How to express love - Advice from psychologist Maria Heinrichs

Tell me, dear, how often do you talk to your loved ones about love? How often do you do something for your loved ones just like that, for no reason, just to please them? Perhaps you will think about it and realize with surprise that you are not so generous in showing love. Yes, everyday life, work, technological progress alienate us from loved ones, and all our love for them often comes down to telephone conversations and routine kisses. Let's fix this.

It is very important for both your loved ones and yourself to express your feelings in all available ways: to your beloved man, mother, child, friends or someone who has special meaning to you. And it is not always possible to do this with words; sometimes some special action is needed. Some people adhere to traditional methods, while others prefer everything modern and new. And here are ten ways to express and show your feelings to someone important to you.

Letter of love

Do not think that this method is only suitable for expressing feelings to your partner, lover, just a boyfriend or spouse.

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In a letter you can tell everything to your grandmother, grandfather, mother, and, for example, your beloved brother. It is very pleasant to receive letters, especially if they are filled with the most sincere and real feeling.

8. Believe in a man

Every man has hidden potential, and his partner needs to see it in time. Some women simply don’t understand what could be good in this particular man, they leave him, and the new partner reveals completely new facets in the same person.

A man wants to see a happy and contented woman in his partner. If a girl constantly looks tired and irritated, then a man constantly receives the same information that he is bad, that he cannot cope and that his beloved is not feeling well with him. And what kind of man likes to feel constantly bad?

It happens that a woman specifically demonstrates her disdain, making it clear that she is dissatisfied with a man’s behavior, insufficient earnings and everything he does for the family.

Such female behavior does not motivate at all, but has the exact opposite effect on a man - he withdraws into himself, seeks support on the side, does not strive for something more, such behavior will not help show love for a man, but will rather ruin the relationship.


You can come up with your own quest type game, where there are a lot of clues lying around, and something special awaits you at the end. If you have some kind of crisis in your relationship, this will help, I’m sure. Remind him with hints of those moments when you felt so good together. For example, “This is where we had our first date” or “This is where you lost your shoe on Valentine’s Day.” This will be a special game, because all this is so important for both of you.

What to remember

If you want to express your love to your chosen one in such a way that he notices it and appreciates it, then follow these simple principles.

  1. Determine what is important to your man, what he likes and what he is interested in.
  2. Use all five love languages ​​in your relationships.
  3. Become a full-fledged person whose gestures of attention are simply impossible to be indifferent to.

Your relationship is in your hands, just stop being selfish in your feelings and start taking steps of love that will be pleasant not only for you, but also for your chosen one.

Secret notes

It's not exactly a love letter, but it's still a great idea. Write a few notes to the one you love and stuff them in his pockets.

Read also - 20 things for which women love men

It is not necessary to show writing talents; a simple heart, found by him at the most difficult moment of the working day, will make him smile in any case. You can put it anywhere! Under the windshield wipers in the car, in your pocket, in your mobile phone.

7. Respect

Respect is the key to showing love to a man. The basis of all successful relationships is mutual respect for each other. Absolutely any person has certain good qualities for which he can undoubtedly be respected, it is important whether other people notice this or not.

What does it mean to respect the man you love? This is, first of all, to take into account his desires and respect the boundaries of personal space. Absolutely all men react very sharply to any external pressure; in this case, they show stubbornness and begin to behave directly opposite to women’s demands and desires.

A wise woman will not put pressure on a man; she will try to convey her desires to him in a delicate, respectful manner, and do this in such a way that her loved one makes the choice himself. Mental intimacy is created over a long period of time, but it is always based on mutual respect between two loving people.

A gift for no reason

Don't wait until your husband wears out his favorite sneakers. Do you know what brand of shoes he prefers to train in? So why not please him with a new pair of some crazy colors, let him run in some on even days, and in others on odd days. A gift for no reason does not have to be expensive, but if it symbolizes something important to your husband (or mother), it will mean to them that you love them, care about them and do not forget about their interests. My mother, for example, simply melts when I give her books about Pushkin - she is an avid Pushkin scholar, and adding to her library is always a joy for her.

Ability to speak openly

To properly show love to a man, learn to talk openly and directly about your feelings, what you are experiencing and what you want. Men often simply do not understand women's long, florid conversations. If a woman is truly confident in herself, then she will not give hints, but will say directly what she wants and expects from her lover. Drop all complexes and attitudes that you cannot ask a man and accept help from him.

If you are married or in a long-term relationship with him, then it is quite normal to turn to your loved one with a request, voice it directly, without any hints. In most cases, men always go to meet their loved ones. But if your request is currently impossible, your partner will say so. In this case, there is no need to be offended and swear that you will never ask for anything again. It is likely that the man simply cannot fulfill the request right away. This is not a reason to be upset; a request from a beloved woman means to a man that she needs him and feels his importance in her life.

Hugs and kisses
Tactile sensations are one of the ways to show your love. When we love a person, we constantly want to hug him, take his hand, touch him, kiss him and inhale his scent. You caress your baby, bury your nose in his hair? What stops you from doing the same with your husband? Men are not at all insensitive and really appreciate their partner’s touch. A hug, a kiss is the best expression of trust and love, remember this. And use it!

There are so many ways in the world to express and show your feelings, there is not enough space in this article. How do you usually show your love? Tell us!

Correct communication

Even if you feel that emotions are taking over you, the feeling of anger and resentment towards a man does not allow you to remain silent, then try to filter what you say. Insults, offensive words - a man will never forget all this, even if you are able to resolve the conflict soon.

Under no circumstances should you humiliate a man. Try to convey to your loved one what you feel at the moment. Tell us how angry, offended or upset you are, and most importantly, then voice the reason why you feel such feelings.

To show love for a man, you don’t need to blame him for all sins; when you start saying that the man is guilty of everything, and everything that happens is just his mistakes, then your partner immediately reacts with hostility to such behavior. Learn to calmly, and most importantly, correctly and delicately defend your positions, convey your point of view to your loved one without offense or accusation.

Cook your guy his favorite dish

A woman’s love is expressed by her willingness to feed her man delicious food. The saying about the way to the heart is through the stomach was not invented out of nowhere.

In couples where people know each other's food preferences, there is more mutual understanding and harmony.

To show your boyfriend love, cook his favorite dish. It’s so easy to prove how well you know and understand a man’s tastes.


“To touch my body is to touch me. To push him away means to move away from me,” is something that those who speak this language think. Hugs, kisses, and handshakes are important to them. An option for children and teenagers is comic wrestling and the game “tickle”. For adults, sex is important, but you should not confuse sexual desire and the language of touch. If hugs and kisses outside of a sexual context are not important, then the person has some other language.


Vadim is sensitive to the language of touch. When he began to notice that his wife Irina did not kiss him when they met and stopped coming up and hugging him, bad suspicions began to creep into his head. Then Irina refused sex a couple of times. Vadim decided to wait for the next initiative from his wife and did not wait. He became uncomfortable at home, he began to stay late at work and spend weekends with friends. Irina, who spoke the language of time, was very sensitive to his absences and only became more withdrawn into herself. She had lacked attention before, but now she was convinced that her husband was completely indifferent. In this state, she naturally had no time for sex. Only a frank conversation helped to find out that both were actually suffering from a lack of love, and were not experiencing affairs on the side.

Learning the language of touch:

— Even if it’s difficult out of habit, you should make it a rule to touch and hug your partner or child more often. This is not hypocrisy, this is the desire to bring joy to a loved one.

- Learn how to massage.

— Play games with your child that involve physical contact more often.

— Physical punishment is offensive for any child, but doubly so for someone who speaks the language of touch. The same can be said about slapping and cheating on an adult.

How to determine what love language a person speaks?

For some, hearing the names of love languages ​​is enough to determine their “native” language. If the solution is not obvious, Harry Chapman suggests answering three questions:

1. What causes pain to a person?

2. What does he ask you most often?

3. How does he himself express love?

You can observe why a loved one most often criticizes you: criticism is a way to ask for love, although not the most successful. What is he thanking for? On the contrary, you can fantasize about the qualities of an ideal spouse: perhaps the description of such a person will tell you the answer.


People who speak this language feel loved if they are given enough time and attention. Joint activities and walks, long conversations are important to them.

For example,

Anton wants Anya to spend time with him. He is pleased when she puts everything aside and just sits next to him on the sofa. At these moments he feels loved and needed. But for the wife, such an “empty” pastime, in her opinion, is almost unbearable. Anya’s parents taught her to have perfect order in the house; her father was always waiting for a full hot dinner prepared by her mother. Having become an adult, she wonders how she can sit down and do nothing if the windows are not washed, the linen is not ironed, the pies are not baked? But Anton is not happy about any pies if he doesn’t have the opportunity to just be together.

Little Mishutka's parents shower him with gifts, but expensive construction sets and transformers do not please him, because there is no one to play with them. And even if mom sits down on the carpet next to her to roll the cars, she is at the same time chatting on the phone with a friend or constantly running to the kitchen to turn over the frying cutlets. Mishutka dreams that mom and dad would work less and play with him more, then he will know for sure that they love him.

How to learn to speak the language of time?

— Change your perspective: what seems like a waste of time, useless chatter or self-indulgence to you, can be a priceless gift for your loved ones. By paying attention to them, you are investing in the relationship. Yes, this can be difficult for a person accustomed to a high pace of life, but is the happiness of your spouse or children really not worth it?

— Make it a rule to plan in your diary not only work matters, but also the time you spend with loved ones.

— Only full communication counts. Sharing housework or going grocery shopping is unlikely to be seen as expressions of affection. A trip to a restaurant, during which everyone sits with their eyes buried in their smartphones, does not count either.

- Make time not only for the whole family, but also for each member. If there are several children in the family, let each have the opportunity to be alone with you at least a little from time to time.

— Remember that when loved ones discuss their problems with you, they do not always expect help from you. Those who speak the language of time often need support and attention rather than specific advice. Listen, instead of ending the conversation with the phrase: “I already told you what to do in this situation, you didn’t listen and now you want something from me again.”

- Find reasons to create common pleasant memories - about joint creativity, walks, vacations. It is perhaps difficult to find a stronger cement that holds relationships together.

Parents' love

How often do adults, in pursuit of their own ambitions and other people’s opinions, forget to ask their children what they need? In the modern world, parents are trying to provide for their children financially, give them a better education, enroll in more sections, clubs... And then time passes, the child grows up and suddenly shows dissatisfaction that he did not receive that same parental love. Lost points of contact with the child. He grew up and became, as it were, a stranger with his own interests...

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