Why you have no luck in life - who is to blame for failures and how to deal with them

Every person has probably encountered situations when luck seemed to turn away from him. Things weren’t going the way I wanted, there was a feeling that someone had put the evil eye on me. Bad luck unsettles you and deprives you of self-confidence.

Failure is the “magic” word we use to justify all our troubles. The so-called Murphy's Law states: “If something bad can happen, it happens.” Therefore, when we choose an impossible goal for ourselves and fail, we blame it on “bad luck”! Fortunately, you can get rid of the persecution of failure.

Common Causes of Bad Luck

When a person encounters bad luck, he naturally wonders why this is happening to him in the first place. In fact, there are a lot of reasons for the “black streak”. Sometimes a whole complex of psychological difficulties is involved in the case.

Self-doubt or low self-esteem

An incorrect perception of oneself leads to the fact that a person is initially set up for failure, although one must motivate oneself to achieve success. Confident people see not limitations, but all their possibilities. And they are in no hurry to immediately call themselves losers.

Lack of goals and motivation

If a person does not know what to strive for and what to do, then life is perceived in black and white colors, without halftones. There is either a series of “luck” or a series of “failures”. When the situation changes for the worse, it seems that fortune has simply turned away and we must wait for its return.

When there is a goal and motivation, there are no such concepts as “lucky” or “unlucky.” They cease to be significant. Instead, there is a desire for a goal and a way to achieve it.

Distrust of intuition

Sometimes there are situations when, in order to make an important decision, it is necessary to either listen to your intuition, or act as expected by friends or relatives, superiors, and so on. Many people choose the second option, which results in failure. It seems to them that no inner voice or intuition exists, which is why they commit actions that are inexplicable from a logical point of view.

It’s enough just to make friends with your intuition. You need to take into account your inner feelings about the situation.

Fear of taking risks

Caution is a basic human instinct that helps him survive in difficult situations. But sometimes you still need to be able to take risks. This will allow you to achieve amazing success. Getting out of your comfort zone sometimes really helps you achieve unprecedented heights.

Risk often causes horror in people who are used to thinking for a long time before doing something. Sometimes you just shouldn’t rely solely on your own logic. You need to learn to make bold and unexpected decisions. For example, move to another job if the level of earnings at the current one is not satisfactory.

Good luck comes after careful preparation, bad luck is the result of negligence.

Robert Heinlein

"Excellence student complex"

This problem is often inherent in girls who believe that everything should be perfect for them under any circumstances. If a child cries over any grade below an A, he will carry this attitude towards everything into adulthood. A good but not the best result is simply perceived as bad luck.

Position “I still have time”

Many people put things off until later. They do not have time to accomplish everything they set out to do, simply because they think that they will have time to do it in the future. Don't treat your life like it's a draft. There may not be time to change everything.

There are negative people around

It often happens that the immediate environment imposes its negative attitudes on a person and pulls him to the bottom. Don't underestimate the influence of society. If friends or colleagues constantly complain about everything and believe that it is impossible to achieve success under any circumstances, then the person himself begins to think in the same way.

Failures caused by self-evil eye

It's very easy to jinx yourself. It’s enough to boast about something - and that’s all, goodness knows it’s gone. It’s one thing if you tell your loved one some good news, for example, that you bought a car. And another thing is, if you tell everyone how great you are, you have a car, and not just any car, but the best one.

That is, when you boast, you think something like this: “Ha, take a bite, losers!” This is especially true for those people who achieve goals in order to wipe someone’s nose.

And then they wonder - why is everything going wrong? The self-evil eye always manifests itself on the physical level, and it can be identified by 5 signs:

  1. frequent mood changes;
  2. every little thing infuriates;
  3. constant fatigue, apathy;
  4. deterioration of attention and memory;
  5. exacerbation of diseases.

You need to eliminate the self-evil eye using a special technique. Lie down, relax and remember what you feel when you boast to someone. Satisfaction? Feeling of superiority?

Try to mentally form all your emotions into a tight ball. Imagine that a portal has opened in the sky above you. Launch your “ball” there and close the portal.

Repeat the exercise as often as possible, and you will see how, firstly, your life has become easier. And secondly, that failures gradually leave you.

Is this really bad luck?

First of all, you should give yourself an answer to the question of whether this is really a failure. What has to happen in life for a person to think that fortune has turned away from him? Didn't win the lottery or get an offer from a popular employer? In fact, such things rarely happen in a vacuum. People usually go through a long journey to achieve such heights. And there can be no talk of luck here.

We all love to dream about what we will never get. The only problem is that dreams rob us of the opportunity to really achieve something.

Some people believe that everyone around them is simply lucky, and they are losers, that there is a “black streak” in life right now. They blame all their problems on lack of luck. You can understand them: it’s easier to complain than to do anything. But in such situations, naturally, it’s not a matter of bad luck.

Don't confuse fate with simple bad luck

(TV series "Pretty Little Liars")

To understand whether it is true that fortune has turned away, you need to answer several questions (trying to be objective):

  1. Is it really all about bad luck?
  2. Maybe it's because you made a mistake or didn't dare do something?
  3. Have there been any situations in life when you were really lucky?
  4. Is it necessary to dwell on any failures - even small ones, like a tire burst or pantyhose torn?

There are actually very few truly lucky people. Therefore, in moments of despair, it is very useful to remember these simple questions.

How to deal with it

Periodic troubles happen to everyone, the problem becomes serious when one-time cases become natural, and then generally turn into a way of life. At the moment when a person independently hangs the label of a loser around his neck, it is already very difficult to fight the emerging tendency, and the sufferer himself does not want to make any effort, because he is already accustomed to living as before. It is best to think about changing the strategy of your behavior already at the initial stages, when one-time failures begin to add up to a streak of bad luck.

Since the main reason for the transformation of events into negative ones is a person’s worldview, his assessment of not only current events, but also the world, then it is necessary to start by changing one’s point of view. A positive attitude cannot be taken from scratch and applied to your entire life in seconds - it is a kind of spiritual or psychological practice, a skill that has been developed over the years. A person who strives for good and tries to find positive aspects in any negative situation will attract good luck. The longer you practice this life credo, the more luck you will experience in life.

You can train a positive attitude together with a psychologist, usually using the Gestalt approach or behavioral therapy, but you can also independently look for your benefit in troubles. For example, if a date falls through, then instead of an evening of self-flagellation, you can see this as an opportunity to meet with friends or do additional freelancing, and perhaps devote time to yourself. Even the realization that you got rid of the wrong person so quickly can turn a disaster in your personal life into success. Broken things, torn tights, scratched cars should be considered as a reason for repair, improvement or radical renewal. Instead of crushing, you need to look for the advantages of your development or rebranding.

It's important to start structuring your life because failure can simply be a result of clutter and not knowing what to do in the first place. If you always have an action plan at hand, the tasks of which fit together and allow you to gradually achieve positive results, then your personal effectiveness will increase. Make time for rest so that your concentration and fresh ideas are not reduced due to simple fatigue. It is necessary to provide yourself with maximum physical comfort so as not to be distracted and not nervous about everyday problems.

Rituals that bring happiness can be a good option, and it doesn’t matter whether you use morning prayer, Simoron techniques or your own ideas from a sequence of actions - the main thing is to start performing this program. Its goal is not a magical effect on reality, but to reprogram the brain to perceive the world as friendly, caring and, as a result, bringing good luck.

What does esotericism say about this?

The black streak is a phenomenon that will end sooner or later. It is worth noting that bad luck often manifests itself in the form of very unexpected factors. For example, money or food may unexpectedly run out. People usually do not pay attention to such trifles, believing that everything can be explained by the pace of their lives. But in reality there are no coincidences.

Even the smallest little things can be a sign of future problems. And if you ignore them, then you can face real bad luck.

A constant lack of money and all sorts of problems can be a consequence of communicating with losers. These people spread the appropriate energy. As a result of communicating with them, the interlocutors’ lives change, not for the better. In general, the main reasons for bad luck from the point of view of esotericists are the following:

  • love of boasting or self-evil eye;
  • negative mood and internal anticipation of future problems;
  • predisposition to bad luck;
  • curse from envious people.

Basic models of perception of the surrounding world

Having decided to turn luck towards you, psychologists initially recommend determining the characteristics of personal perception of the generalized picture of the world. Who do you blame for the current events? Why did probability theory choose you? What does bad luck depend on? Who gives and takes away fortune from people? Based on your own answers, reveal your attitude to the troubles that happen by finding the answer in one of three models of the universe:


There are no patterns, and incomprehensible accidents that line up in a series of failures cannot be controlled. A hopeless interpretation of ongoing events that a person cannot influence. In the current situation, hopelessness flourishes, accompanied by the inaction of the “desperate”, deprived of luck.


Awareness of the world is differentiated into “tangible” events that can be analyzed, and inexplicable phenomena that fall into the “Lucky” category. Beyond the understanding of the human mind there is a certain “anomalous” zone in which Higher powers distribute vials of good and bad luck. How? A rhetorical question.


Regularities and accidents, mysterious phenomena and miraculous healings - every phenomenon occurs according to the will of God. The role of the Higher Powers can be the unknown enchantments of the cosmos or the black magic of sinister creatures - the source directly depends on the person’s imagination. The main thing is that other worlds that are beyond awareness are to blame for the loss of luck.

Bad luck in your personal life

Quite often, people complain not about bad luck in general, but about the fact that in their personal lives everything is not going as they would like. And with a prolonged lack of success in this area, others also suffer. Lack of love sometimes even negatively affects physical health. The most interesting thing is that the reasons for this bad luck differ for people of different sexes.

Why is a man unlucky in his personal life?

The most common reasons for bad luck in men are as follows:

  1. Not the best past experience. If a person is disappointed in the idea of ​​a relationship, then he begins to have problems with self-esteem. In the future, complexes appear, which sometimes lead to hatred towards representatives of the opposite sex.
  2. The belief that girls are only interested in material values. Usually the cause of this problem lies, again, in a bad past experience, when a man spent a lot on his chosen one, but she did not appreciate it. Although there are situations when a girl does not need expensive gifts, and her boyfriend thinks that her demands are too high. But in reality there was simply no need to try to buy love.
  3. Problems in intimate life. Lack of experience or certain failures or physiological characteristics deprive a man of self-confidence. And hence the inability to communicate with women.
  4. Reluctance to learn to live with another person. This is common for older men or widowers. There is also the so-called “fear of bachelors.”

Why is a woman unlucky in her personal life?

For some girls, the main reason for their bad luck is their high self-esteem and the demands they make on their chosen ones. But, of course, there are other nuances.

  1. The desire to see a very wealthy man next to you. When people are young and start a relationship, they often don’t have capital yet. And adult men have a family that will need to be provided for in the event of a divorce. Therefore, girls should not expect that they will easily get a “ready-made” rich chosen one who will satisfy all their desires.
  2. Failed relationships in the past. As you know, women are more emotional and sensitive. Therefore, it is more difficult for them to cope with the disappointments caused by the relationship. Before starting a new novel, you need to analyze your previous mistakes.
  3. Fear of intimate relationships. Some girls think that they look ugly and are embarrassed by their shortcomings. Some women who have experienced sexual violence cannot overcome psychological barriers. Then you need to see a psychologist.
  4. Some divorced women become fixated on the fact that they no longer need a man. They prefer to be alone and consider self-development important.

How to get rid of failures caused by damage

Any magical effect is aimed at something specific. For example, to take away health, happiness, luck. There are certain signs by which you can understand that your luck was taken away from you with the help of magic:

  • In a short period of time, you lost everything at once - your job, savings, friends, etc.
  • Bad habits have appeared.
  • Fears appeared that were not there.
  • It's like a wall between you and the world.
  • Whatever you do is in vain.
  • You are tormented by bad dreams.

If all the points match, you have a negative attitude. It needs to be removed in three stages. First - drink water for 40 days, saying: “The damage will be washed away from me, it won’t come back, it will disappear behind seven swamps, and it will leave me. Amen".

Second phase. Place a fresh egg under your bed for 3 days. Break it down and flush it down the toilet. You need to clean yourself with an egg for 9 days.

And the third stage is the restoration of positive energy. Do something kind for 21 days.

Why are you unlucky with money?

Every person sometimes has questions about why he can’t make normal money. It seems to work from morning to night, but the amount of funds only decreases. The main reason is that many of us grew up with negative beliefs related to money. They look like this:

  1. You can earn decent money only in situations where you work from morning to night. Moreover, the work must be hard and physical. If you choose a different lifestyle, you will have to starve.
  2. You can't make money if you do what you really like. This is especially true for people who are passionate about creativity. When trying to start a career in this field, a person thinks that everything is bought everywhere, and success depends on the right contacts.
  3. The whole family always worked very hard, but there was never a lot of money at home. Therefore, there is no point in trying to earn them.
  4. All rich people are unpleasant, have terrible characters, and are also very arrogant.
  5. If a person has a lot of money, then he definitely earned it through some kind of illegal fraud.
  6. Only incredibly lucky people can find money on the street, and you are definitely not one of them.

You can only break out of this vicious circle on your own. You shouldn't count on anyone's help. It is no secret that the individual creates his own world.

Settlement for failure

We all know that thought is material. The way we set ourselves up, the way we think, is what we get. If something like “I can’t do this” is constantly spinning in your head, “We haven’t lived richly, there’s nothing to start with”, “Who would love me like that”, etc., then you don’t have to wonder why everyone lives well, but you don't.

As soon as you have a negative thought, immediately change it to a positive one. For example: “I can’t handle this trivial matter!”, “I’m healthy and beautiful!”, “I’ll definitely buy it!” A week of such thoughts - and the world will sparkle with new colors!

Folk methods of dealing with failures

1. Rituals with salt. Salt consists of many small crystals. Therefore, in case of breakdowns, it was recommended to throw it over the left shoulder and sprinkle it on the doors, corners and windows of the house.

2. Prayer to the Guardian Angel. You can add it by lighting up your home and going to church. The text of the prayer is optional. The main thing is that it comes from the heart, from the heart.

3. Make a bracelet-amulet. To do this, threads of seven colors are intertwined: red (from evil), orange (from envy), yellow (from damage), blue (to enhance intuition), blue (to facilitate communication), green (from deception), purple. (from accidents)… So, a loved one should tie these threads in seven knots on the wrist of the left hand.

Failure will become a distant memory if you set realistic goals, take action, analyze the results and take action again by adjusting your goals.

Methods of dealing with bad luck using psychology

- It's best to start with your daily routine. Therefore, you need to learn to do what is planned for the day. This is the basis of self-discipline.

— you need to highlight the main goals of your life for the next few years. Break them down into smaller goals and make a plan to achieve them consistently.

— master the methods of self-hypnosis, self-education or other methods of controlling the subconscious.

- analysis of your social circle and exclusion of pessimists and losers from it. After all, we are, first of all, our social circle. Who will you go with... Tell me who your friend is...

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