Living for your own pleasure: how not to create problems?

Dangerous symptoms

A person usually blames circumstances and other people for the fact that life is boring and gray. But this is not the reason.

People often unconsciously prohibit themselves from enjoying life.

This manifests itself in the following symptoms :

  • lack of desires;
  • a tendency to self-sacrifice even where it is not necessary;
  • self-criticism;
  • setting strict limits;
  • lack of energy.

There are several ways to change your life. To do this, you don’t need to delve into yourself, look for the reasons for what is happening. We need to act!

How to learn to enjoy life?

Give thanks for what you already have. Gratitude is perhaps the most powerful creative high-vibrational force. Set a goal at the end of each day to collect at least ten points for which you can be grateful in life. If somehow it doesn’t work out very well, try, at least for a short time, to deprive yourself of what you consider familiar and given to you “by default.” Don't drink when you're thirsty. Or even close your nose and mouth with your palm for a while longer, so that it “gets there” faster.

Next, train yourself to record small little things that evoke positive emotions in you. A flower on the windowsill, a child’s smile, fresh bed linen before going to bed... There are so many things the value of which we do not realize. But which, being fixed by our attention and collected by the warmth of perception one to one, ignite in us a flame of love for life. Which is expanding and gaining strength.

How to learn to enjoy life? Make it a rule, in addition to gratitude, when summing up each day, write down all the pleasant moments that made you rejoice. Smile and feel a warm feeling. Not only will you learn to consciously notice the positive moments in your life and shift your attention from the negative ones, while generating high frequencies. So, even when re-reading it in the evening, you will again experience warm feelings and “vibrate” in unison with the creation of well-being. Accelerating the transformation of your reality.

Enjoy life no matter what

The heroine of one popular children's book, Pollyanna, was taught by her father to play for joy. The essence of the game is to find joy in every day , no matter what happens. For example, a grumpy boss at work, but there is work, and you don’t have to sit without money.

Playing for joy is a life philosophy, adhering to which you can always live in pleasure

Bad weather outside? But you can lie down with a book, watch new films, draw a picture. The car breaks down, but you can finish watching your dreams while you’re driving to work in a taxi. There is a parable about how two people looked out the window. One saw dirt, the other saw stars. You need to learn to see the stars , and life will turn into pure pleasure.

Enjoying life

Health How to take your time and live happily: 5 life hacks

Text: Karina Sembe

Modern man lives much longer than his ancient ancestors and, despite this, he is constantly in a hurry somewhere, trying to do everything at once. This is understandable: with the development of science and technology, the rhythm of life has seriously accelerated. Today, the combination of youth and success is at the forefront, and most of us try to succeed as early as possible. The media is full of articles about 23-year-old startup millionaires, every day there are interviews with students who are also models, DJs, and graphic designers, lists of the most successful and influential people under thirty and ratings of women who flawlessly combine career and family are compiled.

Progress and healthy competition are not bad things, but in trying to live up to illusory standards, people sometimes take on too much. The fear of missing a deadline or the fear of growing old without achieving anything prevents you from stopping and looking around, and when you still manage to relax, anxiety often sets in instead of rest. Yesterday we talked about new methods of extending life: perhaps soon we will be able to do much more and there will be fewer reasons to rush. In any case, while scientists are looking for ways to healthy longevity, it’s time for us, still mortals, to stop trying to keep up with all the tasks at once.

The movement for a measured lifestyle is not new: it all began in Italy in the 90s of the last century in the form of a protest against the growing fast food industry. Then the residents of Rome organized the Slow Food movement: they chose a snail as a logo and indicated their intention to eat tasty, balanced food at all costs, and most importantly, without haste. From this movement the philosophy of Slow Life developed. Her followers encourage you to do things at a pace that is comfortable for you personally and to give preference to quality over quantity in any area of ​​life - from nutrition to communication. This “slowing down” has nothing to do with banal laziness: Slow Life implies the absence of fuss in everyday affairs, healthy organization without extremes - and all this for the sake of improving the quality of life. It's not so easy to get into a sedate mood, but you can try to learn a few reasonable principles to get started.

Rethink multitasking

Living in the Slow Life style does not mean giving up all the opportunities and challenges of our time. Adherents of the current have nothing against active sports and are quite capable of completing work in a short time. Fans of a measured lifestyle first of all advise getting rid of multitasking, especially in the field of intellectual activity.

It’s easy to notice a pattern: in a panic, grabbing at everything at once, you don’t have time to do anything, but only get more nervous. If you have the strength to simultaneously develop a new application, raise a child, learn Korean and master the guitar, that's great, keep it up. But in order not to burn out, during each lesson, if possible, do not be distracted by others (however, such an “activity” as children makes its own adjustments to plans).

So-called positive psychology should not be taken as the ultimate truth, but there is something to learn here too. Dale Carnegie, author of the book How to Stop Worrying and Start Living, which everyone has heard about, compares human productivity to the movement of grains of sand in an hourglass: if we make more than one pass through the jumper in the clock at a certain time a grain of sand, the watch will be damaged. So the important principle of any activity without haste is this: “One grain of sand - per unit of time, one thing - in a certain period of time.”

Don't turn planning into a mania

We have already found out from girls who work a lot how to cope with things and not burn out. There is only one conclusion: plan, but plan wisely. Slow Life ends when fulfilling the points of the plan turns into a race in which we rush to overcome the entire list of tasks as quickly as possible. There is even a meme that this behavior, oddly enough, is typical of lazy people: they try to do everything quickly in order to get even with the work, and efficiently so that they do not have to redo it. Meanwhile, slowly performing even the most ordinary actions teaches you to concentrate, and concentration, as we know, is the key to high efficiency.

Slowlifers for timing without fanaticism. Don't plan too much: start with a few urgent tasks a day, and when you see that you can handle it, gradually expand the list. If something doesn't go according to plan, there's no reason to panic. You wanted to study today and work tomorrow, but you received an important task? Give it a couple of hours, and tomorrow spend the same amount of time studying. When planning anything, you should allow for the possibility of error and soberly assess its likely consequences. There are not many positions where missing a deadline by one or two days can result in termination. However, if your job is one of these and you absolutely can’t cope, think about whether such busyness is worth your nervous system.

Redefine your holiday

The brain needs regular rest: this is the only way it can continue to work actively, find new associations and fresh solutions, allowing us to remain productive. Take a break from exchanging information for at least half an hour a day: ignore messages, don’t read news, don’t talk to anyone. Take time for a short walk, and if possible, take a nap. It is important not to forget about your favorite activities: reading or drawing will help you concentrate as well as meditation. The main thing is not to turn a hobby into a duty: anxious individuals have a tendency to do work even out of leisure. Trying to read The Brothers Karamazov in three days or reach the top of surfing during a week's holiday in Portugal is daring, but pointless.

Don’t be afraid to neglect socialization from time to time: a Friday trip to the bar with tired colleagues can be replaced by a swim in the pool or simply watching a TV series on the couch - these are also great ways to relax. Among other things, slowlifers advocate giving up gadgets during vacation. We won’t undertake to impose such radical steps at the dawn of the digital age, but we definitely advise you to turn off phone notifications for every like and comment - they not only stimulate the production of dopamine, which causes addiction, but also seriously distract you from your work.

Eat mindfully

Cooking is a process that can bring no less pleasure than the result - tasty and healthy food. Cook your own meals often, and if free time is short, start with at least one home-cooked breakfast a week or light snacks for a house party - you may not be able to stop. To begin with, choose simple and satisfying dishes; in preparing them, rely not only on the recipe, but also on your own desires - over time, you will definitely start to succeed.

As you know, while eating you shouldn’t be distracted by watching TV or exciting conversations - this way we eat more than we need to feel full. Eating behavior experts say that negative emotions and shocking information should not be combined with nutrition. Remember: one thing per unit of time. You can watch the series separately from the soup, and during a leisurely lunch it is better to enjoy the taste of the dish (if it was successful, of course).

Don't be afraid to stop

At times it seems that by pausing, we are hopelessly behind the general rhythm and risk being left behind. In fact, a pause is needed to take a breath and continue moving with renewed vigor. Dealing with the feeling of guilt for not completing the five-year plan is not an easy task. Many modern people, in the conditions of universal “success at any cost,” constantly imagine irretrievably lost time and a lack of personal development - this is a sign of the era with which we, apparently, have to live. Even if you manage to always run ahead of the locomotive, your achievements are accompanied by growing paranoia. You can reduce stress by giving yourself a break sometimes.

In English there is the concept of a gap year - a gap year before entering a university or after graduating (before looking for a job). This pause allows you to decide on your desires and relax a little. Perhaps a whole year is too much, but try to take at least a gap day and see what comes of it: your family will probably cope without you, clients will not forget about your existence and the world will not collapse, but you will relax, leisurely eat a salad and, Maybe you’ll understand how to continue living.

Photos: Rum21, Julian Rovagnati -, Soloviova Liudmyla -, sumire8 -, karuka -, Viktor -

Little pleasures

Everyday life drags on and tires you with routine . Gradually, people begin to forget about themselves, stop smiling, noticing the beauty of nature, and being surprised. please yourself every day .

Joy is not always measured by money . You can wear an elegant dress just like that, for no reason. You don't even have to go outside in it. Spin around in front of the mirror, arrange a fashion show, create new ensembles from existing items. Allow yourself to read not what you need, but what you want. Wander aimlessly down the street, get some air. Do something that you have been putting off for many months, citing lack of time. Just laze around for a couple of hours .

Relaxing bath

How to enjoy life and have fun

Again. Contrasts exist always, everywhere and in everything. But only a person chooses what to direct his attention to and what emotion to experience. And the emotion already experienced over and over again builds Space. Determines its vibration and whether it will have more frequencies with a “+” sign or with a “-” sign.

If something is happening around you that you would not want in your life, your task is to switch your attention from this unwanted thing by all available means, the faster, the better. In this way, you block the flow of energy aimed at bringing bad situations into your life in the future. What to switch to? Yes to anything. Don’t aim for happiness and joy right away. How to enjoy life? You just need to stick your head out the window, close your eyes, take a deep breath and feel grateful that you are breathing and living at all.

Pill for fear

Since ancient times, the world of any person has been filled with fears or, as they are now commonly called, phobias. Fear deprives you of pleasure . For example, you want to go on vacation to the seaside, but you’re scared to go alone. The pleasure of relaxing on the seashore flies by. Many examples can be given where a person deliberately deprives himself of pleasure.

If you have a great desire to start enjoying life, you should try to overcome your fears

in psychology . One of them is the “fear pill.” If there are fears, it means that the person is easily suggestible. Any vitamin can become a magic pill. After drinking it, you need to take the first step and overcome fear . It will be easier later. Life will open up from a new side.

Joy and lightness are the essence of life

Those who have already taken the path of raising their own vibrations intuitively feel the need to be, to sound in unison with the Planet. The “Ecumenical Government” has changed. From now on, the vitality for any action and achievement of results is not obtained from struggle and overcoming oneself in difficult conditions. And from the amount of lightness, joy and permission that a person has learned to generate with his own thoughts, beliefs, emotions and attitude towards certain things and life in general.

It is important to understand that “feeding” energy from the “socket” of struggle, overcoming and the survival position in general, when “in happiness through pain”, no longer works. There's no energy there. This means that acting out of habit, gritting your teeth, feeling heaviness and mental discomfort in the hope of a “bright future at the end of the tunnel” means, firstly, draining your life force into the airlock.

Secondly, with your emotions and thoughts you can multiply similar destructiveness in your future reality.

And thirdly, to pump out life-giving energy from the future desired event, for the sake of which all these overcomings are done. As a result, why be surprised at the incomprehensible and offensive tastelessness that sets in when the result seems to have been achieved, but the feeling is “as if someone had already eaten this candy before you...”

Good deeds

Not everyone likes to do good deeds, but it's worth a try. Making others happy is also a pleasure. Make a sandbox for children in your yard and every evening, when you come home from work, see them seriously and intently making Easter cakes and loading the car. And there is pride in my soul: “This is my merit, it was I who gave joy to the children!”

Good deed

Buy bread for your old neighbor and see the surprise and gratitude in her eyes. This is also a pleasure, although not accessible to everyone, but it’s worth a try.

Why do we get used to pleasures?

In the studyK. M. Sheldon, S. Lyubomirsky. The challenge of staying happier: Testing the Hedonic Adaptation Prevention model / Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin American psychologists Sonya Lyubomirsky and Cannon Sheldon examine two paths that lead to hedonic adaptation. One is associated with a weakening of positive emotions from positive changes in life, the other is associated with an increased desire for even more positive emotions.

Positive emotions weaken

Imagine that you have been hitchhiking with tents for a long time and dreamed of being in a bubble bath, relaxing and washing in warm water. Having done this for the first time in a long time, you will, of course, be very happy. But later, foamy bubbles and warm water will no longer bring as much pleasure as they did then, after an exhausting trip.

You no longer notice pleasant joys in things that have become familiar. And you get less pleasure from this, because what was once a whole event has become commonplace.

We want more

Positive change becomes the norm, and you want more. For example, you have lost weight and in the mirror you see a result that makes you happy. But you think that if you lose a couple more kilograms, you will be happier, and you simply perceive your current weight as the new norm.

A little about how our brain works

As a species, Homo sapiens inherited from distant ancestors a brain whose main purpose was survival. This factory setting sits so deep that we do not feel the fact that it is there, but we painfully respond to danger signals from our neurons. Even if in the modern world “danger” means “not invited to the party” (read: excluded from society) or it seems to us that we look terrible (read: we risk not being accepted by like-minded people). With physical manifestations it is a little simpler: when we feel hunger, cold or any other discomfort, our brain senses a threat to survival.

From the moment of birth, based on experiences, neural connections are formed in our brain. The basic set of neurons is laid down in the first seven years of life, when various experiences shape our understanding of what is safe and what is threatening. The brain will subsequently react positively to any experience that gives us pleasure by producing happiness hormones. Accordingly, a negative reaction to a negative experience forces us to make every effort to avoid its repetition.

Do less at a time

Most often, we exist in multitasking mode, so various organizers, diaries, planners and time management systems are designed to help us and curb issues that require our attention at the same time. If such a system causes you discomfort rather than delight, then try changing it. Yes, delight can also take place, because now the human consciousness is gradually switching to clip-on fast thinking and forgetting how to focus on one task. But not everyone has switched to such a system.

Try to limit the number of tasks you perform to a minimum. In other words, put them one after the other: as soon as you complete one to which you are fully committed, then only take on the next one. It is possible that this will make you feel like you are working more slowly. However, many, on the contrary, manage to do more, since they do not waste nerves and energy switching from one task to another.

You don't need to prove anything to anyone

Always remember that you don't need to prove anything to anyone. If the people around you cannot accept your world as you created it, then it is time to move on. You live your life and build it the way you want. Many people only realize when they are on their deathbed that they should have listened to their true feelings and boldly lived by them, and not chased someone else’s opinion about themselves.

You need to learn to tell the difference, and be wary of those people who are trying to control you, who can make you feel guiltlessly guilty, or make you doubt yourself. People like vampires absorb internal forces and bring a feeling of emptiness from communicating with them. They put pressure on pity, on honor, on your promises, while manipulating you.

It is important to realize now that you owe nothing to anyone, only to yourself.

The pursuit of external beauty and youth

There is a lot of pressure now coming from the media. For example, about the beautiful appearance of various celebrities who have undergone a large number of plastic surgeries in order to quickly smooth out wrinkles, or enlarge their breasts, or make their eyes expressive. But there are no guarantees that you will maintain your health and not lose it.

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Pursue beauty in a natural way, namely; exercise, watch your diet, be in balance with your inner world - isn’t this the norm? When a person has found his purpose, does what he loves and is interesting to him, and does not forget about health and travel, then such a person will simply shine from the inside. None of us will ever become so old that we stop dreaming, setting new goals for ourselves and realizing them. You just need to believe in yourself.

If you still have a few extra pounds deposited on your sides, then I recommend the following series of articles about losing weight and working using the “bodyflex” method:

  • How to quickly get in shape - at home

Look after your health, but don’t go overboard, just spend a little time on exercise and nutrition

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