How to love a woman correctly? 10 tips for men

Hello! My name is Igor Lapin, I am a professional pickup trainer. This time we will discuss the painful topic of how to treat a girl correctly. In the modern world of gender diversity and feminism, society is completely confused in the delimitation of gender responsibilities, moral principles and traditions. Many men have become effeminate and women have become masculine.

The fair sex is fighting to ensure that their rights become equal to the stronger sex, and this is where misunderstandings begin.

Now every girl needs an individual approach. This doesn’t mean that it wasn’t needed before, it’s just that things are a little different now. How to treat a girl? Some people want a man to be a support, protect and provide for them, while others, on the contrary, consider it humiliating to depend on a man and “sit on a man’s neck.” How to please both? No, it all depends on the particular girl. But still, most of the people remained faithful to the traditional foundations, so we will consider them.

Relationship with a girl

Unfortunately, supply created demand and in our society a woman began to be treated as an object. Wanting to have a beautiful body, the right attitude towards girls has come to naught. Quite often we see examples of disrespectful, arrogant and sometimes completely inadequate attitudes towards ladies. All this cannot but upset us and something needs to be done about it.

You need to start by stopping looking at a woman as an object of sexual desire. I admit that the task is not easy, because today everything is saturated with lust. Everywhere you look there are advertisements for girls in underwear, there is a huge amount of porn on the Internet, and so on. Simply put, most men today are lustful animals who cannot control desire. And the most amazing thing is that now this is considered the norm.

The first and most important way a guy should treat his girlfriend (and any girl in general) is to show respect.

A real man must overcome lust in himself and be, first of all, a reasonable person, and not a weak-willed rag who salivates at the sight of every ass.
Hi, friend! Especially for you, I have prepared a course “Schoolboy. Basics of Pickup" for only 490 rubles! Follow the link and order —> What does respect mean? Apart from the obvious things such as: do not insult or raise a hand against a woman, a man should not cheat on her if we are talking about a close relationship. If you choose a lady, then be only with her or end the relationship before being with another woman.

How should you ideally treat a girl?

If we describe it point by point, then the lady needs:

  • be in love;
  • provide (or at least not be a gigolo);
  • respect like any other person;
  • take care and make her happy;
  • understand and tolerate within reasonable limits;
  • protect;
  • be decisive and strict when required.

Female and male love languages

When wondering how to love correctly, you need to study the intricacies of gender psychology.
For women, the manifestation of strong feelings is: compliments, protection and support, attention to appearance, loyalty of a partner. She needs constant confirmation of passion, love, to know that she is the only one, the best. A man will be happy from respect, sincere admiration for his leadership qualities, the opportunity to take responsibility and make decisions for himself, his beloved and the whole family.

Despite the fact that a man and a woman are different, their interests completely coincide in one thing: the desire to love and be loved.

Nikanorova Zhanna · May 08, 2019

Communication with the fair sex

As for all other women with whom there is no close romantic connection, you need to behave differently than with your chosen one, but no less respectfully. For example, a much older lady should be treated like your mother because, in fact, you are fit to be her son.

Women of the same age should be treated like sisters, without being lustful.

Accordingly, it is better to treat much younger girls as a daughter, even if you never had one. Everything seems logical, right? However, who now follows these simple rules? Some will say that this is idealism, but from the point of view of morality and morality, this is exactly how you need to treat a girl.

The key to a woman's heart

Relationships are a real science, which is not easy for men.
But without knowing the peculiarities of female psychology, a man has no chance of winning love and proving his feelings to his beloved. For many women, the fidelity and devotion of their partner comes first. A man can destroy sincere feelings by showing that his girlfriend (wife) is far from the only one.

Women react very painfully to any manifestations of infidelity:

  • Compliments to other representatives of the fair sex.
  • Close communication between a man and his “girlfriends” on the Internet.
  • Passionate glances at other women's charms.
  • Friendship with another girl.
  • Kisses, hugs and actual betrayal.

The girl will highly appreciate the loyalty and devotion of her beloved, she will prefer him to anyone else.

Hating is always wrong, but loving is always right. Lady Gaga

An indicator of feelings for women are
regular signs of attention

  • kisses;
  • embrace;
  • words of love;
  • flowers;
  • sweet surprises;
  • compliments;
  • expensive gifts;

In family life, men forget to show love, thus believing that painting was already the best confirmation of feelings. It is important for women to regularly make sure that she is loved, desired, and appreciated.

Men, love women!
They are all goddesses! show a woman her importance
, importance in your life, in other ways:

  • Helping his wife with housework.
  • Going shopping with your loved one.
  • Offering your help.
  • Praising her culinary masterpieces.
  • Supporting a woman in difficult times, in difficult periods of life.

Even self-sufficient and independent women dream of the protection and care of their beloved man.
The weaker sex is attracted to masculine character traits:

  1. Ability to quickly make complex decisions
  2. Determination
    . It is important for women to know what goals a man has, what is most important in his life.
  3. Strength of will
    . A man must remain calm in any circumstances, even with a woman’s hysteria.
  4. Ability to solve everyday problems
    : fix a faucet, drive a nail, repair an electrical appliance.

Having thus won the trust of a woman, a man will win her heart. Feeling a strong man's shoulder, a woman will gladly give her beloved the role of leader, laying aside the overwhelming burden of male responsibilities.

What can't you do?

We have already learned how to treat a girl, and now let’s talk about what a guy should not allow, including in relation to himself.
Sometimes, love and respect develop into unhealthy attachment and indulgence. A man becomes weak-willed, as people say, “henpecked.” This is an unacceptable line of behavior, unworthy of the stronger sex.

Hi, friend!
Especially for you, I have prepared the course “Student. Natural seduction" for only 1490 rubles! Follow the link and order -> Women are not ideal either, and it happens that some, without the slightest twinge of conscience, take advantage of the kindness of men, and they themselves go to the left.
Nobody said that the problem is only with modern men. There are also plenty of immoral girls and they need to be released. The main thing to remember is that no matter how the lady behaves, you need to adhere to the rules and not be like her. How can you treat a girl who is frivolous or arrogant? Strictly, but calmly and politely explain your position, point out shortcomings and end the conversation in time before thunder and lightning descend on you.

Besides, you can’t look for logic in girls. If a guy does this, he's stupid. No offense to women, but for the most part they think with their hearts and not with their minds. Therefore, if you need advice from a lady, then do not ask for help with work, repairs or anything like that (unless, of course, she has specialization in these matters). Where women's advice can help is in matters of the soul, doubts, and choosing a life path. Then intuitive advice is the best solution.

Do you like the way she looks without makeup and in casual clothes?

It's nice when she dresses up for a date with you, but you actually prefer her without heavy makeup or accessories. In a way that makes her comfortable and where she knows she can be herself around you without facing unnecessary judgement.

When a relationship reaches this level, it shows that you have nothing to hide, you are natural and you care about each other.


Women love confident guys. Even if you are not exactly that kind of person, try to do everything to look confident and don’t make you doubt yourself. Being confident doesn't mean being an alpha male. It is enough to keep your word. If you decide to do something, then do it. Let there be excitement and fear. Even if this is visible, there is nothing terrible about it, because in the end it is you who does it, not the girl. Maybe she is even less worried about taking this or that action, but you do it and no one else.

Every person has their own phobias and there are no people who are absolutely fearless. Not every man is a superman, but history knows great people who do great things even in a wheelchair!

Listen to a woman and do not ignore her requests

Choose time to listen to your other half, and, if possible, fulfill her requests. Many men will be surprised by one truth: a woman almost always says what she wants, you just need to learn to listen to her. If a woman is naturally modest and does not know how to openly say what she wants, then she will still try to express herself through hints. You need to understand the subtle language of communication and hear between the lines. Offer help yourself, and do not wait for the moment when the woman asks you.

Money issue

If in ancient times money was not so important, now the world is completely mired in capitalism.
Money is needed everywhere and it is very desirable to be able to earn it. A man's self-esteem depends largely on these pieces of paper. However, this is not important to all girls. Rather, it is important specifically for the stronger sex. And it’s very nice to be able to give your love all kinds of gifts, or at least provide her with a stable life. It is clear that not everyone has a certain set of qualities to earn big money, but there is one most important point that cannot be ignored.

Never be greedy. Even if you’ve been wearing worn-out socks for a long time and can’t afford to buy new ones, never regret once again pleasing a woman. The socks will wait, but the girl’s respect for you may begin to disappear.

The ideal option is for the man to work and bring money into the house, and the woman to take care of the house and children, but in the modern world, where girls strive to have equal rights, exceptions may be allowed. Nowadays there are quite a lot of young couples who live and work, investing equally in providing for life. Therefore, everything depends on the specific situation and you should not hang heavy labels on each other.

If you want to learn even more secrets on seducing girls, subscribe to my Instagram and my VKontakte page.

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Show small signs of attention, even if you are lazy

Do you think flowers are a waste of money, but she loves them?
Step on your own throat (women despise cheapskates) and buy a gerbera at least once a week. It costs you a hundred rubles, and she enjoys a thousand. Get used to giving small gifts for no reason, and over time the very fact of giving will bring you the same pleasure as the fact of receiving it. Small gestures include remembering—and, more realistically, writing down on her phone calendar—all the dates she deems important. The day you met, the day of your first date, the day you moved in together, the day you proposed to her, your wedding day, your children’s birthdays, her mom’s, her puppy’s, her name day, Valentine’s Day, finally. Always have some worthy gift on hand, at worst, a certificate from a perfume chain (you know how much decent perfume costs, right? $80), this will save you a lot of nerves.

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