What importance does family have in the life of a person and the state? Write a story about the meaning of family.

1. What importance does family have in a person’s life?

2. What kind of families are there? How are two-generation families different from three-generation families?

3. Why does the state take care of the family? Give examples of such care.

4. Analyze your attitude towards elderly family members: are you always attentive and caring? What family activities can you do instead?

My attitude towards older family members is respectful. Yes, I'm always attentive. I help them by helping them carry heavy bags from the store, washing dishes, and helping them prepare food.

1*. Ask your parents about how they met. What events in your family life do you consider the most important?

2. There is an expression: “A child learns what he sees in his home. Parents are an example of this." What did your parents teach you? What else did you want to learn?

3. Work in pairs. Read the poem, prepare joint answers to the questions: “What feature of the family is the poet talking about?” “What is the support in every person’s life?”

4. Using reference books or Internet materials, explain the meaning of the words “mother-in-law,” “sister-in-law,” “father-in-law,” “daughter-in-law,” “matchmaker,” “matchmaker.”

5*. Express your opinion: who are called household members? Is this an ancient word or a modern one? Check your answer in dictionaries

Household members are the whole family, or rather everyone who lives in a particular house or apartment. Most likely, this word is ancient, but it is also popular in the modern world.


Essay Family in a person’s life

Family is one of the main components in the life of any person. It plays an important role; for each of us this concept is individual.

For most of us, family is the people who are always there. These are mom and dad, grandparents, sister and brother. That is, close and dear people, around whom a person grows and develops. At a more mature age, a man and a woman create a new family in which children are born.

For a small child and his full development, it is important that there are loving parents nearby who gave him life, and every day open a world full of new and interesting impressions. In addition to parents, the participation of grandparents in the upbringing plays an equally important role. They are the ones who always give a lot of affection, kindness and pamper the child. You can share your most secrets and deepest dreams with your brother or sister.

In any case, family is close people whom you can rely on in difficult times, enlist their support and hear the right words. It is important to appreciate every moment spent with family, because without them a person would be lonely.

In order for the family to be strong, it is important to build healthy and comfortable relationships, respect, take care and help each other. A home is a fortress, and its strength depends on properly built relationships. For harmony and love to reign within a family, people must be happy. To do this, each spouse, despite differences in views, must respect each other’s opinions and interests, support and compromise in a given situation. This is a complex and long process. But the power of love between a man and a woman can help maintain a warm atmosphere in the house.

Children learn from their parents how to communicate and behave in society. It is parents and loved ones who teach their children lessons of morality and discipline, help them overcome various difficulties and help them survive difficult periods in their lives. The future of a child depends on the atmosphere in his home. That is why mom and dad, as well as relatives, instill important values ​​of family life.

For a full-fledged family, in which it is always simple and calm, honesty, loyalty and respect are important qualities. This is the key to a happy and strong family.


A close circle has many properties:

  • The decision to marry and have children is made on a voluntary, relaxed basis.
  • The common things between spouses are: finances, housing, household, cars, valuables.
  • Joint offspring.
  • Following the law and properly observing all rights.
  • The presence of general morality, psychological component and morality.

Option 2

Every person knows and understands that family is the most important and important thing in life. It is the family that plays an important and irreplaceable role for everyone.

Everyone has their own concept of family. For many, these are the people who will always be there for you. These are immediate family members such as parents, grandparents, and brothers and sisters. That is, these are the people who have been around for a long time and who will always help. When a person grows up, he himself is ready to start a family - a new unit of society with a loved one whom he has chosen as his life partner.

Of course, for a baby who has only recently been born, there must be parents nearby who will teach him and live every day for his sake, opening up the world of everything new and interesting. Dear grandparents also, of course, play a significant role in upbringing. After all, who, if not they, will pamper the child and forgive minor pranks. This is all family. These are people who stand by the side and are ready to help at any moment, help out or suggest something.

Only one thing is clear: family is relatives and friends who will never leave you in trouble and will lend a helping hand. The most important thing is that we need to appreciate these loved ones, say that love for them is limitless, so that they always feel this love and care. After all, without a family you are alone.

It is very important that the family is inseparable, to have strong relationships between all family members. It is important to understand each other, protect and care. After all, it’s hard to argue with the fact that a home is a fortress in which everyone feels protected. When mutual understanding, love, kindness and sincerity reign in families, people glow with happiness. To do this, you need to be able to sometimes make concessions, try to understand each other, and not argue or swear. You need to understand that these are the closest people and always try to find a compromise and not start quarrels. It is quite difficult to achieve understanding in a family, however, it is worth it. After all, only love and mutual understanding will help maintain a charming, family, cozy atmosphere in the house.

Family is those people who will always be there, protect and care. It is very important. Good family relationships have a very positive impact on young children, who often adopt the behavior of their parents. In order for a child to grow up in comfortable conditions, first of all, he must feel love from his parents and other family members. This is very important both at a young age and older. After all, a person always wants to be loved by someone and needed by someone. All these feelings, first of all, should be given by the family.

No one will argue that the key to a strong family is love, understanding and respect for each other. It is impossible to imagine a family without these adjectives.

Value guidelines

Friendly and strong relationships are a small brick for building a strong and reliable foundation for a family community. Values ​​are traditions, foundations, moral and moral principles by which a person lives and never violates them, only in rare cases. I will list the main ones for you:

Ask a question

  • Sincerity. Loyalty and honesty are a stable basis for relationships, without which it is impossible to build a strong and healthy union. To maintain such stability, it is necessary to accept criticism without hysterics and think sensibly. If you calmly respond to the truth and try to cope with your shortcomings, your loved one will always be sincere with you.
  • Compliance. Showing loyalty is a great way to avoid pointless arguments.
  • Cohesion. Each family member needs to have his own personal space and have his own area of ​​activity. But he must know that he has a family that he must not forget about, and periodically return to it, leaving behind problems at work. Uniting with loved ones is not difficult - just spend time together.
  • Mercy. Learn to forgive people and not be offended by little things. Let go of all adversity and misunderstandings, life is short, don’t waste it. Touchiness takes away time, energy, good mood and strength.
  • Generosity. It is important that spouses raise their child, attaching special importance to good nature. You should not instill in your child a sense of mutual benefit. Well-mannered individuals have the following qualities: tact, sincerity, empathy, humanity, kindness.
  • Traditional customs. They are different for every family. Some gather every year to celebrate a relative's birthday. Others host movie nights on Thursdays. It is necessary to teach children from childhood to honor their ancestors and follow traditions. Draw a tree of life together - this will help your child get to know his loved ones better.
  • Curiosity. Give your child the opportunity to study and understand the world, answer the endless questions of your why.
  • Sociality. It is necessary to talk about everything and always with your husband, child, close relative. Communication is the path to trust, which in turn maintains healthy relationships.
  • Responsibility. It develops with age, but it is necessary to educate children from infancy. First, make them clean up the toys scattered throughout the room, then entrust them with caring for the pets. Possessing this quality, it will be easy for the baby to follow the path of life.

Depending on value guidelines, a good climate, and moral principles, a healthy family image is formed.

Essay on the topic The Role of Family in a person’s life

Every person on our planet at least once needed protection and understanding from other people. At such moments, a person strives to go to that place, to that team, where they can help, support or simply listen, providing comfort.

A similar atmosphere is present in the family, which for us is the most important organization of family relations. Close people usually include: husband, wife, mother, father, grandmothers, grandfathers, brothers and sisters. This actually confirms our lives.

The older generation plays a crucial role in fate, as it becomes a guiding star from birth. It points in the right direction, warning against dangers. As a child grows up, he begins to understand that the most sincere relationships are found in the family, which is why a person is so often drawn to his family.

Families can be large or small. However, they are indispensable for each of its natives. We are proud of the achievements of family members, as the shadow of victories is reflected in our reputation. Failures are also experienced by the entire cell. Therefore, such an organization is characterized by unity of goals and community of interests. This may have to do with a series of professional interests passed down from generation to generation. Sympathy is evoked by the category of families in which hostility and misunderstanding reign. In them, people feel like strangers to each other, despite existing family ties.

The family is an example to follow. It should demonstrate strong friendships and love connections. This is an important moment in the formation of personality, its upbringing and development of younger generations, preparation for adulthood. After all, children sometimes unconsciously try to imitate and absorb the experience of their elders. Anyone can make a mistake in it. It is important to be able to forgive and smooth over guilt.

Subsequently, a person independently creates a family in which, based on experience, he builds relationships for himself and future heirs. You always want to return to a family where harmony and understanding reign. She is a support and makes you feel like a happy person.

Women's need

Family happiness is important for a woman.
Let's look at why a woman needs a family.

  1. Social status. Understanding that she fulfilled her destiny, became a wife.
  2. Communication with friends is easier. A married woman is not seen as a rival.
  3. Now I have someone to go visit with and celebrate all the holidays.
  4. Having an assistant. A woman does not need to cope with hard work herself, carry bags, do repairs, and fix breakdowns. Now for this there is a man who can cope with these tasks.
  5. A person has appeared for whom you need to strive to be beautiful and use your culinary skills. A woman is pleased when someone appreciates her merits.
  6. The opportunity not to work if the husband agrees to support her.
  7. The end of the man's search. You no longer need to waste time searching for a suitable gentleman, getting to know him, meeting and parting. Now your loved one is always nearby, with whom you can wake up every morning and spend all your free time.
  8. Birth of children. Undoubtedly, you can become a mother without having a husband. But the child will fully grow up if both parents are present. In addition, lifting a baby together is much easier than raising a baby alone.
  9. A person appears nearby to whom you can direct all your tenderness and love.
  10. There is an opportunity for joint growth and common development. To achieve this, it is necessary that the couple be of approximately the same intellectual level, have common views on life, and aspirations for self-development.
  11. Household amenities. Now you don’t need to rent a house yourself; all household expenses can be divided in half with your husband. And if a man earns well, he is able to shift all financial issues onto his shoulders.
  12. When you are married, you can notice your shortcomings. A man will literally reflect in himself, at first glance, his vices, when, in fact, this is a mirror image of his wife. Thus, the woman sees her mistakes and has the opportunity to improve.
  13. There is always support, support, a faithful defender nearby.

As a child, I dreamed of getting married for the sake of a wedding dress. Having grown up, I realized that the main purpose of a woman is to create a family and give birth to a child, to take care of her closest ones. I am very happy that my husband is next to me, a person who always supports me, shares victories and failures with me, and helps raise my child. Every day I feel his love, care, and repay him in the same coin. Next to him, I always strive for self-development in order to correspond to the status of my man.

Option 4

Family is the very first thing that surrounds a small, newly born person. It is in the family that a person acquires communication skills and a model of behavior with which he will enter the surrounding society. For some, family is just himself and his parents, while others, when talking about family, mean a wide circle of people, including grandparents, uncles and aunts, cousins. Family are those people who will come to the rescue, support and encourage in difficult times, and share equally the troubles and joys.

In our country, large families have long been common, in which three or four generations of relatives live under one roof. Previously, when a person could only rely on himself and family support, it was easier to survive, especially in villages. Now that the state has certain social obligations towards its citizens, the need for such large families disappears. Parents with minor children most often live in the same house or apartment, who leave them as they grow up and get on their feet, creating their own families.

When starting a family, it is very important to understand that the atmosphere in it should be warm and cozy. This is a top priority for young people who want to have children. A child should grow up observing only mutual respect, love and care. It is these qualities, copying from his parents, that he will carry into the world. On the contrary, a child who grew up in a family with an unfavorable environment will be withdrawn, lonely, and unhappy. All psychological problems that are identified in an adult, one way or another, originate in childhood. No other social institution will make such a significant contribution to the moral and psychological development of a child as the family.

Having matured, children fully realize that the time has come for them to take care of their aging parents, and they understand that they need to not only receive, but also give. This is how another role of the family manifests itself - guardianship over aging members of society. Then parents reap the benefits of their upbringing, receiving care in accordance with the efforts they put into their children.

Neither wealth, nor fame, nor honor can replace a person’s family. Even close friends eventually turn into family, becoming part of the family. Take care and strengthen your families!

Family types

The main criterion for classification is family composition, i.e.
number of people who are family members. For example, depending on the number of parents


  • single-parent families (only father or only mother and child).
  • complete families (family members include both parents and one or more children).

According to the number of generations included in the family
, there are:

  • nuclear families (consist of one or two generations - spouses and their minor children).
  • extended families (also includes parents of spouses).

Depending on the number of children
, the following classification is carried out:

  • childless family (dyad of spouses without children)
  • small family (from one to two children)
  • medium-sized family (three or four children)
  • large family (five children or more)

But, as a rule, families with three or more children are considered large.
Despite the advantage of wealth and diversity of internal connections, which contribute to faster and more effective socialization of the younger generation, large families are exposed to many risks. First of all, economic. Thus, families with many children often become poor as a result of household expenses.

A low-income family is one whose average income per person is less than the subsistence minimum. The total family income is taken into account, which includes:

  • salary;
  • income from individual entrepreneurial activity;
  • scholarships;
  • pensions;
  • benefits;
  • income from rental property, etc.

Low-income status is assigned only when a family, for objective reasons, has a low income level. The financial issue also arises acutely in young families, which, due to, as a rule, the inexperience of members, are not always able to ensure their survival, as well as rationally control expenses.

Men's values

Does a man need a family? Family is a place where the closest and dearest people are, a place where you can relax and replenish lost energy. Of course, here we are talking about the correct home structure, about the presence of a favorable environment.

  1. In the form of a wife, a man receives an adviser. She not only provides him with rest and care, but can also help in business matters.
  2. The opportunity to continue the family line, to give descendants to whom you can pass on your body. Children need a mother to grow up normally.
  3. A family is a place where a man can become the leader of his pack, take care of everything, be a breadwinner, and defend the interests of the family before other people.
  4. This is an opportunity to create your own family capital, involve your wife and children in your business, and develop, for example, a hotel business.

Now you know why a family is needed. Each person must create his own unit of society. There must be a place where they can take care of a person, show sympathy, and provide support. It is very important for both women and men to become parents, continue their offspring, and raise children. Remember, without a full-fledged family, normal growing up of children is almost impossible. It should be noted that in our time it is very difficult for a single woman to rent a house on her own, raise a child, and pay for utilities.

History of the concept

According to scientists, initially wild people, descended from monkeys, lived in communities. The instinct of procreation prompted men (males) to fight among themselves for the right to own a woman (female), i.e. for having sexual relations with her. The latter allowed only the strongest and most active ones near them in order to have healthy offspring.

Mental evolution allowed men to understand that if they bring a “mammoth” to their chosen one and protect her from wild animals, then they can become her permanent partner. And while others were measuring their strength, the most cunning were hunting.

Women also changed their priorities: a permanent partner provided stability, protection, food, shelter and protection in return for her favor. This is how the first families began to appear, which over time changed their appearance and organization, acquired new conditions of existence, and internal responsibilities.

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