What does it take to become a smart person, and how to be guaranteed to develop intelligence

I have a friend Inka. The face and figure are worthy of worship, snow-white teeth indicate remarkable health, hair is a thick mop! And when she laughs, everyone turns around - her laugh is so attractive. A dream, not a girl.

And now this same dream girl is sitting in my kitchen and blowing her nose into a napkin. The whole point is that another boyfriend abandoned her. He voiced the reason without hesitation: you, he says, are too stupid. There's nothing to talk to you about. It’s a shame to introduce friends, but inviting someone to a corporate party is like death. They will laugh, they say, as soon as Innochka opens her mouth.

“How so - stupid? Before him, everyone thought she was smart!” , - the friend roars.

I am modestly silent. Needless to say, of course, we all love Inka very much? She is a kind-hearted person, she will always help and listen. However, it would be hard to call her a smart girl.

At school, a friend went on dates, followed fashion trends and was sincerely confident that she would not have to work a single day. After graduating from university (with our prayers, of course), Inna got a job in a beauty salon. Being smart was not required, but the skill of “being beautiful” was very welcome.

And, of course, all her time was occupied by men and relationships. She passionately wanted to get married. But there was only one result - the careless gentlemen, realizing that they would have to listen to her “news” of fashion and from the world of Instagram all their lives, gave up.

And now my friend is in tears again, and again in my kitchen.

“Innus,” I began a foray into the enemy troops, “Maybe he’s not so wrong... That is, I want to say that now there is a very intensive exchange of information. You can find any book on the Internet. There are educational sites..."

The girl looked up, full of tears, and whispered: “Yes, you’re probably right, help me. How to become a smart girl? ".

I was taken aback. After all, I was already prepared to defend myself and make excuses, listening to my friend’s angry cries. But here there is agreement and a request for help! Of course, I won’t leave my friend face-to-face with a problem.

I honestly spent three nights trying to write a whole list of recommendations for my Inna. Is this also relevant? Catch all the secrets below!

How to become smarter

A person is not born smart. To pump up your brain, you need to make some effort and practice regularly. An effective way to become very smart is to solve creative problems and make complex puzzles.

Experts recommend communicating with smarter people. This way a person will be able to learn new things every day, and therefore improve and develop. The main rule of brain training is to constantly expand your horizons and not stop there.

For those who are interested in how to become a smart person, experts have developed several effective ways. But first it is advisable to learn the basics.

Simple ways to become smarter

What is mind and intelligence

Fact: Some people are smarter than others. And there are reasons for this.

The human mind is the ability to think and analyze incoming information. Scientists have found that after 25 years, the number of neurons begins to decrease - a person ages not only with his body, but also with his brain.

Gray matter needs to be trained just like muscles in the gym. The brain can be developed!

Intelligence should also be mentioned. This is the ability to understand the world around us and solve problems while mastering new life tasks.

The speed of assimilation of information depends on the level of intelligence (which is different for everyone). What matters is whether it’s slow or fast, but in the end a person will still become smarter if he does daily and regular training.

How to increase your intelligence level

Many books have been written about how to become smarter and increase your intelligence level, but it all comes down to one thing - you need to learn how to solve complex and confusing problems. For example, you can start solving mathematical problems.

Thanks to this, the brain will become more flexible and plastic. Scientists believe that one of the most effective ways to increase your intelligence level is to study some area of ​​mathematics. This will increase your logical thinking and concentration levels.

Another method is proper computer games, where the user must complete complex tasks.

When studying the abilities of the brain, you should not belittle your own abilities - this has a negative impact on development. There is a Dunning-Kruger effect, according to which people with average and low levels of intelligence consider themselves very smart. And those with high intelligence often underestimate their mental capabilities.

Is it possible to become wiser in 5 minutes?

Of course, it is impossible to become smart in 5 minutes.
A positive effect can be achieved by allocating more time for brain development. Effective five-minute exercises:

  1. Play games like Dixit during your lunch breaks. After just a few months, you can notice that the brain will begin to work better, a person will be able to grasp information on the fly and quickly analyze it.
  2. Solve logic problems, such as Sudoku.
  3. Download a game on your phone that involves rearranging matches in such a way as to end up with a specific number or shape.

The answer to the question of how to quickly become smart is simple - nothing. This is regular and sometimes hard work.

How to Succeed in Studying

Sometimes it is difficult to absorb information during lectures or classes at school. This problem arises if a person approaches the learning process incorrectly.

There are several useful ways to become smarter in your studies:

  1. You need to get used to reading. Modern people spend little time reading, and this is a serious problem that leads to the degradation of intellectual abilities. Books are necessary because they broaden one's horizons, which leads to the development of thinking and imagination. This skill will be useful as the student becomes competitive. If he constantly reads educational literature (and not just familiarize himself with it from abbreviated notes), then he will definitely outperform other students. Having realized the importance of reading, you need to love this process in order to achieve heights.
  2. Look at studying as something positive. There are often cases when schoolchildren, students or other people who were sent to training sessions do not take all this seriously. With this approach it is impossible to achieve positive results. It is necessary to approach the learning process creatively and see the future (good job, rapid career growth thanks to the knowledge acquired).
  3. Don't forget to eat right. A simple example: to build good and impressive muscles, athletes consume a large number of healthy foods. The brain also needs this. To better assimilate educational materials, you need to eat fruits, dairy products and vegetables, nuts, proteins, grains and seeds.
  4. We must not forget about quality sleep. Success in training directly depends on the quality of your sleep. The brain cannot be active if it does not rest.
  5. Sometimes you need to ask for help. If a student or schoolchild begins to notice that he is poorly mastering the curriculum, then there is nothing shameful in asking classmates, teachers or parents for help.

Ways to broaden your horizons

There are practical methods on how to become the smartest, allowing you to broaden your horizons:

  1. You need to use your time on the way to work correctly: listen to educational audiobooks or interesting podcasts.
  2. Set up social networks correctly: subscribe to groups that provide interesting information about the planet.
  3. It is useful to argue constructively.
  4. You need to communicate with people who are smarter.
  5. Instead of watching TV, you need to get used to reading books.

These are quite simple but effective tips on how to expand your horizons and become smarter.

Recommendations for improving memory

Practical tips for improving memory will be useful to people who want to become smarter and improve their memory levels:

  1. Use your imagination as much as possible to make it easier to remember large numbers. For example, a two is very similar to a swan, and an eight is very similar to a matryoshka.
  2. To be active. This improves blood circulation, including to the brain.
  3. Memory can be stimulated with the help of smells (scented candles, perfumes) - imagined the smell - remembered the information that was learned with this aroma.
  4. Stretch your memory. If you forgot a friend’s phone number or someone’s name, before looking for information, you need to try to restore the information in your head yourself.
  5. Eat properly. Foods that are good for the brain are cereals, fish, eggs, vegetable oil.
  6. Regularly memorize poems by your favorite poets.

Fitness for the brain

Many people believe that athletes are not the smartest people. However, studies have proven that physical activity promotes the thinking process.

For example, a 1975 experiment among older adults confirmed that tennis and badminton players performed significantly better on intelligence tests than their non-athlete peers. After this, many more studies were carried out and they all proved that physical activity improves not only fitness and health, but also mental activity.

Gymnastics, swimming, fitness and other sports are good for the brain at any age, whether at 60 years old or at 10 or 21 years old.

How to become a smart person in life

To become a smart person in life, you need to analyze life situations. One of the most effective ways to become a smart and interesting person is to reflect on the information you receive, rather than throwing it out of your head. Modern life is difficult because it doesn’t allow you to just sit for a couple of hours, step away from everyday problems and think.

If you regularly stay alone for at least 30 minutes and reflect on the events of the past day, you will be able to collect your thoughts, get organized and set your priorities correctly.

Games that develop the mind

Use the achievements of civilization for your benefit! Open smartphone search engines not only to study the fashion trends of the season or the ratings of sports competitions

Websites with training games for developing memory, logic, attention, and thinking will help keep your brain in working order

List of platforms with mental trainers

  • Brainexer
  • Brainscale
  • Chisloboi
  • Cognifit
  • Fitnessbrain
  • Happy brain
  • Littlebetr
  • Mnemonica
  • Mozgame
  • Petruchek
  • Quantified-mind
  • S-mind
  • Uplift
  • Wikium
  • Zanimatika

How to become the smartest girl in class and at school

To become the smartest girl in school, you will have to study hard to impress your teachers. This can only be achieved by getting high grades. It is advisable to approach your teacher and ask what needs to be improved in order for your grades to improve.

To become the smartest girl in school, you need to create a comfortable environment for doing homework. A girl’s room must have a table lamp and a desk so that she can study comfortably. The atmosphere should be calm; nothing should distract from your studies. If you can’t do your homework in silence at home, it is advisable to study in the library.

To become the smartest in the class, it is advisable for a girl to find a role model - a successful woman who achieved success thanks to her intelligence.

Express tips for every day

Here are some more tips for polishing your mind and giving it the perfect edge:

  1. Make all kinds of lists: shopping, tasks, desires, useful habits, etc.
  2. Play with your children more often.
  3. Teach other people what you know.
  4. Solve math problems from the school curriculum.
  5. Take IQ tests. They not only measure the level of intelligence, but also train it.
  6. Learn to briefly formulate your thoughts and highlight the main thing. To do this, you can create an account on Twitter.
  7. Travel more.
  8. Do meditation and auto-training.
  9. Once a year, undergo an ultrasound of the neck vessels. Poor blood circulation leads to the brain not receiving enough nutrients.
  10. Fantasize. Our article on how to develop your imagination will help you with this.

How to become an interesting girl

If the question arises about how to become a smart and interesting girl, then it is important to pay attention to your own environment.
For example, if a girl reads a lot of literature, acquires relevant knowledge and comes with all this to a disco in a club, then those around her will clearly not pay attention to her mental abilities. For this reason, you need to choose the right places for communication, depending on your own interests and those hobbies in which the girl is truly strong and can easily carry on a conversation.

A few steps on the path to becoming an interesting personality:

  1. Get rid of bad habits. Nowadays there are so many girls smoking and drinking that a person leading a healthy lifestyle immediately becomes interesting to those around him.
  2. An interesting girl is one who was able to find her place in life. There is no need to follow stupid stereotypes and become a diligent housewife. Do what your soul strives for.
  3. Limit your social circle to interesting people. This is the only way to become a smart girl and at the same time interesting.

Where to start to “get smart”

Even if you have three degrees, even read all the smart books from cover to cover and take all the courses in the city, but if you don’t know how to speak correctly and write correctly, then all your cramming will go down the drain.

All these “call”, “ikhniy”, “evoshny”, “kalidor” and “pinzhak”! This is a disaster! It hurts my ear! But if many try to control what is said, then when you look at the correspondence on social networks and forums, you are simply amazed: how could they write like that? And it would be okay if some ridiculous word was inserted for fun, but no, they write it seriously! Moreover, many scribblers claim that they are up to their ears educated.

Therefore, try to initially “upgrade” yourself in literacy:

  1. If your spelling is poor, run the text through Word and then insert your essay into comments or correspondence.
  2. Remove from your vocabulary words that are difficult to pronounce or that you do not understand by their meaning. They do not make a phrase beautiful if they do not convey meaning, but on the contrary, they disfigure it.
  3. Put the emphasis correctly. There are not many words in the Russian language on which you can “stumble” due to stress. They are easy to learn.

Just for fun, try one such experiment: go on a date with a guy you don’t know well who invited you to a restaurant. He likes you, you don't like him, you need to get rid of him. He ordered you a beef steak and you, trying to cut this piece, give him the following phrase:

Wow, their little cocleta is so cruel! Don't tear it apart!

If the guy is not a farm bastard, he will be shocked. And he will send you... to finish frying the cutlets. Basically, that's what you need. But with the man of your dreams, such an experiment could end badly for you.

How to become a smart woman

The main rule if you want to increase your intelligence is constant self-development. In addition, you need to clearly define what you want to achieve.

You can become a smart woman if you expand your horizons. Special magazines like “Science and Life” help you become smarter, where they clearly describe the world around you from a popular science point of view.

An important “attribute” of an intelligent woman is competent and beautiful speech. You need to completely get rid of parasitic words. It is also advisable to train your voice, not to speak quietly or loudly. If a woman switches to a whisper or squeal, then the interlocutor will not hear her position or will not want to hear it. You need to speak measuredly, without rushing.

Be a wise mother-in-law

I can’t ignore the second side. A woman raises, doesn’t sleep at night, puts her soul into her beloved son, and then bam a girl appears who filled all the free time of her beloved child. Mom faded into the background.

He rarely calls, comes even less frequently, and started arguing. Strange gastronomic preferences appeared, and before my son loved my borscht so much. What did he see in her?

Not every woman is capable of letting her children go and giving them the opportunity to solve problems on their own. Especially when you see that they are doing the wrong thing and in the wrong way. After all, you lived your life and you were young, you also made mistakes.

You want to help, but you won't be able to live your life for your children. Give adult children the opportunity to live without instructions and pointers. They have grown up.

For some reason, the son fell in love with his daughter-in-law. You need to respect your son’s choice, otherwise you risk losing him forever. It will be even worse if you ruin your son's life and become the culprit of your children's divorce. Let them figure it out themselves.

Tips for a wise mother-in-law.

  1. Don't criticize your daughter-in-law.
  2. Be more forgiving of her cooking failures.
  3. Don't look for specks of dust after cleaning.
  4. Don't ask when you will give me grandchildren.
  5. Stop asking about your son.
  6. Don't teach your daughter-in-law how to raise her grandchildren.
  7. Don't question your daughter-in-law's dressing skills.

How to learn to speak beautifully

There are special exercises that allow you to learn to speak beautifully:

  1. Listen and analyze various online lectures.
  2. Develop vocabulary. The richer it is, the brighter the speech.
  3. Write five-minute stories. We take a few random words and try to create an interesting story based on them. This wonderfully develops logical thinking and imagination.

You need to get rid of filler words and improve your diction.

Communication between people is very important

Scoring and bonuses

Each letter is assigned a number of points from 1 to 10. Some squares on the board are painted in different colors. The number of points a player receives for a given word is calculated as follows:

  • If the square under the letter is colorless, the number of points written on the letter is added
  • If the square is green, the number of letter points is multiplied by 2
  • If the square is yellow, the number of letter points is multiplied by 3
  • If the square is blue, the score of the entire word is multiplied by 2
  • If the square is red, the score of the entire word is multiplied by 3

If a word uses both types of multipliers, then the doubling (triple) of the word's points takes into account the doubling (triple) of the letter's points.

Eat right

Proper nutrition is as regular a necessity as exercise. If you constantly eat unhealthy food, your cognitive abilities may fail at some point.

That's why add vegetables like kale, spinach and broccoli to your diet. At the same time, do not forget about fatty fish, rich in Omega-3, which includes salmon, pink salmon and tuna.

  • Food What to cook with avocado: 9 cool, healthy and satisfying recipes A list of original and simple dishes with avocado that can be quickly prepared for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Also, diversify your diet with avocados, walnuts and flaxseeds. Don't forget about berries and fruits too. In short, switch to a Mediterranean diet and your brain will definitely thank you.

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