Seducing a married woman: how to make her fall in love with you and persuade her to sleep with you

Marriage and family are the most important components in a person’s life. Women especially appreciate and understand this. They strive to create strong relationships and preserve the family hearth. Putting all of this on the line for the sake of an affair is a serious step that requires great courage or reckless stupidity.

In the second case, a man does not need to worry about how to seduce a married girl; she herself will give a signal of her readiness. But if the girl is decent, then you will have to make considerable efforts to win her favor. Even if she experiences a strong attraction to you, she will never be the first to admit it. The fear of losing reputation is stronger than fleeting passion.

Female body language

A married woman does not have to say all her secret desires out loud. The body speaks instead. Pay attention to gestures, posture, gait, how her movements change in your presence. When asked how to seduce married women, psychology gives very useful advice - learn to understand body language and the woman will be yours.

In the first five minutes of meeting a woman, she can understand how much she likes a man, whether he has a chance, and immediately begins to give signals. Don't miss this moment. Flirt, and carefully monitor her behavior.

Here are the main seduction signals to look out for:

  • The girl crossed her legs and straightened her shoulders.
  • She often turns her head and straightens her hair.
  • Touches the neck or arms.
  • Looks at you with a smile.
  • Adjusts her dress.
  • Biting his lips.
  • Accidentally, as if accidentally touching you.
  • He runs his tongue over his lips, leaving them slightly parted.

All these signs indicate that she really likes you and has a chance. According to psychologists, such behavior speaks of trust and openness, but there are also random gestures when a woman doesn’t like you at all, she just needed to fix her hair and dress.

An interested girl will send you signals until you feel it. If you didn’t immediately catch her vibes, she will continue:

  • He will try to be as close to you as possible and stay close to you longer than usual.
  • He will try to hug you or accidentally touch you.
  • Take your arm while you chat.
  • All people have their own comfort zone, equal to 20-30 centimeters. If a girl closes this distance more often than usual, then she is mentally ready for a kiss .
  • She is looking for your gaze, it is important for her that you admire her. If you look closely into her eyes, the girl will become embarrassed and lower her head or start looking in the other direction.
  • A smile and laughter are an indicator that she is very interested in you. She feels good and has fun. She finds you funny.
  • Any manipulation of hair and jewelry, stroking erogenous zones (neck, collarbone, wrists, hips). Touching the edge of the glass with your fingertips. These are all calls for sex.
  • An interested woman does not withdraw her hand if you touch her. She will allow you to hug her waist or put your hand on your leg.

If you notice positive signals, continue flirting and communicating. You are on the right track.

A little later, your questions should become personal, intimate, with slight sexual overtones.

Bottom line

It is millions of times easier to conquer a lonely person; he has no one to compare with, and there is a high probability that he himself is in search. A free lady can easily accept advances, without remorse or pangs of shame from exposure. It's simple: you're right for each other, or you're not. A busy young lady needs to be given more than she already has, to conquer, filling her life with new colors and fresh emotions. Experienced girls have already seen everything; simply having similar values ​​and interests will not be enough.

Don’t be a boring shadow, confidence and a sense of humor are the main criteria for conquest! Conquering is not as difficult as maintaining an alliance later.

It’s not for nothing that they say that with the help of kindness and tenderness, you can lead an elephant with a string. Nothing is impossible, you need to believe in yourself and go towards your desired goal. Weigh it well, think over your decisions, actions, develop your own strategy, just be sure to make sure that you are acting at the behest of your heart. And if you did what you could, but were ignored in response, show the courage to let the person go. This means that he is simply not yours, do not waste time trying to conquer him, as it is pointless.

Seduction tactics

Never doubt that you can seduce the girl you like . They are sensitive to fear and indecision, and who needs a shy lover?

If you don't know how to seduce a married woman, first of all understand what she needs:

  1. For starters, this is first-class sex. Awaken a strong sexual attraction in her, don’t be afraid to confuse her with something, you can be as straightforward as possible. Your behavior should be very different from your husband’s habits. For her, be cheerful, playful, easy-going, and not a seal who lies on the couch all weekend watching football. Be bold and liberated, but at the same time your humor should not be vulgar, forget jokes below the belt.
  2. Give sincere, appropriate compliments, increase her self-esteem, let her become a goddess in your eyes.
  3. Don't look for a serious relationship. Don't demand more from her than she can give. Let everything develop gradually, everything has its time.

Is she really unhappy in her marriage?

Do you want to know how to make a married woman fall in love with you?
Then watch her more. Try to understand as much as possible how she feels with her current chosen one. It is necessary to understand the feelings, and not to identify the reasons for separation. The moral, physical or financial characteristics of a partner do not greatly influence the disappointment of the other partner. However, this can still be the basis for a woman to seek attention on the side. To take away a married woman, it is worth identifying the reasons that still connect her with her current partner. Typically, they still stay together for the following reasons:

  • They don't break up because of children. Girls are ready to do anything for their children. That is why they are often ready to tolerate any shortcomings of their partner;
  • Financial dependence. It is quite possible that the husband earns very well, which allows her not to deny herself anything and completely focus on creating comfort, without paying attention to her partner’s shortcomings;
  • She is afraid to be alone. This fear is characteristic of almost all representatives of the fairer sex, even if we are talking about young girls who can still easily find a new guy;
  • Condemnation of society. We are often very dependent on the opinions of others. Girls, being not the most mentally strong creatures, are even more susceptible to this deficiency;
  • It is a misconception that absolutely all men are the same.

If you correctly determine the reason, then it will become much easier for you to fall in love with a married woman.

Carrot and stick technique

After you have managed to interest a married woman, you need to somehow keep her, make her look for meetings with you. The period when you followed her lead is over.

Women do not like henpecked slaves; subconsciously they are looking for a man who can control them. Become like this for her.

We've covered the gingerbread technique, now let's talk about the stick:

  1. In any relationship, disagreements occur. As soon as a woman starts reproaching you for something, stand up. Firstly, it will demonstrate your confidence and determination. Secondly, standing men think better, and you will be able to react faster to her words. At the same time, your gaze should not be aggressive. Most women are ready to forgive their partner even for a hint of repentance. Less words - more hugs.
  2. Don't agree with everything a woman says or suggests. This does not mean that you need to contradict her in everything, but some situations need to be taken under control. Dominate, but don't humiliate. Be sure to give her compelling reasons why you made this particular decision.
  3. Be generous, women really like it. Just don't confuse generosity with wastefulness. Generosity is not a new fur coat every month, do not become an ATM for it. To be generous is to buy a bunch of parsley from your grandmother on the street without taking change from a large bill. This is to donate blood for sick children. This means buying a pack of diapers for the baby’s home. This works flawlessly on women. Plus you will receive additional bonuses to your karma and a good mood.

Tease her5

Don't get straight to the point, tease her so that the anticipation turns her on even more. But don't take too long a break between oral sex and actual sexual intercourse. Moving on to the main part, you should not immediately use any special, for example, rough techniques, or immediately move on to the final part. Try to prolong the pleasure.

After you've had oral sex, it doesn't take long for her to reach climax, but don't rush it. Observe her reaction, as soon as you realize that she is almost ready, stop, take a short break and then continue. Repeat this part several times until she begins to demand that you be more active and not stop.

Seduction of a married girl without children

A strange woman, like a forbidden fruit, always has a special sweetness and juiciness. She excites men's fantasies with a dangerous relationship on the verge of exposure. Every man enjoys winning a trophy that belongs to his opponent.

According to recent studies, 83% of women have thought about cheating and only 39% have made this dream come true.

The absence of children is a significant plus for a cheater. Nothing holds her back, and she chooses the right lover for herself. The lady is bored and is waiting for new, bright emotions.

In this case, to the question of how to seduce a married woman for a man, sexology gave an exhaustive answer:

  1. Be confident in yourself and your abilities. An older woman likes to play with a young body. She needs energy, passion, reckless actions. Danger excites her. In pursuit of adrenaline, she will want to have sex in the most unexpected places, be prepared for this.
  2. Wear expensive, masculine perfume. Ladies love the strong scent of “determination.”
  3. Be ready to realize your wildest sexual fantasies, even if you didn’t even know about it before. Act as if you know and can do everything.

Where can you meet a married lady?

In theory, you can seduce any girl and make her fall in love with you. But do you have enough experience? If you are not yet confident in your abilities, you should focus on those places where married women can live:

  1. Dating websites. Here it is easy to meet married ladies who are mentally ready to cheat on their partner. Here it is extremely important to know how to make a married girl fall in love with you. If you do not adhere to certain rules, there is a risk of frightening off her desire;
  2. Entertainment facilities. Regardless of whether the girl is sitting there alone or in a group, it will be possible to act. The main thing is to interest her.

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Seducing a woman who has children

If a woman has children, then she has no time for a lover. This makes the task more difficult, but the harder the fight, the sweeter the prize.

If the child is very small (up to three years old), then your chances are very small. Maternal instinct always prevails over passion. But nothing is impossible. Before you seduce a young mother, know that this relationship will be fleeting. For her now, the main goal is not pleasure, but education.

How can you seduce a married woman if she has children:

  1. Make it clear that you are not claiming anything, you just want to distract her from her problems.
  2. Give the opportunity to relax, relieve stress, give care. Give her a gift in the form of spa treatments, a massage, a glass of wine in a candlelit jacuzzi. After sex, let her sleep.
  3. Say right away that this is a temporary relationship. It is important for a woman to understand that she can stop them at any time.
  4. Don't ask about your husband and children. She ran to you in order to forget about everything.


Be sure to take care of your appearance: beauty and external attractiveness are not as important as a solid, successful image. It's not about the money, but about the possible future. A young lady will never risk choosing a losing option, so you need to have social status, show generosity, demonstrating that you will not be lost.

Women are picky about details, so she won’t like an unkempt man who doesn’t take care of his hair, shoes, and accessories. On the contrary, anyone will be delighted with a clean, ironed suit, neat hairstyle, and the aroma of pleasant cologne. This way you can not only give the impression of a businesslike, neat person who is able to take care of himself and also demonstrate impeccable taste.

Passion is a must. Be as frank as possible, show how loved and desired the person is to you, but do it affectionately and discreetly.

Even if there is no intimacy at this stage yet, then tactile communication, emotions, words will also show a lot. Do not forget that if a family man commits adultery, then this is stress, a serious step that you simply must compensate for. It is clear that in sexual terms there should be caresses, tenderness, so that it really resembles an act of love, and not instinct or obligation. With care and reverent attitude, you can eventually tie him to yourself, making him the ideal lover that will be needed.

There are no body problems

Most married women have children, and each pregnancy and childbirth leaves a certain mark on the body. Treacherous cellulite, stretch marks, not very firm breasts - all this is a serious problem for women who have given birth. Especially if they felt coldness from their husband. Even if these shortcomings are almost invisible, it is a lot of stress for a woman. She feels old, fat, and useless.

Your task is to do everything possible to make the lady feel beautiful, sexy, and desired again.

The phrase “You have beautiful eyes and gorgeous breasts” will make you look bad. Only lustful animals who are in the mood for quick, one-time sex start with this.

Vulgar jokes about her butt will be met with hostility. She knows that after giving birth her body has changed and not always for the better. She may indeed have a gorgeous butt, but you don’t need to talk about it when you meet her; you can give her a compliment when the relationship becomes close.

Better admire her smooth, silky skin. Tell her she's beautiful and sexy. That her smile captivates, and her aroma drives you crazy.

Remember that in addition to breasts and butts, a woman has many more seductive body parts. Gradually awaken sexual desire in her by making refined, not vulgar compliments.

What should you be like for her?

  • Gallant. Politeness is a trait of chosen people. Show yourself as a gentleman and you will immediately attract her attention;
  • Romantic. Married women are often tired of everyday life. They forget who they are and what they deserve. Remind her of this and you will be rewarded;
  • Funny, but not a clown. A good sense of humor and positive thinking always make you feel good. With this approach it is not only easier to live, but also easier to win girls;
  • Successful. Status is very important in seduction.
    Even if you don't have as much money as you would like to have, still try to show yourself as richer than you are. The main thing is not to brag about what you don’t have. You may not have an expensive suit, but you can look neat in regular jeans. Keep an eye on this and don't forget.

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Help me relax

The life of a married woman is constant tension and stress. She constantly thinks about children, her capricious husband, and work. The last thing she wants to do right now is communicate with an avid party-goer; she simply doesn’t have the time or energy for that.

In this case, there are a couple of secrets for you on how to seduce a married woman:

  • Don't burden her with your problems, she has enough of her own. Be a positive optimist, not a sad whiner.
  • Don't start talking about serious relationships. Don't insist that you need to leave your husband. This is especially inappropriate at the beginning of your relationship. Only a completely desperate, unhappy woman can run away to the first person she meets. If you are not ready to take full responsibility for your future wife and her children, then don’t complicate life. She may not be able to bear another disappointment.
  • When seducing a woman , warn that you are not looking for a serious relationship , that you are simply incredibly pleased to caress her skin, inhale the aroma of her hair and slide your fingers along her elastic thighs.
  • Do not blame for rare meetings and failed dates. You have no right to manage her time.

How to make a married woman fall in love with you

To create love, the standard manipulation set “Ice and Fire” is used. You need to show yourself as a real male conqueror - brave, persistent, uncompromising.

In love, and her categorical “no” doesn’t matter. He writes, calls, gives flowers, jewelry, solves all her problems without asking. All steps should not be advertised to the husband, otherwise the woman will quickly change her status to single.

When the object of adoration feels like a fragile, vulnerable princess who has someone to take care of, move on to the “ice” stage. Ignore calls, messages, do not come to meetings, fall out of her social circle. An unexpected turn will initially intrigue you, then make you think and evaluate all the steps of the admirer.

Your power is in your words

Even children know that women love with their ears. But for some reason, men rarely use this information. Sometimes the secret of how to seduce a married adult woman lies in the right words.

Phrases that are nice to hear every day:

  • "If you were my woman, I would never leave you alone."
  • “If I had a woman like you next to me, I would be the happiest.”
  • “I’m ready to listen to your voice for hours, tell me about yourself and your desires.”
  • “There is something about you that I have never seen in others before. You are a real woman, so I don’t want to let you go.”
  • “You are too beautiful to sit at home. I want to take you out into the world and be proud to have such a gorgeous woman nearby.”

How to talk to women correctly in another article.

Give plenty of time to foreplay3

For women, this is a very significant component of their sex life. If the actual sexual act is more important to a man, then women like to enjoy the times before it. Foreplay not only creates the right mood, it also helps prepare the body for the act itself, since during foreplay her body produces the necessary lubrication. This makes sex less painful and allows for more pleasure.

Foreplay should not include too strong or rough movements. Even if your wife sometimes prefers something harder, it's best to save that for the next step. The best option for foreplay is a gentle massage, teasing touches, stroking the breasts, nipples and thighs. You can periodically touch more intimate places, this will help her body produce lubrication faster and prepare for the main stage.

Step-by-step instructions for seduction

Before you take decisive action, figure out whether you really want this woman. Are you ready to give her everything she deserves?

If you really want to make this woman happy, then follow the instructions:

  1. Be near. Show up near her more often. It could be work, a gym, a store, a bus stop. Say hello with a friendly smile and wish you a good day. Have a neutral conversation. Meet me. By evoking positive emotions, you will make the girl remember you more often. Mutual friends that you can talk about or common work will be very helpful in this regard. Start some friendly, innocent communication.
  2. Make contact. Once throwing around random phrases has become a habit, move on to long, serious conversations. Choose relevant topics that are interesting to both of you. Be an interesting conversationalist. A woman needs to understand what an interesting and wonderful person you are.
  3. Secure the result. Move from words to action. She already knows what an interesting guy you are, it’s time to help, save, protect. Do things for which she will be grateful. Just don't be intrusive, it's repulsive.
  4. Get closer. After the third stage, you became a man for her who can be trusted. It's time to move on to conversations on personal topics. Ask a question about family, children, parents, husband. Don't complain about your single status, don't criticize your bad husband. Be delicate. Answer about yourself with dignity, without bragging or whining. Act as a personal psychologist. Don't give advice unless asked.
  5. Become a better husband. Be the complete opposite of his bad qualities, not in words, but in deeds. At the moment of rapprochement, the woman probably told you about what upsets her in family relationships. Subconsciously, she always compares her husband with others, and in this case you will be in an advantageous position.
  6. Active actions. Do everything your husband doesn't do. Give flowers, give compliments, help carry bags of groceries, give them a lift from work. Just don’t go in for a kiss and don’t let go of your hands. The woman herself will give you a signal when she is ready for it.
  7. Confess your feelings. Surely the woman herself already understood your intentions, but it is important for her to hear this. If you are ready to start a family with her, then tell me how you see your future. Tell her that you will become a better husband and a better father, that only you know how to make her happy. If you are sure that a woman will never leave her husband, then say that you do not pretend to be more than the opportunity to be there.
  8. Get rid of the burden of the past. Don't rush your loved one into making decisions. It's much more difficult for her than for you. Ideally, she needs to end her previous relationship, get a divorce, complete all the paperwork, and then start a new life with you. Try to lay a clean foundation for your relationship, without scandals, quarrels and showdowns. Let your past life remain in the past and let nothing in your home remind you of it.
  9. The new life is better than the old one. Once you receive the coveted trophy, don’t relax. If you stop courting, giving flowers, giving compliments and doing everything that helped win her, you will become the second unsuccessful take. Take into account all the mistakes of the past and do not allow them in your relationship.

You may not become her first love, but you will become her happiness.

Is it always difficult to seduce?

At first glance, it is impossible to determine the complexity of a particular situation, but rather in the process of direct communication. When a lady is happily married, the relationship is going smoothly and brings pleasure, then she has no need to look for a potential lover. It is worth noting that problems exist in all families, the only question is their scale, ability to cope and degree of desperation.

Women tend to defend family values ​​and preserve marriage, so if she is happy, then winning such a girl will be difficult or not at all feasible.

On the other hand, it is not always difficult to win the favor of even a captive young lady if she has not found idyll, harmony, support and mutual understanding on the part of her husband in her family life. Everyone wants to get their own happiness, if you can give it, then just push the person in the right direction and fill the missing gaps in life.

What to pay attention to

There are no universal ways to please an attractive young lady. Be observant to determine what the girl is missing.


Meeting a girl's parents: how to prepare and behave at a meeting

Be gallant

Politeness became the mark of select young people. Opening the door, offering a hand and helping in a restaurant makes a young man stand out from the crowd, so gallantry is the way to effectively attract a woman. Study the basic manners in more detail, apply them even when your chosen one is not around. Rumors of unusual behavior will spread quickly and make a good impression.


Women living a family life get tired of everyday life. An unexpectedly appearing young man will help diversify it and add color. Do not rush to reveal your identity, since most girls like detective stories and mysteries. Bouquets on the desktop, messages from an unknown number and letters in the mailbox will attract attention, even if the age of the beauty you like is approaching Balzac’s age.

Humor and positivity

Positive thinking looks better than constant negativity, and over time comes the understanding that it is easier to live with this approach. Don't stop being creative and cheerful when the girl you like is around. Entertain her with stories from your life, funny monologues, retelling other people's jokes. Smile when communicating and try to be in a good mood most of the time.


Appearance for a girl and career for a man are indicators of assessment in working on oneself. Status is important during seduction, although not everyone admits it. Don't boast about your high position or salary. To achieve the desired effect, show:

  • expensive accessories;
  • high-quality clothes and shoes;
  • automobile;
  • own real estate.

Do it casually, do not focus attention on it, in order to create the feeling that this is common and does not cause surprise or pride.


It is difficult to seduce a married young lady without taste and neat appearance. Try to match the image:

  1. Maintain basic hygiene regarding your body, nails and hair. Daily showers, deodorant and cologne are a must, and manicures and haircuts should be done regularly.
  2. Clothes may not be perfectly ironed, but they are clean and free of holes or patches.
  3. Visit your dentist for a routine checkup and professional teeth cleaning.

These are the minimum requirements for successful seduction.

Techniques that should not be used

Psychology will tell you how to seduce unapproachable married women. However, there are rules that cannot be broken. The ban is fraught with the emergence of sincere sympathy on the part of the woman, which entails responsibility. No young person needs such problems. List of situations:

  1. The husband of the alleged mistress is an influential and famous man who can change the fate and destroy the career of his wife’s lover. Find out in advance who he is and give up the idea of ​​​​stealing a beautiful married girl.
  2. The girl got married no more than a year ago - this is a period of euphoria, especially if the marriage was desired, and the period of relationships outside marriage was short. It will not be possible to take such a married, attractive woman away from her husband, because the power of feelings is very strong. The young man will waste his energy in vain.
  3. When thinking about how to quickly win a beautiful, married and attractive woman, ask mutual friends about the status of her husband. If he drinks, loses money or uses drugs, refuse your chosen one. The purpose of the novel is easy and pleasant flirting, sex and peaceful separation. For an unhappy married woman, the appearance of a lover will make her want to start a new family. The connection that has arisen will be painful to break.

In other cases, relationships are possible and often mutually desired. Take the chance to diversify your life by gaining new experiences.

It is easier to seduce a married girl than a single girl. Married women are confident in themselves, able to understand a man, and do not strive to find benefits. With such a lover, the affair will be easy and enjoyable for both parties.

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