi-storey building must have an antenna . This is the rarest option that a person draws. But this option is portrayed by those for whom the family has a purely nominal meaning. The antenna is a mandatory attribute of such a design - a sign of a formal connection. The presence of an antenna is interpreted, even if it is found in other versions of the house image.
  • A traditional house is the most common option. 90% of subjects draw it;
  • “exotic” is all other options that do not fall under the first two, for example, a hut, a birdhouse, and the like. An exotic version of the house drawing indicates a romanticized attitude towards family and a well-formed idea of ​​what a home is, what a family is. The world of the family is so important that it is opposed to the rest of the world.

To illustrate an exotic version of the house design, you can demonstrate the work of contemporary Polish artist Jacek Jerka.

Necessary details to be drawn:

  • at least one visible wall;
  • door;
  • window;
  • roof;
  • pipe.

You need to pay attention if one of these parts is missing. Because this is also a diagnostic sign.

Mixed house options

There are two options for houses in a mixed style:

  • an intermediate option between a traditional and exotic house
  • an intermediate option between a house-building and a traditional house

In both cases, individual features are interpreted as if the house were traditional.

3 important steps

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Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

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Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships

Audio recording: Neuro-af

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Required elements

  • “Autistic House” - depicts a house with only one window and no door. It is autistic in the sense that it indicates a deficit in the author’s pattern of social interaction and communication.
  • Manifestation “my house” – signs of habitability are expressed: smoke from the chimney, curtains, flowers on the window. This means that the concept of “my house” is very important and in a real house this person will hardly tolerate another owner.
  • The house is old, falling apart - a destructive attitude towards oneself, auto-aggression.
  • The tree closes the house - the need for dependence and control from dominant parents or people fulfilling this role.
  • The house is stretched upward - a weak sense of reality.
  • The effect of a transparent wall - when it exists, but is open to viewers - is a demonstrative display of one’s own life for everyone to see and the need for external influence on the situation in the house, in order to normalize it.

Comment! If a diagnostic feature is found in only one drawing, interpretation is limited only to the theme of that drawing. If this or that sign is found in different drawings, repeatedly, then we can say that it characterizes the personality as a whole.

Location of the house

Other items

Sign: wall

Feature: roof

The roof combines two functions:

  • home protection function
  • realm of fantasy

All this concerns the home itself, family, relationships with loved ones, but not necessarily included in the concept of “family” for this person

Thick edge outlineExcessive preoccupation with control of fantasy, attempt to curb it
The roof is outlined in black, which is not typical for anything else and is out of contextThis indicates a fixation on fantasies as a source of pleasure and usually such fantasies cause anxiety in a person
The roof is not the same size as the housePoor personality organization structure
Thin edge outline or no edge at allThis is the experience of losing control over one's fantasies.
The roof surface is heavily markedIndicates increased anxiety
The presence of a cornice, its accentuation with a bright outline or going beyond the outlineThis is a strong defensive attitude usually combined with suspiciousness


She's not thereLack of psychological warmth
Pipe highlightedEmphasizing “I’m a man,” and in women there may be a violation of the sexual role
As if crossed out, looks transparentIncreased preoccupation with one's own sexuality
Pipe with a holeViolation of sexual life
Something else on the roof besides the pipe, antennasIncreased protective qualities
With smokeWarm intimate relationship
No smokeColdness in intimate relationships or lack thereof
Smoke comes out to the rightPessimism in assessing past intimate relationships
Smoke leftPessimism in assessing the future in intimate relationships
Smoke comes out in both directionsPathological defect in the sense of reality
Thin smokeHeat deficiency in the house
Disproportionately large thick smokeInternal tension in relationships


Large windows are evidence of a child’s openness and communication skills. Does the house have many windows? The child wants more communication with his peers. Are the windows curtained? The child experiences communication difficulties. Windows with bars are a sign of a child with complexes. This child needs help. If a child depicts windows only on the upper floors, right under the roof, and the first floors remain empty without a “peep into the world,” this indicates a certain gap between reality and the world of fantasies and miracles.

Relationship between drawing and sheet of paper

Occupies a small areaFeelings of inferiority. A person wants to escape real life
Takes up the entire pageSevere frustration caused by limiting environmental influences, hostility, irritability
Fence around the houseThe desire for isolation, protection from the outside world
In the centerInsecurity, inability to adapt to the environment
LeftNostalgic mood, emphasis on experiences that happened in the past, focus only on the experience of the past
On rightThe desire to bring the future closer, dissatisfaction with the current situation, a thirst for change for the better
At the bottomLack of self-confidence, indecision, lack of interest in increasing one’s importance
UpQuite high self-esteem, dissatisfaction with one’s position in society, a feeling of lack of recognition from others

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Identifying character traits using the “Choose a Shape” test

A psychological test that can be carried out independently or with the help of a psychologist. You need to draw 4 drawings on separate sheets of paper in advance. These are circle, triangle, rectangle, square, zigzag. After this, the patient needs to choose the figure that is most attractive to him, and arrange the rest in descending order.

Decoding the result:

  1. If the square comes first, the person is a workaholic. He brings any job he starts to completion. The individual has an excellent memory and works responsibly. They pay more attention to work and development.
  2. If the triangle comes first, the person is powerful, a leader. They are distinguished by strength, courage, and the ability to resolve any controversial situations or difficult moments. They do not admit their own mistakes; they always think they are right. Such an individual does not care about other people's opinions.
  3. If the circle comes first, a person strives to achieve harmony. Creates a pleasant atmosphere around himself, is sociable, caring. He knows how to help everyone, regardless of the situation, and will listen in difficult times.
  4. The rectangle comes first - a person constantly changes his views and preferences. It is impossible to notice the sequence of actions, to identify a pattern. It is impossible to fully understand such a person. Doesn't stop looking for something better, dissatisfied with what he has.
  5. If the zigzag comes first, this is a creative nature. Naive, kind, easily suggestible.


I can't draw. From the word absolutely. No spatial imagination.

As part of the marathon, I drew this picture. And although I have always lived in apartment buildings, I associate the concept of “house” with such a small hut, with an attic or second floor and a balcony. And here are the answers to the questions:

1. The house is located near a forest (coniferous), on the outskirts of the village. 2. The house is small on the outside, but inside it is very spacious and cozy, it has many rooms, you can even get lost. Each guest can find a secluded corner. 3. An old grandmother lives in it, kind, wise and cozy. And when you need to rest or think, you come to her. Or just hiding from the bustle of the world. 4. It stands on the outskirts of a village somewhere in Central Russia, and behind the fence there is a forest, necessarily coniferous. 5. He has a balcony on the second floor. It is good to sit on it and admire the forest. 6. There is also a cluttered closet where temporarily unnecessary things are stored. It's cramped and uncomfortable there.

How to use a test to determine your inner world?

A popular test with which you can evaluate yourself from the outside is the “your inner world” drawing. To see the emotional side of the brain, you need to do something non-logical and stop thinking about it. Anger, joy, and other experiences will be projected on paper.

You need to calm down before taking the test. There should be no strangers in the room. Step-by-step instructions for conducting the test:

  1. Take a blank sheet of paper, pencil or pen.
  2. Divide the sheet of paper into 4 equal parts, each of which is numbered in the center.
  3. Place a dot in the center on the first part, a rectangle on the second, a “=” sign on the third, and leave the fourth blank.
  4. Calm down, try to free your mind from unnecessary thoughts.
  5. After freeing your mind, draw what comes to mind first. Fill in three squares with these pictures. The images should be simple so that it takes no more than 10 seconds to fill three sectors.
  6. In zone 4, draw a boat floating on the waves. It should be simple, without complex forms.
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