Eclecticism, presque and juska and 27 more smart words for communicating with a girl

Stupid words

If you refuse obscene words, it will help to win over any person. In addition, there are words parasites that do not carry a semantic load and are used too often in speech. These include: well, this is it, so to speak. Such interjections against the backdrop of very clever words can ruin the impression of the speech. You can remove parasitic words from everyday life by asking a loved one if he knows them by sight, or by recording yourself on a voice recorder/camera and listening. You will be surprised how you didn’t notice the parasites’ words.

Johnny Depp

Clever phrases to shut someone up

Sometimes you really want a person to finally stop saying unpleasant phrases and words, but, as luck would have it, there are not enough decent words for this. Such “scumbags” are often encountered, but emotions shine over the edge and it is simply impossible to find a caustic and clever phrase in such a state. But you really want to hurt the offender, and if you hit him with a clever phrase, you can hit him much harder than hitting him physically. And why hit physically if you can demonstrate your intelligence and at the same time shut up a person who is clearly not smart. We have selected for you the top 5 smartest phrases with which you can skillfully silence anyone.

  • Do you see this wonderful plinth? Remember, your level will never rise above it;
  • I don’t scare you, the mirror scares you when you look into it;

  • You are so interested in my life that I’m afraid you will soon be completely disappointed in yours;
  • I would gladly pour out on you all the dirt that you tell me, but nature has already done it for me;
  • Why are you interfering in my personal life, you can’t manage your own?

Smart words denoting state2

You can introduce into your speech the concept of phenomena in the life of each person and seem a little smarter than others. Why seem, if you are reading this, then you really have become smarter.

  • Frisson - goosebumps from listening to a musical composition.
  • Presquevue - you cannot remember a word or name.
  • Merekhlyundia - melancholy, despondency.
  • Crystalism is the joy of viewing a work of art.
  • Zhuska - when a person selects an argument for an already completed dispute.
  • Alexithymia is an overflow of feelings and emotions that you don’t know how to show.

The cognitive dissonance

These clever words were brought into use by Viktor Pelevin. For example, a heavy smoker comes across a devastating article about the dangers of nicotine addiction. If he makes no attempt to quit the bad habit, he begins to experience psychological discomfort. To reduce irritation, thinking will resort to tricks, calming with suitable arguments. Let's say that addiction helps not to gain excess weight.

Mistakes in using smart words3

Often young people confuse concepts and use them inappropriately. Let's look at the most popular substitutions.

  • A priori is irrefutable knowledge, confused with “by default”.
  • Under the auspices - under the patronage, replaces “under the pretext”.
  • Congenial - similar in spirit, not associated with genius.
  • A troglodyte is a cave dweller, not a glutton. Although this word should not be used in relation to a girl.
  • Come il faut - corresponds to decency, but not “pleasant”, “comfortable”.
  • Equivocations are ambiguous hints, replaced with “nods”.
  • Authentic – truly, genuine. Confused with “original”.

Smart phrases in English with translation

Phrases in a foreign language, what could be more elegant? Memorable and deep, they were created by foreign thinkers and translated into Russian. Often we don’t even realize that some phrase we like belonged to a great English writer or philosopher. Some of them have lost their original appearance, but this only increases their relevance. There are a great many of them in the world and we may have never heard of some of them. One thing is for sure, the chains of phrases make you think about the pressing issues. Below is a list of English phrases in the most reliable version with translation into Russian.

Smart compliments4

When you say nice words to a woman, you also need to approach it wisely. If a man does not have poetic talent, then we offer the coolest phrases for compliments.

  • I am fascinated by your eyes/smile/dimples on your cheeks.
  • There is a piece of heaven in your eyes.
  • Your smile shines brighter than the sun.
  • I would award you the title of Miss World.
  • You make me smile!
  • You have an unearthly/incomparable/amazing smile.
  • In your hands I melt like ice cream.

Don't be afraid to experiment and come up with your own original compliments. Make your communication interesting and varied. A smart girl will definitely appreciate it.

Extra bonus. List of topics for communication: children, relationships, sports, recreation, work, study, car, travel, museums, literature, hobbies.

Feel free to use smart words to communicate with a girl. Discuss everything that interests you, because in order to please a girl you need to share her interests. If you have nothing in common, then it is unnecessary to waste smart words on her.


The history of the term begins with the idolatry of primitive tribes. Today, fancy iPhones, cars, and yachts are objects of fetish in society. It is appropriate to insert clever words for communication about individual sexual preferences. Here the fetish is fishnet stockings, underwear, body parts, neat manicure - everything that evokes violent fantasies.

Smart words about goodness, happiness: prose and poetry

Every person strives to live in peace and prosperity. Only then will he be able to achieve his desired goals when he comprehends the real significance of such values ​​as goodness and happiness. Clever sayings that wise people have created over centuries will help him understand the essence.


  • Happiness without goodness is a myth.
  • Don’t be afraid to give kindness - it will come back to you doubly!
  • Good is like a log that you place in the hearth of a relationship. The more firewood, the happier your life will be.
  • Good habit : when you first look at a person, think only good things about him.
  • The greatest wisdom that a person can comprehend in his life is goodness.
  • Only that person can be happy who asks for forgiveness for all his evil.
  • Any illness can be cured not by evil, but by good.
  • Anyone who does not see good in others is himself evil!
  • Staying in goodness , you forget evil and become happy!


Good and evil are always in battle and conquer a person. Good is a reflection of the soul, And if evil is there, you are crippled!

Be happy every day, Bring only joy every day, And goodness will follow you like a shadow, Taking away your fatigue!

It’s not difficult to find happiness, be kind and everything is possible. Don't harm other people and they will forget your evil!

Drive away evil from yourself, fill yourself with goodness, so that life is good, so that your soul is happy!

The secret of a happy life is Kind, true thoughts, Work and great love for everything that surrounds you!

Sayings and clever words about kindness and happiness

Mini-dictionary of the most interesting words and their decoding

Clever words sound unusual and attract the public's interest. Some of them become part of everyday speech. But you need to use them appropriately, so as not to get into an awkward position or be branded a fool. To do this, you need to understand the meaning of the words that are spoken. Here are typical nouns that make up the vocabulary of an intellectual:

  1. Addiction. Translated from English - addiction, a negative habit that gives visible relaxation, helping a person to temporarily escape from reality. It combines smoking, alcoholism, use of illegal substances, as well as habits and attachments of a less negative nature.
  2. Amphibolicity is a term that gives an ambiguous, ambiguous interpretation of a word. Usually used in the scientific community, at court hearings, and when writing doctoral works.
  3. A priori - something obvious that does not require proof. This final result of the activity is obtained empirically.
  4. Opposite is a word of French origin that indicates a person opposite the speaker.
  5. Dissonance is a musical concept that means the inharmonious sound of music. It is widely used in life - for example, there is a phrase “cognitive dissonance”: such an imbalance occurs in people who are faced with phenomena that are inaccessible to their understanding.
  6. Idiosyncrasy is an ancient Greek word indicating a lack of talent for something. It is used when the speaker wants to emphasize his clear rejection of something.
  7. Indulgence is the name of a document for the atonement of sins, once put up for sale by ministers of the Catholic Church. This term has a figurative meaning and is used ironically.
  8. Casus, translated from Latin, means an accident, an emergency situation that occurred by coincidence, regardless of someone’s will, and caused any kind of consequences.
  9. A collaboration is a group created by several participants united by common goals, ideas and who want to make changes in areas such as art, business, fashion, education. Collaboration is the unification, equal cooperation of people.
  10. Liquidity is a term used by economists. This is a monetary value of a person’s assets or any piece of property.
  11. Lipophrenia is a concept that can be used to describe inexplicable melancholy, sadness and any manifestations of depressive states. Synonyms for lipophrenia are apathy and depression. This condition in a person arises due to the lack of positive emotions in life, lack of activity, or vice versa – excessive workaholism, from lack of communication. Walking and favorite activities will help you get rid of the syndrome.
  12. Natiform is a definition that refers to an object that evokes certain associations. Looking at trees, flowers, stones, rocky ledges, even vegetables and fruits, sometimes you can see the outlines of a human figure - all of this can safely be called natiforms.

Beautiful and fashionable smart words for conversation and communication about love: in poetry and prose

Each person should replenish his “treasury of knowledge” and develop his speech, adding beautiful and clever words to it. This will help you in any situation to have a pleasant conversation with a person, dilute the dialogue and create only a favorable impression of yourself, as a well-read and wise person.


  • Love also has its own psychology and it is very simple: if you chase love , it will forever run away from you. However, as soon as you turn your back to love, it will immediately hug you by the shoulders.
  • Love has power and it is measured not by the number of kisses, gifts and bouquets of flowers, but by how many times you were able to save it and keep it over the abyss.
  • Romance is far from a myth. Romance is the desire to decorate any place and thing with your loved one.
  • What is the difference between love and infatuation? It's very simple: love disappears as unexpectedly as it appeared. Love cannot disappear and every day it becomes stronger.
  • It is not customary to shout about love, it is not worth proving. Your eyes and smile will tell you about love, and your deeds will confirm it.


Love blooms like a bud Under the sunny clear sky. Love accompanies you Everywhere you go!

Keep love in your soul and heart, Don’t you dare share it with friends. She will give you a chance to warm up, When there is frost at night.

Love helps you breathe, Love helps you believe. Be ready to give everything in the world to love, open all the doors!

Love is your inspiration, It gives life a fairy tale, Creates your mood and brings affection with it!

Love is a great wealth and there is no need to hide from it! Love will save you from evil, Give you light and shine of goodness!

Beautiful and clever words about love

Clever words to a loved one, son: in poetry and prose

For many centuries, humanity has praised male strength and spirit, composing songs and lines about them. Clever expressions, as well as quotes, can still be found today. There is confidence, faith and power in a man's being.


  • A man will give preference only to a woman who is able to believe in him more than he does himself.
  • The best thing a man can do is to make the woman next to him happy.
  • A man should not only be someone you would like to listen to, but also someone you would like to obey.
  • A woman can break in front of a man not when she has a great passion for him, but when she has a great weakness for him.
  • A woman’s peace of mind is very often in strong and courageous hands.
  • The secret of a woman's love is very simple : she loves a man only because he loves her.
  • A man's strength lies in his ability to take the first step. Unfortunately, not every man is given the opportunity to understand that the first step is his responsibility.


The man is a strong figure. His nature is strong and strong. A man needs to submit, Love and goodness must be shared.

The strength of a man is strong and strong, its power can be felt from afar. For a man to please a lady, she must be his wife or mother.

A man is a symbol of triumph, His soul is strong like steel! He is surely moving towards success, He is not worthy of lies and laughter!

Being a man is a great burden: Strong muscles, thick skin, Being a man is not at all easy, But it’s good to be a man!

He will protect from any rain and save from any threat, He is worthy of loving life to go through storms and thunderstorms.

Smart and beautiful words, as well as statements about men

Cool phrases that will help humiliate a person without swearing

1. Leonardo, you are underwhelmed!

2. It seems to me that for some people, the head is just a decorative attachment to the ass.

3. I am not a mirror to scare you.

4. You are spiritually impotent.

5. They give birth to freaks!

6. I would greatly offend you. But I see that you are already offended by life.

7. You were probably conceived on a bet.

8. Just because you look like a pig doesn't mean you have to act like one.

9. How did I not recognize you? You played Shrek in the movie.

10. Do you want to lead a column of people going to...? Why is it so? You'd look great as a leader.

Read more: Openness in relationships: 5 ways to develop it

11. Your eyes look like two conscripts. One is mowing, the other is really blue

12. I look at you and understand that God has a good sense of humor.

13. I had a dog named Fubla. By the way, she looks like you.

14. Do you want to start saving nature? I have a surgeon friend who can sterilize you.

15. Make-up suits you a la Nikolai Valuev.

16. Well, well. Cockerel (if a person was born in the year of the Rooster).

17. Stupidity and rudeness are synonyms for you.

18. I believe in the power of the human personality, but you are obviously not a person.

19. It’s funny how you move your mouth. Ah-ah-ah... That's what you say.

20. You're just like a cat. He also shit in the bushes.

21. Were you not scared of the old woman when you were a child?

22. I don’t understand anything, is Pithecanthropus socially unadapted?

23. It seems to me that you don’t look your age. You look like 500 rubles an hour.

24. If I liked communicating with bitches, I would get a dog.

25. Hey, you miscarriage of a pregnant herring. One more humpbacked word and you will move in jerks all your life.

26. Cool down and lie down. Preferably on rails.

27. You will open your mouth when I unzip my fly.

28. I betrayed your opinion to the rotation. And the axis was my reproductive organ.

29. You look like a subscriber.

30. From the point of view of banal erudition, every local individual strives to mystify abstraction, but we must not neglect the tendencies of paradoxical illusions, as well as motivate the criteria of abstract subjectivism. Since your potential level is zero and tends to minus-infinity, I consider further conversation unprofitable.

31. Are your parents not physicists? Otherwise you look like a failed science experiment.

32. In the book “Who's Who” you should be found in the chapter “What is It”?

33. I have one drawback: I don’t know how to communicate with fools.

34. You should go to the zoo, they will accept you as one of their own.

35. I don’t laugh at those whom God has already scoffed at.

36. Are you not a Ram according to your horoscope?

37. It is impossible to register in VK with your face. Better use a photo of your grandmother.

38. There is no point in sending you. You are already there more often than on the street.

39. Did a thought occur to you? Probably to die there completely.

40. I thought that Aliens only exist in films.

41. You were born to spite the condom.

42. Oh, why did your mother give birth to you-la-la (song).

43. Your face is like a gnawed canister!

44. The bastard is red-brown.

45. Listen, you’ve become quite nervous! You need to... calm down. Maybe you should go somewhere?... In the jaw, for example...

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