How to force yourself to do something: 4 ways to combat procrastination


In a week you need to submit a report. Or find an employee in the department. Quit smoking. Jog in the mornings. Call an unpleasant person. To wash the dishes. Anything, in short. But you don't.

We are ready to do anything, just not to start doing exactly this. A million completely reasonable, weighty reasons immediately arise why it is worth postponing until later. Or there are no arguments, but for two hours now you have been reading Twitter or popping stupid balloons on your phone.

How to force yourself to finally go and do it? Sit down and start? Take it and run? How to deal with this eternal procrastination?

There is no definite answer; to understand what is happening, you will have to delve into yourself.

TL;DR / You will read here:

  • The problem is not procrastination, but what started it
  • Five common reasons: I don’t feel like it yet, I’m anxious, I don’t agree, the matter is unpleasant, must have willpower
  • Five solutions for each reason, choose yours

Let's start with a thoughtful motivator

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