Longing for a person: how to get rid of an oppressive feeling

Greetings, dear friends! Even the most cheerful person can find himself in the grip of overwhelming melancholy. Its cause may be tired routine, severe disappointment or rainy autumn weather. It’s worse when sadness suddenly overcomes you for no apparent reason. Time begins to flow more slowly, but a person still manages to do much less useful things.

Finding yourself in such a situation, it is important to know how to get rid of melancholy so as not to waste precious time on meaningless blues. Today we will look at 12 effective ways to quickly regain your good mood. But first, let’s figure out why people are sad and why this condition is dangerous.

Why does sadness arise?

There are quite a few reasons: loneliness, misunderstanding from dear people, a feeling of one’s own unfulfillment, strong disappointment in something or a feeling of loss. There is a certain internal background, even if it seems to a person that melancholy arose for no apparent reason. He may feel misunderstood or unloved, perhaps he has given up on a long-held dream, having come to the conclusion that it cannot be fulfilled.

Longing arises from the feeling that something we desire is not available to us: the opportunity to be with a loved one, self-realization or the fulfillment of an old dream. Sometimes you can even yearn for romantic moments spent with a person for whom your feelings have long faded. Thus, melancholy is the awareness of the unattainability of spiritual comfort.

Fight or accept?

First of all, analyze the situation. Is it really that bad? Why are you upset, why do you miss the person? Perhaps you are oppressed by a lack of attention? But is your loved one really indifferent to you? It happens that things can still be fixed.

If the relationship between the spouses has gone wrong, but the question of divorce has not even been raised yet, you should not draw premature conclusions. Perhaps you should stop being offended by little things and making scandals, and everything will work out on its own. If you can still fight for your love, by all means do it.

But when the relationship is over, trying to return everything can only irritate the object of your desire. It happens that you need to calmly accept the situation and learn to live on.

What does sadness lead to?

In the Russian language there is an outdated expression “I feel sick”, which implies intense melancholy, from which even one’s well-being deteriorates. This insidious feeling can really affect health and even lead to chronic diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to find a way to get rid of melancholy at the first signs of its appearance.

Melancholy should not be confused with ordinary sadness. Fleeting sadness may arise from a minor upset. Melancholy is a dangerous state. Plunging into a state of melancholy, a person risks significantly aggravating his own situation and falling into prolonged depression.

New goals

Poems not given? No problem! Try yourself in something else. The main thing is that the work brings pleasure. By the way, from these attempts to distract yourself and occupy your thoughts with something, something more can grow. Perhaps you will find a job that you love with all your heart.

In the 21st century, fortunately, there are many opportunities for this. Large and even small cities are full of master classes, and for those for whom this is unattainable, remote courses will help. Make pots and knit fluffy mittens, paint in oils and carve wood, draw and sew. Or maybe you've always dreamed of learning how to install stoves or getting a license to drive a truck? Great, now is the time for this. The more interesting things you find for yourself, the less time and energy you will have to miss the person who is not with you.

How to get rid of melancholy: 12 ways

To regain a normal mood, you will need methodical work on both your mood and physical health. Melancholy is usually accompanied by decreased levels of endorphins. Their production can be improved in several ways, including healthy sleep, exercise and entertainment. To quickly get out of a state of melancholy, regardless of its causes, follow the 12 recommendations proposed below.

Regain your strength

Ordinary overwork may well be the main cause of melancholy. If you have worked for a long time without taking a vacation and have depleted your body's reserves, even a small upset can plunge you into a state of depression. The most effective way to recuperate is to rest with a change of scenery. A trip outside the city and a good entertainment program will help to “reboot” the brain and recover.

Start following a daily routine

Healthy sleep, timely nutrition, morning exercises and exercise are the most important elements of a proper daily routine. Create a schedule and start sticking to it. Train yourself to go to bed on time and sleep for at least 7 hours (and no more than 8). In the morning, be sure to do exercises and have breakfast, and constantly drink water in small portions.

Become a better person

Self-development is the most profitable way to spend your free time. By developing your personal qualities, you will not only become a better version of yourself, but also significantly improve your mood, because this process is very inspiring.

Play some sports

Sports exercises are great for invigorating and improving your mood. While at home, you can do a few squats or push-ups, pump up your abs, or stand in a plank at any time. These exercises get the blood pumping, don't require much effort, and can be done without equipment.

But the best sport that does not require special equipment is daily jogging. Running is a natural state for humans, so it does not cause difficulties even for unprepared people. If you need the appropriate environment for discipline, sign up for a gym or swimming pool.

Try extreme entertainment

A great way to get rid of boredom is a parachute jump. You can go to the mountains or take part in river rafting. There are also less extreme options: skiing, ice skating, roller skating, and skateboarding. The main thing is to bring more movement, bright and unusual impressions into your life.

Live for today

Melancholy usually overcomes people living in the past. Some people constantly replay old mistakes in their heads, allowing themselves to be tormented by the pangs of conscience. Others yearn for happy circumstances that they cannot return. In both cases, memories make people unhappy and plunge them into a state of melancholy. The best way to be happy today is to focus on the present and not think about the past.

Review your diet

Proper nutrition involves a wide range of products. Make sure your diet includes fish and seaweed, nuts and seeds, oatmeal and other grains, cheese and dark chocolate, fruits and berries. Regular consumption of these products will improve the condition of the nervous system, which will also affect your mood.

Change your image

Dramatic changes in appearance can improve anyone's mood. Get a new haircut, update your wardrobe, find a way to look more stylish and attractive. Changes will be felt almost immediately. You will notice that people look at you differently. This will not only improve your mood, but also add self-confidence.

Diversify your life

Growing up, we lose our childhood thirst for new experiences and fill our lives with familiar things: work, hobbies, everyday life, monotonous leisure time and standard entertainment. Add bright colors - do something unusual. Go to a cafe or dance, spend the whole day off in the park, go to a water park with your children or friends, visit a museum or watch a new movie.

How to stop missing someone who died

The death of a loved one is the worst tragedy that can happen. Especially if it happened suddenly. The image of the deceased will accompany you for a long time - this is absolutely normal. At first you will experience painful melancholy, and then it will give way to warm sadness. It is within your power to speed up the onset of the second stage.

Don't wallow in guilt

All people who have experienced the death of loved ones have to face a painful feeling of guilt. They reproach themselves for not paying enough attention to the person while he was alive. That they once offended him with something, didn’t say words of love, didn’t appreciate him. This painful feeling is very difficult to live with.

To get rid of it, mentally ask the person for forgiveness. Say everything you didn’t have time to say. You can write a letter and burn it or bury it in the ground. Repeat this ritual from time to time until this stone finally falls from your soul.

Take good care of the burial site

Many people do not consider it their duty to maintain order at the graves of loved ones. “The person is no longer there, which means he doesn’t need it,” they reason roughly like this. In fact, the deceased really does not need this; you and I, who are still living, need this. To pay tribute to a loved one, as a sign of gratitude for his services to us. If this is not done, a feeling of anxiety and fear will imperceptibly grow in the subconscious.

A deceased person may begin to come to you in a dream with a silent reproach on his face. Don't look for any mysticism in this. It is your subconscious that reminds you that you are ignoring very important things.

Take time to honor the person

At first, you will constantly think about the person who has passed away, and it will be very difficult for you to distract yourself from thoughts about him. But soon islands of other thoughts and activities will begin to appear in your mind. Your task is to try to gradually increase these islands.

The problem is that people themselves do not want to part with thoughts of their loved one. They think this is betrayal and blasphemy. How is it possible - it seems like he died quite recently, and they are already absorbed in everyday affairs. Guilt causes them to cling to memories and replay them in their heads like a broken record.

To prevent this from happening to you, you must distinguish between normal attention and pathological fixation. It is normal to remember the deceased from time to time, look through his photographs, and visit the grave. Continuous attention has a very negative impact on mental well-being. You can completely lose touch with reality. It’s unlikely that your loved one would want to become the cause of your unhappiness, right?

Therefore, determine for yourself the time that you will devote to the memory of the deceased. You can spend it alone with your thoughts, or you can gather in a circle of people who knew the person closely.

Looking for the original source

Most often, sadness does not appear without a reason. And although the reason initially seems unclear, it is always there. Use the questionnaire below to understand the root cause of sadness. If you know why you feel sad, go straight to the second paragraph of the article.

Ask yourself questions:

  1. Have there been any situations lately that have made me angry?
  2. Do I feel anxious about upcoming decisions, actions, or purchases?
  3. Have I recently had a quarrel with loved ones?
  4. Do I trust my significant other?
  5. What do I think of myself?
  6. What do I think about my life: is it filled with bright colors, or am I increasingly thinking about its meaninglessness?

If, while answering any of the questions, you felt nervous, most likely you have touched a sore spot. Don't try to put pressure on yourself and solve the problem abruptly. It is enough to start by meeting it face to face and recognizing its existence.

It happens that you can’t figure out on your own why the melancholy sets in. Do not despair. The skill of reflection is acquired over time.


Musical works do wonders for a person - modern scientific research shows that music can not only improve your mood and relieve stress, but also significantly improve your health. Psychologists and specialists in spiritual practices advise not only listening to your favorite music (and, of course, dancing to it), but also from time to time listening to various mantras and spiritual chants - special verbal formulas sung in a choir accompanied by instrumental music help the brain tune into a positive mood.

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