Stress: causes, main signs and methods of combating

The concept of “stress” has become very firmly established in everyday life in recent decades. The term itself refers to emotional dysfunction and tension, which is always accompanied by a negative mood. It came to us from medieval England, where “distress” meant grief or need.

Stress is the body’s ability to adapt to changing living conditions. In the modern rhythm of life, conditions change not only every day, but also every hour. Therefore, we can say with confidence that stressful situations have become commonplace.

By stress we mean a feeling of dissatisfaction, bitterness of loss or seasonal blues, but despite the general symptoms, this phenomenon has several types, subtypes, stages of development and phases. Let's take a closer look at them.

What is stress?

Stress is a tense state of the body that appears as a defensive reaction to the influence of various unfavorable factors. Many people, being stressed every day, do not even understand that this is an abnormal phenomenon that needs to be gotten rid of. Stress awaits a person everywhere: at home, at work, on public transport. When stressful situations are irregular, there is nothing to worry about. But when the state of stress lasts a long time and occurs frequently, it is called distress. Against this background, serious illnesses may develop.

Sources of professional stress

Once upon a time, “stress” was considered a purely scientific concept, but today this word has become firmly established in everyday life. If there were no stressful situations, life would seem gray and monotonous, so stress is an integral and even necessary part of our lives. In a work environment, minor stressful situations are even necessary. Thanks to them, the employee mobilizes all the forces of the body in order to achieve set goals and quickly solve current problems.

According to the World Health Organization, occupational stress is a global problem today. According to statistics, stress in the workplace causes 30% of employees to quit.

With professional stress, the employee is affected by a number of negative factors related to the performance of the current job. In this regard, he develops a tense state.

The causes of stress in the workplace can be varied. Let's list some of them:

  • Work process:
    negative work environment, harmful or dangerous working conditions, including risk to life, inconvenient schedule, constant work under deadline, too much information.
  • Career growth:
    very slow or, conversely, fast, blurred prospects, lack of professional training opportunities.
  • Professional role:
    excessive demands from the position, high responsibility for people, vague job responsibilities, internal conflicts associated with the position.
  • Unfavorable social climate:
    difficulties in communicating with colleagues, management, conflicts between employees.

Sources of professional stress
Important causes of professional stress are low wages, delays in payment of wages, and lack of a social package. Among other things, a person’s character traits, level of stress resistance, and limited professional experience play a big role.

Causes of stress

Stress occurs in a person for various reasons. The main factors provoking an unstable state include two main groups of relationships: personal and work. Operating factors include:

  • Excessive or insufficient load.
  • Poor relationships with colleagues.
  • Harsh physical working conditions.
  • There is no mutual understanding with management.
  • Simultaneous execution of several tasks.

Personal factors include: problems and frequent quarrels in the family, poor nutrition, sleep disturbances, and problems with self-esteem.

Benefits from stress

Exposure to mild stressors is somewhat beneficial. Firstly, mild short-term stress helps to activate resources and mobilize to perform a specific task (for example, to pass an exam). Secondly, with each stress, the psyche appears several new activity programs, that is, a person expands and replenishes his behavioral “repertoire” with new ways of interacting with the outside world, and increases self-confidence with each obstacle overcome. The natural need for renewal of emotions is saturated. It is important that the body has enough reserves to adapt.

Symptoms of psycho-emotional stress

Psycho-emotional stress is characterized by disruption of the functioning of internal organs, as well as mental disorders. A person often begins to have headaches, stomach ache, and blood pressure rises. Weakness appears and sleep is disturbed. If the main symptoms occur, you need to take immediate action and not aggravate the condition.

Physiological signs

When a person gets into a state of stress, he begins to experience constant anxiety and nervousness. An unstable mental state affects the functioning of the entire body, causing the following negative physiological changes:

  • Fatigue and weakness.
  • Indigestion accompanied by constipation or diarrhea.
  • Tremor of the limbs.
  • Hair loss.
  • Development of skin diseases.
  • Heart pain, tachycardia.
  • Losing or gaining weight for no apparent reason.
  • Headache.
  • Insomnia.

People who are in a state of initial or chronic stress have decreased libido and are often plagued by panic attacks.

Psychological signs

High susceptibility to stress is associated with an unstable mental state of a person. He becomes irritable and indecisive. Often feels anxious, suspicious, and panicky. A person under stress cannot concentrate and his memory deteriorates. The mood is most often bad, you don’t like your work, you don’t like your colleagues. Against the backdrop of poor psychological well-being, self-esteem decreases.

Behavioral symptoms

People with mental and physiological disorders begin to experience negative changes in behavior. The person becomes restless and withdrawn, he has no appetite. Loss of appetite often causes weight loss. Behavioral signs also include:

  • Speech impairment.
  • Loss of interest in one's appearance.
  • Incorrect time management.
  • Constant rush for no reason.
  • Problems in the family or at work are not solved, but only worsen.

High stress levels in the body provoke the development of alcoholism and drug addiction. A person still tries to cope with problems, relax and forget.

Signs of chronic occupational stress

When professional stress enters the chronic stage, it begins to show some negative signs. This negative phenomenon can be prevented if you notice the following features in time:

  • work turns into hard labor, you don’t want to go to it at all;
  • headaches often;
  • while working, a person gets tired quickly;
  • memory becomes worse;
  • absent-mindedness appears;
  • the person smiles and laughs little;
  • Many mistakes are made during the work process;
  • concentration and concentration are lost.

Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations. It depends on the person’s psyche, the degree of his sensitivity to external stimuli, and emotional characteristics. To protect against the negative influence of stress factors, you need to develop emotional stability. Character traits such as rationality, self-control, and discipline help in this difficult task.

You need to be able to make decisions on time, be organized, think carefully about your actions and cultivate your own character.

Stages of stress development

The effect of stress on the body can be considered as a process that consists of three successive stages of development. Stress should not be confused with nervous tension. The second state is short-term in nature and refers to mental unrest. There are no hormonal surges or changes in the functioning of internal organs due to nervous tension.

First stage: anxiety

The first phase of anxiety occurs as the body's reaction to stimuli. A person experiences a burst of energy, his blood pressure rises, and he begins to worry. The body begins to produce cortisol and adrenaline - stress hormones. In such a state, it is difficult to calm down and pull yourself together.

Second stage: resistance

At this stage, the production of stress hormones decreases somewhat, and the body functions normally, but is on high alert. At this stage, the person calms down a little, and the psychological manifestations of stress disappear.

Third stage: exhaustion

At the third stage, somatic diseases begin to develop. Immunity decreases, against the background of this, protective functions weaken. If the body is in a state of stress for a long time, then disturbances in the functioning of the immune, cardiovascular system, digestion and other organs inevitably develop.

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Who is more stressed at work?

According to research by the employment service (more than 11 thousand Russian workers were surveyed), about 20% of enterprise employees are in a constant state of stress. Specifically, 18% of workers said that they experience stress in the workplace every day.

The study also showed that female employees were significantly less likely to tolerate work-related problems than male employees. If there are only 15% of men who constantly experience professional stress, then women who experience negative emotions make up 21%. Obviously, this is due to the natural emotionality of the female sex.

The least stressful employees are between 25 and 45 years old. Interestingly, people who are not included in this age category (young professionals and workers of pre-retirement age) turned out to be less susceptible to stress at work, since they relate to work difficulties much more simply. It is likely that young people tolerate stressful situations more easily due to age-related flexibility of the emotional system and inexperience - they are not yet fully aware of the consequences this or that difficult situation can have.

Older workers, on the contrary, are not so emotional due to experience that has come over the years, a kind of “hardening” of the nervous system and endurance. So, paradoxically, those at risk are representatives of the most productive age group, 25-45 years old.

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More details

Surveys of workers showed the following results: 30% of people rarely experience occupational stress, 8% have not encountered it at all. At the same time, a fifth of the working population experiences daily emotional stress in the workplace. At the same time, the survey results turned out to be almost the same both before the pandemic and during it.

Employees' resistance to stress is also influenced by their professional field of activity. Insurers are primarily at risk - 31% of workers in this sector regularly experience stress at work. Professionals such as consultants, buyers, human resources workers, specialists in the field of hotel and restaurant business, as well as tourism are subject to daily emotional stress.

Representatives of blue-collar professions are the least susceptible to stress in the workplace: 62% of workers never experience stress or very rarely. In the sports and fitness industry, 51% suffer little from nervous exhaustion; among security employees and raw material extraction specialists, 45% each have little stress.

Middle-level managers and qualified employees are most susceptible to professional stress. Workers without special education or experience have a simpler attitude towards work problems. Top-level managers are also more stress-resistant: about 40% of them experience stress very rarely, and some do not allow themselves to waste energy on negative emotions at all.

Prevention of stress conditions

To prevent acute stress from causing harm to the body, its occurrence and development should be prevented. Preventative measures for stress may include the following:

  • Systematic physical exercises. To develop the respiratory system, it is recommended to attend dancing, swimming, and running in the morning.
  • Balanced diet. It is necessary to balance the diet, introduce foods rich in vitamins and microelements into the menu.
  • Follow the correct daily routine, close to the natural biorhythms of a person. Try to go to bed no later than midnight.
  • Meditation. This will help the body restore lost strength and energy. You should devote an hour a day to meditation. Pleasant music will help you recover.

Medicines should only be prescribed by a doctor; self-medication is not recommended.

Diagnosis and treatment of stress at Expert Clinics

Expert Clinics is a European-level clinic in Moscow, which fundamentally and comprehensively deals with the diagnosis and treatment of stress, as well as its consequences.

First of all, you should make an appointment. Next, based on the patient’s complaints, a treatment plan is prescribed.

It is important to understand that stress is not cured with one or two visits to the doctor. Recovery occurs in stages. It is important that this path becomes conscious for you. And correct and timely diagnosis of stress will be an important step towards a happy life.

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Types of stress

Psychologists differentiate stress by the duration of symptoms and the cause of their occurrence. Various life situations can influence the development of stress. Only people with a healthy psyche, as well as those who lead a healthy lifestyle, can avoid it.

Chronic emotional stress

This type of stress occurs when you spend a long time in a negative atmosphere. These may be problems in the family that no one can solve. Over time, tension develops into stress, which leads to the development of mental and physiological abnormalities. Experienced psychologists will help you cope with chronic stress.


The main sign of psycho-emotional stress is the presence of emotion in the stress reaction or the inclusion of motivation in it that causes the emotion. A person’s emotional mood in relation to a stimulus causes mental stress.


This type manifests itself in two ways. A person may fall into a stupor, become lethargic and apathetic. He is not interested in life and all its joys. Or, on the contrary, an impulsive reaction may occur. The person becomes overly active and fussy. He takes on many things and does not complete any of them.


The body's response to a brief but significant impact of a stressful source can be both short-term and long-term. It depends on the severity of the situation and the internal state of the person. People with unstable psyches experience shocks for a long time.


A stressful state affects all functions of the body, including the functioning of internal organs. Against the background of psychological stress, problems with digestion, breathing, and heart function begin. The help of a psychologist will help not only get rid of psychological problems, but also normalize the functioning of internal systems.


A slight nervous shock allows you to mobilize internal resources and find a way out of a difficult situation. Usually this is a short-term single stress that quickly passes. A positive shake-up does not bring any consequences for the body.


A strong shock or negative situation affects the state of the nervous system. At the same time, the human body begins to produce adrenaline, which further provokes the development of stress. In cases of nervous stress, people are often prescribed antidepressants that improve the condition.


This type of stress occurs when there is information overload. It is usually experienced by people who do the work and bear great responsibility for the result obtained. When a person does not have time to make the right decision, a stressful situation arises.

Help from a psychologist for stress

A psychologist’s help with stress can be used in two ways:

  • If any new situation is stressful for you. You often experience a state of causeless anxiety, are depressed, irritable, depressed in the absence of objective reasons. For you, there are a large number of stress factors of psychological origin. Stress is not caused by objective reasons, but by your subjective assessment of what is happening, expectation of the worst consequences, etc. In this case, sessions with a psychologist will help change your assessment of what is happening and reduce the amount of stress of psychological origin.
  • Neutralizing the effects of stress. Classes with a psychologist in this direction will help if you have already experienced severe stress , your energy reserves have been depleted, and you feel the need to recover. It is also important to work through and understand the emotional causes of the psychosomatic illness that has arisen in order to prevent its further development.

Amber Center specialists have experience in successfully working with the causes and consequences of stress. After a psychological diagnosis, a psychologist (psychotherapist) will develop an individual training route and, if necessary, give exercises for independent work at home.

Make an appointment with a specialist by calling (812) 642-47-02 or fill out the application form on the website.

Types of responses to stress

All people react to stress differently. Some become despondent and apathetic. Others begin to show aggression. If measures are not taken in time, the state of stress can turn into prolonged depression, which can only be cured with the help of specialists.

Defensive reaction

A person under stress is always in tension. The most common defensive reaction is aggression or irritability. A person cannot show patience and tact, and breaks down over trifles.


A mental disorder that develops from various causes requires qualified treatment. Depression often affects people who cannot solve their problems for a very long time. Alcoholics and drug addicts also suffer from depression.

It is better to recognize stress at the very beginning

otherwise, its level inside can grow to such an extent that neither work nor rest will simply become impossible. And this state will very quickly lead you to the idea that you seem to be terminally ill.

Here are the symptoms of stress by which it can be recognized at the very beginning.

Cognitive symptoms:

  • Inability to focus and concentrate;
  • Perception of predominantly negative aspects of life;
  • Anxiety or racing thoughts;
  • Difficulty in making decisions;
  • Difficulties in mastering new information;
  • Constant anxiety;
  • Nightmares;
  • Constant feeling of guilt;
  • Inability to plan your life;
  • Forgetfulness, disorganization

Emotional symptoms:

  • Depression or feeling of lack of happiness;
  • Low self-esteem: “I am lonely, insignificant”;
  • Feeling of overload, loss of control over your life;
  • Frequent tears, thoughts of suicide as a possible rest;
  • Dejection;
  • Apathy;
  • Irritability, short temper;
  • Agitation, inability to relax

Physical (somatic) symptoms:

  • Nervousness, “shaking”;
  • Weakness, fatigue;
  • Muscle twitching, tremors;
  • Pain, muscle hypertonicity, spasms;
  • Diarrhea or constipation;
  • Nausea, dizziness;
  • Chest pain, tachycardia, bradycardia;
  • Frequent colds and other infections;
  • Decreased libido, potency or ability to have sex;
  • Frequent belching, flatulence;
  • Unexplained attacks of “allergy”;
  • Weight gain or loss without changes in diet;
  • Ringing, buzzing, clicking in the ears;
  • Cold or sweaty palms or feet;
  • Dry mouth, difficulty swallowing;
  • Clenching of the jaws, grinding of teeth;
  • Hair loss
  • Acne (pustules on the skin);
  • Skin rash, itching;
  • Numbness of body parts;
  • Hot/cold flashes;
  • Sweating; control
  • Tingling in various parts of the body;
  • Decrease in overall energy level;
  • Headache;
  • Insomnia;
  • Heartburn;
  • Panic attacks;
  • Feeling nauseous;
  • Frequent urination;
  • Difficulty breathing

Behavioral symptoms:

  • Change in appetite;
  • Excessive or insufficient sleep;
  • Social isolation, isolation;
  • Aggressiveness, hostility;
  • Acute reactions even to ordinary stimuli;
  • Defensive behavior or suspiciousness;
  • Obsessive or compulsive behavior;
  • Nervous behavior (nail biting, restlessness, constant movement);
  • Loss of the need to take care of one’s appearance and be punctual;
  • Stuttering, rapid or mumbled speech;
  • Procrastination, neglect of obligations, irresponsible behavior;
  • Using alcohol, cigarettes, drugs to relax;
  • Lying or constantly making excuses to explain shortcomings and failures in work;
  • An increase in the number of minor accidents or accidents that occur to a person;
  • Excessive gambling, impulsive and thoughtless purchases;

Just because you have one or two of the symptoms on this list doesn't mean you're stressed, but the list does make it clear what stress can do if it goes unrecognized.

How people react to stress

People react to stress in three different ways.

1. “Hit.” Reaction to stress in the form of excitement, readiness to fight, in the form of aggression in order to eliminate the source of stress.

2. "Run." Withdrawal, depression, withdrawal into oneself or one’s own world, dissociation as a reaction to stress.

3. “Double” answer. A person freezes in tension and has no way to express it. The ability to act is paralyzed, and inside the person is extremely tense.

How to cope with stress

1. The most important way is to avoid unnecessary stress. Why would you want to get into a fight on a social network or in a queue? Why fly on vacation to a distant country where, according to rumors, a change of power is taking place? Think twice when planning your actions and especially when you are driven by emotions.

2. Try to change the situation. Get advice, call for help, pick up a stick - whatever will change the situation in your favor.

3. If the situation cannot be changed, try to adapt to the stress factor. If the stressor is a person, look at the situation through his eyes and understand the reasons for his behavior. If stress is caused by too much workload, try to find additional resources to gain strength. In any case, to adapt to the stressor, it is better to talk about your situation to someone who knows how to listen. By talking through the situation again and again, you will be able to see what previously remained in the shadows. And maybe change your attitude towards stressful situations. A good resource is a way out of the situation with a complete change of environment, activity, and social circle. If there are no opportunities for such a way out, try to do something crazy right in your situation, something that you have never done before. Often this allows you to obtain a new resource for adaptation.

4. Accept the things you cannot change. Does your husband drink and is not going to quit, despite all your joint conversations and plans about this? Look at this with open eyes and tell yourself: “Stop. This will never happen." “Yes, I’m not handsome, but that’s no reason to be unhappy.” “Yes, I don’t have (someone or something) now, and most likely never will. But there is my life, friends, work, etc.” “This world is unfair to me. But he is just as unfair to many. However, he gave me (such and such).” These are examples of accepting statements that, despite all the painful processes of awareness and acceptance of the situation, have extraordinary healing power, releasing a large amount of resources and restoring the boundaries of the individual for a further full life.

There are several other ways to cope with stress that may seem minor at first glance, but are actually quite effective:

  • Laughter. When your brain can no longer think, simply take your mind off the situation by watching some good comedy.
  • Massage. In a stressful situation, the body is under tension and massaging the back or feet helps to cope with this tension.
  • Be alone for a while. Often the best way is to collect your thoughts and look at the situation in a new way. Take a shower, go for a walk, sit in a cafe, take a nap, or just work alone. Hand the children over to your husband (wife, grandmother, grandfather, nanny), and be alone for a few hours. This is a powerful resource for restoring internal balance.
  • Do something useful for yourself. Often stress increases because you feel that the situation in your business, at home, or your illness is out of control. Sometimes, paradoxically, in such a situation, it can help to cook dinner, go to the laundry, clean up the house, or do a manicure, hair, or makeup.

So, the main thing you need to learn is don’t let stress take its course . Unrecognized stress reactions in the body over time lead to significant difficulties in life and at work, and later to somatic diseases.

Ways to get out of stress

You can get out of stress on your own, it is only important to find a suitable way. The most important thing is to bring bright colors into your life, improve your mood, and learn to think positively. Even in a negative situation, you can see the benefits if you want.

Healthy lifestyle

It is necessary to build the correct day and night routine. Meals should be complete and on time. Moderate physical activity, sports and healthy family relationships will only help overcome stress. Don't overwork yourself at work and at home.


Overcoming stress is possible for everyone. It is important that the body receives all the necessary vitamins and microelements. You can buy pharmaceutical complexes, and also eat fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins. In a healthy body, protective functions work perfectly. The psyche and internal systems are not so susceptible to stress.


Rational rest helps relieve stress and restore. You can’t work too hard, because psychological fatigue is added to physical fatigue. And this is already fraught with stress. During rest, you should not think about work, but while at work, you should not think about home. The ability to switch will help avoid stress.

Full sleep

Nothing restores the body better than healthy, full sleep. During sleep, the body produces hormones responsible for growth and restoration of functions. Therefore, you should try to go to bed before 23-00 in order to get enough sleep and wake up cheerful and in a good mood.


When a person does what he loves, he experiences joy and satisfaction. Any hobby may take time, but it has a beneficial effect on a person’s mental state. This helps to get rid of problems and forget all the bad things for a while. A rested brain will quickly tell you how to cope with negativity.

Physical exercise

Regular physical activity will help release excess adrenaline and help the body relax. Exercising in the fresh air will help normalize breathing and enrich internal organs with oxygen. A morning jog in nature will have a positive effect on your mood, and happiness hormones will begin to be produced.

Aromatherapy, dancing, music

The healing power of aromatic oils has been known since ancient times. They can be added to the bath, applied to the body, or used as an air freshener. When essential oils enter the body, they cause a surge of good mood and euphoria, and calm the nervous system. Dancing and pleasant, soothing music, such as classical, have the same effect on a person.

Methods for dealing with professional stress

Psychologists K. Cooper and D. Marshall studied the mechanisms of professional stress and identified several ways to manage it.

These include the following actions:

  • Change working conditions in the workplace - psychologically, socially and organizationally.
  • Create a connection between work and family.
  • Improve your skills to understand your competence in the world of work.
  • Create a comfortable social and psychological atmosphere.

Methods for dealing with occupational stress
Working conditions that include conditions such as:

  • correspondence of the level of work to the intelligence of the employee;
  • not too tiring activity;
  • wages corresponding to labor costs;
  • working conditions that meet the physiological needs of a person;
  • encouraging the employee, raising his self-esteem;
  • advanced training of employees.

There are many ways to overcome work stress, the main thing in this matter is regularity. According to experts, you need to develop emotional stability and develop anti-stress behavior in relation to external stimuli.

One of the most common and effective methods is the so-called self-regulation. This technique involves a person consciously regulating the state of his body.

Another method is relaxation. By relaxing the body, you can get rid of tension, both physiological and mental. Despite the apparent complexity of the technique, it is actually quite feasible. Relaxation can be learned if you are really interested in it.

Due to stress factors, the employee is susceptible to absent-mindedness. Due to his duty, he will have to solve a huge number of different tasks, and he needs to do everything very quickly. Every day, such an employee works at the limit of his capabilities, which leads to emotional exhaustion. In this case, concentration exercises will be very useful. They will help you stress a little and overcome yourself.

You can regulate your unstable mood using breathing control techniques. As you know, the rhythm of human breathing is completely different when talking, singing or sneezing. This means that it can be adjusted consciously, that is, its speed and depth can be changed. For example, if you consciously take a long, long breath in and out, this will help you calm down and relax completely.

A person who is in stress mode and a person in a normal state breathe completely differently. So the emotional state can be easily determined by the rhythm of breathing. The frequency of inhalation and exhalation is of great importance, as it has a calming effect on a person’s psychological state.

You can regulate the body's resources independently using settings for yourself. This method actually has no counteraction and can be easily adjusted, because no one knows a person as well as he himself. The self-regulation method combines all methods of combating the negative consequences of work stress.

Fighting stress in a clinic in Moscow

When you can’t cope with stress on your own, you need to seek help from specialists. Our clinic has created all the conditions to combat psycho-emotional disorders. Each patient has an individual approach, treatment is carried out in several stages. For the greatest effectiveness, complex treatment is used, including drug therapy and psychological assistance.

Drug therapy

Reducing stress occurs with the help of high-quality and effective medicines. Thanks to effective medications, a person’s sleep is normalized, anxiety levels are reduced, and the functioning of internal systems is normalized. Clinic specialists prescribe medications individually to each patient, depending on the severity of the stressful condition, age and the presence of concomitant diseases.

Help from a psychologist

Prolonged experiences, anxiety and panic negatively affect the human psyche. Drug treatment alone is not enough to relieve the patient from stress. This requires the help of an experienced, qualified psychologist. The specialist will conduct a personal conversation and identify the reasons that led to the stressful situation. The support of a psychologist will help you cope with difficulties and problems without harm to the body.

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  • Rehabilitation from drug addiction with a guarantee
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Classification of stress - types and subtypes

The duration of stress is:

  • short-term;
  • episodic;
  • chronic.

Stress is divided into groups depending on the reasons that provoked its occurrence:

  • unfulfilled hopes;
  • excitement before competitions;
  • lost time;
  • changes in life;
  • monotony of life;
  • the emergence of passivity;
  • the unattainability of perfection;
  • sudden changes;
  • satiety with benefits;
  • achieving your goals.

Stress depends on many factors that determine the type of emotional stress. These are everyday conflicts, dissatisfaction with life, salary, position, fear of one’s uselessness to society, lack of time, constant change of time zones, hierarchy of relations between employees and management.

There are many reasons and they are divided into 3 groups:

  • manageable stressors;
  • stressors undergoing attenuation;
  • constant stressors.

14 stages of stress development according to Torsunov:

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