Mind games. Why men and women think differently

For some reason, a woman constantly has to prove that she is also a human being and has rights. Even a hundred years ago, many learned men laughed at students - they say, where are you, girls, science and without you there will be someone to advance it! Your delicate mind will not withstand the overload, you will wither away in the prime of your life! How could feminism not appear here? However, recent research shows that women's brains actually function differently than men's. Hence the constant gender squabbles over who is better and who is smarter.

Related article Gender matters. Women suffer from headaches 5–6 times more often than men

From a popular video

A very long time ago, A. Kapranov, in one popular video, told how women think. Their thinking is significantly different from men’s, you can’t argue with that, but in what way exactly? A woman thinks in conclusions, not facts.
Our brain will react differently to the same event. And the differences are cardinal. For men, the logic is completely straightforward. There is a problem, there is a solution. All! For women, everything is more complicated. There is a problem, from this follows a conclusion, and then another, and another. As a result, all this can result in such a chain that you find yourself guilty of all mortal sins. Or vice versa, female emotions are already interfering here.

From the fact that you brought home small potatoes, it follows that all men are assholes. Now go ahead and rack your brains about why she thought that.

Teenage dreams

Some teenage girls' dreams are about the same as boys' dreams. For example, almost every child wants a new iPhone. But here are some desires that are characteristic primarily of the female sex:

  1. Marry your idol from your favorite band.
  2. So that my parents let me go out with my friends for the night.
  3. About the first date, the first kiss.
  4. Cool clothes, preferably branded ones.
  5. Dating a high school student. Yes, nothing has changed.
  6. Hanging out and walking.
  7. Try alcohol.
  8. Move away from your parents (already closer to 18 years old).
  9. Freedom. A key moment for a teenager who has no freedom.

In general, we see that some of these dreams may not be characteristic of teenage girls at all. This is the main difficulty with all these lists - everyone is different.

Differences from the male brain

Just a list and quickly.

  • Abstract thinking, high attention to detail.
  • More humanitarian skills.
  • The ability to use emotion and reason simultaneously.
  • Instant adaptation to the situation.
  • Excellent intuition. In fact, it comes from the ability to carefully analyze little things without even noticing it.
  • Improved auditory and color perception.
  • Cruelty towards competitors.
  • Condescending attitude towards male appearance.
  • Tendency to discuss the same topic for a long time, touching each other during a conversation.
  • Ability to constantly multitask.

About women who are in search of their other half

They rarely make the first move, ask for a phone number or make an appointment - there are at least two reasons for this: the danger of refusal and the risk of losing value in the eyes of the opposite sex. Men look for soft, more passive women than themselves. This is not an absolute truth, but a widely accepted rule. Women know about this, understand on an instinctive, intuitive level: they will be valued less if they begin to actively act, take the first step towards rapprochement. The more a man invests in “winning” a woman, the more he tends to value her. In turn, the willingness to put in the effort makes it more reliable, especially in the case of pregnancy. For this reason, women are often forced to “run” after themselves, thereby testing the seriousness of their suitor’s intentions. If you understand these and other principles of behavior, it will be easier for men to organize their ideas about the psychology of the opposite sex.

A woman's thoughts in a minute

If a man is able to concentrate on one and only one problem, he can think about it all day long. This is how we are designed, we need to see one goal and move towards achieving it. For the same reason , we have more developed directional vision, while girls have diffused vision

And girls’ thoughts can also contain a lot of different facts and emotions. They constantly live on a roller coaster of emotions. In just a few seconds, the mood can rise, deteriorate, then deteriorate even more, and only then return to normal. And so on in a circle all day, all my life.

Now pay attention. Circus with horses. Girl's thoughts in 1 minute:

  • shoes are uncomfortable;
  • why doesn't he call me;
  • pick up your bag from the post office at 5;
  • where are the keys;
  • Where are the keys;
  • and here, in the back pocket;
  • why doesn't he call me;
  • Interestingly, the swift really cannot take off from the ground;
  • I could probably commit murder;
  • such beautiful flowers were given to Svetka;
  • You need to upload a photo to Insta;
  • what a cute kitten!

The most interesting thing is that all these thoughts are not sequential, they are one mass that is maintained in parallel in her head. Amazing, right? You can also think all this in a minute, but not the way a girl does it. And in fact, all these thoughts can easily be contained in 10 seconds. I can’t imagine how they live like this, it would be very difficult for me, my brain would quickly boil.

Little girls dreams

It is very important to consider the dynamics of the development of women’s dreams, starting from childhood, because some of the desires remained in the past, while others were simply transformed. Here are some of these desires:

  1. Nice dress. Naturally, like a Disney princess. Then this desire transforms into a dream of putting on the newest and most beautiful clothes. As children, girls want to be the most beautiful princesses, and when they grow up, they want to be simply the most beautiful.
  2. The most handsome senior in school. It often happens that he is quite a hooligan. But he gets away with everything. Such luck sometimes attracts even older girls, because with such a lucky guy, a girl can also be lucky.
  3. Cosmetics. Yes, this little mommy little little mommy little girls also dream of cosmetics to look like their mom and also to be more mature.
  4. Dolls. And if there is a complete set with some small strollers, combs and, oh God, a set of clothes for her, then this will make the little princess rejoice.
  5. Beautiful wedding. Yes, already at such a young age, every girl at least once thought about marriage.
  6. Huge diamond. Well, why not?

Your main tool

No, not between your legs. A girl’s thoughts are not the most important aspect, oddly enough.
It is much more important to understand her emotional perception of reality. There really is a lot to talk about here. The vast majority of men have no idea how their emotional range works.

I'll explain using your example. Your emotional range, for example, ranges from -10 to +10. You yourself can distribute the events that lead you to one or the other. And more likely you will give them a sharp assessment: 0.5, 10 or the same minus. It's different for women. -100 and +100 when compared to yours. Any events are perceived by the weaker sex much more powerfully.

And now the most important problem is that each girl is also individual. That is, her emotional range may be different. I present only the average version. A lot depends on the conditions in which she was raised and how she lives now.

It is with emotions that you have to operate in any communication with girls. A girl's thoughts come from emotions; she relies on sensations and draws conclusions from this. Now it has become a little easier.

Fortunately, arousing emotion in a girl is not so difficult. Give her something small and cute, give her a compliment, offer to carry her package, cook her dinner with your own hands if you have more or less straight hands. It's little things like this that make her smile. Continue to give her an emotional roller coaster with a positive shift. She will quickly become yours only thanks to this.


There is nothing more paradoxical than the female mind. To learn their dialectics, you need to overturn in your mind all the school rules of logic.

M.Yu. Lermontov


A woman loves with her ears.

Otolaryngological observation

So, modern (male) logic contains a minimum of emotionality and is based on abstract (abstract from the subject) thinking.

This is rationality.

And pre-logical (female) logic opposes abstract thinking, obeying not the law of contradiction, but the law of emotional involvement (or, according to Bruhl, “participation” - involvement). This is when a thing is perceived not abstractly, but at the same time both as such and as something else at the same time.

This is emotionality (emotion (lat.) - sensual), and a good example of this is totemism among primitive peoples. This is when an object, in addition to its natural purpose and appearance, has another, hidden mystical essence.

You can observe the same thing with ladies. For example, they love to “animate” complex mechanisms:

I worked in one office as a “general technician” - someone to install a program on a computer, someone to repair an outlet. And since the team was mostly female, you can imagine the questions that were addressed to me. And there stood HEROKH-5310 in our waiting room. And the girl Ira worked there, whom this monster of copying equipment could not stand, constantly “chewed” paper. Therefore, the poor girl had to turn to the secretary for help. The secretary, a kind and sweet older woman, taught her how to work with this beast:

- And you kindly ask him - “please copy two leaves of paper for me.”

But the stubborn foreign technology did not reciprocate Irina’s affection.

One day Ira needed to copy another piece of paper, but as luck would have it, there was no one in the office. Only I was in the computer picking at another fallen Windows. After struggling a bit with the copier, Ira finally gave up and turned to me.

I opened the “patient”, quietly removed several sheets of “chewed” paper from his womb and tried to disappear as quickly as possible. But on the threshold of the reception room, Ira stopped me with a question:

- What do you say to him so affectionately that he listens to you?

“I tell him: “If you don’t work, I’ll take it apart for parts, I’ve had an application for a stove for a month now...”

A few days later I went into the reception area, and the secretary was copying something, didn’t see me and told me to copy him. Affectionately like this:

- Copy, please. Otherwise I’ll call Valera, he still has an application for the “stove”!


And almost all the girls I know talk, using diminutives, to a printer or mobile phone, and some even named their computers and cars. However, when a woman strokes the monitor and says something like: “And now it’s working, our computer, right? You're not offended by mommy, are you? Are you going to work?” - it looks a little wild, but, it’s worth admitting, a computer that was previously “hanging” inexplicably sometimes starts working :-).

From this opera - women’s tendency to intuitive assessments, unconditional trust in impressions rather than reasoning, tendency to make illogical decisions, obeying an “impulse,” etc. In a word, all their notorious female inconsistency and “mystery” are connected precisely with this feature of thinking.

And since female thinking is emotional, is not based on facts and is determined by sensory perception, then, using the criteria of male logic, it is impossible for a woman to prove or explain anything. A woman is simply not interested in logical reasoning; she is not impressed by it. Moreover, it is difficult for her to keep logical chains in her head, she begins to get confused and angry.

Therefore, in order to somehow adjust a woman in accordance with your goals and desires, you don’t need to explain anything to her, even if you can do it very convincingly. Better try to present the information in such a way as to create an IMPRESSION about the object in the woman and make her feel positive feelings towards the object. Since a woman is a very suggestible creature, this is not so difficult.

Just speak admiringly about what you like and use vivid and figurative praise, and vice versa about what you want to disappoint your friend about.

To consolidate, use the female property of trusting public opinion or any authorities, especially those that matter to her.

That is, a connection like: “This is stunning, amazing and amazing, just Chinese fireworks!” That’s all everyone talks about!” or “Actually, Johnny Depp just hates this, you can trust him. I read it in a magazine."

By the way, the fragments of information you offer may not be related to each other and may even contradict each other: a woman does not pay attention to such trifles.

Pro-logical thinking... does not tend to fall into contradictions, but does not think about avoiding contradictions. Most often it treats them with indifference. That is why it is so difficult for us to follow the course of this thinking.

Levy-Bruhl "Supernatural"

in primitive thinking"

And you don’t need to follow the course of this thinking. You're not a French anthropologist.

Just use a woman’s suggestibility and throw the ideas you need into her head, focusing on their emotional component. In her mind they will connect themselves!

1.3.2. ...I SEE THIS!!!

There is one painful moment in a conversation with a woman. You present facts and arguments. You appeal to logic and common sense. And suddenly you discover that she is disgusted by the very sound of your voice...

S. Dovlatov “Reserve”

I don't like women's poetry. You can always use it to determine the day of your cycle!

Actress Tatyana Okunevskaya

So, you understand that when communicating with a woman, you should discard all the techniques developed in conversations with friends. However, finer adjustments on the emotional level can be made if you learn to distinguish what emotional phase a woman is in at the moment.

And these emotional phases, of course, depend on the menstrual cycle - what else :-).

The 28-day cycle has always been considered a classic. Although in city women it is unstable due to stress, cyclic hormone production can also be leveled out or corrected with the help of hormonal contraceptives. But since it is impossible to consider all options, we will describe the classic 25-30-day cycle.

1-2nd day.

First day of menstruation. We calm down after PMS, but we still struggle with the effects of progestin hormones. We sob some more and some of us even masturbate.

3-10th day.

Hormonal lull. We are calm and friendly. Turning to the wall, we tell our husbands “I have a headache” and yawn sweetly. For many, testosterone levels increase, and we become more efficient and athletic.

11-19th day.

Thanks to the follicle-stimulating hormone gonadotropin, the egg matures. Peak release of estrogen - female hormones. It is believed that this is a period of increased female libido. According to statistics, most female infidelities occur during this time. However, for many this does not affect sexual desire at all.

20-22nd day.

Regardless of whether fertilization has occurred or not, progesterone is produced, a hormone responsible for preparing the body for pregnancy. It increases the sensitivity of the body, pain appears, irritability increases, hysterics, mood swings, and general emotionality begin.

22-24th day.

During this period, luteotropic hormone is produced, which is responsible for the production of milk in the breast. This same hormone is also responsible for the maternal instinct - you want to cry, take care, everything is taken to heart, you feel sorry for everyone, and most of all - yourself.

25-30th day.

Closer to menstruation, acne appears, sweating increases, the face begins to shine, and the hair becomes dull. PMS begins - hysteria, temporary brain fog and tearfulness.

On the first day of menstruation, everything goes away - we calm down and look good again...

Lena Rassо, Sex And The City magazine, March 2008

As a matter of fact, here is the reason for all this notorious female unpredictability and emotionality: a woman is guided through life not by her mind, but by the biochemical processes occurring in her body.

In principle, a peaceful and good-natured lady, whose body is saturated with estrogen, which creates a feeling of well-being and peace, and a nervous, aggressive (including sexually) “Amazon” are different people... And then the girl says with mystical horror: “I don’t know, what came over me.” Oh, this feminine manner of filling biological reactions with metaphysical content!

E. Kabanova, I. Tsiporkina “Bitch in the abyss of passions”

These processes serve the Great Uterus, about which you have already heard so much, and the woman herself plays here the role of a carrier and an auxiliary mechanism.

Every day I am different. Today – thoughtful, tomorrow – optimistic, the day after tomorrow – pragmatic...

Yulia Ozharovskaya, coordinator

one cosmetic company

And in order to more confidently influence a woman through her emotionality, it’s a good idea for you to at least roughly estimate the phase of her cycle. However, this is not at all difficult to calculate both by behavior and external signs.

Conclusion: if you want to influence women, you don’t need proof - you need emotions. There is no need for preparation, just the right moment. Logic is not needed - impressions are needed. You don't need to be a mathematician - you need to be a racer :-).


Moreover, primitive people quite consciously attach as much faith to their dreams as to real perceptions... They also misunderstand the law of causality, confusing the antecedent circumstance with the cause.

Lucien Lévy-Bruhl

In addition to emotionality, modern women in one way or another have many other features of thinking and perception characteristic of peoples closer to nature than we are. This can be explained by the fact that women have not changed much since ancient times, and again proves that women remain closer to nature than you and I, so civilized.

Such a feature of female logic is a tendency towards mysticism - and in its most vulgar manifestation. To put it simply, a woman is superstitious, and if she gets something into her head on this basis, you will not be able to dissuade her or somehow correct her. This is where all sorts of grandmothers, sorcerers and healers make their money; this is where the success of all kinds of horoscopes and predictions lies hidden.

The essence of primitive thinking is that it does not build chains of cause-and-effect relationships and does not compare its conclusions with experience. The causes of phenomena are, with such a vision of the world, mystical in nature.

Sergey Kara-Murza

Here, by the way, we can once again recall women’s animation of mechanisms and devices, as well as the completely unexpected conclusions from various situations that often stun men.

A woman does not seek to prove anything (even to herself). Her actions are usually guided by “impulses,” and it’s rare that a woman needs an explanation for them.

For members of our society, even the least cultured ones, stories about ghosts, spirits, etc. are something belonging to the realm of the supernatural: between these visions, on the one hand, and the facts known as a result of ordinary perception and everyday experience, on the other hand, there is a clear dividing line. For primitive thinking there is only one world. Every reality is mystical, like every action, therefore, every perception is mystical... such thinking does not obey exclusively the laws of our logic, it is perhaps subject to laws that are not entirely of a logical nature.

Lévy-Bruhl "The Supernatural in Primitive Thinking"

And even if a woman needs an explanation for her decisions or actions, then, in most cases, she finds the reason not where she is, but where she WANTS to find it.

New Hybrids: a native, passing along the road, sees a snake falling on him from a tree: let him know tomorrow or next week that his son has died in Queensland, and he will certainly connect these two facts.

The explanation of all these facts comes down to the following: we have here the incorrect application of the law of causality by primitive people, they confuse the preceding circumstance with the cause (Post hoc, ergo propter hos - after this, therefore, as a result of this).

The mystical relationships that are so often captured in the relationships between beings and objects by primitive consciousness have one common basis. All of them, in different forms and to varying degrees, imply the presence of “participation” (involvement) between beings or objects associated with a collective representation.

Lévy-Bruhl "The Supernatural in Primitive Thinking"

Simply put: a woman does not need proven connections between objects, events or motivations. She accepts them as they are, agreeing in advance and without evidence that such a connection exists (this is “participation”).

...Among other friends, my friend Lenka and I went fishing. In the trunk I had bags of alder sawdust, which I bought at the store and which were used for smoking fish.

All the way I had the feeling that I had been deceived. So take and give real money for ordinary waste sawdust...

Therefore, when I saw a sawmill standing on the edge of the forest, I immediately turned towards it. The gloomy suspicions were justified - everything around was strewn with completely free sawdust. They would be enough to smoke all the fish in the lakes of Karelia. It was simply impossible to drive past such an abundance of free waste, sold in the city in two-hundred-gram bags.

I dropped off the passengers near the sawdust Eldorado, armed them with plastic bags, and we began to collect consumables for the camp smokehouse. So that there will be enough for the whole summer.

Lenka looked at our enthusiasm with amazement:

-What are you doing?

- Helen, take a bag and fill it with sawdust, please. You see, people are working, it’s no good to stand around doing nothing.

– Why do we need sawdust?

- We'll smoke it. Maybe you won't have dinner?

Moved to action by this argument, Lenka quickly scooped up a bag of sawdust.

We got into the car and drove on. Lenka was thoughtful and silent. Only half an hour later she burst:

- Let's go to the store and buy some more food. I won't eat your sawdust for dinner!

https://zhurnal.lib.ru/g/grjaznowm a/

Therefore, if there is a need to explain or prove something to a woman, you can use her inner conviction that everything is interconnected. (Moreover, this is not far from the truth.) In this, female thinking is akin to the thinking of various spiritual practices of the East, which in turn have much in common with primitive thinking. The same explains a woman’s penchant for Eastern teachings: they are close to the female consciousness (well, this is in addition to all the cheap exoticism and colorfulness, which girls are also greedy for).

So, mysticism is one of the main properties of female psychology, which seriously influences the mechanism of female thinking. This matter must be taken into account and can be used to your advantage.

If you decide to convince a woman of something, then some dream you recently had, your premonition, signs you notice, or your interpretation of various events and phenomena (and the more mysterious, the better) will work much more powerfully than harmonious logical evidence.

You can refer to horoscopes and predictions of astrologers, tell fortunes by hand or coffee grounds... In short, all the resources of good old obscurantism are at your service!

By the way, another excellent tool for influencing a woman is folk signs. You can invent them yourself, in relation to a specific case. The main thing is that it works to your advantage. In general, give free rein to your imagination and use everything that carries at least a bit of mysticism to your advantage!

For example, if a friend drags you to a boring party, don’t explain that it won’t be interesting, that it’s cold outside, you’re too lazy to go, and there’s boxing on TV today. It’s better to say that you have some kind of bad feeling and you don’t think you should leave the house today. So that nothing bad happens. Well, that's your premonition.

The main thing is not to laugh :-).

Conclusion: you need to learn to act mysterious and foggy. When you become skilled at this, then, using the tendency of female thinking towards mysticism, you will be able to convince your friend of anything and force her to do whatever you want.


Love is based on the delusion that one woman is different from another.

Henry Louis Mencken

The thinking of most women is very rarely actually THINKING. Basically, it represents a set of stereotypes: ready-made models of behavior, complete sets of concepts and already formulated requirements. In general, a woman is rarely individual, and I repeat once again: ladies are the same. The variability of their thoughts, feelings and requests is very low. This is visible to the naked eye to any sane person, but skeptics can get a clear idea of ​​this by studying ANY results of questionnaires and surveys of women on ANY topic.

The extreme similarity of women can be explained by the fact that they are psychologically structured in the same way and want approximately the same things (love, family, children), achieving this using standard methods (catching a suitable man).

Today, however, “career” is sometimes added to the “love-family-children” triad. But this is much less common and only in very young girls with brains heavily washed by the propaganda of consumer society (which I wrote about in the chapter “A Woman Like a Man”).

There is an old saying: “If you know one woman, you know them all.” This, of course, is not entirely true, but after more or less close communication with two or three women, it is already difficult to discover something new in the rest. And almost all the methods of notorious womanizers and professional womanizers are based on clichés: there is no need to invent anything original in each specific case.


Metaphors are ready-made, aesthetically attractive clichés of thinking...

S. Kara-Murza

Analytical thinking, which we men are so proud of having, is not so necessary in everyday life. For a normal and very successful existence at the everyday level, the so-called “everyday thinking” is enough, which women can boast of. And due to this feature of theirs, in life they are, as a rule, much more successful than men.

A woman's tendency to accumulate and use stereotypes helps her live. Yes it is. Here's the definition:

“A social stereotype is a stable set of ideas that develop in the mind both on the basis of personal life experience and with the help of numerous sources of information. Real objects, relationships, events, and characters are perceived through the prism of stereotypes. Thanks to stereotypes, there is a necessary reduction in perception and other informational and ideological processes in the human mind.”

According to Sergei Kara-Murza, “not a single person is able to live without “automatisms” in perception and thinking - he does not have enough strength or time to think about every situation.”

That's it, buddy. As soon as you accumulate stereotypes and cliches, life will immediately become clearer and easier. True, you will have to sacrifice critical and analytical thinking; but there will be fewer problems.

The ability to evaluate the world through the prism of stereotypes, inherent in the logical thinking of primitive peoples, is especially pronounced in women. Like most undeveloped male individuals like the gopnik Zhora from the next door.

And the most intelligible and deeply penetrating stereotypes are those that do not need to be comprehended (well, you understand why). And this is especially true for women. The brighter the image, the stronger its impact on the emotional component, the greater the chance that it will remain in the woman’s mind and will continue to influence her perception of the world, actions and decisions.

The lack of artistic taste in most ladies is largely due to this feminine characteristic. Yes it is!

The concept of “taste” can be defined as artistic flair plus a sense of proportion and the desire to avoid banalities.

Look for yourself: artistic taste is an innate property and then cultivated. Many women certainly have it. Much worse - with a sense of proportion, which can be defined as the ability to regulate one’s emotionality in accordance with the requirements of the situation and the ability to critically examine a work from the standpoint of logic, rather than feelings. The ladies are already stuck with this. What can we say about the amazing tendency and craving for stereotypes and banalities that absolutely all women suffer from!

This is also why, in all women’s artistic creativity (with the rarest exceptions), the objects created are, in the male opinion, “a little too much.” Too bright, too cloying, too pretentious.

This is especially noticeable when a lady works with a word, which is clearly visible in almost any text written by a woman. Here, for example, is the famous book by L. Gushchina “A Man and Methods of Training Him.” Even in this manual (essentially educational, methodological), almost every page displays “bear skins”, “champagne glasses”, “sticky threads of compliments”, “desert haze of pupils”, “scarlet flowers of wounds on dark breasts” and others “ hands", "trains" and "necks". However, this is a book for ladies, and they like cliches, banalities and contrived beauty.

Women like this style. It is not for nothing that the most vulgar, but colorful and emotional texts enjoy constant popularity among them: Severyanin, Bryusov, Vertinsky, early poems by Yesenin, later by Asadov and then everywhere - right up to the songs “White Roses”, “Oh, What a Woman”, “Cigarette Smoke” with menthol" and "Lilac evening". Children look at things in much the same way. Their taste and sense of proportion have not yet been developed, so they value the colorfulness of a work of art more than the plot and the semantic load is not as important as the impression received. If you pay attention to how the covers of children's books and books for women (and also for unassuming and not very developed men) are designed, you will be surprised at their similarity!

The wonderful poet Nikolai Zabolotsky generally denied women the right to engage in creativity, making absolutely no exceptions for this (although there are still exceptions, but, as a rule, creative talent in the “male” version is usually explained in women by the same thing as the success of athletes , – hormonal imbalances of the body).

Conclusion: emotionality, a penchant for imagery and banal colorfulness - this is what makes up a woman’s artistic taste. In full accordance with the priorities of primitive man and, of course, the child.

A woman thinks in images already created by someone; this thinking is emotional, but stereotyped. And due to her suggestibility and tendency to use stereotypes, any lady is easily controlled with the help of these levers.

So: come up with a vivid metaphor for a woman, influence her imagination, use stereotypes - there are many of them, including mutually exclusive ones. Choose the one that suits the situation!

1.3.8. TRUSTING AND Suggestibility

...She listened to me with her mouth open. It's nice when people listen to you with their mouths open...

One of the heroes of Arkady Raikin

A woman's strength lies not in what she says, but in how many times she says it.

Marcel Achard

So, a woman does not like to think independently and, as a rule, does not know how. She is more inclined to receive information from the outside and that is why she is so observant and memorative at the everyday level. The collection and accumulation of information is more important for her than thinking as such, which is also why ladies love to communicate so much, excitedly telling each other what, where, when, who, with whom and where.

Women prefer to receive information “ready-made”. Preferably, with conclusions already formulated from this information. At the same time, most of them are very suggestible and do not know how to think critically.

Consequently, a woman can be convinced of anything if she regularly and competently presents information that is understandable, while correctly placing the emphasis.

That is, here we are talking about the manipulative technique of simplification and repetition, which I will talk about in more detail in the chapter on the manipulation of consciousness.

This technique is considered classic for advertising, politics, business and... love relationships. Therefore, it was always used by the founders of various sects and new religions, the majority of whose supporters were ladies. She is adored by the creators of commercials that openly but convincingly lie to women on TV. You don’t even have to talk about politics in our time - this has long been and is absolutely obvious.

Of course, you shouldn’t lose sight either: the lack of critical thinking, suggestibility and the desire to receive information “ready to use” is one of the important features of female psychology, you need to remember this, and you should use it!

Thinking in isolation from any specific subject weighs on a woman and sometimes even frightens her. And although she can have a fairly subtle understanding of the psychology of relationships and talk about various topics, almost always behind her reasoning there is some source of information, which she simply repeats word for word.

Very, very few women are capable of independent thinking and drawing independent conclusions, and those who are capable achieve great success in life.

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