What is the difference between a friend and a friend? How to figure out who is a friend and who is a friend?

  • September 21, 2018
  • Psychology of relationships
  • Ahi Svetlana

Each of us has friends. Most of them are good, sympathetic people, but at times there is a feeling that they are strangers to us. At such moments, you think about your surroundings: who are they - friends or just comrades? People say: you can open your soul to a friend, but to a friend you can only open the doors of your home. But in reality everything is much more complicated. Let's figure out the difference between each other and a friend.


Many friends are identified with loved ones who are always ready to help in difficult times. However, this alone is not enough. A true friend must have special qualities that are not manifested in relationships with other people. Psychologists offer basic criteria that help identify true friends among many acquaintances. So what is a friend?

1. This is a devoted and reliable person who knows how to keep secrets and does not spread rumors and gossip behind your back.

2. There is no falsehood in a relationship with him; Honesty and trust are the key points of friendship.

3. This is a person who is ready to listen and knows how to forgive.

4. He shows respect and knows how to empathize.

5. This is a person who knows how to show care and provide support when it is needed.

Conclusions TheDifference.ru

  1. A friend is a person with whom there is a certain inner closeness, in whose support you can be one hundred percent sure. Friendship is simply a good acquaintance and pleasure from communicating with a person.
  2. You can trust a friend with all your feelings and experiences, but with a friend you don’t touch on too deep topics.
  3. Friendship implies long-term acquaintance and regular communication, while a friend is a recent acquaintance who periodically appears in your life.
  4. There is only one true friend, sometimes several. There can be many friends in life.
  5. A friend is open to selfless moral support and empathy and is not capable of meanness and betrayal, which cannot be said about a friend.

How does friendship happen?

Usually, no special circumstances are required for this; everything happens spontaneously. Often the emergence of friendly relations is facilitated by a common team. The question “who is a friend” does not arise until the moment “x”, when a person must show the qualities of a friend. That's when friendships are tested for strength.

Most friends appear during school and student years. This is the time when we exist in an environment conducive to the emergence of friendships. Here it is not so difficult to comply with the conditions conducive to the formation of strong friendships. Namely:

1. Proximity.

2. Meetings of a regular nature.

3. The opportunity to relax in front of another person, try to trust him.

Therefore, many have friends from school and university days, friendship with whom has stood the test of time. Some of them successfully fell into the “best friends” category. In school and college life, we don't make much effort to make friends. Everything happens by itself. But when the school years end, real friendships become harder to build. Adults occupy certain places in life, and they do not have so much free time to spend on another person. That’s when the question arises: “What is the difference between a friend and a friend?” How do you understand who you can rely on and who you should be careful with in personal matters?

Main differences


A buddy will always tell you that you're doing well, whereas a friend will give honest feedback. Only someone who sincerely cares about you would dare to say that you are wasting your life on the wrong girl. And the friend will prefer not to interfere, so as not to become “extreme” later.

Feeling like you're always close

Only a true friend will understand when you call him to express your pain after several months of silence. Friends and acquaintances are people with whom you need to constantly keep in touch so that communication is not interrupted.

A friend is someone with whom you don’t need to chat every evening, but you know for sure that this person is in your life and in difficult times he will always lend a shoulder.

Genuine concern

If you are going through a difficult period in your life, your acquaintances will limit themselves to asking how you are and forget about you when you routinely answer that everything is fine. But real friends understand when something is wrong with you and are guided not by your words, but by your condition.

Therefore, the one who comes in the evening with a bottle of beer or wine after a hard day at work, just to sit next to you and listen, is a friend. When asked to meet, a friend will most likely brush it off, saying that he is busy with other things.


Only true friends can afford to give advice and even insist on a specific course of action. Ordinary acquaintances are afraid to take on such responsibility and limit themselves to sympathetic phrases.

For any party

If you invite friends to a party, they will definitely ask who else will be present and who is related to whom. And only real friends don’t care who else you invited, they are always ready to have fun with you.


If a friend hears people talking badly about you behind your back, the most he will do is not enter into a discussion and will not discuss you with the gossipers. And your friend will not tolerate such conversations and will definitely stand up for you, not allowing anyone to talk negatively about you in his presence.


When deciding to start a new business or change jobs, be prepared that most people around you will start buying, frightening you with negative consequences. And the one who supports you and says that everything will definitely work out for you is a true friend. At the same time, he can also warn about possible difficulties and ask you to think about everything again. But he will do this in order to support you and protect you from mistakes, while others may simply be jealous of your courage.

funny memories

Friends remember most of the funny incidents that you got into together, and also know your favorite jokes. And friends are unlikely to remember episodes that happened several months ago, because for them they did not have much meaning.

Possibility to call at any time

If you feel bad, need help, advice or support, you can call one of your friends. But it’s exactly who you choose that shows who plays what role in your life, because you won’t be embarrassed to call your friends at 3 a.m., and it will be inconvenient to disturb your friends and good acquaintances at such a late time.

Keeping secrets

A true friend will never tell anyone about what you shared with him, whereas in friends you cannot be 100% sure. Sharing a secret and seeing how much it will spread is a great way to test the reliability of the people around you.

Indication of errors

Only a true friend will constantly point out mistakes and warn against new ones. Even if he says the same thing, it doesn't stop him.

And acquaintances will not do this, so as not to spoil the relationship. It is much easier to say that everything is fine than to point out a mistake and risk the relationship.

Response services

Having asked for help, a friend will do everything not to remain in debt, since he will consider himself obligated to you. And your friends won’t remind you of anything or bill you, even if it was you who helped them, and not they you.

Knowledge of the intricacies of personal life

Acquaintances do not delve into all the details of your relationship, so they may not remember some moments. And your friend is always aware of what happened and when, and sometimes remembers some nuances even better than you yourself.


Every person has obsessions that he prefers to hide so as not to seem strange to others. And this is right, because most of those around you will react negatively to your strange ideas, while your friends will simply turn everything into a joke, relieving the tension.

Repeating stories

Not everyone is ready to listen again and again to the story of meeting your future wife, while you are ready to talk about it forever. Irritation from repeated stories will be an excellent marker of people's attitudes.

Soul mates

Communication with acquaintances works best when you are in a large group and do not discuss anything too personally. And true friendship is like moving to a new level, when you understand each other perfectly and do not feel discomfort, even if you just remain silent.

Joy for you

For example, if you decide to get married, your friend will most likely be happy not only for you, but also for the opportunity to walk at the wedding. And the friend looks deeper. Of course, he will also be happy for you, but he will also be excited and will do everything to make the event perfect.


The attitude of people is better known in joy than in grief, because it is easier to sympathize with a person than to be happy for him. Therefore, there may be envy on the part of your friends at the moments of your triumph, while your friends will be sincerely happy, as they wish you the best.


These people surround us every day. We have fun with them, talk about various topics, invite them to visit and visit them ourselves. But unlike a friend, a friend doesn’t owe us anything. He is not ready to help or support in difficult times. And there is not always a desire to ask him for anything. Somewhere on a subconscious level we feel that this is “not our person”, so we cannot trust him with our innermost, personal things. And we are ready to ask a friend for support, understanding, sympathy, and participation. We can say that a friend has certain responsibilities: he owes us, and we owe him.

Origin of the word

In the vast expanses of Ancient Rus', the noun “comrade” appeared quite a long time ago. This name arose from the Turkic word tavar, which translates as “goods” (sometimes livestock or other property).

It is believed that merchants who specialized in trading one type of product were originally called comrades. However, why the etymology subsequently underwent such dramatic changes is unknown.

There is also a feminine form for the word “comrade” - this is “tovarka”. In the 19th century it was actively used in speech. However, in modern language this noun is practically not used.

The main thing is not to make mistakes

How to figure out who is a friend and who is a friend? You need to know the distinctive features of each.


1. This person is more than an ordinary acquaintance, but less than a close friend. In a relationship with him, the necessary amount of trust and intimacy is not present.

2. I want to spend free time with him, talk about various topics.

3. My friend and I have many common interests; even our life goals often intersect.

4. But we do not risk entrusting the secret to him: there is always a doubt that our secret will not be told to others.

5. When there is a silent pause in a conversation with him, you feel discomfort - you start saying anything to break this silence.

6. You often want to take a break from such a person.

7. You can turn to him for help, but you don’t want to.

Friendship appears to us as something sublime, unearthly. What is the difference between a friend and a friend? Basic moments:

1. A friend is like a brother or sister to us. There is always a feeling that he is “one of our own.”

2. First of all, he wants to tell about what happened or tell him about his future plans.

3. It’s nice to be silent with him without feeling awkward.

4. The peculiarities of his character do not irritate us; We behave naturally with him.

Everyone knows that true friendship stands the test of time. If after a while we feel the need for another person, we understand that he values ​​us and loves us, then we are dealing with friendship. This is the difference between a friend and a friend.


A friend is a person whom you know well, have common topics of conversation, he works or studies with you, or goes to the gym or yoga together. This could be a colleague, classmate, classmate. Communication occurs superficially; out of necessity, one should expect help from him only if it is beneficial for him or if it is required by the norms of behavior in society. That is, they become comrades due to some external situations .

For you, he is just an acquaintance, you do not feel trusting feelings towards him, do not share secrets or experiences.

Male and female friendship

Psychology experts say: a man and a woman can be friends. But such relationships are rare. A man often pretends to be a woman's friend, but in reality has other intentions.

Having found out who a buddy and a friend are, what is the difference between these concepts, we will figure out whether real female friendship is possible. Psychologists say yes. But it has its own characteristics. There are situations when friendship between women is impossible. Little girls and adult married women with a stable family situation can truly be friends with each other.

Friends are needed; they can tell a lot about us. It’s not for nothing that there is a saying: “tell me who your friend is, and I’ll tell you who you are.”

The history of this meaning

The tradition of using this word as a form of address arose after the French Revolution. After the overthrow of the monarchy and the conversion of France into a republic, it became necessary to use a general address to all citizens in order to emphasize their equality. The original word was “citoyen”, but this was not considered “revolutionary” enough and was changed to camarade (comrade) in 1790.

Thanks to the light hand of the French, the word became popular in anti-monarchist circles. Thus, most anarchist, communist, socialist and even social democratic organizations of the 19th century. began to use it as a form of address between its members.

After the communists came to power in the Russian Empire, it acquired official status. By the way, in Nazi Germany a similar address was used: Parteigenosse (party comrade).

After the collapse of the USSR, the address “comrade” was gradually abolished in the CIS countries. In the Russian Federation today, “citizen” or “mister” is used instead; and in Ukraine - “hulk”, “pan”.


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  • FRIEND - FRIEND, friends. female to buddy. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary
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First, let's look at the concepts in the concept of interpersonal relationships. A person experiences a great sense of affection for a friend; he constantly needs communication and interaction with him. Such relationships are built on mutual sympathy, trust, and understanding. Friends have similar interests and views on life, they are frank and sincere towards a loved one, and are always ready to lend a helping hand.

People don’t feel much affection for a friend. In most cases, they are united not by common interests, but by random factors that bring them together. This could be working in the same team, living next door, visiting a fitness club together, etc. That is, they become friends due to some circumstances. A friend is acquired by one's own free will. Comrades do not always have similar interests; they are in no hurry to share personal information with each other, open up and pour out their souls. There is no high level of trust and mutual understanding between people. This difference between friend and comrade is considered fundamental.

It is worth noting that the first concept does not imply any clarifying definitions. The word “friend” in itself is very capacious and significant. Whereas the use of the second term is often accompanied by various clarifications. A comrade in the shop, in service, in arms, in misfortune - there are enough examples. And finally, there are never too many friends. As a rule, only a couple of people from our environment are awarded this title. These are people who have earned trust through their actions. As for comrades, their number can be in the dozens. It is enough to maintain good friendly relations with a person to classify him into this category.

A comparative table will help to summarize the above and conclude what is the difference between a friend and a comrade.



Comprehension of the meaning of a word almost always consists of two steps: first, understanding the meaning, and second, mastering similar words. This time we will not deviate from the proven scheme. So, the list of synonyms is as follows:

  • familiar;
  • Friend;
  • sidekick;
  • corefan;
  • old man.

The list is a little strange, because any person who has not even plunged into the linguistic depths and analyzed linguistic delights knows: a friend is not a friend. Yes that's right. But language, on the one hand, is an education plus or minus objective, and on the other hand, deeply subjective. Friend, as a concept, can be extremely broad, or it can also be narrow. Depending on who the person is talking to. To an outsider, everyone you say hello to in a given situation is your friend. When the person himself divides people into groups, the situation may be different. However, we need examples to clarify.

Comparison and how they differ

CommunicationDaily communication.Of necessity.They call each other less frequently than friends.
FeedbackThey are always honest with you, straightforward and will tell you if you have deviated from your path.You know each other, but not enough to count on a sincere conversation.I am ready to praise or give a compliment in any case. But not always, it's sincere.
If you or you have been invited somewhereA friend will go with you because he has a good time with you and has fun.

he will not ask about the status of the event.

Any relationship is work . They exist until the moment you work on them, invest your time, attention and interest. In the case when a person stops communicating, no matter with whom it happens - a friend, comrade or acquaintance - the relationship naturally ends. Communicate, develop, help each other - thanks to this, you will not be alone, and there will always be supporters and like-minded people for your prosperous environment.



A friend is a person connected with someone by close, trusting relationships and sympathy built on mutual understanding. By this term, Aristotle figuratively understood “one soul living in two bodies.” The prerequisites for friendship are reciprocity, patience and trust. Prerequisites for the formation of close relationships are also frankness, unselfishness and sincerity, common hobbies and interests, a similar value system, etc. For many centuries, friendship has remained the most important factor in maintaining personal stability.


A comrade is a person associated with someone through common activities, living conditions and other related factors. In the Soviet Union, this word was used as an official address in a revolutionary and anti-monarchist environment. It emphasized the solidarity and mutual trust of ideological like-minded people. By the way, there are many versions of the origin of the word. The most popular of them says that the term comes from the Turkic tauar (meaning “goods”). In Rus', traveling merchants called themselves comrades. However, only people selling goods of the same category were included in the definition.

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