Human purpose is a source of happiness and harmony

The article explains:

  1. What is human purpose
  2. Difficulties in finding your purpose
  3. 10 steps towards your destiny
  4. Destination by date of birth
  5. 7 signs of a person who has found his purpose

Every person sooner or later begins to ask himself questions, trying to understand whether he has chosen the right path in life. If the answer is yes, then he lives in harmony with himself, is happy and radiates positive energy. This is a truly accomplished person.

Not everyone can boast that they have found their path and follow it. Human purpose is a rather complex category that includes several concepts. Let's talk about how to understand that a person has successfully realized himself, and what to do if he has not yet achieved the ideal.

What is human purpose

A person’s purpose is a life and professional path, moving along which he feels in harmony with the world, feels in his place, realizes his abilities and desires in the right way for himself. It is often associated with a profession, but these are not identical concepts, because purpose is often expressed in things not related to work: raising children, helping people and animals, saving nature, etc.

As for professional development, it is also not always linear. Throughout our lives, we all change and acquire new interests. Today there is no need to hold on to one single job all your life. Nowadays, it’s generally normal to get, for example, a medical education, and then go to work in show business. In fact, nothing holds a person back in his development, except for social attitudes and traditions, which are not always necessary to follow. You can be successful in a variety of directions if you strive to gain new knowledge and are passionate about your work.

Often those who smoothly flow from one sphere to another, following their destiny, are said to be in the flow of life. It's like floating in your trusty boat on the river and watching the landscape change from day to day. In life, including professional life, we move, observing different people, situations, circumstances, changing activities, choosing what we like at the moment - this is flow.

However, it often happens that a person begins to resist this natural flow of life or stops the boat and walks somewhere to the side, and even drags his watercraft along with him. So he falls out of the flow, his path becomes difficult.

It turns out that a person’s purpose in the world is not limited to his profession, it is a much broader concept that covers all areas of his life. To follow it means to recognize this inner flow and go where it leads.

Since ancient times, people have been searching for the meaning of life; this is one of the main philosophical questions of humanity. However, his search is as far from life itself as the concept of “vocation” is far from being embodied exclusively in a profession. While engaged in mental quests, people forget to live. When a person follows his destiny, he does not think about it and about the meaning of existence, but simply lives as his heart tells him, and feels satisfaction from what he does.

Secret Doctrine

The word “destination” evokes many thoughts and questions. It's almost a mystical word. “Destination,” as the word is used here, is an all-encompassing term meaning “life’s journey,” “path,” including the God-given goal we seek to achieve at the end of life, and our own faith-filled walk along the path. towards this goal. Some people believe that a person's destined destiny is the will of fate or just an accident. They think that they cannot control the course of their life or determine its results. But I'm telling you that you can do it! Not only do you have a choice, but you also have a responsibility to find that purpose and, through the control of events, to rebuild your life according to the plan intended for you. Our job is to find the destiny that God wants for us and live in accordance with it. There is a goal He wants to help you achieve. Perhaps the fact that you are reading this article is already a fateful step for you. Knowing that God has planned your life and purpose brings you confidence, encouragement, joy and success. Some of you think that everything happens by chance, that you just poke around here and there and that the one who accidentally falls into the right stream is successful. This is far from true. Such a worldview and thoughts will lead you to a life in which you will always be dissatisfied with yourself and everything that surrounds you. Because of such thoughts, you will find yourself trapped in a quagmire of failure and suffering. But when you know that you have a purpose, then you walk confidently and firmly along your life path. And don’t pay attention to the fact that some people around you will consider you eccentrics. On this occasion, someone said that the surest way to achieve nothing is to spend your whole life trying to please others. Due to a lack of knowledge, life compromises, wrong choices, laziness or selfishness, we can die without fulfilling the destiny given to us by God, without bringing the benefit that we could bring, and without achieving the victories and successes that we could achieve.

So, what determines a person's destiny? The events of human life, success or failure, prosperity or poverty are determined by a number of basic factors: purpose, upbringing, karma, human consciousness, spiritual world. In other words, summarizing, we get three fundamental global causes of human grief and suffering. This is karma, mind and the forces of evil. By themselves, these three factors are in no way connected with each other, but a person manages to combine them into one ominous cocktail of suffering, illness and self-destruction. In order to restore order in your mind and your life, you need to unravel this tangle. You should know that the ways to deal with these three factors are completely different. Believe in yourself, in the knowledge that you will receive, in Divine help and the mercy of Heaven, and also firmly understand that there are no hopeless situations. All processes in space are reversible, the only limitation is the knowledge of how to do this and the human mind, which may not want to change anything. So, let's unravel the knots of our lives, free ourselves from the shackles and prison in which we have put ourselves. One of the reasons for our failures, anxieties, doubts, uncertainty and even illnesses is the departure from our destiny or its inaccurate fulfillment. So what is destiny and how does it differ from karma? Destination is a duty, an obligation, necessary requirements, an order, it is a life program with which a person comes into this world. It may seem that destiny is the same thing as karma or fate, but this is far from true. Destination is a person’s obligations to fulfill the instructions that God predetermines for him. This is his responsibility, his duty to life, to himself, to other people and to God. Where does this purpose come from, who prescribes it, what does it include? Who forms the stages of certain actions and, finally, how does it manifest itself in our real life? Unfortunately, within the framework of this article we will be able to consider only a small part of the nature of the emergence of destinations, but even from this volume of information the degree of their significance in human life will be clear.

Let us omit the posthumous state of the soul and its path to the heavenly worlds. Let us dwell on those levels of space where a person is in pure consciousness, i.e. in a state of open-mindedness, clarity of thinking that extends to the past, present and future. In this state, a person sees and realizes past lives, his delusions, mistakes, good deeds, as well as the cause-and-effect relationship between the links of some events of past lives and the present. What is accomplished in this life is as visible as the future consequences awaiting a person. But this does not mean that they must necessarily happen in the next life. They may be postponed for the future, but retribution must definitely occur. This is typical both for evil deeds, erroneous thinking, delusions inspired by religion or society, and for good thoughts and dreams. Let us imagine ourselves free from the limitations of the physical body. Imagine yourself in a state of half-asleep, floating like a balloon. Your consciousness is free from all worldly problems, desires and attachments. You are in a state of peace and clear mind in a space filled with gentle waves of colorful energies. From the depths of this sparkling space, pictures from a number of your lives, including your present one, emerge before you. You see and understand everything. You experience two different feelings. The first is a feeling of joy, satisfaction, pride in the good sense of the word (“yes, I could”, “I did it”, “I resisted”, etc.). And the second is a feeling of disappointment, regret, dissatisfaction with oneself in certain situations where weakness, erroneous actions, stubbornness of delusion, weak-willedness (“it’s so simple - all that was needed…”, etc.) were demonstrated. At this moment, you have a strong need to correct your wrong actions and the question arises: how to do this? Stories appear in your mind containing options on how you can correct the mistakes of the past in your new birth. The selection of your preferred subjects happens instantly, and this decision fills you with a feeling of joy and inspiration. Inspired by this state, you rush upward. A channel to the higher worlds opens before your eyes. Surrounded by spiritual teachers, saints, sages or angels, you rise from one higher world to another until the ocean of Divine consciousness opens up to you - a radiant, living and intelligent infinite space. At this moment, you realize the reality of God, your connection with Him, or rather, your involvement as part of this radiance. You get a feeling of belonging of all people and all living things on earth to the single source of life - to God. You also become aware of God's plans for all living beings, humanity, and for yourself in particular. You understand not only the plans of this Great Personality, but also the stages and methods of creation, the goals of the evolution of the consciousness of all things. But your consciousness is struck not only by the splendor and ideality of the plan for the development of the planet, but also by the discrepancy between what should be and what is actually happening on Earth. Regret clouds your mind. You are descending from the Divine world into one of the highest heavenly worlds. Here the spiritual rulers of the world and teachers explain to you the reason for human delusions and the isolation of human consciousness from God, why he leaves the plan of the Almighty and how he remains on his own with the world of darkness, with the laws of karma and the animal nature of his soul. They also explain to you the ways in which you can restore connection with the Creator as a Person possessing Superconsciousness, Intelligence and Omnipotence. You are taught how this reunion can change not only your life and karma for the better, but also the lives of those people who will surround you in your new birth. Also, the secret of the true human “I”, its Divine nature, is revealed to you, that the One has singled out from himself many divine “I” in order to continue to create with many minds, hands and eyes. Spiritual teachers also explain that human beings of their own free will choose to live in a cycle of birth and death, in the hope that the connection with the Creator from which they came will never be severed. But the hope did not come true. Life in the material world without the possibility of return and renewal soon bore its fruits. Man was stuck in attachments, desires and pleasures, which in those distant times the material world constantly provided. But the continuous stream of pleasures was replaced by a series of suffering and grief, illness and spiritual death. In this way, the reasons for the suffering of all mankind and your own become clear to you. But you are faced with another problem - how to restore connection with the real, not religious God, how not to forget in the body that “I” is part of God? Not a slave, not a son separated from his father, but “I” is this God, manifested in the form of an individual part, which is like a wave in the ocean, which itself has a volume, its own shape, speed and force of movement, but nevertheless is inextricably linked with the ocean... You begin to reflect and analyze, and this prompts you to descend from the higher worlds into the worlds of the mental plane. It is at this moment that the planning of the stages of your life takes place, which is the purpose.

But what we call in one word “purpose” actually consists of four factors. These factors are decisive at each individual stage of life and in achieving your goals. These programs, in fact, are codes in the human subconscious and manifest themselves through needs. Needs awaken and activate desires and attraction to what can satisfy them. This is similar to the need for food and water, when hunger and thirst prompt a person to seek what is needed. Spiritual needs operate in a similar way. They include subconscious mechanisms for searching for certain activities aimed, firstly, at fulfilling the code program of the need, and secondly, at finding ways to satisfy it. There are four spiritual needs in total: u restoration of the lost connection with God and with one’s super-self; u deep awareness of one’s human nature, the surrounding reality of the invisible worlds with their principles and laws; u creative and intellectual self-realization; u paying off debts to people, society or the state and eliminating the character traits that gave rise to them.

Now let us see how man is going to fulfill this great destiny by being born into this world. Being in a state of pure consciousness, a person not only realizes the Divine presence and his plans, but actually experiences God as a living, intelligent Person. And this is real participation, and not dead religious or philosophical dogmas and reasoning. But a person also understands that in the material world, without these dogmas, he will not be able to get closer to knowledge, and later - to the awareness of the Divine. Thus, he chooses the system of religious beliefs, spiritual and occult knowledge through which he will gradually approach the truth. He understands that although the system limits access to knowledge, it keeps him in one direction and the goal is in the believer’s field of vision. Moreover, any religion, no matter how conservative or restrictive it may be, speaks of love, the need to comprehend one’s Divinity, control over one’s emotions, ego and feelings, and the harmony of man, nature and society. Thus, one chooses a narrow direction through religion or a guru, the other will study several directions, looking for the main and general things in them: philosophy, psychology, yoga, ideas of spiritual teachers, occultism, etc. He knows for sure that none of the religions and sciences can give him all the knowledge and experience that opens up from contact with God, because... they perform an applied and auxiliary role in achieving the truth. But the realization of God by a person is impossible without awareness of oneself and the surrounding reality, for God is everything. And, as the Apostle Paul said, “God is the one Creator and Father of all things that exist, who is above all, through all, and in all living beings.” Thus, a person must move in understanding reality from a narrow materialistic worldview to a scientific one, and from it to a magical, causal and, finally, to a Divine vision of the world. Purpose in awareness of reality only leads to the Divine, while awareness of the Divine opens access to restoration of communication with God, therefore these two purposes are almost interrelated, but are not the same thing. From the moment this connection is restored, the stage of God-realization begins, in which the will of God and the desire of man coincide. God-realization passes through the spheres of higher human consciousness and through its activities in society. The goal of self-realization is the fulfillment of the basic principles of the Creator himself: a person is obliged to develop in all spheres - spiritual, cultural, intellectual, professional, etc. There is no formidable “god”, deity or gods who would force a person to fulfill these needs. Everything in a person is interconnected. Divine vibrations are condensed to spiritual and material and are manifested through human activities, which should be useful for society and for the individual himself. It is impossible to carry out work that is useless to society, or a social program that is hateful to oneself, and consider this self-realization. Therefore, self-realization occurs through professional or everyday activities, which give a person a feeling of satisfaction from the process itself.

How does a person choose what to do in this life? Being in a state of pure mind, aware of his past experiences, unfinished desires, good and bad character traits, social opportunities of the place where he is going to be born, a person plans those activities that will maximally contribute to the manifestation of his talents and mental abilities. For example, one, seeing the causes of human grief in ignorance, illusion and delusion, decides to reveal to people the truth about God, laws, the real nature of man, etc. Some choose: “I will teach the youth - this is the future of the world,” others decide to protect them from the forces of evil in the spiritual or material world. Still others will help with the above-mentioned finances: “I will accumulate a large fortune and will help churches, religious schools, the sick, children and the elderly. I will be a philanthropist." Someone will compete for the right to manage the state, enterprises, etc., someone decides to invent, to be simply a labor force, equipping people’s lives, to grow crops. These purposes determine a specific role in society: i.e. peasant, worker, warrior, philanthropist, etc. So what then is the freedom of human choice and its self-realization? It lies in the fact that a peasant born by destiny can dig around on his five acres of land, barely making ends meet, or he can become a large farmer, having his own property, thousands of heads of livestock, hectares of cultivated land. You can be an ensign or the Minister of Defense, you can be a deacon in a rural church or a Patriarch, a paramedic or a professor of medicine, etc. It all depends on a person’s efforts, his perseverance, karma and desires to benefit people as much as possible. It’s like a competition where the most purposeful, prepared and persistent people win. This is the essence of freedom and self-realization, which are an integral part of the evolutionary process and natural selection, which from life to life gives a person more and more new chances. But let's return to the moment when the events of our lives are formed in accordance with the programs of our destiny. At the moment when the reality of God, His plans for each and everyone, the heavenly worlds, the causes of humanity's problems, one's own mistakes and ways to correct them are realized, the direction of activity is determined, human consciousness descends to denser levels of the mental plane. It is here that more detailed matrices of the main events of life are created, taking into account the interference or help of one’s karma and the karma of other persons in the future scenario. First of all, a person creates stories in his imagination, generating holographic clips of events. These holograms of scenes fill all the mental space in a person's consciousness. Later, at the time of birth and later life, they become denser, crowded out by new information and become subconscious. Thus, a code is formed in a person’s mind: “do this and that, such and such.” Codes of this kind determine the areas of activity through which a person will realize himself, display certain qualities and improve himself. Now, regarding the fourth program of purpose (repaying debts to people, society or the state, as well as voluntarily accepting the consequences of previous actions, i.e. working off karma). Here, too, a person consciously chooses those people before whom he feels guilty for his actions and is going to include them in the scenario of his life. For example, you abandoned a person by refusing to help him, although you had every opportunity to help him. Now you will help him in the type of activity that he chooses in this life. This process can be long (lifelong) or relatively short. It all depends on what consequences your refusal had. Without giving someone an education, you will help them learn; deprived of an inheritance - give away the money or contribute to his enrichment; led a dishonest life, deceived people and the state - you will find yourself in the same situation now; if you killed someone, you will protect him, etc. I want the reader to understand that repaying debts and working off karma are not the same thing. You will pay for everything you have done: if you abandoned a person in trouble, you will find yourself in such a situation and no one will come to help; deprived of money - you yourself will lose; humiliated, not allowed to self-realize - you yourself will suffer from the complex of an unrecognized genius, wander through life, not knowing what to do, because no matter what you undertake, everything will fall apart. Good deeds also have a mirror image nature. The law of retribution is not a punishment from heaven, but a feature of space-time levels, which in physics is called “string theory.” In it, each level has its own vibration and reflection, peculiar only to itself. All weaker vibrations of any frequency move, relatively speaking, upward, and enter into resonance with the medium, until the vibration of this medium is weaker or equal to the strength of the emitted signal. As soon as the power of external space begins to exceed the power of the emitted pulse, a disturbance occurs in space and the signal begins to be reflected like an echo. Thus, ideas are reflected from one level of space, thoughts - from another, feelings - from a third, a person’s conscious actions - from all of them at once. The law of karma in Judaism is retribution, in Christianity the law of sowing and reaping. These features of space and time are characteristic of the entire Universe and are not a religious “horror story”, as some believe.

Now, when there is a project of what and how he needs to do, a person additionally forms new codes: “For these people I will do this and that, positive karma will manifest itself in such and such, and negative karma will manifest itself in such and such a way.” “so and so.” I would like to note that this model is missing something that someone should do for me. A person determines what he should do for another. This is how mutual responsibility is formed, in which the motive of selfishness is absent. Absolutely everyone born on Earth has these programs, regardless of whether they have the role of a worker or a president. These programs are primarily embedded in the human subconscious in the form of codes, clothed in holographic images, and contain the main stages of life. In the outer space of collective consciousness they are also created by the power of human imagination. Future spiritual patrons and people who will be involved in this scenario at one time or another also take part in the creation of these models. Imagine a group of people located at one of the levels of space and using the power of their thoughts and imagination to create images in heaven. Such “heavenly pictures” contain the main fragments of our life, where the main role belongs to you. You are the creator, director and performer of these scripts. The rest are included in the creation of your models only when they are associated with their participation. In other words, you alone create the model, and the future Ivanov or Ivanova begins to be included in the modeling from the moment the hour comes for their appearance in your life. Now you and they simultaneously create a drawing of your plot. Part of their consciousness and energy, together with yours, are woven into a holographic model of one or another stage of your life, forming the so-called matrices of the stages of your life. In these models, events and relationships are predetermined. But there are also plots in which events are predetermined, but specific participants are not provided. In these fragments of your life model, you, together with spiritual teachers or saints, create the so-called phantom image of the intended participant. This plot does not imply the participation of a specific person in your life - it can be anyone from your environment, both familiar and unfamiliar people. This means that help or difficulty for you will be created by those people to whom the programs embedded in the hologram will be related. By intuitively joining the phantom program, a person has a conscious desire to fulfill this role. The plot scenes of these matrices include phantom plots and real people with models of what they should do, but do not provide how they will do it. For example, according to the scenario, you need to enter a university. But this moment coincides with the most powerful manifestation of negative karma of the family or personality, and you need outside help. The actions of the one who comes to your aid are predetermined, but how this will happen is unknown. Whether he will be your protégé, whether he will earn enough money to pay for your education, or whether he will take care of your preparation himself - no one can foresee all these nuances before birth. The same applies to those who will provide assistance in areas related to spiritual education, career, health, in a word, with all areas of activity related to the realization of one purpose or another.

Now let's summarize what was described above. For clarity, imagine that all the stages associated with the implementation of the programs of your destiny are like an inverted tree with roots going up into the Divine mind, into a single field of cosmic consciousness. And this mind contains all the plans for the stages of evolution with countless options for their implementation. Like a tree, they unfold from the Divine to the material, both in the outer space of collective consciousness and through the inner world of man. The purpose of each person is the Divine plan for him, indicating what needs to be done in various life situations directly to him personally. This plan is not only stored in the subconscious of the embodied person, but is also found in the form of holographic wave packets on the mental plane of collective consciousness. Thus, human life is to some extent predetermined, but this is only at first glance. Of course, the key points are prescribed, but are there so many of them in our lives? Man is given the task of seeking and comprehending God and his Divine nature, but who determines the degree of this awareness? A person can remain at the level of religious beliefs or achieve complete enlightenment of consciousness and liberation. Who determined how much money he would earn to be a philanthropist? Will a person suffer from the loss of millions of dollars in business and everyone will cry that he has no money, having a thousand dollars in pocket money, or will he really be on the verge of poverty and survival? All this is a consequence of a person’s level of spiritual maturity and karma, as well as your choice, perseverance and faith. They give rise to mental realities that model your conscious and unconscious actions and create external events. A person is predestined to create, this is his nature, he can create events with the power of his imagination that can expand and improve or, conversely, slow down and worsen the course of prescribed events. He can also neutralize the flow of events, moreover, in a two-way way - with the good he can neutralize the bad, and with the bad he can neutralize the good that should happen in his life. Unfortunately, most people prefer to block the positive and multiply the negative with their constant whining, depression and pessimism. Why does a person do this? Because most bright souls have a religious program of sin encoded, and a person’s subconscious actions are aimed at self-punishment. But we also know that the main accuser of man's sinful nature is Satan. As soon as a person begins to fall into despondency and pessimism, the angels of darkness are right there, encouraging him to generate more and more terrifying plots of false future events. Therefore, until a person learns to distinguish between the nature of good and evil, he will make mistakes in his life and allow himself to suffer only because someone really wants it. The task facing a person is to realize where the obstacles are of a karmic nature, where they are demonic, and where they are personal, because The methods for eliminating and neutralizing the consequences of these causes are completely different. Moreover, the purpose of karma and debt can be changed. This is a human right, because... it concerns his human nature and his choices. While self-realization, awareness and reunion with God are spiritual, i.e. cosmic programs for individual divine “Selves”, and they are unchanged until their full implementation.

In order to change the events of our life, we need not only to understand the direction of our destiny and decide on ways to realize them, but also to understand how space works and the mechanism of karma. Having understood, we will understand where we can control this process, in which cases it is possible and even necessary, and in which cases we will have to accept everything as it is. But I want to warn the reader that my task is to teach you not so much to change the programs of your life, but to ease your fate from the extra burden that, due to your ignorance, you have taken upon yourself. I also want the reader to understand that the program of retribution or karma of one pole is always the same, i.e. one flow of positive karma, one flow of negative karma. The degree of their manifestation will be determined by the tuning of human consciousness to a positive or negative wave. In this way, mixing of flows, pinching of one and expansion of the other, up to its complete cutting off, is possible. Over time, these flows may change, influencing the events of our lives in different ways, but there are always two of them, and not three, four or ten at the same time, as is the case with modern man. “Trouble has come - open the gate”, “Every cricket know its nest”, “Better a bird in the hand than a pie in the sky”, etc. You must get rid of such attitudes, generated by human ignorance, fear and laziness, which, through our subconscious, limit our consciousness and deliberately determine our insignificant existence. The first and main task of a person is to realize his purpose and begin to act in accordance with it. The second is to understand and remove all false obstacles to the implementation of programs. A person must distinguish between karma taken before birth and karma instilled in him by religion, parents, society, or included by your own mind with the help of demonic forces. The third is to decide: what, how and why he will change in his worldview, in his life and in himself. The fourth and most basic thing is to have faith in God and in yourself, and not be afraid to leave your established “world” and be ready for the changes that the future has in store for us. You also have to learn that being content in one position is one thing, but if you are simply existing, clinging to what is familiar and safe, it is something else entirely. Why spend your whole life trying to figure out what you can’t do, instead of believing in success while acting. As long as you sit still, not trusting yourself or God, you will never know what you could become or what you could achieve. So push the boundaries of your capabilities. Go ahead and don't be afraid to take risks!

Valery Bogoslavsky, Kharkov

Destination by date of birth

Some experts consider destiny as a gift given to those people who, in their past earthly incarnations, managed to realize their mistakes and work out karmic tasks. That is, absolute self-realization becomes possible if a person has achieved a high level of awareness and personal development.

Numerology allows you to determine a person’s purpose by date of birth. It does not give an exact description of a person’s fate, but it helps to see the direction in which to move. Let's see how this happens.

You need to write down your date of birth and add up the numbers. For example: 03.23.1979=2+3+3+1+9+7+9=34=3+4=7

Deciphering human purpose.

  • Number 1.

Purpose: to be a leader, to implement plans, to lead people.

Image: leader, commander, pioneer, but maybe also a destroyer.

Motto: who if not me?

A person with number 1 strives for leadership and great achievements from childhood; he dreams of quickly becoming an adult, independent and doing as he wants. It is important for him to be independent; in a team he often becomes a leader.

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Such people can find themselves in almost any business thanks to all-consuming energy, ambition, and the ability to set goals and achieve what they want. There are a large number of areas in which brave, extraordinary and responsible employees are needed, ready to take charge of anything. Representatives of the “one” find it easy to climb the career ladder; in addition, they love money – all this gives them confidence in themselves and the future.

Such people need to feel involved in the matter, realize the magnitude of their own contribution to it and feel personal responsibility for what is happening around them - then they will be satisfied.

  • Number 2.

Purpose: to live among people and mentor them.

Image: peacemaker, assistant, adviser, contactee, but also an envious gossip, an intriguer or a stickler.

Motto: there is contact!

A person with the number 2 is very good in all matters related to resolving conflicts, finding solutions to emerging problems, protecting the interests of others, he is an excellent mediator in matters, a kind of guide, an assistant. He is able to correctly assess the situation and will do everything possible to improve the situation of other people, thanks to which he commands respect and makes good money.

It is important for the “Two” to maintain a sober view of things and put common sense and justice at the forefront, otherwise you can turn into a person trying to please everyone and, as a result, lose authority.

Vocation. How to find your calling

In addition to “destination”, there is the concept of “vocation”.

Vocation is what a person is called here for. How it can be useful to people and the world as a whole.

Finding a calling is quite simple - it is uniqueness, talents given from birth, which are important to reveal fully and preferably professionally. When a person realizes his calling, it is easier to pass tests, work becomes a joy to him. He gets payback along the way. But this does not mean that everything is easy and simple for him. This is also work.

Vocation is part of a person's destiny.

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A little about superheroes

Remember the old movies about superheroes - Tarzan or Superman. Do you remember how strong, noble, unshakable and positive they were on all sides? Modern films show a slightly different hero, and it seems to me that this new image is much closer to the truth. Realizing his peculiarity, his strength and his destiny, the chosen one is faced with a whole bunch of problems - unwillingness to be different from others, awareness of his responsibility, rejection of society, the need to hide his real “I”. He becomes an outcast, his psyche suffers, and a lot of doubts arise. Dejection, disappointment, disbelief. The hero is at a loss - why does he need all this, why save the world if you are left alone, you are not understood, ordinary human happiness is inaccessible to you? Wolverine, Spider-Man, Batman - look how much torment their gift brings them. But it's not just their superpowers that make them special—these heroes have a powerful fortitude that helps them win and fulfill their destiny, even when the whole world turns against them.

Now think about people with superpowers who weren’t made into a movie because they didn’t have the mental strength to overcome themselves and their circumstances. Since childhood, they considered themselves outcasts, wanted to be like everyone else, and adjusted to everyone else. They abandoned their destiny in order to merge with people. But they never became common. And they couldn’t learn to use their powers. They did not become anyone - society broke them, crippled their psyche, deprived them of their purpose. And they remained only strange people, outcasts whom no one understands. Remember Rogue from X-Men? She gave up her abilities for the opportunity to touch the person she loved. But there is no continuation about her, nothing is said in subsequent episodes about what happened to her next. If this were a movie, Rogue would be married and happy. But in real life she would have been thrown to the margins of life. A girl accustomed to communicating with eccentrics like herself; a person who was unable to accept his difference from others; a personality who for a long time opposed himself to society. Do you think this goes away without a trace? The mutant community no longer needs her - and not because they are heartless. It’s just that without her superpowers, she becomes defenseless next to those who come face to face with death every day. It would be better for her to leave them. And ordinary people, like dogs, will smell the smell of a wolf in her all their lives, the smell of someone else’s and the unknown. And no matter how hard she tries, Rogue will no longer become Marie. She will remain internally alone, will not live an ordinary life and will not accomplish the feats that she could have accomplished.

A little about narrow specialization

Previously, during the times of subsistence farming, people produced all the necessary household items and food products themselves. They sowed themselves, harvested themselves, weaved, sewed, made bast shoes and made pots. But there was a man in the village who could do something special. For example, a blacksmith. He was strong, he hammered with a sledgehammer on an anvil, he made simple but extremely necessary things - scythes, axes, horseshoes. But this was the only thing he did - this is how a narrow specialization was born. The blacksmith was paid for his work, so he could buy food, clothes, sandals and pots. And there was also a sexton who was the only one in the entire village (well, not counting perhaps the priest) who could read. He didn’t have to get up early in the morning to work hard in the field—he earned his living, so to speak, by intellectual labor. And what happens? The blacksmith has his own purpose - he lives off his enormous physical strength and does not intend to master other areas. Imagine a blacksmith teaching peasant children to read and write... And the sexton has his own purpose, he reads letters to illiterate fellow countrymen, receives a load of lard for his service and does not even try to swing a sledgehammer. It will still break.

Now imagine that parents who have always earned their living through hard work have a child who is inclined towards science. He wants to study writing, mathematics and astronomy. But their family lived like this for generations - their father shoed horses, their mother worked in the fields. So the son will shoe horses and rivet braids. And all these books are complete nonsense. And if their offspring, greedy for science, remains stubborn, he will also receive a belt. Now let's go from the other side.


in Russian

  • The Divine Aurelius Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, On the Predestination of the Saints, first book to Prosper and Hilary. M.: Put, 2000.
  • Calvin J. “Instructions in the Christian Faith”, St. Petersburg, 1997.
  • Manannikov I. “Predestination”, Catholic Encyclopedia. Volume 3, Franciscan Publishing House 2007
  • McGrath A. Theological thought of the Reformation, Odessa, 1994.

in other languages

  • George T. (English) (Russian. The Theology of the Reformers, Nashville, Tenn., 1988.
  • Farrelly J. Predestination, Grace, and Free Will, Westminster, 1964.
  • Friehoff C. Die Pradestintionslehre bei Thomas von Aquino und Calvin. Freiburg, 1926,

Obstacles that prevent you from realizing yourself

Let's examine seven limiting factors.

Ignorance of self

If in a family a child was always told what to do and what to do, then he grows up not knowing himself. The suppressive parenting style includes excessive care and authority of parents who demand unquestioning obedience.

Fear of change

Fear of new things is common to many people. The psyche is a system that loves stability. Any change is stressful. Therefore, it is difficult to leave the familiar zone, but you need to learn it.

False stereotypes and beliefs

Do not divide professions into women's and men's. Get rid of the belief that you can’t earn big money honestly. Don't tie success to age. Remember: all restrictions are born and live only in your head.

Reluctance to take responsibility

A conscious and active life position is associated with choice and responsibility for one’s decisions and their consequences. It’s easier to complain about fate, an unhappy childhood, a lazy husband, the mistakes of youth, the state or someone else.

Taking the position of a victim, a person refuses responsibility. But without this you cannot become happy and achieve success.


Forget about the ideal, do not compare yourself with other people. Become the best version of yourself and don't focus on the result. Learn to enjoy the process of work and the content of the case.

Dependence on other people's opinions

Do you know who gives advice and criticizes others? Those who don't have their own lives. No matter what you do, such people will still find something to complain about. Therefore, if your hobby does not violate the norms of society and someone’s personal boundaries, then continue to develop - do not listen to anyone.


Frustration is a mental state manifested by anxiety, apathy, and irritability. It occurs when the most important need has not been met for a long time. Determine what you have been limiting yourself to for a long time, what you are missing. Give yourself this.

Ancient world

The concept of predestination already existed in ancient times. The Olympian gods in Ancient Greece were subject to a higher law, personified by the goddesses of fate Moira.

The Greek heroic epic and the tragedies of Sophocles present the main problematic of predestination - man resists the will of the gods and invariably loses. Hence the fatalism of the ancient worldview.

An example of predestination and fate can be found in the story of King Cyrus the Great (his grandfather Cyrus I saw his future in a dream[1]). At the same time, the idea of ​​predestination was combined among the Greeks and Romans with the idea that a person’s conscious activity could still have meaning. Thus, Polybius in his “General History” constantly emphasizes the role of fate, but it is still possible to break the circle, especially if an outstanding person comes to power. Cornelius Tacitus in one of his books reflects on the problem of “whether human affairs are determined by fate and inexorable necessity or by chance,” citing various opinions on this matter, one of which says that the gods do not care in the slightest about mortals, the other that life circumstances are predetermined by fate , but not due to the movement of stars, but due to the reasons and interconnection of natural causes. But most mortals believe that their future is predetermined from birth[2]. Thus, the worldview of the Greeks and Romans was characterized by duality, and not complete providentialism[3].

Criticism of predestination

There is still no consensus among theologians regarding the doctrine of predestination. Many Christian authors believe that God’s predestination of certain people to condemnation contradicts the principles “God is Love” and “God loves to have mercy on sinners”[4]. H. L. Borges, having sharpened the doctrine of predestination, offers the following reasoning:

For a Christian, the life and death of Christ is the central event of world history; previous centuries prepared it, subsequent centuries reflected it. Adam had not yet been created from the dust of the earth, the firmament had not yet separated the waters from the waters, and the Father already knew that the Son would die on the cross. So He created the earth and the sky as a backdrop for this coming destruction. It is also possible that iron was created for the sake of nails, thorns for the sake of the crown of thorns, and blood and water for the sake of the wound[5].

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