How to flirt with a man correctly - rules and examples of flirting

Communication can be different: business, family, friendly, in any case, it sometimes involves contact between different sexes. Regardless of the circumstances under which the two interlocutors met, proper flirting with a man can not only make the conversation more pleasant, but will also allow the girl to acquire a fan, a loved one, or simply add interest to her own person. Any girl can learn the art of flirting and seducing men. It is important to understand that flirting does not imply an intimate relationship. It is rather a conversation in a special way, letting the interlocutor understand that he is interesting.

Flirting does not imply intimacy

What does flirting mean?

What is flirting between a man and a woman is the ability to seduce the opposite sex through communication and non-verbal signs. The main thing is to be able to determine the line when a girl will not look shy, but not too liberated.

Tips to help you understand how to flirt with a man:

  • Show your location. Girls who are afraid to show a desire to communicate will not be able to interest a man. Modesty is the lot of young age.
  • It is worth giving up the desire to achieve a man’s attention by any means. It is important for men to remain conquerors and it is better to provide them with this opportunity by hinting at your location.
  • Everything should be in moderation. It is possible and even necessary to make compliments and jokes during a conversation, but you should not overdo it, otherwise there will be a feeling of insincerity.
  • Don't limit yourself to just online communication. If a girl is confident in her abilities, you can let the man know that she is ready to meet in real life.

Seduction techniques in astrology: how to seduce men of different zodiac signs

You can seduce a stranger, or you can drive your husband crazy every day. The horoscope will suggest new ways to charm.

Depending on the zodiac sign of your loved one, find secret levers and erotic fantasies to manipulate the male mind.

Check out the astrological seduction techniques in the table:

Zodiac signDescription
AriesBe weak and vulnerable so that Aries can realize his desires to be a stone wall for the lady. Remind yourself more often that you cannot live without a man’s sharp mind and irreplaceable abilities
TaurusIt is completely useless to flirt and hint to a person. A stubborn slow-witted person needs to hint directly to his face about the desire to have children with him
TwinsDon't throw a tantrum to your guy. Geminis are very adventurous and love freedom and unpredictability. Put up or leave
CancerThe secret approach is borscht, cutlets and mashed potatoes. Such a man dreams of an ideal housewife and a passionate lover in one bottle
a lionA real find for women. Just let the man go shopping with you and give the woman gifts
VirgoAn idealist who sees a needle in a haystack. His companion will have a hard time being the best representative of the female half of humanity
ScalesThis guy loves with his eyes. His aesthetic preferences often spoil the life of the sign. If you are a hysterical and eccentric person, but incredibly beautiful, a Libra man will forgive everything for the sake of a pretty face
ScorpionScorpio loves exactly the place you thought of. Lure a guy into bed and don't let him go - the most effective way to quietly marry a guy
SagittariusThis merry fellow is looking for an ally and like-minded person. Try to share his ideals and dreams
CapricornCold calculation and no romance. If you don’t have a brilliant idea for business development in your pretty head, then you are defenseless
AquariusThe main thing is variety in everything. You’ll have to be meek today, passionate tomorrow, and after tomorrow you’ll have to change your hair style or color.
FishThe initiative remains with the girl. The guy is ready to spend the rest of his days with a strong and independent woman, only children were running around and the smell of food

How to learn this

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Some women are able to touch a man's heart with just a smile. They succeed easily because they know how to create interest in the head of their interlocutor. To flirt, you don’t need to have secret knowledge; it’s enough to understand how to flirt with a man correctly.

By following these tips, girls can learn how to flirt:

  1. Look into your eyes. If a girl notices that she is catching a man’s gaze, she should reciprocate: from time to time, glance at him in response. Eye contact is considered the main rule of seduction and flirting as well. Later, when communicating with a man, a girl may briefly linger her gaze on his lips. This will let him know that her thoughts are inclined towards the kiss.
  2. Think about sex. If you mentally return to sexual topics during a conversation with a man, this will allow the girl to tune in to the right mood. The sexual overtones may not be noticeable in your voice or appearance, but the right attitude will allow the interlocutor to pick up on the vibes. A girl can sweeten the conversation by saying a couple of compliments to a man, which don’t have to be too bold.
  3. Be mindful of touch. Tactile sensations, although unnoticeable, still awaken a positive attitude in the interlocutor. Flirting involves a fleeting, even accidental touch.

It is important to remember about eye contact

Important! It is better to avoid touching the other person's face, since for many men this is interpreted as too personal a gesture. From here, a man may misunderstand the girl and either begin to console himself with false hopes, or try to stop communicating.

  1. Pay attention to your lips. Even before the moment when the kiss is still far away, a man should already think about how soft the girl’s lips are. To do this, a girl can unobtrusively focus his attention: correcting her makeup, biting her lip.
  2. Watch your appearance. Don't relax too much, but don't be too tense either. An even posture and straightened shoulders will once again focus attention on a woman’s breasts. A slight tilt of the head forward will make the look more seductive. Don’t forget about the beautiful gait that makes men turn around. A slight sway of the hips, smooth and small steps, and a leisurely pace will do the job for the girl.
  3. Be attentive to your interlocutor. Men like it when people listen to them and understand what they are talking about. It is worth paying attention to the topic of the conversation, since often the essence of how to flirt with a man lies precisely in the ability to listen. It should be made clear that all attention is aimed at the interlocutor: try to touch, look into the eyes, watch the postures - they should not be closed. During the conversation, you should ask questions so that the man understands that the topic is really interesting.
  4. Smile. Don't smile openly right away. It’s better to first make it clear with your eyes that the girl is in the mood for communication, then just smile slightly. This behavior will show the man that the environment for conversation is favorable.
  5. Make nice comments. There is no flirting without compliments. A phrase spoken with sincerity will be pleasant to every person. You can note the appearance or interesting works of your interlocutor. At the same time, it is important to remember about the look.


However, without graceful movements and a gliding, even gait, all these external tricks are worthless. If we walk slowly, waddle, or place our knees toward the ceiling when walking, who will we look like? Right! An elephant that has strayed from the herd or a crazed heron. The gait should be smooth and as graceful as possible. Can't we? Well, let's go learn dancing! Any kind - ballroom, folk, belly dancing. They will give you the opportunity to control your body, make it flexible and obedient. And then we will no longer move like a duck or jump like a grasshopper. We will swim like a peahen, fly like a swallow, flutter like a butterfly!

What phrases are acceptable

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Flirting implies bold communication; each phrase should have a hidden meaning, which the opposite sex will guess about during the conversation. The conversation should intrigue and provoke a man’s reaction; for this, the girl builds a conversation, periodically paying attention to herself or her interlocutor.

Communication Tips:

  • Try to monitor your speech literacy.
  • Call your interlocutor by name.
  • Give appropriate compliments.
  • Ask for opinions on your outfit.
  • Be laconic. If a guy asks about what you have been doing over the past time, it is better to answer briefly, without going into details. If there is a bit of mystery left, the man will be more interested in the conversation.
  • Don't jump on topics of conversation.

The conversation should be positive

Maintain attention

True seduction is not only the ability to attract attention, but the art of making a man pursue you. After all, we need not just a one-night stand, but a possible further relationship.

The first thing you should learn is to compliment a man. Believe me, the stronger sex is very susceptible to pleasant words addressed to them. Praise him, pay attention to his strength, sense of humor or beauty and he will already look at you with completely different eyes. I explain in detail how to do this correctly in the article “How to Compliment a Man.”

The thirst for relationships very often pushes girls to make one terrible mistake. She starts calling him like crazy, writing messages, commenting on his every photo on social networks. Stop. Remember, such excessive attention on your part can scare away, frighten and turn a man away from you. Therefore, we pull ourselves together, put the phone aside and calm down.

Try making lines on a piece of paper every time you want to dial its number or write. And at the end of the day, count. And think about how it would look in his eyes, so many calls and SMS.

  • Have patience - once.
  • Get busy with your life - two.
  • Sometimes be unavailable to him - three.

A man hunts when a woman wags her tail. You need to learn to both let him closer to you and push him away for a while. For example, he calls you. Don't run straight to the phone. Let three, four, or even five beeps pass. Why does he need to know that you are sitting by the phone and waiting? Didn't have time to come? It's OK. We wait an hour or two and call back with a sweet and apologetic tone: sorry, I was busy, did you call?

Be sure to read the article “How to become a real woman who attracts the attention of men.”

Acceptable Behavior

Flirty does not necessarily imply communication with subsequent relationships. Sometimes this can be flirting at work with a man, with a married acquaintance, or with a man who is older than the girl (for example, he is 40 and she is 20). Even in such cases, light coquetry is appropriate to relieve tension or create more confidential communication.

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In such cases, it is considered appropriate to note a nice tie or jacket, praise for achievements, or share a joke.

Important to remember! Such communication does not carry serious intentions and excludes flirting outside of work or the place where the interlocutors met. Light flirting should not cause jealousy in third parties. In other cases, the girl decides for herself how far the relationship with her interlocutor can go, but acts carefully, avoiding vulgar hints in communication.

Remember etiquette

The person who called should always end the telephone conversation. If you cannot continue the conversation now, ask the man to call you back. At the end of the conversation, the man will most likely invite you to a meeting or ask permission to call you again. At such a moment, you need to forget about tactical laconicism and stop flirting. If you don't mind continuing to get acquainted, name a specific time or place for meeting.

If the conversation is with an unfamiliar man, this does not mean that you will have nothing to talk to him about. A girl who knows how to flirt competently will always be able to find an interesting topic for an intimate conversation. Let these be general topics, but they should be exciting.

Flirting by correspondence

Girls, just like young people, are interested in being able to properly conduct a conversation with the opposite sex. Many people attend flirting lessons for girls, where they can teach the rules of communication. It is not at all necessary to attend special courses. To get started, you can try your hand at texting or online correspondence.

Communication in the virtual world is somewhat different from the real one, because there is no way to use non-verbal mechanisms (looks, postures, touch), so the girl’s goal is to evoke the emotions of her interlocutor using text.

During correspondence, it is worth waiting for short pauses between messages so that the man has time for his imagination to turn on. If this happens, then every phrase of the girl will be perceived ambiguously, which will give the communication a manner of play.

Flirting by correspondence with a man - tips:

  • It is better to use thought-provoking phrases: “everything is possible”, “think for yourself what is best.”
  • A girl should not only flirt, but also show femininity.
  • You should remember the role of the hunter for the man and the victim for the girl, adhering to the conversation in these roles. At the same time, the girl herself decides when the relationship can reach a new level.
  • Creating a nickname (not offensive) for your interlocutor will let him know that the girl is interested in him.
  • Flirting involves only positive topics of conversation.
  • It is better to exclude abbreviations used in online correspondence (“SPS”, etc.).
  • You should avoid phrases that are too complex as they may scare off your interlocutor.
  • It is better to think through topics for conversation in advance so that communication does not suddenly reach a dead end.

Light flirting can be with a married person or with a colleague


We try to dress not provocatively. The main thing is that the outfit suits you and remains as comfortable as possible. Otherwise, you will have to move like an astronaut landing on the moon. A relaxed, free-moving cute creature can arouse not only lively interest in them, but also undisguised sympathy.

Then we apply makeup. Just a little bit, as if we were saving on cosmetics! There is no need to pretend to be a vamp or a lady of not entirely decent behavior. The first will scare, the second will direct men’s thoughts in the wrong direction. We need to be sweet, mysterious, alluring, and not aggressive.

Examples of light flirting

Today there are many examples of how a girl can flirt with a guy, and this number is growing every day, as modern society expands the boundaries of acceptable topics and rules of behavior. The main goal of communication in this way is to make it clear to the opposite sex that he is communicating with a girl or woman, using accompanying gestures, facial expressions and other mechanisms.

Light flirting on the part of a woman implies gentleness and ease of behavior in everything. Win-win details of behavior are careless gestures to straighten your hair or your clothes, emphasis on the lips, which can be slightly parted, as if in anticipation of a kiss, as well as a measured gait, which allows the man to become interested and catch up with the girl.

Many women consider it unacceptable to use the image of a fool. However, it is precisely this pattern of behavior, when a girl laughs, widens her eyes in surprise, and acquires playful behavior traits, that in the understanding of most men is a symbol of a relaxed and liberated girl. Accordingly, such behavior is ideal for flirting.

Flirting between a woman and a man is a way to improve relationships with possible developments, to which the girl herself must agree. The period from flirting to the next step can take several days or a year - this is an individual decision. In general terms, coquetry on the part of a girl involves open behavior, an easy and positive attitude, as well as interest in the interlocutor.

Secrets of seducing men

The main thing that men pay attention to is appearance. However, often just a beautiful shell is not enough, especially if the woman’s goal is precisely seduction.

You can seduce with a beautiful model appearance, but you can’t force a man to go against his own principles.

In addition to appearance, a huge role is played by:

  • Gestures;
  • Behavior;
  • Voice;
  • Words and phrases used;
  • Ability to flirt;
  • Gait;
  • Character.

Regarding character, everything is quite simple. You can captivate a man even without any special tricks if you have the following traits: understanding, support, devotion, acceptance of all the traits of your chosen one, along with the advantages and disadvantages.



Flirting is a skill like giving a presentation or cooking paella, and it's a skill that can be honed if you're not afraid to practice. Dating apps are an ideal starting point in this regard, so don’t be afraid to make mistakes and write stupid things - over time you will feel more confident and free and understand that flirting is just about cute nonsense that you say to each other from the bottom of your heart .

Try to relax


For some people, sending flirty messages online turns into a real exam and test of strength. You might know that feeling of re-writing and then double-checking a five-word message ten times before you send it. If you find yourself in a similar situation, try to relax. The person on the other side of the screen is unlikely to make fun of you if you miss a comma or misspell the word “hello,” because dating apps are designed for easy communication. And if they rudely point out your mistake, then this is an excellent indicator that you are not on the same path with this person.

Words and voice

When a woman knows how to behave in the presence of a man, it’s time to talk. It is at this stage that the entire created effect can be destroyed. Therefore, in order to maintain your position and seduce your chosen one, you need to adhere to specific tricks.

Secret 5: voice tone

According to research, men find a velvety, deep female voice most attractive. By no means a bass or a smoky, hoarse baritone. A woman's voice should sound like the purring of a cat, not the cawing of a crow.

The same goes for excessively high-pitched female voices. Previously, it was believed that a thin, ringing voice was the most attractive, as it was associated with youth and freshness. In fact, this is so if the voice is moderately high and not shrill. Such voices are suitable for seduction, but not seduction.

Secret 6: the right topics for conversation

Of course, showing off your intelligence sometimes seems like the best way to captivate your partner. However, if a woman decides to seduce her chosen one, then she should avoid serious and complex topics in communication.

The best topics for conversation will be those that in one way or another relate to a man, his interests, and hobbies. Difficult work situations should also be avoided.

At the same time, you should not slide into outright stupidity - this is repulsive. Communication should flow naturally, easily and naturally. During a conversation, it is best to lean slightly towards your chosen one and maintain visual contact. At such moments, it is most convenient to use the NLP principle.

A woman should speak calmly, slowly, “with feeling, clearly, with emphasis.” You should not rush to convey any information to your interlocutor. Talking to her should be a slow pleasure, not a fast sprint.

Use emoji


Emojis and emoticons open up endless scope for unobtrusive flirting, and if you still doubt your eloquence, then sometimes it’s enough just to add an appropriate picture to the text to clarify your intentions. The classic version is the emoji with a monkey closing its eyes. It will let the other person know that you might be a little nervous and embarrassed about sending this message. The next option is an emoji with two eyes, which denotes intrigue. He will make even the most ordinary phrase, for example, “I can’t wait to see you again,” more playful. Another option is a smiling purple emoji with horns, which immediately takes your conversation to a new level: “Last night was unforgettable.” Sometimes, with the help of emoji, you can completely replace some words: “You just...” and add a fire emoji at the end. The right emoticon will make your correspondence more sensual, innocent or, conversely, more frank and sexy.

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