Who is hypertim: what features are inherent in the psychotype, and how to recognize it

Freedom of communication, swagger, the ability to do without rest and sincere interest in everything around you - these are a few touches by which you can classify some of your acquaintances as hyperthymic. They are interesting and easy to work with. True, at some point you run out of steam and run to hide from the excess of their positive, literally endless energy.

At the same time, you wonder why it suddenly became difficult for you with this nice person. Or maybe, on the contrary, it’s easy, and it charges you with energy? So who is hypertim? How is he different from your other friends and acquaintances?

In this article:

Who recognizes hyperthyma? In love with hyperthymia?


The hyperthymic type has divisions into separate types based on certain characteristics.

  1. Hyperthymic - hysterical. A non-standard reaction to stress is characteristic. When a person is in trouble, he makes every effort to prove his exclusivity and superiority.
  2. Hyperthymic - unstable. An individual with this type tries to do everything to get maximum pleasure from his life. He does not think about what could harm his main activity. This commitment may result in the development of alcoholism.
  3. Hyperthymic - cyclical. Such individuals are characterized by frequent mood changes due to external influences. The changes are cyclical in nature.
  4. Hyperthymic - affective. Such individuals are characterized by increased aggression. They often have outbursts of anger. Finding yourself in a difficult situation in which conflict flares up, unable to stop, accepts everything as a personal challenge to action.


Pure hyperthymia is extremely rare. Most often, mixed psychotypes are observed. This character accentuation remains the leading one, but additional ones from others are mixed in with it. The result is the following variations.


  • entertainment comes first;
  • immorality;
  • possible criminal activity, alcoholism, drug addiction;
  • constant job change.


  • unstable to stress;
  • subject to severe emotional shocks;
  • considers himself unsurpassed and most worthy;
  • loves to be the center of attention.


  • hot-tempered;
  • aggressive;
  • hostile;
  • conflictual.


  • cyclical mood swings;
  • heightened self-esteem;
  • familiarity;
  • tendency to depression;
  • illegibility in contacts.

It is much more difficult for psychologists to work with mixed types than, for example, with pure hyperthym. We have to take into account the characteristics of two characters at once.

What causes hyperthymic activity?

The main factor is the type of nervous system. Excitation processes dominate over inhibition processes. Hyperthymia simply physically cannot stop or slow down. He is always wound up and tense.

Additional factors that enhance character accentuation:

  • heredity;
  • upbringing;
  • environment;
  • education;
  • personal beliefs, value system;
  • character type (sanguine, phlegmatic, etc.);
  • mental illnesses.

The last factor is of particular importance. In psychotherapy, they even distinguish a hyperthymic type of psychopathy, when the patient is in a constantly excited state, does not recognize the diagnosis, refuses to be treated and deliberately violates all instructions. Such patients are classified as violent and require special attention.


Activity and endurance are characteristic features of a hyperthymic personality.
From a psychological point of view, this type is considered unstable, with a predisposition to psychopathy and violence.

The strong features of hyperthyms include:

  • endurance;
  • activity;
  • sociability;
  • ability to inspire trust;
  • the ability to get out of a difficult situation.

I bring to your attention the characteristic features of a hyperthymic personality.

  1. Egocentrism. There is a constant desire to take leadership positions. Such a person will try in any way to arouse interest in his person.
  2. Hyperthymia shows cheerfulness and optimism.
  3. Puberty that begins prematurely leads to excess sexual activity. An adult, even having started a family, continues to look for new sexual partners. Such an individual will always have an affair on the side.
  4. In the professional sphere they can achieve good results thanks to constant development and excess energy. Perseverance and resistance to stress help you cope with difficulties that arise at work.
  5. Such individuals are not used to living by the rules. Their irresponsibility and lack of diligence can lead to unconscious bad actions.
  6. Such people are sensual. They can think clearly and converse easily even with strangers.
  7. These individuals quickly make decisions, but, as a rule, they are thoughtless.
  8. If such a person is in a bad mood, then no one will even guess about it, because it will be disguised as jokes and fun.
  9. Hyperthym may be prevented from achieving good results by the presence of negative qualities. For example, their sociability can turn into excessive talkativeness, as well as intrusiveness. Not all organizations will accept an informal leader. A wild lifestyle can also have a negative impact on career growth and family relationships.

This type of personality can be seen using the example of the cartoon character Smeshariki - Crochet. This character demonstrates optimism and increased energy. In difficult situations, when other heroes give up, he copes with any problem, despite the superficiality of his knowledge. A good example of a person who has hyperthymic traits is the actor Jim Carrey. He never demonstrates his feelings or worries in public, he is always positive, smiling, strives to communicate, his facial expressions are very developed.


To establish contacts and interpersonal relationships, special importance is given to the extent to which psychotypes are combined with each other in marriage, in communication and at work. Therefore, it will be useful to know how compatibility develops - hyperthymia and...

  • ...schizoids are antipodes in terms of interaction with people, marriage is possible only if the schizoid is a man and the hypertim is a woman;
  • ... emotive - stability for this couple is provided by the emotive radical, while hypertim is not adapted to family relationships, although in the second half of life it calms down and already gets used to marriage;
  • ...epileptoid - marriage is possible only as a misalliance: an old and rich epileptoid - with a young and poor hyperthymic (for example);
  • ...hysteroid - the relationship begins as a bright and passionate romance, but quickly ends, since the hysteroid will definitely not tolerate cheating on its partner.

On the one hand, hyperthymic accentuation allows you to get along with almost any other psychotype. Its representatives rarely express complaints to their partner. But only until they infringe on their freedom or begin to claim their leadership. But others are not ready to tolerate their superficiality and frivolity. Hence - a huge number of subscribers on social networks, many friends, but with real friends and soulmate - serious problems.

Age characteristics

Let's look at how hyperthymia manifests itself in children.

  1. A child with this personality type is overly active, mischievous, and fussy.
  2. The baby is too sociable, chatters, tries to be independent, and practically does not keep a distance when communicating with adults.
  3. Such little ones already in kindergarten behave more actively than others; educators and then teachers at school often complain about them.
  4. Such a child will try to command and lead.
  5. He can easily absorb new information. However, his academic performance will not be at a very high level due to his restlessness.
  6. Such children are not afraid of speaking in public. They can stay on stage for a long time without experiencing discomfort.

Let's look at the characteristics of teenagers.

  1. Such children try to stay outside their home as much as possible.
  2. Problems can begin when the fine line between what is prohibited and what is permitted is erased. The frivolity of a teenager leads to the fact that he begins to break the rules, which can lead to serious consequences. And all because he is not afraid of being caught and punished. He does not consider petty theft, as well as illegal actions, from the point of view of an offense or criminal liability.
  3. Due to the fact that they have painful pride, conflicts may begin with teachers, as well as with parents. Scandals can develop against the backdrop of constant moralizing and excessive control.
  4. Teenagers strive to lead.
  5. If you find yourself in an unfamiliar company, you will definitely find a common language with everyone.
  6. It is important for him to stand up, both for himself and for his comrades. If necessary, he will get into a fight and put his life in danger. Such qualities are highly valued by peers and further strengthen the leadership positions of this type of personality.
  7. Threat to the social environment. A teenager can very easily succumb to influence and end up in an antisocial group. He will gladly copy their style of clothing, behavior, and will even break the law. Such teenagers may find themselves in a company where they start taking drugs and drinking alcohol early.
  8. They are characterized by inconstancy and regular changes of hobbies.
  9. Such guys do not keep their promises at all, do not know how to plan their finances, often take on debt, and start gambling in order to increase their capital.
  10. The teenager will try to attract attention to his person. May start drinking alcohol or behave indecently. A teenager who runs away from home will hide in a place where he can be easily discovered. This is what attracts his attention.
  11. A child at this age has:
  • high spirits, good sense of humor;
  • excellent appetite;
  • a large amount of energy;
  • Outbursts of aggression and irritability may occur;
  • Apathy may develop if there is a prolonged lack of communication, mistakes and failures in life.

Let's look at the features in adults.

  1. Such a person will happily show off in order to impress others.
  2. Optimism and determination remain his main features.
  3. The early development of sexual desire in adolescence in adults is manifested by a regular change of sexual partners, which can lead to problems in family life.


Since hypertims often become public people, there are many of them among celebrities. There are such types in art: fiction, cinema, animation. Some of the most striking examples:

  1. Examples from literature: Khlestakov (“The Inspector General” by Gogol) and Nozdryov (“Dead Souls” by Gogol);
  2. From animation - Masha (“Masha and the Bear”), Carlson (“Kid and Carlson”).
  3. Famous people: American actor Jim Carrey, Russian comedians Pavel Volya, Garik Kharlamov, Ivan Urgant, ancient Roman commander Gaius Julius Caesar, circus performer Oleg Popov, US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
  4. Examples from the film: Captain Jack Sparrow (“Pirates of the Caribbean”), Popandopulo (“Wedding in Malinovka”), Savva Ignatievich (“Pokrovsky Gate”), Truffaldino (“Truffaldino from Bergamo”).

Raising a hyperthymic child

  1. It is important that parents surround the baby with their attention, show care for him, and be affectionate.
  2. Physical contact. It is very important for a hyperthymic toddler to feel his mother’s touch, her kisses and hugs.
  3. The task of parents is to create the right climate in the family, to avoid quarrels and scandals.
  4. The toddler should throw out excess energy through physical exercise.
  5. The organization of a baby’s life should have a calming effect on him. If you have a daily routine, you don’t need to strictly adhere to it.
  6. It is important for the toddler to be praised even for small victories.
  7. You cannot simply forbid a child to do something; there must always be some kind of alternative. For example, if your baby decides to tear up the wallpaper, you should instead hand him a magazine or newspaper that he can tear into small pieces. After that, don't forget to throw everything in the trash.
  8. You need to talk with such a toddler with restraint.

Professional activity

Despite the active life position and the success that hyperteam achieves thanks to the irrepressible desire to act and develop, he still risks finding himself in a difficult situation, for example, bringing his business to bankruptcy.

And all because he rarely completes things. Usually he loses interest halfway through the journey, and then nothing can make him work on the previously assigned task.

Therefore, career achievements are not the result of his persistent and painstaking work, but what he receives because of his risk-taking. This means that he is able to put everything on the line, risking being left on the street if he loses. But if he wins, he will be incredibly lucky.

He cannot devote his entire life to one profession, and, especially, to one place. Having studied one area, he loses interest in it and immediately switches to a completely opposite industry, deciding to try himself in a new business. And, most surprisingly, he manages to get the desired result.


Timely diagnosis of neuroses makes it possible to make favorable prognoses for their treatment. The main role in this is played by activities that help eliminate or minimize factors that have a negative impact on the human psyche. At the same time, the doctor optimizes the patient’s activity schedule, paying special attention to proper rest.

The psychotherapeutic work that a specialist conducts with a patient is aimed at explaining and teaching all constructive forms that make it possible to counteract external factors that are irritants. The specialist coordinates all manipulations with the patient: he identifies the negative circumstances that provoked the onset of the disorder, minimizes their impact on the person, using constructive methods for this.

Among the recommended activities that have a beneficial effect on neurasthenics are the following:

  • adherence to daily routine;
  • periodic, high-quality and sufficient rest;
  • compliance with nutritional recommendations. The menu should contain products that contain the maximum amount of nutrients;
  • the presence of daily physical activity, which must be performed regardless of the patient’s wishes;
  • a contrast shower has proven itself well, which invigorates and tones;
  • breathing exercises that allow you to relax without losing concentration. It helps you focus on yourself and your feelings.

In some cases, drug treatment is also used. It consists of taking vitamin-mineral complexes, sedatives and tonics of plant origin. For hyposthenic neurasthenia, tranquilizers and antipsychotics may be prescribed. The wide spectrum of action of such drugs requires a qualified and competent approach, which can only be provided by a professional doctor after a thorough examination of the patient.

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