How to keep a man and his interest for life - advice from a psychologist

How to keep a man - today this question is becoming increasingly popular among the charming representatives of the fairer sex. It can become acute in front of women at different ages due to the emergence of a real threat of breaking up the relationship, and also if a man’s attitude begins to cool.

Every woman dreams of returning her former passion to relationships, tenderness and interest, and therefore begins to rush around in search of a universal remedy or introduce any methods that can keep the strong half of humanity, return novelty and revive passion. Often, being in despair, the weaker half begins to listen to all kinds of advice on how to keep a man, often not entirely true, and sometimes just stupid. However, unfortunately, such a magic cure does not exist. And, first of all, every woman should think about whether she may be the reason for the man’s cooling off.

How to win and keep a man

Each person has probably experienced unrequited love. Scars on the soul begin to heal only after a certain time, and, unfortunately, humanity has not yet come up with another cure for Cupid’s arrows. However, do not despair if you notice that the person you like is not paying attention. After all, in love, as in war, all methods are good. Therefore, you need to achieve your goal if you really like a man.

The most important rule on the path to winning an unapproachable male heart is that the man you are going to conquer should under no circumstances know about it. This might scare him. Men have a completely different psychology from women. They look at the world from a different perspective, and if a woman is flattered by courtship from the stronger sex, then men, on the contrary, will only be repulsed by the close attention of women.

How to attract and keep a man if he does not notice a woman in you, but only sees a good comrade? Do not despair. There are no situations completely without a way out. You will be able to captivate him and keep him close to you only if you have one hundred percent confidence that it is he who you need, with decisive and bold actions on your part.

So, the first step on the path to “conquering the peak” will be to search for information about the chosen one. You need to try to find out all the possible information about the man. The presence of common interests favorably contributes to the formation of some connection between you. After all, common interests are an inexhaustible topic for joint leisurely conversations.

We should not forget that each representative of the stronger half has his own ideal and standard of femininity, beauty, and the character of his future life partner. Therefore, if you know what kind of girls he likes, then consider that half the key to a man’s heart is in your hands. Although in this case, pitfalls may await you. After all, if you are planning a long and serious relationship with this man, then it is better to remain yourself. Otherwise, your chosen one will fall in love not with you, but with an invented image.

The next male feature that must be taken into account in the fight for his heart is that the stronger half, for the most part, loves with his eyes. Therefore, if you previously preferred a comfortable sporty style or a prim business look, then you should immediately go shopping to update your wardrobe with clothes that will make you more feminine, give you an appearance of elegance, mystery, attractiveness and desirability.

The man you are trying to conquer should see you, first of all, as a woman with a capital W, and not as a comrade. However, in pursuit of changing your image, you should not overdo it. The more hidden, the more men want to find out what is hidden under clothes. Leave him room for flight of fancy. A seductive image is not synonymous with vulgarity. Dressing beautifully, stylishly, elegantly, but at the same time looking attractive, feminine and charming is an entire art that you need to master in order to fight for a man’s heart.

It often happens that a man apparently liked a girl, but after a couple of minutes of communication, he stopped liking her. And this is understandable. After all, although the stronger half is greedy for external attractiveness, they still value brains in a woman. They like women who know how to listen and carry on a conversation, who are smart and interesting. Remember that the strong half likes women who are reasonable, reasonable, interesting and without excessive emotionality, who are able not only to maintain a conversation at the proper level, but also have the ability to listen. Therefore, if you start a conversation with a man for whom your heart is set, remind yourself that he is still not a girlfriend, so you should not chat incessantly, listing all the events of the day or your life.

You noticed that the first defense had fallen and you began to develop relationships. And here the question arises - how to keep a man’s interest? In order to do this, you just need to give him the opportunity to take the initiative. During this period, you should try not to be intrusive. Don’t call him endlessly and don’t bombard him with a bunch of SMS. After all, you are already interested in him, now give him the opportunity to prove himself and court you. A man should think that he is the one who is conquering you, that he made the decision to court you on his own, and not thanks to a clearly thought-out strategy for conquest. A man is by nature a hunter and a conqueror, so you need to give him the opportunity to express these two innate instincts.

Your plan was a success, you are already an official couple, but something goes wrong - the romantic feeling has been replaced by addiction, which often leads to indifference. After all, attracting a man is much easier than keeping him for a long period of time. However, there are proven ways to revive the fervor of feelings.

So, some tips on how to keep a man near you.

• Forget about reproaches, groundless accusations and excessive jealousy. Most often, it is precisely such negative aspects that darken relationships and lead to a cooling of feelings. You need to learn to solve problems that arise calmly and through compromise, while trying not to spoil the mood for both of you. And you shouldn’t show jealousy at all. You need to trust your man.

• At any meeting with your chosen one, you should always be in a great mood, and you need to look 200 points out of 100, while remaining quite a bit mysterious. A man should be sure that you have an interesting and eventful life, in which a lot of exciting things happen. You shouldn’t show him that you dress up exclusively for him and for his arrival.

• Do not limit men's freedom. However, this does not mean at all that you bless him for meeting other girls, you just need to know when to stop and follow certain limits. Make sure that your concern does not develop into total control, and love into obsession.

• Try, from time to time, not to answer your loved one’s calls and refuse to meet with him, citing important and urgent matters. This will prove to your chosen one that your life is in full swing, that you cannot run to him on dates at the first whim. This behavior will lead to the fact that the man will begin to seek dates with you. However, it’s still not worth refusing to meet with him. This may backfire.

A man needs to be constantly surprised so that he doesn’t lose interest in you. The girl about whom everything is known becomes completely uninteresting.

Actively demonstrating confidence that you are attractive to the opposite sex will help you answer the question - how to keep a man's attention. If you have complexes related to external attractiveness, you should not mention them in front of a man. A girl who is confident in her own beauty and herself will always seem more seductive.

A man should feel like he is in control. He by nature strives to dominate. Therefore, give him the opportunity to make his own decisions and take care of you. If it so happens that the decision he made does not suit you at all, then try to convince him in such a way that the man is confident that he independently came to the decision you need.

But does it make sense

No matter how strong and stable a couple’s relationship may seem, there is always a risk that another trouble or quarrel will cause a breakup. Lovers often quarrel due to misunderstandings and take offense at each other even without a serious reason. But not everyone can take a step towards reconciliation.

Often women wait for a man to take the initiative for reconciliation; they are guided by the principle: if he loves, then he must apologize. But it is very easy to hurt a man’s pride; even a minor reason can cause feelings to cool. There may also be a situation where a guy has been waiting for a long time for a reason to break off the relationship, but was afraid to do it himself.

Each situation needs to be analyzed individually, but all women should adhere to the following recommendations before doing so:

  • do not hurry;
  • be honest with yourself;
  • think about the reciprocity of feelings.

To make a man think about the feasibility of a relationship, a woman can put into practice a number of special tricks, as well as adhere to the recommendations of psychologists in order to bind her lover more closely to herself.

In some cases, the opposite method works: a man falls in love more if a woman keeps him at some distance. Many ladies very successfully use this technique if they want to receive something material from their chosen one: a new thing, jewelry, even a car or an apartment. But to pull this off, you need a strong desire, as well as the ability to manipulate your partner’s feelings.

If a man is interested, keeping him at a distance is convenient. Representatives of the stronger sex are hunters by nature; if they have to woo a woman, they only fall in love more. But there is always a risk of “overstaying it,” which will cause men’s interest to completely fade away and the relationship to come to an end.

It’s worth figuring out whether you should try to keep a man close. To answer this question, you will have to think carefully, list all the reasons why you can do this, and also carefully analyze the situation that has arisen, weighing all the positive and negative aspects of the existing relationship. Perhaps all the manipulations are not worth it for the guy to stay around. It is very important here not to be led by emotions or desires alone, but to include logic.

How to keep a married man

Is it possible to keep a man bound by marriage and promises to love another woman to the grave? It is possible, but quite difficult.

There are different ways to keep a man who is married, but all of them will require determination, unshakable confidence in your actions and endurance.

Your behavior should personify devotion and unpretentiousness, the undemandingness of a woman who needs nothing from a man other than the opportunity to simply love. Combine emotionality and naive romanticism, reliability and care. A cocktail of the listed qualities has a truly magical and enticing effect on a man.

How to keep a married man? Don't try to replace your lover's wife. Such actions will only push the man away. This means that you cannot wash, cook or clean while wearing it. Your loved one comes to you to take a break from everyday problems and enjoy peace and harmony. Therefore, you need to meet him with a beautiful and loving woman who is able to give her chosen one unforgettable moments of happiness and joy. It should not share you with the kitchen or washing machine. The man took the time to spend it with you. This needs to be appreciated. This behavior contributes to the growth of male interest, which over time can develop into a rather strong feeling.

To keep a married man, you should never throw tantrums. So, for example, if your loved one unexpectedly canceled a date due to the need to urgently resolve some family problems, you need to react to this calmly and support the man. After all, you knew from the very beginning what you were getting into. Therefore, your constant motto, which will accompany you day after day, should be the word - endurance! Your external calm and patience are a kind of foundation on which further strong, serious relationships will be based.

To keep a married man, don’t whine if your ringed friend couldn’t accompany you to an anniversary or other celebration. Don't reprimand him for having to spend weekends, evenings, and holidays alone. Better find yourself something to do or a hobby. You must understand that while family is a priority for your loved one, his wife has more rights to him than you.

Try not to get used to a married man and do not consider him the only one in your life. After all, he will leave you for his wife. If you cultivate the idea that this person is your destiny, if you become strongly attached to him, then parting will become torture, which will lead to attacks of jealousy and resentment. As a result, you will pour all this on your beloved, but ringed friend. But he comes to you to relax and enjoy your company, and not for a portion of scandals, which he can get at home. With this behavior you will simply push the man away. Therefore, when he leaves, we do not plunge into suffering and do not suffer from loneliness, but take care of ourselves as beloved. You can meet with friends, visit the pool, play sports, go to a beauty salon. There are plenty of activities to keep you busy. The main thing is to understand that the light did not fall like a wedge on the man.

The listed ways to keep a man will not give a 100% guarantee that your loved one will get a divorce. But, for sure, he will be frightened by the excessive intrusiveness, hysteria, whimsicality and demandingness of a woman, meetings with whom should be a holiday. The main advice to all women is to never fall in love with unfree men! After all, it is quite likely that they love their partners, but their feelings have dulled a little, and they wanted a change. Often a married man does not even realize this himself. But if suddenly the possibility of divorce looms before him, then he suddenly begins to feel mental pain, which leads to understanding and awareness of love for his wife. Therefore, very often husbands stay with their wives. The lot of lovers is only to temporarily warm their beds, and then again experience an all-encompassing feeling of loneliness.

If you nevertheless achieved your goal and became a legal wife, do not rush to rejoice. After all, the man still has a common past with his ex-wife. And no matter how much you want to, you can’t escape it. Often a man’s communication with his former family does not end after the painting, especially if there are children together. Therefore, a woman who has caused the breakdown of a family should be prepared for the fact that her husband will spend time with the children and help. The former wife is also unlikely to leave the man alone. She will ask for help, interfere in your relationship, and take an interest in the affairs of your ex-spouse. She will actively encourage her ex-husband to take part in her life and the lives of her children. Also, the ex-wife can throw mud at you in front of his friends, parents, and turn his children against you. Many of his friends will sympathize with her and despise you. You need to be prepared for this. If this happens, then to save your marriage and feelings you should stock up on patience, understanding, wisdom and forgiveness. Therefore, before destroying someone else’s family, you need to think about whether you have the strength to do it. If you are getting involved in someone else’s relationship, then do everything possible and impossible for the man’s happiness. And if you can’t, then think, maybe you shouldn’t be interested in the question of how to attract and keep a man who is married to someone else. Maybe it’s still better to find a man who is not burdened with obligations and start a family with him? Look around - there are enough worthy free men for everyone.

Some women's advice

Women who have experience of successful relationships behind them are advised to adhere to the following model of behavior when communicating with a man:

  1. Criticism is excluded.
  2. Avoid tears in front of a man.
  3. Anyone can get tired of whining with or without reason.
  4. Do not start serious conversations about relationships unless necessary.
  5. Do not forbid a man to spend time with friends and have fun.
  6. Total control will scare anyone away.
  7. Refusal of intimacy is unacceptable without serious reasons.
  8. Ridicule and offensive nicknames are repulsive.
  9. Trying to put a man on a diet will make him unhappy.

Be interesting and mysterious

You always need to maintain male interest while remaining mysterious to your partner. The presence of a secret in a woman excites the male imagination. This could be constant reincarnation, a change of images, hobbies, a varied menu, or offers of unusual leisure activities. In front of such a lady, no man will remain indifferent.


Watching your figure is vital. No man will like it if his woman is out of shape and the excess weight is very noticeable. This does not mean that you need to lose weight to the point of anorexia. Many people like the pleasant fullness. But it should be just pleasant fullness, and not fat hanging down in rolls that even clothing does not hide.

It’s worth going to the gym, swimming pool, and mastering active recreation. It’s good if a man himself shares this: going to the gym together, skiing, biking or jogging will only strengthen the connection.

Don't press him

It is useless to put pressure on a man. Excessive intrusiveness and increased attention by representatives of the stronger sex are perceived as attempts at control. He will run away from such a woman without looking back. Constant presence nearby, attempts to violate his personal space without invitation will only scare him away. Men don’t like it when the “prey” falls into their hands. More precisely, they love, but they quickly lose interest in such ladies.

How to keep a man at a distance

Many women are tormented by the question: is it possible to keep a man at a distance? It is possible, but quite difficult. However, if you take into account some nuances and follow simple rules, then falling in love can be maintained for a long period of time, regardless of the distance.

How to keep a man's interest at a distance? In the modern age of intelligent technologies, long-distance relationships are becoming more and more common. Today's representatives of both sexes, unlike their own ancestors, are quite mobile today, they can travel, visit different parts of the globe, meet people and fall in love on the road. Nowadays, even convinced homebodies manage to meet and fall in love without leaving home, via the Internet. If this is your case and it is temporarily not possible to live together with your chosen one, then you need to somehow hold on to him, constantly reinforce his feelings and interest.

Don't regard separation as a personal drama. Consider that this is just a temporary circumstance that needs to be overcome on the path to happiness. Treat separation as a true assistant, which will help you to be convinced of the sincerity and depth of your feelings.

To ensure that your relationship is no different from that of a loving couple living together, you should talk to each other as often as possible, talk about how you feel, how your day went, about your experiences, and share news. Be interested in the affairs of your chosen one, say that you love him.

You shouldn't be overly intrusive. Therefore, do not call him a thousand times a day and do not bombard him with messages on social networks. Video calls using special computer programs are a great way to maintain love and strengthen relationships at a distance.

To avoid the feeling of jealousy clouding your eyes, you must initially agree with your loved one that under any circumstances you will trust each other and will not make hasty conclusions. Learn to always tell the truth to each other and believe what is said. Jealousy and mistrust in long-distance relationships kill any feelings and cause bewilderment. This is why long distance relationships so often fall apart.

How to keep a man's interest at a distance? Try to reinforce your connection with meetings. Even short, but quite bright dates, filled with positive emotions, will allow you to constantly rekindle your feelings. If you live in anticipation of the next meeting, it will be easier to bear separation.

Learn to switch. Constantly waiting for the next meeting with your loved one can become a real test, which in the end will simply exhaust you. Therefore, you need to switch to other important aspects of life.

While you are not living together, you have a wonderful opportunity to become better people. You can engage in self-development. Pay attention to personal growth and your appearance. After all, as they say, there are no limits to perfection.

Don't neglect communication with friends and relatives. You shouldn't waste your life moping alone. The less free time you have, the less often the question will arise before you - is it possible to keep a man at a distance. Consequently, you will be less nervous and anxious over trifles, which means you will not pester your man with your worries, which cannot but have a beneficial effect on the further development of the relationship.

Turning to the powers of magic

In extreme cases, a woman can resort to white magic rituals. But this is worth doing only if all “legal” methods have been tried and have not brought results. There are a great many conspiracies and rituals for love, return or attachment of a man. They are all effective in their own way, but you need to be prepared for the consequences. Fate doesn't like it when people interfere with its course.

It is best not to practice divination on your own, but to turn to specialists. First, you can go to a fortune teller, who will predict whether this relationship is possible in principle or whether there is no chance. If a woman wants to keep a man with her, she can turn to sorcerers who will perform the appropriate rituals. But you need to understand that there are no guarantees. Still, it’s worth working on yourself better - this is a more effective way, although it requires time and effort.

Whether or not to keep a man next to you depends on many factors. If the feelings are strong and sincere, then the answer is “yes.” The woman will have to work on the situation, understand why her lover’s interest began to disappear. If you identify the reasons and do everything to eliminate irritating factors, the man himself will not want to leave.

Nature of the relationship

Over time, love and passion fade . The couple enters a period of testing the relationship, where much depends on the atmosphere that the woman will create. She often sets the tone, so it is important for her to understand what her companion wants from their union.

You need to understand when a person needs to be alone and when he wants to go to a crowded place. There is no need to try to drag him out to a club or restaurant if he wants to sit at home.

Understanding what your other half wants, it is much easier to lead a life together. This is not so difficult, because you can remember what kind of life the man led before you, pay attention to his preferences after entering into a relationship.

It is important not to limit the freedom of the person near you . He has a job, hobbies and friends. Interfering in all these processes, especially those where you have no place, is one of the best ways to break up.

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