Having no luck with girls - what to do? Where can you meet a good girl?

Many guys wonder where they can meet a good girl. It would seem why such a problem should exist at a young age, but it does arise. Sometimes it becomes so difficult to find your person among millions of others. Over time, the oppressive feeling of loneliness begins to literally overwhelm and eat from the inside. And when you are constantly haunted by disappointments, it’s time to get confused and lose faith in your own prospects. There are many who want to improve their personal life.

Only for this you need to know what a girl needs, you need to learn to feel her, anticipate her needs and desires. A man does not always behave appropriately, show attentiveness and politeness. In some cases, mistakes made can be very costly. And then we have to sadly admit the fact that we have no luck with girls. Below are effective tips that will help you understand the current situation.

Keep calm

Remember that wise advice from the good man Carlson? The most important thing is not to despair. Whatever happens, don't lose heart. You need to try to pull yourself together, and then you will definitely find a way out. As a rule, a calm attitude towards the situation helps even when there is no reason to continue to hope for reciprocity. It’s not enough to just think about why I’m lonely; you also need to make some effort. The best thing to do is try to take control of your own feelings. Only then will there be undoubted confidence in the future, in the fact that the efforts made are not in vain.

Taking responsibility

Before you rush to blame someone for your own bad luck, you need to try to reconsider your individual beliefs. Take a look at yourself from the outside and answer honestly: do you always act according to your conscience? Was it possible that women were wronged undeservedly, and were their feelings hurt? All these are very serious points that require detailed consideration.

Long-term emotional immersion is acceptable here. The point is that it is advisable to be able to experience the situation for yourself. Accepting responsibility implies that it is necessary not only to understand how to behave in a relationship with a girl, but also to try not to repeat previous mistakes. Only in this case will it be possible to soon experience significant improvements.

Why are some men always unlucky? How to please a girl.

Why are some men always unlucky? How to please a girl.

I guess I'll tell you a story... This time it's a story about me... But it could very well be about YOU... Have you ever messed things up with a woman you really liked? She may have even been interested in you at first... but somehow you managed to screw it up? I know, this happened to me too. And after that I racked my brain for weeks, trying to figure out what I did wrong.

I played out all the possible scenarios in my head... “What if I had told her this instead?” “Perhaps I should have called her on Thursday instead of waiting two days... Maybe it looked like I wasn’t serious? Or was it worth waiting three days?” “Have I really missed the right moment? Probably, if I had behaved differently when we were walking, the evening would have been a success...” I replayed all these scenarios over and over again and discussed them with my friends... driving them crazy. Eventually, I figured out all my supposed mistakes and swore to myself that I would never repeat them.

And then I met an amazing woman... I promised myself that THIS TIME... I would do everything perfectly. And what do you think happened? Exactly. I ruined everything again. And this unpleasant situation was repeated many times.

If you're a regular guy, you've experienced this... and you know how disgusting it is. It seems like you'll NEVER get anywhere with a woman you REALLY like... and you'll have to settle for someone you're not interested in... or end up alone altogether. When we fly with a woman we really like, we believe that the failure was due to some “little thing”... it seems to us that mistakes were made there. We analyze these little things to the point of insanity - “Maybe I should have waited until she called me” or “Maybe I should have acted a little more decisively” or, for example, “Oh, if only I hadn’t said that stupid thing...”, the list goes on and on. .

What I never realized was that there was a MUCH MORE MEANINGFUL thing that was the problem... Yes, perhaps our failures WERE the result of minor shortcomings... Perhaps we called at the wrong time... perhaps we failed to act at a significant moment... perhaps we even said stupid things... But the real problem is not the errors themselves.

The problem is WHY we keep making them over and over again. I'm sure you've noticed that guys who are confident with girls rarely fail. It’s as if they know how to capture the attention of any girl - and use it as much as they want - without any “methods of courtship” or the like. But how do they do it? How do they know what to say or do at a certain point in time... or how to get a girl interested in them? They seem to know such things on a subconscious level... and why are we worse? After all, communication with women is a thing embedded in the subconscious of every individual for centuries. Our ancestors met and communicated with women in ancient times... otherwise, we would not be in the world. So why have we still not learned how to do everything right? Shouldn't such things be at the level of instincts?

Failures with women happen because you lack...

In recent years, I've been thinking a lot about the question of why some men have bad luck in life... Here's some food for thought: What if I told you that guys who have luck with girls have some kind of "helpful advice book" in their heads, which they successfully navigate... every time? What if I also told you that this “guide” is NEVER WRONG - straight like a compass, it leads them in the right direction... and following its advice, it is almost impossible to screw up... Men have kept this “guide” for MILLIONS of years. In the past, those individuals who did not have such a “directory” did not have the opportunity to reproduce, and their genes were not passed on to subsequent generations.

Nowadays, thanks to massive population growth, even men without such a “guide” can build a relationship with a woman - however, often not with the one they really like. The best women, as before, go to those who possess this secret knowledge. I am sure that in your life you have met such men who can start a relationship with any girl. I'm also sure that you have wondered why YOU can't do this. Have you wondered what allows them to be so successful? Now... finally... you will know...

How modern society ROBED YOU by taking away your innate ability to attract women...

In fact, YOU too know the secret and have the innate ability. The only difference is that you have not fully developed this ability. Nobody ever told you about her, so you didn't think twice about it. The secret is MASCULINITY.

Let me explain...

One day I was having lunch with my friend and we started talking about the problems that guys have with girls. My friend is exactly the kind of person whose innate abilities are remarkably developed; he has never had problems with the opposite sex. So he told me that the guys who fail most often have never thought about what it means to BE A MAN. They do not understand what distinguishes a man from a boy and what qualities women attract in MEN.

I started thinking about it and realized how right my friend was. All those who were lucky enough to be born relatively recently do not receive the proper education of the man in themselves, do not go through ancient rituals and initiations... Nowadays, people live longer, but mature more slowly... and instead of real male maturation, many men try to live a “teenage” life for DECADES. This delayed maturation leads to increased feelings of anxiety and indifference, which can be called “prolonged childhood syndrome.” We grow up... but as a result... many remain children. Because of this, many people have lost the opportunity to become REAL MEN... and develop their hereditary abilities to attract women... I called this phenomenon “Mysteriously Disappearing Courage”. When properly developed, your courage is like a compass that leads you to success in your interactions with women. A person who does not have such a compass is like a ship without a navigator, lost in the ocean. In other words, such a person is doomed to disaster. Women instinctively feel whether a man has a “compass” inside him. Even if you manage to deceive her with various “behavior techniques”, one day you will stumble and the TRUTH will come out. This is why little things really matter in relationships with women.

When you call too much... or are indecisive... a woman doesn't think to herself, “He calls too much” or “He's insecure.” No... She thinks you're not a REAL MAN. And when this happens, then against her will you become uninteresting to her... and she cannot control it. It’s as if a switch is flicked inside and an invisible barrier appears... And, despite the invisibility, this barrier is very real and obvious to her. “Mysteriously missing courage” is a problem for both sexes... And until you can develop it, you will feel alone and will not be able to control the situation... And there will be no other way to solve the problem.

Have you ever asked lucky guys how they get any girls? Most will not be able to answer a seemingly simple question. Their secret is the “internal MALE program” that tells them what to do. You have this “program” in you too... and it’s time to unlock it and experience the amazing feeling of success.

Patience and persistence

It would be wonderful if all our wishes came true in the blink of an eye. But, as a rule, this does not happen. Patience is a very important component of our life, allowing us to fully concentrate on what is happening in the present moment.

If you didn’t learn something the first time, it’s important not to despair, but to try to take additional steps. A certain persistence will not hurt at all in such a subtle and delicate matter. A guy definitely needs to have an idea of ​​how to communicate with a girl in order to please her. In a certain sense, this will help you make fewer mistakes on the way to your cherished goal.

How can you scare off girls?

Some girls constantly avoid further dates after the first meeting with a guy for fear of being ridiculed by an overly arrogant young man. You need to convince your chosen one of your own reliability, and not show yourself from an arrogant side. There are men who consider themselves confident and lucky, but are not responsible for their words, which is not to the liking of many girls.

Important! If a guy on a date starts a conversation by discussing someone else's mistakes in order to show his best side, then he loves gossip.

Taking pleasure in the fact that a person's life has become miserable, a gossip can amuse his interlocutor. Unfortunately, over time , such treatment by men begins to bore women and offend them. As a result, they no longer go on dates.


No girl will love a guy who takes credit for other people's accomplishments. If he is confident in himself, then he does not forget about his rights, defending himself and his loved ones in difficult situations. An arrogant egoist only cares about himself, knowing that he can get lucky in the process of manipulating a woman.

An arrogant person can always be identified by a glance. Only a confident man can look into a woman's eyes when talking. When communicating with her, he will not look for his acquaintances in a crowd of people in order to approach them.

A woman is able to appreciate modesty in the character of a man who does not remind her every time of his achievements. An arrogant person makes others believe that he is discriminating and self-confident. This desire is due to the fact that he is ashamed to admit his own incompetence when faced with any problem.

Fact! When communicating with a girl, an arrogant man makes her feel awkward so that she doubts her experience and knowledge.

The manners of arrogant guys betray their arrogance, and in their presentation of thoughts they are so confident that they completely trust themselves. You can determine the excessive arrogance of your interlocutor by his condescending tone in his voice, constant interruption of someone else’s speech, and the manifestation of the ability to correct it.

With serious intentions

Men are often rejected by single women who do not like the fact that their chosen one is establishing a serious relationship with them. He does this in order to manage someone else's personal life. Girls do not like their partner to declare his serious intentions, implying constant control over their actions.

Important! A man who demands hourly information from his partner about her affairs ceases to attract women to him.

A man's serious intentions may also be related to the financial well-being of the bride. Being the owner of a house or apartment, she cannot imagine herself being someone’s thing or being a girl for her partner. If the guy understands this in time, then problems in the relationship may not arise.


The power of the World Wide Web should not be underestimated. If you want to find your soulmate, you should definitely register on special sites. Let not all acquaintances end in something serious, but there are chances of meeting true love, and quite big ones. Turn to the Internet and you will not be disappointed. Some people think like this, they say, I want to find a girl, but I’m not going to put much effort into this. In such cases, the search can last for years and cause the development of significant self-doubt. You need to be active and enterprising.

General advice from psychologists, real examples that work

To start building a romance correctly, psychologists recommend following recommendations that allow each partner to feel comfortable:

  1. People need to be given freedom. Constant calls and control over the situation exhausts both of them and leads to separation.
  2. The ability to give thanks is important. Your other half will want to do something nice. Even if you didn’t like your beloved’s dinner or your boyfriend’s gift, you can’t say this: this is how a person loses the desire to do things for his chosen one or chosen one.
  3. You can't be monotonous. It is important to change your image, your date place, anything, so as not to make your partner feel bored and look for something new!

Often men are lonely because of the prevailing stereotypes that before starting a family, you need to be successful. With this behavior they provoke women to be materialistic.

Millions of families work, make money together and are happy at the same time, because they have an incentive, grow, and develop. In pursuit of material values, people risk missing out on love and being left with acquired wealth without happiness.

Bars and cafes

Wonderful places where you can not only have fun, but also meet someone interesting. In the wake of a good mood, it becomes easier to invite the girl you like to your table and treat her to something tasty. Be prepared to have an interesting conversation so that the lady doesn't get bored. If you are sure that you are definitely unlucky with girls, test your courage.

You need to be bold and exude enormous self-confidence. There is nothing sadder than a situation when a guy withdraws into himself and does not want to make any attempts to improve his depressing situation. Bars and cafes can make things a lot easier if you're willing to be proactive and not shy.

How to attract good luck

Stop wondering why good guys have no luck with girls, it's time to fix it. You can’t rely only on chance in everything; you need to make luck work for you.

  1. Change your style. This doesn't just apply to appearance. Get off your usual path - change your walking route, find a job where there are many women, travel to other cities and countries, implement fresh ideas. This will help you get yourself out of the search routine, stop feeling sorry for yourself, broaden your horizons and become interesting to girls. How to be sexy will help you .
  2. Feel like a winner . Most often, the question “Why I have no luck with girls” is asked by insecure guys. When they meet, they are already ready to refuse and this can be seen in their gaze. The easiest way to overcome this fear and uncertainty is through acting. Imagine that you are playing the role of a successful, confident man who is used to getting everything he wants from life.
  3. Increase your chances. Instead of editing your profile on a social network for the hundredth time, posting funny videos with kittens, or chatting with a dozen beauties, just step away from the computer. Take a break from social media, go outside and interact with real people . After work, go have a drink with your colleagues at the nearest bar, sign up for a new gym, go to all the city events. Develop the habit of meeting new people. This will significantly increase your chances of successful dating.
  4. Invest in yourself. This is the most obvious and win-win investment. Take care of your appearance, health, general development, education. Every day become better than you were yesterday. Make a schedule and strictly adhere to it, then you will have no time left for self-pity, but a completely new image of a successful, promising guy will appear.
  5. Reconsider your selection criteria. Perhaps your requirements are too high. You can search for the ideal, invented image all your life, but never find it. Pay attention to the ordinary girls around you. Most of them are far from model-like in appearance, but they are sweet, kind, smart and cheerful.
  6. Take risks. Agree to blind dates, invite even those women you don’t like for coffee. Always give a second chance. First impressions are often deceiving.

But the main key to success is to always remain positive. Consider any unsuccessful date as a step towards your success. All these trainings are just life experiences that will help you find “the one.”

Mutual acquaintances

Sometimes finding your soulmate on your own becomes quite difficult. Then friends who are really easy to trust can come to the rescue. Such people will quite simply organize a fateful meeting for you. It will be great if a pleasant acquaintance turns into something beautiful and truly touching. The guy will learn to understand what the girl needs and will be able to devote more time and attention to her. When there are mutual acquaintances, communication takes place in the most natural setting and no one has to worry about how to keep the attention of the person they like.

Place of study

Many couples met within the walls of their native institute or university. And this is not surprising. Where else can a young man meet his love, if not in a place where he has to spend many hours at a time? You just need to start taking a closer look at your fellow students. It is likely that they will turn out to be extremely interesting and attractive people. No one is rushing you here.

You can watch the girl you like and draw conclusions. However, there is a possibility that if you do not express your aspirations in any way for a long time, then more efficient fellow students may get ahead of you.


A very original way to get acquainted, especially considering the fact that today relatively few people attend cultural events. A library is not only a storehouse of folk wisdom, but also a repository of knowledge. No one goes there, so the chances of meeting a decent girl increase. If a single guy also likes to read and is interested in the latest literature, it’s time to puzzle over this issue. Take a closer look around. Perhaps your soulmate has been waiting to meet you for a long time. Don't miss the opportunity to visit the library again. Then you won’t have to complain about being unlucky with girls.

Working team

For older young people who have already completed their studies, I would like to recommend taking a closer look at your colleagues. Among your colleagues, you may well meet a pretty girl who will become your future wife. As a rule, in a work team there is a greater chance of getting to know each other better, because you have to be in contact with these people for quite a long period of time. If a guy doesn’t know how to behave in a relationship with a girl, then the option with a colleague seems very successful. This is the safest way and there will be a minimum of disappointments. Choose responsible women who have shown their best side.

Why are women unlucky in love? How can I change everything?

According to statistics, beautiful and successful girls are more often unlucky in love. The reason for bad luck mainly lies in behavior and excessive demands on a partner.

After all, a loved one must be:

  • rich;
  • smart;
  • handsome;
  • have a sense of humor;
  • play sports, etc.

The woman begins to wait for the prince, not allowing herself to see the merits of a partner with whom she could be happy.

Expectations of a rich groom

Parents often instill in girls that their husband must be rich. And if in adolescence the daughter begins to date a poor person, the meetings are stopped.

As a result, money comes first in relationships. Commercialism makes it impossible to consider a person’s merits, and having found a rich man, women are sincerely surprised why the relationship does not work out. Left alone, they resume their search for a rich companion.

On the street

This is also a very effective method, although not many people prefer it. You can meet people on the street, but only if you saw a specific lady and were simply unable to pass by. Such situations happen, their significance cannot be denied. How can a guy make a girl fall in love with him in this case? Remember that in fact you only have a couple of minutes to make a good impression.

If it doesn't work out, you'll have to step aside. Pestering a girl you like on the street, and even insisting on continuing the acquaintance, is clearly bad form. It is best to act slowly, trying to be as polite and delicate as possible.

The main reasons for bad luck with girls

  • Appearance. In fact, no matter how trite it may sound, appearance is not the main thing, but also not the last thing you should pay attention to. A three-month-old haircut and dirt under your nails are more likely to repel a girl than to attract her.
  • Inflated self-esteem and inflated demands on women. Sometimes a man thinks that he is a king and a god, that he is ideal in everything, and that the rest are slaves. But from the outside it is clear that only he thinks so. In this case, the man believes that only a princess should be next to him and puts forward unrealistically high demands.
  • Low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence. A nice and attractive guy with his head on his shoulders, he believes that he is not good or smart enough for women, he doubts and overthinks himself in advance.

  • Fear of female company. A man is afraid to be alone with a woman, he begins to utter all sorts of nonsense, blush, stutter, and shake. It is quite problematic to interest a lady in such a situation.
  • The man is henpecked. Women are contradictory creatures. When choosing her other half, she is highly likely to give preference to a strong, arrogant, confident man who decides any issues himself than to someone who will agree on everything and do whatever she wants. It’s a paradox, but after a girl gets married or the relationship is long enough, she tries to remake him for herself.
  • "Strong woman. If your character is not as “strong” as hers, over time you will begin to feel weak and worthless. Think a thousand times before you decide to marry such a girl.
  • Non-participation in relationships. When the goal is achieved, the man relaxes and believes that he can relax. You are wrong. A girl wants to feel your love, to be desired and needed always and at any age.

  • You are looking for the lady of your heart in the wrong place. Think about where you are looking for a life partner? Most likely you won’t be able to find it in a club or bar. Take a closer look at your surroundings. Maybe you have a good single friend. Often strong relationships develop between friends. What could be better than sharing common interests.
  • Don't compromise. You also need to be able to resolve controversial issues and get out of conflicts, sometimes taking the side of your opponent. This is an important part of a relationship.

Evaluate yourself soberly and work on your shortcomings. Now there is a lot of information available on how to change yourself and win over a girl.


In everyday life, you often have to travel somewhere. It is very useful to try to use this time correctly. You can meet someone on a bus or plane, or on a crowded minibus. The most important thing is to understand that it is very easy to miss your chance. It is this factor that helps many men act quickly, without unnecessary thoughts and worries. Everyday shyness, the habit of being cautious and striving to make only a favorable impression on others suddenly disappears.

Public transport sometimes becomes an excellent option for finding a loved one. You just need to stop being afraid of looking inappropriate or making some stupid mistake. Instead of dozing passively while sitting comfortably in a seat, it is recommended to look around and smile welcomingly. Never make premature conclusions that you are unlucky with girls until you try all the options listed.

Mistreatment of girls

Not every man is capable of establishing a happy relationship with a partner, so girls should not choose any of them, so as not to be alone. Psychologists identify the following categories of people prone to treating others poorly:

  • temperamental - does not know how to control his emotions, so he is used to arousing pity;
  • victim - does not want to be responsible for his behavior and does not learn a lesson from the life situation;
  • self-obsessed - does not cooperate and spoils the mood, lowering the self-esteem of his partner;
  • envious - does not seek satisfaction in himself, but envies others, devaluing other people's success;
  • manipulator - does not allow you to act at your own discretion and constantly manipulates;
  • spoiled - does not like the good intentions of the chosen one, wanting to offend her with something for the sake of pleasure;
  • critic - does not appreciate girls who are not like him in some way, likes to look down on them.

Many psychologists believe that women perceive sex too emotionally, while for men it is just a physical act. Therefore, a guy in real life can cheat on a girl, but at the same time love her and constantly tell her that he is not capable of hurting her. Not every smart woman will believe in these feelings, so she will not forgive betrayal.

Building a strong love relationship sometimes takes time. If this doesn't help, the girl leaves the guy.

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