8 simple rules that will teach you to lie “beautifully” [Tips]

Telling the truth is not always profitable, so many people are ready to learn techniques that allow them to fool their interlocutor. Becoming a professional liar is not as easy as it seems. You will have to put in a lot of effort to master the art of deception.

When a person is mistaken, everyone can notice it; when he is lying, not everyone will notice. Goethe Johann

Use the truth

The hardest thing to identify is a lie that cannot be distinguished from the truth. By and large, you are telling the truth, but your opponent is sure of the opposite. This is a method of partially concealing any information.

In some cases, the direct attack method works. Ostensibly joking, you talk about what they are trying to convict you of. So, for example, when asked by your girlfriend where you were for so long after work, answer her that you were just in the bathhouse with her best friends. It has been found that the most convincing liars are those who can anticipate any questions.

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WikiReference: A white lie (delicate lie, a lie of “good taste”) is a lie that, in the opinion of the speaker, will provide significant relief to the listener, and if its falsity is revealed, will bring only slight inconvenience. White lies are usually told so as not to offend or upset anyone; for example, a not very attractive girl is told that she is “very good.”

Facial expressions

According to Vladislav Zigaev, if emotions can also be learned to control, then with microexpressions we are almost powerless. This is a momentary involuntary facial expression that people unconsciously show when hiding emotions. Microexpressions appear for a fairly short time and are made involuntarily, they are almost impossible to control.

“They often say about a lying person that “a shadow ran across his face.” This tension on the face lasts literally 1–2 seconds. The manifestation of instant tension in the facial muscles is an accurate indicator of insincerity. It is also worth paying attention to the appearance of an involuntary reaction on the skin and other parts of the interlocutor’s face. This takes into account a change in the color tone of the skin (the interlocutor will blush or turn pale), the pupils dilate, the lips tremble, and both eyes blink frequently,” says physiognomist Shamil Sharinsky.

Attack when you are caught in a lie

So, for years you have been deceiving a person. And suddenly he has in his hands irrefutable evidence of your lies. What to do in such situations? There's nothing much left to lose. All you need is to gain a little time in order to think through new tactics of behavior.

Go on the offensive. Let's say your girlfriend found correspondence on social networks with representatives of the opposite sex. Of course, she will demand an explanation.

Do not under any circumstances confess your sins. On the contrary, accuse her of not having the right to read your correspondence and that she doesn’t care about you at all. Try to turn the conversation in a different direction in order to deprive the interlocutor of peace of mind and confidence in his rightness.


Almost all famous people have used the ability to deceive and cunning in their lives.

Life experience is a matter of education, and common sense in dealing with people is based on manipulation and manipulation.

We live in civilized times, and the more highly developed the society, the greater the place deception occupies in it. There is also deception in the animal world. Animals disguise themselves, take on other images and are cunning. Their actions are connected with one goal - survival, since it is genetically embedded in them.

Modern man also wants to live not simply, but well, and for this he often has to lie. People have lied since ancient times. This is evidenced by the ancient Egyptian allegorical tale “Truth and Falsehood,” found on a papyrus scroll. Shakespeare's Hamlet, written in the 16th century, is full of characters who cheated. Many adventurers owe their success to deception. The principles used by great adventurers can be useful to almost anyone for a successful life!

So, how can you learn to deceive people? The first principle is to create a reputation as a simpleton. Become simpler, clearer, more naive, kinder. Having formed the image of an honest, down-to-earth, positive, truthful person, people will think that they are smarter and it will become easier to outwit them.

The next principle is concealment and non-disclosure of information. It is not at all necessary to lie, since you can only give out information that is beneficial for the person. You can present information selectively, focusing on advantageous facts. If the deception is discovered, you may not suffer as significantly as with direct deception.

The third principle is a parallel reality, namely the creation of the necessary “smoke screen”. It is necessary to create circumstances, a situation that proves words and honesty, while the “victim” should be distracted from the true reality. To do this, it is important to use more expressiveness when deceiving. This method is used by people on the verge of bankruptcy, misleading others, they waste money.

The fourth principle is manipulation. Here it is important to create conditions that will allow you to come to certain conclusions that are beneficial for your opponent or interlocutor. It’s as if this is not a deception; the person himself will draw such conclusions.

The fifth principle is open lying. It is not always necessary to hide lies under facts. You can openly tell a lie, for example, voice one thing, but do something completely different. This type of deception requires excellent memory and attentiveness.

The sixth principle is a distraction maneuver. When concealing deception, it is necessary to distract the interlocutor with another noticeable fact, for example, an interesting conversation, manipulation of hands.

The seventh principle is to hide deception under the guise of kindness and care.

The eighth principle is “throwing up thoughts.” Often a person believes the thoughts that independently arise in his head. There is no need to speak directly, you should use hints, influencing a person in a roundabout way. People willingly believe what they themselves have come up with.

The ninth principle is the use of human desires. If you give a person what he wants, promise to help solve his problems, then it will not be difficult to deceive. The principle that works here is that if a person helps, then, a priori, he cannot deceive and people are then easily led into deception.

The tenth principle is to select a “key” for each person. Play on the base sides of a person: ambition, self-interest, envy, jealousy, pleasure, greed, stupidity, lust.

The eleventh principle says: manipulate people without using force. Each of us uses others in some way for our own purposes.

Pinocchio experiment

This well-known illusion of deception clearly demonstrates how to deceive the human brain through the senses of touch. You will need two stools and a blindfold. The person closes his eyes and sits on one chair, and the second participant in the experiment sits in front of him. The one who has his eyes closed puts one hand on the second person’s nose, and the other on his own. Then he begins to stroke the tips of both noses with both hands. After some time, it may seem to someone who has their eyes closed that their nose has become a little longer (at least, more than 50% of participants in such an experiment claim this).

Trick the brain to heal it

There are still many ways to start losing weight. It is enough to remember what methods psychotherapists use to rid their patients of addictions. The ability to control the work of both hemispheres is a great value, which greatly simplifies life.

Virtual reality is one of the methods that is increasingly used in modern neurosurgery to cure serious diseases. The future has already arrived - it is quite possible that very soon incurable diseases will become an insignificant sore that can be easily gotten rid of.

Self confidence

Most often, a liar can be recognized by his lack of self-confidence. Internal complexes, fear, thoughts about the correctness of such an action - all this makes you nervous. As a result, non-verbal signs appear that will incriminate you: tremors of the limbs, a quiet voice, “shifty” eyes, discrepancies in facts, slurred speech, sweating and much more.

Whether it is the right thing to do or not is not important. If you decide to lie, then lie well.

How does the human brain work?

Its mass is approximately 2% of the total weight of the human body. This means that the adult brain weighs about 1.5-2 kg. The statement that the heavier the brain, the smarter a person is, is incorrect. It consists of 100 billion (!) different cells, most of which are neurons. They do not touch each other - they are separated by microscopic membranes (synapses).

The brain is divided into two hemispheres, each of which has its own purpose. Thus, it has been proven that the right side collects information coming from the environment through the organs of perception (vision, hearing, smell, touch, etc.). The left hemisphere, in turn. collects incoming information, analyzes it and reacts accordingly. So, for example, the right hemisphere sees just a cat. The left one understands that this is a neighbor’s pet, which definitely shouldn’t be driven away.

Consider the personality of the person you are lying to.

Always adapt to the victim. Feel what is going on in your interlocutor's head and adapt to his emotions. A different lie needs to be applied to each person.

If you are caught doing something, repeat until the last moment that “it didn’t happen” and “it just seemed to you.” Don't make excuses. On the contrary, make a surprised face.

The human psyche is designed in such a way that sooner or later he will believe it.

How is the brain deceived?

The science that studies various methods of deception is called psychoacoustics. It has already been proven that the human hearing organs do not perceive all sounds, but only their frequency, beginning and ending, and the strength of sound pressure. Everything else - the pitch of the voice, its timbre and volume - is the work of the brain. For this reason, a person does not hear many sounds, but perceives them.

Researchers at University College London have found another way to trick the brain. In the course of studying it, they were able to recreate a phenomenon called “out-of-body experience.” With its help, you can achieve a state when a person sees his body and directly himself from the outside. In real life, this is possible under severe stress, in a state of clinical death, under the influence of hard drugs or some disease. But English researchers did not go to extremes - they designed a unique helmet, on the inner surface of which they placed video displays. As soon as the subject puts on the helmet, images appear from cameras located behind the person's back. In this case, the brain was tricked with two sticks, one of which was stroked by the subject, and the other was moved in front of the cameras, creating the sensation of touching a phantom body. At the end of the experience, the person had a strong feeling that his location was where the phantom body was located.

How to trick the brain without resorting to the developments of London researchers?


If you want to learn how to lie plausibly, then you need to learn how to do it. Good impromptu without training is impossible.

That is why think in advance about what you will say and how you will behave. It will not be superfluous to take into account the psychological characteristics of your interlocutor so that the effect is maximum.

If you think through absolutely every detail, it will make you invulnerable.


This is probably the most important point in our lies. We receive most of the information through non-verbal channels, that is, speech. For example, Vladislav Zigaev gives statistics:

“Only 7% of information we receive from the words we hear, 38% we receive through intonation and 55% through gestures. That is, you can talk about anything, but if you don’t know how to control your intonation and body, then they will set you up. Gestures should not be mechanical, everything should be as natural as possible, that is, closed poses and lack of gestures should be avoided.”

What gives us away? Vladisla Zigaev explains:

“Remember the proverb “the thief’s cap is on fire?” On a subconscious level, it seems to us that everyone already knows our secret and we begin to get nervous and worried. It is this nervousness that gives us away. Moreover, while you are in this state, your thought processes slow down, your pulse quickens, your sweating increases, your gestures become too harsh, and your voice may tremble or “become” unnatural for you.”

Ilya Anishchenko identifies two main things that mark us out as liars. The first is facial expressions and microexpressions, and the second is the emotion of fear and stress, which affects behavior change. In this case, you need to carefully monitor changes in a person’s behavior at some specific moment. It is not important that a person sits in a closed position, it is important at what point in the conversation he sat in this position, what was the conversation about at that time. Or, conversely, at what moment it opened up. At what point did he scratch his nose, lick his lips, purse his lips, change his posture, change his intonation.

Yuna Makeeva recommends taking a responsible approach to thinking through the story. Your version of the truth should be close to reality, consistent, and consistent with your usual lifestyle. You should not fill the story with excessive detail, but it is important to think through possible questions and prepare for them in advance. A lie becomes obvious when the narrator gives evasive answers, pauses, answers a question with a question, or tries to evade direct clarifications. Avoid closed poses, unusual touches, and demonstrative movements. Analyze your gestures: when a person lies, he deliberately limits himself and often unusual constraint is a clear marker of a lie. Be an actor at this moment, but don’t overact. Practice your “role” in front of a mirror, and then record yourself on video to achieve the most natural behavior possible.

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