A man disappeared without explanation: possible reasons and solutions

A woman meets a man. Not just another guy in pants, but an extraordinary, wonderful guy. A romantic connection begins between young people, a fire flares up in their hearts, and even in their loins. It would seem that everything is wonderful. The young lady is floating in her dreams. In their minds, they got married, got a dog, had children and settled in a house by the sea. But the sweet future is not destined to come true. Everything collapsed in an instant. Suddenly the man disappeared without explanation.

Unexpected turn

Girls all over the world hate situations like this. When a gentleman disappears without a trace, they are overcome by the most humiliating feelings: confusion, anger, despair, melancholy, terrible resentment. The woman goes through all the options in her head as to why the man disappeared without explanation. She begins to blame herself and look for reasons in her behavior or appearance why the unlucky boyfriend chose to sink into eternity. More active ladies set out to search for their lover, wanting to find out the reason why their sweet communication was abruptly interrupted.

Get rid of your obsession

If you don’t want a man to disappear without explanation one day, remember that just because you can write to your partner, this does not mean that you need to do so. Your boredom should not become his problem.

Make conversations comfortable for both of you.

If you are communicating on the phone, consider whether he is answering out of politeness or actively participating in the conversation. Specify in advance when you want to call and how long you will talk, and most importantly, stick to the limit. You'll be surprised how much it helps someone want to pick up the phone when you call.

Call me, for God's sake2

Representatives of the fairer sex are very worried when a young man disappears from sight, no matter at what stage the communication takes place. If a girl has known a guy for no more than one day, she is not so sad about his disappearance, but nevertheless, unpleasant feelings attack. After all, it was his initiative to meet and exchange numbers! But for some reason the phone is silent, and the beautiful stranger does not get in touch. There are several reasons why this happens.

Perhaps the guy lost the desired phone number, or wrote down the numbers incorrectly. This happens often. According to one version, robbers could have attacked him and taken away his mobile device. The young man is suffering, he wants to dial the number of a pretty girl he just met, but does not have such an opportunity.

Is it worth it and how to teach a lesson to a man who disappears?

A girl is thinking about how to teach a lesson to a man who disappeared and found a new passion.
Any offended woman wants to teach a lesson to a man who hurt her. But you need to decide on this, because you cannot do as he did. Is it worth it and how to teach a lesson to a man who disappears? Adviсe:

  • Mirror his behavior , even though you don’t want to do it. Let him feel how unpleasant it is. Walk away and say you'll call tomorrow, but don't do that for a few days and then show up unexpectedly.
  • Turn off your phone, don't answer the phone. This will make him nervous.
  • If you are sure that he already has another passion , then make sure that she finds out how “good” he is. Call his phone from an unfamiliar number and tell him how good you had last night. But guess the time when he will be with his new woman.
  • An excellent option for justice . If you see him on the street drunk, call the police. He will not be able to avoid problems, but after this you must understand that he will not return to you.

Of course, letting go of someone you had a good time with is not easy. But running after him is also not an option. He did not understand you, missed you and did not see a good and kind woman who could take care of him all his life. Forget him and let him go, otherwise new happiness will not be able to come into your life. Stop thinking about him and focus on the next candidate.

Behavior of an abandoned woman3

A new acquaintance does not appear on the horizon, and the woman panics. Her subsequent behavior depends on her character traits, temperament and the strategy developed. In such situations, she can take the following actions:

  • roar;
  • to execute oneself;
  • delete the phone number or blacklist it;
  • be depressed;
  • flinch nervously from every call and message;
  • go looking for a young man, find out as much information as possible, hire a detective, arrange surveillance;
  • call the gentleman yourself.

Reasons for missing behavior5

Men who have been in relationships with women for several days can disappear according to the principle “Figaro here, figaro there.” In such cases, there may be other reasons why the subject suddenly evaporates.

  • Betrayal by a partner.
  • The frivolity of a man.
  • Cowardice in the face of responsibility.
  • Bitter disappointment and resentment.
  • Other factors.

You will understand everything yourself - so it seems to him

Crisis is an inevitable event in every long-term relationship. If a difficult situation drags on in a couple, then sooner or later the man will leave. A woman usually thinks through every farewell word so as not to hurt the man. But the representative of the stronger sex himself thinks a little differently.

He doesn’t understand why an extra farewell conversation with a showdown is needed. After all, everything is clear.

Honest conversation6

There is nothing more unpleasant for a woman than for a man to disappear without explanation and suddenly stop communicating with her. Whatever the reason guides his decisions, he must honestly call, come or write a message explaining his action. Then the girl will stop hoping and waiting for his return, draw thoughtful conclusions, and perhaps leave him behind forever and ever. A rare hysterical woman will rush to sort things out and get to the bottom of the truth: “Why did you do this to me!?”

Why did a man disappear after the first date, meeting, sex?

A man disappeared after a date, a meeting, sex.
Women think that men are primitive and one should not expect adequate decisions from them, but this is not so. They can explain everything to themselves. For example, why did he disappear after the first date or meeting?

  • For men, appearance and mental matching are important . On the first date, they will not think of you as a future wife and imagine you as the mother of his children.
  • A man only needs sex and emotions , and if a woman does not attract him sexually, then the communication will end there.
  • A man can be scared off even by the smell of perfume, your figure, which seems to him not slim enough, or the timbre of your voice . But this does not mean that you are somehow different. Another will like all your advantages, but this one will run away in a few minutes, because he will think that you have many shortcomings.
  • He may understand that he will not be able to attract a woman like you . For example, your bag is more expensive than his car, and you are used to receiving such things as a gift.
  • You talked a lot about exes or relationships in general . For you this topic is important and interesting, but for him it is not. He wants to talk about himself, his business, or just talk about art.
  • It seemed to him that it was not him, but that he was being chosen . Men are used to making their own choices, but suddenly it seemed to him that you had come to have fun and appreciate him. He wants the woman to be involved with him from the first date.
  • You accidentally got drunk after drinking a couple of cocktails . This can happen, but not every man will like it. After such a situation, it will definitely merge.

Why is he missing and not calling?
If a man courted you for a long time and achieved his goal, and then disappeared after the first sex, then this may be due to various reasons. It often happens that the first sex happens suddenly, for example, on the first date. Why does the man disappear in this case? Here are the answers to this question:

  • Hormones. In women, after sexual intercourse with a man, the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for the feeling of happiness in our body, increases. Tenderness and pleasant words lower his testosterone levels. Therefore, the man goes in search of feats that will help him do something brutal and masculine to restore the balance of hormones.
  • He feels guilty . He ended up in bed too early, as he thinks, and therefore he feels guilty towards you. This gnaws at him from the inside and so the man decides to simply disappear.
  • He got more than he expected. A man is a winner by nature. He wants to conquer. He must understand that he has earned the right to be with you, that is, time must pass after your first acquaintance. If he got everything he wanted too quickly, then his behavior will be obvious.

If sex has already happened and the man has disappeared, do not be humiliated - do not call and do not insist on the next date. This will scare him off even more. Just wait a while, maybe he has something important to do. But, if he doesn’t want to see you and avoids meetings and conversations, then why do you need him?

Cold cracker7

A brave, self-confident man will not “evaporate”, not wanting to continue a romantic relationship with a woman. He will talk to her honestly, listen to the flurry of emotions and go home. But this doesn't always happen. If a guy disappeared without explaining anything to a confused girlfriend, it means his character traits allow him to do this.

Most likely the young man is emotionally cold. He is an egoist, focused on his own desires, who is absolutely indifferent to the experiences of other people. He doesn't care about women's snot, screams and sleepless nights. He disappeared, having chosen the right decision for himself, in complete calm and equanimity. What happens in the soul of a former passion is completely indifferent to the man.

Where and for how long do men disappear: male psychology

The man returned after disappearing.
Men live next to us, take care of us, give gifts, invite us on dates, but they have their own rules of the game. A wise woman must know about these rules in order to be not just a friend, but to rise in his eyes to another status - his beloved girl, wife and mother of his children. Where and for how long do men disappear? Basics of male psychology:

Men don't admit their mistakes

  • They want to be the best, and although the man understands that he did wrong, he does not want to hear about it from the woman.
  • He should see only admiration - this is important for any man.
  • If a woman constantly reminds him of his mistakes, then sooner or later he will go to someone who will admire him.
  • In this case, men go to other women who understand them and read praises about his unsurpassed skills.

Men are not used to having long-term relationships

  • Only women think about marriage, but he loves his freedom and values ​​it.
  • It’s completely different if he’s in love, then you can get your way and insist on something serious.
  • Otherwise, he will go to his bachelor apartment to regain the feeling of freedom that they tried to take away from him.

He needs approval

  • A man loves to be the best in everything. He brags to his friends, colleagues and to his woman.
  • If his boasting is approved and accepted by a woman who is not indifferent to him, then he will move mountains for her.
  • If not, then he will leave to look for a woman who will listen to him with her mouth open. Therefore, there should always be delight in your eyes.

A man loves specifics

  • He does not understand hints and hidden requests. If you think that your chosen one should read minds and be a psychic, you are wrong. A man's brain is wired differently.
  • You must communicate verbally and explain your desires to him in words.
  • He is used to asking specific questions and receiving understandable information.
  • If you can't come to terms with this, then a man won't understand you. This is fraught with his leaving for someone who is ready to talk to him openly.

Emotions are not his strong point

  • Men by nature are stingy with emotions. If he has troubles at work, he will walk around sullen and dream of not being touched by his children and wife.
  • It is important for a woman to wait out this moment, and not aggravate the situation by causing headaches and unpleasant emotions.
  • If a woman does not have enough wisdom, then he will simply want to run away to a place where he will not be touched.
  • Perhaps he will eventually tell everything or show his nerves and go to a friend’s bachelor’s apartment.

Don't try to change his psychology. Take advantage of the moment: sympathize, cook his favorite dish and literally spoon feed him. At the same time, be sincere, then true female happiness is guaranteed to you.

Manipulator with a special purpose8

In some cases, the guy disappears to manipulate the girl's actions. He achieves something from his “stubborn and disobedient” girlfriend and uses these methods to try to reason with the woman. In this case, there is no need to sound the alarm, but rather calmly wait for the “prodigal parrot” to return. Psychologists do not advise building your life with manipulators, but deep down in their souls, every person is a little bit of a “dictator.” The wise behavior of a woman will show a man that such methods will not have their effect. Next time the man will not disappear without a trace. But with frequent manipulation, at one point the woman herself will disappear.

You disappointed him

Unfortunately, this happens all the time. You conquered him with your seductive figure, and your relationship began to develop rapidly. But when the passions of the first weeks ended and subsided, he began to realize that you are not at all the one he would like to see next to him all the time. If this is the case, then you shouldn’t hang up the phone and try to prove that you are perfect for him, he just hasn’t realized it yet. It is quite possible that you will soon meet the person of your dreams. So, is it worth being distracted by momentary hobbies?

I'm not a coward, but I'm afraid9

Making responsible decisions often frightens timid, childish guys. From early childhood, he decided to entrust his worries to his busy mother and his grandmother fluttering nearby. Having become a mustachioed man outwardly, he remains the same indecisive boy inside his large body.

When a relationship with a woman becomes difficult or requires serious decisions, the man “hides under his grandmother’s skirt” and disappears. Difficulties such as financial issues, marriage, or the pregnancy of a lover especially strike a guy with trepidation and horror. The last reason ranks high on the list of reasons why the man disappeared without explanation. Having learned about the conception of a future heir, most men, pulling their heads into their shoulders, try to quickly run away. Even to the ends of the world.

Surprise tactics

This is what is most discouraging. It’s okay if lately you have been constantly quarreling and looking for reasons to be apart. In principle, then everything is clear. The man disappeared to stop the pathetic attempts to portray you as a couple, when it is already clear to everyone that the relationship is not going well. And it’s a completely different matter if everything was fine just yesterday. You spent the evening in the arms of your loved one, and maybe he even proposed to you. There was a gala dinner, a walk under the moon, kisses. And today the man disappeared.

Every day you suffer more and more, not understanding what could have happened. You are worried about whether you are alive or whether you have ended up in the hospital. Ask your friends and acquaintances. This is a normal reaction. It is worth finding out whether the person needs help. But if you find out that he is alive and well, then the situation does not become clearer. And he still refuses to make contact, leaving you guessing.

Wait, you shouldn’t cut off your phone and stand guard at the entrance. This will not help restore your relationship. In fact, men often disappear. After all, this is much easier than explaining for a long time to a tearful woman why you can no longer be together. But let's figure out what reasons may lie behind this.

Accept reality10

There is no more unpleasant situation for the fair sex than a “missing” boyfriend. The woman feels insulted, depressed, pathetic and unhappy. An unpleasant fact, like a bolt from the blue, tears her heart into pieces. She definitely wants to find the fugitive and sort things out with him. This is a big mistake.

If a girl understands that there is no fault on her part, and the guy made his own decision to leave the relationship, then she needs to accept the sad fact. Yes, the romance, love relationship or marriage has turned to dust. The man chose to live a different life and this fact must be accepted. It is important to understand that this is his vision of the situation and a firmly weighed decision.

Common mistakes women make

There are different circumstances in life. Sometimes a man stops communication without explanation. How to understand it? You can only guess why exactly you found yourself in such a situation. If you understand the motive for the action, then there is a chance to correct the situation by regaining his love.

If he tells you that the reason lies not in you, but in himself, then in most cases this is not entirely true. A man is unlikely to leave his ideal woman. After all, she completely suits him. But he is afraid of losing her and is ready to do anything to be with her. Therefore, we advise you to think about your mistakes if your chosen one suddenly disappeared from the horizon. Possible reasons:

  • Forcing events. Take your time, you still have time to think about the names of the guests at the wedding and plan the number of children. After the first date, you should not discuss with a man issues related to a different level of intimacy. Believe me, he is not that serious yet, and your activity can scare him.
  • Behavior that a man considers wrong. A man may be scared off by your ability to conduct a dialogue, using profane phrases and words, smoking or excessive gaiety fueled by alcohol. He won't want to change you. He'll just leave.
  • Quick sex. An excessively rapid transition to intimate relationships can cool a man’s ardor. Haste can serve you badly. The partner will decide that a wife who is ready to go to bed with the first person he meets is not suitable for him.

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“A man doesn’t want to communicate: reasons, signs and solutions to the problem” Read more

Such mistakes are considered the main ones, and at the very beginning of a relationship a girl should try to avoid them so as not to lose a man.

Evening for bitter sobs11

When your heart aches from love's wounds, no amount of advice can ease the pain. At first, a woman will want to cry and be alone. You shouldn’t withdraw into yourself and bury painful feelings. It is necessary to give them a way out, to throw out bitterness and pain through tears and intimate conversations with a trusted person. It is important to analyze your feelings and the situation in order to understand the reasons that pushed your friend to take such a step. It is worth taking away a lesson from the situation that will protect future relationships from mistakes and breakups.

Do not write or call under any circumstances!

You can't let him take your dignity with him. Girls love to come up with all sorts of reasons why they need to initiate contact, but in reality they just need to cut off communication!

For example: “I want to know how he is doing. I have to tell him about this really funny thing that happened.” Stop!

You need to understand that if he has stopped initiating contact, then he is no longer interested in you.

The sooner you come to terms with this fact, the better off you will be in the long run. Remember, if he wanted to talk to you, he would do so.

Regain self-confidence12

After painful experiences, you need to look around and focus on yourself. Watching films about unhappy love and abandoned heroines will demonstrate how the unfortunate survived the separation of a man with dignity. The classic film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” tells the story of how unhappy love helped a provincial girl achieve great success.

Later, the main character met her soulmate, but was grateful to fate for the sad experience in the past. It is important for a woman to regain her calm and self-confidence, which have been greatly shaken due to the situation that has occurred. Sports, dancing, visiting the swimming pool, beauty salon and gym will definitely be beneficial.

What do you know about him

This is true for most relationships. You met a guy and built a certain image of him in your head, which you endowed with important characteristics and qualities. And now, when choosing an outfit, a theme for a party, a movie to watch together, you focus on this image. But you forget that a man may have a completely different opinion on this matter. He is only partly similar to your fictional character, but also has the ability to evaluate each situation from his own point of view and react to it accordingly. And now that the man has disappeared, you begin to analyze what could have caused it. Anything, because you never really got to know this person.

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