What is a love relationship and how to create it ideal?


Love is something without which not a single person on earth can live. For everyone it is unique and special.

What kind of love relationships are there and types of communication in them?

What is better to pursue and what to avoid in such relationships?

What will serve as the connecting thread for a harmonious relationship?

Find out and choose your type to build a happy and long union.

What is a love relationship?

A love relationship is a sexual and emotional connection between two people. In practice, this is the period before marriage when partners get to know each other, experiencing love and attraction.

Types of love relationships.

Depending on the character, experience and formed ideas about relationships, partners subconsciously (or not) occupy a certain role in them. There are several of the most striking types of relationships.

  • Romantic love is a type of relationship that almost all couples go through when they first start dating. Characterized by mutual care, relative equality, interdependence. Both partners take the initiative, influence each other’s behavior, and are both afraid of making a mistake.
  • Friendship-love is a partnership relationship that is built not so much on mutual attraction as on respect. It is easy and safe for both men and women to voice their thoughts or opinions. In such an alliance, it is not customary to reproach or force someone to do something. People here are used to reaching agreements, helping each other, abandoning gender stereotypes. For them, it doesn’t matter who washes the dishes, who drives the car or pays off the loan.
  • Charismatic love - in this type of relationship, one is much more attached to the other. It is in this case that it is customary to say that someone loves, and someone allows themselves to be loved. The first partner is ready to fulfill any requirements, just to get approval. The second one, out of habit, uses power and “gets out of his way.” The relationship is considered codependent and needs correction.
  • Love without obligations - this type is chosen by free individuals who do not want to burden themselves with duties, conventions, and responsibilities. They spell out the rules, but everyone has the right to have connections on the side.
  • Submission love is a manipulative type of love relationship. One of the partners loves, and the other pursues some of his own personal motives and goals. For example, he is in a relationship for the sake of sex or an apartment in the city center.
  • Love-expectation is chosen by people who are not bound by feelings or emotional attachment. Some are driven by financial gain, others by status or other compelling facts. In such a union there may be intense sex, shared property or business, but not love.

Take the test: Does he love me?

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Love and relationships: 6 steps to ideal.

There are several simple tips on how to make a love relationship comfortable, long-lasting, and almost ideal. There is no universal recipe, but there are tips that definitely won’t hurt to listen to.

Break traditions.

Almost all relationships suffer from routine, routine, and predictability. And when it gets boring, someone else meets. This will not happen if you add fuel to the fire at the right time. For example, surprise. Didn't take out the trash again? Hide a trash can in the closet. Half an hour late again? Sing stupid songs for the next half hour. And about how you can diversify your leisure time, write - not rewrite.


Oddly enough, sex, kissing during a meeting and hugging goodbye are not enough to create a special connection. Gentle stroking of the hand while watching a movie or preparing dinner is a completely different matter. Magic appears when we remove an eyelash from the cheeks of our loved ones, cover them with a blanket at night or massage our feet.

Look for a compromise.

Even the most harmonious couple does not see eye to eye on everything. And this is wonderful, because it is not boring, interesting, and always unpredictable. The main thing is to find a compromise. For example, he is used to spending Saturday evening watching an interesting film, and she is used to SUP surfing. You can alternate entertainment or meet in the middle: a woman is engaged in active sports on the water, and a man is watching his favorite blockbuster on the shore.

Listen and hear.

Psychologists have proven that most conflicts are caused by misunderstandings. It’s as if people are talking but not hearing each other. This is partly true. During the parterre's remark, we think about what we will say in response to him. A simple rule will help you get out of a blind corner - always repeat the words of your interlocutor, ending with the phrase: “Did I understand correctly?”


This is not about saying, “You did the right thing,” despite your own opinion. But emotional support is priceless, so you should always stand on the side of the partner. That is, listen to his arguments, feelings, try to understand. Mutual support gives a feeling of security, confidence, and brings people closer together.

Love between a man and a woman: disease or cure?

Love... Scientists never tire of analyzing this sublime feeling. According to their research, love affects our body like a drug or painkiller, literally intoxicating us.

Psychologists say that a person cannot live a harmonious life without love: he needs it and plunges into depression if he does not find it.

And the World Health Organization has added love to the register of diseases under the official number F63.9.

Everyone who has at least once experienced this intoxicating feeling strives to experience it again by entering into a love relationship. Whether active or in the background, we are always on the lookout. We meet people on the streets, register on dating sites, look closely at colleagues and enthusiastically join new companies. And all this, in most cases, in order to meet your person and find love.

On the subject: What is love?

What is love from a psychological point of view?

From a psychological point of view, love still has very blurred boundaries. When a person sees the object of love, his heartbeat quickens, his pulse increases and his behavior changes.

Love can have both a destructive and an inspiring effect on a person. Its phenomenon is autonomous existence. It arises on its own and is not subject to reason.

Some psychologists argue that love is a way of human socialization. Others call it the result of the production of sex hormones. There is no consensus on the definition of love. Freud viewed it as the energy of the primal urges. He called it an attraction caused by the activity of the libido.

Philosopher Jacques Lacan voiced the theory that love is accompanied by scarcity. It provokes in one person the need to possess another. Karen Horney, in turn, calls love a manifestation of neurosis. He views expressed passion as a symptom of sexual dissatisfaction.

The humanist Maslow considered love to be one of the needs, which is also a driving motivation. He argued that man equally needs stability, security, self-respect and love. He divided love into deficit and existential. The first is a means of satisfying one’s needs, and the existential is characterized by care and dedication.

Definition and signs of love

The concept of love in psychology has several contradictory interpretations. Experts say that true love is similar to love for your child. She is characterized by complete dedication and the ability to empathize.

There are three main definitions of love:

  1. Love is a state of falling in love, accompanied by obsession with a person. A person in love becomes detached from reality, his vigilance is lost and his attention weakens.
  2. Love is the habit of constantly interacting with a person. It can be fueled by pleasant emotions and a sense of satisfaction.
  3. Love is dependence on the object of your desire. It has been compared to a drug addiction. This definition is based on the release of happiness hormones in a person in love.

Love is a feeling beyond the control of the brain. It cannot be analyzed or evaluated. Love is very often confused with sympathy and sexual attraction. However, it has several distinctive features.

In psychology, the following signs of love are distinguished:

  1. Indifference towards other people. Even if signs of attention from other objects are observed, the person in love remains indifferent to them.
  2. The need to develop relationships. If a person wants something more than what is available at the moment, we can talk about love.
  3. No internal doubts. A person in love gains confidence that he has made the right choice in favor of his partner.
  4. There is motivation to become better. A person in love strives to show his best side.
  5. If there is real love between two people, they enjoy being with each other even in absolute silence.
  6. A person in love cannot clearly answer what attracted him to his partner. He loves not for something, but in spite of everything.
  7. There is a desire to take the side of your partner in any controversial situations.
  8. Love is accompanied by the ability to forgive.

Who seeks will always find

And we find it. As a rule, suddenly.

We meet, fall in love and plunge into a state numbered F63.9 from the WHO disease registry. We start a love relationship and, at first, enjoy our happiness and euphoria.

A storm of feelings and emotions covers us, and critical thinking is completely absent during this wonderful period. It's like we're in a state of drug intoxication. Everything about our loved one seems charming: appearance, voice, and demeanor. And we perceive its shortcomings as an amazing feature - its zest and charm. And here, under the influence of this love intoxication, it would be good not to completely dissolve in your partner, to preserve yourself and not make any fateful decisions.

But... As sooner or later the disease passes, as the effect of any drug ends, so our euphoria gradually fades away. Passions subside, and we begin to see our partner for who he really is. Gradually calming down and getting used to each other, we move directly to building a love relationship.

Basic love languages

Each of us shows love in our own way. Some consider time spent on a person to be the most valuable resource, while others try to shower their partner with gifts. In relationships, it is important to be guided not only by your ideas about love, but also by the desires of your loved one. This will allow him to express his feelings in a language he understands.

In psychology, it is customary to distinguish five love languages:

  1. Words of encouragement. Some people find it important to hear words of approval and praise from a loved one. Gratitude and apologies are especially important for such people. You need to talk to them in a friendly tone.
  2. The second love language is time. In this case, we are talking about spending time together.
  3. There is a category of people who measure the degree of love with gifts. They try to give gifts to their loved one and expect similar actions from him.
  4. Another manifestation of love is help. It can concern both everyday matters and something global.
  5. Touch is considered the fifth love language. Tactile contact is very important in expressing your feelings. This includes hugs, kisses and light touches.

Love is a complex feeling that helps us deal with many of life’s difficulties. It is this that is at the heart of creating strong and harmonious relationships.

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