What is trust and how to earn it - definition in dictionaries and meaning in life

What does self-confidence mean?

Do you think a person who doesn’t trust anyone can be called pleasant? Hardly. Surely this is a gloomy subject with a suspicious look, capable of expecting tricks even from a baby. Distrust of people is a repulsive trait.

Meanwhile, according to psychologists, distrust of people stems from distrust of... oneself. What kind of quality is this and how can you learn to trust yourself and people?

But still, what is trust for a person in society?

Each of us throughout our lives has been faced with the following question: “Can we trust?” Trust is one of the most important points in life's journey. I think that you have been deceived or put into an awkward position more than once when, having entrusted an important task to someone, you find out that the person could not fulfill your instructions. If such problems arise systematically with the same person, it means that in the future, you should not count on him in difficult moments.

Feeling reliable in another person is an extraordinary, wonderful feeling that relieves us of unnecessary fears and thoughts. If every person could be trusted with any task, then our world would be completely different.

Trust is the basic feeling of confidence between two people or groups of people who have complete confidence in each other. Such feelings are caused by complete confidence in the people who surround us. The main task of the owners of this feeling is to never betray, and always come to the aid of their comrade, partner or loved one

Trust is the basis of positive relationships between people, and is also an important part in achieving a certain success. Each participant in the trust process must be completely confident in the reality of the required assignment. It is necessary that the subject who is trusted has the following qualities:

  • decency;
  • punctuality;
  • goodwill;
  • honesty;
  • sincerity, etc.

Without such a set of qualities, it is very difficult to trust a person or reveal some secrets to him. You can also say that trust is complete confidence in someone. Those we open up to and trust become part of the overall process. A person dedicated to your affairs is responsible for carrying out the assigned task in the same way as you yourself. Such a tandem of relationships between people strengthens common relationships and brings people closer together. When there is someone you can safely trust, it means that you have the opportunity to achieve great goals and results.

The ability to admit when you are wrong

It is common for people to make mistakes on a regular basis; this is completely normal. Therefore, you should be confused when a loved one positions himself as invulnerable and sinless. But if he is honest with himself, he will be honest with you. He will admit he was wrong and take responsibility for the failure. He won't blame you, hide things, lie, dodge or be defensive. An apology demonstrates increased trust.

What gives us trust?

By trusting, we feel complete confidence in ourselves and our partner. This feeling allows you to find different ways to achieve heights, and helps you boldly move forward to success.

People can achieve great heights and achieve incredible results only when they are surrounded by people they can completely trust. Trust is the basis of all positive relationships between people. By gaining trust in the company, you can develop any business and increase existing results several times. Without trust, you cannot reveal secrets or entrust important tasks to a person

If you need to reveal some secrets or entrust an important task to a person in whom you are not sure, then negative thoughts creep in that are aimed only at oppression and uncertainty. In moments of uncertainty:

  • we stop thinking that there are many important things and tasks on which our success and life depend;
  • we begin to doubt and clog our brain with useless thoughts and guesses;
  • you have to control the assigned task, and sometimes it seems that it is better to do everything yourself so as not to get into an awkward position.

Due to excessive alertness from mistrust, feelings of hostility, anger, aggressiveness and isolation appear. But gullibility makes us more relaxed and contributes to the formation of friendly relations, brings people together and encourages us to take active actions and perform more tasks.

Trust is not just a word, but a whole chain of events that leads relationships between people to general harmony. Only by trusting a person can we open up our desires, share our own experiences or ask for a favor. Trust in a person should not have selfish goals, on either side. In essence, trust is helping people who need you.

Conditional division

Trust can be divided into two types:

  1. Absolute trust does not raise any doubts in the actions of the one to whom we have entrusted the performance of certain actions or tasks. This is due to a number of determining factors that help determine who can be trusted and who cannot. To ensure the sincerity of an action, you need to know about the person you are going to trust. To do this, you need to have information that confirms the sincerity of the principal’s intentions. Based not on empty promises, but on specific events that you witness.
  2. Blind trust is a feeling of uncertainty and the unknown, usually a decision is made spontaneously. This definition is due to the naive nature of the principal. As a rule, only those people who do not want to analyze and check can blindly trust. They rely on chance or luck, not wanting to make sure of the reliability of their assistant. Thus, there are many reasons that can ruin all the plans made, as well as lead a person into a depressed state, such that he will never be able to trust other people again. Blind trust is inherent in people who are too lazy to check information or simply because they lack time for such research. In such cases, we endanger our own authority - we simply take their word for it. Faith is a very strong motivator for each of us. For general development, you can read the article, What is faith?

Reasonable or absolute trust cannot arise after the first meeting with a person. This process requires a certain time, during which one can monitor the person’s actions. This is the only way to earn trust. Sometimes this can take years of your life.

It is worth understanding that trust is a powerful “weapon”. If you trust another person, it means you are revealing some secrets or secrets to him. You must be completely sure that the person you trust is honest, decent and diligent. You need to work on trusting each other for many years. You need to know the person well or at least get a recommendation from another person - an authority whom you also trust

How to earn trust

To find out whether that person is ready to faithfully fulfill all your requests. You need to monitor your actions not only towards you, but also towards other people. Your confidant is a person who is willing to sacrifice his time to complete the task assigned to him. To do this, he must earn your trust. With such a person you will feel like one. You need to be sure that a person you can trust will do everything possible so that you do not doubt his sincerity and integrity.

The more people around you that you can trust, the greater the likelihood of quickly achieving any goal. The most important thing is that you need to understand that it is better to find a trusted person before entrusting a responsible task, than to rely on empty promises and words.

Desire to share emotions

A person who has nothing to hide will enthusiastically talk about how the day went (even if some troubles occurred in the morning). This is not only a way to talk things out, but also further strengthens trust between spouses. But large gaps in information, inconsistency, confusion in facts or silence should alert you. If your partner is not ready to talk about things that interest you and prefers not to share details, you will be left in a state of uncertainty. Take the first step by talking about your day.

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What is the use of mutual trust?

If we talk about the usefulness of trust, there are many positive aspects. First of all, responsibility to each other is the foundation of strong relationships and friendly coexistence. By trusting each other in business, it is easier to conduct business and achieve effective results without spending a lot of effort and time on it.

When we trust someone, we rely entirely on the integrity and diligence of the person to whom we reveal our secrets or entrust an important task. Trust is the foundation on which strong relationships are built in various forms. This is friendship and family and business. Only by trusting people will our society move forward, but unfortunately not everyone understands this

When one person trusts another, it has a positive effect not only on your overall results, but also on the people around you, such relationships can be beneficial.

As for the life together of a man and a woman, trust plays an even greater role here. After all, it is impossible to live next to a person who cannot be trusted. You won't be able to make plans for the future together because you don't have a sense of commitment to each other, and that's what trust is all about. Joint efforts can multiply all your efforts, which will help you achieve enormous results in a short period of time, be it a business or a family relationship.

Mutual trust allows you to focus your thoughts and actions on important matters and actions, without thinking about the negative consequences that may arise from a lack of trust between people. If you know that no matter where you are, you will be treated fairly, no one will deceive you or let you down, then life will be much easier. Thus, our world can be made better and much more can be done through joint efforts. Such harmony is the key to a successful society, capable of great opportunities and great discoveries. Trust is the main link in the chain of positive events, which can greatly increase labor productivity and the effectiveness of actions performed.

Trust is one of the main emotional components that allows two people or groups of people to interact to achieve a positive result. Of course, in some cases the goal may be to achieve negative results, but that's a completely different story. The main thing is to understand that trust is a well-coordinated mechanism that works for the benefit of one and the other person. Without trust there can be no friendship, strong and close-knit family, or successful business.

What are the consequences of a lack of trust between people?

If we talk about absolute trust, then in addition to the positive features there are also negative aspects of such relationships. It is worth understanding that as soon as you begin to get used to decency and honesty, people can always appear who are capable of betraying and will set you up at any moment. Honest relationships between people directly simplify our lives, thereby relaxing us and making us less vigilant.

The high level of trust in society makes us weak when we encounter unscrupulous people. In fact, there are a lot of envious and aggressive individuals among us. There are always those who gloat at our failures, those who are ready to ruin all our efforts in an instant. That is why you must always be on alert to prevent an attempt to deceive or act dishonestly towards you.

We cannot know for sure what is on another person's mind, especially if it is a person we barely know. Such people often ingratiate themselves to take advantage of our position or status for personal gain. They don't care that you might fail or suffer significant damage from such actions and intentions.

Therefore, I strongly recommend not to let your guard down and always use critical thinking and question any joint actions. But, at the same time, do not do this to the detriment of your partner, so as not to spoil the relationship.

When trusting people, be extremely careful, because people can very skillfully pretend to be something they are not. In order to trust people, you need to carefully consider all the known actions and deeds of the person to whom you want to assign some responsibilities. Modern reality shows us a very low level of trust between people in society. Perhaps this is related to politics, since today they are the only ones deceiving their people in order to profit from the grief and misfortunes of their own citizens

We live in a world where everyone is for themselves, few are willing to lend a helping hand when you really need it. Here, deception and betrayal can overtake us at any moment. Such a life forces us to be in constant tension and fight for a successful outcome. This is due to the fact that today every person is ready to do anything for their own well-being, even to deceive or betray. Of course, such an attitude towards life is unlikely to lead to anything good, but, nevertheless, this is how this world works.

Is it good to be distrustful?

What does trust mean?
A short definition is that trust involves being able to open up to another person, to show them your weaknesses, based on the belief that this will not be used for harm. However, you can never get a guarantee that a loved one will not deceive or betray. Therefore, some people are sure that they should not trust anyone. There is some logic in this, because a feeling of trust always comes with some risk. But is it worth refusing to trust others? This will protect you from disappointments in the future, but at the same time it will not allow you to enter into close emotional relationships. How is trust expressed? In openness, the opportunity to be yourself, take off the mask and relax, show your true self. If a person tries not to do this, those around him will feel an invisible wall through which they are unlikely to want to “break through.” A distrustful person is incapable of close friendship; it is difficult for him to love and be loved. This is the price to pay for refusing the risk of being betrayed.

Often people lose their ability to trust after experiencing negative experiences in the past. Betrayal and betrayal make you lose trust and openness. This process can be compared to the formation of a conditioned reflex. Love and trust are associated with the subsequent pain of disappointment. And a person tries to avoid this emotion, refusing to love, get close to others, or trust them. Overcoming this obstacle is not easy: it may require many years of work with a psychologist or lengthy self-analysis.

A woman’s trust in a man: how to learn to trust?

Who can you trust

Remember one important thing.
Trust cannot be neglected. By trusting you, people completely open their souls. They are open to you, but if you don’t live up to expectations even once, your relationship will immediately change for the worse. Perhaps this will not be critical, but it will definitely not be pleasant. So value attitude As was said earlier, to achieve good results in business, friendships or family relationships, you need to make sure that people trust each other. This will help you solve the most difficult problems in life and not feel deceived. Therefore, it is very important to understand who is usually trusted and on what basis:

  1. First of all, we are used to trusting those whom we know very well. These are the people who have been showing their dedication, devotion, reliability and all other positive qualities for a long time. Those whom we know inspire our trust more than those whom we see for the first time in our lives. This is due to the fact that a familiar person will act more predictably than a stranger, although this is not always the case. And the very fact that we know a person indicates that he will be more loyal to our actions and actions, since it is also important for him to feel in a safe environment where there is no deception and mistrust. The combination of these circumstances helps to overcome all fears and creates favorable conditions for trusting relationships.
  2. Another person will trust more someone who has many similar characteristics with each other, this could be belonging to the same race, similar character, temperament, etc. The more similarities and common interests there are between people, the higher the level of trust will be. Therefore, in order to gain a person’s trust, we need to show him the general components of our personality. Those people who are similar to us seem more honest and noble, since we see ourselves in them. That is why we understand each other well. Such people seem more friendly and predictable to us, and this leads to a lack of fears and fears.
  3. There are people with kind souls who often sacrifice their time, resources and strength for the sake of others. For example, if you perform an action for the benefit of another person, but at the same time sacrificing your time, then this cannot go unnoticed and makes a good impression. It follows that by sacrificing something for the sake of another person, we are trying to achieve special favor towards ourselves and gain trust. Such actions confirm that the person for whom we are trying so hard is not indifferent to us. A trusting relationship is based on such principles. How can you not trust a person who sacrifices himself for you?
  4. A person is inclined to believe those people who make beautiful promises. We like those who clearly see our problems and promise to solve them quickly and easily. Such techniques are often used by politicians or scammers, they always play on our feelings and tell us what we want to hear, despite the fact that it is an outright lie. By nature, we want things to be as simple as they say. We, like naive children, dream of a carefree life and the absence of problems. Therefore, we willingly believe in empty promises, even “stepping on the same rake” several times in a row. To use such techniques, you need to have a good knowledge of human psychology, taking into account character and temperament.
  5. Authorities, opinion leaders, experts and specialists in various industries also have our trust. They influence our consciousness by demonstrating their professionalism in a particular field of activity. And we often follow their opinions instinctively. To a greater extent, this happens because we do not want or cannot make decisions on our own. Or we simply refuse to take any responsibility for our actions. People readily trust experts and professionals because they do not want to study important issues and act on their own. It is much easier to follow someone than to lead others.
  6. We are also ready to trust those people who offer us some interesting new products. Such interest arises due to the fact that all innovators act differently from others. Here, trust is caused by curiosity or the desire for a simple way out of difficult situations.
  7. People are also ready to trust those who they need and whom they cannot do without. For example, old people or people with disabilities trust their loved ones or social workers who constantly take care of them and help them overcome difficult moments in life. In the same way, children blindly trust their parents, who provide them with attention and care. Children, as well as people with disabilities, cannot cope with their needs on their own, therefore, they completely trust their caregivers.

These are the seven main reasons for human trust. There are other reasons, but they are not so obvious, so we will not talk about them.

Can you believe it or not?

In a new relationship, you always have to gain, maintain and even prove trust.
People can be trusted consciously and unconsciously. By your actions, the correspondence between what was said and what was done, you can convince of sincerity or arouse suspicion of deceit. There must always be consistency between promised and completed actions. Otherwise, the loss of trust of one person in another is inevitable. Children stop trusting parents who lie or renege on promises. The same thing happens to adults and children. Long-term, frank and warm relationships between friends or girlfriends are broken as a result of thoughtlessly spoken words and various actions. Even a very important situation cannot always reveal a person's true character. It is everyday, routine actions that reveal many aspects of personality.

What are the reasons for loss of trust?

Loss of trust is the greatest insult for a person who has been deceived or betrayed.
To earn trust, you need to work hard on yourself and prove your reliability and competence. Once you have gained the trust of the right person, try your best to maintain it. After all, having lost a trusting relationship, there may be no turning back. A deceived person is unlikely to agree to trust again the one who deceived him. Therefore, be careful and vigilant so as not to undermine the trust of people around you. Loss of trust is an equally important part of this topic. Lack of trust does not affect a person's fate as much as its loss. Losing trust in people, a person experiences many negative feelings that radically change their life. See the table of human feelings.

Trust for a person is the most important part in life, since relationships between people are based on it. People who are trustworthy know the value of this feeling like no one else. In order to earn the trust of another person or groups of people, you need to work hard and also try to please the person in need as much as possible. This may take years, but the loss of trust can happen in one moment. To do this, it is not necessary to harbor evil intentions, because trust can be lost randomly, without any intent.

A common cause of loss is actions that lead to failure to fulfill instructions or unjustified expectations. In addition, it is not necessary to deceive a person in order to lose trust; loss can occur due to unjustified expectations. When a person expects from his partner those actions or actions that should not be expected.

Trust is a huge responsibility towards the guarantor. This is a feeling of devotion and confidence in each other, so you need to appreciate this gift, since you can lose it in an instant. Loss of trust can be caused not only by the fault of a person who did not live up to expectations, or rather because of this, but if he does not know about it. It often happens that we rely on people, although we ourselves know that we should not trust this person.

Very often people come up with some rules for themselves, or expect certain actions from the people around them. But, the truth is that this is their own opinion and desire, and the partner is not obliged to fulfill such demands without their own consent.

Thus, people remain deceived by themselves. But when expectations are not met, these people begin to blame their partner, due to their selfishness, since they refuse to accept their guilt.

Of course, this is not the only reason for the loss of trust; it can also be lost for significant reasons. For example, if a person has lost the trust of society, he himself is guilty of such a judgment of others. In this case, the person does not realize that along with trust he is losing much more. After all, trust is a tool with which people simplify their lives in society. When people have mutual trust, it becomes much easier to cooperate and live with the people around you.

Such an understanding rarely appears in the minds of people who, for the sake of short-term gain, spoil relationships with influential or close people and undermine their trust or lose it altogether. There are cases when people deliberately spoil their relationship, betray and deceive their comrades and relatives, and in return receive recognition and trust from more influential individuals. Yes, they achieve good results for such a price, and forget about those who value them.

Don't undermine the trust of people who need you. As people say: “The earth is round,” so don’t do something that you might regret in the future. Many people are overly trusting, but you should not take advantage of their trust for your own benefit - this is not right. Try to put yourself in the place of the deceived person before you deceive him.

However, people do not hold a grudge against them and often forgive all their sins and misdeeds. It’s not for nothing that they say that the winner is not judged. For such people, the exchange of trust is very useful, or rather beneficial. Even despite the fact that such actions exceed all limits of human morality.

In trading activities, sellers try in every possible way to gain trust from their clients, but often they simply abuse this quality and resort to deception in order to attract the attention of buyers. In this regard, the concept of trade has to be changed in order to restore the loss of confidence. As a result, more and more new tricks are appearing aimed at deceiving the buyer, since the old schemes no longer work and do not inspire confidence.

Of course, this does not apply to all representatives of the trade, because there are many successful companies that build their relationships solely on trust. That is why popular brands or brands are in great demand, despite the high cost of products. And all because the client trusts the manufacturer and is completely confident in the quality of the purchased product. Based on this information, it should be understood that trust in trading is also a very important point, and it makes no sense to spoil your name for short-term gain.

In our lives, it is very important to maintain the trust of the people around us if we want to constantly develop and grow above ourselves. Trust is a fundamental part of our reputation in society. Our success in all areas of activity depends on them. You must understand exactly what you can do and what you cannot do. Only after weighing all the pros and cons, make a decision and make promises or guarantees to other people

A smart entrepreneur will never go down the dark path and will do his job honestly and correctly. Every businessman and even an ordinary citizen who counts on good and long-term relationships will not undermine the trust of the people around him.

Loss of trust in family relationships can also irrevocably take away all the values ​​of former love. Today, many families are breaking up due to infidelity, betrayal and deceit. Over time, the instigators reap their rewards and begin to think differently, but time is fleeting - there is no turning back. So often people suffer for their actions until the end of their days.

There is nothing difficult about betraying a person who trusts you completely. But if you do the wrong thing, trust will be lost indefinitely or forever. In order not to commit such actions, a person must be a self-sufficient person and constantly work on himself. After all, trust is a great privilege that you need to work on for many years, but you can lose it in one moment and never get it back.

Loyalty and trust

Internal, sometimes intuitive, irrational feelings of guaranteed security can “assign” someone a high reliability coefficient.
So try to find out here what trust is! Confidence in someone's reliability, open access to the inner world can play a cruel joke on an overly trusting person. This is not an abstract concept, it always refers to a specific person. Total trust in everything and everyone is dangerous. It can only be in a person who has absolutely no life experience and no fear. This is why young children often believe any adult.

The instinct of self-preservation protects someone who already knows what betrayed trust is. The problem of trust and personal emotional security exists where there is (or was in the past) negative experience associated with the abuse of openness in personal or work relationships.

How can you regain trust?

After losing trust, depending on the damage done to the person, you can try to regain it. For many people this is an important moment in life. So let's look at options on how to regain lost trust. As we have already found out, in order to gain trust, you need to work hard and work on yourself, this can take months and even years of your life.

If for some reason you break a connection with a loved one, intentionally or accidentally undermine their trust in you, then be prepared to work hard if you want to regain that person's trust. To re-gain trust you need to completely change yourself and your attitude towards life. You need to make sure that the person never remembers the events that caused the erosion or loss of trust

Regaining trust that was thoughtlessly lost may require even more effort and time. The connection is very simple, after betrayal a person is left with mental wounds, deceived people can feel painful perceptions and various negative thoughts and feelings for many years, right up to the very end of their lives. In such a situation, the offender will be able to regain the partner’s trust only if he can completely rid the traumatized soul of pain and the consciousness of memories that lead a person to a state of fear.

Regaining trust does not mean saying: “I’m sorry!” or give flowers. This is a huge psychological work on relationships. No sacrifice must be made to restore mutual well-being in the relationship. All your efforts and attempts to regain trust may be unrequited and ineffective. In addition, you should feel no less pain than the person you offended or betrayed felt. Only strong and sincere intentions can regain the lost trust of a loved one. But any attempts may not be enough; the main task is to replace all negative emotions and feelings, such as fear and pain, with the opposite sensations.

The main task when trying to regain trust is not the number of these attempts, but their quality. If you have caused spiritual damage to a loved one, then you have made the biggest mistake of your life. Nothing hurts the soul more than betrayal or deception on the part of a loved one. After all, when we love, we completely entrust our destiny to our other half. Love makes us one. We cannot imagine ourselves without our loved one. Therefore, appreciate each other and do not hurt

I would like to remind you that you can find out what feelings are, and also study the table of feelings to understand yourself. This understanding will give you endless opportunities to improve relationships and trust between people.

It is worth understanding that positive emotions should be stronger than those that brought misfortune to a loved one. In addition, you need to try not to repeat previous, even the most insignificant mistakes that will remind you of the mental trauma that you inflicted on your sufferer.

The main task in such a situation is to completely make amends and regain trust. This is why many men who have made many mistakes and brought misfortune to their significant other begin to buy expensive jewelry or other valuable gifts. However, the price of “bribing feelings” does not matter to everyone.

In order not to have to correct the mistakes you have made, try not to do anything bad towards your loved one. It doesn’t matter at all if it’s a man or a woman, a boy or a girl. Of course, girls are more vulnerable, but our souls are the same, a man is stronger only externally, but the inner part of a person is an unprotected substance that is very vulnerable. You need to have great wisdom to cope with your feelings and not harm another person. Sometimes even one word is enough to lose a loved one forever.

Many women value more the actions that their men do. When a person begins to sacrifice his interests, hobbies or desires, this is much more valuable than any expensive gift. This is how a woman sees the true sincerity of her actions. But if you combine sacrifices and valuable gifts, the likelihood of regaining trust will increase several times. The main essence and task is to provide confidence that such actions will never happen again.

Openness in financial matters

The desire to keep a secret bank account has become a very common practice among modern couples. In addition, partners who foresee a divorce register property acquired during marriage in the name of their parents. Unfortunately, this behavior does not indicate trust in a relationship. But financial openness and transparent transactions, on the contrary, demonstrate a high degree of trust. A person who is willing to be vulnerable expects to be in a relationship for the long term. It is unacceptable for him to open secret deposits and make purchases in the name of third parties.

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Summary information

So, now we have fully understood what trust is and what is the basis for building a trusting relationship. You can find different interpretations of the word trust, in Soviet or modern Russian dictionaries, but their meaning is the same.

Trust is complete confidence in the good intentions of one person towards another, his honesty and sincerity, as well as his conscientious attitude towards assigned tasks or requests inspire the greatest degree of trust. Failure to fulfill conditional obligations, betrayal or deception can lead to loss of trust for an indefinite period of time or for life.

However, it is worth remembering that there are several options for regaining trust. We are all human beings and can make mistakes, so be vigilant and try to avoid situations that could undermine your trust with a person or society.

How to learn to trust people

The most effective way to solve the problem is with the help of a specialist - a psychologist or psychotherapist. But you can work on it yourself.

Irina Aigildina

If you do not specifically engage in building trust in people and the world in general, then it will not “grow” on its own. And then, sooner or later, distrust will begin to dominate your life. For example, you may begin to think that the other person is mocking you or has a hidden agenda, although in fact there is no reason to think so.

Aigildina advises to analyze your views and attitudes towards people, situations and life in general. For example, you can be guided by the following phrases: “trust, but verify”, “trust alone will not go far” or “everyone around you deceives.” Naturally, such beliefs influence interactions with others. This is a self-fulfilling prophecy effect. If you see danger and hostility in the whole world and in people, then so be it.

Analyzing negative experiences that contributed to the growth of your mistrust will also help. Perhaps you have encountered betrayal or other situations where openness played a negative role.

Most likely, it won’t be difficult to remember the bad things. The next stage will be much more difficult: to find situations in life when people did not let you down, were honest and fulfilled their obligations, and did not violate your trust in them. We usually take such stories for granted. And negative experiences stick in the memory like a thorn.

Good memories will help train your eyes to see the positive side of life.

The right priorities

People who feel insecure are usually very jealous. They create scandals when they come to their significant other’s office, watch her every move and literally drown in suspicion. Spouses with high self-esteem do not strive to keep the other person next to them “on a short leash.” They do not know total control, suspicions and attacks of jealousy. They show their partner a high degree of trust.

You don't feel like you're being interrogated

Spouses in a toxic relationship suspect each other of cheating, cheating, or hiding important information. It is easy to suspect another person of something, it is easy to shift responsibility for your failures onto him and blame him for all mortal sins. The tactic of denigrating a partner is characteristic of egocentrics.

On the other hand, loving people will not wash dirty linen in public and will protect each other from insults and attacks from third parties. They do not listen to gossip and prefer to understand the situation by receiving information from a reliable source. They will never conduct interrogations with bias, trying to bring the “suspect” to clean water.

The urge to drop everything I'm doing to talk to you

A sure sign that your relationship is stable and imbued with trust is the desire of your partner to be distracted from business in your presence. He will always find a reason to talk to you when he is busy with household chores. He does not hide his eyes, burying himself in a newspaper or mobile phone screen, and does not go to another room for dinner. Your partner's body language indicates openness. When talking to you, he does not cross his arms over his chest or look away to the side. This indicates that he is interested in your opinion on any issue and is ready to really listen to you, and not be marked by his silent presence.

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Avoiding excessive dramatization of relationships

A good liar knows about techniques that will help expose him to clean water. He heard a lot about how you shouldn’t look away when talking, blush, stutter, and give out information uncertainly. He has enough chutzpah to rehearse his lines and lie without batting an eyelid. However, too much obsessive emphasis on truthfulness should alert you. When a person tells the truth, he is not prone to excessive dramatization with hand-wringing and oaths. Trust is confirmed by directness and actions, not loud statements.

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