12 words to describe love that are not in Russian

Examples of love phrases

Catchphrases about love may have different connotations depending on the situation. It all depends on what kind of relationship the partners are in and how long their union lasts. The most popular love phrases suitable for different situations can be seen below.


Beautiful words about love are ideal for romantic dates alone:

  1. “Darkness can hide trees and flowers from view, but it cannot hide love from the soul” (Gibran Khalil Gibran, Lebanese philosopher).
  2. “God created women beautiful so that men could love them, and stupid so that they could love men” (Faina Ranevskaya, Soviet actress).
  3. “Love is an axiom that must be constantly proven” (from the film “That Same Munchausen”).

Smart with meaning

Clever phrases about love with deep meaning will forever be remembered by your loved one if you use them in the right context:

  1. “You pay for love in installments and mostly, alas, when the love is already over” (Coco Chanel, French fashion designer).
  2. “To love means to look not at each other, but together, in the same direction” (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, French writer).
  3. “The worst thing is when those who should have become the future become the past” (Javier Marias, Spanish journalist).

Short catchphrases

Many brilliant people of the past gave the world short catchphrases about love with meaning that are still relevant today:

  1. “I would sooner forget myself than you!” (Emily Bronte, English poet).
  2. “It’s easier to live without love. But without it there is no meaning” (Oscar Wilde, English writer).
  3. “A simple “I love you” means more than money” (Frank Sinatra, American actor and singer).
  4. “Marriage is formed from love, like vinegar from wine” (Sigmund Freud, Austrian psychologist).

Sad options

In case of separation or emotional distress after a small quarrel, it’s time to say a few wise, sad phrases about love and relationships.

  1. “He who has loved bears scars” (Alfred de Musset, French playwright).
  2. “Tears are sacred. They are not a sign of weakness, but of strength. They are messengers of enormous grief and inexpressible love" (Irving Washington, American novelist).
  3. “Love is a tender plant and does not live long if it is watered with tears” (James Cooper, American satirist).


A partner who wants to show off his wit can tell his other half several serious, but cool phrases about love:

  1. “In love, as in nature, the first cold is most sensitive” (Pierre Baust, French writer and journalist).
  2. “The only thing that excites more than love is money” (Benjamin Disraeli, 42nd Prime Minister of Great Britain).
  3. “He who is poor in love is stingy even with his politeness” (Friedrich Nietzsche, German philosopher).
  4. “Love is not tarnished by friendship. The end is the end" (Erich Maria Remarque, German writer).


The first manifestations of love are always filled with romance and tenderness towards the partner, and the words expressing feelings must be appropriate:

  1. “The heart wants what it wants” (Woody Allen, American actor).
  2. “Everything that I understand in life, I understand only because I love” (Leo Tolstoy, Russian writer).
  3. “Love is the only thing in nature where even the power of imagination does not find the bottom and does not see the limit” (Johann Friedrich Schiller, German poet).


Beautiful love rarely proceeds without jokes and humor, and everyone tries to express their feelings with the most memorable funny phrases about love.

  1. “Love conquers everything except poverty and toothache” (Mae West, American actress).
  2. “Love is what makes a man think about a woman with almost the same tenderness with which he thinks about himself” (Zhanna Golonogova, Russian couturier).
  3. “It’s a risky thing, this love at first sight, when she has not yet seen his checkbook, and he has not yet seen her in curlers” (O. Henry, American writer).

Each of the geniuses of science, philosophy, literature and cinema experienced the feeling of falling in love. But their difference from ordinary people is that they always analyzed their victories and failures.

There are many more short phrases about love than listed above, and people who love each other can endlessly study the thoughts of great people, trying them on in their own lives.

How writers and poets declared their love

February 14 is Valentine's Day, which means it's time for unexpected confessions. Agree, finding the right words can sometimes be quite difficult. We decided to make the task easier for all lovers and collected the most beautiful declarations of love from famous writers in one article.

Honore de Balzac to Countess Evelina Ganskaya

“Today I can only say that I love you too much to remain calm. After August and September, I feel that I can only live next to you, your absence is death for me...”

Charlotte Brontë to Constantin Eger

“Day after day I wait for a letter, and day after day, disappointed hopes return me to unbearable suffering, when the sweet delight from contemplating your handwriting and reading your advice eludes me like an empty vision - then I feel feverish - I can’t eat , I can’t sleep - I’m wasting away.”

Ernest Hemingway - Marlene Dietrich

“I can’t put into words how every time I hugged you, I felt like I was home.”

Victor Hugo - Adele Foucher

“A few words from you, my beloved Adele, changed my mood again. Yes, you can do whatever you want with me. And tomorrow I will certainly die if the magical sound of your voice and the tender touch of your adored lips do not breathe life into me.”

George Sand to Alfred de Musset

“Oh, that the Lord would preserve you, my dear child! I need this, just like your friendship. Without one or the other I cannot hope to live a single happy day.”

Edith Wharton to W. Morton Fullerton

“As soon as you enter the room, it’s like I’m engulfed in flames, your touch makes my heart beat, in your arms I’m speechless, because all my words turn into a convulsive pulsation, and my thoughts turn into a golden glow.”

John Keats - Fanny Brown

“Even without thinking about you, I feel your presence, and a wave of tenderness covers me. All my thoughts, all my joyless days and sleepless nights did not cure me of my love for Beauty. On the contrary, this love has become so strong that I am in despair because you are not around, and am forced in sad patience to overcome an existence that cannot be called Life.”

Marina Tsvetaeva to Konstantin Radzevich

“...I love your eyes... I love your hands, thin and slightly cold in your hand. The suddenness of your excitement, the unpredictability of your smile. Oh, how deeply truthful you are! How simple are you, with all your sophistication? A player teaching me about humanity. Oh, you and I, perhaps we were both not human before we met! I told you: there is a Soul, you told me: there is a Life.”

Gustave Flaubert to Louise Colet

“You speak very tender words to me, dear Muse. Eh bien, receive in return such tender words that you cannot even imagine. Your love permeates me like warm rain, I feel washed by it to the very depths of my heart.”

Alexander Pushkin - Natalia Goncharova

“The more I think, the more convinced I am that my existence cannot be separated from yours: I was created to love you and follow you; all my other concerns are nothing but delusion and madness. Far from you, I am haunted by regrets about the happiness that I did not have time to enjoy.”

Katherine Mansfield to John Middleton Murray

“Jack, I can’t hide how I feel today. I woke up with you in my chest and on my lips. Jack, I love you terribly today. The whole world has disappeared. There is only you. I walk, dress, eat, write, but all this time I breathe you.”

Illustrations: Belgian artist Willem Heijenraets

Examples in foreign languages ​​with translation

Despite the fact that the Russian language is rich in unique idioms, many foreigners cannot always understand them. But in the most popular languages ​​of the world you can also find many interesting and beautiful phrases about love with meaning.

In Latin

Many phrases about love in Latin, once spoken by scientific or literary geniuses, are repeatedly used in everyday speech:

  1. "Credula res amor est" - "Love tends to gullibility"
  2. “Felix, qui quod amat, defendere fortiter audit” - “Happy is he who boldly takes under his protection what he loves”

In English

The English language also has a rich history, and many established expressions will bring a lot of pleasant emotions to your loved one. Beautiful options about love in English with translation:

  1. “The best thing in our life is love” - “The best thing in our life is love”
  2. “The course of true love never did run smooth” - “There are no smooth roads to true love” (W. Shakespeare, “A Midsummer Night's Dream”).

In French

Phrases about love in French have long spread around the world, both in the original reading and in translation. Here are some examples:

  1. “De l'amour à la haine il n'y a qu'un pas” - “From love to hate there is only one step.”
  2. “L'amour qui ne ravage pas n'est pas l'amour” - “Love that does not empty is not love.”

Each nation has its own culture, but the meaning of the phrase about love cannot be distorted, since the expression of the feelings of all people on earth in our time is identical.

Beautiful texts of confessions in your own words to your loved one


My dear, beloved, you are the only one in the whole world for me. You know, from the very beginning you turned out to be so close and dear, you gave me amazing feelings, and allowed me to remember myself. I want to spend time with you all the time, I miss it when we are not together. It’s even nice to miss you, because I know that we will meet anyway, and again we will be able to experience each other’s caresses. Regardless of the year, time of season, day, I always want to be close to my one and only man. I permeate every word spoken with my bright, special and truly amazing feelings, true love. Dear, I dream of a long and truly happy relationship with you, the opportunity to enjoy each other to the fullest. We will definitely be together, right? I look forward to today's meeting with great impatience. I’m ready to confess my endless love.


My dear, beloved and only man, I become the happiest next to you. Thank you very much for giving for me from the very beginning, for the wonderful moments of the relationship. I love you for tenderness and severity, boundless feelings. Every moment of our relationship, amazing romance and true intimacy give me happiness that is impossible to refuse. I want to be the only one with you, I want to cook you breakfast and kiss you in the morning, accompany you to work and meet you. I want to know that I am important to you, that we will do a lot together and, of course, we will walk along the path of life, holding hands, ready to call you my man and confess true love that cannot be replaced. Dear, we will be together not only today, tomorrow, in a month, but throughout our lives, right? Remember: I was waiting for you alone and I hope for the best in our lives.


From the very first day we met, I can confirm that I look forward to living with you for many months and years. I was able to feel even before declaring my love and starting a relationship that we would certainly be together, we could give each other tenderness and warmth. How you want to say only sincere declarations of love and understand that they play an important role for you. You know, I no longer want to remain silent about the boundless feelings that I have for the best man. I will not hide to anyone that you are my betrothed, that I was waiting only for you. Dear, I really want to know that our relationship is just beginning and it will certainly please you with its duration, mutual understanding, and real feelings. I put only the warmest, most sincere emotions into every word. Remember: you are truly important to me, because I was looking for a meeting only with you. I love and cherish you, dear!


My dear and dear, beloved man, from the very beginning I feel boundless happiness when I am with you. You know, this amazing feeling appeared from the very beginning of our communication and I want to admit that it never disappears for a day. Let our relationship be long and multifaceted, so that we receive only pleasure and bright emotions. Darling, I’m looking forward to our date today, dreaming that it will definitely be special and can inspire us to something new. Perhaps today we can reveal new facets of the amazing feelings that fate has awarded us? Remember: in any case, I want to be only with you, and even during the first meeting, which was not so long ago, I realized that I was given to you, I must remain faithful to you. I confess the bright and boundless feelings that I have for the best guy.


How long have I wanted to find a man who can be everything to me. You know, fortunately, I was lucky with this, because fate brought me together with you. I want our feelings to become only stronger and more important. I hope that we will never have quarrels in our relationship, because we are truly capable of understanding each other like no one else. My dear, I love you very much and am grateful to fate for being able to bring us together, to give us boundless emotions and true feelings. May the love that the universe has given us be able to successfully overcome any obstacles and certainly lead us to real, amazing happiness. My dear, I want to admit: I really have a lot of hopes and dreams about us, I want to realize all my dreams in reality, so I hope that fate will give me such an opportunity. I love you and am ready to admit it every day!


Darling, from the very beginning of our communication, I was able to appreciate your affection and sensitivity, amazing care, sincerity and kindness. You know, you can find only the most pleasant and positive character traits in you, which constantly confirm that I can be the happiest with you. I am grateful to fate for the fact that I met the best guy, who is my soul mate, capable of truly understanding and providing decent support in any life situation. I live and breathe you alone, I always adore you and I want to be together always. I believe that the relationship will only become stronger, we will be able to live our whole lives together, delighting each other every day, discovering new facets and understanding how wonderful amazing relationships can be. I am always ready to confess my love, putting only the best feelings into the spoken words. Dear, you allowed me to believe that love exists.


From the very first moment when I saw you, I was able to understand that there was no force in life that could destroy my feelings and become an obstacle in our rapprochement. I feel the happiest only with you, my only, precious one. Every moment we spend together, wonderful dates, days and nights are amazing gifts from Cupid. I don’t want there to be problems and disagreements in our relationship. In fact, I know that negativity is impossible, because we cannot allow it. How many affectionate, supportive, inspiring words I want to say to you, my dear. How I want to show the amazing feelings given by fate itself. But you always give me more. Thank you for the hope and support, the brightness of emotions, romance and passion, the opportunity to feel welcome. Darling, I find myself in you, I hope only for the best and tirelessly say “I love you.”


My dear, my only one, you were given by fate, by life, and you can become a companion to the wonderful world of happiness, which cannot be described in ordinary words. I believe and know that we will definitely spend our whole lives together, because such compatibility is not a joke of the universe, but direct proof that we were created for each other, we were constantly looking for a relationship that is finally becoming a reality. Darling, I want to take care of you and give you real happiness, show tenderness and affection. May my sincere love always warm and protect from all kinds of obstacles and bad weather. We can support each other in any life situations, inspire each other to continue the struggle and, holding hands tightly, step over any obstacle. Darling, let's make a little effort to achieve amazing happiness with each other? I love!


My dear, my only one, you managed to become the best gift of the whole universe for me. How I want to know that we will be together for a long, long time, we will be able to give amazing, boundless happiness. Remember: I was looking for only you, and I will always hope that all the brightest, positive things can be preserved, despite the numerous nuances. Darling, every day my love for you becomes stronger, because our beautiful moments, which cannot be described in ordinary words, multiply at an amazing speed. So this evening our wonderful date should take place, which will become a reflection of the feelings given by life. A walk through the evening city, a romantic dinner, a lot of hugs and kisses will warm us up and make us feel that we are two halves of one whole feeling called “love.”


How long have I dreamed of finding the best man in my life. You know, to my surprise, I was lucky, because I managed to find you, my only, precious one. I adore and adore you, I only hope to preserve our wonderful relationship, making it stronger and more wonderful. The love given by fate becomes more valuable and sincere every day. Thank you very much for what you give me, what amazing facets of life you open. Dear, I understand that true love, happy relationships, the opportunity to become closer and closer and understand that compatibility can be seen in everything - these are the most important things in our lives. I sincerely hope that every day spent together will respond only from the best side. My dear and only one, I want to constantly confess my love to you, to hear your wonderful voice. I love you and know that we will definitely be together.


I want to sincerely thank my fate for the wonderful acquaintance with you, my only, precious one. From the first day we met, you are constantly by my side, giving me amazing happiness and allowing me to understand how wonderful a relationship can be, filled with feelings, mutual understanding and readiness to help. My love turned out to be sincere and pure, strong and beautiful. You know, I used to think that such feelings could only exist in fairy tales, but you allow me to change my mind radically and understand that everything happens in reality. How many bright and special words I want to say for you, so that we can show that everything in our lives is interconnected, that you and I are thinking about the same thing, we can be together forever. My beloved and only one, let's spend a gorgeous evening today, as we dreamed of this morning? I'm thinking about you and waiting for a call.


How many loud words can be spoken, but, you know, they all pale in comparison to what I want to tell you. Besides, in every word I put only the most amazing feelings for you, dear and dear. You know, when you find yourself nearby, it becomes extremely difficult to pronounce any words, because I feel real, boundless love for you, which drives me crazy, my soul flies far, far away. Dear, you managed to become a real prince for me, you made me believe that everything can be the way I want with you. It’s nice that all the novels and melodramatic films, love songs are realized in life thanks to the best guy, who managed to become both my chosen one and a worthy friend. I love you very much, my only, best and most precious. I feel that I am dear to you too, because such attention, such amazing care from my ideal is the best gift.


You unexpectedly came into my life, immediately captivating me with your tenderness and affection. I felt like a truly beautiful and charming companion to the best man in the world. My dear, I so want to be next to you, to give amazing emotions, wonderful feelings and confidence that I will definitely be next to you. From the very first day of our wonderful acquaintance, I have only the most real and boundless feelings for you, the description of which cannot be ignored. I am increasingly giving myself over to true love and dreaming of only one thing, that we will be close, together, no matter what. Darling, I am sure that we can go through numerous trials together, supporting each other, because in fact, love can work miracles. How can I find the words to show my amazing feelings for you? Only you know the answer.


Our meeting was an amazing awakening for me, when I was able to understand how beautiful and wonderful life can be together. You managed to become a truly important, main man in my destiny, giving amazing and real feelings. Darling, I only want to be with you, because I know how valuable the gift that the whole universe has prepared for us in collusion with Cupid is. Now it doesn’t matter to me how my life was before we met. I am confident that every day will certainly leave the best impressions and give bright emotions, allowing us to believe that everything will work out only in the best way for us. Darling, please remember that I love you very much, I dream of being next to you, giving endless love, strengthening feelings. You are the most wonderful person, an amazing man. I love you, precious one!


I want to thank my fate for being able to meet you, to find true, truly amazing love, for which you can only find real words. Darling, I love you more and more every day and I really want to spend my life with the best man in the whole world, with you. How can I show the feelings that were given to me by the universe? How to find words to describe wonderful love, sincere and boundless? Darling, your appearance drives me crazy, and I never thought that a man could be so handsome and attractive and charming. Your amazing character evokes nothing but admiration in me. Thank you very much for your tenderness and affection, real feelings and the opportunity to understand that romance can be found even in the 21st century, to discover truly feminine character traits in yourself. Please remember that I love you very much and am ready to be there for you, no matter what.


I want to admit that I love you very much, boundlessly, I dream of spending my whole life only with you. Darling, such amazing feelings appeared from the very first day we met, and you know, they don’t want to go away, because they are becoming stronger every day. How can I live at least a day without your look, voice and laughter? Beloved, how can I voluntarily refuse to see your eyes and smile, to feel your strong hands? You know, this is impossible, because I am already completely overwhelmed with true love for the best man. I want to hope that we will be together, no matter what happens. I am ready to cherish you with affectionate words, showing bright and boundless emotions. I believe that fate will certainly give you only the best and truest feelings, not just for a month or a year, but for the rest of your life. I was looking for you, my best man, and I was able to find you.


Darling, after I met you, I immediately realized that it was you who were destined for me. How I want to say truly worthy words and confess my love, to show that you are the best man with whom life has brought me together. I have been in love with you from the very beginning and feel like your companion. The door to happiness opened from the moment the communication began, when I heard the voice, saw the eyes and realized that I was lost. You know, I don’t even want to interfere with what turns out to be a gift from fate, because every time I find myself nearby, everything changes radically in my soul, in my beating heart. Thank you very much for the wonderful moments of happiness that you give, for the opportunity to feel beautiful and desired. You reveal to me the best facets of love and show that we can still have real, truly amazing feelings.


I was looking for you for a very, very long time, dreaming of meeting you and starting a relationship. There were so many doubts: would I meet my betrothed, would I be able to start a full-fledged relationship and find my share of much-needed, important happiness. Despite the fact that I waited for you for a very long time, I still waited for our meeting. Now I can enjoy romantic moments and understand how much true love means. My dear, I don’t want to find words to explain how hard and sad it was for me alone, because it turned out to be in the past forever. I imagine the future only with you, my best man. I want to know that we will have many days and nights ahead when we will be able to fully enjoy each other. I will confess my love to you and tell you that we are destined for each other. I need you. Beautiful words are not enough to emphasize how important, dear and needed you are.


You know, I was alone for many years, focused on study and work, strived for development, but everything was so ordinary and bland that I couldn’t find words. Darling, after that I met you and realized that every day they would fall in love more and more. Surprisingly, I can only discern in you real and worthy qualities of character. You managed to become a truly important and close person. I want to admit that I love you very much, I dream of our relationship that can last forever. My beloved, I cannot and am not ready to give you to someone else, to change you, because I am your soulmate. Even now I want so badly to hug and kiss the best man in the whole world, to confess my love, to inspire new deeds. Please believe that everything will turn out well. I love you, dear, dear and my only.


Life is not a fairy tale, but sometimes amazing miracles happen. I finally met an amazing man with whom I am ready to spend my whole life. I looked for you for a very long time and wondered whether such an acquaintance would take place, for which it would be difficult to even find the right words. I dreamed of love and affection, to feel desired. However, now my wishes and dreams are finding the opportunity to become a reality. Beloved, let everything in your life develop at the most worthy level and, of course, remember, I am always there. I want to inspire you to accomplish great feats, delight you with my attention, and show you how important our amazing, truly limitless relationship is to me. Darling, I know that we will always be together, no matter what fate has in store for us. Let's keep such a wonderful and boundless love for each other?


Declarations of love to a man: Beautiful | In verse | Short | Postcards


Voice declarations of love to a guy

Beautiful words about love

Love is the most sincere and magical feeling that knows no boundaries, status or age. Novels are written about her, poems are composed, films are made

The great power of love bursts into the lives of scientists, sages, poets, causing a whole range of emotions, sensations and impulses. From their creative attempts to put into words the most vivid emotional experiences, many beautiful phrases, quotes and aphorisms about love are born. Each of the phrases will find a response in the soul of the reader and will help to express what is sometimes so difficult to admit.

They say it only takes a minute to spot a special someone. Just an hour to appreciate it. Just a day to love him. But it will take a lifetime to forget him.

“Love is the only thing in nature where even the power of imagination does not find the bottom and does not see the limit.” Johann Friedrich Schiller

This is the paradox: we perform exploits for those who do not care about us, but those who need us even without any exploits love us.

In a relationship, like on a thorny road, you have to overcome obstacles, fatigue and monotony. And it’s much easier to do this just by holding hands.

“Darkness may hide trees and flowers from view, but it cannot hide love from the soul.” Gibran Kahlil Gibran

Only once, and then if you are very lucky, do you meet a person who divides your life into two parts, before you meet him and after.

“In the beginning, all thoughts belong to love. After all, all love belongs to thoughts.” Albert Einstein

I don't know where people go after they die, but I do know where they stay. Those you love are always with you

Love does not tolerate dishonesty, lies and hypocrisy. Without trust, she goes far and for a long time, sadly lowering her eyes. Therefore, do not throw words to the wind, do not lie to each other.

“Love is like mercury: you can hold it in an open palm, but not in a clenched hand.” Dorothy Parker

It doesn't take time to fall in love, but it takes years to fall out of love.

“Love is a natural function, like breathing. And when you love a person, don’t start demanding, otherwise you close the door from the very beginning.” Osho

Love pushes you to romantic exploits: these are stupid original songs, funny rhymes, clumsy dances, more expensive than which nothing will be more valuable in life later.

“Love for people is the wings on which a person rises above all else.” Maksim Gorky

Love never comes alone: ​​in one palm it carries a handful of happiness, and in the other - a handful of suffering. And it depends only on the people themselves from which hand they will accept the gift.

In a relationship, like on a thorny road, you have to overcome obstacles, fatigue and monotony. And it’s much easier to do this just by holding hands.

“To love a person, you don’t have to be close to him. It’s enough just to look at his photograph occasionally and know that he’s doing well.” Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Love is not measured by gifts, words and statuses on social networks. The power of love is measured by the number of times it has been preserved from evil tongues, slander and rumors.

“I am not writing to ask you to come, I am writing to warn you: I will always be waiting.” Frederic Beigbeder

Love, like fortune, is a completely unpredictable thing. When you completely despair of finding her and give up your hands, she immediately stretches out hers to you.

Love is born from the beating of two hearts, from the song of two souls. And he continues to live only in the warm plexus of hands, protected from rain and separation.

“Maybe God wants us to meet the wrong people before we meet that one person. So that when it happens, we will be grateful.” Gabriel Marquez

A man and a woman are so similar and at the same time so different that life has to constantly push them together to prove that they are one.

“Only contrived love can be tamed, but true love does not listen to orders and cannot be saved from it.” Alexandre Dumas (father)

When you are happy, you love everything and everyone. When you are in love, you are happy. It turns out that in order to love everyone, you have to love just one person.

When we love, we have practically no power over our mood, over our time, or over our life in general—this power passes to the person we love.

“True love is not the kind that can withstand long years of separation, but the kind that can withstand long years of intimacy.” Rowland

You need to have something in common to understand each other, and be different in some way to love each other.

“Equality is the strongest foundation of love.” Lessing

Love cannot be achieved by force, love cannot be begged and begged. She comes from heaven, unbidden and unexpected

You don’t have to talk about love out loud - your eyes, smile, and actions will speak about it for you.

“A man always wants to be a woman’s first love. Women are more sensitive in such matters. They would like to become a man’s last love.” Oscar Wilde

There is no point in true love. You can break up, quarrel, be disappointed. But love still continues to live in the heart. She is separated from the mind and lives outside of what is happening.

“Love wears glasses through which copper appears as gold, poverty as wealth, and drops of fire as pearls.” Cervantes Miguel

You truly love not the one you want to meet, but the one you don’t want to part with.

Truly loves not the one who shouts about his love, but the one who proves his feelings by actions in the name of his loved one.

“What we experience when we are in love is perhaps our normal state. Falling in love shows a person what he should be.” Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Shout and anyone will hear. Whisper - the nearest one will hear. And only the one who loves will hear what you are silent about.

“Love is a delightful flower, but it takes courage to come and pluck it from the edge of a terrible abyss.” Stendhal

In order to find happiness with a man, you need to understand him well and love him a little. In order to find happiness with a woman, you need to love her deeply and not even try to understand her.

Happiness and love have one amazing property - they can be quite unnoticeable when they exist, but very noticeable when they disappear from our lives.

“There is only one love, but there are thousands of counterfeits.” Francois La Rochefoucauld

A loved one should be reliable, like a control shot, and the only one, like the last chance.

“A man and a woman are two notes, without which the strings of the human soul do not give the correct and complete chord.” Giuseppe Mazzini

The most beautiful love is when souls tenderly embrace.

A person who knows how to love is a real person. A loving heart is not capable of cruelty and indifference, because love in its essence is light and warmth.

“Love is when someone can give a person back himself.” Ray Bradbury

Trying to forget someone you loved is the same as trying to remember someone you haven't met yet.

“Love is a priceless gift. This is the only thing we can give, and yet you still have it.” Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Love is when the whole world cannot replace the beloved, but the beloved can replace the whole world.

You truly love not those you are looking forward to meeting, but those you cannot part with.

“Love should not ask and should not demand, love should have strength in itself. Then it’s not something that attracts her, but she herself attracts.” Hermann Hesse

The search for mutual love is like a car race: we race after some people, others race after us. And we find reciprocity only by flying into the oncoming traffic

“Love is the only thing that makes a person stronger, a woman more beautiful, a man kinder, a soul lighter, and life more beautiful.” Friedrich Nietzsche

Falling in love with the soul without touching the body is a talent.

Love is precisely that feeling that defies common sense and does not pay attention to financial situation, external data and the opinions of others.

“True love begins where nothing is expected in return.” Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Love is like a flower that can only be given to one person at a time.

“A touch of love can make anyone a poet.” Plato

Love has two barriers - circumstances and fears. We often lack the courage to step over the stones of the past and the doubts of the present.

Love has a special property of uniting opposite people, and the greater the difference between them, the stronger and more multifaceted the love.

“Love is the same joy, it, like a ray of sunshine, shines on the living, through all the suffering, sorrows, failures and worries.” Ernst Thälmann

When you find a person with whom you can speak silently, stay forever, believe wholeheartedly and rejoice in your heart, you understand that this is Love.

“You only get the fruits whose seeds you sow. This Love." Vitaly Gibert

You can survive anything. The main thing is to have someone nearby who will get through this with you.

“Love comes when we least expect it. Persistent search for love never leads to the choice of a suitable partner, but only generates melancholy and plunges into unhappiness. Love does not exist outside, it is always within us.” Louise Hay

Love with all your heart that person who cannot imagine life without you, and do not try to win the heart of someone who is deeply indifferent and uninteresting to you.

To fall in love with someone who loves you back is a miracle in itself. But it’s even better, even more important, to find a kindred spirit in him.

“To truly appreciate the hugs of a loved one, you must first know what it’s like without them.” Stephen King

A city becomes a world when you love one of its inhabitants.

“One woman is missing, roughly speaking, one woman, he switches to another, fifth... tenth. And the other doesn’t have enough life to love the only one.” Konstantin Khabensky

Unhappy love is like... a sore throat. Quite compatible with life, just unpleasant, but impossible not to think about it. Tea with lemon and honey helps for a short time, as well as time and silence.

“Love in marriage lasts as long as the husband and wife continue to be interested in each other’s thoughts.” Richard Bach

The best love is the one that awakens the soul and makes you strive for more. It sets our hearts on fire and calms our minds.

When you say that love does not exist, the whole universe tries to convince you otherwise, sending you the strongest and most exciting feeling

“This is one of the miracles that love creates: it gives the person enchanted by it the strength to look at the world without being disappointed.” Clive Staples Lewis

Love is not a transaction that is considered marriage, not a passion similar to melodrama, not an animal instinct that many people hunt for, but a feeling of deep respect for someone else's life and the desire to decorate it with joy and beauty.

“The main component of love: helping others, being yourself. If you strive to force and manipulate, then there is no love in you.” Osho

When you love, one single night of happiness is worth a lifetime. When you love, you can become anyone you want. When you love, there is absolutely no need to understand what is happening, because everything happens inside us.

Love is when you don’t have to say “I’m sorry.”

“Love is not a mirror pond into which you can gaze forever. It has ebbs and flows. And wrecks of ships, and sunken cities, and octopuses, and storms, and boxes of gold, and pearls.” Erich Maria Remarque

Love cannot prevent a person from following His Destiny. If this happens, it means that love was not true, not the kind that speaks the Universal Language.

“Love is heard in a voice before it is seen in a look.” Honore de Balzac

To say “I love you” to a person is to say “You will never die.”

“In our life, like in an artist’s palette, there is only one color that can give meaning to life and art - the color of love.” Marc Chagall

Love is two souls, but only thoughts, two hearts that beat as one

In the world of love, you constantly feel a lack of time. I want the clock hands to freeze, magical events to unfold in slow motion, hugs to last longer than separation.

“People give flowers to a friend because they contain the true meaning of love. Anyone who tries to take possession of a flower will soon see it wither and lose its beauty. And the one who just admires it in the meadow will receive it forever.” Paulo Coelho

We live in search of light. We are born for the sake of light. And don’t talk about the fact that love is not light. Without love it is dark even with the most powerful lamps.

Love looks through a telescope, not a microscope.

“You can’t waste love. The more you give, the more you have left. When you draw from a living spring, it becomes more generous every day.” Antoine de Saint-Exupery

When someone loves you, it's like your heart is wrapped in a blanket.

“Love is simply a force that attracts people to each other. It's inevitable. You can't just get rid of it. The same can be said about gravity.” Albert Einstein

Love always requires a leap upward. A big and dangerous jump over hot lava. You can break your heart, or you can become the happiest person on earth.

They love us not only because we are good, but also because those who love us are good.

“Love is the only force in the world that can make a friend out of an enemy.” Martin Luther King

It is love that completely revives us, all feelings are heightened, all emotions are intensified, everyday reality collapses, and you and I are soaring in the clouds

“To understand each other, you need to have something in common; but in order to love each other, you have to be different in some way.” Paul Geraldi

The best cure for all adversity is the hug of a loved one. You may be depressed, upset, broken into a thousand pieces. But as soon as he hugs you, everything immediately falls into place.

“To love is to find your own happiness in the happiness of another.” Gottfried Leibniz

Age cannot protect us from love, but love, to some extent, protects us from age.

“Love is a crisis, a decisive moment of life, awaited with trepidation by the heart.” Michel Montaigne

Honestly confessing your love for the sake of love itself is real salvation, not humiliation.

True love shows itself in misfortune. Like a light, it shines brighter the darker the darkness of the night.

“True love can be recognized by how much it makes a person better, and also by how much it brightens the soul.” Leonid Andreev

Love is when the center of the universe suddenly shifts and moves into someone else.

“The consequences of love are always the same - a new person! I’m not talking about a child, but about people who love, because this feeling renews the soul, makes people different, better, more beautiful.” Maksim Gorky

Everyday life shows us one world, but love shows us another world. We decide which world is real. And we decide what kind of world we should live in

“For love there is no yesterday, love does not think about tomorrow. She greedily reaches out to the present day, but she needs this whole day, unlimited, unclouded.” Heinrich Heine

Seconds without a loved one are hours, hours with a loved one are seconds.

“The best expression of a father’s love for his children is his love for their mother.” Janusz Wisniewski

There is a universal tool that can heal us - unconditional love. If you allow yourself to open it in your heart, you will initiate a powerful healing process on all levels, from the physical to the emotional.

“True love is woven from contradictions. Stitched with threads of different characters, tastes, aspirations.” Elchin Safarli

“Love cannot be used” is a good phrase, but it’s missing a comma. Each person decides where and for whom to put it.

If late love overtakes someone in life, there is no need to run away from it, there is no need to be afraid of it, there is no need to be ashamed of it. Why is it believed that only in youth can one love? It’s just that your love has been looking for a way to your heart for a long time.

“When we enter the love zone, language is unusable. Love cannot be squeezed into words, it can only be conveyed in silence.” Elif Shafak

Love is a competition between a man and a woman to bring each other as much happiness as possible.

“It is precisely those who need it most who deny love.” Frederic Beigbeder

Love is two solitudes that greet each other, touch and protect each other

"Love. How often does this word appear in books? Again and again. You can be rich and healthy, beautiful and talented, but you have nothing if you don’t have love.” Virginia Andrews

The true essence of love is to renounce the consciousness of oneself, to forget oneself in another “I” and, however, in this disappearance and oblivion to find oneself and possess oneself.

“What is love like? She has hands to help others, she has legs to rush to the aid of the poor and needy, she has eyes to see grief and need, she has ears to hear people’s sighs and complaints.” Aurelius Augustine

Love is not afraid of huge separation, it dies from little lies.

“Only those who are free are those whom no one and nothing can stop them from doing what they want. There is only one thing like that - to love.” Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Where there is even a drop of love, there is an ocean of patience.

Love is a feeling against which we are powerless, and prudence can help us avoid it, but not defeat it.

“Love often makes the mistake of seeing in the beloved object something that is not there. But sometimes only love reveals the beautiful or great in him, which is inaccessible to observation and the mind.” Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky

Having fallen in love, the most intelligent person no longer sees a single object as it really is. A woman, mostly ordinary, becomes unrecognizable and turns into an exceptional being.

“True love is born in difficult times. And only after going through pain and suffering can one truly appreciate happiness.” John Green

Our body needs calcium, phosphorus; our spirit is in encouragement and honor. The body blooms in the sun, the spirit in the rays of love.

Love doesn't make life easier, but it gives it meaning.

“Love is the great adornment of life. She makes nature bloom, play with colors, sing the most wonderful songs, dance magnificent dances.” Anatoly Vasilievich Lunacharsky

Don't talk about wasted love! Love is never wasted; even if she did not make the heart of another person richer, then her waters, returning back to their source, like rain, will fill it with freshness and coolness.

“With one glance you can kill love, with one glance you can resurrect it.” William Shakespeare

If you continue to sincerely love what is truly worthy of love, and do not waste your love on trifles, on trifles, on nonsense, you can little by little make your life brighter and become stronger.

“The color of love is snow-white, just like an empty canvas whose color has not yet been decided.” Rasul Gamzatov

Love is the mutual change of lovers, the change of both towards each other.

“If you have both love and freedom, you don’t need anything else. You have everything for which life was given.” Osho

I love you not for who you are, but for who I am when I am with you.

“To hell, where you are going, I will go with you, and it will be heaven for me.” Coco Chanel

Love destroys death and turns it into an empty ghost, it turns life from nonsense into something meaningful, it makes happiness out of misfortune.

No amount of pretense can hide love where it is, nor show it where it is not.

“Love is a butterfly that flutters while it lives and flies away when it wants. She cannot be held in chains.” Robert Heinlein

True love is not love for one person, but a mental state of readiness to love everything.

“To love is to see a person as God intended him to be, and his parents did not realize him.” Marina Tsvetaeva

True love in itself feels so much holiness, innocence, strength, enterprise and independence that for it there is no crime, no obstacles, or the whole prosaic side of life.

“Keep love in your heart. Life without it is like a sunless garden with dead flowers.” Oscar Wilde

Falling in love is like plucked flowers and falling stars. They also decorate life and die just as quickly.

“In one minute of love you learn more about a person than in a month of observation.” Romain Rolland

Loving passionately is, of course, wonderful, but loving selflessly is even better. Only those who are loved even in their weaknesses and in their misfortunes are truly loved. To have mercy, to forgive, to console - this is the whole science of love.

“Your task is not to look for love, but only to look for and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” Jalaluddin Rumi

Of all the abilities that love creates in the soul, the most amazing is the ability not to lose hope in the midst of the darkest despair.

“For a loving person, the entire universe has merged in the beloved being.” Ludwig Börne

There are hearts that are tender, fragile, like flowers, and they break from a light touch that other mineral hearts will not even feel.

“Love for a woman has great, irreplaceable meaning for us; by permeating the heart, it prevents it from being damaged.” Victor Hugo

If you have love, then you don't need anything else. If you don't have love, it doesn't matter what else you have.

“Love heals people: both those who give love and those who accept this gift.” Karl August Menninger

Take care of your relationships, otherwise you will take care of your memories.

“Love is a fruit that ripens at any time and that any hand can reach.” Mother Teresa

The most valuable gift we can offer others is our presence. When our awareness embraces those we love, they bloom like flowers.

“To love means to experience pleasure when you see, touch, feel with all your senses and at the closest possible distance the being you love and who loves you.” Frederic Stendhal

Death cannot stop true love. All she can do is put it off for a while

“Love often makes a mistake, seeing in a beloved object something that is not there... but sometimes only love reveals in it the beautiful or great, which is inaccessible to observation and the mind.” Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky

When you realize that you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.

“Fear shows us one world, but love shows us another world. We decide which world is real. And we decide what kind of world we should live in.” Louise Hay

It’s so good when a man and a woman find each other - this results in more works of art, poetry and... children in the world.

“Love should not cloud, but refresh, not darken, but enlighten thoughts, since it should nest in the heart and mind of a person, and not serve only as amusement for external feelings that give rise only to passion.” John Milton

A man and a woman are two completely different creatures, whose life is completely impossible together and completely impossible apart.

“Love is the same joy, it, like a ray of sunshine, shines on the living through all the suffering, sorrows, failures and worries.” Ernst Thälmann

You cannot dissolve in a loved one until you completely lose your “I”; it is better to complement him with yourself, while maintaining dignity and respect.

“Love each other, but do not turn love into chains. Let it better be a troubling sea between the shores of your souls.” Gibran Kahlil Gibran

Love can be simple and complex, short-lived and endless, tender and cruel. It can be angry, unfair, or, on the contrary, it instills in us strength and confidence. Yes, love comes in different forms, but it is impossible to live without it.

“A person cannot live without love. He remains incomprehensible to himself, his life remains meaningless if he does not receive the revelation of love, if he does not meet it, does not comprehend it, does not assimilate it, if he does not surrender to it with all his soul.” John Paul II

The psychology of love is simple: if a person is chasing love and trying to catch up with it, she will run away from him, and as soon as he turns his back to her, she will immediately knock on his shoulder.

“It is not beauty that causes love, but love that makes us see beauty.” Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Sometimes even the longest relationship does not cause all-encompassing feelings, and those that last only one moment lead to great love for life.

“Love is stronger than death and the fear of death. Only by it, only by love does life hold and move.” Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

A loved one is like the sun - even from a distance, he is able to warm and support you with the warm rays of genuine and strong love.

“Love is the lamp that illuminates the Universe; without the light of love, the Earth would turn into a barren desert, and man would turn into a handful of dust.” Mary Elizabeth Braddon

Love is a tender feeling: it does not tolerate betrayal and lies, burns in the fire of jealousy, breaks against the wall of betrayal and pretense. Keep love like the apple of your eye.

“A palace in which there is no room for love is just a miserable hut, but a poor hut in which love lives is a real palace for the soul.” Robert Greene Ingersoll

Love has a beginning. Born in the souls of people, it inspires them and lifts them higher and higher. Just as the Universe is limitless, true love has no end.

“Love is the most powerful source of energy in the whole world because it has no boundaries.” Albert Einstein

Love remains a completely unknown feeling. It can elevate you to the level of “seventh heaven” and hit the ground hard. One thing is indisputable, love by its nature is creative, it is a magical energy, without which everything living in the world loses its meaning.

Olga Gladysheva

Phrases for your beloved girl and for your beloved man

Most sayings about love are universal and can be applied to both men and women. However, among the thoughts of great people or simply established expressions in society, everyone can choose an idiom that best suits a specific situation.

Beautiful words will help brighten up a walk with a loved one or a romantic date in a restaurant, and sometimes help in proposing marriage.

Examples of phrases for the girl you love:

  1. “My heart was filled with endless love when I first looked into your eyes.”
  2. “Your love is everything to me; This is food for my soul, the air I breathe, the water that quenches my thirst.”
  3. “Today I love you more than yesterday. And less than I will love tomorrow.”
  4. “For you, I wake up every day and go to bed every night, knowing that tomorrow I will see you again. You are worth every good thing in the world."

Examples of beautiful short phrases about love that are appropriate to say to your beloved man:

  1. “I dream of falling asleep on your shoulder every night.”
  2. “I don’t feel as safe with anyone as I do with you.”
  3. “Marry me and I will be the happiest woman in the world.”
  4. “My life became brighter when you came into it.”
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