How to attract a man into your life: advice from psychologists and magic spells

Have you ever thought about why some women attract men without having a bright appearance, a slim figure, or a lot of money? And others, smart and beautiful, no matter what they do, it’s in vain. They don’t know how to attract a man to themselves, and they are tormented by this question.

There was a time when I was actively looking for an answer to it. And I found it. Today I am ready to share it with you.

Has your loved one stopped communicating with you for unknown reasons and is not getting in touch? What to do? How to attract a man to you? The answer is here >>>

I'll tell you a story that happened to me a long time ago - in those days when I didn't have a boyfriend yet. This story is about how to attract the man you like without worrying about your appearance and without taking a single action towards him in the physical world. How is this possible? It's simple - with the help of the power of thought!

My story will be especially interesting to you if there is some guy or man that you really like, but you are not together, and would really like to attract him. Relevant? Then read carefully!

How to attract a man to you: my story

So, let's take our minds back many years. Here is how it was…

I was working in an office then, and I really liked one guy. He was tall, curly-haired, with large gray-blue eyes and a charming smile. He dressed stylishly, held a good position and drove a late-model BMW. In a word - he was great! Just the kind of boy that many girls like.

I walked around looking at him and racking my brain: how can I attract his attention? No, it's not that he didn't react to me at all. I noticed that sometimes he glanced in my direction, but he never approached me.

For a long time I could not understand why this guy behaves this way. But soon everything became clear...

Obstacle on the way

A little later, I found him on Instagram and immediately understood what was going on: he had a girlfriend.

Of course, I guessed about this. After all, it’s obvious: if a guy doesn’t get closer after you met or even spent the evening together, then most likely there is some good reason for this. Most often, this reason is the presence of a girlfriend.

At first glance, it may seem that this is a sentence that will not allow you to attract the right man into your life.

In fact, everything is not so scary. Another girl is not the end! After all, if a guy, being in a couple, stares at others, it means that not everything is good and smooth in his relationship, which means that sooner or later it will stop.

The same thing applies to married people. I don't encourage them to attract, no. But sometimes it happens that a man is not happy in his marriage. And if he himself is drawn to you, shows interest, but does not dare to take active actions, you can help him take this step. There is nothing wrong! You will save two people who were unhappy together and now have a chance to be happy separately.

Small mistake

So, I found out that he was not free, but my interest did not disappear because of this - I still liked the guy. And I continued to think about how to attract this man to me.

At the same time, he continued to periodically glance at me, but did not try to start communication. We had nothing. And I really wanted to attract him! I dreamed of organizing something with him, “stirring up” as they say.

But at that time I did not have any big, global goal in relation to this man. I didn’t think about dating him for a long time, building a serious relationship or marrying him. Apparently, due to the fact that I didn’t really communicate with him and didn’t understand what kind of person he was, all this was not in my plans.

I had only one goal - to start communicating with him and, perhaps, establish a closer relationship. Very close. Well, do you understand what I mean, girls?

Now I realize that this was my mistake, which may have slowed down the fulfillment of my desire. I'll tell you what it is.

There is an opinion that you can’t immediately make grandiose plans for any guy you like. “He just said hello to me!” said, and in my mind I already got married and gave birth to three children from him,” many joke.

But personally I don’t agree with this. On the contrary, I believe that this is exactly what is correct. Why? I'll explain.

When you don’t have any specific goal in relation to a man, when you don’t have any great desire for the future, you don’t know what to do and where to move next, and the Universe doesn’t understand what you want from it, and cannot give you anything specific that will satisfy you.

Therefore, the first thing I recommend you do immediately after choosing a guy is to decide on your plans and intentions towards him. And after that, you can ask the question “How to attract a man with the power of thought?” This way the process of realizing your intention will go much faster.

Let's get back to my story. Then I didn’t think about this important nuance, but simply immediately decided to use the power of thought. However, as always. So what did I do? I used an old, well-known and very effective technique.

How to attract a man with the power of thought

I applied the practice of seduction by the power of thought. This method works very well, because when a man chooses a woman, he, as a rule, first of all pays attention to the level of desire that awakens in him in relation to her. And only after this the guy begins to notice his feelings for the girl and his emotions next to her. But what is primary is sexual interest.

Knowing this, I decided to attract the right man with the power of thought. Today I will tell you what exactly I did for this, and most importantly, I will give you a step-by-step plan for seducing a guy. You will understand why some women attract men, and you can become one of them.

Attracting a Guy : Signs of the Universe

Looking ahead, I will say that as soon as I completed this practice only three times, various interesting things began to happen around me. Within a week or two, I began to notice just wild synchronicities! Do you know what this is? If not, then be sure to read my article about these magical signs from the Universe.

There are different synchronicities. As for my story, they manifested themselves in the fact that my boyfriend and I began to constantly intersect and come face to face.

The fact is that, although we were colleagues, I worked on the 11th floor, and he worked on the 12th, we did not have any special overlap in terms of service. In addition, our work schedules did not coincide, and we could meet, at most, in the corridor or elevator. In a word, we saw each other very rarely, even if I really wanted to.

And then one day, after I had completed another practice of seducing with the power of thought, I suddenly noticed that we began to meet with this guy every day, and even several times - near the elevator, in the corridor, in the dining room. Regularly. Every day. It was simply unreal! At some point, we, constantly colliding, began to laugh at this.

How else might synchronicities manifest themselves in your life? How to recognize the amazing signs that the Universe gives you in the process of fulfilling your desire, when you are trying to attract the right man?

For example, the name of the guy you are interested in may begin to catch your eye again and again. Or you will start hearing about him a lot and often - literally from everywhere. Another sure sign is couples in love “chasing” you at every corner, films and TV series about love that you start to stumble upon every now and then.

Even your friend can tell you that she started dating someone. And this will also be a signal that you are closer than ever to a relationship with the desired man.

In other words, when a desire is about to come true, a lot of positive synchronicities arise around you, even if you don’t notice all of them. If something negative happens in your life, then this is a clear sign that you are doing something wrong or going in the wrong direction.

Remember: as soon as you focus your attention on the negative, you immediately begin to attract it to yourself. Therefore, be especially careful when you think about how to attract a man with the power of thought.

Attracting a man using magic and spiritual practices

Even in our modern age of high technology, magical rituals remain in demand. Completing them helps you get in the right frame of mind and gain an invaluable boost of self-confidence. Spiritual practices will help both attract a specific man and, in general, become in demand among members of the opposite sex.

Feng Shui

Feng Shui is an ancient Eastern teaching that helps manage energy flows: get rid of negative ones and, conversely, attract and retain positive ones. First of all, changes must occur in the home. Simple changes will help you get rid of loneliness and attract love into your home.

  1. Down with old stuff! Old things, always dusty figurines and frames, soft toys, photos with your ex - all this pulls you back to your past relationship. Ruthlessly get rid of everything that reminds you of them: throw away, sell, donate, donate to charity. Let your home be ready to welcome your new love.
  2. No more chaos! Disorder in things invariably brings chaos to thoughts. Get into the habit of keeping everything in its place, regularly getting rid of dust and maintaining cleanliness. Let the house breathe easily and freely.
  3. More pairs. Prepare for the appearance of your soulmate in advance. Paired cups and plates, sets of towels for two - all this will create the right energy at home. You can complement the effect with images or figurines of animals and birds, symbolizing love and strong relationships: swans, doves, wolves.
  4. Focus on the bedroom. The bedroom is a love zone. Let the colors of passion and tenderness prevail here: beige, peach, pink, orange, red. Take care of installing a wide double bed, because it will definitely come in handy. The elements that patronize love are earth and fire, which is why a couple of candles and several pots of indoor plants will come in handy in the bedroom.
  5. Men's things. Several magazines, comfortable slippers, a robe - all these things will be needed by your chosen one. Buy them in advance, prepare the house for his arrival.

After getting your house in order, it's time to take care of your own thoughts. Eastern practitioners recommend:

  • do not allow yourself to indulge in despondency and melancholy: more movement and less boredom; sports, attending interesting events and concerts, walking with friends and alone - spend time usefully;
  • sleep at least 8 hours a day: following this rule will help reduce stress levels and maintain youth and health longer;
  • regularly take baths with aromatic oils: pleasant smells will give you relaxation or invigorate, strengthen your immune system and put you in a positive mood; don't be afraid to experiment and try new combinations.


The practice of conspiracies has come to us since ancient times. Magical ways to attract a worthy man will perfectly complement more traditional methods.

  • A charmed gift. If you like a particular man, buy something that he will definitely like. It is better to choose something inexpensive so as not to be rejected. Before the presentation, a simple spell is read: “I give a gift to my dear one, in return for love I just expect.” It is important that no one touches this item until delivery.
  • Ritual with slippers. This magical ritual echoes some eastern practices. You need to buy beautiful and comfortable men's slippers and place them in the hallway, as if the owner of the house had gone to work. Next, you can visualize an ideal evening together: the arrival of your loved one, dinner together, watching TV or computer games, a romantic end to a good day in the bedroom. Very soon the slippers will find an owner.
  • Ritual for marriage. To get married sooner and be happy in your marriage, you need to buy two smooth rings similar to wedding rings, a bright scarlet ribbon, a box and a red pen or felt-tip pen. On a piece of paper, write down all the traits of the future groom that you would like to see in him. It is important to pay attention not only to positive, but also to negative characteristics and not to use the particle “not”. The sheet is rolled into a tube, the rings are tied with tape, after which the paper is rewound with it. The loose ends are tied up with a slander: “Betrothed, come soon.” Everything is hidden in a box and put away in the far corner.


If you regularly visit the temple and do not accept conspiracies and rituals, feel free to ask the saints for help. It is customary to pray for marriage to the Mother of God (icons “Unfading Blossom”, “Unmarried Bride”, “Tenderness”), Peter and Fevronia of Murom, Matrona of Moscow, Great Martyrs Varvara and Catherine, Xenia of Petersburg, Holy Martyr Tryphon, Martyrs Adrian and Natalia. The main thing is that the prayer is sincere and the thoughts are pure. It is unacceptable to ask to destroy an already existing family for the sake of your love.

In search of happiness, many turn to spiritual practices and rituals.

Amulets and stones

A beautiful stone can be not only a spectacular decoration, but also a powerful talisman that helps in love. For those who are just looking for their soul mate, you can choose red minerals: ruby, garnet, tourmaline. To strengthen existing relationships, pearls, sapphire, and turquoise are suitable.

You can make an amulet yourself from an ordinary apricot kernel. The ripe fruit is eaten, the bobok is divided into two halves, and its contents are fed to the birds. The halves are glued together, painted red and hung on a red thread. The talisman hides in a secluded place at home.

How to attract the right man: I did it!

What happened next was even more interesting. The synchronicities did not deceive me: the result was not long in coming, and I was convinced that the practice of seduction works.

Time passed, and now - New Year's corporate party! During the holiday, he finally came up to meet me. I was happy! We spent the whole evening together. I found out that he had recently broken up with his girlfriend, because of whom he had not approached me before.

After this “New Year’s” acquaintance, we established closer communication. We met several more times and had nice conversations. In principle, if I wanted, I could start building further relationships with him, but...

I realized that this is not my person at all! Not mine at all. I don't want to be with him. This is how it happens.

But the main thing in this story is that I managed to find out for sure how to attract the man I like, and that this is quite possible. In my case, it was this magical technique that worked - seduction by the power of thought. And right now I’ll tell you about it!

If you understand that the person you have attracted is exactly the one you have always dreamed of, but for some reason the relationship is not working out, use the advice from the book “The Only Effective Strategy for Restoring True Love Relationships” >>>

Language of the body

Body language is not considered an exact science, but most people perceive it very vividly. Many feelings are difficult to express verbally; body language makes communication more effective. Communication is considered an important factor in all relationships and any misunderstandings should be kept to a minimum. Only part of the information is transmitted verbally; body movements are considered an important addition to convey feelings. Knowing some gestures will help you understand a person better.

Seduction with the power of thought: a step-by-step plan

So, I’ll explain the essence of the technique. Read carefully what you need to do and remember it.


you need to decide on a specific man who is interesting to you and whom you want to attract. It is advisable not to make my mistakes (read above) and find out more about him, understand what you want from a relationship with this man in the future, and formulate a clear intention.


when the guy is chosen, start meditation - enter a very relaxed state, at the alpha level. You can find out how to achieve this in this video. Personally, I just sat in a chair, turned on pleasant music, closed my eyes and relaxed, plunging into a state of light half-asleep.


for 10-15 minutes, imagine the man you want next to you and mentally seduce him. It's best to imagine it in the same place every time. For example, I imagined a guy I liked in my apartment: this made me feel comfortable and I could clearly visualize all the interior details. I imagined that he was at my house and that I was touching him. He really likes it: the guy looks at me with loving eyes, passionately wanting.

For the practice to work 100% and for you to be able to attract a guy, it is important to be as relaxed as possible during the process and imagine the desired man and his seduction in as much detail as possible. It is important to mentally see his body, feel his reaction, smell him. Even if you are not yet familiar with its smell, imagine it. Try to see and feel how madly he wants you, how much he needs you. All this works very well!

I partially talk about the practice of seduction with the power of thought and how to attract a man to you in the video How to make a man fall in love with you with the power of thought. And you can find out all the most important details and nuances of its use in a course on restoring relationships, the students of which have more than once been convinced of the effectiveness of this technique for returning and attracting men.

Work for results

“How soon can you expect results after starting regular practices of seduction by the power of thought?” - many are interested.

There is not and cannot be one exact answer. I can’t tell you “Do it ten times and everything will work out!”, because we are talking about special things and subtle matters. Therefore, I recommend repeating this practice, like all similar ones, until you achieve the desired result.

The deadlines can be very different. What does this depend on?

Firstly, you don’t perform the practices equally effectively every day. For example, today you visualized somehow not fully: maybe you didn’t relax enough, maybe you didn’t concentrate well, maybe you didn’t feel emotions enough. Such visualization will not work to its full potential. And tomorrow, on the contrary, you will complete everything so well that further practice will no longer be needed.

Secondly, do not forget that your thoughts have quite a lot of power. If you are maximally concentrated on one of them, then it will be implemented very quickly. With proper and long enough focus of attention, the materialization process can take only 1-3 days.

If you visualize your boyfriend, experiencing positive emotions, for just a few minutes a day, and the rest of the time you lament how bad everything is in your personal life, how lonely and unhappy you are, then it’s easy to guess where your focus is attention.

When thinking about how to attract the man you like, always remember: what you focus on is what you will attract into your life. Everything depends on you!

It is important to know

There are a large number of ways to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Much depends on the place, the occasion, the situation. It is important to look beautiful, be feminine, and be able to carry on a conversation. Your own feelings and self-respect should always come first.

Lack of interest on the part of a man cannot be a reason for frustration. It is necessary to take into account that all people are different, you should choose those who share your views and interests. If a guy or man neglects you, doesn’t notice you, doesn’t appreciate your qualities, it is recommended to switch to someone else. A man must love a woman exactly as she is, which will help make life joyful.

The main thing is imagination!

You may find this technique difficult to learn. But it’s definitely worth a try, even if you are only superficially familiar with it.

This method is ideal for attracting a guy at the initial stage. You don’t need to become smarter or more beautiful, you don’t need to bother yourself about why some women attract men easily and others don’t, rack your brains about what they have that you lack. You don't need to take any first steps. What you need to do is just relax, turn on your imagination and enjoy yourself. And the guy is yours.

Even if you don’t know each other yet, the man will feel a burning desire to get to know each other, and he will come up to you and start a conversation. And if he didn’t pay any attention to you before, you will notice with what interest he will begin to look at you now, and in the end he will definitely make attempts to get to know you and attract you.

You can use this technique whenever you like a particular guy. It works without any physical actions towards the man: you don’t have to approach him, you don’t have to get to know him, you don’t have to call him or invite him anywhere, you don’t have to write to him.

On the contrary, under no circumstances take any first steps on the physical level! Just watch how it will work at the level of thought power.

You will find several more practices for attracting and seducing a man with the power of thought in our store:

  1. Special mood: how to make a man fall in love with you in 21 days
  2. Meditation to attract a man and strengthen the energetic connection with him
  3. Meditation for women to increase sexual energy
  4. Meditation: how to make a man fall in love with you
  5. Audio practice “How to become desirable and attractive to men”

Advice from psychologists

How can you attract the right man? Psychologists give women the following advice:

  • the right image: clothes, makeup, accessories selected in accordance with age, figure and situation always present a woman in a favorable light;
  • weakness: a woman can do a lot, but it’s better for a man not to know it; most want to feel like a protector and helper, which is why sometimes it’s worth just asking for help;
  • smile: a sincere smile invariably attracts the stronger sex and adorns a woman better than any diamonds;
  • initiative: among men there are also modest and shy individuals; If you like a person, but he is clearly embarrassed to take the first step, take the initiative into your own hands.

Finding a man can take a long time. It is important not to rush and not rush at the first person you meet. The chosen one must truly be worthy of you, and you of him. Then the relationship will be long, strong and truly happy.

  • 23.07.2020 21:41:36
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Tags: #get married #find a man #find your soulmate


Dream man: attract or keep?

But, girls, I’ll tell you right away: don’t think that this technique alone can make a man fall in love with you for life. This is wrong.

This practice, the so-called sexual meditation, very well helps to attract a man, but only at the first stage. After all, we all understand that relationships between a man and a woman begin with physical attraction.

Yes, attracting a guy at the very beginning of a relationship is not difficult. What's next? How to attract a man to you for a long time?

And then it is important to maintain in him the desire to stay next to you forever. This requires a whole set of “procedures,” including upgrading yourself and your self-esteem, self-love and self-acceptance. This is exactly what we learn at the “I’m Alone” marathon. But that's a completely different story...

Have you ever wondered why some women attract men like a magnet? Do you know how to attract a man to you? Have you ever had any successful attempts to attract a guy with the power of your thoughts? Share your experience in the comments.

If you can't interest a guy

How to make your husband fall in love with you again - is it possible to interest him again?

If a woman is having trouble attracting her partner, she may be making common mistakes. What not to do:

  • Talk only about yourself, your interests and work. You cannot completely focus only on your personality, because the stronger sex also has something to tell;
  • Wrong assignment of roles. It doesn’t matter how a woman is used to behaving at work (boss or subordinate). In relationships, roles can be diametrically opposed;
  • Revealing clothing. Outfits should emphasize your assets, but a completely open or bright image can alienate your partner or convey to him that your intentions are not serious;
  • Searching for the ideal partner. There are no ideals, everyone has their own advantages and disadvantages, so you should not search for a “prince on a white horse”;
  • Love at a distance is not the best option.

What to do in such situations and how to arouse men’s interest? The lady should completely reconsider her own behavior model.

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