10 reasons why a man doesn't respond to messages. How to behave in response to being ignored?

Useful tips

There are many pretty good reasons why this or that person cannot or does not want to answer you.

You shouldn’t stare at your smartphone or computer screen all the time waiting for an answer, think about the bad, and come up with various reasons in your head why he or she refused to call back or answer a message.

In this article you will find a list of almost all possible reasons why you were not answered immediately or at all.

He is busy

You’re already exhausted: you wrote to him 15 minutes ago, but he didn’t even bother to read your message, although he was online 2 minutes ago. How so? Love has passed, the tomatoes have wilted? That's it, he doesn't love you anymore?

This is your trick of inventing a problem where there is none... Believe me, all men “adore” this. If you know that your boyfriend has left for work, and doesn’t forget to kiss you on the forehead, get away from the guy. Let him earn money.

He may have an important meeting, a meeting, or just a break between clients. At work, a man should work, and not talk shit on the phone, you know? He will definitely answer when there is time when he is in the mood for a conversation. Better go and do something useful too.

Things that make it clear that you are being ignored

It happens that a girl did not immediately see the message because she was at training or working, her phone was dead - but you never know the reasons! But this is not your story if there are these signs:

  1. She read the message, but has not responded for over an hour.
  2. She does not respond, but at the same time publishes entries; the website shows that she is online.
  3. You write her another message, but this time it no longer appears as read.

Even if you encounter these signs, there is no reason to be discouraged until you understand the reason. Your further strategy of behavior will depend on it. And there can be many situations!

You're too intrusive

Why does a man ignore messages? Yes, there are simply too many of you. Well, what's the use of your messages in the morning, at lunch and in the evening, and in between there are 20 calls? What do you want to achieve with this?

First, you need to figure out what stage of the relationship you are at now. Have you met yet? How many meetings have you had? At the initial stage of a relationship, a large number of incoming calls is annoying. You don’t know each other well enough yet to talk about nothing for hours.

What to write to a man in SMS to get him to respond?

  • Remember that this should not be 100,500 messages per day, but a maximum of 2-3. It’s better for him to think that he hasn’t hooked you and is pursuing you, than to start wiping his feet, thinking that you’re all his.
  • Don't write the sheets. They are boring to read, even if there is a secret secret. It’s better to tell it when you meet, and write in the message: “I want to share a secret with you. Shall we meet?”
  • Fewer emojis. No, hearts are cute, of course, but when all your messages are 80-100% emoji, your eyes start to bleed.
  • Connect your message emotionally to it. Instead of “I found out this, you’re going to die now,” you write “I learned something today and immediately thought about you!”

She's testing you so she decided to ignore you

There are provocateur girls who like to test a man. She wants to understand how interested you are in her and how you will behave. Usually, she chooses an insignificant excuse to ignore, which she will speak about only after resolving the situation.

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He is married

Well, damn it, no luck. He guided you around his cock and didn’t bat an eyelid. Of course, he won't answer your calls when his little dog is nearby.

This is not the norm, but it occurs often. Finding out whether a man is married or not is quite simple. Ignoring your calls and messages at certain times is one of the signs.

How to react to this? It's up to you. You can forget his number and look for a normal man or continue the relationship, because he is such a wonderful person.

But remember that being a mistress is a thankless task. Sooner or later your wife will call you, and on all holidays he will be with his family. And it is very unlikely that a married man will leave for his mistress, because he already has a good time.

What is the reason

Some people think that the answer is so easy, so why can’t it be done. But it often happens that a person opens a message and forgets to reply to it, or sees a pop-up notification and tells himself that he will respond later when he has time to think about the answer. And as a result, you always end up in the same situation, responding with “Sorry, I just saw that” or “Damn, I saw it and forgot to answer” a week later, trying not to look like a completely terrible person.

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He's trying to tie you down

The guy ignores on purpose, but does not disappear completely. This is the so-called see-saw principle. Today he does not answer your calls, and tomorrow he appears as if nothing happened.

It works very simply: by manipulating a person, we tie him to ourselves, force him to wait for a call and sit over the phone like a kite. The woman does not understand what is happening and falls more and more in love with the man. This way, the guy gains complete control over your relationship. He will no longer have to strain to get you.

What to write to a girl who ignores you

Abruptly stopping responding to messages is a girl’s conscious choice, which you cannot influence in any way. But the reaction to what is happening is still under your control. As a response to being ignored, it would be appropriate to write just one message - and below I offer three options.

Ask a Question

There is nothing strange in wanting to know why they don’t respond to your SMS. You can write to the girl who is ignoring you with a direct question: “What’s wrong?” It is quite possible that she will answer you and you will find out the misunderstanding that happened between you (if there was one, of course).

Be sincere and honest

You can safely tell the girl about your feelings about the current situation. For example, writing to her “Hi. I see that you don't read my messages. If this happened through my fault and I offended you in some way, tell me, I didn’t mean to do it. I value our communication and don’t want it to end.” Honesty is closely related to self-confidence (and therefore highly valued), so if she doesn't respond to this message, rest assured that you did your best.

Plan b

Any ignore is a non-verbal sign that the interlocutor is not in the mood to communicate with you now. If you are not sure that it is caused by unforeseen circumstances and the girl will soon return to contact, you should think about stopping communication. In this case, your last message will be silence - just like hers.

You had a fight

“And I haven’t said everything yet!” - this is definitely not the phrase you want to hear from the woman you love. Apparently, your messages are so saturated with resentment and the continuation of the banquet that it is easier for a man to ignore you than to answer.

If a man ignores you after an argument, maybe he wanted to take a short break to breathe. In the heat of the moment, it’s possible to talk shit to each other, after which you will feel ashamed and disgusted.

So after a quarrel, don’t call or write. Can not? Throw away your phone. If a guy doesn't answer his calls, it means he's giving you time to cool down. Take this moment to calm down, think and only then continue the conversation. Believe me, it is much easier to come to an agreement in a calm state.

Why a girl doesn't respond to a message: 8 possible reasons

She is a media personality or blogger

Under the posts on social networks of almost all attractive girls with several thousand subscribers, you can see hundreds of declarations of love from guys, and one can only guess how many requests they have for correspondence in direct messages. And although the image of such girls seems very friendly, and you may catch yourself thinking that this is “the one” in front of you, we advise you not to entertain the illusion that you can meet an influencer on social networks.

Yes, it's possible, but it doesn't happen often. Sometimes they don’t even read all their messages themselves, hiring a special person to manage the account. Therefore, perhaps, you should not be surprised or worried if such a girl ignores your message.

She has too many text requests

Even if a girl’s social media account doesn’t have a telltale blue tick, she can still be the object of increased attention among guys. And in this case, she may not have time to answer everyone or may not want to do so.

Don’t be offended or angry, don’t forget that she is a person with free will, just like you.

She has no desire to communicate with strangers

Yes, that's it. If you wrote to a girl not on a dating app, where she clearly indicated that she was glad to chat with someone new, then it is possible that she simply may not have such a desire.

She's already dating someone

Although correspondence in many cases cannot be considered cheating, especially if there is no flirting in it, some girls prefer not to respond to unfamiliar guys when they are in a relationship with someone.

She is currently out of reach

Perhaps the girl read the message and did not respond because she found herself in a place where the Internet connection was unstable or completely absent.

In addition, your message may have arrived shortly before she was forced to turn off her phone due to work, school, family circumstances, or some important event. And yes, if you sent a message at an inopportune hour, it is possible that she simply already went to bed.

Something is bothering her or she's busy

We all have moments when we have absolutely no time for correspondence even with our closest friends. Just like guys, girls sometimes get very tired, they have urgent matters and a bad mood, and also, alas, tragedies that can unsettle them and discourage them from communicating with others for many months.

Your first message was unsuccessful

All the reasons listed above have nothing to do with you, but she may have decided not to respond because of the way you worded your message. So, for example, the banal “Hello, how are you?” it looks so dull and faceless that you don’t want to answer it at all.

Or even more unfortunate options: a greasy joke, a vulgar compliment, or a “pickup line” that recently celebrated its centenary. To understand what you should and shouldn’t write to a girl in the first message, read a separate article on this topic.

  • M+F What to write to a girl in the first message: 6 strategies that will help you get an answer It’s time to start dialogues.

She didn't receive your message

Elementary Watson! Before you worry about the fact that she doesn’t answer you, check to see if the girl even read your message. There is always a risk that she did not see it, or there was a glitch during sending, and it was not even delivered.

Alas, this option is not available in all instant messengers. For example, in Tinder you can only guess whether the beauty you like read your letter or not, or maybe she has already deleted this application. We advise you not to worry about this and continue to write to your matches - the girl who likes you will definitely answer.

You wrote nonsense

You girls sometimes write such nonsense that we simply don’t know how to respond to it. Well, ok, I know your Lenka and roughly understand what is happening in her life. Thanks to you, of course. But why the hell should I know ALL the details? How should I respond to this if I’m not interested?

Men often forget what girls tell them. Not because they don’t love or appreciate. They just don't need it. This is unnecessary information, you know? And when a woman narrates a new episode of a soap series called “Lenka and her lovers,” a man may no longer remember what happened in the last episode.

If a man doesn’t respond to an SMS in which you write unimportant information, then he doesn’t need it! It is not you that is not needed, but this specific information. Have you poured out your soul? Do you feel better? That’s nice, but sometimes a man simply has nothing to answer.

Can everything change?

If a girl doesn’t answer you, this does not always mean that your communication has come to naught. Things could easily go back to normal in the future. There are a lot of possible scenarios:

  • the girl will appear in touch and explain that her ignoring was caused by unforeseen circumstances, after which your communication will resume;
  • it turns out that you offended her in some way, but a simple conversation will help return everything to its place;
  • the reasons for her ignoring will not be related to you at all and soon she will get in touch;
  • It turns out that at first she didn’t like you, but then she will see something special in you, fall in love and begin to initiate communication herself, and so on.

In the end, you can always tell yourself that she is busy, sick, not in the mood, busy with work... There is a reassuring excuse for any situation. But you probably yourself understand that we always have time for those who are important to us. This may not sound very encouraging, but it is better to assess the situation objectively and understand that the girl does not want to communicate with you by correspondence, on time. You deserve an interlocutor who will be as interesting to you as he is to you!

This is the end

Men are not as emotional as women. And it’s easier for them to end the relationship this way, by ignoring them, than to listen to a sea of ​​tears, insults and threats. This is stupid and this is what specimens unworthy of your attention do. He just pissed. So don't be upset. Drink some wine and walk proudly in search of a new partner.

But sometimes a man can take a break. A pause is not the end, but an opportunity to improve your relationship. So, if a guy doesn’t respond to SMS, but before that he asked you to take a break, let him understand himself and his feelings. We are also not robots just to earn money, eat and fuck.

What to do if a girl doesn't answer: 4 possible strategies

Sent one more (not more) message

The simplest and surest way. Just don't attack her with accusations that she's ignoring you. Just ask how she's doing, or try changing the subject. Whatever you choose, remember that the main thing is to limit yourself to one message after an unanswered one, so as not to seem intrusive.

Apologize if necessary

Did you realize that you blurted out something wrong? Then find the strength to admit it and ask the girl for forgiveness for your mistake.


If a girl is out of your reach or is simply busy, then she will definitely answer you when she has the time and desire. Therefore, perhaps you should just wait a few days, and your correspondence will resume with renewed vigor.

Contact her in another way if possible.

Your communication was very warm, and you are puzzled that she disappeared without any explanation? We can assume that she has some kind of problem with the messenger you used.

If you are worried that something happened to her, you can try asking her a private message on another social network or one of her friends. However, if in this case you do not receive an answer, well... On the Internet, alas, this sometimes happens.

  • Author: Maria Minaeva


Women are very different from men in logic, emotionality, and psychology. In order to achieve reciprocity and love from the opposite sex and the girl is not silent in response to messages, this must be taken into account. Often inexperienced guys, and even mature men, make a lot of mistakes at the beginning of a relationship.

  • They write too often.
  • They send the same type of messages, ask the same questions two or three times. The girl gets the impression that the guy does not read the answers or corresponds with several friends at once.
  • They inflate their real status and lie. There is also no need to behave too modestly, this repels the female sex, but the lie in this case will quickly be revealed.
  • They become aggressive in response to silence and write harsh phrases.
  • They threaten in response to refusal to meet.
  • They behave too modestly, are offended, sulky, and do not show initiative.
  • They talk about ex-wives, girlfriends, cause pity, whine.
  • They delay inviting you on a date or calling.
  • They are forbidden to communicate with girlfriends, friends, other men, although they have not yet become her lover or even a good acquaintance.
  • They immediately make plans for the future. Until you get confidence in reciprocity on the part of a woman, you should not think about how many children you will have or what she will cook for you for breakfast.
  • Too predictable.
  • They make you bored.
  • They require too much attention.
  • They constantly sit on the website or in the messenger, tracking the appearance of a new acquaintance for the next letter.
  • Ignore important issues.
  • They forget about congratulations on their birthday or holiday.
  • They add new female acquaintances to the list of friends in VK, OK in batches. Remember that your actions are visible to everyone. The girl understands that you are actively searching and will not become one of several candidates for a relationship.
  • They stop writing after several monosyllabic messages, block the girl without explaining the reason.
  • They think that ladies should respond to every letter instantly, and they get very angry if they don’t receive feedback right away.

Make sure to ignore it

First, let's try to figure out whether they are really ignoring you? Warning signs include the following:

  • On the girl’s page, the “online” icon treacherously glows for a long time, but your message remains hanging unread;
  • Right now you are noticing active activity in the general group, chat or on its wall, in the form of correspondence, comments, likes and other things. But your long-suffering message still remains unnoticed;
  • You decide to take a desperate step and send her an SMS again. But it repeats the fate of its predecessor.

So, having made sure that you are simply being ignored, a natural question arises: “Why?”

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