Basic methods of psychological research: classification and brief description

Psychology, like any other science, has its own research methods. They are the ones that students need to use in their coursework and dissertations.

What research methods are used in psychology? We will talk about this in detail in the article. Read and you will become familiar with the main research methods in psychology and their characteristics.

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Methods of psychological research: what is it?

Before we begin to classify methods of psychological research, let's figure out what they are and what criteria they must meet.

Methods of psychological research in psychology are techniques and means that allow students or scientists to obtain factual data and reliable indicators. And on their basis, put forward theories, look for real evidence and develop effective practical recommendations.

Psychological research methods must meet the following requirements:

  1. Objectivity means that the methods used in the study of mental phenomena must take into account the objective nature of the human psyche.
  2. Validity - this indicator indicates that the chosen methodology is justified and can be applied in real conditions.
  3. Reliability means that the psychological research methods used give the same results even when repeated many times.

These are the requirements that official science makes for all research methods, including psychological ones.

In psychological universities, students write coursework and dissertations, each of which must contain its own methodological base. To create it, you need to understand what research methods are used in psychology.


A specially organized form of research, which consists in obtaining scientific knowledge through targeted intervention in the mental life of the subject.

The main feature that distinguishes experiment from observation is the active position of the researcher.

According to their type, experiments are as follows : laboratory, field (natural), ascertaining, formative, pathopsychological, psychological and pedagogical experiment, etc.

The advantage of the experiment is that it allows the researcher to create certain conditions in order to cause certain mental phenomena or states (for example, stress, monotony, cognitive dissonance, etc.). The experiment also allows the same experiment to be repeated over and over again, which is almost impossible with observation. During repetitions, it is possible to vary the experimental conditions.

Classification of research methods in psychology

In modern psychological science, many methods are used to classify scientific research methods. We will look at one of the most popular, which includes four large groups:

  • organizational methods;
  • empirical methods;
  • methods that allow data processing;
  • interpretative methods.

Projective methods are often used in child psychology

Methods of psychological research: table

Before briefly understanding individual research methods in psychology, let's look at which methodologies are included in the individual groups. To do this, we have compiled a clear table of research methods in psychology:

Organizational methodsEmpirical methodsQuantitative and qualitative methodsInterpretive methods
comparative;observational: observation and self-observation;statistical analysis;genetic;
longitudinal;psychological experiment;qualitative analysis.structural: typology and classification.
complex.psychodiagnostic: testing, survey, conversation, and so on;
psychological modeling;

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In scientific research, different methods from each group are used. Their use depends on the goals and objectives and on certain stages of work on a course or diploma project. You can also use several methods from the same group. This helps to consider the subject of study from different angles and make more informed conclusions.

Conversation method

The essence of the method is that through the analysis of a person’s verbal reactions to specially formulated questions, the researcher studies some phenomena of his psyche. The success of the study depends on the preparedness of the researcher, who thinks through and plans the conversation in advance. Questions must be formulated precisely; questions that are difficult to understand or confusing in nature are not allowed.

The conversation is conducted in a relaxed tone, calmly and friendly, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the subject. The answers to all questions are accurately recorded using technology, such as a tape recorder. Using this method, specialists study a person’s ideas and concepts about the world around him, interests and inclinations, motives for actions and deeds. Conversation often serves as an auxiliary method in conjunction with observation and experiment.

Organizational research methods in psychology

Organizational methods are those methods that define the form of scientific research in psychology. They are general scientific and answer the question: how exactly will the study of psychological problems be carried out?

Comparative method

These are all methodologies that are based on comparisons of different groups of people or psychological phenomena. They can be compared according to different indicators:

  • development of people at different age stages;
  • ability to cope with difficulties;
  • reactions to certain circumstances, and so on.

The comparative method is also called the cross-sectional method. This means that it is applied one-time to obtain indicators characteristic of a given moment. Such methods are more often used for socio-psychological research of individuals and large groups.

Example: comparison of psychological resilience of men and women in stressful situations.

Longitudinal method

Unlike the comparative method, the longitudinal method assumes some duration in time. Most often, such techniques are used to study personality in psychology in order to see dynamic changes.

The main difficulty of this methodology is to organize constant monitoring of the object, which will last several years. Questions also arise with the purity of the experiment - too many factors can affect the final result.

Example: the role of school education in raising children

The longest psychological experiment lasted 75 years! During this time, Harvard University scientists observed a group of 724 people, which included both people from wealthy families and residents from disadvantaged areas. The purpose of the study is to understand what determines health and happiness. The conclusion was unexpected - the most important stimulus in life is close relationships with others.

Complex method

This is an interdisciplinary research method that helps to study a person and his psychological characteristics from different angles. For example, with psychological and biological.

Example: moral development and choice of value orientations in adolescence and youth.


A method of obtaining psychological facts using a list of standardized questions or tasks (test).

Currently, tests have been created designed to study almost any mental processes, states and personality traits. The widespread use of testing in psychology is due to the fact that with the help of tests it has become possible to compare and determine the mental development of individual functions and qualities of people relative to normal and pathological conditions. In addition, testing allows you to collect a large amount of material in a short period of time and process it quite easily.

Empirical research methods in psychology

Empirical research methods are direct practical methods by which the desired psychological indicators are obtained. They answer the question: what tool should I use for research?

There are quite a few of them, so let’s look at those that can most often be found in term papers and dissertations in psychology.

Observation is one of the main research methods in psychology.

Observational methods

The main method of psychological research is observation. It is considered one of the most ancient. Observation as a methodology is used in almost all scientific works. However, not independently, but in conjunction with other empirical methods. This is because pure observation is not very objective.

To reduce the level of errors, certain criteria are usually established within the framework of which observations are carried out.

Example: observing the behavior of teenagers in a new team.

In addition to classical observation, the method of self-observation is used. It allows you to monitor your own reactions to external stimuli and increase your level of control.

Method of psychological experiment

The method of psychological experiment is one of the main methods of psychological research. This is an experiment in which the experimenter creates certain conditions and checks how the subjects will react.

There are several types of experiments:

  • laboratory - conditions are completely controlled by the researcher;
  • natural - the study is carried out under normal conditions;
  • explicit - participants know that they are taking part in an experiment;
  • hidden - participants do not realize that they are taking part in an experiment.

Example: as an example, we can cite the famous “Third Wave” experiment, which was conducted by an American teacher in a regular school. He showed how obedient students can turn into real fascists in a week.

Psychodiagnostic methods

Psychodiagnostic - methods of psychological research aimed at diagnosing the psychological characteristics of a person and individual groups.

There are many types of psychodiagnostic methods:

  • psychological testing;
  • survey;
  • surveys;
  • interview;
  • conversation;
  • projective techniques.

In a casual conversation you can get a lot of important information.
Example: various professional tests that help determine the professional inclinations of people.

Projective techniques are based on the projection method, when a person unconsciously transfers his own fears, values ​​and desires to surrounding objects. A striking example of such a technique is Rorscharch's inkblots.

Praximetric method

This is a method that is used to analyze the processes and results (products) of activities and draw conclusions based on this analysis.

This method is most often used in working with children of preschool and school age, examining their drawings or crafts made from plasticine. They are also used in historical experiments, studying the life and culture of ancient people.

Example: studying the psychological state and self-esteem of children using drawings depicting a tree or a house.

Method of psychological modeling

When the object is not available for direct study, then the modeling method is used. In psychology, it is also used when you need to build a psychological model and study its qualities.

The modeling method is used in works devoted to NLP. They don’t just “remove” the behavior patterns of successful people, but also teach them to others so that they can achieve their goals faster.

Neurolinguistic psychology, or NLP, is one of the psychological areas whose techniques help a person discover his personality, improve communication skills, expand the boundaries of thinking and develop more successful programs.

Example: study the behavior of the best speakers, highlight the main characteristics and describe a psychological model of successful speech.

Biographical method

Another experimental method that deserves attention is biographical. It is based on the study of a person’s life path, key situations that influenced his personality and development. Such diagnostics help to correct a person’s behavior, develop new reactions and improve life.

Example: the development of psychosomatic reactions in girls who were subjected to sexual violence in childhood.

This method can be used to study the psychological portrait of great people of different eras. For this purpose, diary entries, memoirs, letters and other archival information are used.

Test method, biographical method

Small, specially selected questions and tasks of a diagnostic nature are tests. Tests can be different, for example, to determine the professional suitability of a person - a driver, pilot, dispatcher, etc. Test buildings are compiled in such a way that, based on their performance, one can judge the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of a person, his personal qualities necessary for one or another professions. The method is widely used for psychodiagnostic purposes.

The biographical method is usually used in combination with other research methods, but in this case the psychologist studies a person based on data from his life history.

Quantitative and qualitative research methods in psychology

To organize psychological research, organizational methods are used to conduct empirical ones. And for data processing - methods of quantitative and qualitative analysis. Let's talk about the most common ones.

Statistical analysis method

The method of statistical or quantitative analysis allows you to collect statistical data obtained during the study. On their basis, larger-scale phenomena are studied.

Example: general statistics of people suffering from psycho-emotional disorders.

Qualitative analysis method

Unlike quantitative analysis, quantitative analysis does not involve counting data. With its help, the obtained indicators are described based on the necessary psychological characteristics. This analysis strengthens the reliability of the study.

Example: the level of severity of psycho-emotional disorders with which people most often turn to psychologists.

Questionnaire method

Mass survey method. When taking a survey, a person is offered a sheet of questions (questionnaire) containing from 5-25 or more questions. Questionnaires for answering can be offered to people of a certain category - students, workers, students, etc. The researcher, based on the answers to the proposed questions, can judge some aspects of the psyche of the interviewed persons. You can find out about their interests, aspirations, ideals, judgments, etc.

Surveys are usually anonymous and can reach a large number of people. The disadvantage of the survey is the inaccuracy and incompleteness of the respondents’ answers, the presence of obviously incorrect answers, the lack of answers to some questions, therefore the reliability of the survey is only probable and gives the researcher only a preliminary orientation in the material.

Interpretive methods in psychology

And the latest methods of psychological research, without which no work can do, are interpretive. This is the methodology on the basis of which conclusions will be drawn regarding the project studied.

Competently interpreting data is an important stage of work.

Genetic method

The genetic method involves a linear study of materials, which will be based on time periods or important life stages of people. It is more often used in longitudinal studies.

Structural methods

Structural methods place the main emphasis on looking for unifying features, identifying common features and systematizing. There are several varieties of such methods:

  • typology;
  • classification.

They are often used as the main methods for socio-psychological research of groups and communities.

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The result is an impressive list. But now you know what methods to use to organize and conduct scientific research, as well as process and draw the right conclusions. And if you don’t have time to write a coursework or diploma in psychology yourself, contact our student service.

Simulation of mental activity

This is a method of indirectly studying an object. When using a method, its model is examined, i.e. an object that replaces the original. This replacement of the original with its model is used in cases where direct examination of the object is difficult or impossible.

Examples of the use of this method include the construction of models of molecules and atoms by chemists, and the construction of models of the solar system and cosmic phenomena by astronomers. Doctors artificially induce dangerous human diseases in animals in order to develop treatment methods on them. The results obtained from studying the model are transferred to the original.

In order for the knowledge about the original obtained in this way to be reliable, the model must meet certain requirements:

  • Similarity to the original in general or in some properties;
  • The model should be simple and convenient for research;
  • The opportunity to gain new knowledge about the original.
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