Single man: how to live with him? Male psychology

  • September 13, 2018
  • Psychology of Personality
  • Elena Stepanenko

In the article we will talk about who a single man is. This is a very common problem that even women are embarrassed to talk about. The fact is that men very often behave quite strangely, and the reason for this lies in the fact that they are accustomed to loneliness and feel like such a “lone wolf”. In the article we will examine this phenomenon in detail from a psychological point of view, and also talk about how to interact with these men if you decide to connect your life with them or cross paths regarding career issues.

How does society see him?

First, let's discuss the character of a man who leads an isolated lifestyle or simply closes himself off from the people around him. Often such a man plunges into his past and finds various hobbies that allow him not to intersect with reality. Thus, young healthy males can collect various small things, collect unnecessary rubbish, or read books for days on end.

They also fall in love and do not always remain bachelors for life. However, it will be quite difficult for a woman with such a person. The problem is that he has such a character trait as self-absorption. In other words, after a while the noise and din, as well as communication, will simply begin to irritate him. He will wonder why he can't just openly tell you to shut your mouth and not bother him. Naturally, such treatment will be unpleasant for you, it will cause even more problems, causing the man to plunge deeper into his thoughts.

The most interesting thing is that psychologists identify several types of single men, which we will talk about later. Remember that they may behave differently, and sometimes they will even seem very sociable and open. However, this is only a shell and should not be trusted.

How Loneliness Affects You: Time to Take the Next Step

We live a gray, meaningless, incomplete life alone, while we were born to experience the joy of realizing ourselves among other people.

We live topsy-turvy and don’t understand what we’re doing wrong. We experience inner emptiness, uselessness, unloving, and we feel very sorry for ourselves. A huge ocean of human suffering from loneliness. We just don't know how to deal with this chimera. With systemic knowledge, we are able to fully understand the reasons for our loneliness and change our destiny. We are capable of becoming happy.

You can find out all this here and now


Author of the publication: Oksana Shevchenko
The article was written based on materials from the training “System-vector psychology”

general characteristics

Before discussing the character of men, we note that each of them is to some extent prone to loneliness. Moreover, even women sometimes also choose the option of being alone with themselves. There's nothing wrong with that. On the contrary, if a person feels good with himself, then he will feel good in any company.

In the modern world, the concept of loneliness is greatly exaggerated. They made him into some kind of vice that should be gotten rid of by any means necessary. In the article we will look at the main types of men according to their character and inclinations, but this is a very conditional classification; it is not worthwhile to clearly classify every male representative in one column or another. Remember that a man is not a robot or a creature from another planet. He has all human weaknesses.

He also wants love and understanding, and sometimes just calm loneliness. In addition to the fact that every man has some desire to be alone with himself, with his thoughts or in the company of friends, there are also types who try, in principle, to avoid communicating with people by any means.

Signs of a Lonely Person

You can recognize a lonely man or woman if you look closely at their behavior. A person who chronically feels very lonely:

  • Constantly sad, anxious, gloomy, often irritated by little things, and sometimes aggressive;
  • Is prejudiced against sociable and happy people;
  • Focused on himself, while in a conversation he tries to attract the attention of others, interrupts;
  • Shows excessive attention to the interlocutor, or vice versa, does not even try to understand others;
  • Straightforward and critical even when he should be softer;
  • Refuses to express his own opinion;
  • Often hypocritical and suspicious;
  • Tends to bring any situation into conflict, or, in contrast, is extremely compliant;
  • Cannot fully control own behavior;
  • If, in situations where it is necessary to communicate, he is faced with an opinion that does not suit him, he can exert psychological pressure on his opponent;
  • Experiences a feeling of uselessness, uselessness, incompetence, failure in love;
  • Often feels awkward in a large company, cannot have fun (sometimes becomes cheerful when intoxicated);
  • Constantly criticizes himself and his behavior, prone to self-flagellation.


Such a single guy seems very cool in appearance. He can tell a lot of interesting things, looks good, plays sports or has some kind of hobby. He also takes care of himself and at the same time moves towards his goals. At first glance, it seems that all areas of his life are perfectly regulated, but this is not so.

His main problem is the difficulty of finding a girl who would meet his needs. He cannot find someone who will be worthy of being with such a beautiful and majestic person like him. Let us note that a representative of the fair sex who wants to be close to such a person must really be almost perfect. She must have charisma, be able to show herself in company and demonstrate her strengths.

In addition, the guy will be delighted if his friends manage to like her. Such a girl should be wonderful in bed, be able to cook well, be kind and selfless. That is why it is not at all surprising that this category of men is very often lonely. A certain battle constantly takes place in his soul, in which he chooses between his high ideals and the fear of remaining alone forever.

That is why such men very often marry thoughtlessly, at an age when it is simply necessary to have a family.

From the outside it may seem that life with such a person will be bright and interesting, but this is a mistake. It will be very difficult to be around him every day. If at first he was in love with you, then the first years will be still tolerable, but then he will look for any flaw in you and actively criticize you. That is why think about whether you need such a person nearby.

Remember that this is not the category of men that has any problems and cannot cope with them. These are just men with very high self-esteem, who strive for the ideal, but are intolerant of the mistakes of others. In addition, they are very proud and do not consider it necessary to do any beautiful deeds or exploits for the sake of a girl.


This is the type of man who has been in a couple or simply in some kind of relationship for a long time. None of his friends could say that he was particularly happy, but everyone believed that the relationship would continue and end in something serious. But then such a man has a breakup, after which he suffers greatly.

However, after some time he experiences wild joy and enjoys his freedom. He uses it and has a blast, greatly surprising everyone around him. Such a man does not take girls seriously and, in principle, does not want to get involved in something serious. He feels liberated and will cherish this freedom very much.

You can only marry him with the help of some kind of manipulation or even threats. And it won’t work out any other way, because this type of man likes to lead such a lifestyle. If you don’t know how to interest a man of this type, but nevertheless want a relationship with him, try to become his girlfriend and spend as much time together as possible.

But this should be a time of active recreation and adventure, and not cute get-togethers at the movies.

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Contact mom

This is another type of single man who sometimes dates. In this case, we will not talk about those guys who are completely dependent on their mother and rely on her, but about those who allow her to manage their personal lives.

So, some mothers prohibit their sons from choosing a girl of a different nationality or create some other criteria that limit an adult. You should not get involved with such a man, because he will never have his own opinion. He does not want to take responsibility for his life, much less for someone else. It is much easier for him to play the victim and rely completely on his mother.


These types are often encountered by women who are actively building a career. If a family appears in the life of a man of this type, it will mean nothing to him. He will humiliate his wife and constantly cheat. Such men, for some unknown reason, treat women poorly, and therefore women treat them the same.

These male representatives understand absolutely nothing about fragile creatures, but they firmly believe that their main goal in life is to sleep with a lot of girls. They position themselves as macho men who know how to communicate with girls and know how to put them in their place.

However, in fact, such a man rarely has a relationship or even a short-term relationship. This is another reason for his aggressive attitude. Not only does he absolutely not want to make contact and open up, as well as solve his own psychological problems, but he also does not satisfy physical desires, because not a single normal girl will agree to this with him.

Elimination of the complex

It is worth realizing that the cause of loneliness is the wrong attitude towards society, and not the shortcomings of others.

To overcome the syndrome, you need to work hard on yourself: try to change your attitude towards yourself, society and the world as a whole. Start communicating with others. Try to improve relationships with colleagues. Find out about their hobbies and talk about them.

A good way to gain self-confidence and increase self-esteem is to make new acquaintances. For starters, you can attend events where a lot of people gather. You can find friends on social networks.


From the point of view of male psychology, such types are quite common. Its characteristic feature is that most girls dreamed about it during their school years. In his youth, he really has a lot of fans, but he quells his thirst a little and dates a girl for some time. However, after this he realizes how much he is in demand, how many more girls are ready to offer themselves to him. He understands that he must satisfy all the females in the area

He gives up stable relationships and rejects good girls, but after a few years he begins to notice that no one is paying attention to him anymore. The fame that previously raised his self-esteem and allowed him to use girls like gloves is gone somewhere. As a result, the man is left alone. If at this time a good girl does not appear next to him, then he goes deeper and deeper into himself. These are the worst single men because they are very vulnerable and selfish. The longer they are not given attention or run after them, the more secluded and vulnerable they become.


People with loner syndrome strive to be independent and try to avoid obligations and connections with others.

You can only approach them at a certain distance, as far as they will allow. This applies to both physical intimacy and psychological intimacy. They rarely open their souls to others, preferring to build only superficial relationships.

Most often, the problem arises in childhood: a child who needed love and care did not receive it from his parents. Loner syndrome appears especially often in those who were deprived of their mother’s attention. At a young age, a child needs love and warmth. Parents should genuinely care about their children and not communicate just for the sake of formality. But there are situations when they cannot give the baby the necessary attention. In this case, the child experiences disappointment and becomes withdrawn.

The world around him seems empty, and he stops expecting good from others. Unable to satisfy his desires, the child experiences emotional pain. To drown it out, he tries to renounce such desires.

If in a person’s later life something appears that he wanted in childhood, but which he refused, he will try not to pay attention to it or perceive it superficially, not allowing himself to give free rein to his emotions. If his feelings or attitude towards another person causes him to have stronger emotions than he allows himself to experience, he feels uncomfortable and anxiety begins. Therefore, a person tries to get away from these feelings and limit communication with the one who is the cause of them.

Contact with other people makes a person remember the emotions that he experienced in childhood, when he could not get the necessary attention from his own parents. The fear of experiencing such emotional pain again awakens in him. He is afraid to experience betrayal again, so he tries to prevent even the possibility of getting closer to another person.


This is a man who is completely different from the above. He studied at school, and few people paid attention to him. What do these types of men think about women? They know almost nothing about them. So, they simply build their careers and live quietly, without really thinking about building a family.

They have relationships, but they don’t get hung up, so they remain adequate and simply develop. By about the age of 30, this type already has a good job, friends and money. Also by this age he becomes more sociable, although he still avoids women.

It was at this time that a large number of girls appeared around him and simply went crazy about him. But the man doesn’t really understand what the reason for such attention is, so sometimes he avoids overly intrusive people.

Cunning women understand that such a man can be twisted into ropes, and they try to seduce him. Good women appreciate his attention and respectful attitude and are in no hurry to build their relationship with him. At first they look closely, and mutually. Only after this does the couple begin a relationship that can end very positively.

This is the category of single men who are content with free space and create a wonderful family. However, if a cunning woman is next to such a man, who is with him for some selfish purpose, then nothing good will happen. A man will either spend a lot of time on a person who is absolutely not worth it, or the relationship will end in severe psychological trauma.

A guy without his one and only

There is a separate category of guys who still have not met their one and only ideal girl. Very often, women treat them with a certain amount of sympathy and, in a fit of these feelings, engage in sexual contact. This is exactly what men, deep down in their souls, strive for, perhaps without even admitting it to themselves.

Such a man enjoys his life, friends and work. He is not trying to get into a relationship as quickly as possible or just find a casual connection. He doesn’t understand why they keep telling him about marriage, and just continues to live at his own pace.

The advantage of such men is that they will not be too jealous and control a woman, and will also be able to build a good family.

If you don't know how to marry a single man, then just rely on your instincts and don't rush things. With this type of man, you will be able to remain yourself, not worry about housework or having children, at least right away. This is truly a partner with whom you can go through life hand in hand.


Even though most of us live surrounded by many other people, we still often experience a feeling of loneliness that robs us of the joy of life. Loneliness eats away our soul and makes our life meaningless, sometimes turning it into complete torture. Many of you will probably agree with me that loneliness is bad, very bad and sad. Meanwhile, there are so many people around us that it would seem that loneliness is out of the question, but it nevertheless exists and we feel it. Why do we feel lonely and why is loneliness so painful for us? And most importantly, what should we do with loneliness, how to get rid of it? We, dear readers, will talk about this in this article. And if you feel like a lonely person, I will help you solve this problem.

Loneliness is a special emotional state of a person in which he feels useless and does not feel himself. A lonely person loses his sense of himself due to lack of contact with other people; he falls into a void in which he, as an individual, does not exist. This emotional state occurs at a time when a person does not receive full attention from other people, when he does not feel a positive emotional connection with people or is afraid of losing it. At the same time, there may be a lot of people around him and they can even communicate with him. It's all about the form of this communication - a person may simply not be listened to, heard or understood. Often, when communicating with people, we feel that they simply do not hear us, and therefore do not understand, and therefore we begin to feel lonely. It turns out that we seem to be able to communicate with people, but it is reminiscent of communicating with a wall, which is of little use. So it is not at all necessary to live on a desert island and be isolated from society in order to feel lonely; you can, surrounded by a huge number of people, not only feel, but actually be a lonely person - if no one cares about you.

But why don’t we ourselves give a damn about those who don’t care about us? And because we are social creatures, we all depend on each other, because we are parts of a single whole, not to mention the fact that each of us needs a partner for a full life. This is how nature intended for a person to strive to continue his family and maintain life on earth and to take care not only of himself, but also of the people around him, since this increases his survival. Together, people are capable of much, they were able to build a civilization and together they can solve any problems that arise, but individually they will simply die out. Therefore, such a socio-psychological phenomenon as loneliness is understandable. We feel lonely because we make ourselves that way - we alienate ourselves, move away from each other, we emphasize our individuality, forgetting about the need to fit into the society around us, noticing other people in it and becoming noticeable ourselves. And we will never be comfortable as long as we are objectively alone, until we learn to be not only ourselves, but also part of the society in which we live, and preferably, part of all humanity. So we cannot be indifferent to other people, especially in cases where we lack attention, communication, understanding, respect and love. However, if we receive too much attention from other people, we inevitably begin to neglect it, we begin to choose who is interesting and beneficial for us to communicate with, and who is not. If you have no friends, no suitable partner, you will of course feel lonely. But it is quite possible, friends, that you yourself, too, at the moment do not notice anyone who notices you. Think about it.

Loneliness, meanwhile, has a positive side - privacy. Some people do not need constant and abundant communication with other people, they can conduct a full-fledged internal dialogue with themselves, they can think, read books, do some favorite things and they will be quite comfortable. Loneliness for such people is not a punishment, but a grace, albeit in moderation, because as was said above, we all need contacts with people and their attention to us. But to a certain extent, we all need solitude, another thing is that because of this we should not close ourselves off from the outside world, otherwise we will become outcasts, loners, closed-in people. And this will not benefit us, rest assured. Therefore, do not try to replace communication with people with communication with yourself; this will not save you from loneliness. Supplement communication with people with communication with yourself - supplement, but do not replace it with them, live a full life - look for suitable interlocutors and communicate with them.

But back to the negative side of loneliness, in the end, for most people, loneliness is a problem, not a blessing, which they somehow need to solve so as not to suffer because of it. How can it be solved? First, friends, you need to find out what is causing this problem. Pay attention to the way you live and how you treat other people. If you lead an alienated lifestyle, if for some reason you are isolated from other people, then you need to correct this situation - you need to go out to people in order to be able to communicate with them. If you communicate with people, but at the same time you do not understand them, and they do not understand you, because of which you have conflicts during communication, forcing you to distance yourself from them or them to distance themselves from you, then you definitely need to work on your manner of communication. In most cases, we are deprived of attention from other people because of our lack of understanding of them, which we interpret as their lack of understanding of us. But blaming other people for not wanting to communicate with us or not wanting to understand us is simply pointless. People behave with us the way they want and how they are forced to behave, and most importantly, they behave with us the way we allow them to behave with us. So if we do not want to hear each other, then our communication will be so meaningless that it can be compared to communication with a wall, and therefore, there can be no talk of any mutual understanding with such dead communication. So why do we spit on each other, why don’t we notice each other, don’t hear each other and don’t want to understand each other? Is it all about our upbringing? Yes, and in it too, many people are selfish and therefore indifferent to other people, and they, in turn, are indifferent to them. So we all feel lonely, even in large cities full of people, and even with the Internet at hand, where you can communicate with anyone and on any topic. But selfishness is selfishness, and the main problem for a person who makes other people, and at the same time himself, lonely is his lack of need for other people. We don't need each other enough to want to understand each other. Or rather, we believe that we do not need each other, and we often see in other people more enemies than friends and therefore we try to distance ourselves from them or simply not notice them. Because of this, as I said above, we make ourselves lonely. We must have a need for those around us, then we will be more open and friendly towards them, and if we do not feel this need, then other people will only interfere with us.

How often do we complain that we lack attention, love, respect, understanding? What have we personally done to ensure that we have all this? Do we accept the love that other people who truly love us offer us, do we respect their attention to us, do we try to understand other people when we communicate with them? Alas, friends, in most cases we do nothing of this, at least most of us do not properly appreciate the attention, love, understanding and respect for ourselves from other people. And as a result, some of us come to proud loneliness, in which some people, because of their pride and perseverance, remain throughout their lives. But all you need to do is try to understand other people, try to hear them and find a common language with them. But people are too selfish for this, they are mainly guided by their own feelings, by their own desires, by their own interests, and they do not care about others. Sometimes this is justified, sometimes it is not, but in most cases, by not feeling the need for attention from some people, we deprive ourselves of the opportunity to live a rich and fulfilling life in which we will have many friends and fans. People don’t just become lonely; this is necessarily preceded by certain actions on the part of the person that force people to distance themselves from him. Sometimes friends, you really have to be simpler so that people will start to gravitate towards you.

However, some people, no matter how hard they want, are unable to establish positive contacts with other people; they are either uncommunicative themselves, or have become so due to negative experiences in the past. Also, very often difficulties with communication arise in people with low self-esteem, because of which they are simply afraid to communicate, afraid of being unheard, misunderstood, and unaccepted. There are other psychological factors that contribute to loneliness. So, if it is difficult for you to establish contacts with people, because of low self-esteem, because of fear of them, because of your lack of communication or for some other reason, then start working on yourself, either on your own or with the help of a specialist . Otherwise, you will create a vicious circle when your inability and unwillingness to communicate with people will lead you to the fact that your self-esteem will fall even lower and your fear of people will become even greater. And then you may develop depression, with all its inherent “charms,” which can completely poison our lives. You definitely need to develop your communication skills in order to be able to make acquaintances with people you are interested in. And if you are already quite sociable, but there are few people around you with whom you could communicate and who could understand you, then you urgently need to pay attention to your behavior in order to understand what exactly you need to change in it . Loneliness always has reasons that lie primarily in ourselves. When we feel the loneliness of the soul, when it seems to us that the whole world is against us, that no one needs us and our whole life is a complete misunderstanding, rest assured that at this moment we do not understand something, we are losing sight of something and something. then we don’t attach any importance.

I am absolutely sure that many people need each of us, just as we ourselves need many of them. We all need each other in one way or another. Once we realize this, we will certainly open up to each other and become closer to each other, and not physically closer, there seems to be no problem with that today, but spiritually. It’s time for us to abandon the consumer attitude towards people and move to a new level of perception of this world, in which our relationships with each other will take on a qualitatively new form. People must grow and develop so that such primitive and meaningless problems as loneliness stop bothering them. I also recommend that you engage in some creative activity that will more than compensate for the lack of attention to you from other people. Sometimes we just feel lonely, but we really are not, we simply do not have the opportunity to express ourselves and therefore it seems to us that no one understands us. Express yourself in some work that interests you, because every person, without exception, has some kind of talent, by identifying and developing which he is able to surprise the world with his wonderful creation and express himself with this. Then you will be guaranteed attention, recognition, respect, and love. People can't help but notice a person who created something beautiful.

And don't be afraid of people, friends. They, of course, are not ideal, and sometimes even dangerous, but still, none of us can live a full life without them. You don’t have to communicate with all people, communicate only with those of them who are closer to you in spirit and character, this will be quite enough so that you do not feel lonely. Try to study people, understand them, study their interests, goals, desires, and then you will be able to join their picture of the world and help them understand you. Draw their attention to yourself with the help of your activity and energy, because active and energetic people are hard to miss. Keep in mind that many people simply do not understand what their life should be like, what kind of people they should surround themselves with in this life, and who needs them in it. Therefore, try to convince them that they need you, show them yourself in all your glory. And you will be accepted. People are confused in a world they have created, in which there is so much information that you can drown in it. Therefore, they often find it difficult to focus their attention even on themselves, let alone anyone else who surrounds them. There are people around, but the person does not notice them, does not fully communicate with them, and therefore feels lonely. Loneliness is a problem we have invented; in reality it does not exist. There is only people’s misunderstanding of each other and their inattention to each other, because of which this difficult feeling arises.

Looking for

There are also guys who are shocked that they still don’t have a companion or wife. They got used to the fact that they had a girlfriend since school years. This went on for a long time, and there was always some kind of partner next to him. But as soon as the mechanism goes wrong, and the young man finds himself alone for a while, he immediately begins to panic. He registers on dating sites, goes on blind dates, constantly texts and communicates with someone.

However, the most interesting thing is that as soon as such a man has a real opportunity to meet someone interesting and suitable for him, he finds a hundred excuses why he cannot go to the meeting. It is easier for such a man to constantly correspond with someone and have some kind of virtual relationship than to be in real life and take responsibility. No matter how it seems that they are looking for a relationship, this is an illusion.

How to live with him? A single man of this type rarely marries, but if this does happen, the situation improves significantly.

If he married for love, he will learn to trust his beloved and develop with her. If he was forced to marry by some circumstances, then such a young man will not be a reliable support for you. He will constantly strive to escape somewhere and hide from all the problems and obligations that have fallen on him against his will.

How does loneliness affect a person with a sound vector?

The only person whose suffering from loneliness is almost impossible to recognize. There are so many examples from life when relatives are surprised: you were living your life, everything was as usual, and suddenly you committed suicide...

He suffers not from the fact that he is not loved, not from the fact that he has no family, car, apartment, status in society, but because he has not found meaning. His loneliness is constant, unending. He cannot convey this state of unbearable suffering in words, because he himself cannot understand the inner unconscious call.

The son's pain is quiet, imperceptible and deep from the outside, he feels it as emptiness, a black abyss. And few people manage to recognize what kind of hell is going on inside a person. But there are still features that indicate that a person is on the verge:

  • He often repeats: “There is no point.”
  • He says strange things, tries to tell his thoughts, but immediately calms down and is silent again.
  • He hates people, considers them stupid.
  • He is constantly on the Internet. Binge-watching computer games, strange closed groups and communities, gloomy posts on social network pages, most often about death.

This does not mean that every owner of a sound vector has a full set of such characteristics. But if some signs are present, this is a reason to think that he is now experiencing internal suffering, which he is trying to overcome alone.

He will never cry or complain. He is unsociable, withdrawn, seemingly insensitive, indifferent to everything. Yes, he needs privacy to think, but not loneliness. Being constantly focused on oneself, the owner of the sound vector cannot get closer to the desired answers about the meaning of everything that surrounds him.

And we see an adult who has not found himself in life, hanging around idle, lying motionless for days and years on end, a gray shadow, a silent creature, a slacker, a drunkard, a drug addict, whose oppressive state is incomprehensible to anyone. Everyone just sighs and shakes their heads: I wish I could find a job, get married, come to my senses, and somehow unwind, in the end! But no one can answer his question: “Why all this?”


This is almost the ideal man that every woman dreams of. He has a good job, he is handsome, sociable, knows how to look after and shines with intelligence. But if you take a closer look, there is a serious flaw in him, which lies in the fact that, despite all his ideality, he is of little interest to a woman.

And the point is not at all that he can pick up anyone. Such a man is immersed in himself and his development. Men's entertainment, study, travel - all this interests him much more. He will be able to connect his life only with that girl who will share his desire for freedom, as well as for constant study of life and learning something new.

Most often, this type of man gets married quite late.


This is a person who pretends that he wants to enter into some kind of relationship. He does this solely to create a certain impression in the eyes of his friends or parents. He doesn't want to go on dates, meet new girls, communicate with anyone, or generally make any attempts to start a relationship.

But the strengths and weaknesses of a man of this type are quite difficult to distinguish. Only one main nuance is visible, which is almost complete apathy towards life. The main thing that such a person does is provide himself with minimal food and housing. He likes to watch movies, sit on the couch and do nothing. In fact, deep down he has a lot of fears, so he prefers to do nothing.

What does psychology say about this type? A single man with such a character can meet a girl, but a relationship will begin only if she is quite persistent and can help her loved one get rid of his fears. However, we note that such a desire must be present in a person from the very beginning. Doing something for him will simply be stupid and ineffective. If we are talking about some kind of help and support, then all is not lost.

How to solve the problem of human loneliness

The influence of loneliness on a person is not so harmless if you look at how many unhappy, lonely people there are around. We are truly happy when someone needs us, but we often don’t understand that you can only become needed when you do something not for yourself, but for someone else. Overcoming loneliness begins with self-awareness, and also with understanding the feelings, thoughts and desires of others.

Different vector sets in the human psyche correspond to different ways of getting out of this painful state. What needs to be done urgently:

  • Recognize yourself in yourself, and the other in others. In order to no longer blindly search for how to help yourself or a loved one cope with loneliness, you need to understand who you are.
  • Realize your properties as nature intended.
  • Come to the training “System-vector psychology” and learn how to do it accurately.
  • Get rid of psychological trauma and get a new life, full of real events, meetings, experiences.

The results of many training participants are more than convincing:

“I realized that before that I didn’t love or be friends, I didn’t KNOW, I didn’t SEE people around. While this was happiness, the realization that I had been looking for for so long. Now I happily continue to comprehend the new quality of life, thinking, perception, which is given in the training on System-Vector Psychology...”

Anastasia Sh. Read the full text of the result

The “initial data” with which I began studying SVP was an eccentric and unbalanced person with frequent mood swings and a not very positive attitude towards people. It was quite possible to characterize my attitude towards them as “the more I communicate with people, the more I love dogs”...

I began to understand others much better, the reasons for their actions, and stopped being offended on every occasion... Resentments and “chewing” on them are what poisoned my life for many years. Miraculously, people with whom I had serious conflicts reached out to me. We sincerely reached out. I saw in their eyes a desire to be in my company, which NEVER happened before...”

Julia G. Read the full text of the result


Most often this is an older man or one who is over 30 years old. This is a real bachelor who has lived alone for too long. He has already become ossified in his habits and character, and it will be quite difficult for him to get along with anyone. The biggest drawback of such a person is that he always makes mountains out of molehills. He does not want to compromise and believes that his every whim is something very important, and he simply must follow the principle.

If a woman falls in love with such a person, then she has to completely adapt to him. The girl will have to constantly give in to him and forgive a lot. In addition, such a person is not a family person at all. He is deaf to family holidays and obligations, to some weekend activities, to general difficulties and support. He seems to be observing from the sidelines and only criticizing. What does a man of this type need? Only himself.

The most interesting thing is that even if you decide to connect your life with such a person and bend under him, you will only make things worse. The fact is that when this man feels that he can wipe his feet on his partner, he begins to lose all respect for him and becomes even more cruel. As a result, people either live suffering and hating each other, or they diverge very quickly.

Why does a man need a woman, does he feel good about himself? This is the main motto of this type.

Types of loneliness, or How loneliness affects a person and his attitude towards life

Modern psychology describes different types of loneliness, but if you look at any of the classifications after Yuri Burlan’s training “System-vector psychology”, you can identify a pattern:

  • Alienating loneliness—breaking ties with society, losing the meaning of life—is observed in people with the sound vector.
  • Emotional, cultural loneliness - severance of emotional ties - among owners of the visual vector.
  • The feeling of loneliness, when a person does not have a family or relationships with relatives are broken, is typical for owners of the anal vector.

The list of descriptions of loneliness can be anything, but the reasons why loneliness occurs and the impact it has on a person can be unmistakably recognized and the most accurate way out of the feeling of uselessness can be found.

By realizing a clear cause-and-effect relationship rooted in the unconscious, you can unravel the tangle of your terrible condition and get rid of the feeling of loneliness once and for all.

Just as loneliness affects a person, so does a person interact with the world around him. If it hurts him, it hurts others. How a person expresses himself, what he feels and how to get out of it depends on his vectors.

No family, no children, no stake, no yard

For example, the main value of a person with an anal vector is family, family traditions and everything connected with it. Building a house, planting a tree, raising a son is the meaning of life. Every owner of this vector dreams of raising children and grandchildren in the spirit of family traditions with respect for elders, making them real, decent, honest people. Family is everything to him!

Man with a Broken Heart

This is someone who really likes to press for pity. His male psychology is that he has suffered a lot and can no longer trust girls. That is why many begin to feel sorry for him, try to save him and restore trust in his heart.

However, this is a stupid idea, because he is simply manipulating you. Why does a man need a woman, if not to please him and go through life together? However, this type does not need a companion. He just wants to manipulate, pressing certain buttons and getting a guaranteed result. In other words, such a person treats a woman simply as an automaton from whom one can achieve a certain result simply by knowing the mechanism of influence.

A single man of this type is most often very selfish, evil and cunning. Few people are friends with him, and no one likes to deal with him. He is aloof, but still considers himself the conqueror of women’s hearts. What does a man of this type need? In fact, he doesn't need anyone but himself. He just wants to satisfy his needs regularly.

To summarize, we note that all the types described are just an approximate classification. Each man is individual, and it is impossible to characterize him specifically. However, there are people who have learned to manipulate and put on this or that mask. It is from such men that you need to be able to abstract yourself and defend yourself. And the most interesting thing is that a frequent manipulation is to present oneself as a “lone wolf” who needs shelter. Don’t be fooled by this, think and analyze actions, not words. Remember that men think about women much more often than they let it on. After all, they really need each other.

How does loneliness affect a person with an anal vector?

Without receiving all this from life, a person suffers. An entertaining walk through nightclubs or a long trip with a change of scenery will not help him. He suffers without a family, children, his own hearth. A person feels this suffering as loneliness, uselessness - he is ashamed to walk around like a horse, and a woman is generally obliged to be married.

Loneliness has the most detrimental effect on such a person and his fate. He looks despondent, there is resentment on his face, the folds of his lips are downturned, he constantly complains about something. He can remember all the grievances, and a bad experience received at least once in a relationship can be transferred to all relationships in the future. So it turns out that, having been burned once, then for the rest of his life he will not trust anyone, he will want a relationship, but will not be able to build one, considering all representatives of the opposite sex unworthy. And even if you miraculously manage to meet, he will destroy the new relationship with distrust and suspicion. And he will remain alone.

Possessing, moreover, a strong libido, being lonely, he experiences serious suffering, which often results in accusations against the opposite sex, sometimes in violence, and in great serious resentment for many years.

In the realized state, these are the kindest, sweetest, most honest people, the best performers, the most responsible employees, the most decent, caring and ideal mothers, wives, fathers, husbands.

Nobody loves Me. I'll die and everyone will cry

The greatest value for the owner of the visual vector is to love and be loved. This person was born with a huge emotional range and endless imaginative intelligence. He is sensual, capable of experiencing very strong emotions, both positive and negative. His main unconscious goal in life is to build emotional connections with others. These are people with whom you can have a heart-to-heart talk.

The severance of an emotional connection for the owner of the visual vector is similar to death. Loneliness is the greatest suffering for them. They definitely need someone to love and be loved, otherwise why live?

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