Do yourself: 12 secrets of success for a modern woman – self-made woman

Psychologists have studied what is included in female success and what qualities are needed to become a successful woman. Check if you have these qualities!


It’s fashionable to be successful today, so after work we run to personal growth training, flip through a self-improvement book on the subway, and in the evening we fall off our feet from fatigue... Maybe we’re doing something wrong?

They say that a successful woman is one who manages everything: at work, at home, makes a cucumber mask, reads a new bestseller overnight, and posts a positive photo on Instagram. She is also self-confident, purposeful, hardworking, well-groomed, wealthy and, it seems, incredibly tired.

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In fact, the recipe is both simple and difficult: a successful woman is one who lives the way she wants. If she wants to become a businesswoman, she makes a career. If she wants “four sons and a sweet daughter,” she gives birth. If she wants to live “for her husband”, she gets married. But if she doesn’t want to, she doesn’t do it, doesn’t give birth, doesn’t go out.

“What about women’s destiny? - you doubt. Duty to society, the opinions of others? And in general... It’s somehow scary to live the way you want.”

Yes, scary! It is the ability to overcome fear that distinguishes successful people (including women).

What qualities should you ideally have for this? We'll tell you in detail.


She is the director of her own life

Yanina Sokolenko
A successful woman is a real example for inspiration. And all because she is the original, the only author of the book of her life. Her personality is the result of her own choices, her own decisions, her own experiences.

She does not go with the flow, does not live by social stereotypes and other people's role settings. Builds his personality independently, overcoming circumstances, opening up new opportunities.

Her script is simple - every day to be the best version of yourself, every day to move towards bigger and better things. Sometimes it is difficult and painful to part with the usual, but this decision is worth the price.

Valentina Tereshkova, cosmonaut

Don't underestimate "non-core" talents.

Tereshkova worked as a weaver when she became interested in parachuting. The hobby turned out to be promising, because it was at this time that it was decided to send a woman into space. Tereshkova perfectly fit into the parameters of a skydiver under 30 years old, up to 170 cm tall, weighing up to 70 kg and began training.

The future cosmonaut had many competitors who were inferior to her only in one thing: no one could communicate with journalists as freely and naturally. Public speaking skills became the decisive criterion that swung the scales in favor of Tereshkova.

We must not look at life from the outside, but go along with it.

Valentina Tereshkova

She knows what the meaning of her life is

It is difficult to strive for something, achieve something, change yourself, fight shortcomings, without knowing why you are doing it, what you want to achieve.

A successful woman understands and sees meaning even in everyday hustle and bustle. She doesn’t just go to work every day - she gains experience, earns money to open her own project, improves her professional qualities, and learns from her own and others’ mistakes. After all, it is the absence of meaning that makes life empty and people unhappy.

Galina Vishnevskaya, opera singer

A sense of moral righteousness may be more important than convenience and comfort.

Galina Vishnevskaya has repeatedly spoken out in support of artists persecuted by the authorities. She refused to sign a letter against the writer Boris Pasternak and continued to communicate with the composer Dmitry Shostakovich when he fell out of favor with government agencies. The disgraced writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn lived at the dacha of Vishnevskaya and Rostropovich. Vishnevskaya knew how these actions could turn out for her, but she committed them anyway.

The time was terrible, and those whose spirit was not defeated survived morally.

Galina Vishnevskaya

A successful woman always moves forward

A successful woman is active and active, she is always on the move. She easily takes on several projects at once, is not burdened by multitasking and knows how to take risks. She always has non-standard and effective solutions in stock even for the most unforeseen cases.

Of course, multitasking, responsibility and activity can be characteristic of any person, regardless of gender. But only a successful woman knows how to deal with all difficulties with a consistently good mood and a charming smile on her face.

A self-made woman organizes her day herself and does not know what laziness is. She could be a student, a freelancer, an office worker or a businesswoman. But what distinguishes her is that our heroine feels the rhythm of life, lives in the rhythm of success.


This is potential. It can be multiplied or divided and spent. At the normal pace of life, we do not work to the maximum, we do not wear out. But when we need to achieve something, achieve something, we open our possibilities (one or several) to the maximum. Before taking decisive action, you need to assess your own strengths. Example - before going to the store, we always count our money so as not to take what we cannot pay for. Below I will list 6 main resources.


This is the most important parameter. It is the base, the foundation. Without good health, you will not be able to achieve success, because too much time and everything else will be spent on treatment. How to achieve good health? It is necessary to adhere to proper nutrition, lead an active lifestyle, stop smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. You should also remember about the regime, allocate 7-8 hours for night sleep.

If, after these rules, chronic diseases, seasonal diseases or reduced immunity remain, then you should first of all visit an immunologist, a general practitioner or a specialist doctor and solve the problem. Set your priorities correctly. If you want to learn how to become the most successful, successful woman in everything, but something hurts you, take care of your health right now. Then - everything else.

Psychologist Daria Milai

Make an appointment


This is an important aspect. But what matters is not the amount of material wealth, but the ability to manage them. Coins love turnover. Both an heiress of a large fortune and a girl from a poor family who knows the value of every ruble can become equally happy and successful. It is important to be able to manage them, invest and save.


We learn basic skills at the very beginning of life - letters, numbers, reading and counting. But during the school period we are under the watchful supervision of parents and teachers, while then the choice of each of us is to remain at the same level or develop our intellectual abilities. Self-study is important for mastering new foreign languages ​​and acquiring professional knowledge. Already studenthood is a period of independence.


Since people become rich and successful not in one hour or day, but over many years, this is a long way to develop an individual skill. Let's assume there are 5 people. They all know how to draw standard building designs. And the sixth has architectural and design talent, so he designs individual buildings that are very different from the previous five. But to learn how to create a masterpiece, he studied for a long time and went a long way. Including through standard projects.


We do not mean the patronage of an authoritative person or patronage in a narrow area, but ordinary relationships. Communication creates numerous connections that help in life in the most unexpected moments. Your classmate, old school friend, and even the salesperson at the nearby supermarket. The more prosperous the relationship with each person, the more outside help in any endeavor.


Time management is built on one rule - set your priorities correctly. What is more important at the moment - to learn something new, hone a skill, put it into practice while working, or relax? Personal and professional should be combined, but preferably not overlap. The problem with girls working from home is the possibility of confusing one with the other. The result will be belated achievements, things postponed until tomorrow. Remember that there are 24 hours in a day. Ask yourself a question - what can I do now to make it easier or better tomorrow (in a week, a month)?

Time is a non-renewable resource, so saving it is much more important than saving money. The maximum surge of energy is under the age of 35. Therefore, you need to have time to make a qualitative leap while you have the strength to do so. Then everything should be improved, strengthened, brought to perfection. In addition to the listed resources, what is important is what consolidates – motivation.

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How to become successful in everything and a worthy girl - the power of desire

If you are reading this article, then you have already felt the need to change something in your life, to make it better. You already have the intention to change. Now you need to cultivate it, ask yourself questions - why be better, what will it give me, how will I achieve it. And at this moment it is important to motivate yourself even more by achieving small goals. Any path to a dream consists of small steps. Set goals that you will achieve. So gradually they will become larger, and the actions will become more significant.

If you don’t know how to set yourself up and make the first moves towards a successful future, contact me for an individual consultation. I will help you understand yourself and reach high heights.

Always believes in himself and his strengths

Can an insecure, self-doubting person become successful? Fortune always chooses the brave. If a successful woman takes on any business, she is already confident that she will cope, that she will see it through to the end.

People quit what they started halfway not only because they took on work that is beyond their strength. Most often, the reason is banal - loss of self-confidence, disappointment in one’s own abilities. But only a self-made woman does not know how to give up and lose: if she has decided something, she will always achieve what she wants. He will try several ideas and methods, attract help, take justifiable risks, take into account past mistakes - and will definitely achieve his goal.

Svetlana Alexievich, writer, Nobel laureate

Seek the truth, even if it is not very beautiful.

Alexievich's books are based on true stories of people who experienced a difficult event, or their loved ones. The first work, “War Doesn’t Have a Woman’s Face,” was published in an incomplete version. The censors accused the author of naturalism and debunking the heroic image of the Soviet woman.

Each of Alexievich's books was subjected to similar attacks. However, she continued to tell stories about wars and the Chernobyl accident, without trying to embellish them or smooth out the rough edges.

We were well taught to die. Much better than living. And we have forgotten how to distinguish war from peace, life from being, life from death. The pain of screaming. Freedom from slavery. Now we need to find the meaning of our lives ourselves. Learn to simply live. Without great history and great events.

Svetlana Alexievich

Self-made woman strives for new knowledge

For a successful woman, self-education will always come first. This applies not only to professional self-improvement - seminars, specialized literature, courses and master classes.

A true self-made woman cares about expanding her general horizons, learning foreign languages, and developing her creative path. That is why it is so interesting to communicate with her - a successful lady is aware of what is happening in the world, can support any conversation, and surprise her interlocutors with her deep knowledge.

Such a secret is not a tribute to modernity. Remember the true aristocrats who spoke several foreign languages, understood politics and art, played musical instruments, and did charity work.

Appearance is important

Taking care of your appearance is also an important factor in achieving success. Even with the busiest schedule, it is important to find time for self-care. You cannot allow yourself to walk around at home in a dirty robe or go out with a dirty head. It is also important to reconsider your views on your wardrobe. It is not necessary to always dress in a strict formal style. But if you want to be taken seriously, you need to decide what impression you are going to create about yourself. A successful lady must look impeccable, from her hairstyle to her manicure and selection of accessories.

Able to take responsibility

Both women and men with infantile behavior, childishly hiding from the slightest responsibility, rarely achieve anything more. A person who relies on fate, who sees everyone as the culprit of his failures, rarely gets out of his small, but so familiar world.

And a successful woman not only consciously takes risks - she takes full responsibility for her own decision, which can end in both victory and failure. She is not shy about being proud of her achievements, but she is not afraid to admit her own mistakes. Because I am firmly convinced that mistakes are a necessary stage on the path to success, an invaluable experience that teaches us something new that even the most brilliant victory does not always reveal.

Audrey Hepburn, actress

If you don't fit into the framework, just change it to suit you.

Hepburn, who consistently ranks among the most beautiful actresses of the 20th century, considered herself ugly. When she entered the profession, women with curves were in fashion. That's why she, for example, put socks in her bra when she performed at the Ciro nightclub.

However, her fragile figure did not prevent Audrey from becoming a sought-after actress. On the contrary, Hepburn changed fashion by making aristocratic thinness popular.

I can’t boast of Sophia Loren’s or Gina Lollobrigida’s curves, but sexuality isn’t just about size. I don't need the bedroom to prove my femininity. I can be sexy just picking apples from an apple tree in the rain.

Audrey Hepburn

She has her own opinion on everything

A successful woman is a strong personality with her own independent opinion on all issues that are important to her. She will listen to someone else’s position, carefully study the arguments of the other side, but will make a decision on her own, not paying attention to other people’s influence. He will not waste time and energy trying to convince his interlocutor, but will always remain his own.

Another remarkable quality of a self-made woman is that such ladies are not afraid to express an unpopular, and often opposite, opinion to the position of the majority. They always have convincing arguments and evidence. Respecting the opinion of her interlocutor, a successful woman always expects her words and views to be respected in return.

Sofia Kovalevskaya, mathematician

You need to fight for independence.

Kovalevskaya had to desperately fight for the right to education and the opportunity to study mathematics. Her outstanding abilities were noticed very early, but her father denied his daughter the right to devote herself to science.

To get rid of restrictions from her parents, Sophia got married fictitiously. The University of Berlin, where the famous mathematician Karl Weierstrass worked, did not accept girls, and Kovalevskaya was forced to take private lessons. When she returned to Russia with a PhD, she was only offered a position as a gymnasium teacher.

However, Kovalevskaya did not give up and became the first woman in the world to teach mathematics at a university as a professor, and also made a number of discoveries related to the theory of rotation of a rigid body.

A few years ago, there were few women who strived for knowledge - just a few. Now there are hundreds of us. Fight for the happiness of being independent, for the right to live, work and create for the sake of the highest ideal.

Sofia Kovalevskaya

She doesn't live in the past

A successful lady looks to her bright future, rather than looking back at past mistakes and defeats, unsuccessful personal relationships and unpleasant professional experiences. For what? After all, she had already made the necessary conclusions a long time ago - and she is only grateful to her past experience, which made her wiser and stronger.

Bad memories, regrets about something that is irretrievably gone are definitely not the key to success. Negativity literally poisons, steals a good mood, pulls you down, and prevents you from thinking productively and positively. So isn't it easier to free yourself from this heavy burden? As our mothers and grandmothers used to say: “Everything will be fine! And if it’s not good yet, then it’s not the end.”

Mother Teresa, Nobel laureate, saint of the Catholic Church

Everyone, regardless of nationality or religion, deserves help.

Mother Teresa dedicated her life to “serving the poorest of the poor.” In the slums of Indian Calcutta, she fed the hungry and took care of the elderly. The nun founded the first leper colony and shelter for abandoned children in India, opened a workshop for the unemployed and a nursing home. She helped refugees in Palestinian camps in Lebanon, those affected by drought in Ethiopia, earthquakes in Guatemala and Armenia, and visited the USSR after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Despite criticism of her activities, the name of Mother Teresa has become a household name and is used to denote selfless help to everyone who needs it.

We don't need guns and bombs. To defeat evil, we need love and compassion. All labors of love are labors for the good of the world.

Mother Teresa

A successful woman knows how to trust and respect others

Trust is an integral part of any business. Without trusting employees, colleagues, partners, a business woman is unlikely to achieve success by acting alone and relying only on herself. But a self-made woman never acts for sure. She is a subtle psychologist who, by the actions, behavior, and phrases of a partner or employee, accurately notices whether this person is worthy of her trust. Knows when people should be given a second chance, and when it’s better to cut them out once and for all, both from the project and from your life.

The second important feature of successful ladies is respect and love for one’s neighbor. This allows you to work not only in your own interests, but also for the benefit of society. A successful lady does not forget about those who are less fortunate in life. Organizes charity events, supervises social funds, provides all possible assistance - material, psychological.

Agatha Christie, writer

Even in routine things you can find inspiration.

Agatha Christie wrote more than 60 detective novels. She said that she could spend time with friends or family and at this time think about a new work. And when the writer sat down to work, the plot was already ready from beginning to end. Christie admitted that ideas could come to her mind at any time, and the writer entered each of them into a special notebook.

I find the plots of my detective novels while washing dishes. This is such a stupid activity that the thought of murder inevitably comes to mind.

Agatha Christie

She's always positive

Who do we make worse when we are in a bad mood? When we complain about everything and everyone? Do we discuss, envy, endlessly compare, get angry? Only for ourselves and our loved ones who worry about us.

Successful people of both sexes have one thing in common - they are always positive and go through life with a sincere smile. It is in a good mood that they draw strength for new achievements.

A positive attitude doesn't come from nowhere. This is a reflection of a person who knows how to enjoy every minute of life, who knows how to notice beauty in little things, and see the good in everyone who comes his way. If you know how to create a good mood, as others think, “out of nowhere,” you will find the most faithful companion on the path to success.

Ayn Rand, writer, creator of the philosophy of Objectivism

Don’t forget about personal happiness: there is nothing wrong with reasonable selfishness.

Ayn Rand created a philosophy of rational individualism called “objectivism.” His main point is that the goal of every person’s life is the pursuit of his own happiness.

Philosophers do not officially support Rand's ideas, but objectivism has many fans.

To say “I love you”, you first need to learn how to pronounce the word “I”.

Ayn Rand

Works great and rests in style

No matter how energetic and tireless a self-made woman is, she knows for sure that she needs a full and rich rest. A successful woman works effectively, but will never work to the detriment of her own health and well-being. Because he knows that chronic fatigue, nervous tension, constant lack of sleep are not the best companions in life.

A successful lady knows how to plan her schedule and her budget so that there is time for a wide variety of recreation. Even on weekends and vacations, he spends time usefully for himself - he tries new hobbies, educates himself, plays his favorite sports, and recuperates in nature.

— Author: Sokolenko Yanina Yurievna

  • Honors diploma from PSTU "Finance and Credit"
  • Coach, professional promotion in social networks (SMM on Instagram).
  • I created a course on promotion on Instagram. Conducted 14 streams of my course “Success Star on Instagram”. Trained over 200 people to make money on Instagram.
  • She wrote the book “Instagram - a money-making machine.” It is sold on such large platforms as Ozon and Amazon.
  • Writes strategies for VAK magazines on the topic of marketing in social networks.
  • Participant of the Like Center project “Million with Ayaz”. Undergoes training from the best coaches and trackers in Russia.
  • She graduated from Canada's Erickson University of Coaching with a Gold Certification as a Coach.

She organized and was a speaker at the “Meeting a Dream” event, and was also a speaker at the federal platform My Business of the Russian Federation. She spoke on the topic “Remote professions”.

Tatyana Tarasova, figure skating coach

You can realize yourself in your favorite business in different ways.

Tatyana Tarasova's career as a figure skater was short-lived. In 1964, paired with Georgy Proskurin, she won the World Universiade, but soon left the sport due to injury.

However, Tarasova’s collection includes 41 gold medals at the World and European Championships, and seven Olympic gold medals won by her students. She began coaching in 1967, almost immediately after her injury. Among her wards are Irina Rodnina, Alexey Yagudin, Sasha Cohen, Oksana Grischuk and many others.

My whole life consists of the lives of my students. Through them I spoke to the world. And millions of people listened to me. This doesn't happen to everyone.

Tatiana Tarasova

Sofia Coppola, director

Don't be afraid to show your personal view of things.

Sofia Coppola comes from a family of award-winning directors: her father and brother distinguished themselves in this path. That is why her creative path was not easy. At first she tried to get away from the film industry, focusing on fashion. However, her debut film The Virgin Suicides showed that she was capable of telling a story from a different angle. Now Sofia Coppola is an independent film director, winner of an Oscar, a Golden Globe, and two Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival.

You don't have to be loud to say something important.

Sofia Coppola

Michelle Obama, lawyer, wife of former US President

Remain yourself, even if you are the president's wife.

Michelle Obama is known in wide circles no less than her husband. She left the White House with the same President Obama Leaves White House With 58% Favorable Popularity Rating with which she entered it: 68%. She earned the love of the public for her openness, confidence and lack of fear to demonstrate that she is just a person. As First Lady, Michelle Obama performed 25 push-ups live on a comedy talk show, planted a vegetable garden in the White House courtyard, and spoke extremely emotionally on issues important to America.

I also sometimes want to do crazy things. But I’m not twenty anymore—I can’t drive a sports car or bungee jump. So I just cut off my bangs.

Michelle Obama

Psychological portrait of a business lady

Everything is clear regarding the qualities that a woman starting her own business should have, but turning to psychology, many seriously think about how a business woman should behave. Is she kind to others or is she a “commander in a skirt”? What is the true image of a business woman?

Dozens of scientific works have been written on this topic, but the quintessence is the same - a businesswoman should be attractive with her whole appearance .

For example, Estee Lauder, who founded the most successful cosmetics company, stood behind the counter of her store herself and every customer was noticed and kindly received by her. She found time for everyone, showing with all her appearance how important any potential buyer was to her. She was the first to come up with free cosmetics samples and gifts for her regular customers. “With the people and for the people” is the motto of this amazing woman.

In addition, you should pay attention to your spiritual qualities. To win over you, you need to daily cultivate within yourself, first of all, a woman - with a soft voice, a charming smile and a kind expression on her face. Who is more likely to sell their goods: a beaming and sociable girl - a consultant in the jewelry department or a salesperson of household goods, who with a sour face sends the buyer to the stand with the desired product? The answer is obvious.

Therefore, you must first become a businesswoman from the inside, adding breadth of soul and gentleness in communication to your business qualities.

Read: How to become a rich and successful woman: instructions for success

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