Rules for success in life and business: 12 secrets of successful people

Every person wants to become successful. The main problem is that success is a very loose concept. For some, this means achieving heights in their careers, for others it is enough to simply feel happy, for others they want to combine family and work, and for some it is enough to be a good family man. Therefore, it is very difficult to give an exact definition of success.

Everyone can achieve their heights. All it takes is some effort. Correct behavior will help form the rules of a successful person. They are suitable for any purpose. How should a successful person behave? What ways to attract what you want should you pay attention to first? Different peoples give different advice on this matter. It is worth considering the most popular of them, as well as compiling several reminders that will always help you achieve what you want by adhering to certain behavior.


The first rule you can have is to work a little on your environment. What does it mean? It is required to communicate with people from the circle to which the citizen aspires.

That is, if you want to be rich, you need to be friends and constantly be in the company of wealthy people. A good family man will associate with those who have also achieved success at home.

This is a kind of psychological technique that allows you to achieve success on a subconscious level and tune in to a specific goal. It’s worth noting: it’s not for nothing that successful people don’t communicate with simpletons. It kind of pulls them down. Therefore, you will have to reconsider your social circle. There is no need to cross out old friends. But if they do not correspond to the circle in which the main communication will take place after achieving the goal, it is necessary to minimize communication with such people.

Secrets of Coco Chanel

Don't be afraid of change

When the future fashion designer got tired of sewing ruffles on other people's dresses, she went to sing in a restaurant. Although previously she performed only in the church choir. “If you dream of having something you’ve never had, you’ll have to do something you’ve never had to do before,” she later said.

Be observant

Gabrielle noticed how women suffered from corsets and offered them loose-fitting models. She saw that uncomfortable fluffy outfits prevented ladies from riding horses, having active recreation, or driving a car, and she came up with a trouser suit. After looking at the theater audience in colorful clothes, Coco's imagination drew a black cocktail dress.

Do what you do best

The first orders to the fashion designer began to come from clients who liked the hat she made with her own hands. Soon Chanel opened a hat shop.

Maintain your individuality

Once a mature designer was reproached for conservatism. “People can’t innovate forever,” Coco replied, “I want to create classics.” Blouses, skirts, jackets, invented by Gabriel at the beginning of the 20th century, are still popular today.

Do everything in good faith

Coco managed sewing workshops, boutiques, and a fashion house. She demanded impeccability in her work from her employees. No marriage! Lazy and incompetent people quit immediately. Chanel clothing has always been of excellent quality. When asked about the high cost, Gabrielle answered: “To be taken seriously.”

Don't put things off

What's next? The rules of life for a successful person are varied. The next piece of advice given to people is to never procrastinate. That is, always do today what was planned. And even a little more.

There is an expression: “Do today what you can do later, tomorrow you will live as others cannot live.” In general, the habit of putting things off and not sticking to a specific plan is not at all a trait of a successful person. Quite the contrary. The rules for success of successful people are, first of all, good psychological attitudes that allow you to always move forward, achieve goals and set new ones.

Distinctive features

A person’s success is determined not only by the amount of money earned and the presence of valuable property; his achievements, worldview and lifestyle are also taken into account. He always strives for development and does not set limits for himself. Having achieved his goal, he immediately sets himself a new task and carefully thinks through ways to solve it.

If you are careful, you can easily determine which of the passers-by on the street is a successful person. Such a person is always given away by his appearance and behavior:

  • neat well-groomed appearance;
  • stylish and harmoniously selected outfit;
  • easy, confident gait;
  • relaxed facial expression.

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As a rule, prosperous people are not in a hurry, because they have everything under control. They know how to plan their time in such a way as to be able to cope with a large amount of work in a calm manner, without unnecessary fuss and panic.

A successful person is optimistic and friendly, often in a good mood and charges others with positivity. He is open to communication and is always ready to provide all possible assistance to anyone who asks for it. Tries not to participate in conflicts and intrigues, because it's a waste of time and energy. Such a person takes life seriously and responsibly, tries to make the most of his capabilities and does not miss the chance for self-realization.

No excuses

It is worth paying attention to the fact that successful people do not make excuses. Never before anyone. They a priori remain confident, analyze all their mistakes so as not to make them again in the future.

That is why the rules of life for a successful person in most cases indicate that a citizen must get rid of the habit of making excuses. Do not apologize, but rather look for excuses and express them to others. This will not be easy to do, but this is the only way to ultimately achieve certain heights.

Some point out that making excuses in front of people shows a person's insecurity and even vulnerability. Not the best trait of a successful citizen. If someone respects the culprit of a particular event and loves him, then a justification for the actions will be found on its own. And for those who treat a person with disrespect and some kind of disgust, it is useless to prove anything. A long-known fact that everyone will have to remember.

The power of simplicity: 3 rules by which successful people live

Success is confusing. The advice you receive from people trying to help is often contradictory and seems unrealistic.

Your own path is confusing. Sometimes it is difficult to understand what effect your actions are having.

A failure one day often looks like a success the next. What used to work no longer works—and the changes required to fully appreciate it are often the most daunting part of the path to success.

This brute human factor, moving along the winding path of success, often destroys you, serves as an obstacle that you cannot get around.

That's because your struggle—and the conversation about success in general—is missing simplicity. You need to do less. Less managing, controlling and obsessing over something. In a cornucopia of rules about success, there are a few simple beliefs that you can stick to. The principles, rules and laws that govern your daily existence.

They will change as your goals, skills and expectations change. It’s not for me to tell you what your rules should be.

I've been studying different rules for years. Tried some, rejected some. I read about rules that were successful for other people, sometimes I even met these people and interviewed them. I tried to figure out which approaches work. I built relationships with those with whom I have a lot in common.

And here are three simple rules by which successful people live.

Be honest

It's complicated. Sometimes it's very difficult. You will feel it before, during and after you try to apply this rule.

Most often when someone talks about "honesty" the word used in the discussion is "liar", but honesty is a much more complex concept.

This is about sincerity, kindness, and the belief that you can help others become better people by encouraging them with your clear, eloquent knowledge.

Before this happens, you will have to experience the discomfort that comes with trying to be honest with yourself.

It is impossible to be completely frank with others without doing the same with yourself.

  • When was the last time you took a few minutes to clarify your motives and intentions?
  • When was the last time you had an honest conversation with yourself about your results, efforts and attitude?

It's easy to look around and blame all your problems on other people and their bad behavior. Or bad luck. Pretend that none of the reasons for your situation have anything to do with you.

But that's not fair. Not a bit.

Nothing in life is accidental. Your results, your struggles, your income - they all happen for a reason.

Be honest with you. It's an emotional investment you'll never regret.

When it comes to being honest with others, you already know it's right. But somehow—and when it matters most—you don't. You are silent. Speak ambiguously. You pause. And it confuses you.

You are not honest. And it's not because you're a cold-blooded manipulator. Or a scammer. Or a liar.

This is most likely because being honest is hard work. Requiring huge emotional investments.

When you are honest with others, you have to worry about them. And strongly.

It's easy to tell others what they want to hear. It won't hurt their feelings, and you won't have to waste energy having a difficult conversation telling them they can do better if they're willing to put in the time and effort to improve.

This is why honesty is such an important rule.

The fact that it is difficult to follow already puts you in the elite category. And if you do this constantly, you will become a superstar.

By the way, being honest with others does not mean being a freak. Kindness is not just sincerity. In fact, sincerity is kindness. You don't have to be harsh, unpleasant, or insulting to give honest and encouraging feedback.

You do this primarily because you want to help people. So do it.

To start, you may need to frame your idea with a short question or two: “Do you want my feedback?” or “Can I be honest with you?”

If you are given permission, you must be honest. And remember, you need that same candor in return—especially when you desperately need to grow.

Ask questions

You see the world from your own perspective, which is fine as long as you don't expect others to do the same. But they won't.

You see what you see based on years of your own life experiences and struggles. And this is different for each of us.

The only way to find out what others think is to ask them about it. To ask questions. Probe the soil. To get to the bottom of the reason behind the explanations.

Asking questions will help you grow your business faster. It's a skill that helps you build relationships and avoid unnecessary conflict - and resolve almost any unpleasant situation that involves other people.

The simplest question is “why”. It is rude in some ways and is often taken as an insult if said in the wrong tone, but it is at the heart of all questions.

Why does this matter? Why are you doing this? Why do you think so?

But beyond “why,” there are many other important questions that will give you the answers you need.

Questions that will help you level up in business and relationships—and delve deeper into your psyche. With the hope that your mind will become clearer.

  • Would it embarrass me if other people knew I was making this decision?
  • What advice would I give if someone else were in my shoes?
  • Is this a justifiable move, or am I trying to cut corners?
  • How will I feel looking back on this decision?
  • What else have I not considered that could help me make a better decision?
  • Am I making this decision out of fear?
  • Will I be able to cope with the consequences of such a decision?

Ask yourself the hard questions. Make your intentions clear, even if it's not something you want to share with anyone.

Then practice the art of asking questions.

Most conversations would be more productive if they started with a question.

Try. You will feel uncomfortable at first. But if you intentionally stick to this rule, you will find that you spend less time on hurt feelings and misunderstood intentions.

Do what matters

It seems clear that effective people do what matters.

However, not all so simple. Effective and successful people do not start doing something important after they become effective and successful - on the contrary, this is what makes them successful and effective.

Doing what matters is the rule of the game. Road map.

It's really simple. You don't have much time every day.

You will spend half the day working or commuting to work. Another 8 hours - in sleep, preparing for it or waking up.

When you factor in eating, reading, working out, and having fun, you probably only have a few hours left (if any) that are entirely yours.

How you use your time ultimately determines your destiny.

Doing important things is a shortcut to moving forward consistently and reliably.

The faster you pay attention to the important things, the faster you will overcome obstacles and the less discouraged you will be by failure.

But it's not always easy to see what exactly matters.

Priorities change. Just like your surroundings. And the world around you is constantly changing. It's all coming at you at a searing pace that's confusing and overwhelming.

The only way out is to stop and live in silence. Let it be temporary.

This silence is your compass to greatness. Pointing out what really matters.

But sometimes even this doesn't work. You can't find silence because of the chaos and noise in your head.

And so you need to resort to techniques that clearly move you towards progress, regardless of goals or obstacles along the way.

Here are some of them:

  • Take time to improve your “mind game.” Everything you have ever done—or not done—is a direct result of your thinking and what you allow yourself to think. Identify what thoughts make you take action. By the way, meditation is a great exercise to help you understand all this. Try using Calm, Headspace or Omvana if you want to master this skill.
  • Find time to exercise. Set aside specific times when you work your ass off. Run. Box. Ride a bike. Just walk quickly. You will find yourself thinking of ideas that you would not have considered before. You will achieve focus. You will be freed from the frustration and pettiness that could cause those around you to suffer.
  • Stop wasting time on regrets or worries. It's easy to lose control when you think about what you could have done or should have done. Replace those negative thoughts with concrete plans to achieve what you want. The same applies to awareness of thoughts. When you notice negative thoughts, you stop and switch to thoughts that help you get closer to your goal.
  • Reduce the time you spend on entertainment. It's amazing how distracting a Netflix session can be. Your brain turns to mush when you download a new episode instead of working on important tasks. Sometimes you need to take a break and recharge. But this shouldn't take up most of your time.
  • Get more sleep. Most people require 6-8 hours of sleep each night to function at optimal performance. Your brain is rebooting. The immune system is recharged. The body becomes more elastic. The more sleep you get, the more likely you are to stay strong and healthy—and sane. When you do more, you need more sleep. Don't overdo your sleep and don't think you can cheat time by not getting enough sleep. This is guaranteed to backfire on you.
  • Pay attention to details. Finishing a task does not mean doing it well. Don't just check things off your list. Make sure you do everything you can. Take some time to think about what you can do better next time. Immerse yourself in the success you want for yourself. Find out what other people are doing who have achieved what you want to achieve. Don't stop learning and growing.
  • Avoid everything and everyone who unsettles you. No matter why, when or who, negativity, fear, worry and confusion will crush your ability to achieve your goal. So avoid this. Don't try to curb it. Or endure it. Just move as far away as possible. Perhaps not forever, but now everything negative should be left behind.

Make no mistake, three simple rules will not fix everything. This is not a perfect formula for overcoming any obstacle that stands in your way.

But they give you a foundation to build on. A platform to start.

And when life is hard and dreams are big, sometimes it's important to know that you have a few simple rules to help you on your path to success.


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Work comes first

The rules of a successful person necessarily include such an item as hard work. It should not be confused with procrastination. This is a completely different nuance.

The thing is that to achieve success in a particular area you will have to work hard. Moreover, it does not have to be official employment from which money is earned. It's about work in general. For example, above yourself. Or your desires. It all depends on what goal you want to achieve.

As they say, “Time for business is time for fun.” Successful people are constantly busy with something, they are always working. Hard work will be rewarded in the end. And this should be remembered. If a person does not devote enough time to this feature, there is no hope of success in any field.

Be patient and persistent

Success doesn't come immediately. When you see the results that other people have achieved, it will help to make it seem very simple, but what you see is the tip of the iceberg. Any success is the result of many years of work on yourself and your projects.

You must pursue your goal to the end and never stop halfway, otherwise you will not achieve success. You need to learn to think long-term. Learn to delay pleasure for later gain. Exactly the benefits you dream of.

Rest is also good

Nevertheless, this does not mean at all that a person should turn into a draft horse and see nothing except work (including on himself). The rules of successful people in the world indicate that rest is also required.

Stress, tension and constant work give rise to the accumulation of negative emotions and fatigue. Some people may experience depression due to lack of rest. All this, of course, will prevent you from moving towards your goal. Most likely, it will make achieving it impossible.

That is why it is important to learn to relax and not accumulate negativity in yourself. The main thing is that rest is regular. And if everything that was planned for today is done in full, then it’s a sin not to relax. Sometimes, having a good rest, a person can do more than usual. By the way, if you rest and work every day at the same time, then a person’s activity will automatically increase when necessary. And decrease during rest periods. This is a great guarantee of success.

Do it until you achieve results

And under no circumstances give up if something doesn’t work out. You can achieve absolutely anything, because a person’s capabilities are limited only by his imagination and ability to overcome himself. You need to get over yourself and your fear of mistakes. Try, try and try again until you reach your goal. As Thomas Edison said, “I have never failed. I just found 10,000 ways that don't work."

Don't be jealous

The basic rules of a successful person indicate that you should not look with envy at the achievements of other people. Envy is bad. This means attracting negativity to yourself. Accordingly, it will only worsen a person’s situation. You will have to remember this.

If someone has achieved great heights, most likely, this person showed more perseverance and determination. There is room for improvement! Instead of dependence, you should learn to understand that more successful people set examples to follow.

Be around successful people

If a person considers himself successful, it means he is happy. Successful people pass on their attitude to other people and look for equally successful people to surround themselves with. And those who believe that life has treated them unfairly will only “infect” you with their pessimism.

Only successful people will be able to share your aspirations and push you to achieve results. You should immediately abandon the environment that does not allow you to develop and move forward. And find one that will help you reach your goal.

The price of time

But the basic tips don’t end there. The rules of rich and successful people say that everyone should value their time. It’s just that it can’t be stopped or brought back.

It is recommended to plan your day and schedule it hourly. Next, stick to a specific schedule. And of course, do not get distracted and do not deviate from the planned plan. Did you manage to get everything done faster than you wanted? Great! You can either exceed the norm or relax.

Some people say: “Time is money.” If you want to become rich, then so be it. After all, for the wasted time, you could have done something that would bear fruit in the future.

Habits of a successful person

“I have been working in a large company for 5 years as a mid-level manager. I had to go a long way to climb the career ladder and start earning decent money.

But lately I’ve been thinking that this position is not for me. Any task that my manager gives me takes a lot of energy. I don't have enough time for anything. I can sit in the office until late at night and still not accomplish at least half of what I planned. I am always late for business meetings, which, of course, does not suit my business partners, and the company loses profit. I'm constantly stressed because I don't sleep enough. Even at home I can’t relax, I’m constantly on the Internet and on the phone. During my work I have already gained 10 kg, because I don’t have time to eat normally - I’m constantly on the run.

It would probably be easier to quit and find something more peaceful. But what if the same problems remain in the new position and there is no promotion?”

— Anatoly, 35 years old

According to psychologists, the key to success is a harmonious ratio of the amount of energy spent on achieving a goal to the importance of the task itself. It is quite problematic to find the ideal balance that would allow you to achieve heights and enjoy life. Successful people sooner or later find this very harmony. The lifestyle they get used to leading helps.

D. Niven, author of the book “One Hundred Simple Secrets of Successful People,” identifies a number of important rules for the daily routine of a successful person. [4]

  1. Early rise and morning rituals

Successful people wake up early to get everything done. They consider it an unaffordable luxury to waste precious minutes on a long “buildup”. It's time to get up and get down to business!

Try to wake up so that you have time to plan things before the “work madness” begins, when important tasks begin to accumulate like a snowball. Then you will definitely have enough time for everything that was noted in the diary.

The morning of a successful person is not looking at the news feed on a social network. There are many things ahead that require determination and self-confidence. And for this, a positive attitude is extremely important, which would give a sense of control over the situation, firmness and good spirits. Authors of books on time management advise creating a morning ritual - an action that energizes and gives strength. For some, it's a cup of coffee and a cool shower. Some people need energetic exercise. Others cannot do without 10 minutes of silence to get involved in active work.

  1. Important work tasks come first

What do many people do when they sit down at their office desk? They become immersed in dozens of unread emails and light conversations with colleagues for a long time, leaving the really important work at the end of the day. This is a fatal mistake.

Research shows that the first 2.5-4 hours after waking up is the peak period of brain function and the time when a person is most disciplined. It is an unforgivable mistake to waste your morning on meaningless activities. It is better to devote it to important work tasks. Successful people do just that.

  1. Taking a break from work when tiredness sets in

A successful person knows the value of proper rest. It is useless to do any important things when tired. It is important to take a break in order to gain strength for new achievements - have a light snack, take a walk in the fresh air, etc. This “reboot” will help you work more productively.

  1. Meetings, calls and meetings - afternoon

In the afternoon, productivity decreases slightly. It is better to devote this time to routine matters - work calls, meetings and appointments.

  1. Evening - for relaxation

A successful person spends a lot of time solving business problems. But evening for them is the period when they can relax and unwind. With proper time management, by 18.00 all tasks have been successfully completed, all that remains is to make a schedule for tomorrow. Are you constantly running out of time and have to work until late at night? It’s worth reconsidering your daily routine - perhaps you have taken on overwhelming tasks or are wasting precious time on trifles.

An evening for a successful person is time that can be devoted to family or a favorite hobby. He prefers active rest to passive rest. A successful person relieves accumulated stress in the gym, reading or listening to pleasant music.

  1. Full sleep

Getting a good night's sleep is the key to a productive day, which in turn gives you the greatest chance of success. If you constantly live in a frantic rhythm with sleep for 4-5 hours a day, you will not have enough energy even to complete the simplest tasks.


But these are not all the rules of a successful person. The thing is that psychologists and ordinary people put forward a lot of theories according to which behavior in one direction or another will help to reach certain heights.

Great attention is paid not to work, but to self-development. That is, self-improvement. Any successful person is someone who is constantly developing and does not stand still.

This does not mean that you need to constantly study at universities, take courses or sit through various lectures. Not at all. There is an expression “Live forever, learn to live.” This is the rule that must be followed in order to achieve some success.

In general, man is an imperfect being. This means he always has something to strive for. And we need to remember this. Self-development and self-improvement are the traits of all successful and rich people. Without them, a person, one might say, becomes stupid and stops developing. This prevents you from getting what you want.

Thorough Analysis

The principle of “measure twice, cut once” should be one of the most important. It is necessary to wean yourself from hasty conclusions and hasty conclusions, otherwise you will begin to make mistakes. The brain is a muscle like any other. Train yourself, teach yourself to think and weigh, analyze everything that happens to you (but don’t get carried away with soul-searching, this is a completely different and risky story). And here a paradox arises: on the one hand, you need to make the right impression on others, on the other hand, you cannot work too hard for the public. And no matter how much you would like to immediately come up with a spectacular solution, don’t do it. Say that you need time, focus and, as they say, turn on your brain.

There is no limit to perfection

7 rules of successful people (and even more) have already been given. But it is worth noting another rather important point. Successful and rich people do not strive to be perfect; they do not do their work flawlessly. Such individuals simply do what is required.

There is no such thing as a perfectly executed job. After all, as has already been said, man is an imperfect being. This means that a priori he will not be able to perform his work flawlessly. Why? Because you can always say: “I can do better.”

If a person thinks that he has done the job perfectly, then his expectations may not be met. This is a serious blow to a citizen’s self-esteem and desire to perform certain tasks flawlessly. Therefore, you should not do your job perfectly. This way there will be fewer disappointments and broken expectations.

Don't look for someone to blame, be responsible for what you do

Personal responsibility is a quality of a true leader. After all, by assigning only yourself as right or wrong, you show that you are in complete control of your life, that it is only yours and no one else’s. Any decision is a risk, which means it is important to understand the consequences. “The leader does not blame anyone. As soon as you start blaming the country, the authorities, your partner – everything – for your failures, you are not a leader. If you have a complete collapse in your life - at work, in your personal life, with your children, then in this most difficult situation the leader says: that means something is wrong in me,” said Irina Khakamada. And she's absolutely right.


Any rules of a successful person necessarily indicate how to relate to your failures. No one is safe from them. This is usually quite normal. In any business there are periods of ups and downs. Usually the attitude towards the former is excellent. After all, success is always good.

How to deal with failures? It is noted that failures are also prospects. They teach a person not to make mistakes in the future. As they say, you learn from mistakes. Therefore, failures and failures are also quite good prospects for further development. Successful people view them as life lessons for the future, without attaching destructive meaning to them.

Be the master of your life

As we said in the previous rule, no one will make you successful except yourself. Don't let others make decisions for you. Forget about the patterns imposed on you by the public. You can change yourself and the world if you learn to think outside the box. People are drawn to everything new and unusual.

Take life into your own hands if you want to become successful. There is no other way. “If you don't build your dream, someone will definitely hire you to build theirs.” Unknown author.

Cheat Sheet for Success

What are the 10 rules of a successful person that help many achieve what they want? All of the above can be written down in the form of a small reminder. It will serve as a good assistant in achieving one or another goal.

The memo may look like this:

  1. Work, work and work again. Hard work is rewarded.
  2. Rest is as important as hard work.
  3. Envy is the key to failure.
  4. Time is money. There is no need to waste it.
  5. Planning is the key to successfully completing things.
  6. Calm helps you move towards your goal.
  7. You need to learn to forgive. And don’t offend your loved ones.
  8. Learn to say “no” to excuses.
  9. Surround yourself with successful people.
  10. Show persistence and perseverance.


This applies to everything - both your work and your free time. Even for “I’ll lie down for an hour and be idle,” set aside exactly an hour, no more. By the way, it is also important to learn to relax here and now if you decide that it’s time to relax. Do you have 30 minutes of relaxation? Wonderful. Forget about everything, turn off your head and gain strength and positive vibrations. This is your free time, don’t rush to rest too hard, since it will end soon - seize the joy of the moment.

Rule of success No. 5. Everything you need to succeed is already within you.

Thoughts shape our reality. We may think that we are missing something, fixate on need, and live in misery. Or we can focus on what we already have for happiness and success.

Lack of need creates abundance. When you approach life from a place of abundance, you begin to attract new opportunities. By stopping looking outside for the source of happiness, you will find it within yourself and thereby attract even more happiness into your life.

By taking this approach and understanding the essence of abundance, you will no longer become attached to things or events. After all, nothing that comes to us from the outside is the true key to happiness.

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True happiness lies within the person himself. This is a bright state of soul and mind.

Probably now you have a question: “What is the connection between the lack of attachment to material things and how to become successful?” After all, success, as we know, is measured by material values: the number of zeros in a bank account, the size of a house, the make of a car and clothing brands. This is why people strive for success...

But this is precisely where the main mistake lies. You need to strive not for material things, but for happiness. After all, the main criterion of real success is precisely happiness.

What’s most amazing is that this important element of success is already inside each of us. Just start fixing your attention on it, and your happiness will multiply at incredible speed.

Rule of success No. 2. Nothing is impossible for you!

The person you are destined to become is only the person you choose to become.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, poet and philosopher

A mindset called “Impossible” is firmly ingrained in the minds of many of us. Upbringing, folk “wisdom”, personal experience... It doesn’t matter where this belief came from, the important thing is that it prevents us from living happily.

How many dashed hopes are associated with the word “impossible”?

  • “I want to become a singer, but it’s impossible to get on stage!”;
  • “I dream of moving to Greece, but now it’s impossible: loans, work, elderly parents”;
  • “I want to open my own business, but in our country it is impossible to conduct business honestly.”

And also:

  • “Too difficult and long”;
  • “I’m not that age anymore”;
  • “I can’t handle this”

Dozens of these attitudes force you to settle for a mediocre life, a mediocre job, a mediocre relationship, a mediocre home, and so on.


You just have to believe that you can - and you are already halfway to your goal.

Theodore Roosevelt

Believe me, there is nothing that you cannot do or achieve! If there is at least one person in the history of the world who could do something, then you can do it too.

Of course, no one says it will be easy! But this means that everything is possible and achievable! You just need to realize and accept the idea that your dream is possible.

Many famous personalities give advice and teach how to become successful. Yes, their stories are unique and special. But, nevertheless, most of them agree that nothing is impossible in this world. And as soon as you start making a plan to achieve your dreams, the unreal turns into achievable.

Therefore, feel free to set goals and make plans to achieve them.

On topic: Strategy “How to set goals” that will allow you to always get what you want

Write down step by step what you need to do to live the life of your dreams, and take action!

Ability to ask for help

The word “ask” sounds defeatist only at first glance. In fact, asking others to help is a normal human practice. By avoiding it, you, firstly, surrender to the mercy of the complex (acknowledging the need for help is an admission of weakness, your negative self whispers), and secondly, you embark on the slippery path of total control. Nobody argues, control is cool, you can’t live without it, but everything is good in moderation. Learn to delegate. Get involved with other people, this is natural for living in society. Be social. Reaching out to others will allow you to understand people and will lead to the formation of a team of those you are willing to trust.

If you see that your goal is currently unattainable, just find one close to it and take it

Don't blindly chase after your big goal, just look in its direction and gradually move your feet in its direction! She will submit to you, very soon. Go to her!

Did you notice? The rules for achieving success are very accessible and understandable. You are not required to go to the moon or save the world. Just achieve your goal and be a happy person. Every day. 11 habits to help you. Now, think and write down - what goal should you achieve at all costs? Take action!

© Denis, BBF.RU

No comparisons with others

Everyone has their own life and their own path. You have your own, unique one. So what if someone achieved more at your age? This is clearly not a reason to give up or be angry with yourself. At best, this is a reason for additional self-motivation. In general, it is useful to learn how to manage irritation. In 1992, Neil Tennant, frontman of the great pop group Pet Shop Boys, published an essay in Select magazine, “On the Power of Negative Thinking.” Here's a quote. “I became a pop star because I hated football at school. Becoming a pop star is my revenge for my lack of athleticism. Because they laughed at me. I'm talking about negative energy. It can move a person, disliking something becomes an inspiration, makes you think: “I believe in what I do, and I don’t care what others say.” Guided by dislike for the common, you save yourself from the need to march in line.” Do you see what Neil meant?

Fighting procrastination

No one has canceled procrastination, but you need to work on eliminating it. How? This is a completely different story. Let's just say that within your working time you can allocate minutes for it, for procrastination. But only strictly on an alarm clock. Five minutes on social networks, three minutes for this article... No, three minutes is not enough for this article. Copy the link and throw it somewhere to read in the evening.


Figure out what you really want and move towards it, regardless of the difficulties, prejudices, doubts and attitudes of others. Going with the flow is also a strategy, but there is a high chance that you will either wash up on the wrong bank or simply go to the bottom. At the end of the day, you can just make money without “justifying” it in any way - if you just like making money. Well, why not? If all you care about in life is toy story or adjectives in Chinese (I’m not sure if they exist there, to be honest) - go for it. The main thing is to devote yourself completely to the task and become, for example, the best at it.

Be rational in allocating your time

Seriously! Stop wasting your precious hours on trifles. Get out of all kinds of social networks and stop wandering aimlessly around the Internet. It’s better to take this time to achieve your goal - the result will please you much more than another like or repost.

Plan your time in advance and focus on the task at hand. If suddenly, quite by accident, you have free time, spend it on your education. See what's new in your professional market. Are you determined to succeed? Don't waste your time.

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