How does a man's love manifest itself? A man's view from a psychologist

In this article we will tell you:
  1. Psychology of a man's love for a woman
  2. Differences between a man's love and a woman's love
  3. What is the difference between love between M and F?
  4. Signs of male love
  5. How should a man love a woman so that she is sure that she is truly loved?

The love of a man for a woman is different from the love of a woman for a man. And every woman who strives to love and be loved needs to know what exactly male love is.

In the article we will talk about how a man’s love for a woman is manifested , how it works, and what its essence is.

We will rather talk not about love itself, but about male abilities, manifestations and characteristics.

Psychology of a man's love for a woman

Let's start with the main thing - male love is determined solely by the man's capabilities (opportunities in every sense).

Most often, these possibilities depend on the age of the man, and therefore we can talk about some age-related nature of male love .

After all, a man aged 20 to 30 will not be the same as a man aged 35 to 50. In other words, age does not always play a major role here, although most often it does. You will see this for yourself a little later.

A man’s age is determined not by specific numbers, but by his achievements and life experience. Some men remain children until the end of their days.

It is clear that men change in one direction or another. They acquire some qualities, and lose others. In this regard, there are differences in understanding the concept of “love”. For example, a physically healthy and successful man who occupies a high position in society sees love differently than a sick, poor loser. This example is an extreme.

But in life you rarely have to face extremes. Not all men become strong first. This refers to the physical strength and physical health of a man. Not everyone becomes rich or powerful.

When a man says that all ages are submissive to love, this means that at any age a man is capable of love, but at each age he loves in a special way.

Signs that a married man is in love

A married man can also fall in love. Given the circumstances, he will hide it with even greater care, but changes in behavior can still be noticed. If a married man falls in love, the main signs are:

  • He shares his family problems with the girl. He talks about how his wife doesn’t understand him;
  • Signs of attention. They are hidden or appear in small ways, but are still present;
  • Again the look. The eyes look at the object of adoration with interest and a little detachment.

Important! If a girl realizes that a married man is interested in her, she should not rush into a relationship headlong. The role of a mistress is not suitable for everyone. If everything is really bad in his family, and the husband is no longer able to live with his wife, he should wait until they sort things out among themselves.


Differences between a man's love and a woman's love

Globally, love for both men and women is the same thing.

At its core, love is about meeting a specific set of needs for your partner.

Needs are not only different in type:

  • physiological
  • psychological
  • social

But they also differ in priority both for each person and for gender (men and women). And this is where some difference lies. What is more important and self-evident for women is secondary and incomprehensible for men. And vice versa.

That’s why M and F will always not understand each other and enrage each other (unless, of course, they learn to understand each other).

Women's love

The feeling of love consists of two components:

  • In the need to love;
  • To be loved.

3 important steps

which every woman should go through

Anika Snagovskaya

Author and presenter of women's trainings on harmonizing feminine energy. Master of removing limiting beliefs and master of constellations.

I have prepared three lessons for you that will help you better understand yourself, remove the restrictions that prevent you from feeling loved and living happily.


Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

You will learn about 5 female states that exist in every woman, how they manifest themselves and which archetypes are most manifested in you and which are not developed.


Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships

I’ll tell you what you need to do to free your heart from old feelings and break the energy threads connecting you with your past partner.


Audio recording: Neuro-af

Thanks to this neuro-affirmation, you can regain self-love and feel sincere gratitude and happiness for every day.

Top 3 useful materials that will help you know yourself better

And start a new, happy life for yourself.

Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships

Audio recording: Neuro-af

Take your gifts!

As you understand, these are two completely different needs. To love is to give, and to be loved is to take. It looks different for men and women. That is, the question “What comes first?”

For men, it is primary to be loved . They are a little selfish, consumers of women's love. They want to receive love and feel loved. This is the same question when a man leaves, a woman should ask herself, “Did the man next to me feel loved?” If not, he will leave.

But when a man has received this “Be loved”, he returns love to the woman. How? Man's love.

But a woman first gives her love, she loves a man like a woman. Then she receives his masculine love from the man.

So what is this male and female love?

Women's love is emotionality, sensuality, warmth, affection, tenderness, a state of contentment. Yes, a woman should be happy.

When a man sees a satisfied woman, his mood also improves. For example, he came home from work, and his satisfied wife greeted him, and then he realized that everything was fine and his self-esteem increased. And whoever comes home and sees a dissatisfied wife, his self-esteem falls.

Women's love is the ability to ask. That is, women must declare their feminine “I want.” And the man fulfills it, receives the woman’s gratitude, joy and happiness. He also begins to feel happy.

How to distinguish love from infatuation

It is difficult to distinguish love from infatuation. At the beginning of a romantic relationship, almost everyone is confident that they have found their soul mate. But over time, the feelings subside and then disappear altogether. Therefore, it is important to track the moment when falling in love develops into strong love. And for this you need to know the main signs of these feelings.

  • General or private

They usually fall in love with people with an attractive appearance: an aquiline profile, expressive eyes, a doll-like face, a good figure, etc.

Love embraces the image of the chosen one as a whole, and not just individual exciting details. In this case, physical attraction is combined with charm with all the personal qualities of the partner. One of the signs of a man’s love for a woman is admiration for her every action: her manner of communication, the habit of drinking coffee or doing yoga in the morning.

  • Instinct or awareness

A sure sign of falling in love is suddenness. Sometimes this feeling comes over you at first sight and there is no scientific explanation for this. It can be judged that falling in love arises instinctively rather than consciously.

Love takes time to mature. For her, just one or two glances are not enough: in order to fully accept a person, you must first get to know him.

  • Constant or unstable

An unstable relationship is another sign of falling in love. Passion is changeable - it flares up and then subsides. Attraction does not have a solid foundation, deep roots that would fuel interest in a companion. It's superficial.

In contrast, love never fades away. The need for a loved one and longing when separated from him remain regardless of the circumstances.

  • Madness or Sanity

This is a very important and significant difference that can have a significant impact on the continuation of the novel that has begun. A person in love often pushes friends and relatives into the background, replacing them with the interests of the chosen one. And even if immutable moral values ​​are at stake (a vow of friendship, filial duty), the inclination of the heart will always prevail.

Therefore, a sign of a man’s love is the presence of respect not only for his chosen one, but also for everyone else. Of course, she is the best in the whole world. And therefore she herself will never allow him to forget about his loved ones.

  • Easy or difficult

Lovers tolerate separation quite easily, without experiencing serious emotional discomfort at such moments.

In contrast, one of the most important signs of love is consistency. The moral and emotional connection between lovers is preserved during separations and distances. They, just like after their first dates, look forward to meeting each other and are constantly in touch.

  • Resentment or compromise

The “candy-bouquet” period ends sooner or later. Afterwards, the couple in love begins to quarrel. The further away the date of acquaintance is, the more the partners feel the difference between them. At this time, any little things can cause big disagreements. As a result, resentment and dissatisfaction accumulate, outweighing the cup of affection.

Quarrels of people who love each other, on the contrary, only strengthen their relationship. A mutual desire to find a compromise and show mutual understanding is a sign of a reliable union. You may have seen more than once how, a couple of minutes after a loud dispute, spouses are already laughing, making fun of each other.

  • "I" or "we"

Another sign of falling in love is a person’s perception of himself as a separate person. He remains detached from his partner, thinking in terms of “I-he/she”. If the term “we” is absent in a couple’s conversations, then there is little that connects them other than their passion. In such cases, a man may want to go on vacation without his beloved, be alone and will not change his previous habits.

A serious feeling is inseparable from the concept of “we”. Therefore, one of the most important signs of a man’s love is the use of the words “us”, “us”. At the same time, no one should be burdened by the time spent together. On the contrary, a loving couple gets great pleasure from cooking dinner together, walking or talking on the phone.

  • Selfishness or sacrifice

Lovers think mainly about themselves, and lovers think mainly about their partner. Moreover, the former most often pursues a selfish goal. Of course, any young girl will love the attention of a respectable gentleman who owns a shiny new Cadillac. And more mature people usually reassure themselves: “let it be better than none at all.” Lovelaces will be happy to show off their new attractive girlfriend to their friends.

Love and self-interest are incompatible concepts. After all, the main goal of love is to make your chosen one happy (by sacrificing, if necessary, your needs). She is filled with empathy, friendliness and trust.

  • Physical or spiritual

It's no secret that the external similarity of love manifestations hides a significant difference. The goal of lovers is to obtain pleasures and benefits that give satisfaction in the material world.

While love inspires and strengthens the spirit. The “everything by two” principle applies here: difficulties are divided in half, and joy is multiplied by two.

Of course, the signs of a man’s love in each situation should be considered individually. Moreover, in practice everything is much more complicated than in theory. It also happens that a simple hobby becomes a deep heartfelt attachment. But, unfortunately, this does not happen so often. Therefore, when trying to determine your feeling, think about whether it pushes you into the abyss of passions or elevates you to the skies.

What is the difference between love between M and F?

Three differences between the expressions of love between a man and a woman:

  1. For a woman, the emotional state always comes first. Women are always hunting for emotions and therefore pay attention to little things. For a woman, love is the feelings from his actions. For men, facts and comfort are important. Therefore, love for a man is specific actions that satisfy his comfort.
  2. For a woman, love is caring . Taking care of her emotional, financial, sexual, physical well-being. For a man, love is faith in him. When they don’t help, if they don’t ask and just give verbal support – “You can handle it!” You are strong! I'm proud of you!". This is a recognition of his strength.
  3. For a woman, love is not about respect . She may not respect, but she loves (=cares). A man cannot love if he does not respect and cannot love if he is not respected. Respect for a man is even more important than love.

This can be briefly explained by the main messages that M and F want to hear and feel:

  • She wants to receive the message “I will never leave you” from him. Those. I will take care and act for you.
  • He wants to receive the message from her: “I’m following you, wherever you go.” Those. I will give you the right to choose, take risks, make mistakes, draw conclusions and choose again.

The rich cry too...

In her soul, every girl cherishes the image of an ideal man: smart, handsome, rich, successful...

There is a catch in the last two points: usually men of a certain type of character and mind reach heights.

They set goals, work for results, and sweep away competitors like trash from the road. But for some reason we believe that “with me he will be completely different, white and fluffy”...

At first glance, such a gentleman is ideal: he showers him with expensive gifts, knows what he wants from life.

At this stage it would be good to take off your rose-colored glasses and pay attention to the details.

Clear signs of manipulation

1. Criticisms . “Your hair is very unruly, maybe you should style it?”, “You’re holding the fork incorrectly, watch it right.”

If he takes the position of leader and mentor on the first dates, what will happen next?

2. Competition . He will say that a man’s love for a woman is demonstrated by actions; competition is unacceptable in the family.

The strong should be the leader, and the weak should stand behind him. Only in the end everything turns out not so rosy: the man will continue to strengthen his authority and power over you.

The woman becomes dependent, and the castle in the air turns into a golden cage.

3. Jealousy of the past . Jealous people will constantly cultivate feelings of guilt in you.

You will have to prove that Masha in the phone book is really a friend, and not the insidious seducer Artem.

Staying late after work? Get ready for an unpleasant scene of jealousy, because your partner already has dozens of options in his head about who you managed to have fun with.

Jealous people convince that such checks are confirmation of their love. In fact, this is a simple manipulation that forces a woman to get deeper and deeper into this swamp.

4. Behavior . Male manipulators are in no hurry to show emotions. Rather, they act according to a proven scheme: flowers, gifts, compliments - this is enough to turn a woman’s head.

And we do not immediately notice that the praise sounds somehow patronizing, and not with tenderness and warmth.

5. Resources . The love of a manipulative man lasts as long as you admire him and elevate him to the rank of a deity.

If you are dissatisfied with something, you stop feeding his male ego - the money tap quickly turns off. This is also a type of manipulation.

6. Depreciation . At first, he will praise you and turn a blind eye to minor offenses. But as soon as you relax, succumb to its charms - the satellite will quickly lower you from heaven to earth.

Such men either disappear or begin to assert themselves at your expense. This is a direct path to complete dependence on a partner, loss of one’s own self.

Relationships with such men are a dance on the edge of an abyss. One wrong move and you fly down, collecting your heart from the fragments.

Signs of male love

Have you ever wondered how a man's love manifests itself? .

So, men’s love lies in those very little things that we sometimes don’t even take seriously; men don’t know how to show their love like women do.

Man's love:

  • this is to come up to hug from the back;
  • this is a kiss before leaving home;
  • this is the lunch or dinner he prepared (for which he should be praised and told that he was super-well done, and it turned out very tasty);
  • this is an “I love you” SMS when he leaves somewhere for a long time;
  • these are the words “let's go together”;
  • when he brings his salary home.

What reveals a man hiding his feelings?

Fear of getting sick - what is it and what is it called?

How to understand that a man really loves you? The opinions of psychologists on this matter often differ. The stronger sex can hide their own feelings for various reasons. Perhaps the girl has a boyfriend, they are colleagues, or he simply thinks that they are not suitable for each other in terms of status.

However, even the most restrained and intelligent man will involuntarily or, on the contrary, deliberately express his own feelings. What symptom should you pay attention to:

  • Trusting relationship. Most men are not used to telling strangers about ex-girlfriends and failed relationships. However, if a close friend shares similar memories, it is worth thinking about the fact that he is experiencing far from friendly feelings;
  • The look of a lover. When a guy sneaks a glance at a girl and looks away every time she notices it;
  • Appearance. It is especially worth considering if before the guy did not attach much importance to his appearance, and at a certain point this changes.

Change of worldview

This point is sometimes difficult to notice right away, however, it also takes place in the life of a passionate man if he has always been considered an emotional person. A guy in love radically changes his habits, becomes more cheerful, easy-going, takes initiative more often and generally tries to become No. 1 in your general environment from now on. Such a cheerful mood indicates that in such a state the admirer is capable of the most daring act.

During a period of such admiration, men often commit adventurous and unexpected actions that were previously completely atypical for them. When a young man tries to show his high intelligence or excellent sense of humor in the presence of his chosen one, he probably likes you a lot.

At the same time, he distinguishes you from all other people quite openly: he praises you for the work you have done, often sets you as an example, and admires your skills and knowledge. Similar interest extends to other areas. The admirer tries to actively participate in conversations that interest you, and “accidentally” appears in places where the object of affection is often located, even if his usual location there is completely inappropriate.


The man seems to be invading your personal space. The well-known “arm's length distance”, to which we usually allow only close relatives and well-known people, is the main goal for your admirer. This is how he tries to demonstrate his desire to get closer and start a more intimate relationship.

An attempt to create tactile contact is manifested in seemingly random touches, light hugs, a hand on the waist and similar manifestations of tenderness.

Gait and posture

Significant changes also occur with gait. It becomes lighter, more flying, with elements of dancing. Often, a representative of the stronger sex even begins to whistle or hum tunes. His physique visually seems to be revealed: thus, he tries to show the girl his natural power and strength.

Among the most popular ways for a lady to look confident are broad shoulders, hands on hips and spread legs, indicating good physical characteristics. And during the conversation, the man still tries to turn his whole body towards his beloved. It seems that this seems like a typical gesture of respect when you are talking to someone, but on a subconscious level, such movements are just an attempt to show off effectively.

Falling in love or mental disorder?

Anyone who has experienced falling in love or suffered from unrequited feelings has probably more than once caught himself thinking about mental illness or the development of manic dependence on an object. This is partly true! No matter how strange and frightening it may sound, psychotherapists, studying chemical reactions in lovers, compared the indicators with patients who are being treated in a mental hospital.

Judging by the signs of a man in love, love resembles drug addiction and neurotic disorders. How not to be upset by unrequited love or not sleep at night if the object of passion does not pay attention and spends time with others? No matter how frightening the doctors’ conclusions may sound, everyone wants to experience all the signs of falling in love at absolutely any age and immerse themselves in the world of sweet dreams and daydreams.

Portrait of a man in love: distinctive features and hidden signals

What methods do girls resort to in order to get to the bottom of the truth - telling fortunes on coffee grounds, scrupulously counting gifts and flowers, torturing their loved one with questions, but all to no avail.

All you need to do is look carefully at his behavior without a bunch of illusions and rose-colored glasses. A man in love differs from an indifferent man, like a blue whale from a giraffe. Let's look at what.

Need for communication

A man, inspired by love, strives to spend as much time as possible with his beloved, therefore he often initiates meetings and correspondence.

If your chosen one thinks about you once a week and ignores your messages, there can be no talk of any love. Unless, of course, he is an astronaut or a submariner.

Care and attention

A man in love = a caring man. He will never allow his lady to get wet in the rain, carry a heavy bag, or screw in a light bulb herself. As soon as she mentions a problem, he is immediately ready to help. And the most important thing is that all this is a joy for him, and not a burden.


If a man is in love, he will never want to share you with anyone. You will feel his jealousy with every fiber of your soul, even from a distance - it is so sharp and prickly. In response to your jealousy, he will try to do everything to dispel your fears.

Material investments

A man in love is always happy to spend money on his beloved - this is an axiom. If the gentleman has not given you a single flower during the entire conversation, you should not attribute this to his natural greed and frugality. The only reason is lack of love for you.

Progress in relationships

If a man loves you, the relationship with him develops progressively. At first he wants to see you more often, then live together, and after some time start a family. If you feel a decline and its distance, it means something has gone wrong. There is no need to immediately put an end to the relationship; perhaps this is a temporary cooling, but you should not lose sight of this fact.

Willingness to make concessions

A man inspired by love is always ready to compromise with the woman he loves. He values ​​her too much and is afraid of losing her. If in a relationship your opinion is not listened to, and you are always the first to resort to making peace after a quarrel, there is no love for you or there is very little love, alas.

How men of different signs of the eastern horoscope show love

And finally, so that you have no doubt at all, I will tell you how to recognize love in men born under different signs of the eastern horoscope.

  1. Men born in the year of the Rat are ardent and passionate natures. They are ready to pursue the object of their sympathy for a long time and persistently, but all their pressure immediately disappears as soon as the “victim” gives up. If you feel like a fortress that is under siege, rest assured that he is in love. For now.
  2. Men born in the year of the Ox are not very amorous. Relationships with them are most often superficial. However, if love does happen to them, they immediately warm up, become affectionate and caring.
  3. Men born in the year of the Tiger are very loving, especially since there is always a round dance of girls around them. However, in a relationship, their ardor quickly subsides, and they begin to look to the left. If such a man dates you for quite a long time, and his reverent attitude remains, it means that you have melted his heart.
  4. Men born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat) are somewhat reminiscent of these very animals - cautious and indecisive. They can gather their courage for a long time before they dare to confess their love. If you see a rabbit man next to you, shifting from foot to foot, know that perhaps he is in love and does not know how to tell you about it.
  5. Dragon man is self-sufficient and proud. He will never sacrifice pride for love. If you manage to make him fall in love with you, he will put you on a pedestal and make you his goddess. It will be impossible not to notice this.
  6. Snake men are very passionate. They are unfamiliar with such concepts as timidity and embarrassment. Having fallen in love, they try to merge with their partner as much as possible and expect returns from him, so they can become demanding and pretentious.
  7. born in the year of the Horse love to beautifully care for the women they love and at the same time enjoy themselves, so romantic and ardent. A guy in love with this sign does not skimp on emotions and beautiful words.
  8. A man born in the year of the Goat (Sheep) will do everything possible to please his beloved. His behavior will be exemplary - he will offer his hand, let you pass, and help you take off your coat.
  9. A man under the sign of the Monkey is quite contradictory. Having fallen in love, he shows his feelings violently, like a volcano - he gives his chosen one passionate kisses and caresses, carries her in his arms and does not leave for a minute. But this period usually does not last long - Monkeys cool down very quickly.
  10. Rooster men approach love rationally. They are very responsible and tend to take custody of the woman they love. If he acts like a daddy, it means he's most likely in love.
  11. Men born in the year of the Dog are ready to share everything with their chosen one. For them she is the center of the universe. But the requirements for it often become too high. Adult men of this sign often turn into small children next to their beloved girl.
  12. to recognize a Pig - he literally glows from within next to his beloved and can even go overboard with external manifestations of love and devotion.

What should a woman do in such a situation?

You need to understand yourself and understand whether men's feelings can be mutual. Are you ready to share them, build relationships and respond with similar feelings? If yes, then prove yourself. You shouldn’t become the instigator of a frank conversation; the guy should take the first step. However, it is possible to hint at reciprocity. It will be enough to use the basic flirting techniques - a flirtatious wink, reciprocal touches, a sincere smile.

After the girl points out the possibility of close communication, nothing else needs to be done. A man in love will express himself, and his signs will become more confident. A sense of self-respect should determine every step and action of a girl.

How to help a fan confess his feelings

Psychologists do not advise putting pressure on the gentleman, trying to bring him to clean water. An admirer may have good reasons to disguise his attitude towards a woman. Psychologists named the main fears and problems:

  1. Responsibility. If a colleague hides his feelings, this may indicate his pragmatism and seriousness. He does not want his passion to become an object of gossip and gossip, so he acts carefully and prudently.
  2. Fear of losing freedom. Guys who are not used to stability need a constant change of partners. The behavior is caused by childhood trauma, which interferes with building healthy long-term relationships.
  3. A woman's fear. The charmed guy from the outside looks like a henpecked guy. The guy is afraid of being captured by a pretty girl and becoming a laughing stock for his friends.
  4. Lack of trust. After an unsuccessful romance, a fan prefers not to confess his love. A girl’s betrayal or disappointment in a companion is enough for trust in women to completely disappear.
  5. Psychology of an independent adult man. After 30 years, guys get used to independence and a certain way of life. They don’t want change, and a woman’s intrusion into their usual way of life terrifies them.
  6. Fear of rejection. Gentlemen with low self-esteem are so unsure of themselves that it is easier for them to remain silent than to approach the girl they like.

If a fan is in no hurry with romantic explanations, you can gently push him to take decisive action. You need to bring him to the conversation, building a trusting relationship. In a conversation, it is useful to mention an awkward situation that happened to a girl. The admirer will understand that the “soul mate” will not mock him if he confesses.

In communication, you need to avoid value judgments and criticism, creating a comfortable atmosphere. If the gentleman understands that the chosen one accepts people with all their shortcomings, he will be bolder. It is quite easy to notice that he is hiding his deep feelings from the girl. It is much more difficult not to rush the fan and give him the opportunity to come to a responsible decision.

Psychologists recommend being patient - a guy driven into a corner is a pitiful sight.

Do we choose or are we chosen?

A man simply thinks that he is choosing a woman. In fact, it's the other way around.

First the request is the desire, then the filling. A woman wants to receive, and a man wants to give. This is what happens ideally. First, a woman wants security, safety and confidence in the future, and then her “I want” is attracted by his “I can.”

Look who shows sympathy for you, is attracted like a moth to a moth, clings to the inviting smell and is very happy to try to please you! Who is ready to lie even a little and embellish his image, show his best qualities, make efforts to possess you - the desired woman.

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