Gratitude is the most beautiful flower of the soul. Quotes and aphorisms about gratitude

We learn gratitude from childhood. We are grateful to mom and dad, the neighbor who gave us candy, friends, every day, life, God. Words of gratitude are not just the correct expressions that society requires. This is a state of mind. Don't forget to be grateful, don't be ashamed of words of gratitude. My only wish is to say them sincerely!

We invite you to read quotes and aphorisms about gratitude to loved ones, people, life, God. Charge yourself with wise sayings and be sincerely grateful to everyone and for everything. We will give blessings!

When you do good, be grateful for it.

Short quotes and aphorisms about gratitude


Gratitude is the most beautiful flower of the soul. Henry Ward Beecher


Gratitude is proven by deeds. O. Balzac


Look around you, there is so much to be grateful for. Lana Parrilla


There is no more beautiful excess in the world than an excess of gratitude. J. Labruyère


Is there anything more monstrous than an ungrateful person? W. Shakespeare


Gratitude is the most forgettable thing. F. Schiller


When you do good, be grateful for it. Lev N. Tolstoy


He who is grateful does not count grievances. Those who know how to give back receive even more. Publius Syrus


He who has a good heart is not burdened by gratitude. Pierre Beaumarchais


We must thank those who show us our shortcomings. Blaise Pascal


Gratitude is nice at the right time. Menander


Friendship is not a service; no thanks are given for it. Gavrila R. Derzhavin


Expecting gratitude is stupid, and being ungrateful is mean. Guzeeva L.


There are no signs of gratitude.


Conversation is gratitude to the Almighty for words. Gülen Fethullah

Quotes and aphorisms about gratitude to loved ones


The best filling for all pleasures on earth is the gratitude of those we love. Bragg P.


We get used to the fact that someone lives nearby, it becomes the norm for us to be loved by someone, that someone takes care of us all the time and we can blame all the routine household chores on him! And it seems that it will always be this way, but the fact of the matter is that it always does not happen in our finite world. You may never have time to learn to be grateful, and then hate yourself for not kissing those hands and eyes. Dyachenko A.


The best filling for all pleasures on earth is the gratitude of those we love... Paul Bragg


I say thank you to heaven that I breathe and follow my dreams, For the world in which I live, for the people I love, I don’t throw words to the wind, I can’t, I am responsible for my friends, I love them, I smile, I fly towards the day, And I want to make this world a little better. Marcelle

Quotes and aphorisms about gratitude to a person


If a person helped you yesterday, this does not mean that he will help you today. Tell him thank you for helping yesterday. Mikhail Litvak


We must thank those who show us our shortcomings. Pascal


Thanks to those who refused to help me. It was thanks to them that I managed to do it myself. Robert Anthony


I have something to thank every person in my life for.


You know how to correct your mistakes so kindly that I want to thank you for making them. Alexandr Duma


We enjoy people who have seen us happy. You feel grateful to them for being witnesses of our joy. Victor Hugo


Thank you for giving my life meaning. Paulo Coelho


Whoever you meet on your life’s path, thank him for his participation in your destiny. Whether it was an episode or for life, no person comes into the life of another by accident.


I live for those who need me... I am friends only with those in whom I am confident, I communicate with those who are pleasant... And I am grateful to those who appreciate!!!


I am grateful to every person life has brought me into contact with. Some for help and support, others for an example, others for a lesson. And a few - simply because they exist.

Always say “Thank you!” to everyone! ". This simple expression of gratitude that arises in the soul has a huge impact. It cleanses the soul of judgements, preferences, fears, feelings of separation, conflict and even longing, returning the mind to its natural state - unaffected Awareness. Muji

The world is not without good people

When trouble befalls a person, most often he finds that no one is in a hurry to help him. That’s why people who are close to you, no matter what, are so valuable. Then statuses of gratitude are created for support in difficult times.

  1. If you have a friend, you are happier than many people.
  2. You should be grateful for even a small word of sympathy. Don't think that it is insignificant. It's better to think about the huge number of people who never said it.
  3. A kind person is grateful even for a trifling service.
  4. There is no one more valuable than the one who at the most difficult moment said: “I am with you!”
  5. If you are waiting for support, contact your relatives. You most likely won't get it from others.
  6. In severe trouble, a person suddenly discovers that only 3 people remain next to him: father, mother and spouse.
  7. If someone says a kind word to you, be grateful for it. People around you don't have to pay attention to you.
  8. Friends who did not provide support in trouble should be ruthlessly cut out of life. There can be no forgiveness for them. Otherwise, we will offend those who stuck by us no matter what. Although they may not have been our friends.
  9. Don't criticize your parents. When they are gone, you will realize that your family was the only thing worth thanking fate for.
  10. Do people who abandon their neighbors in trouble even understand what a grave sin they are committing? Or they will come to church and bow in full confidence that they are good parishioners.
  11. Mom is the only person who will support you even if you are wrong.
  12. How strange it is to see the cold backs of friends and unexpectedly notice the kind faces of strangers when you find yourself in serious trouble.
  13. If you see a status that someone doesn't want to live, give them words of encouragement. You don't know how close he is to irreparable. And your participation can stop him on the edge.
  14. Thank the one who supported you in the most difficult moment. Believe me, it wasn't easy for him.
  15. Anyone who criticizes you is trying to knock you down. Therefore, be grateful to those who praise you. Their kind words allowed you to spread your wings.
  16. The most disgusting parting word: “Hold on.” Especially if it is said to those who have lost loved ones. With the subtext: “Cope with it yourself, honey.” In such a situation, it is better to say: “Count on my support.”

Gratitude is a wonderful feeling. There will always be reasons for it. Therefore, you should not be sad because of temporary difficulties, but it is better to say “Thank you” to everything that is around.

Gratitude is a surefire way to bring more into your life.

Quotes from great people about gratitude


For an intelligent person, gratitude is not a painful feeling. E. Bulwer-Lytton


He who cannot give thanks cannot receive. To be grateful is to be happy! Gratitude is a sign of nobility of soul. Aesop


The feeling of gratitude is important for a person: if you forget those who stood by when you needed it, you won’t go far. Paulo Coelho


If you want to be happier, stop thinking about gratitude and ingratitude and indulge in the inner joy that self-giving brings. Dale Carnegie


Gratitude is a surefire way to bring more into your life. You breathe - be grateful for it, you have eyes, arms, legs, you can see this light, you can hear the sounds of nature, human voices, feel the blow of the wind. Give thanks for everything that surrounds you. Don't focus on what you're missing. Be grateful for what you already have! Gibert V.


Eat with gratitude. Now that many are deprived of a piece of bread, you should be grateful that they give you something to eat. Noro K.


The first step of ingratitude is to examine the motives of the benefactor. P. Buast


Gratitude is a debt that must be paid, but which no one has the right to expect. Jean-Jacques Rousseau


The child shows gratitude to his parents with obedience and respect. Catherine II the Great


Gratitude is one of the greatest virtues. But an even greater virtue is a sense of proportion in the claim to gratitude. F. Goebbel


I thank fate that I was born a human and not a dumb animal; a Hellenic, not a barbarian; and also because I had to live in the time of Socrates.



Each of us has been given a lot and we have a lot to be grateful for. A lot, but we don’t understand it. Charles Dickens


It is easier for people to pay for evil than for good. Because gratitude is a burden, and revenge is a pleasure. Tacitus Publius K.


Ingratitude is a kind of weakness. Outstanding people are never ungrateful. I. Goethe


To demand gratitude for each of your benefits means to trade them. A. Decourcel


Gratitude is not the right of the one who is thanked, but the duty of the one who thanks; To demand gratitude is stupidity, not to be grateful is meanness. V. O. Klyuchevsky


Gratitude for a service takes with it a considerable amount of friendly disposition towards the one who did us good. J. Labruyère


It is painful for a subtle soul to realize that someone owes it gratitude; for a coarse soul - to recognize oneself as obligated to someone. F-Nietzsche


You are indignant that there are ungrateful people in the world. Ask your conscience if everyone who did you favors found you grateful. Seneca the Younger


Gratitude is the least of virtues, while ingratitude is the worst of vices. T. Fuller


We are never more grateful for anything than for gratitude. M. Ebner-Eschenbach


Wake up at dawn with a lifted heart and give thanks for another day of love. Gibran Khalil D.


Even though you broke up, you talk about her with gratitude. This is wonderful. Gratitude is a synonym for love. Elchin Safarli


For everything, for everything I thank you: For the secret torment of passions, For the bitterness of tears, the poison of a kiss, For the revenge of enemies and the slander of friends; For the heat of the soul, wasted in the desert... Mikhail Y. Lermontov


Can only be shown to sighted people. Sing the song - only to those who hear. Give yourself to someone who will be grateful, who understands, loves and appreciates you. Omar Khayyam


Be grateful to the tree for its shade. The river - that you drank water on a hot day. Some person was kind to you - do not forget His kindness forever. Do something good for someone yourself - Don’t remember it and forget it yourself! Mirza Shafi Vazeh

Never forget, even in the darkest days of your life, to thank God for everything. He is waiting for this and will send you new blessings and gifts. A person with a grateful heart never lacks for anything.

*** I have a lot to thank God for. Next to me are those who are dearer to everyone... I have someone to love... I have someone to raise... I have been lucky in life... May you be lucky too!!! *** I’ll quietly go into church, light a candle for my family... Quietly I’ll ask God: “Take care of them, I pray!” I don’t ask for myself... and I don’t dare ask... I thank you, Lord, for everything I have!!! *** It’s amazing and priceless when complete strangers lend a helping hand. *** It is stupid to be angry with bad people, but on the contrary, it would be reasonable to be grateful to them for what they exist, because only through comparison with bad people can we understand the value of a good person. *** When he presses us, we shout: “God save us!” When he lets go, we forget about “thank you”... *** No need for applause! I prefer men's handshakes and women's kisses! *** Be grateful to those who were there in difficult times! *** — To everyone who has met in my life, I sincerely THANK YOU! Each of you is a piece of the rainbow of my soul!!! *** Gratitude is a sign of the nobility of the soul. *** If you have a need, turn to God. If you have no need, thank God. *** Always say thank you. If money doesn't fall from the sky on your head, still say thank you. At least for the fact that the brick did not fall. *** I live for those who need me... I am friends only with those in whom I am confident... I communicate with those who are pleasant... And I am grateful to those who appreciate!!! *** Thanks to everyone who was in my life. I thank the good ones for the pleasant memories, the bad ones for the comparison. *** Life doesn’t have to give us what we expect. We must take what it gives and be grateful for the fact that it is so, and not worse. *** If a tree offers you its shadow, its fruits and flowers, will you really want to tear it out of the ground in gratitude and take it with you? *** The best friend does not teach how to live and does not read morals if I am wrong. He will simply say - you are an idiot. And I will be grateful to him. *** Only those who do more than their duty deserve gratitude... *** Thanks to all my friends for their friendship!!! *** I need her eyes! For what? I want to look at them! And what do you want to see in them? Gratitude!!! *** Thank you for your friends, for your inspiration, for believing in yourself, for the day that will happen, for the strength to get up... *** Thank you, my love, for the warmth, attention and love that you give to me and our children. We love you very, very much! *** The service provided is no longer worth anything. *** Let's keep in gratitude about the past Everything that at least seemed good... *** There is still so much good to be done! How can I get thanks in advance? *** Goodbye dear boy, I won’t see you again, I thank you for everything, but I hate you for betrayal! *** Thank you for loving me. Because you do it better than anyone. *** He who does not like to ask does not like to oblige, that is, he is afraid to be grateful. IN. Klyuchevsky *** Anything given beyond what is necessary is accepted with double gratitude. Publilius Syrus *** Gratitude is pleasant in time. Menander *** The dried up river is not thanked for its past. Rabindranath Tagore *** Gratitude is the most forgettable thing. Johann Schiller *** Gratitude is one of the greatest virtues. But an even greater virtue is a sense of proportion in the claim to gratitude. F. Goebbel *** Gratitude is the most beautiful of the flowers of the soul. Henry Beecher *** Gratitude is a heavy burden that lies on our imperfect nature. Philip Chesterfield *** Gratitude: digesting a good deed is, generally speaking, a difficult process. Adrian Decourcel Statuses about gratitude

Thank you, life, for making me wiser!

Quotes about gratitude in life


But still, pressed and persecuted, I, looking with a smile at the dawn, On earth, close and beloved to me, I thank this life for everything. Sergey A. Yesenin


Thank you, life, for making me wiser, Thank you, enemy, for making me stronger, Thank you, muse, for not leaving me! Music, thank you for playing again... Pencil “The Last Leaf”


Happiness is always available to us if we notice the small daily joys of life. The secret of happiness is gratitude. Whenever dark thoughts creep into your head, when you are disappointed in people or in life, start keeping a gratitude journal. Write down all the little joys in your life. A cup of tea, a warm bed, a child’s smile, your family, the taste of chocolate.


If the only prayer of your life is the word “thank you,” then that will be enough.


Life doesn't have to give us what we expect. We must take what it gives and be grateful for the fact that it is so, and not worse. Margaret Mitchell


The easier our life, the lazier we are. So don't complain about it, but be grateful for it. Irene Oginski


Wake up at dawn with an inspired heart and give thanks to life for another day of love. Gibran Kahlil Gibran


Thank you for the inspiration, Thank you for the smiles, For all the selfless love that carried me around the world, But most importantly, thank you for my life. Dream Theater


I turned away from my life for a while, and then it became clear to me that even when this happens, life does not turn away from us. I am sure that we will remain together forever, until the day when, looking into each other’s eyes, we say: “Thank you for being with me until the end!” Cecelia Ahern


Live every day as if you will leave tomorrow, every moment of your life - give thanks! Vladimir Levi “The Color of Fate”


Thank you, life, for keeping me alive! Beautiful moments in my days! For rain, for snow, green grass... For silence, for cheerful birds singing. Olga Kozlovskaya


I love my life very much. Although she is far from heaven, I appreciate what I have, I thank you for everything, not counting the sins of others. Maria Nogaeva

Dear God! I want to turn to you not to ask you for something, but simply to say thank you for everything I have!

The best thank you statuses

Joy is the simplest form of gratitude.

I thank You, God, for this amazing day, for the jumping green spirits of the trees, for the blue dream of the sky and for everything natural and infinite.

The roots of all virtue lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness.

I feel a very strange sensation - if it's not indigestion, I think it must be gratitude.

If the only prayer you said in your entire life was “thank you,” that would be enough.

To say gratitude is polite and pleasant, to show gratitude is generous and noble, but to live with gratitude is to touch Heaven.

Thank You God for this good life and forgive us if we don't love it enough.

Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are charming gardeners who make our souls bloom.

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