6 Barriers to Effective Communication and How to Overcome Them

Perceptual barrier

Perceptual barrier - barrier of perception. The mood in which we are spoken to directly affects the effectiveness of communication.


An indifferent tone and disinterest conveyed by body language make the interlocutor skeptical about the success of the conversation and discourage him from having a conversation with you. The same goes for people who explain their point of view without respect or with hard-to-conceal or not-at-all hostility.


Start the conversation on a positive note and try to maintain it throughout the conversation. Use appropriate gestures, smile, and remember to make eye contact with your interlocutor.

Ways to calculate barrier type

You need to analyze your experiences and your partner’s reactions. Communication barriers are associated not with the content of the dialogue, but with the features of speech: the logic of the narrative, vocabulary, clarity of pronunciation of words.

Interaction barriers arise during communication. In this case, one of the parties is not satisfied with the moral character, level of knowledge and character of the partner. Barriers to perception – stereotypes, expectations. If a psychological barrier arose too quickly or even before communication, it is a barrier of perception.

Visually, the tension between the companions is manifested through body language. Pay attention to:

  • facial expressions (tense face, smile does not match the expression of the eyes);
  • posture (closed posture - the companion turns away, crosses his limbs; excessive relaxation and absent-mindedness are also considered signs of psychological closedness);
  • gesticulation (sudden movements; involuntarily clenched fists);
  • expression of the eyes (absent, “running” or long gaze).

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Behavioral barrier

The opinion of others about us directly affects the level of assimilation of our words and the likelihood of effective dialogue. Based on his attitude towards you, the interlocutor may abstract himself from the topic of the conversation or partially ignore the information.


A pompous tone is the cause of hostility on the part of the interlocutor. If all information is passed through the lens of condescension, it harms communication and spoils the impression of the speaker. Low self-esteem can also cause a barrier.


Treat your interlocutor as your equal. Be sure to praise the person for a job well done, even if you think you could have done it better yourself. Don't forget about eye contact and a smile.

Barrier of age/status/experience

Some people prefer to see doctors only with extensive experience. If they go to novice specialists, they communicate with them somewhat biasedly and distrustfully. Some may even say directly: “What can this psychologist teach me! I’m 20 years older than him, so I probably understand more in life.” This is an example of a psychological barrier of experience.

Other similar types of communication barriers work similarly:

Barrier type Example from life
Age barrier An elderly man says to a young man: “Whatever you understand. You will teach me again! I’m older, which means I’m smarter and wiser.”
Status barrier One person says to another: “You see, I only need useful connections. I only communicate with high-status people. And even though you say that you’re successful, you can’t tell by looking at you – your car is kind of simple, your clothes are also modest.”
Marital status barrier One person says to another: “You give advice to everyone about your personal life, but you yourself are still lonely. I’m sorry, but I won’t listen to you.”

But in reality, status, age, experience or anything else doesn’t mean that much and says almost nothing about a person. The younger generation can teach the older generation something new, useful and interesting. If a person lives modestly, but at the same time offers courses on making money, this does not mean that his courses are useless. Perhaps material wealth is not of such value to him; he does charity work and invests in his spiritual development.

What to do: try to evaluate yourself and others less, be unbiased, and work with facts. For example, everyday psychology and scientific psychology are different things. Yes, a psychologist’s client may be wiser from the point of view of everyday philosophy, but the psychologist knows all the intricacies of psychology from the point of view of science. It is important to remember this in all such controversial issues. And remember that someone can judge you the same way. Therefore, rely on the wisdom of Spiritual Economy: “Judge not, lest you be judged. Just as you judge others, you will also be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you” (NRT Matt. 7:1-2).

The language barrier

A language barrier arises not only between speakers of different languages, but also between people with different levels of competence in any field.


If the interlocutor uses unfamiliar words in his speech, you are unlikely to be able to understand him. Using jargon when talking to interns will not ensure understanding on their part and will instill in them uncertainty about their own suitability. If you explain the solution to a problem to a child the same way you would tell an adult, this will also lead to a sad result: the child will not be able to solve a similar problem again, his ability to think and get to the truth gradually will suffer.


Simplify your speech to the level of the interlocutor, without showing the condescension characteristic of people with high self-esteem.

Features of communication

Communication during verbal interaction is addressed to the interlocutor, consists of an exchange of opinions and experiences, expression of desires, or is intended to cause changes in the dialogue partner’s ideas about any subject. In other words, communication always involves the process of exchanging information. At the same time, the voiced information is not only transmitted, but also formed, clarified, and developed.

Communications differ in some features:

  • Diversity. From a discussion of a new computer game by schoolchildren to a scientific conversation between specialists at a symposium.
  • Effectiveness of communication. Depends on the form of communication (oral, written).
  • Significance. The exchange of information occurs for specific purposes and serves to satisfy people's need to obtain the necessary information.
  • Influence. Successful communication influence can change the interlocutor's understanding of the subject of conversation.

Nevertheless, there are often situations in life when communication is difficult for people to understand each other. Communication barriers in psychology are barriers of various origins that can arise between dialogue partners during the exchange of adequate information.

They manifest themselves as psychological resistance on the part of the person who, as it were, defends himself from the active presentation of information and prevents this exchange of information between the interlocutors who have entered into a dialogue. When receiving information from the external environment, communication barriers (CBs) may appear associated with the multitude of information that every person receives every day.

In the process of external communication, information overload and a feeling of disorientation when choosing a source (press, television, Internet) may occur, which leads to the devaluation of the information received. On the other hand, the ability to correctly use information, for example, exclusive or known to a limited circle of people, allows you to influence other people and expand your influence.

Emotional barrier

An emotional barrier arises from insecurity, anger, sadness, or even excessive joy. Problems at home can impact work communications, and vice versa.


When experiencing emotional stress, we ourselves do not notice that we are missing some information and how our ability to analyze and reason suffers. When we are out of sorts, we become irritable towards the words of the interlocutor, and excessive joy during a work dialogue can lead to the approval of a frankly bad idea.


Rise above your emotions and don't let them affect your interactions with other people. When in a state of emotional stress, try to conduct a neutral conversation with your interlocutor.

Character traits that create problems

Pride can be put in first place, because other qualities are derived from it. This trait manifests itself in elevating oneself and having a condescending attitude towards others. When dealing with a proud person, a person has to restrain himself in order to avoid conflicts.

Boasting is a way of self-affirmation. This trait may hide uncertainty and a need for praise. Boastful individuals are often vain. This is the next negative feature. A vain person depends on flattery and other people's opinions. He believes in his importance only if he sees the approval of others. It is important to learn to praise yourself, because flatterers are rarely sincere. Their goal is to manipulate a vain person.

Lust for power is expressed in rejection of other people's opinions and desires. This is a painful need to control others. To communicate fruitfully with a power-hungry person, you need to be able to clearly argue your position. First of all, the power-hungry suppresses insecure individuals.

Hot temper is the inability to recognize one’s emotions and control them. A hot-tempered person notices the consequences of an emotional “explosion” after it ends. The interlocutors of such a person have to show special calm and not “mirror” the rude words of the opposite side.

Cultural barrier

When communication occurs between representatives of different cultures, the likelihood of a cultural barrier occurring is high. But cultural differences are manifested not only in communication with foreigners or representatives of other faiths.


Incorrect communication with a person of a different nationality or religion may offend his beliefs. Stories about Friday night parties can ruin the mood of a person for whom alcohol is contraindicated. Trying to explain to an older person the meaning of a popular YouTube video may be met with misunderstanding.


Try to study the interlocutor in advance and conduct the conversation as tactfully as possible. If there is a high risk of blurting out something wrong, try to explain to your interlocutor face to face that you are not too familiar with his culture.

Barrier of inability to hear and listen to the interlocutor

This barrier is caused by a person’s inattention to other people’s problems, bad manners or lack of interest in the topic of conversation. More often, people who are fixated on their own “I” and their problems suffer from the inability to listen to their interlocutor. If you need this communication, speak in such a way that the person becomes interested in listening to you. Change the topic of conversation, but as a result return to the idea that you are trying to convey to him. In this case, communication through gestures, facial expressions, and changes in intonation helps.

The following categories of people are most likely to encounter communication barriers:

Unconfident; Ill-mannered; Whose level of education is below average; Distrustful and suspicious; Self-centered; Prone to manipulating other people; Trying to benefit from everything that happens around them; Dissatisfied with themselves, their life and position in society.

This list is endless. The main thing is that if you feel that in any development of events, a barrier in communication arises between you and your interlocutor, look for the true reasons for its appearance, work on yourself, but do not stop communicating.

Gender barrier

The reason for misunderstanding may be differences in communication and thinking between men and women. Women tend to think intuitively, while men tend to think logically. Thus, women like to talk about people and emotions, while men focus on something physical and measurable. These stereotypes, of course, do not apply to everyone.


What is acceptable with a man may be unethical with a woman. A male boss may be skeptical of women's professional skills, allowing stereotypes to interfere with communication. This way, he risks not only offending his interlocutors, but also misassessing the work situation.

This effect also works in the opposite direction: the attitude towards the words of a charming woman may be unfairly inflated.

Recommendations to help you get rid of

There are proven ways to overcome communication barriers. These include:

  • “proper name” (it is important to pronounce the name of the companion; such attention helps a person to assert himself; it relaxes, inspires trust);
  • “mirror of relationships” (expressed in a warm smile, friendly tone and sympathetic facial expression; the companion has a feeling of security);
  • “golden words” (compliments create the illusion of improvement, a feeling of satisfaction appears);
  • “patient listener” (attentively listening to a person’s complaints);
  • “personal life” (it is worth paying attention to the inner world and hobbies of your companion; after this the person “opens up” and communicates more actively).

Some barriers can be eliminated, while others can be skillfully circumvented. It is important to be patient, attentive and sympathetic.

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