Japanese technique against laziness “KAIZEN” or the 1 minute principle

“From Monday I will start a new life, I will go to the gym, do yoga, do self-massage, pump up my abs...” - each of us periodically sets some goals for ourselves and does not achieve them, postpones them to the next month, several months, a year .
Isn’t it because this happens because we want a lot at once and plans fall on us like a heavy burden, preventing us from doing even the smallest thing in the end. Sometimes we zealously begin to carry out our plans, but after working out, for example, 3 times a week in the gym for several hours, we give up classes for a long time. Why is this happening? Because the load is heavy, because it gets boring, and the habit has not yet been developed.

What is it?

This practice is called kaizen, which translates from Japanese as “continuous improvement.” Masaaki Imai gave it to the world, believing that humanity would be able to achieve the desired results not only in business, work, but also in personal life.

This is a great way to get rid of laziness. Because, as the name suggests, any task should only take one minute a day. Is there any point in putting off something that can be done in 60 seconds? I think no.

Therefore, the psyche does not resist, does not build barriers of defense in the form of excuses, ailments, and other things. There is no point in wasting resources if the task is easy to complete and it is easier to complete it than to try to get around it. Really, right?

With the help of kaizen, you can learn English, Chinese, pump up your abs and biceps, get closer to your loved one, and many other things that you wanted, but never worked out.

It will be especially useful for people who are afraid of radical changes. Yes, to get down from a cliff, it will be faster to “jump” with a parachute. But not many will dare to do this, and not everyone’s health will allow it.

And if you gradually, step by step, step by step along the path, then you can not only surely achieve the goal, but also enjoy the process, realize something along the way. Ultimately, choose your walking style.

Despite its practicality and effectiveness, this technique also has its skeptics. Those who believe that you need to give it your all if you want to become successful. On the one hand, they are right.

But on the other hand, not everyone is capable of increased loads and complex processes of self-development. And a person does not always get what he wants in the end, but sometimes he wastes his resources until the body is completely exhausted.

What does not happen with the Kaisden approach. You won't have to sacrifice anything, overcome yourself, etc. Just one minute, and self-esteem is increased, there is no guilt for the discrepancy between intentions and actions, and as a pleasant bonus - the implementation of plans in the end.


These same “5S” can be adjusted to any aspect of life. For example, you want to start leading a healthy lifestyle.

The first "S".

You sit down, divide the piece of paper into two parts and write down everything that bothers you in one column, and everything that helps you in the second.

Second "S".

After identifying all the positive and negative aspects, you make yourself a schedule in which you include everything useful (a walk in the park, going for a walk at lunch, etc., etc.). In addition to creating a “health schedule,” you can simply make a list of things you should start doing. For example, make a schedule for yourself to reduce your intake of junk food to a minimum and gradually introduce healthy foods into your daily diet. This must be done gradually, otherwise the body, and behind it the willpower, will simply rebel, demanding a dose of sugar and simple carbohydrates to which it is accustomed.

Third "S".

To be honest, it’s difficult for me to draw an analogue to this S, but if I were doing this for myself, I would simply include this item as “Cleaning”. Keeping it clean and tidy is very important no matter what you try to do. This applies to work and just life. Because in a cluttered room a person loses strength and the necessary mood. In addition, cleaning can be turned into an initial stage of physical exercise or made into a meditative process, when you need to focus exclusively on physical actions and completely clear your head of thoughts.

Fourth "S".

Now it's time to turn all the changes into a system. Just stick to the schedule you created and it will become your usual way of life.

Fifth "S".

Look after yourself and get rid of temptations to return to your old, easier life. At first, a healthy lifestyle is not easy, because there are so many temptations around that it is difficult to resist. And improve by finding more and more new ways to make your life better.

After reading a huge amount of material, I realized that the Kaizen system can be adjusted to anything. The main thing is to follow the basic rules - get rid of unnecessary things, build a system and constantly improve it!


The task is simple - determine where exactly you want to achieve the desired results. Then make a plan, structure and allocate just one minute a day to work.

For example, do you want to learn English? Memorize one word a day, this will be enough to, say, in a year, find out that you know 365 new words. Surely this is much better than tormenting yourself with long exercises every few months, when you muster all your will into a fist? As a result, we got completely different numbers, much less than with the kaizen approach.

You can even set a timer for 60 seconds and get to work. Gradually, but imperceptibly, that is, without loss of energy and physical resources, you will reach your goal.

By the way, if you don’t know how to create a self-education plan, click here.


Very often a person simply lacks the motivation to do everything on time and on time. If you tell your relatives, colleagues, bosses or friends about your plans, it will not be very convenient not to complete the work. In this case, you will look like an irresponsible person. And if someone knows about your plans, you will not be able to ignore the task. You will have to do even the work that you would happily leave for later. However, this method may not always be effective. Let's say you're a relatively secretive person and don't want anyone to know about your plans. Then you can trust the computer. Put a due date on your calendar and set a reminder for how much time you have left. You won't forget what needs to be done, and you won't change your schedule to reschedule things because of unfinished work.

Physical exercise

Some people mistakenly believe that time spent on exercise is wasted time. It could be used for work and you could actually get a lot done in that half hour. In fact, thirty minutes can be key to improving your productivity for the day. Start your morning with a warm-up, get your whole body working, and give it the opportunity to finally wake up. Then your productivity will not only not decrease, it will increase significantly, and you will have time to do everything you planned.

Where is the exit

The Japanese philosophy of Kaizen, which literally means “continuous improvement” in Japanese, can come to the rescue. The word itself is translated as follows: “kai” means change, and “zen” means wisdom. That is, it is assumed that these should be changes in life, but not spontaneous, but wise, caused by long reflection or rich life experience.

For the most part, this philosophy, or practice, initially focused more on improving production processes or supporting processes in business and its management. If it was necessary to optimize production, the entire staff was replaced - from a simple worker to the general manager or even the director of the plant.

In business, such continuous improvement can affect not only the production itself, but even the management of the enterprise. The goal of kaizen practice is to improve production by changing standards so that there is no loss. In Japan itself, this philosophy was first applied after World War II in a number of Japanese companies (including Toyota) to speed up the restoration of destroyed production.

However, both the term “kaizen” and the very idea of ​​philosophy spread throughout the world after the Japanese philosopher Masaaki Imai in 1986 outlined this idea in detail in his book of the same name, “Kaizen”. He explained that such a philosophy means the orientation of all life (work, public and private) towards constant improvement.

Why is this happening

It is impossible to answer such a question unequivocally. Someone from childhood was not a particularly purposeful person, because others always decided everything for him, someone is so tired of life that they no longer have the strength to change anything. For a Russian person, the excuse is always “mother laziness.” But psychologists tend to explain this by saying that a person is not motivated enough to change something, which means that he does not develop a habit.

To start doing anything on a regular basis, you need to develop a habit. But in order to form it for a long time, you need at least 21 days. At maximum, it will take 90 days for this to become a habit forever.

It's worth starting with something small. Young people who are just starting out in life, when they still have a lot of strength, when hormones are raging in the blood, do not allow them to stop halfway, much less turn away from the chosen path.

Over time, a person’s life becomes more and more measured, many habits are already developed, certain tastes are formed, and it becomes more and more difficult to change anything. And if you suddenly want everything at once and more, you don’t have the willpower to overcome the existing stereotypes. Even if you start to do what you have planned, it turns out that the load is very heavy, everything quickly gets boring, and the habit has not yet formed.

What is the 1 Minute Rule?

The rule concerns the recording of driving time by a tachograph. The tachograph that was produced between 2006 and 2011, or the first generation tachograph, recorded every minute as driving time if there were at least 5 seconds of driving time in that minute . Also, a minute was recorded as riding time even if after a minute of riding time the entire subsequent minute was rest time (or some other activity), but that minute of rest time was followed by a minute that was recorded as riding time (see Example 1). For example, when driving in traffic jams or with traffic lights, our drivers noticed this most often. Minutes of driving time were added from nowhere!

Example 1: Real action (red line - driving time with speed graph).

The first generation digital tachograph records actions accordingly:

The example given explains that the older generation digital tachograph recorded 70 seconds of actual driving as a full four minutes of driving time!

Second-generation tachographs manufactured from October 2011 have the following setting: the most continuous continuous action that lasted the longest during that minute is recorded as the action for that entire minute. The rule applies separately for each minute. After a minute has elapsed (digital tachograph clock), the tachograph analyzes the completed minute. Finds the longest continuous action there and names it for a whole minute by this action. For example, if there were 31 seconds of continuous rest time in a minute and the rest of the time was driving time, then the longest lasting activity was the rest time, hence the tachograph would record that entire minute as rest time.

Example 2: A second generation digital tachograph with the 1 Minute Rule records actions accordingly:

Based on the examples presented, the same situation with different tachographs created 3-minute difference.

The change in setting provided the opportunity to leave the driver more driving time per day, week, cumulative accounting for two weeks, per month, year... In the end the numbers are large, and since time and kilometers are the most important thing in this world, this change had a positive impact overall to transport companies.

Real benefits for the company and the driver

Something must now click in the entrepreneur's head. Those who will benefit most from second-generation tachographs are those who replace their old tachographs with new ones. Thanks to the “1 Minute Rule” capabilities, this tachograph will pay for itself, and this is due to the freeing up of driving time resource. With it you will simply travel further or further. For example, if you replace an older generation Stoneridge digital tachograph with a new one, since that is where the most significant difference for the user is. In addition to the “1 Minute Rule”, the tachograph has a planning system and a very simple ability to manually plot rest times on the map, and data loading is many times faster. This greatly improves efficiency and keeps the driver happy .

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