Features of instant hypnosis techniques


Trance is a special state of a person, which is caused by a specialist or the person himself, thanks to the use of special techniques. Under their influence, the individual becomes suggestible. This is used in various fields, including medicine. The technique of hypnosis depends not only on the skill of the hypnotist, but also on what goals he pursues during the session. Today there are many schools and teachings, but many of them practice several of the most accessible and effective methods of suggestion.

Break pattern

The human brain is designed in such a way that it strives for everything familiar and wants to remain in such a comfortable state for as long as possible. Here we are talking about the so-called template. If this pattern is suddenly broken, the person falls for some time into an extremely suggestible state due to temporary confusion.

The following example can be given. Every morning a person is used to leaving home at the same time, walking across the road to the stop, boarding a trolleybus and getting to work. But one day, leaving the house, he did not find the stop in his usual place. The person is confused: how to get to work on time now. At this moment he is in a suggestible state. You can approach him and force him to do something simply by asking.

This state lasts, depending on the patient’s suggestibility and his ability to gather his will together, from 1 second to 5 minutes.

The hypnotist himself can break the pattern with his unusual behavior and plunge the person into a temporary trance.


This method is often used in so-called gypsy hypnosis. This technique of suggestion and hypnosis is simple to implement, but effective. Its essence lies in the fact that the interlocutor is bombarded with a large amount of information, which he is often simply physically unable to digest.

Most people can maintain focus on a phrase that is no more than 6-7 words long.

If this quantity is simultaneously increased in combination with a high speed of information delivery, a person ceases to understand what is being said to him and falls into a kind of confusion, akin to a hypnotic trance. At this moment, you can also suggest almost anything to him.

When performing this technique, you must adhere to the following principles:

  • information is provided in large volumes;
  • its delivery speed should be maximum, ideally in one breath, without separating words;
  • the intonation should be monotonous, without emotional accents on the word that the consciousness could cling to.

The main thing is not to let the interlocutor come to his senses and seize the initiative.

Instant hypnosis

It is easier for a person to fall into a trance if he is possessed by a strong feeling. It doesn't matter whether the emotion is positive or negative. Instant hypnosis is based on this feature of the psyche. Confusion, bewilderment, and stupefaction, expressed to a strong degree, have a similar effect on a person. Such powerful emotions rob the individual of the ability to quickly navigate, and his subconscious gratefully submits to outside direction.

Instant hypnosis techniques include factors that disorient a person and create a gap in his psychological defense. As a result of this, he ceases to control the situation. Here are the basic techniques of a hypnotist:

  • use shocking information or a deliberately staged meeting;
  • ask misleading, illogical and contradictory questions;
  • unexpectedly use a sudden movement or loud sound;
  • quickly change your behavior.

Instant hypnosis is often used in business negotiations, introducing the opponent into a state of severe confusion and thus causing him to be pliable and receptive to the manipulator’s arguments. For example, right before signing a contract, they provide information that is important for the outcome of the negotiations, but requires careful consideration. Street and gypsy hypnosis are also considered a type of instant hypnosis.

Natural trance

Almost everyone has either personally been in such a state or observed other people in it. A man is riding on the subway, immersed in his thoughts and dreams. He has a vacant look, now he is motionless and sees nothing in front of him. This is a natural trance. You can approach a person and encourage him to perform this or that action even before the moment the brain “woke up”.

Some people immerse themselves in this state consciously - through meditation or prayer, often by performing monotonous movements or pronouncing monotonous phrases for a long time.

Many hypnotists use pendulums, rotating objects, etc. to immerse the patient in this state.

After the object has fallen into a natural trance, it becomes more suggestible, more responsive to external stimuli. This could be the speech of a hypnotist, which sounds monotonous, but in an orderly tone.

Telling something to a person in a monotonous voice, accompanying the speech with repeated movements, you can put the interlocutor into a trance, even in the middle of a busy street. As soon as his gaze becomes “absent,” you can, without changing the speech tempo and intonation, order something to be done or instill certain information.

This method works especially well if a person is in a relaxing environment or when the atmosphere around is equally rhythmic and monotonous. This could be the sound of rain, the sound of train wheels, etc.

Physiological basis of hypnosis

To master hypnosis, its methodology and practice, you first need to understand its physiological mechanism. The word hypnosis has Greek roots: hypnos means sleep. With the help of hypnosis, you can put a person both into a hypnotic sleep and into a hypnotic state, or trance.

A trance state occurs in a person quite often and without the help of a hypnotist. Deeply thinking, dreaming, being overtired, he plunges into a similar state without noticing. In a trance caused by a hypnotist, a person perceives internal sensations more clearly than external stimuli in the form of sounds and movements. Any textbook on hypnosis will help you study the features of this state in more detail.

Hypnotic sleep is partial, inhibition is limited to the cerebral cortex and does not extend to the subcortical area. Against the background of inhibition, areas called sentinel centers continue to work in the cerebral cortex. Through them there is a connection with the outside world. They allow the person being hypnotized to maintain contact with the hypnologist. This selective contact is called hypnotic rapport. When rapport is established, a person becomes insensitive to all external stimuli except the voice of the hypnotist.

Such a differentiated reaction to a stimulus emanating only from the hypnotizing one can be achieved by arousing the person’s trust. This can be done in two ways:

  1. Through consciousness. This is a long path of logical persuasion, through critical perception and active conscious elaboration.
  2. From the side of the subconscious, bypassing the person’s personal “I”, his conscious critical perception.

It is precisely penetration into the unconscious of the subject that must be learned by those who have begun self-training in hypnosis.

Suggestion through emotional influence

You can also put a person into a trance through a vivid emotional experience. To do this, the hypnotist can appeal to the subject's memories using the phrases: “Has it ever happened to you?..” or “Do you remember how?..” Thus, the hypnotized person becomes emotionally open to further suggestion.

There is also such a secret technique of modern hypnosis as layering of realities. Its essence is that the hypnotist begins to overload the subject’s consciousness, telling him stories one after another, which gradually become more complex emotionally and situationally. The interlocutor’s consciousness begins to tire and gradually opens up.

Nuances of use

Instant hypnosis has unlimited possibilities. It shows a high level of performance and apparent ease. The hypnotist will be able to achieve many of the goals.

Only a complete understanding of instant hypnosis will help you subjugate another person to your own will, force him to do actions that often do not correspond to the desires of the person being suggested. This type of hypnosis is distinguished by its complex execution. A novice practitioner will not be able to put a person into a trance using the quick hypnosis technique.

Many people make the mistake of thinking that instant hypnosis helps to change the character and habits of another person. Not a single programming technique sets completely new and unusual settings for the subconscious. This effect is only possible if a person himself wants to change by changing his thinking.

The presented technique does not help to completely impose your desires and will on other people. Hypnosis opens up enormous possibilities for the practitioner, but they are not limitless. Even when immersed in a deep trance, a person will not perform actions that may contradict common sense. Especially if internal installations pose a threat to life.

Practitioners must remember that rapid hypnosis can only influence people who are highly emotional and have a high degree of hypnotizability. They will respond quickly to installations. Phlegmatic people who lack a rich imagination cannot be hypnotized.


Each person has a set of psychological and emotional anchors - stimuli to which certain memories, reactions, etc. are attached. An example would be a person's name. He will react to his own name being spoken out loud, even if it was not addressed to him.

Of course, we are talking about the so-called conditioned reflex. Often such anchors for the formation of a conditioned reflex are formed very quickly. You only need to get into an unpleasant situation in a dark alley once in order to experience fear of all dark alleys in the future.

Another example is that the sound of a song, some object or smell can trigger a flood of suddenly flooding memories.

You can induce anchoring in your interlocutor yourself. It is important that the anchor is specific. This could be an unusual object in the hands, a special kind of cough, an unusual word, etc. If you demonstrate such an anchor for some time and stimulate it by evoking certain emotions in the subject, then in the future it will be enough to demonstrate the anchor - and the desired emotion will be evoked at the subconscious level, even if there are no objective prerequisites for this.

If necessary, you can also re-anchor, that is, evoke other emotions associated with the same anchor. This technique is often used if you need to remove phobias, negative impressions, etc.

For the method to work as powerfully as possible, it should be installed at moments of peak emotional experiences.

In practice, this method can work something like this: the hypnotist created an atmosphere of trust and positive emotions, then demonstrated an anchor. After repeating the situation several times, he can be sure that the person has become attached to his anchor. Now, if you need to force the subject to do something, it is enough to evoke positive emotions using an anchor, and then ask him to perform certain actions.

How to develop the qualities necessary for a hypnotist

In order to successfully master a training course in practical hypnosis, a person must assess how well he has developed the necessary skills and personality traits, and engage in training to improve them.

General impression

A novice hypnotist must learn to make a favorable impression on people - this is the beginning of the path to mastering the art of persuasion. Appearance is of great importance. There should be no extremes or bad taste in clothing. Untidyness immediately catches the eye and repels people.

You will have to work on etiquette, communication style, and listening skills. Here are some exercises:

  1. Say hello to every person you live in your neighborhood or meet at work every day. Say the greeting without haste, pronouncing each word clearly.
  2. When greeting, be sure to smile, easily and naturally, and look directly into the eyes of the person you meet. A smile should be rehearsed in front of a mirror - it should not be asymmetrical.
  3. When talking with your interlocutor, show attention and interest, do not interrupt, slightly lean your body towards him, periodically insert the words “yes, yes” and the like, use a sympathetic tilt of the head.

Exercises are performed until the acquired skills are applied automatically. Mastery of these simple techniques allows you to instill conscious trust in people and move on to persuasion - to gently influence a person, influence his views and behavior.

Attention and concentration

To successfully use hypnosis techniques, a person must develop attention. During the session, the hypnotist continuously monitors the smallest details of the subject's behavior; the ability to concentrate plays a huge role.

Concentration is the highest level of attention. Only by focusing on the person being hypnotized does the specialist capture all changes in his behavior, predict the sequence of further actions and accurately select the moment to begin the suggestion. Attention can be called a catalyst for the hypnotic process.

Self confidence

Without a sense of self-confidence, it is difficult to achieve your goals and success in life. For a hypnotist, this quality is paramount; without it, it is impossible to influence other people. An insecure person is unable to resist opponents or ill-wishers; he is easily convinced to change his views or intentions. He himself constantly becomes a victim of influence.

Hypnosis tutorials recommend many exercises to improve self-esteem. Here are a few that can boost your self-confidence:

  • conduct an objective analysis of your strengths and weaknesses and set appropriate goals;
  • honestly analyze your successes and failures, understand and forgive your offenders, yourself for past mistakes;
  • get rid of painful memories, replace them with positive ones - about successes, victories;
  • do not talk badly about yourself, do not attribute shortcomings to yourself;
  • do not focus on feelings of guilt or shame;
  • see failure as a lesson;
  • do not allow yourself to be criticized as a person, but listen to constructive criticism of your actions;
  • on the way to a serious distant goal, set achievable intermediate ones;
  • do not ignore your even small success, praise yourself more often.

For a self-confident person, a new obstacle is not stress, but a challenge that encourages action and new achievements.

Persuasion through conscious trust

Infiltration into the subconscious does not occur when using the option of persuasion through conscious trust. The general scheme of influence by persuasion is as follows:

  • for persuasion, the place and moment of contact is thought out in advance;
  • the conversation is directed in the right direction;
  • arguments are selected in accordance with the personality and mood of the subject;
  • the rhythm of the conversation and the order of presentation of arguments are maintained;
  • counter arguments are neutralized;
  • continuation of the conversation is ensured in case the object disagrees;
  • immediately after achieving the goal, the conversation ends.

It is important to part ways amicably and try to ensure that the person does not leave with a feeling of submission to someone else’s will.

If the goal of persuasion was not achieved, the conversation should not be ended, but continued in a direction that is interesting for the partner, and then, when saying goodbye, recall the main arguments and, without pressure, invite you to think about them.

Suggestion of mental images

Modern theory, technique and practice of hypnosis often works with mental images. An experienced hypnotist knows what images should be evoked in the patient for maximum relaxation, so that he becomes suggestible and opens his mind to influence.

However, everyone can use this technique in everyday life. To do this, you will need to form the most vivid and clear picture in the interlocutor’s head so that this image is firmly fixed in the head. Over time, such an image will begin to “live” in the mind on its own, developing and supplemented with new details.

Suggestion of mental images and methods of leveling them

By encouraging a girl to marry himself, a young man can paint a bright picture of their future together. And the father, in order to force his son to study better, promises him a game console and describes in vivid images how great it will be to play it, what wonderful and exciting games it will be.

Of course, for such a technique to show good results in practice, you yourself need to have a wonderful imagination, be able to draw the most vivid pictures for your interlocutor, so that he is imbued with and falls into such an emotional state when everything that was said seems to be the pure truth.

How to learn hypnosis at home

A self-instruction manual, which can be found in a bookstore or taken from the library, will help you learn how to become a hypnotist. You can also learn the basics of hypnosis by downloading a free tutorial from the Internet. Finding a tutorial on hypnosis will not be difficult. It will be much more difficult to find time and energy for regular exercise - learning the rules of hypnosis, repeating exercises many times.

In a short article it is impossible to describe in detail the techniques, exercises, and spoken monologues. It can only give a general picture of mastering practical hypnosis. A detailed lesson plan, analysis of techniques, and a full set of exercises will be provided by a good tutorial on hypnosis. You can reduce your time and learn hypnosis from an experienced hypnologist with many years of experience, Nikita Valerievich Baturin.

Hidden command method

In everyday communication, a person consciously or unconsciously emphasizes the words that are most important to him. Experienced speakers and pleasant interlocutors can skillfully place such semantic and emotional accents through pauses, gestures, changes in intonation, etc. Usually people on a conscious level simply do not pay attention to this. However, their subconscious can be “deceived” in the right direction. You just need to highlight the desired phrase in your speech in one way or another.

If a young man invites a girl to a cafe, he might say something like this: “I really like this cafe. It’s so cozy, there’s a calming atmosphere, you can relax and think only about good things.” The last part of the phrase is pronounced with a changed intonation, so the girl forms a command on a subconscious level: think only about good things.

Another example. After a quarrel that just happened, a young man can say to a girl: “Right now we’re all on edge. We’ll talk when you calm down and cool down.” That is, he programs the girl to calm down and cool down.

Hidden influence must have two levels of perception. You cannot combine the conscious and subconscious, otherwise there will be only one level, the conscious, which does not work. That is, the call must be implicit. It must be present in a hidden form, veiled within the semantic content that affects consciousness.

For hidden commands to work, they need to be highlighted in one way or another.

All other information should be just a frame for the commands. It is better to pronounce minor phrases monotonously, ordinarily. As an option, a short pause before and after the key phrase.

If you need to motivate a person directly to perform some action, it is recommended to select word forms in the imperative mood, skillfully veiling them in speech.

Who can master hypnosis

Before starting to study a hypnosis tutorial for beginners, an interested person will inevitably want to know what his chances are of becoming a hypnotist. Experts believe that anyone can master the skills of hypnosis, although the ability to suggest, as well as other necessary qualities, is different for everyone.

For a hypnotist, it is important to attract people, to be able to impose, to instill thoughts in them. But the most important thing is self-confidence, and it must be both conscious and permeate the subconscious. Fortunately, this feeling can not only be developed in oneself, but also developed through auto-training and self-hypnosis. Alcohol, drinks that stimulate the nervous system, even smoking are contraindicated for the hypnotist. It is believed that insincerity and deception negatively affect subconscious confidence, undermining the power of the hypnotist.

Suggestion through dreams

Until now, sleep is largely a mystery to physiologists. Despite the fact that the process is well studied, there are still many “blank spots” in it. However, it has been experimentally proven that a sleeping person is most open to hypnotic suggestion. This means that you can “connect” to the consciousness of the sleeping person and give him certain instructions.

Do not confuse hypnotic sleep with natural sleep. The so-called hypnotic sleep, also known as trance, is induced by one of the methods described above: monotonous speech, performing repetitive movements, maximum relaxation and invoking mental images. In this case, we are talking about natural physiological sleep.

Technique for performing hypnosis: first you need to wait for the REM sleep phase - it occurs approximately an hour and a half after falling asleep. You can determine that this phase has begun by eye movements, changed breathing rates, etc.

Now you will need to sit down at the person’s head and repeat a word rhythmically, in a whisper or in a low voice, for 2–3 minutes. You can just say “Sleep, sleep, sleep.” This is done so that the sleeping person establishes a connection with the outside world - with the speaker.

To make sure that such a connection exists, it is recommended to smoothly change the rhythm of what is spoken. If a person’s breathing changes depending on the tempo of spoken phrases, then you can proceed to the next stage of hypnosis - directly to suggestion.

The volume of the voice increases slightly, but the phrases are still repeated monotonously, in time with the breathing of the sleeping person. You should say something like this:

“You sleep, you feel good and comfortable, you are safe. You fall asleep deeper, deeper. You want to talk to me, talk to me.”

Now you can ask the person to say their name or answer a few simple questions. If he answered, then we can assume that the sleeper is now completely in the power of the hypnotist, and after that you can inspire him with what is required.

Techniques and methods of hypnosis

Hypnotizing is easy, but not always safe. Thus, instant hypnosis can be considered a powerful weapon. But not always even good deeds can lead to what was planned in advance. Therefore, when turning to a person who knows hypnosis or its techniques, it is better not to take risks - not to bring a person to a state of mental trauma that may arise during the process of hypnosis. Such cases are rare, but can still happen.

There are many theories of hypnosis, without any satisfactory results or definitions, but there is no theory that explains and describes absolutely all aspects of hypnosis.

Many people believe that hypnosis is a mystery and an art. Experts believe that each hypnosis session must be planned carefully. Improvisation is good in the theater, but not in the studio. During hypnosis, the mind is more receptive to suggestion and new ideas and this can replace a person's beliefs and behavior.

Each person is different from the other, and his uniqueness is manifested even in the behavior of the hypnotized. That is why specialists, before conducting hypnosis sessions, choose approaches and methods that are different for each person. Hypnosis is not a key that opens all doors, it is a kind of master key that can adapt to any lock. This is how the hypnotist chooses a method based on the client's problem.

Each hypnotist uses his own methods, which he learned from other specialists, studied theory, practice and implemented over many years, experimented, changed, adapting to his personality and his capabilities. All this provokes the emergence of new methods and different systems that actually fit into a small number of techniques.

Hypnosis techniques are chosen depending on the nature of the problem, the ability of the hypnotic subject and the knowledge of hypnosis. A good hypnotist differs from a bad one in that a professional is able to use the character and characteristics of the client without trying to force him to work at any cost.

The client’s participation and consent is very important, because otherwise the specialist will not get the desired result. In order to obtain satisfactory results, very often just a light or medium trance is needed. But some of these techniques can be used more effectively when the client is in a deep trance state. Otherwise they have no effect.

Assessing the client's condition before the session is a prerequisite. Every hypnotist must know exactly what state the client is in if he wants to get results from his work. If it turns out that there are no prerequisites for hypnosis, therefore, a session of a hypnotic state is impossible.

So, let's try to consider the most well-known methods and techniques of hypnosis:

Hypnotic relaxation method

This is a fairly simple technique that is usually used at the beginning of hypnosis. A session can last from twenty to forty minutes. It all depends on how quickly you can immerse the patient in a state of hypnosis.

The hypnologist begins the session by talking to the client in a very pleasant, calm rhythm, thereby helping the person to relax. What the hypnologist says is of relative importance, since it simply helps to understand and realize the reactions of the subject. If the client reacts, the specialist uses this in further work to strengthen the suggestion.

After relaxation, the hypnologist continues to focus on breathing. Observes how a person reacts and breathes. The session continues, the hypnologist invites the person to relax, trying to speak in rhythm with each breath and puts the hypnotized person into a trance. After this, the person must close his eyes. The hypnologist then asks the client to count from the largest number to the smallest. For example, from twenty to one.

For this technique, hypnologists often use visualization to describe a pleasant scenario that will help the person relax more quickly and enter a state of hypnosis.


This is nothing more than a form of self-induced hypnosis. These methods are based more on the same concept, that is, focusing on one idea, word or image.

Dr. Herbert Benson, in his book Relaxation Response, emphasizes how the state of relaxation is based on focusing attention on one idea - to enter a state of self-induced trance. There are also several induction methods for self-hypnosis.

This method includes several steps:

• Select an object of concentration.

• Close your eyes and concentrate.

• Relax your muscles and focus on your breathing.

• Think in silence about the selected object.

• Continue this for about ten to twenty minutes.

• If the object of meditation is lost, you should try to return your thoughts and concentrate on it.

Technique of suggestion in a dream

The result of this hypnosis method is quite effective. In a state of sleep, a person perceives speech unconsciously; many people treat spoken words as if they were having a dream. Therefore, this method of suggestion is one of the most effective. The technique consists of whispering special words or phrases to a sleeping person. This method consists of several stages:

• The first stage is adjustment to the sleeping person. The hypnologist sits at the head of the sleeping person, touches the client’s fingers and tries not to wake him up. Next, he begins to pronounce a speech that follows the rhythm of the sleeping person’s breathing.

• The second stage is checking the sleeping person. The hypnologist's speech is slow, quiet and soothing.

• The third stage - words are spoken that need to be conveyed to the client.

Such sessions are carried out at night, in the first fifteen to forty-five minutes of sleep.

Suggestion of thoughts from photographs

This is another effective technique. Hypnosis is carried out while being at a sufficient distance from the client. To do this, the hypnologist, as if calling an object in his mind, tries to hold it. The hypnologist looks at the client’s photo and pronounces certain phrases and commands.

Nonverbal hypnosis techniques

This technique is based on the transmission of phrases using gestures, touches, to a person, a subject. In this case, the session is carried out in silence; during the process of hypnosis there should be no sounds, noises, ticking of a clock or metronome.


These techniques use instruments specially made for this purpose. One of them is a spiral-shaped pinwheel. Others may include the ticking of a clock or metronome.

Instant hypnosis method

This method uses auditory stimuli that act as hypnotics.

The visual impression, the impression of sound, acts like the monotonous tone of a hypnotist. Similar irritants include: clocks, bells, feng shui sticks.

Fixation of gaze

Also applies to methods of instant hypnosis. The hypnotist, sitting opposite the patient, presses on his fingers, puts strong pressure on his wrists, while looking intently into his eyes. Within a few minutes the person falls into a sleepy state.

Direct offers

In conversational hypnosis, a direct sentence is an explicit command to perform a specific action. Although this is quite a powerful method, many consider it unethical, because during the session the hypnologist has a certain power, and the client does not control himself and his behavior during the session.

Here are some classic direct sentences that are often used to treat obesity, bad habits and other conditions:

• "Are you going to sleep";

• “You will stop smoking”;

• “You will lose weight.”


This is the classic Ericksonian method of hypnosis. The session begins with the hypnologist closing the client’s eyes and putting the patient into a deep trance. The person seems to go numb and cannot feel his arms and legs. But at the same time he must describe his feelings. The client enters a trance and may physically raise his hand or simply believe that he feels that he has raised his hand. This type of hypnosis is educational because it helps the hypnotist convince the client of the power of his action.


This method helps return a person to a state of wakefulness. The hypnologist counts from one to three, or from one to five, and after that the person opens his eyes. This type of session works well for those who have problems falling asleep. The process of immersion in a hypnotic state is carried out while lying down or sitting on a chair with armrests.

Sudden impact/fall backwards

This method is similar to the handshake technique. A subject who is in shock may enter a trance. Erickson once demonstrated this by stepping on a woman's foot. The sensation of falling backwards is so shocking to the client that it opens the mind to suggestion.

Swish pattern

This is a hypnosis technique that is used in neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). Allows you to kind of control a person and give him certain commands to carry out. For this purpose, five senses are used, which relate to modalities (taste, smell, vision, touch, hearing). The submodality is a subset of these feelings. Here are some examples of submodalities:

• Bright or dim?

• Big or small?

• Color or black and white?

• Loud or soft sounds?

The Swish pattern is a technique that starts with visualization. Once the client is in trance, the hypnotist will identify one or two submodalities (brightness, size, etc.). The unwanted action is large, focused and bright in the foreground, while the desired action is visualized as small and dim in the background. The moment you say “Swish” (the method's namesake), the desired image quickly becomes bright and big in the client's mind.

Betty Erickson's 3-2-1 technique

Betty Erickson was the wife of Milton Erickson. She developed her own method of self-hypnosis known as the 3-2-1 technique.

This method refers to self-hypnosis. The session begins with open eyes. A person needs to pay attention to 3 things in the room that he can see, hear or feel. For example, the client may see a painting on the wall, table or clock. Hear the birds outside the window, the hum of the refrigerator, the clock ticking. The session is repeated until the person fixes his attention on two details, trying to distance himself from the noise happening around him, after which only one detail remains (hence, the countdown is 3-2-1). Then the person closes his eyes and starts over, visualizing three objects. After this, a new countdown begins. Once the client reaches the last point, he will enter a trance.

Suggestion technique at a distance

Speaking about the techniques of suggestion and hypnosis, we cannot ignore the topic of suggestion at a distance. Unlike hypnosis, this has not yet received scientific substantiation, but everyone has had to deal with such a situation when you can think about a person - and at that moment he suddenly called. Or you can be so on the same wavelength with your messenger interlocutor that suddenly the same thought occurs to both of them.

Using the correct practice of suggestion at a distance, you can introduce the necessary information without direct contact with the interlocutor. There is an emphasis here on telepathic abilities. It is generally accepted that thoughts are material and propagate through waves of a certain frequency. Waves can be transmitted to any distance - it is only important to amplify them and not “contaminate” them with extraneous thoughts.

However, another person may not be on the same page at the moment, going about their daily activities or being in a whirlwind of worries. To be able to introduce your waves into his consciousness, you will need truly enormous strength.

That is why it is most advisable to conduct telepathy sessions at a time when the target is sleeping, or better yet, in the early morning.

The technique itself is simple:

  1. You need to take the most comfortable and relaxed position possible.
  2. Disconnect from all extraneous stimuli.
  3. Focus on the thought you need to inspire. The idea needs to be formulated as clearly and understandably as possible.
  4. Now you need to focus on the other person, try to enter his emotional state.
  5. Repeatedly inspire him with the desired thought and clearly imagine that the person is performing the suggested action.

How to take away a voice and make a person mute

If you take two fingers by the skin on the throat, which has already passed the test for suggestibility before the moment of interlocking the fingers, having previously said: “Now I will take away your voice and you will not be able to speak,” pull the skin with two fingers and withdraw your hand with a clenched fist and say: “ Here is your voice, try to speak,” then the suggestible person, naturally, will not be able to say anything, no matter how hard he tries. If you clap your hands, having previously said: “I’ll clap your hands now and you will forget your first and last name,” then the subject will forget his first and last name. He is in your complete power. He stands with his eyes open, understands everything, maybe even tries to resist, but nothing works. He talks, even argues with you, but he is completely in your power. And if you tell him to forget, he will forget what happened to him and won’t remember anything. You can also give him a post-hypnotic suggestion, that is, give him an instruction so that he performs a certain action at a certain time. And he, forgetting about this, will perform the required action at the right time, as if at his own request. The spectacle, of course, is amazing, especially when it is demonstrated on stage in front of the audience.

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