Aggression in relationships: how to recognize and how to get rid of it

The manifestations of an outburst of uncontrollable anger are difficult to underestimate. Such acute emotions usually bring people nothing but troubles both at work and in everyday life, in the family. Treatment of uncontrollable anger should be carried out taking into account the true reasons for its manifestation. This requires differential diagnosis, which is included in the initial consultation. Typically, the manifestation of uncontrollable anger is associated with disorders of the central nervous system.

Brain Clinic specialists have extensive experience in treating various nervous system disorders that cause outbursts of anger that a person is unable to control through the efforts of his own will. Our doctors will be able to restore the functioning of the nervous system and emotional reactions correctly and safely for the body. Are you experiencing outbursts of anger that you cannot control? Do you lack the strength to control your anger?

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What is aggression and how does it manifest itself?

Every person periodically finds himself in a conflict situation and suffers from the hostility of others.

Destructive behavior that contradicts accepted social norms, accompanied by outbursts of unmotivated rage, is called aggression. Personality traits are studied by psychiatrists and psychologists, and considered by lawyers. Ethologists also study destructive character traits.

The term aggression comes from the Latin word aggressio, which means an attack, usually with the purpose of causing moral or physical harm to others. Sometimes a person’s reaction is associated with the manifestation of the body’s protective functions.

Aggression in relationships between a man and a woman often leads to a split within the family. Representatives of the stronger sex are more likely to commit violence. According to statistics, every fifth girl suffers from beatings.

Possible additional complaints

  • Hostility or aggression towards others.
  • Easy to feel frustrated or irritable.
  • Screaming, throwing things.
  • Impulses to cause bodily harm, pain.
  • Impulses to break or destroy.

Quite often, people have outbursts of anger that are difficult or impossible to contain. As a rule, the expression of anger is produced (formed) in response to some external stimulus. This irritant can be either a person whose actions cause negative emotions or circumstances that can also cause feelings of anger.

In some cases, a person cannot cope with these negative feelings and produces his anger outwardly; these can be aggressive actions directed both at others and at himself.

Mechanisms of uncontrollable anger

Conditions in which a person cannot control his anger may be different, but they are all associated, to one degree or another, with changes in the central nervous system. These conditions may be related:

  • with disruption of the metabolic biochemical processes of the brain,
  • organic damage to the brain, or rather with a breakdown of higher nervous activity.

To differentiate the main causes of increased anger, a number of examinations are required, which are selected by the doctor only during an in-person examination. You should not mindlessly undergo all possible examinations, as this does not make sense. A competent psychotherapist, during the initial examination of a person, can immediately determine the need for additional examination. As a rule, hardware research is not required for outbursts of anger.

Sources of aggression

Some scientists call innate instincts the source of aggressive behavior. Researchers believe that this reaction of the protective mechanisms of the psyche is inherited and manifests itself from the moment of birth:

The point is confirmed by:

  • The works of Sigmund Freud, in which the author argues that the irrational feeling of hostility is an inherent quality of human nature.
  • A concept in social ethology that interprets unmotivated outbursts of anger as atavism.
  • Neurophysiological theories.

The opposite opinion is based on the idea of ​​aggression as a result of upbringing and the influence of the external environment.

Theories developed by supporters of the version:

  • Bandura's Social Learning.
  • Aranson's postulates.
  • Research by Miller and Dollard.

Scientists have not come to a common conclusion. Some believe both points of view are correct.

Learn to respect a man

So, demonstrating disrespect for a man by any words, actions and methods can cause an aggressive reaction in him. There will be a negative reaction in any case, and depends. And a real man doesn’t care who doesn’t respect him: some stranger on the street or a woman close to him, that is, you. Moreover, the disrespect of a loved one is felt much more painful than a passerby on the street. Therefore, if suddenly your chosen one pulled you by the hair, voicing it in rude terms, and this was not your erotic fantasy, think about how you showed disrespect.

Let me note that if you do things that show disrespect for a man, then you really don’t respect him . It is not for nothing that a person’s attitude towards another person is judged by his actions. Perhaps your matriarchal upbringing is having an effect... And if so, then you have an excellent area of ​​personal growth: developing a sense of respect for a man . For what? To be happy with a man . Really?? Why?? It’s a long time to write here, this is the topic of a separate article, take a look if you’re interested: “Why is the head of the family a man? Part 2. Biological program." In short I will say this. Nature has arranged it in such a way that a woman can only be happy next to a strong man, a “leader.” This means that she recognizes him as a leader and respects him. And that’s why he loves, because there is something to love for. Which means she's happy. If a man is tolerant, the woman automatically does not respect him, and therefore does not love him, because there is nothing to love him for. A henpecked man can only be controlled

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