Favorable psychological climate in the family: how to create and maintain it

For many, the psychological climate in the family is the basis of internal harmony and happiness. In favorable conditions, a person feels calm, well-being, and feels a desire for development and meaningful relationships with other people. What influences the psychological climate in the family, how can we make both children and adults feel comfortable?

In this article:

The concept of psychological climateWhat influences the psychological climateHow to create a favorable psychological climate

The main signs of a normal psychological climate in the family

The main condition for psychological stability in the family is considered to be compliance with the basic rule, which is often forgotten over the years of family life. After all, the union of two partners should in fact become the basis for creating an atmosphere of a kind of idyll in which each family member will find relaxation and support.

    That is why, when speaking about favorable family relationships, we first of all mean:
  • mutual respect between all family members;
  • respectful attitude towards elders - grandparents;

    INTERESTING! According to some studies, the secret of the longevity of Caucasian elders lies in a respectful attitude. After all, over the years, they do not become unnecessary and unauthoritative for their loved ones, as is customary in many families here, but on the contrary, their opinion is considered the most important, they are listened to and they constantly feel their need for loved ones.

  • cohesion and friendly attitude;
  • feeling of security and willingness to help;
  • trust and the opportunity to share your problems and thoughts;
  • emotional satisfaction, etc.

If you see a family that tries to spend a lot of time together, has its own traditions, listens to the opinions of each member and can openly discuss all problems - rest assured that this is a vivid example of a favorable psycho-emotional climate.

Open up to each other

Openness, trust and absolute transparency in the relationship between two people are an unshakable foundation necessary for the strength of the entire structure called “family”. Being completely frank and trusting is not typical for all of us. Now it’s nice to talk about the need for personal space for comfortable communication and building relationships. But this does not at all contradict openness - it just allows you to feel each other’s emotional boundaries and gives rise to spiritual intimacy.

Getting to this point is not as difficult as it might seem. To begin with, start a tradition of sharing your impressions of the day at dinner, like the game “White and Black”: let each of you tell what was bad and good today. Next, try to start commenting on some situations that happened with your partner and listen to his words. Don't forget to thank each other for the confidential conversation, ability to listen and valuable advice. Be sincere, don’t skimp on smiles and hugs - all this will bring you incredibly closer.

Advantages of a favorable climate

Being in such a family brings joy, calm, anxiety relief and necessary relaxation. People strive to quickly return to their family circle after work, knowing that they will understand, support, listen to them, give the right advice, and simply be able to cheer them up or give them the opportunity to relax quietly.

    In turn, staying in a family with a favorable psychological climate can solve the following personal problems:
  • reduce the intensity of emotions from a conflict situation at work, among friends, etc.;
  • relieve stress and reduce panic;
  • increase your self-esteem;
  • return harmony to the perception of life;
  • realize your abilities, etc.

Of course, there are no ideal families, just as there is no completely cloudless idealistic picture of family life. But, if all family members work hard on themselves and their relationships, strive to listen and hear the other, express mutual respect and trust, make compromises, take into account the desires and requirements of the partner, then such a family will be able to create an atmosphere in the house where there will be emotional and psychologically comfortable for each of its members. And this is the main goal for loving people.


  • What does the term hide?
  • Classification
  • How to improve the environment at home

Hello, dear readers! In some families, people develop dynamically, while in others they constantly face problems. People generally believe that women are solely responsible for the atmosphere. It is in her that the main causes of conflicts lurk and it is she who does not know how to create a “family hearth”. How far the views of psychologists are from the usual, everyday judgments.

The psychological climate in the family is the merit of not only the female half of the social unit. From today's article you will learn on whom everything really depends, what this climate is like, its types and the main characteristics of relationships, and also get some tips on how to influence the overall satisfaction with life in the family.

What indicates an unfavorable climate in family ties?

If your friends are putting off returning home in every possible way because emotional discomfort awaits them there, then with full probability it is possible to diagnose such a family as having an unfavorable psychological climate.

    At the same time, such unfavorable families can be divided into two categories:
  • problematic , the reason for the lack of harmony in which was objective difficult life situations - loss of a job, lack of housing, serious illness of a relative, etc. In this case, a consultation with a psychologist will help overcome difficulties, who will suggest a constructive solution to the conflict and help maintain overall positive motivation in family relationships;
  • conflict , where family members constantly fight for supremacy in all matters, clashing and disagreeing on the main principles and outlook on life, stubbornly defending their position, not paying attention to other family members and the impact of such communication on the upbringing of children. Most often, such families fall apart, unable to withstand the accumulating negativity in a family that was originally created for happiness and a sense of security.

Don't forget to thank

In a family, emotional generosity is only encouraged if it is well-intentioned. We are used to criticizing each other if we don’t like something, but when we are pleased, we take it for granted. We need to be able to be grateful for all the good things that a loved one does for us. This is an incredible relationship booster. Give your partner praise, gratitude, a declaration of love and you will see that he is ready for you even more than you expected. Gratitude is the best fertilizer for relationships.

Risks of living in an unfavorable atmosphere

If you are not interested in the opinion of your partner, do not trust the rest of the family members, and the time spent with them brings you burden and dissatisfaction, then you should think about how to change the pattern of relationships in the family.

    With prolonged exposure to such a tense, negative microclimate, the likelihood of the following dangerous consequences increases:
  • constant conflicts provoke the development of a pathological state of chronic stress;
  • negative emotions contribute to a decrease in immunity and make the body more open to various viruses and infections;
  • children who are raised in such families often suffer from psychological illnesses and almost always have inferiority complexes, are embittered towards others, do not know how to empathize and adequately respond to all the challenges of the world around them;
  • Discord affects not only the relationship between husband and wife, but also leads to misunderstanding between parents and children. This, in turn, causes tension in the home and forces children to seek understanding on the street, often ending up in bad company.

Such a family climate is actually very dangerous for all its members, killing adult individuals and negatively influencing the upbringing of the younger generation. This problem can be solved with the help of professional psychologists, but only under one condition - the mutual desire of the partners to change and fight for harmony and preservation of the family.

Improvement of the situation

The psychological climate in a family is a process that can be changed and corrected, but this requires the desire of family members. Both partners need to seek help from a psychologist or psychotherapist.

Conditions that must be met:

  • Awareness of goals, for example, preserving mutual love, raising children, working for the financial benefit of the family.
  • Understanding your own place in the group. For a man this is financial support, for a woman it is caring for children. It must be taken into account that creation for the benefit of the group must begin with the creation of personal space - one’s own unrealized plans negatively affect the environment and the psychological climate of the group. This moment is non-verbally transmitted to the team members, they begin to experience negative emotions without understanding their meaning.
  • Adoption of general norms and laws. If personal norms correspond to group norms, correction is easy. If a person admits that his standards are not satisfied in a given group, he must admit: the group is doomed to separation.
  • Communication between family members.

The most democratic, useful form of communication is cooperation. Competition is not the best way to improve relationships within a team. Sometimes the process of “healing” a family takes a long time. This happens due to a lack of awareness of its meaning.

How to return a favorable climate to your union

First of all, you need to establish such a level of communication in the house so that everyone enjoys it. To do this, it is worth remembering these effective rules:

  1. smile more often, calming yourself internally and giving confidence to others;
  2. be attentive to each family member, giving him a feeling of importance and irreplaceability;
  3. not just be able to listen, but also delve into the problems of the interlocutor, trying to look at them through his eyes and sharing an objective assessment of the view from the outside;
  4. do not be categorical and cruel in your statements - even “no” can be said without offending a person if you use tact, respect and a little diplomacy;
  5. avoid conflict situations and be able to find compromise solutions that will take into account the opinions of all family members;
  6. support and approve the actions and deeds of others, charge your loved ones with healthy optimism;
  7. give compliments, remembering that both men and women, even suspecting overt flattery, will quickly hear your request or rush to help in difficult times.

Only with such an attitude of each family member towards their closest people does it serve as a guarantee of a favorable psychological and emotional atmosphere in the family. In such a house there will always be the joy of meeting and sincere expression of feelings. Here they are in a hurry to share their successes and are not afraid to talk about mistakes. In such a family, everyone is comfortable and cozy, hence the successful development of each member as an individual - regardless of whether he is an adult or a child.


Family is a socio-psychological unit of society, based on personal and trusting relationships between spouses, close relatives and children. The structure of the family, its social activity, moral and psychological atmosphere depend on the individual character of each person, the circumstances and situations that arise in the internal relationships of the family.

Family relationships depend on the education of the spouses, their values, morals, traditions, culture, morality. Misunderstandings, separation, divorce, feelings of loneliness in family relationships, and improper upbringing are the main issues studied by the psychology of family relationships.

Typically, a family consists of several people, the core of which are spouses and their children. Each family member solves serious problems, issues, achieves the intended goals and objectives necessary to meet the needs of the whole family. An integral and important part of family relationships is the creation and maintenance of spiritual relationships between spouses.

Family members actively participate in running the household, increasing family capital, and satisfying personal needs. Household and household affairs are handled exclusively by spouses. The right profession allows both partners to receive a stable and high income.

Cultural pastime and education are the main functions of the family. Family leisure is the basis for creating a warm and cozy atmosphere in the family, which allows each individual to fully open up and realize their intended goals and objectives. The couple pay special attention to raising children and taking care of the older generation.

The role of psychological climate in raising a child

The development of a little person and his formation as a person directly depend on the atmosphere within the family and the relationship between parents. All problems and risk factors will be automatically projected into his adult life and will certainly be repeated by deeper conflicts in his own family. First of all, you need to remember and realize that nothing educates like a personal example. You can spend hours lecturing your child about politeness, but you will not stop being rude to your grandmother or wife - believe me, your child will remember exactly the negative example. Therefore, mature individuals take a responsible approach to the issue of educating the younger generation and begin this process through self-improvement. They are ready to re-learn the truths of life and learn the correct dogmas of relationships in the family, so that the child absorbs them like a sponge and gets a chance in the future to become a successful and self-confident member of society.

    What needs to be done to raise a child normally:
  • praise him for his successes and achievements, increasing his self-esteem, self-confidence and contributing to his future achievements;
  • set an example of trusting relationships, instilling in the child respect for others and responsibility for the trust shown;
  • constantly believe in the strength of your child, support him in his plans and endeavors, giving qualified advice and gently suggesting the best options;
  • try to be there in difficult situations for the child, learning to see the world and relationships through his eyes, giving support and confidence that he can count on your help and attention under any circumstances;
  • do not focus on the child’s shortcomings, helping him to realize that all people are different and you need to be able to accept them as they are;
  • be honest and fair even in small things, then these qualities will be in your heir;
  • surround him with love and goodwill, let him see the positive in the world, starting with his parental family and transferring this model in the future to his own family.

By raising a child this way, you can be sure not only of his happy childhood and comfort with his family. With the acquired knowledge, habits and character traits, he will be able to build the right relationships in any team, will set the right goals and will definitely create a family where harmony and mutual understanding will reign. If a child does not receive additional attention and love in the family from childhood, then you need to seriously worry about his mental, emotional and psychological health. At the same time, it is strictly necessary to avoid such an attitude towards him:

  • excessive unconstructive criticism, which will sprout hatred towards loved ones, and then towards all the people around them;
  • reprimands and reproaches at the slightest reason, causing him to constantly feel a sense of guilt and his own imperfection;
  • set an example of loud scandals and quarrels within the family, which teach aggression and an inadequate reaction to life circumstances;
  • mocking failures and reproaching them for losses - this will lead to isolation of the child and make him doubt his strengths and capabilities.

IMPORTANT! Particular attention should be paid to the psychological climate in a family where a child with developmental disabilities is growing up. Their reaction to the surrounding negativity is brighter and deeper, and can be dangerous to health and life. On the contrary, warm relationships and sympathetic attention help such children develop better.

Family atmosphere and education

Family atmosphere

The atmosphere in the family, created to varying degrees by all its members, can be managed and specially controlled, or spontaneously formed. The psychological microclimate that reigns in your family is of fundamental importance not only for the fundamental development of the psyche of everyone who lives in this family, but also forms the ideological basis of each of its members. Of course, the situation in the family influences children to a much greater extent; their contribution to the family atmosphere is not as great as that of adults, who, based on their life views, make final decisions on many issues. But children can be a link between the two egoistic points of view of their parents, if they, in turn, are fully responsible for the child, and this is also a contribution to the family atmosphere, which has its own weight.

Psychological climate, what is it?

Few of us are familiar with such a concept as psychological climate. At the same time, whether we think about this phenomenon or not, the psychological atmosphere prevailing in the family has a great influence on each of its members.

In general, the psychological climate of a family can be considered all the sensations and emotions that a person experiences (not necessarily a family member who is surrounded by all family members for a long time). No matter how large a family is, the psychological climate in it affects each member. It affects both psychological and physical health. A person’s longevity largely depends on the emotional atmosphere in the house. Also, the psychological climate is very important when making certain decisions, as well as the personal growth of a person, including a child.

Types of psychological climate:

  • - favorable;
  • - not favorable.

A favorable emotional atmosphere in the family will only contribute to a person’s psychological health. If, after a grueling day at work (or study), a person is waiting for support, love and mutual understanding in the family, then such a climate will help him relax faster, wash away stress and restore strength. In the case when a person at home is in constant tension, often conflicts and quarrels, then such a psychological climate will contribute to the emergence of stress, and if this condition lasts for a long time, depression may develop. In this case, the family is a source of problems and frustration, and, naturally, there will be no desire to return to such a house after work.

Today, more and more attention is paid to the role and influence of the family on the psychological health of children. Psychologists believe that the psychological health or ill-health of a child is inextricably linked with the psychological atmosphere or climate of the family, and depends on the nature of relationships in the family.

Psychological health (or mental health)

The World Health Organization defines it as a “state of well-being” in which a person can realize his or her own potential, cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively and fruitfully, and contribute to their community. In this positive sense, mental health is fundamental to well-being and effective functioning for the individual and for the community.”

The psychological health of a child directly depends on the culture of family relationships, on the quality of the family atmosphere, on the traditions of a healthy lifestyle, on the psychological climate in the family and on many other components of family life. The psychological health of the family, having a significant impact on the formation of the child’s health, consists of the psychological competence of family members and the quality of their relationships. In this regard, the position of the theory of the circular model of D. H. Olson is interesting, according to which for a successful family atmosphere the simultaneous presence of three components is necessary:

  • cohesion (the degree of emotional connection between family members,
  • adaptation (a characteristic of how flexibly a family system is able to adapt and change when exposed to stressors), and
  • communication.

Regarding the influence of the family atmosphere on children's psychological health, it is important to note the ability of each family member to build relationships that form a positive family environment, a positive psychological space for the family.

Parents need to stock up on knowledge and understanding of themselves, the child and the people around them, the ability to solve emerging problems without harming themselves and others, find ways to overcome their negative states, as well as the ability to help others. This is what is called parental competence.

“Healthy” families are distinguished by the presence of competence in all its members. This means, first of all, the ability of each family member to build relationships that form a positive family environment, a positive psychological space for the family. The psychological health of the family, having a significant impact on the formation of the child’s health, consists of the psychological competence of family members and the quality of their relationships.

Psychological climate as an influence on the development of personality:

In order to create a favorable psychological atmosphere, each family member must treat others with love, respect and trust, parents - also with reverence, and the weaker - with readiness to help at any moment. Important indicators of a favorable psychological climate of a family are the desire of its members to spend free time in the home circle, talk about topics that interest everyone, do homework together, emphasize the virtues and good deeds of everyone, and the simultaneous openness of the family and its wide contacts. Such a climate promotes harmony, reduces the severity of emerging conflicts, relieves stress, increases the assessment of one’s own social significance and realizes the personal potential of each family member.

Recent research by World Health Organization experts conducted in various countries has convincingly shown that mental health problems are much more common in children who suffer from insufficient communication and hostile attitudes from parents, as well as in children who grow up in conditions of family discord.

The moral and psychological climate of the family has a great influence on the development of the child’s personality. Having mastered the norms of behavior and relationships of their parents, children begin to build their relationships with loved ones in accordance with them, and then transfer the skills of these relationships to the people around them, comrades, and teachers. But, if there is no unity in the family in raising a child, if important pedagogical principles of respect for the child and demandingness towards him are violated, then the ground is created for the incorrect development of a person’s character.

The most terrible consequences of a dysfunctional family atmosphere appear in violations of the child’s psycho-emotional sphere, which can lead to childhood crime and even suicide. The child may experience unreasonable fears, sleep disturbances, eating disturbances, etc. Usually these disturbances are temporary. In some children, they manifest themselves frequently, persistently, and lead to social maladjustment. Such conditions can be defined as mental disorders.

Neuroses do not arise in children if parents cope with their personal problems in a timely manner and maintain warm relationships in the family, love children and are kind to them, are responsive to their needs and requests, are simple and direct in their dealings, allow children to express their feelings and stabilize emerging feelings in a timely manner. They have nervous tension and act in concert in matters of education, taking into account the gender-appropriate orientations and hobbies of the children.

This is where the importance of the role of parents’ psychological competence manifests itself, which prevents the development of pathological habits and various negative addictions (television, computer, etc.) in children.

I would like to note the main criteria for assessing the psychological health of a family, namely:

  • positive psychological space of the family, which consists of the psychological competence of family members and the quality of their relationships;
  • socio-psychological adaptation, that is, the individual’s mastery of a role when entering a new social group. In this case, it is important not only to achieve the goal, but also to maintain a favorable psychophysiological and emotional state;
  • adequate family interaction. Interaction as a process is characterized by: cumulative activity, information communication, mutual influence, relationships and mutual understanding.

Relationships are determined and set by the personal qualities of people, the structure of their personality, formed in the process of education. Violations in the relationships of children with peers and with teachers are associated with violations in family education.


So. The family, being a necessary component of the social structure of any society, and performing multiple social functions, plays an important role in social development. It is the family that performs the main function, which is to transmit to children a system of values ​​and norms, to include them in the social environment, in various social connections. The family psychological atmosphere of well-being is a powerful factor in children’s health, and no social institution can replace it for a child.

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The role of psychological climate in relations between spouses

To be able to talk about a harmonious family with a favorable internal atmosphere, it is necessary that the partners in it have at least 5 basic qualities :

  • openness to communication, ability to listen and desire to be helpful;
  • goodwill, in which each of the couple first of all thinks about his other half and makes decisions based on his wishes and preferences;
  • attentiveness and mutual respect, which serve as a guarantee of sincerity of feelings;
  • commitment, manifested in the ability to take on one’s share of responsibilities for the family (the man is the breadwinner, the wife is the coziness and comfort of the home, etc.);
  • emotional stability.

This last point deserves closer consideration. The worst thing for a couple is when two emotionally unstable personalities meet under one roof. Their life will be a series of conflicts and disputes. An excellent option is a family where both partners are adults, mature and emotionally stable individuals. It’s also good when “plus” and “minus” meet - in this case, one of the family members will always be able to support and reassure their chosen one. At the same time, statistics indicate that women’s emotional stability is most important for strong family relationships. A man may not break family ties, even if he is completely dissatisfied with family relationships. But women's dissatisfaction and disappointment most often end in divorce.

    Compliance with the following conditions will help improve the psychological climate of communication between partners:
  • drawing general goals of family life;
  • a clear perception of one’s own place in the family with expiring rights and responsibilities;
  • following family norms, creating family traditions and rules;
  • mandatory sincere communication with your partner.

What influences the psychological climate

The microclimate that will reign in the family is influenced, first of all, by the parents and their relationships. Constant quarrels, swearing, unwillingness to hear and understand each other hurt not only them, but also other family members.

This is especially true for children. It seems that the baby is very small and will not understand anything if mom and dad quarrel loudly once. Nothing of the kind, he will hear a roar, aggression, and feel fear. Frequent repetitions of conflicts will become the basis for the development of anxiety and anxiety. Quarrels, mutual disrespect, and contempt in later life will provoke the emergence of aggressiveness, negativism, inability and unwillingness to sympathize with others.

What the microclimate will be like is influenced by the psychological characteristics of parents and children, grandparents, their health, and socio-economic reasons:

  • Dependence of one of the family members on alcohol, games, computer, work, Internet, drugs. It doesn’t matter who is addicted – parents or children. As soon as addiction appears, family relationships lose a point of stability. If earlier each person had his own goal, now everything revolves around the addict; relatives turn into his codependents.
  • Disrespect of spouses for each other. Often people get married in a hurry, having made a decision that is not entirely correct. It happens that at some point they realize that they have stopped loving each other. It would be possible to part calmly, remain friends, inform the children about the decision made and continue to communicate with them with respect and understanding of the value of human relationships. Many, however, prefer to live by humiliating each other, hiding lies and deceit, swearing and conflict.

Photo by Harrison Haines from Pexels

  • Lack of a clear parenting strategy. If you demand the impossible from children or, conversely, indulge them, they, not understanding how they should act, will feel anxious and become an irritant. This will happen even with very friendly parents.
  • One or more family members suffer from a serious physical or mental illness, while the rest are unable or unable to provide the necessary support.
  • Low level of income, lack of usual benefits that allow you to feel safe and comfortable. But the most important thing is not the objective level of income, but the emotional and mental fixation on one’s poverty, emphasizing it.
  • The permanent or temporary presence of a relative who cannot join the family. This could be an aunt, uncle, grandmother, nephew. Whatever the degree of relationship, the presence of an unfamiliar person creates discomfort.

The fact that the psychological microclimate is a very subtle, unstable state is evidenced by this example - the parents developed (peacefully, by mutual agreement), the children remained with their mother. Dad moved to another city, comes to visit once a year, and between visits he practically does not communicate with the children.

Photo by Ron Lach from Pexels

On his next visit, the children could not stay calmly with him. A day without my mother ended in hysterics. She did not turn the children against their father; on the contrary, she wanted him to communicate more with them. However, his arrival turned out to be a disaster, and the children were secretly glad for a long time that he had left.

A simple test to help determine the family psychological climate

    Give each question a simple answer: “Yes” or “No”:
  1. My family can be called friendly.
  2. We have our own traditions of having dinners and lunches together.
  3. I always feel comfortable with my family.
  4. The homely atmosphere is most conducive to complete relaxation.
  5. It is not customary for us to remember grievances or disagreements for a long time.
  6. At home I feel protected both physically and mentally.
  7. We always welcome guests.
  8. I can always count on help and support from my family.
  9. We all understand each other perfectly.
  10. Being away from home for a long time makes me truly sad.
  11. All our friends love to visit us.
  12. We try to spend our holidays together as much as possible.
  13. Work also progresses faster when we do it collectively.
  14. We love to play board games or sing karaoke together.
  15. It's always fun and warm here.
  16. We hasten to apologize for our mistakes so as not to hurt a loved one.
  17. All our holidays are fun and joyful.
  18. There is always order and comfort in the house.
  19. They love to come and visit us.
  20. Some family members are not entirely comfortable at home.
  21. Communication with loved ones can be called strained.
  22. I try to lock myself in my room at home so as not to see anyone.
  23. Often you have to accept insults from loved ones.
  24. The discomfort at home is so great that sometimes you don’t want to go back there at all.
  25. Everyone in the house tries to outshout each other, communicating exclusively in raised voices.
  26. The atmosphere in the family is painful and tense.
  27. In my home, I acutely feel loneliness and the fact that no one needs me.
  28. Being with my family has a negative effect on me.
  29. Thunderstorms often rage in the house with screams and scandals.
  30. All receptions end in conflicts in the family.
  31. Some family members are too complex.
  32. We have one inadequate person who destroys all harmony.
  33. The habits of some of my loved ones irritate me.
  34. We do not know how to react normally to different circumstances.
  35. The presence of individual family members in the house unsettles me.
    Calculation of results:
  • each “Yes” answer to questions 1 to 19 inclusive deserves 1 point;
  • Each “No” answer to questions 20 to 35 also earns 1 point.
    Calculation of results:
  • 23-35 points - you can be proud of a stable, favorable emotional and psychological climate in the family.
  • 16-22 points – a normal psychological climate with a predominant positive attitude, but also with some negative factors.
  • 9-15 points – unstable climate in the family with changeable mood. This picture is often observed in families where disappointment in the partner begins and there is tension in the relationship. These numbers are a serious signal to go to a psychologist to save the family.
  • 0-8 points – a stable negative climate, in which a decision on divorce is not far off. At the same time, both spouses are fully aware that life together is completely unbearable, so separation can really be the only right way out of the problem.

Any family, with the mutual desire of all members, will be able to establish the necessary comfortable climate, starting to communicate more with each other, taking care of loved ones, putting their desires as a higher priority than their own. Many couples have to turn to psychologists and go through long stages of psychological treatment for relationships. But isn’t harmony in the family and a happy future for children worth it? So, as the famous song says: “Think for yourself, decide for yourself - to have or not to have”... Be the architects of your own family happiness and fight for a healthy atmosphere in your home.

Family relationships

The psychology of family relationships studies not only upbringing, everyday life, morality, and personal character, but also disturbing circumstances and situations that destroy the family structure. A negative family environment often develops against the backdrop of social and economic circumstances: unstable financial income, problems with employment, low social standard of living, improper distribution of responsibilities in the family.

According to statistics, there has been a sharp increase in the number of dysfunctional families that violate their own moral character (abuse of alcohol, drugs, attacks of aggressive behavior), and experience a disorder in communication functions that do not satisfy the needs of each partner for love, respect, and understanding. It is these reasons that lead to emotional personality disorder, cause tension, anxiety, depression, feelings of melancholy, loneliness and uselessness.

Family relationships in marriage are classified as follows:

  • Equality – equal rights and responsibilities of both spouses.
  • Romantic relationships are characterized by spiritual harmony, true love, and sentimentality.
  • Caring for parents, your partner, children.
  • The childish behavior of spouses is the creation of happiness, joy, and childish spontaneity in the relationship.
  • Rational behavior – control and observation of the manifestation of emotions and feelings, while respecting each other’s rights and responsibilities. Correct assessment of one's own responsibility to each family member.
  • Friendly behavior is the desire to become a spouse’s friend, comrade, and ally in all his affairs and life’s difficulties.
  • Independent behavior is characterized by the preservation of personal space in a marriage.

Primary (formal) data about the family

The characteristics of a family should begin with basic, primary data about its members:

  1. Full name, year of birth, education, place of work and position, contact numbers of mother, father or people who replace them.
  2. Information about other family members (full name, relationship to the student, field of activity, contact information): grandparents, brothers, sisters and others.
  3. Information about other people who are not family members, but live in the same house for a long time (full name, field of activity, who the other family members are, contact information).
  4. Address where family members live.
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