Transferring thoughts and emotions to another person. Is it possible?

Today science is interested in such a question as the possibility of transmitting thoughts at a distance. We all know that thoughts are expressed in words and transmitted over a distance using radio, television, newspapers, books, and cinema.

The thoughts of ancient ancestors come to us in half-erased cuneiform; the treasures of libraries store thoughts accumulated over centuries. Without the transmission of thought, communication between people and the development of society would be impossible.

Transferring thoughts and emotions to another person. Is it possible?

And someone else's thought may come to mind.
Valentin Domil

  • 1.Myth or reality? 1.1.Feeling of someone else's gaze
  • 2.Experiments on the transmission of thoughts
  • 3. The appearance of thoughts
  • 4.Direct transmission of thoughts from person to person
  • 5. Our consciousness
  • 6.Transmission of thoughts by glance, touch
  • 7. So is the transfer of thoughts still possible?
  • 8. Telepathy between a man and a woman at a distance
      8.1.Features of telepathy between a man and a woman at a distance
  • 8.2. Signs of telepathy between a man and a woman
  • 8.3. How telepathy between lovers manifests itself from a scientific point of view
  • 8.4.How to develop communication at a distance?
  • 8.5. Briefly about empathy at a distance
  • 9. Summary
    • Why do you dream about a person you don’t even communicate with?
    • Why do you dream about an ex-girlfriend with whom you no longer communicate?
    • How to Overcome Barriers in Communication with Others
    • Transferring thoughts and emotions to another person. Is it possible?
    • 20 Golden Rules of Communication that will lead you to success in communication (+Bonus)

    Myth or reality?

    Feeling someone else's gaze

    While reading a book, we suddenly feel that someone is looking at us. We turn around and really see someone else’s gaze fixed on us. How were we able to sense it? If someone begins to look at us carefully, concentrates his attention, he to some extent changes his behavior: he begins to breathe differently, stops moving, his heart beats differently, etc. And, although these are very weak the signals do not reach our consciousness, they can be perceived by the brain and cause a reaction.

    We have no idea how complex perturbations occur in the body when the external environment changes. And many of them are not reflected in consciousness at all. This does not at all indicate the limitations of our consciousness or thinking. No, on the contrary. If consciousness perceived all signals, then thousands and millions of irritations would continuously interfere with our lives and disrupt the integrity of perception of the external world.

    Therefore, in the process of evolution, nature created mechanisms that turned off the flow of currently unimportant signals from the internal and external environment and retained only the most important, most significant signals and impressions. This allows a person to concentrate attention on the most important objects, that is, to concentrate.

    Thus, what we feel, but do not grasp with consciousness, is by no means something mysterious. Attempts to declare it supernatural indicate a misunderstanding of the phenomenon or a deliberate distortion of the facts.

    How to influence a person telepathically?

    In this article I will look at several ways to set up telepathic communication that I learned from different authors. And the first method belongs to Marina Sugrobova, a very interesting woman who deals with the magic of influence.

    Telepathic communication through the third eye

    You place a photograph of the desired person in front of you.

    Look very carefully for 2 minutes, practically without blinking, at the area of ​​his third eye (the hollow between the eyebrows).

    Keep a steady, focused gaze.

    After 2 minutes you will feel that your third eye is also activated.

    Next, create something like an astral pipe. How to do it?

    There is a certain energy coming from your third eye that goes in a spiral. And with such a “gimlet” it is screwed into the third eye of the person in the photograph.

    And you create this kind of energetic connection. When you have created it, established a connection between you through your third eyes, you can begin to work.

    How to send feelings?

    First you must feel love for the object within yourself, feel it. And how to put your feeling into your third eye and direct it along this spiral into the third eye of the object.

    In a similar way, you can send other good feelings: support, care. For example, if your loved one is sick, you can send them words of encouragement. If your child is in an exam, you can send him strength and confidence. You can calm your child if he is in the dentist's chair...

    You can mentally hug a person if he is far away and you really miss him.

    How to send thoughts?

    Make up in advance the attitudes and thoughts that you will convey to the person to solve your problem. Convey in the form of information and phrases.

    Experiments on transferring thoughts

    As is known, the process of excitation of living tissues is accompanied by electrical phenomena. Knowing the laws of electromagnetic induction, some scientists have suggested that the brain generates electromagnetic oscillations that propagate, like radio waves, in space and can be perceived directly by some other brain tuned into “resonance,” so to speak.

    In order to prove this, they began to conduct experiments on the transmission of thoughts in an ordinary room and in shielded chambers, the walls of which absorbed radio waves. Moreover, they made sliding screens and closed or opened them unnoticed by the persons in the cell transmitting thoughts. Such experiments showed that metal screens impaired or completely eliminated the possibility of transmitting thoughts.

    It would seem that this spoke about the electromagnetic nature of thoughts. However, the negative side of such experiments was that they, like all experiments in the transfer of thoughts in general, could not be repeated by other researchers.

    Meanwhile, the most important condition for any scientifically reliable fact is its repeatability, that is, the ability to reproduce an experiment under similar conditions. Experiments with the transfer of thoughts did not satisfy this main condition. It's hard to say yet what's going on here. Were the experimenters mistaken and, as a result of some circumstances of the experiment, received erroneous conclusions, wishful thinking.

    Or was the phenomenon itself so complex that repeated experiments did not take into account any unknown circumstances, which made it impossible to reproduce it?

    It is possible that both occurred. But be that as it may, the facts themselves raised doubts and continued to remain a mystery.

    Appearance of thoughts

    Let's try to understand some aspects of this phenomenon. First of all, let us answer the question: is it even possible for thoughts to arise that are not associated with any immediate external impression? Can thoughts appear as a result of some non-sensual impulses?

    This question has been the subject of philosophical debate going on for thousands of years. Idealists and churchmen believe that thoughts arise without any visible connection with phenomena of the external world acting on the central nervous system of a person, that the cause and source of thinking is the “divine soul.”

    Materialists argue that whatever thought arises in our brain, it is the result of certain influences of the human environment or nerve impulses entering the brain from internal organs during various disturbances in their activity.

    The entire history of the development of science exposes the fanatical inventions of churchmen and confirms the correctness of materialism. The great Russian scientist I.M. Sechenov was the first to show that thinking is based on the mechanism of a reflex - a reaction to external irritation, and the genius of I.P. Pavlov was able to reveal the mechanism of these higher forms of reflex activity and give the world the main laws of brain function. Thus, idealism was dealt a crushing blow in its main refuge; Only obscurantists who neglected scientific facts could cling to old views.

    In order not to be distracted, we will not dwell on the very complex issue of the physiological mechanisms underlying thinking. Let us only note that, although thought is a product of the work of the brain, thinking itself is also determined by the influence of the social environment in which a person lives.

    Human thinking cannot develop on its own. Even the most complex creation of nature - the human brain cannot give birth to a single thought, being left to its own devices. The brain is only an instrument of thinking, while the content of thought is given by the external environment around us.

    Instincts and some desires are not always conscious, but they reflect certain biological needs of the body. Children can sometimes be seen eating chalk; they greedily gnaw at it like sugar. This is an expression of the growing organism’s need for calcium salts necessary to build the skeleton. The reasons for such reactions are not always reflected in consciousness.

    Energy bindings

    Within the framework of the topic under discussion, it is necessary to talk about them. What is energy binding? This is a kind of love spell. But it operates on an energetic level. The effect is on the sex and heart chakras.

    The result of such a unique ritual is a reconfiguration and change in energy. As a result, a person understands that he has developed not just a heartfelt attachment to his partner, but a real addiction. He almost feels the need for his constant presence.

    There are three types of bindings:

    • Short-term. Lasts from a couple of days to several months.
    • Long lasting. They last up to several years.
    • Lifetime. Based on the name, you can understand how long they last. Neither more nor less - all life.

    Interestingly, binding is also an energy channel. But in this case we need to talk about a violation. After all, the basis of binding is dependence, which means it contradicts the main law of the universe, which states that all people are free. And the main danger of attachment is the cessation of development, degradation.

    Direct transmission of thoughts from person to person

    There have been reports in the foreign press about attempts to directly transmit thoughts from person to person. In particular, such an experience was described. The submarine sank in the open sea; there was a man in one of her cabins. When left alone, at certain hours he sat on a table on which many paper cards were scattered. On each of them one of five figures was drawn: a circle, an asterisk, a cross, three wavy lines, and a triangle.

    Looking at the cards, the person chose one. He would then place the card in an envelope and seal it with the date and time. The captain locked the envelope in the safe. Over many days of sailing, a stack of envelopes had accumulated in the safe.

    Another person was in a room in one of the buildings on the shore. There was a drawing machine with thousands of cards on which were depicted the same five figures. The machine automatically shuffled the cards and threw out one of them at a certain time. The man took the card and looked at it carefully, as if trying to convey a thought about it to another person aboard the submerged submarine. He would then seal the card in an envelope, write the date and time on it, and give it to other people, who would lock the envelope in a safe.

    When the boat returned from the voyage, a special commission laid out the envelopes so that next to them were those marked with the same date and hour, and then opened them and compared the cards. It turned out that in 70 percent of cases the figures on the cards from the corresponding envelopes were the same. This made it possible to draw an astonishing, albeit unlikely, conclusion: across a long distance and thickness of water, the thought of one person was transmitted to another without any auxiliary means!

    Upon learning of this, the military became alarmed. In fact, messages and commands can be transmitted in this way. According to the theory of probability, with five different signs, a random coincidence is only possible by 20 percent; therefore, 70 percent of the matches could not have occurred by chance. Such comparative accuracy of matches is sufficient to convey any information using such conventional signs. How important this is! After all, with all other methods of transmission, information can be intercepted and decrypted.

    But is such a simple and amazing transfer of thoughts possible? After all, if this is so, then why did humanity need to use signal fires, carrier pigeons, and invent the telegraph, telephone, and radio? All this somehow does not fit with the sensational report about experiments on a submarine.

    Opinions were divided. Some believed that this method of transmitting thoughts was a hoax, others believed in it and gave numerous examples of premonitions, coincidence of thoughts and actions among people located at a great distance from each other; they also referred to various everyday facts, cases described in literature, opinions of writers, scientists, etc.

    There are no words, such facts are described. However, the situation in which they arose, and often their very content, deprived all these facts of scientific reliability. Moreover, messages of this kind were usually disseminated and disseminated by all kinds of obscurantists to prove “communication of souls,” “divine revelation,” etc.

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    WikiReference: Telepathy is a hypothetical ability of the brain that does not have reliable experimental evidence to transmit thoughts, images, feelings and unconscious states to another brain or organism at a distance, or receive them from it, without the use of any known means of communication or manipulation.

    Naturally, real scientists and serious people in general dismiss such messages in the same way as fairy tales about goblins and brownies. In science, the final judge is only experiment, experience. And similar experiments have been repeatedly undertaken in different countries. If we exclude the numerous hoaxes of charlatans like spiritualists, etc., then not many studies have been carried out that fully meet the conditions of a scientific experiment.

    What do you need to know to influence telepathically?

    In this section of the article about telepathy, I will give the basic concepts that you need to understand before starting your telepathic experiments.

    And the first concept is a phantom, or the image of a person.

    Very important when establishing a telepathic connection is the ability to “summon”, to present an almost living image of the person to whom you want to convey information.

    How to summon a phantom person?

    I hope the word phantom doesn’t scare you, and if so, I hasten to reassure you. After all, throughout the day you constantly unconsciously evoke phantoms of different people. Just do it when you think about them and remember what they look like.

    The first and most natural way given to us by nature is the usual mental image of a person.

    You need to very clearly and colorfully imagine this person in front of you, on your mental screen.

    Imagine a person’s face, his eyes looking at you, his smile or other facial expression; a person’s body, his height relative to yours, his characteristic movements or even words.

    The second way that can make your work easier is to take a photograph of this person and, looking at it, “revive” the phantom.

    In both the first and second cases, it is important to achieve the feeling that the image is alive . You must literally see the image move, this could be a slight movement of his eyes, facial expressions, scratching the back of his head, or his characteristic tucking of hair behind his ears... anything that will allow your image to come to life.

    If, when you revive the image, you feel a little uneasy because you are no longer alone in the room... and the person you imagine appears there, then you did everything right.

    Your intuition, your instinct, will tell you that the image has been summoned. Trust yourself.

    The nature of thoughts

    An important basis for understanding telepathy is the actual understanding of what thoughts are and their nature.

    I have already written an article about the nature of thoughts, read it for a deeper understanding: 27 theses on the nature of human thought.

    And below I will indicate the main characteristics of thought , mental energy:

    1. Thought has no physical barriers.
    2. Distance from another person does not matter.
    3. Thoughts spread instantly to any distance.

    Altered state of consciousness

    Of course, as you might have guessed, in the normal, everyday state of your consciousness, your telepathic influence will be minimal.

    It will be, yes, because it is natural, but the transmitted information will not be so clearly and clearly transmitted to the person on the other end of the line.

    Therefore, before starting work, you should relax thoroughly and tune in to communication.

    You can do this by simply immersing yourself in the alpha level; I have written about ways to relax more than once; look for exercises in the articles:

    Learning to visualize - practice and exercises for those who can’t do it

    How to make a wish come true faster or alpha and theta brain waves

    How can relaxation help you make your wishes come true?

    In this video I talk about a simple way to reach the alpha level.

    Your thoughts should calm down, and there should be absolute calm in your mind.

    After you have calmed down, relaxed, got rid of the endless stream of thoughts, and found peace of mind, get to work.

    I will describe below how to transmit information telepathically. But first, figure out what exactly you will be transmitting.

    Our consciousness

    The work of academicians K. M. Bykov, V. N. Chernigovsky and their employees has proven that our internal organs send many nerve impulses to the brain. These signals reach the higher parts of the brain, but are usually not reflected in our consciousness. However, this only happens as long as the internal organs are healthy.

    As soon as the disease occurs, that is, as soon as the signals from the internal organs acquire greater strength, the person begins to feel them. He senses a diseased liver, heart or kidneys.

    These facts show that there is no impassable gap between what we are aware of and what we are not aware of. Some processes may seem to disappear from consciousness. Anyone who has ridden a bicycle for the first time knows what efforts, attention and will are required at first to maintain balance.

    And then, when the skills have already been acquired, these actions are performed automatically, and the person no longer thinks about what movements need to be made to maintain balance. This activity takes place outside of consciousness. A person who knows how to ride a bicycle does not think about signals that carry information about a change in the position of the center of gravity and an imbalance. The developed conditioned reflexes continue to be carried out without control of creation.

    The reason for the emergence of such automatic skills is clear to the person himself - the cyclist remembers how he learned to ride. But it happens that some conditioned reflexes can arise under the influence of signals that from the very beginning remained beyond the threshold of consciousness. As an example, let's give an interesting experience.

    The man was in Pavlov’s “tower of silence,” isolated from the outside world. No random sound, light, or smell could penetrate there. The man held his hand on the electrodes. As soon as current was passed through them, he pulled his hand away because he felt pain. Each time, before turning on the current in the chamber, a special apparatus produced a very weak sound - so weak that the person was not aware of it, and it seemed to him that there was silence in the chamber. After a series of combinations of “inaudible” sound and current, they began to turn on only the sound, without reinforcing it with current. And the person had the same reaction as when exposed to electric current!

    This experience can serve as a clear example of the so-called premonition. A number of weak signals, unnoticed by us, can cause the appearance of certain reactions; however, their reasons for the person himself remain unclear.

    Transmitting thoughts with a glance, touch

    The activity of the brain is more complex and broader than our consciousness. Consciousness is the result of the work of some group of nerve cells that are most intensely active at the moment. This group is not constant: new and new cells are constantly switched on and off. However, even in cells that are switched off from intensive work, certain processes continue that are not directly reflected in consciousness. But these cells will instantly convey vital signals to our consciousness.

    It is clear that the emergence of thoughts is possible under the influence of certain influences that themselves remain unnoticed. But they may ask the question: aren’t experiments with “thought transfer” something unusual that cannot yet be explained by science? After all, artists with amazing experiences perform on the stage. In a crowded room, spectators come up with problems, write them on paper and hand them over to the jury.

    The artist is behind the stage at this time, then he is brought onto the stage and one of the spectators who came up with the task is invited there. The viewer takes the artist by the hand and he, concentrating, begins to perform the task. The only form of communication between the viewer and the artist is at this time the viewer’s hand tightly squeezing the artist’s hand.

    Sometimes they don’t even do this - the viewer is simply next to the artist. How does the artist know what he has planned? It must be immediately emphasized that these experiments have nothing to do with the topic to which this article is devoted, because what is happening here is not the transmission, but the guessing of thoughts.

    This process is reminiscent of the common children's game of “quiet music”. One of the players goes out the door, while the others hide an object. When the child starts searching, someone is playing a musical instrument. If the seeker approaches the object, the music intensifies; when he moves away from the object, the music becomes quiet or stops completely. Guided by the strength of the sound, the seeker eventually finds the object and carries out the intended order.

    The artist guesses the task in approximately the same way, with the only difference that the signal for him is the reaction of the viewer who conceived the wish. Without noticing it, the person squeezes the artist’s hand with varying strength and the more strongly, the more the artist’s action resembles the condition of the task. You can use other audience reactions as well.

    An artist who has trained for a long time easily picks up any reaction and navigates it. You don't need any supernatural sense to do this. After training, each of us is able to perceive impressions that previously went unnoticed. It is known how sensitively blind people feel sounds, how finely developed their sense of touch and smell is.

    So is the transfer of thoughts still possible?

    Thus, science cannot yet answer the question about the possibility of transmitting thoughts. Scientists are working on this now. It is possible that some new, hitherto unknown phenomena will be revealed to us. After all, quite recently, amazing things were discovered. The ability of ultrasonic location in bats, the secrets of the mysterious “dance of bees”, with the help of which the insect transmits to its fellow hive members precise information about the location of the flower field.

    It is possible that the described facts of thought transmission reveal some ability of the human body to use natural phenomena that we have not yet studied. Perhaps this form of communication is a “relic” - a legacy of past times, lost by most people as an unnecessary form of communication, as more advanced ways of communicating between people - word and speech - appeared and developed.

    Only future research can answer all these questions. If these phenomena and facts exist at all, then they cannot have anything in common with mysticism, idealism and clericalism. The Church has always tried to exploit ignorance and take advantage of the difficulties that arose in the study of nature.


    The explanation of any names in esotericism often comes down to bringing the terms into one conceptual segment. Everyone puts their own meaning into the word. The term "telepathy" is no exception. Both telepathy and intuition, as well as clairvoyance, claircognizance and many other terms, to a certain extent, can be used interchangeably. By comprehending esoteric knowledge, you gradually come to your own understanding of the processes of existence, while you probably will not even be able to explain this understanding in words to another person.

    We hope that the opportunity to have real Soul-to-Soul conversations will soon become available to a large number of people again. We make every effort to achieve this goal.

    Telepathy between a man and a woman at a distance

    This is a special connection that allows lovers to feel each other’s emotions, experiences, and fears. Every person has felt a mental connection at least once in their life. Telepathy can occur between friends, relatives, and comrades. The strongest bond is usually that between partners in love.

    Features of telepathy between a man and a woman at a distance

    When a man and a woman fall in love, they begin to be filled with euphoria, happiness, and lightness. At this stage, a mental connection is born. Many lovers have noticed how they feel when their loved one calls, writes or comes. Some people sense from a distance that their partner is sad or worried about something. This occurs due to the energy exchange that occurs between a man and a woman. Initially it starts at the physical level, but then moves to the emotional level. A mental connection between people in love may not arise immediately, but only after the relationship moves to a level of trust, when the partners understand each other’s value and know how to accept their loved one with all the advantages and disadvantages. In a good, trusting relationship, a man and women feel each other at a distance, they can determine when the partner is feeling bad and at what moments he needs to be supported, even if outwardly he behaves in the usual way.

    Signs of telepathy between a man and a woman

    It is not so difficult to understand that a mental connection has arisen between love partners. Signs of telepathy:

    • One of the partners suddenly remembers the other for no good reason. For example, when he is busy and his head is filled with other problems. At such moments, the brain of a loved one sends subconscious telepathic signals.
    • Lovers feel each other's mood on an emotional level, even if outwardly they look calm and unexcited. Close people will always be able to feel that their loved one is sad, worried or thinking about something.
    • Even at a distance, partners feel that one of them is in danger or that someone will find themselves in a difficult situation.
    • Lovers can sense each other's poor physical condition from a distance.
    • During difficult periods, partners feel protected. This is due to the influence of the aura of mutual love.
    • Partners feel when they especially need each other, so they can foretell calls and messages from a loved one.
    • A person can often see dreams in which his significant other asks for something or talks about his love, dreams of meeting.


    It is believed that women are more prone to energy exchange, so they can more sensitively sense the thoughts and state of their partner from a distance.

    How telepathy between lovers manifests itself from a scientific point of view

    Scientists have different views on telepathic phenomena between men and women. Some are skeptical about it, considering it an invention of charlatans. Others argue that there is an energetic connection between all close people that helps them feel each other. As a result of the research, scientists were able to find out how telepathy manifests itself between lovers:

    • Even if people live in different cities, they feel each other, know what their loved one is doing at the moment, what their mood and sense of self are.
    • As soon as a person remembers his soulmate, he immediately receives a call or message.
    • When communicating, a man and a woman in love may often say the same phrases at the same time or want to listen to the same music/watch the same movie.

    Partners in a relationship almost always know what state their significant other is in, what they are thinking about and what they would like to do at that moment.

    How to develop a connection over a distance?

    There is no clear algorithm that will help build a mental connection between people in love. Each case is individual. For some, an energetic connection develops immediately after the onset of love. Someone begins to feel each other only after trust appears in the relationship. Many psychologists argue that for telepathy to occur, the union of a man and a woman must meet certain requirements:

    • They must respect each other and accept each other as they are.
    • Partners should show empathy, be bright and understanding people.
    • A man and a woman should be able to listen to each other.

    Psychologists say that most often a mental connection occurs suddenly and involuntarily. That is, there is no clear setting that will lead to telepathic communication with a partner. Important! If everything is good in a relationship, over time people will feel each other on their own without any outside help. However, mental connection can also be developed if you use psychological practices and exercises.

    Briefly about empathy at a distance

    Telepathic communication between people in love is a real phenomenon that has been experienced by many men and women. Telepathy helps you feel your partner’s mood, his experiences, and fears. It also makes it clear that a person is in danger. This phenomenon most often appears in an involuntary manner. But if desired, the mental connection can be developed with the help of special exercises.

    Features of the formation of a mental connection

    Life practice shows that often a mental connection is formed between close people: parents and children, husband and wife, relatives, lovers, close friends.

    In this regard, two explanations for the emergence of a mental connection can be distinguished:

    1. According to science, spending long periods of time together helps synchronize brain activity in loved ones;
    2. according to esotericism, the energy fields of people come into contact with each other. And what can we say about close people (especially those living side by side), whose biofields simply penetrate each other, facilitating the every second exchange of energy and information. So, clairvoyants see this kind of “connection” as silver threads stretched to each other’s chakras;
    3. and, if we talk about people who do not know each other at all (for example, scientists), then the main “unifying factor” here is the general mental plan of the Universe, where the mental bodies of people can not only draw the ideas they need, but also come into contact with each other.
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