What to do if you are completely unlucky either at work or in your personal life?

Failure is a normal part of work and life. Let's face it: you'll probably encounter them throughout your career. Failures don't discriminate between top team members, CEOs, or new hires; they happen to everyone.

The truth is that sooner or later you will have to correct your mistakes and solve problems on the fly. Some failures will be minor and will simply keep you working late, while others will have a profound impact on your professional and personal life. Read on for five tips from the experts at tech media company TNW to help you deal with setbacks.

Let's face it

Be honest with yourself: if there is a problem, identify and admit it. Often you want to brush aside unpleasant thoughts, but this will only make the situation worse. The sooner you recognize the threat, the easier it will be to deal with it.

For example, you recently realized that you will not be able to deliver an order to your customer on time. Don’t ignore the problem, solve it right away: talk to those on whom delivery depends, try to find a way out, and then inform the client about it. This way, even if you don't meet the deadline, the client will know that you fought for them.

How to attract good luck

Advice from psychologists will help you attract good luck in life. First you need to set a clear goal. There is no need to write it down in detail. You need to understand in which direction you should move and what exactly you want to achieve.

We need to establish maximum openness to the world. You should not be afraid of new ideas, sudden changes in actions, or the prospects of a good acquaintance. The more a person is open to the world, the kinder the Universe will become to him.

To move forward, you need to use the failures you have received. They can become a set of rules for how not to act in the future. Any experience should be perceived positively.

It is also important to start actively interacting with others. The more contacts you have with confident and successful people, the higher the chance for positive developments.

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  • Failure is a common part of our lives and work.
  • Everyone makes mistakes: experienced employees and newbies. Therefore, it is important to be able to quickly find a way out of the situation.
  • To cope with failure at work, you need to admit that there is a problem.
  • Remember that sooner or later everything will be resolved, and failure in itself does not make you a failure.
  • Don't be afraid to ask your colleagues for help. Be honest with him.
  • Move on, don't dwell on past failures.

What failures have you encountered at work? How did you get out of the situation? Share in the comments to the article!

Based on materials from thenextweb.com

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What to do if you have no luck with work

Rodion Chepalov

Source: Metro

“Unlucky with work” is a “diagnosis” we often hear from people who are dissatisfied with their lives. Who is to blame for the lack of luck - the applicant himself or his employer?

Chronic unlucky people

There is a category of people who believe that they are constantly unlucky with work. Their streak of bad luck usually begins in adolescence. At the age of 17-18, they get a job at some factory, where they are immediately discouraged from working. The boss says nothing but rude things to them, colleagues make fun of them about their age and inexperience. Failures follow one after another. Today I was injured at work. A week later, I was fined for being late. Then the person quits and gets a job somewhere else. That's where the problems start too. So his workplace is not cleaned - and he does not receive the desired certification. I forgot to turn on the tap and the floor below flooded, and now I have to pay for repairs. Bad luck follows in succession. Problems at work lead to problems in the family: children get sick, an unlucky parent stops being an obedient worker and rushes to the family. And the family doesn’t value him either, because the lack of money leads to discord in family relationships. By the age of 40, such a person is completely confused and lost.

Situational unlucky people

Situationally unlucky people adapt to circumstances more easily. But when they find themselves in critical situations, they give up. And these critical situations are different for everyone. For example, they consider themselves unlucky when:

1. The leader is much older than themselves

Such people face a problem when the manager cannot cope with them and begins to put pressure on them with his age. They believe that this is their biggest problem. It seems to them that if not for this, then everything else could be solved without difficulty.

2. Someone here is paid a higher salary than themselves.

It seems to them that this is not a person’s merit, but a factor of luck, and that no one deserves a big salary except themselves. They do not understand that the size of the salary may be linked to some qualities that they lack, or to labor productivity, or to something else.

3. Previously, the company had more favorable working conditions, but now they have deteriorated.

This happens when there is a change in management or ownership. It happens that an applicant was invited under certain conditions, and then everything changed - and he finds himself in different conditions. And then he calls it “bad luck.”

Some people believe that “unlucky in an interview” is when:

1. “The weather today is not suitable.”

Such a candidate believes that the weather factor is decisive and that in bad weather it is difficult to gather thoughts and look impressive. In addition, in bad weather, health worsens - and a person immediately feels that he is more lethargic in communication.

2. “I was sick today.”

Such a candidate believes that if he has a slight runny nose, then this is the only obstacle to getting a good job.

3. “Today there are too many people at the interview, and I don’t look so successful compared to them.”

In this case, the applicant thinks that success in an interview is a matter of quantity, not quality. And that if he comes alone for an interview that day, then he alone will be hired.

4. “I didn’t dress too well today.” And it spoils the impression of me.”

And here the applicant believes that the employer primarily pays attention to external factors - for example, clothing, and practically does not evaluate everything else.


1.The factor of luck and bad luck is most often assessed by those who do not want to look for objective reasons for failure at work. When such thoughts come to your mind, think about where exactly you miscalculated. For example, you went to two interviews, which followed one another - and you were very tired. Or you sent your resume not in the form you would like.

2. Decide what you can do right now to change the situation. For example, you can go to the website www.vacansia.ru right now and post your resume in the new section. Or call back the employer who spoke with you and agree to consider his new conditions.

3. Understand that if you are unlucky today, you may be lucky tomorrow.

4.Luck usually comes to those who prepare it and create the conditions for it. To prepare for a lucky streak, you need to study more, engage in self-promotion, and self-presentation. You must be a model of success, your appearance must correspond to the image of a successful, fortunate person.

5. Read literature about successful people and follow their advice. Communicate more with those who are lucky with work.

6.Tell everyone that you are a lucky person. The more often you repeat this, the sooner it will come true.

7. Accept compliments with gratitude, participate in professional competitions, and do not reject praise.

Those who are most often unlucky with work are:

-tends to blame others for everything

-does not want to make any efforts to change the situation

-is depressed

-easily falls under someone's influence

-believes only in omens and does not calculate success in rational ways

-jealous of successful people


It's a confusing word, isn't it? It looks, frankly, like some kind of magic spell from an ancient holy book. This definition is partly correct. Using this method, one doctor was able to cure many people from the disease without even having personal contact with them. How to return luck with its help? The Ho'oponopono method is based on the idea that each person is one with the Universe and other people. That is, everything that you can observe, hear, everything that happens around you is somehow related to your personality. Focus on the problem you want to solve and repeat the following 4 phrases:

  1. "I'm sorry".
  2. "I'm sorry".
  3. "I love you".
  4. "Thank you".

In this case, you should not turn to the person who created the unpleasant situation, but to the Universe or God, call it what you prefer. The decoding of the phrases looks like this: “I’m sorry that I created such a world. I'm sorry. I didn’t know where this would lead, I didn’t know that I was creating these circumstances, I love you and thank you for allowing me to correct the situation and create a happy life.”


If you are unlucky and want to be happier than you are today, then now is the time. Don't wait for anyone or anything. Start playing sports, learning languages, going dancing and swimming. How would you behave if the perfect person came into your life? Maybe some of the above would become a pleasant habit. So, this person is you. Become interesting to yourself, more beautiful and attractive in your eyes, and people around you will notice it. Throw out the old trash from your house, do some general cleaning, get to know your neighbors - and changes will not take long to arrive. In order for something new to come in, you first need to make room for the old.

Attitude to the present moment

One of the authors, Eckhart Tolle, in his book “The Power of Now” interprets the obstacles received in life this way: life treats you the way you treat it at the present time. If you see obstacles everywhere, it will become one continuous barrier. If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to get your luck back, try taking care of your world. Clean your apartment with love, get a pet, help a friend with her children, find ways to express gratitude to life. Then she will turn to you with her best side.

Subconscious fear of success

Sometimes even completely collected, thoughtful and cheerful people experience failure after failure in achieving success or a specific goal. They can make incredible efforts, but still they are constantly unlucky either with work, or with money, or in other areas of life.

As a rule, here you need to look for an internal conflict between what you are striving for and what you really want.

You are not living your life

Think about whether your desire really belongs to you personally, is your true desire, and not imposed by external rules and foundations. You shouldn't be too quick to answer here. External influences often “eat into” us so much that it can be very difficult to remember and “unearth” our real needs.

It is quite possible that the subconscious simply feels that you are moving in the wrong direction for you and in every possible way delays and interferes with the process. As a result, you make the wrong decisions, “slow down” with your choice, or do nothing at all when you need to do something.

At a crucial moment, the temperature rises, things and documents are lost, doors slam shut, or summer snowfalls begin. “Oh, and I have no luck with this real estate (financial, advertising) business!” - you say. Maybe because your real calling is a circus acrobat? Or a storyteller? Or a dancer?

Complexes do not allow you to be lucky and successful

Another version of the conflict is when a person strives for success outwardly, but deep down in his soul he does not consider himself worthy of it, does not believe that he can succeed. Internal attitudes “I’m not good enough for this”, “I’m hardly worthy of this”, “everything always goes wrong for me anyway” - nullify all his attempts.

And the whole universe, in a harmonious duet with its own subconscious, begins to come up with various “feints”. Before an important presentation, your voice suddenly drops, coffee spills on your shirt, the car constantly breaks down at the wrong time, flights are canceled, heels fall off, locks break and, as the icing on the big cake, a whole week of tropical downpours throughout the entire vacation.

Low self-esteem and lack of trust in yourself are very dangerous. They hide far inside, embellish themselves with feigned confidence and energetic activity. But with every minor fiasco they immediately appear and force you to give up.

The unlucky one gets more motherly love

There are actually a lot of reasons for internal sabotage. Psychologists described examples when the subconscious mind prevented one from achieving heights only because some significant people for a person (most often, of course, the mother) pitied him and loved him only in a state of failure and misfortune. And successes and triumphs were mostly ignored.

Remember, didn’t you like being a little sick as a child, not going to school and basking in a huge amount of care and love from the whole worried family? So, if a child could constantly receive the attention of his parents only in case of various “unfortunate situations,” then, as an adult, he unconsciously creates similar situations in his life.

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