How a man falls in love: 6 real reasons named

Incredible facts

Many people are convinced that men fall in love differently than women.

There is a common belief that men are not capable of deep feelings. This is fundamentally wrong.

What helps a man fall in love? What type of woman makes him lose his head?

Women from all over the world are trying to find out the answer to this question.

A man falls in love when he feels like he can be a superhero with you. When he feels accepted, valued and understood, and knows he can make you happy, he will be yours.

" explains relationship expert Bobby Palmer.

Although men and women have the same emotions, men do fall in love differently. Researchers have found 6 main reasons why a man can fall in love with his chosen one.

How a man falls in love: how does a woman’s love differ from a man’s?

When a woman falls in love, it is immediately noticeable; she is filled with euphoria, bursts of happiness, inspiration, does not hide her feelings and is emotionally open to her chosen one.

Girls fall in love slower than guys.

They are more picky due to a natural need to protect themselves. For men, everything happens differently. Often, due to ignorance of the mechanisms of falling in love among guys, girls simply do not give the opportunity to have a happy and strong relationship. Men go through several stages of falling in love when they meet the girl they like.

Appearance assessment. Appearance is what instantly attracts the attention of the stronger sex. Every guy has his own preferences. For some, it is important that a woman has a beautiful face and smile, while others need a beautiful figure or good manners.

Enthusiasm. When a guy is interested enough in you, he begins to court you, seeks your attention, and gives compliments. He also expects reciprocal attention to his actions - flirting, flirting smile.

The hobby stage is games. A man can pursue in different ways, but if a woman does not accept his attempts, he simply disappears.

Attraction. In the case when the girl reciprocates, he shows serious intentions, trying in every possible way to please. The relationship will gradually develop.

Belief. At this stage, it is important for the guy to make sure whether the girl feels the same for him as he feels for her. He will put a lot of effort into being liked, and it will be important for him to receive a reciprocal reaction to advances.

He will not calm down until he finally understands whether you are in love with him.

Confirmation. After the guy is convinced that the girl is in love with him, he finds peace of mind. The main goal he was focused on has been achieved and he will now seriously question whether he would like to be in a relationship or not.

He is ready to love. If a man is convinced that he really likes this girl, he moves on to the final stage of falling in love to build a serious relationship. If he doubts this, he will start to avoid you and stop paying attention.

How to tell if he's really in love

The reasons that a man hides his captivity with Cupid from a woman can be completely different. Excessive natural shyness, timidity, uncertainty in reciprocity. Professional status can also become an obstacle if, for example, this happens between a teacher and a student, a doctor and a patient. The presence of a wife will also be a factor preventing the manifestation of feelings.

However, it also happens that a man only creates the appearance of falling in love. His real goal is not a strong relationship, but a fleeting affair. He needs to have fun, have an interesting time, satisfy his physiological needs.

Why do men hide their emotions?

In the process of going through all these stages, it is important to understand that you should not rush your chosen one and try to extract from him how he feels.

Men tend to be very secretive about their emotions, this can happen for a variety of reasons. Stereotypes are one of the main ones. From childhood, almost all boys are convinced that they should be restrained and not show their emotions. And when they become adults, it is difficult for them to express their true state and they keep their experiences to themselves.

He may also simply be afraid to enter into a relationship.

If the previous ones caused him suffering, then he will most likely find it difficult to get closer and keep his distance until he is sure of his and your feelings.

Another reason is that men are afraid of being rejected. If such situations have already happened to him, then perhaps he will delay until the last minute in opening his feelings, because refusal can hit his self-esteem.

How to distinguish love from sexual attraction

Many girls fall into the trap of sex-only relationships, mistaking them for love to death. To avoid this, you need to accept the fact that men often separate the spheres of sex and love - the second does not always accompany the first. If you feel that his interest revolves only around your body, you should be wary.

If a man is not interested in your life and you as a person, all your meetings take place at his home at a time convenient for him, in sex he is more rude than gentle, do not flatter yourself with hopes for his love.

To prevent this from happening to you, never rush into an intimate relationship with men you don’t know well. First, communicate, interest yourself and make sure of the sincerity of your intentions, and only then move on to intimacy.

How does a man fall in love: how does he feel when he is in love?

You can understand how a man feels when he is in love by the way he acts. Girls talk about their feelings and don’t hide their emotions. The opposite sex will show and confirm the existence of their feelings through actions.

He will spend all his free time with the girl, use any free minute to write a message, come anywhere just to see her. He will ask about how her day was, what her mood is, if anything happened and how he could help with this.

It is also important for a man in love to know where the girl is, what she is doing, and this is not in order to control her, unless he arranges an interrogation with passion and does not rummage through the phone, of course.

It is important for him to surround his chosen one with care and solve any problems, learn as much as possible about the girl’s personality, support her in any endeavors and help implement them.

While in a relationship, a girl will feel whether she is loved. She will feel protected, her self-esteem will only increase and she will be surrounded by care in all its best manifestations.

A man will listen to her, help her morally and, if necessary, financially, he will solve everything in word and deed, and will take an active part in the girl’s life. Find out all the interests and preferences, introduce them to friends and relatives.

Attitude test: effective ways to check if there is a crush

Speculatively, sometimes it is difficult to recognize true love, you have to resort to feminine tricks. I have collected for you an arsenal of tools that will help you bring the partisan to clean water.

  1. On the day of the scheduled meeting, tell the guy that you are sick and cannot come. If he expresses a desire to take care of you, buy you medicine and fruit, without fear of getting infected, then he has feelings for you.
  2. Ask them to help you do some simple manly work - nailing a shelf, moving a table, choosing a faucet. If a man happily responds to a request, he certainly cannot be called indifferent. Just don’t overuse this method and don’t forget to thank your assistant well.
  3. Ask what your chosen one thinks about your family and friends. A man in love will never criticize or speak badly about people who are dear to his beloved.
  4. Ask a man how he sees his life in five years. If his story doesn’t say a word about you, it means, most likely, he doesn’t have serious plans for you.

You will find even more signs and methods in this video.

How does a loving man behave?

Finding out how men fall in love is not so difficult; it’s enough to understand that they think and act differently from girls.

Sometimes guys can seem selfish by courting and then suddenly disappearing, losing interest, when the woman is already in love.

It is important to understand that this is how men think, and try not to show your feelings right away, take off your rose-colored glasses and not idealize a person, giving him the opportunity to win your heart and show all his best qualities.


How to develop your feminine side

To develop your femininity, try to do more often what has been characteristic of a real woman since ancient times.

  • Wear dresses. Many women categorically refuse to wear dresses. But in vain - most men like it when women wear dresses, or at least skirts. If you try to change your jeans to a dress, you will notice after a while that you begin to feel more feminine. Imagine a bucket and a crystal vase. How do you usually pick up a bucket? What about the vase? How would you like to be treated?
  • Feed someone. Try to cook something tasty more often and treat your friends or relatives, you can feed homeless animals. Such care for others gives a powerful impetus to the development of femininity.
  • Do something with your own hands. Cross stitch, knit, make cards and notebooks. Any handicraft has a very beneficial effect on the female psyche. When a woman creates something with her hands, she comes into harmony with her feminine nature.

When a woman does hard work, her movements change, they become clumsy, rough, and masculine qualities develop in the woman. Even if a woman does not work physically, but, for example, manages, this also affects her femininity - her voice loses its softness, her movements become sharper.

Therefore, try to do less hard physical work and create more. It is also useful to dig in the ground, for example, in a vegetable garden, if you have one, or to tend to indoor plants.

I recommend watching a video from practical psychologist Nadezhda Mayer on how to attract a man. She will tell you what a woman who can attract male attention should look like. By applying the recommendations received, you will become a real magnet for men.

Enthusiastic flies separately, delicious cutlets separately

Photo by Danik Prihodko: Pexels
In the first lines of our recommendations and observations, we would like to immediately protect you from unnecessary illusions and disappointments. Sometimes men perfectly play the role of a prince in love, without experiencing anything other than slight irony and calculation towards you.

He will describe his behavior as if from the notes of a sentimental romance: inexpensive but cute bouquets, mediocre sweets, an invitation to the nearest coffee shop for desserts, a couple of trips to the cinema or to an amusement park, hints of his warm disposition towards you.

Sigh sadly, saying O tempora! Oh more! (translation, of course, you remember - oh, times, oh morals) we will not talk about this, and yet we want to advise you not to soar on the clouds of cloudless delight, but to analyze the premises of your partner’s feelings.

So, knights, without fear or reproach, can pretend to be passionately in love if:

  • they have absolutely no one to organize their life, and they are so accustomed to their mother’s hearty cutlets and soups, a clean wardrobe, the ideal condition of the room in which they live, and you are such a convenient candidate for the role of a housekeeper;
  • you are “gnawing the granite of science” together in an educational institution, you are doing it more successfully, and he hopes that you will pull him by the ears to a diploma, but for now you can even live carefree together;
  • you are the daughter, younger sister, niece of a rich businessman, capable of paving the way for the chosen one to the “pineapples and hazel grouse” of prosperity, the contender for your hand and heart in this situation will be very eloquently in love, do not fall for false tricks;
  • a man needs a certain “nurse”, a nurse, a companion for an elderly relative, and you have suitable professional qualifications, and a gentle and helpful character, so why not play a love story;
  • By the will of fate, a single father was left on his own with a small child and he needs a dexterous assistant who can replace the child’s departed mother, an impulse that is noble and understandable, but has nothing to do with love for you.

How a man loves and falls in love

In fairness, we would like to note that a life full of surprises is quite capable of tricks in all these cases. Using you initially purely for mercantile interests, over time a man can become so attached to you and get used to you that he really loves you with all his heart.

Still, be careful when another gentleman appears on the horizon. Now we are just getting down to the “grain” of this material, the answers to the question: how does a man behave if he has truly fallen in love.

Features of the psychology of a man in love

When a man falls in love, the hormonal composition changes. More serotonin and oxytocin are produced - hormones of joy and stress resistance. Falling in love feels like being slightly intoxicated. The guy is in high spirits, experiencing excitement, a desire to constantly be close to the object of his love, even hiding his feelings.

Love takes time to develop; falling in love arises spontaneously. A fleeting glance is enough to become interested in a girl. Appearance attracts primary attention. Scientists believe that the ideal image of a partner is genetically determined. Through generations, the idea of ​​the optimal set of external traits that a guy subconsciously looks for in those around him is passed on. When a man meets a woman with suitable facial features, a selection mechanism is triggered.

To consolidate love, a small contact is enough: a casual touch, approach, exchange of phrases. Approaching a girl within 1 m, a man can smell her body. A suitable smell, attractive, exciting, is a mandatory criterion for falling in love. Unpleasant body odor is annoying and the girl becomes unattractive. This occurs due to the similarity of the genetic makeup: people with similar sets of genes have a high chance of having children with genetic disorders. Therefore, nature provides a rejection mechanism.

What to remember

Armed with knowledge of what is happening to a man at every moment in the development of your relationship, you can adjust your behavior, directing his feelings in the right direction.

  • Remember, it all starts with sexual desire. Your look, your smile - everything should work to make a man want to possess you.
  • Be yourself. Naturalness is your ally.
  • Admire a man, but don't completely lose yourself in him.
  • Give your man positive emotions that will attract him to you.
  • Eat with pleasure everything he treats you with.
  • Love yourself, enjoy how awesome you are - this is what attracts men the most and makes them fall in love with women.
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