How to become a psychologist: what you need to know to be a good psychotherapist, and where to start self-study if you have no education

When mentioning the profession of a psychologist, many people see an idyllic picture from an American film appear before their eyes: a cozy, tastefully furnished office, a man with a thoughtful face, sitting in a soft chair and a patient lying on the couch, telling the specialist about the problems that are tormenting him for a considerable fee. And few people think about how many years of hard study and self-improvement lie behind the beautiful façade.

We decided to learn more about such a complex but incredibly interesting profession of psychology, talk about the pros and cons of the specialty and find out how to become a psychologist and where to go to study in order to grow into a real professional in your field. Psychologist Elena Gamayun questions from a FAN .

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Characteristics of the profession: functions and tasks

Specialization is very difficult; it involves constant contact with different people. Some come to the appointment themselves, while others are forced. Difficulties in some situations cannot be avoided.

The services of such a doctor are in demand everywhere. Specialists in this profile work in law enforcement agencies, educational institutions, and large companies. Where, against a background of constant stress, employees or students may need psychological support.

The activity involves working with clients, conducting consultations, trainings, assessing personal qualities and mental state, and providing assistance in difficult life situations. Direct responsibilities are usually determined by the workplace and area of ​​specialization. For example, in a large company, a psychotherapist advises management on interaction with subordinates; in kindergartens and schools he monitors the mental health of children.

Professional requirements and personal qualities

The work of a psychologist involves constant movement forward and development. But keep in mind that psychologists are constantly faced with emotional stress, because they have to deal with other people's grief, fears, low mood and depression. Also, this work involves a high level of responsibility, because... How quickly the people being counseled will get better depends largely on his actions. A future psychologist needs to have:

  • high general and emotional intelligence;
  • tolerance;
  • the ability to calm and empathize;
  • observation;
  • tact;
  • a sense of responsibility;
  • the ability to keep secrets;
  • stress resistance.

Also, such a person must be sociable and open, because you need to communicate a lot with clients, finding out their pains and problems. In addition, the psychologist must be unbiased so that personal beliefs do not influence the attitude towards clients, because the main task is to help a person deal with problems, and not to instill in him his point of view.

What does it take to become a psychologist?

First of all, you need to understand that choosing a profession is a big responsibility. In the course of his activities, a specialist, like any other doctor, should not cause harm to the patient. His distinctive feature is his love for people - a true desire to help them understand their problems and choose the right path in life.

Iron patience is the most important tool for successful psychotherapy. Only a truly passionate person can become patient. There are a lot of areas of such activity, so it is impossible to be a professional in all of them at once. A good start would be a self-education course, in which you should study available information on the Internet and popular science books.

What qualities are required?

Tactfulness, the ability to empathize, and listen, of course, will be very useful to a future specialist. But intelligence and professionalism are the main characteristics necessary for effective work. In addition, in order to study a huge amount of general and specialized literature and absorb the information received, you need to have excellent memory, perseverance, logical thinking and willpower.

This work often leads to emotional stress. Therefore, a person who has connected his life with this profession must be able to abstract himself and isolate himself from the problems of patients. Otherwise, depression is inevitable due to mood swings, poor sleep and lack of rest. A psychotherapist must have good psychological and physical health.

Empathy is a feeling that is needed to work as a psychologist. The ability to understand your interlocutor and truly empathize with him is invaluable. A good specialist is distinguished by tolerance, he is always restrained, and has complete control over his emotions.

To learn how to help people with psychological problems, you should read more, constantly observe those around you and work hard. This doctor, like no one else, must understand that the missing skills must be developed.

Psychotherapeutic techniques used by psychologists

The task of a psychologist does not include making a diagnosis or prescribing medications. He is not a doctor, so he has to bring the patient out of an unstable mental state with the help of words or help him get rid of, say, depression, using exclusively psychotherapeutic techniques.

Each practicing psychologist uses special techniques that show the most effective results for him. Here is a list of psychotherapeutic techniques that are most common in our country today:

Symboldrama or catathimno-imaginative psychotherapy

The client creates speculative images on a specific topic, while being in a state of mild relaxation. Symboldrama helps well with diseases such as neuroses, depression, psychosomatic disorders, phobias, as well as with disorders associated with neurotic personality development.

Art therapy

The use of art therapy helps to identify personal situations of a traumatic or conflict nature. A person sometimes experiences mental torment, but cannot explain its origins in words. It is not clear to him what exactly oppresses him. When using act therapy, the psychologist, together with the client, works through unconscious thoughts and suppressed feelings. The clue is the non-verbal manifestations of particularly depressing experiences on the canvas.

Modern psychoanalytic psychotherapy

Together with the psychoanalyst, the client manages to explore his own personality. As a result, hidden mechanisms are released that unconsciously trigger personality conflicts. This leads to an improvement in living standards, self-esteem and overall psycho-emotional tone. With the help of psychoanalytic psychotherapy, you can get rid of fear, phobia, anxiety, increase self-esteem, break alcohol and tobacco addiction, and cope with psychosomatic diseases. Modern psychoanalytic psychotherapy is by far the most effective psychotherapy, providing the most stable results.

Cognitive behavioral therapy

The work is being carried out in the direction of developing a strategy focused on solving very specific problems, and short-term ones at that. The goal of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy is a conscious change in human behavior, the study itself, and a change in way of thinking. The use of this technique shows results only when the client expresses readiness to work specifically on his behavior. At the same time, he does not seek to remake the people around him or adjust the whole world to suit himself. A person sets a goal to acquire new skills that will help him establish himself in life. He learns new ways of responding to emerging events that have become familiar to him. This is an opportunity to break the vicious circle of endless failures and get out of it. Then you can look at life from a different perspective.


The hypnologist introduces the client into a special state when the person is immersed in an atmosphere of psychological and physiological peace. Then it becomes easy and simple to influence consciousness using the method of suggestion. With the help of hypnotherapy it is possible to: change erroneous beliefs, direct consciousness in the right direction of its beliefs, eliminate ossified fears. Hypnosis helps to penetrate the unconscious and understand the origins of psychological problems.

Existential therapy (analysis) or logotherapy

Existential analysis (from the English word “existence” - existence) and logotherapy (logos - meaning) deprive the psychological problem of meaning, since a person transfers his attention and the meaning of his existence to the belief of being or existence “here and now”. In addition, logotherapy has identified 2 more techniques. The method of paradoxical intention (intention) works on the “wedge by wedge” principle, that is, a person is required to perform an action that is provoked by a problem. The dereflection technique (distracting attention or ignoring the problem) eliminates hyperreflection, that is, increased concentration on the problem.

Gestalt therapy

"Gestalt" means "form" in German. Form consists of figure and ground. The figure is a person, and the background is his problems (situation, environment). The Gestalt form includes a need and its satisfaction. If the gestalt consists only of needs (no satisfaction), then it is called an incomplete gestalt. Gestalt therapy helps a person see (realize) himself separately from his unresolved gestalts - this helps to resolve them or complete them (conversation with the problem). The principle of Gestalt psychology is the awareness of problems in the present, even if they were in the past (I can only solve what I feel here and now).

What kinds of psychologists are there?

There are several varieties of this profession. Specialists in this field deal with a variety of problems and use appropriate techniques suitable for achieving certain goals.


His job is to help adults understand what is happening to their children. How can they overcome the difficulties that arise in communicating with him, how to establish contact and have a beneficial influence.

The pediatric doctor involves not only the child, but also his parents in the therapeutic process. All his activities in this case are aimed at identifying problems and the causes of their occurrence. He perfectly understands the psychological characteristics of children’s development, knows everything about the age-related crises that absolutely every little person goes through. After all, the psyche of children is completely different, so a special approach to such patients is needed.


As a rule, he works in educational institutions, where he observes the development, adaptation and behavior of his students. Qualified psychological assistance is very important during this period. Parents themselves are not able to cope with the numerous difficulties that inevitably arise at a young age.

The leading goal of an educational psychologist is to ensure the mental health of students. It helps them develop in the right direction, taking into account individual character traits. Corrects the realization of creative potential, stimulates interest in various social spheres. His responsibilities include ensuring a favorable climate for the development of children.


This specialist devotes most of his time not to research work, but to practice. He is in constant contact with military personnel and their loved ones, so he is well versed not only in his profession, but also has the necessary knowledge about the life of officers and soldiers. It carries out its activities through constant monitoring, conducting questionnaires, testing, surveys and analyzing the information received.

Psychologist Daria Milai

Make an appointment

This is a very responsible specialization. The distinctive features of such a doctor are restraint and the ability to retain information. Every day he has to solve many questions and tasks, because the duties of a military psychotherapist include:

  • psychological selection of those wishing to enter the service;
  • development of methods that help strengthen discipline and patriotism;
  • adaptation and rehabilitation of soldiers returning from the combat zone;
  • training those who are about to go to hot spots;
  • resistance to negative influence from outside that personnel may be exposed to;
  • conducting consultations for military personnel and their relatives.


This profile requires additional medical education. It is necessary for working with psychosomatics and providing assistance to physically ill patients. This doctor is knowledgeable in the field of pathopsychology and is able to diagnose mechanical disorders. His responsibilities include:

  • carrying out work aimed at restoring health;
  • elimination of deviations and difficulties in personality development;
  • training physicians in aspects of social psychology and deontology;
  • assessing the clients' condition and the effectiveness of the treatment interventions involved;
  • conducting psychodiagnostic studies and monitoring patients who are susceptible to various types of disorders.

Types of profession

The profession includes many sections and varieties. Let's take a closer look...

The first section is social work of psychologists and work in the education system:

  • School psychologists
  • Practical psychologists in children's institutions
  • Psychologist, methodologists
  • Psychologist and professional consultants at school
  • Psychology teacher at university
  • Social psychologists
  • Psychologists of psychological centers
  • Family psychologists-consultants

The second section is psychologists in healthcare:

  • Clinical neuropsychologists
  • Psychologists in a psychiatric clinic
  • Pediatric neuropsychologists
  • Psychologists-consultants of the emergency psychological assistance service
  • Psychoanalysts
  • Psychologists-play therapists

The third section is psychologists in industrial organizations:

  • Psychologists in civil aviation
  • Ergonomists
  • Military psychologists
  • HR consultants
  • Expert psychologists
  • Psychodiagnosticians in personnel management
  • Organizational psychologists

Pros and cons of the profession

The profession has the following advantages:

  • creative direction of work;
  • taking part in solving human problems;
  • helping many people and sincere gratitude from them;
  • personal growth and self-development;
  • use of professional skills in everyday life;
  • the opportunity to know and change oneself and one’s attitude towards external circumstances;
  • good income;
  • its own clientele;
  • the opportunity to work not only for an employer, but also independently.

However, like any other, there are also disadvantages:

  • emotional burnout is possible, because the psychologist constantly listens to the problems of other people, passing them through himself;
  • monotony tires - sedentary work, eternal complaints about life;
  • Quite a lot of competition...

Requirements for the profession

Not everyone can become a really good psychologist, because this is a very subtle science about the human soul. Therefore, in this profession, the main requirement is sincere love and respect for people. It is necessary to understand and accept the character of each individual person.

A professional should not be a strict teacher, but rather a good assistant and friend, even in the most difficult situations. The main task is to teach a person to cope with difficulties and make him resistant to any stress.

A psychologist must do everything so that a person begins to believe in himself, trust himself, and see life in bright colors.

Job responsibilities

The main responsibilities of a psychologist:

  • planning and conducting tests for various characteristics;
  • evaluation and interpretation of consultation results;
  • consultations and therapeutic conversations;
  • maintaining contact with family and friends of clients, or their managers and employers for advice and recommendations;
  • preparation of scientific and practical information and reports;
  • participation in events related to employee adaptation.

The employee must promptly advise and inform the managers at whose enterprise they work about possible problems and conflicts, and the social development of the team.


The responsibility of psychologists is to:

  • failure to fulfill their duties;
  • violation of labor discipline;
  • failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions.

Powers of a psychologist

The psychologist has the right to:

  • familiarization with management decisions;
  • making proposals to the administration that address the topic of improving the quality of service and improving the organization of work;
  • inform management about shortcomings in the work process and suggest methods for eliminating them;
  • taking part in conferences and other events related to this area;
  • request assistance from managers in the performance of his professional rights and duties.

Main responsibilities

There are advantages and disadvantages to this work. The main disadvantages are the constant tension and stress that inevitably arise when communicating with patients. You should not forget about them if you want to become a practicing psychologist. The specialist's activities include:

  • various tests carried out to determine the personal characteristics of clients;
  • psychological trainings;
  • consultations in difficult life situations;
  • analysis of the influence of social, professional and other factors on behavior and thinking;
  • studying the reasons resulting from the unsatisfactory condition of patients;
  • therapeutic conversations, individual counseling;
  • assistance in adaptation (at a new place of residence, in a different team).

How to become a family psychologist-consultant

This is not an easy task. After all, you have to work not with one person, but with entire families, the relationships in which are developing inappropriately. To competently help them get out of difficult situations and cope with numerous problems, a liberal arts education will not be enough. You'll have to constantly practice. It is better to start gaining experience while still a student. Various programs for volunteers that are aimed at helping people in difficult situations can contribute to their development. It wouldn’t hurt to take advanced training courses in the field of family psychology.

How to become a consultant

First of all, you need to take care of getting basic education in this area. Then you need to undergo additional training at an institution that trains counseling specialists. Remember, obtaining this specialization requires regular practice. You should start training first of all on yourself, identifying and considering your own problems.

Face-to-face consultation

What are the features and advantages of face-to-face consultation?

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Skype consultation

What are the features and benefits of Skype consultations?

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Only after all the techniques have been worked out and brought to perfection can you find a job. Over time, the level of professionalism will increase, which will make it possible to think about private practice.

How to become a psychotherapist without medical help. education

The professional development of a psychologist can occur according to two branches of training: medical and humanitarian. It is enough for a general specialist to be a humanist. He will be able to work in a school, kindergarten, private company or research institute, that is, consult, provide psychological support, but not correct mental disorders. Only an educated physician can be an employee of healthcare institutions.

I want to be a psychologist: where to start self-study

To master psychology, you need to learn to feel people. This skill is honed over years and strengthened through practice. It is based on three main parts of conversation:

  1. Personal space that every patient visiting a doctor has. Of course, no one likes it when someone else tries to get into it, especially by actively imposing their point of view. A competent specialist is obliged to establish a trusting relationship with the client and only then penetrate his territory.
  2. Non-verbal. Not everyone is able to easily open up and immediately tell everything about themselves that is needed for further therapy. Some may deliberately provide false information out of fear of their true nature. In such situations, the psychologist resorts to facial expressions and gestures, which can tell a lot about a person. Noticing nonverbal manifestations, he changes his own behavior to make the conversation comfortable for the patient.
  3. Listening skills. This is the most important skill needed to provide psychological support. Sometimes people come to an appointment just to talk, to express their emotions, to talk about what is painful.

Skype consultation

In this article, I proposed the criteria that I myself consider the most important. This is my opinion and nothing more. If you agree with him, then you can choose me as your personal psychologist, because, without false modesty, I can say that I possess these qualities.

Sign up for a consultation via Skype

If you are ready to deal with your psychological problems and finally become a more conscious and happy person, you can schedule a consultation with me via Skype. I work with topics such as self-esteem, relationships between men, women, women, child-parent relationships, psychosomatics, bulimia and anorexia, addictions, aggression and many others.

You can view all my articles here. If among them there is a topic that you would like to work with, then to solve it you can contact me for advice via Skype. Because I only write about what I'm really good at.

If you are in doubt, you can read my book “How to Love Yourself.”

In it, I collected the most effective exercises and techniques that have helped many of my clients increase their self-esteem and confidence.

I consider self-love an important start to solving any problem. And sometimes even completely - thanks to a person’s ability to love himself, the problem is solved by itself. If you like the book, then my work scheme will be close, understandable and pleasant to you.

A full description and reviews of the book are here.

You can sign up for a consultation with me through VKontakte, Instagram or on the website. You can find out about the cost of services and the scheme of work here. You can read and leave reviews about me and my work using the link.

What exams should you take?

If you have already decided on a profession and are now thinking about what it takes to study to become a psychologist, it’s time for you to plan your admission.

After 11th grade

A compulsory subject is Russian. Firstly, it is the state language, knowledge of it is the responsibility of all citizens. Secondly, a specialist in this profile needs to constantly communicate with people. Without the appropriate skills, this will not be easy.

The second exam is biology. It is directly related to the life of the human body. Without sufficient information about its structure, you should not even dream of a successful career.

The third is mathematics. There is no need to confuse psychology with esotericism or astrology and consider it something like entertainment. This is a difficult industry to understand, where you need to be able to calculate and think logically. In addition to the above subjects, social studies may also be required.

After 9th grade

Many colleges and schools accept students based on the average score of the certificate, which they receive by passing the OGE. The required subjects are Russian, mathematics and two to choose from. To enroll in the Faculty of Psychology, you must choose chemistry, biology or natural science.


What qualities should a psychologist-educator have? First of all, it's patience. After all, we have to deal with stress in children associated with adaptation in a team and various age-related changes. You must be able to take responsibility for the result. Psychologist’s mistakes can be very costly for patients: making the wrong decision, worsening the problem, increasing the level of anxiety. That's why you should try to avoid them as much as possible. When starting a professional activity, a psychologist must remember the responsibility assigned to him.

University choice

If an applicant wants to engage in scientific activities in the future, it is necessary to find out whether there is an Academic Council at the university.

To gain basic skills, just inquire about the rating and the level of the educational and methodological basis. The main thing is to have accreditation, which will facilitate employment later.

Anyone who wants to fully understand the intricacies of the profession and gain theoretical and practical skills is better off enrolling as a full-time student. This way, you will be able to increase your knowledge every day with the help of competent and competent teachers.

Correspondence and distance learning

Distance learning methods are quite popular. But you need to understand that they are more relevant in terms of self-development. By giving them preference, you should not count on receiving a full education.

Already working applicants will benefit from the opportunity to obtain a specialty without interrupting their work activities. It will be necessary to interrupt it only for the duration of the sessions.

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Pros and cons of the profession

Often the decision to enroll in the Faculty of Psychology is made thoughtlessly. Not everyone understands the true essence of the things that they will face. Students often swallow information from textbooks without taking them seriously, but in vain. Before you finally decide, you should consider all the pros and cons of future activities.


  • interesting work from the point of view of science and practice;
  • the opportunity to help people;
  • likelihood of becoming successful;
  • high income;
  • a way to understand yourself.


  • low respectability;
  • low salaries for entry-level specialists;
  • tension, stress;
  • lack of budget places in universities.


This concept means non-judgmental acceptance. A psychologist should not try to criticize the person who is seeing him. You cannot try to impose your point of view on him or lead him to make a certain decision. Many people ask: what qualities should a consulting psychologist have?

Of course, be emotionally flexible, get rid of the inner critic. Congruence implies that the specialist is trying not to judge, but to truly understand his interlocutor.

I want to become a psychologist: where to start my career

First of all, find a job in kindergartens, schools, social and psychological institutions, as this is a suitable start for young people. In the process of activity, diagnostics, correction, and prevention are carried out (you can develop your own methodology over time).

A person with the appropriate education will find a place in a hospital, clinic, dispensary or medical center. His responsibilities will depend on this.

Large trading companies are in demand for specialists who are able to develop corporate culture, control the team building process, assess the personal qualities of staff, and prevent conflict situations.

In addition, there is always a use for a psychotherapist in law enforcement agencies and military units.

Career as a psychotherapist

A specialist’s career growth depends on his self-control and constant self-improvement. Simply having graduated from a higher institution, a psychologist cannot yet be considered a true professional. Only through constant practices, trainings, seminars, and advanced training methods can a specialist achieve professional success.

When a specialist has valuable experience behind him and masters many modern practices, he will become quite popular among clients. And this fact will give him the opportunity to open his own business and engage in private psychology practice.

Successful psychotherapists are often invited to work or simply appear on television, radio, or large publishing houses, thereby raising their level of significance in the eyes of the audience. And this contributes to even greater advancement on the career ladder; as a result, they find themselves at the peak of their career.

Places of work

Psychoanalysts are in demand in many institutions. We invite you to work:

  • schools;
  • preschool institutions;
  • schools;
  • clinics, hospitals;
  • educational institutions;
  • private companies;
  • dispensaries, children's centers.

You can get a job in the personnel department: help there will be very helpful. The process and efficiency of the enterprise depends on the work of the psychologist, who closely contacts and selects employees.

  • The knowledge of a psychologist will also help in the advertising business, politics, and jurisprudence.
  • The specialist himself can engage in scientific and applied research in his field.

A psychologist who has gained experience and has a sufficient number of clients can try to go into private practice: he can open his own office, or engage in private practice at home, and use it as additional income.


The work of a professional psychologist is often highly paid. Salary depends on where the specialist works and what duties he performs.

  • The salary range for these specialists generally varies from $100 to $700.
  • In large cities and capitals, their earnings can start from $200 to $1000.

A psychologist can earn additional income through online sessions, online consultations, website creation, useful trainings and forums.

The highest earnings are for psychologists who are engaged in private practice. In this case, their salary depends on the amount of client flow and the time of consultations.


Depends on the ability of the psychologist himself to constantly improve and grow in the professional field, to expand the skills and techniques used. Its demand also plays a significant role. In the company, with due diligence, he will be able to rise from the ranks of an ordinary employee to the deputy head of the personnel department. If everything goes well, over time it will be possible to open your own office to provide psychological support to the population. All this is possible only with the necessary education and a tireless desire to constantly improve.

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