Why you're unlucky in love and what to do to be lucky

Not only girls, but also representatives of the stronger sex appear at a psychologist’s appointment with problems in their personal lives. Communication with them allowed specialists to develop methods for solving certain problems, as well as to find out the reasons for their occurrence. The most common problem, when a guy has no luck with girls, is especially relevant in the modern world. And this is explained by certain reasons.

Reasons for bad luck

  • Low self-esteem. If a girl underestimates her self-esteem, then she chooses a mate that is far from the best options;
  • Inflated self-esteem will also not lead to anything good. In this case, the chances of having a strong relationship are minimal;
  • Fear of loneliness. Many people, after breaking up one unsuccessful relationship, immediately try to create new ones and again make the same mistakes. New relationships also turn out to be unsuccessful. There is no need to rush to make new acquaintances just because you are afraid of being lonely. Take a break from your relationship and enjoy your solitude. You will have time to think about which half you need;
  • Wrong choice of partner. You can't change an adult. And if you like a certain type of personality, but the relationship with him is not going well, then you need to think and change your preferences. It's time to stop stepping on the same rake, i.e. meet a person whose relationship will lead to another separation;
  • Wrong behavior in relationships. Quarrels occur when both people do not know how to behave correctly. Men act like women or weaklings, and women act like bitches. Until the couple stops sorting things out and proving which of them should dominate, nothing good will come of it.

Wrong environment

If a guy often goes to nightclubs and meets girls there, the likelihood of meeting the love of his life is reduced to zero. Sociologists from the SuperJob Research Center conducted a survey among 5,000 married men. They were asked where they met their soulmate. Not a single respondent named the option “in a nightclub”!

What is this connected with? In circles where people lead a fairly wild lifestyle, go out at night and drink, there are decent girls, but among them there are rarely those who are aimed at serious, stable relationships. If she goes with her friends a couple of times a month just to dance, that’s a completely different matter.

The guy can be advised to look for a girl elsewhere. For example, at a festival of interests, during a walk in the park, in a quiet and cozy establishment.

Why you're unlucky in love

It is simply impossible to be happy without love. But not many people manage to meet true love and keep it for life. Mutual love makes people better and stronger. But if you are unlucky in your personal life, the relationship ends before it even begins, any person begins to lose faith in himself and look for reasons why he is haunted by failures.

Each person is unhappy in his own way, but everyone has similar reasons.

The main reason for bad luck in love is negative attitudes. Those. this is a subconscious conviction that “all men are the same”, “love passes over time”, “even good relationships pass and fall apart”.

These attitudes are laid down in childhood due to negative examples seen or formed in adulthood due to unsuccessful relationships experienced. And as a result, a person cannot decide on a new relationship. And when everything is decided, he cannot make a choice or a responsible step and remains lonely for a long time. You need to get rid of negative attitudes, and then happiness will smile on you.

The second reason is dislike for yourself. If you give to your loved one more than you receive in return, most likely you are not confident in yourself and do not love yourself.

Anyone who does not feel worthy of love, respect and self-care is unlikely to meet a worthy life partner.

It is necessary to get rid of low self-esteem, feel confident, learn not only to give to your loved one, but also to receive something in return.

A cheerful person who exudes confidence and energy will be able to attract a worthy partner.

Why beautiful and smart girls are unlucky in love

It is no coincidence that people have a saying “Don’t be born beautiful, but be born happy.”

Why are beauties often unlucky in their personal lives?

Here are some main reasons:

  • Excessive demands on a partner. Beautiful women usually get used to the increased attention of men, so they rarely agree to serious relationships with fans. It seems to them that they deserve the best and wait for their “prince on a white horse” for years, forgetting that every man has shortcomings;
  • Oddly enough, few people want to meet a beautiful girl. Potential suitors believe that they are simply unworthy of such a beauty and do not make any attempts to get to know each other;
  • Many beautiful women are selfish and have bad character. Therefore, men do not want to build their lives with such a partner;
  • Some girls are taught from childhood that they should have all the best. Therefore, they remain in search all their lives and cannot find a worthy match for themselves;
  • Men like beautiful, liberated women, but they choose completely different ones as wives.

For a man to create a family, it is not enough for a woman to be beautiful. In addition, she must have other qualities. Be gentle, caring, a good housewife, know how to cook, keep the house clean, respect your husband.

Women's happiness depends on a woman's ability to perceive any situation easily, with humor and accept people for who they really are. Such qualities indicate that the girl has adequate self-esteem, she respects herself and the people around her, and this is invaluable for building personal happiness.

So what kind of decency should we really strive for?

And now a few words about a set of decency, the owner of which will most likely be lucky in her personal life. Definitely, decency involves being faithful to your man. Such women behave decently everywhere: accessibility is not about them. They never forget about respect - they definitely won’t allow you to “wipe your feet” on yourself.

A decent woman is characterized by modesty, but she is not a “gray mouse”, but just a lady. Feminine and definitely with a twist inside. It’s interesting to communicate with someone like that, it’s nice to look at her.

A decent woman behaves nobly in any situation; she respects all people equally, regardless of their status and financial situation. She always acts fairly and prefers an honest lifestyle.

A decent girl is truly intellectually developed. She is so sociable that she can not only warm up and maintain a conversation, but also resolve any conflict with minimal losses.

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What to do to be lucky in love

Here are some recommendations:

  • If you broke up with your loved one, don't try to get him back. Don't be sad about parting with him. On the contrary, let him worry that he missed his happiness, underestimated you;
  • You must clearly understand who you need, with whom you would like to build a serious relationship and stay for life;
  • Do not open your soul to another immediately, when you first meet. Do it gradually. Share, look at his reaction. If there is no reaction or it is negative, then this is not the person you need;
  • Don't rush to jump into his bed. We must first understand what kind of person he is;
  • Don't feel sorry for yourself. Everyone has failures, and pity deprives you of strength. Complaining and feeling sorry for yourself will not help you become happy and loved;
  • Love yourself simply for being you and respect yourself for everything you have achieved in life. If you don't love yourself, then no one else will love you.
  • Very often, women idealize the image of their future partner. They want to see in him something that is not and will not be. In real life, dreams are broken. You must look at your chosen one wisely;
  • Analyze your past mistakes and try to avoid them in a new relationship.

It happens that a woman says to herself “I will never get married,” “I will always be lonely.” This is the case when it is necessary to solve psychological problems and this requires the help of a psychologist.

It depends only on you whether the relationship with a worthy person will be strong and mutual. And remember that all accidents in life are not accidental. They are predetermined by your attitude towards yourself, emotions and behavior.

Me, me, me

If you look at the feed of a dating site for a long time, you can see yellowthroat chicks with gaping beaks. They twist their small heads on thin necks from side to side, shouting: “Me, me!” Give! Want! More!"

In the age of consumption, we only want to take. Only receive: attention, care, understanding. But the other wants the same thing - pleasure for himself.

Meanwhile, love is always about giving. Love is understanding the desires of another. Feel the other. Putting the happiness of others above your own pleasure. Focus on something else.

As long as in a couple relationship everyone wants personal happiness only for themselves, all people will seem unsuitable. Again and again the wrong ones.

Tips on how to become loved

A woman needs to feel needed, and this is the main thing for which she lives. And she feels needed only when a loved one appears in her life.

As a rule, the one who loves and appreciates herself becomes happy. This is what makes it unique and special. She is not looking for a relationship just so as not to be left alone. She knows her own worth, does not try to change people to suit her interests, but perceives them as they really are.

Such a woman knows that any man will be happy next to her. And she has her own point of view on relationships with the opposite sex: will she be happy with her chosen one, will he not suppress her personality, will she still have the opportunity for personal growth.

She has her own interests and passions in life. She knows what she wants and will be able to fight for her happiness. If a relationship with a man causes only negative emotions, she will break off this relationship without an ounce of doubt.

She understands that strong, stable relationships can only exist between people who have similar views on life, goals, aspirations and life values. She is sure that she will definitely be lucky in love.

Signs for good luck in love

In mythology, there were androgynes - the first people who combined the characteristics of a man and a woman.

Androgynes are people endowed with external characteristics of both sexes.

Source Wikipedia

Like the Titans, they were very strong and encroached on the power of the gods. Zeus decided to cut them in half to halve their strength and scatter them throughout the world. Since then, people are doomed to search for their soulmate.

Every person dreams of finding his partner, with whom he will find spiritual and physical harmony, with whom he will feel comfortable and to whom he can entrust his innermost dreams.

Many people pass by their love or have simply lost faith that they can find their soul mate.

To prevent this from happening, you should pay attention to folk signs, belief in which will help attract love:

  • Unlucky in little things, lucky in love;
  • If a woman has changed her image, then she subconsciously prepares for a meeting with her betrothed;
  • A precious piece of jewelry lost by a woman at home is interpreted by occultists as an offering to the god of love. A lost ring means that a loved one is on the threshold, an earring means a wedding is coming;
  • The appearance of a dove on the windowsill means an imminent marriage.

Signs for luck can be used by romantic and impressionable people for decisive action.

How to become happy

In fact, life is wonderful. Look around you, because happiness is always nearby. And it is in simple things - the bright sun, the blue cloudless sky, the happy eyes of children.

You must understand that your life depends on you, only you can manage it as you see fit. Therefore, you need to live today, think about the present, because these moments will soon pass and remain in the past. But you can’t change the past, just as we can’t control the future.

It is very important to realize that you need to be happy now, and not put off this moment for later.

If you think that you have no one to love right now, this is not true at all. Love yourself, your surroundings, the world around you. And then life will return this love to you. Remember that everything you give will come back to you many times over. Maintain good relationships with the people around you.

Every person needs communication, and communication can make a person happy or, on the contrary, unhappy. These are family, neighbors, colleagues, friends. Communicate only with those people who give you positivity.

Smile more often and you will feel much better.

Thank God and the Universe for everything you have now. This way you open yourself up to something new that needs to happen in your life.

And now specific actions and practices

  • You need to learn to think positively and be filled with the energy of happiness. When you have happiness inside, you will be able to radiate it and give it to others. As you know, everyone is drawn to positive people, but why? Remember, someone comes, the life of the party, and a crowd immediately surrounds him - he radiates energy that everyone wants to partake of. It doesn’t matter who it is, a man or a woman, everyone wants to communicate with him at least a little. Because how you can profit from this very energy. Become such a person, a Sunshine person.

I am a practical person in life, I don’t like to talk a lot, I like to take things and do them. Therefore, from words to deeds. Below is a short video practice. Do it right now, it's easy.

  • Learn to interact with nature. To start, just spend more time in nature. Mother Nature will always help restore internal imbalance.

We remember why we have no luck in our personal lives with men. Because something inside us, some kind of program does not allow us to do this. Accordingly, there is an internal imbalance, and it needs to be eliminated.

You are probably familiar with the feeling of complete harmony, happiness, and euphoria after relaxing in the forest. Remember that feeling of inner fullness when, just sitting for an hour by the river, you looked at the water, and you felt warm and good. Sometimes a half-hour walk in the park will bring many times more benefits than going to a psychologist. We are children of nature, and it helps us. You need to notice it, appreciate it and use it to your advantage. Interact correctly with nature, learn to feel yourself, hear yourself, your true desires.

Get rid of the past, practice!

For those who are ready to act, and not just read about this topic and sigh, I give you another highly effective practice. In it we will work through the corridor of the past and get rid of the burden of the past. You need to break these ties that are weighing you down. And also drive fears out of yourself.

Fear is most often the subpersonality of the hare, which is registered in you. Once you get rid of the hare, you will stop being afraid. Finally, take a deep breath and look to the future with confidence. I wrote about subpersonalities in one of my articles, here

Cleaning the corridor of the past

Why are you unlucky in your personal life with men? How can I get rid of this problem right now?

You need to mentally, right now, imagine the most painful, most unpleasant relationship. Clearly remember this relationship, scroll through the painful scenes. Imagine your partner, here he is in front of you.

Most likely you feel uncomfortable right now, this is normal and exactly how it should be. Through pain, through tears, we will now get rid of these ballasts forever.

So. You need 5-7 minutes to remember all the pain that this relationship brought you. All the most difficult, unpleasant moments. All the phrases, words that were said to each other. You need to remember all this as deeply as possible. To get completely angry and reach the boiling point now. This is for a good cause. You can cry at this stage, but just complete the practice. Honestly, honestly, reveal everything within yourself. All the pain and resentment that lurks within you. What you have hidden deep down - bring it out.

Now, imagine that in front of you is a deep abyss, an abyss. And now you need to take together everything, everything that you have just been turning around in yourself, in your head. All this needs to be put in a bag. Perhaps the bag will be huge, it doesn’t matter. Everyone was shoved in there, including the partner, his image. And the bag was thrown into the abyss. Huh!

My soul felt a little better, but that’s not all. You need to do the practice several times. To such a state that when you even want to imagine your relationship, you want to get angry, but that’s it! Nothing seems to be happening anymore. No images. No emotions.

This is an incredibly effective practice. She works wonders.

It would seem that only 5-7 minutes need to be spent on doing it in order to get rid of the pain of the past. And sometimes we can’t get out of problems for years. In the course “Teaching Esoterics Online” we do similar practices using my videos, it’s much simpler, more effective and clearer. Watch the course introductory video for FREE. And after it you will notice the first results, changes in your life.

I won’t overburden you with my methods))) For those interested, subscribe to site updates or come to the full training course.

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