Meditation to attract love: popular practices

  • March 11, 2019
  • Psychology of Personality
  • Popova Marina

Everything that surrounds a person has its own specific wave. It affects the state and expression of emotions, which is important when interacting with friends and loved ones. With the help of practices, you can influence a person’s life: eliminate negative emotions, unfavorable factors, fatigue and even illness.

The essence of using meditation techniques

Meditation helps the body relax and brings harmony to a person's state of mind. The main essence of meditation is the accumulation of a person’s energy, as well as his level of development, which affects the meaning of human existence.

By plunging into a state of relaxation, a person perceives information more easily and accepts it as the only correct one.

This state is comparable to waking up or falling asleep.

You can meditate actively or passively. In the first case, volitional efforts are required in order to relax. In the second, without much effort, a person relaxes and observes the images.

The main condition is physical relaxation of the whole body. It is also important to move away from all the thoughts in your head: both negative and positive.

The basics of meditation and its benefits for the human body

Meditation is a long process of unity with energy.
During the process of meditation, a person enters a relaxed state and achieves the highest concentration of attention. At the same time, all his feelings are concentrated on one of the areas of life that needs it most. Consciousness and mind must be completely cleared of negative thoughts and feelings.

Meditation is a complex technique based on working with the subconscious. Few people manage to master it the first time. This will require time, willpower and patience. Only in this way can you learn to meditate and get the desired effect from it.

The goal of meditation is complete relaxation of the body, including the brain, which is occupied with obsessive thoughts and interferes with relaxation. Being in a relaxed state, he can easily tune in to the desired wave (health, love, prosperity, happiness, etc.).

The most important aspect of meditation is breathing. According to research, proper breathing leads to a slowdown in brain activity, after which a person enters a trance state. This is an altered state of consciousness bordering on sleep. It helps to discover hitherto unknown sensations and emotions, new facets of personality, as well as to find spiritual harmony and peace of mind.

Being in this state, a person can freely send his requests and wishes to the Universe. In addition, this practice helps to effectively fight depression.

Meditation allows you to:

  • harmonize the internal state;
  • calm the nervous system;
  • attract love and positive events into life;
  • recover from various diseases, including chronic ones;
  • learn to control your emotions.

How to accumulate the energy of love?

Love is one of the most important components in a person’s life. But not many people know that its energy is a combination of high-frequency waves.

True love does not fetter, it, on the contrary, liberates, makes a person free, peaceful, and happy. There is nothing in the universe that can exist happily without love. Its flows of energy can be clogged due to the actions of the person himself to understand the essence, the desire to know happiness in love.

It is aspiration and search that negatively affect the energy of love, since they themselves carry low-frequency waves, namely disappointment. But it has been proven that love is energy with high frequencies.

People often confuse infatuation with love, but these are completely different things. It is necessary to develop tolerance and forgiveness, and only then will a person be able to enter the flow of love energy. However, this is not yet knowledge of real feeling.

The energy of love is revealed when meeting a soul mate. Through reincarnation, the human soul lives more than one life. That is why it rarely happens that truly kindred souls can find each other in one earthly life.

A person’s gratitude for love, duty, and responsibility to each other inhibit the accumulation of love energy. They carry low-frequency waves, which means they do not accumulate, on the contrary, they waste energy.

Goals and techniques of love meditation.

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Further actions, including the creation of images in the mind, depend on the goals of the meditator. They may be as follows:

  • find a loved one or loved one;
  • love yourself;
  • increase the love energy around;
  • make peace with family or friends;
  • get rid of irritability, anger;
  • protect yourself from the negativity of others.

Each goal requires different attributes for sessions, a slightly different mindset. Therefore, below - in more detail about each intention and the accompanying techniques.

Find a pair.

Thoughts really have the ability to materialize. Especially when it comes to meditation. It is important to understand that they do not play the role of a mystical love spell or anything similar. Therefore, peering at the photo of the person you like, demanding from “higher powers” ​​that he immediately reciprocate, is not the best idea.

Love does not tolerate primus. So do relaxation techniques. Therefore, the following steps will be more effective:

  1. imagine yourself in a pleasant, cozy place. It is advisable to think through every detail of the picture - surrounding sounds, smells, plants;
  2. feel the energy of the area, add a drop of romance to it (sunset, flowers, a romantic gazebo with champagne, strawberries on the table);
  3. imagine that the figure of a man appears on the horizon, slowly walking towards him;
  4. mentally draw a red thread connecting yourself and a stranger (or stranger), feel warmth and trust towards him;
  5. do not set exact parameters - eye or hair color, for example. Instead, it is better to try to experience positive emotions, their intensification when this person comes closer.

The main emphasis is not on appearance, but on feelings - this is the main secret of the technique .

Accept yourself.

In this technique, words or conscious thoughts play a very important role. Saying them helps you to love yourself, forgive yourself for mistakes, increase self-esteem, and show self-respect. Procedure :

  1. imagine how a small luminous ball of reddish-pink color appears inside the body in the solar plexus area;
  2. feel its warmth, light pleasant vibration;
  3. start saying silently or out loud praise, gratitude, words of forgiveness. For example, “I forgive myself for losing a competition. And I praise myself for doing everything I could, showing myself with dignity”;
  4. imagine how with each positive sentence the ball grows larger and then slowly turns into an open lotus flower. The positive feelings emanating from the plant are also enhanced;
  5. end the session with phrases like “I love myself. I appreciate it. I respect you. I have done a lot of good and benefited many. I'm done".

Saying nice things to yourself can be a difficult task at first. However, once you start, the words will begin to come to your mind. It’s the same with forgiveness—everything doesn’t come right away. Only with regular training will lightness, joy, and self-satisfaction appear.

Take the self-esteem test

Fill your life with goodness.

The law of love says: in order to receive it, you must first share it with the world. If troubles are constantly happening around you, and there is less and less joy in life, you can safely start this technique. It will create a balance of positive energy that will have a positive effect on the entire life of the meditator. How to proceed :

  1. imagine a stream of good energy coming from within - it could be a ribbon, a translucent shawl or a ray of light;
  2. put in as much positivity as possible. Imagine pleasant moments from the past. Leave these moments in the form of frames along the length of the entire wave, let them drown, dissolve in it;
  3. see how the flow intensifies, expands, becomes more intense, but at the same time light and pleasant;
  4. with the power of thought, direct the current around you. It does not block the view, does not become an obstacle to loved ones or good. However, it serves as a barrier from everything dark and bad.

You can fill the life of a loved one with goodness in the same way. At the same time, a picture is drawn in the mind of how waves of different people intertwine with each other, exchange energy, protecting against negativity.

Improve relationships with loved ones.

This is a type of technique in which it is very desirable to use the help of someone with whom you want to restore relations. Joint sessions will have the best effect. If it is possible to carry them out, then here is how to proceed :

  1. Place a wide candle between yourself and your partner and light it. It’s better to take care of safety right away so as not to be distracted from your work;
  2. hold hands while sitting facing each other - tactile contact strengthens the connection. It is not necessary to clench your palms tightly. You can touch your hand with your fingertips, lightly massage your hands or stroke the skin;
  3. make sure that both participants in the training have achieved relaxation, do not experience discomfort, and are ready to go deeper into the lesson;
  4. remember all the grievances, one by one. Imagine how each one materializes into a dark ball of energy, passing from the heart to the hand. As it moves, it loses its heaviness. Then it meets the partner’s palm - and slips straight into the candle flame, burning in it forever;
  5. As soon as the stage with grievances is over, hug a friend or relative, putting maximum warmth, gratitude, and love into the hug.

Similar practices can be carried out not only with those who are moving away, but also as a “prevention” of quarrels. In this case, candles are not needed. During these sessions, it is advisable to remember all the good things that happened between people and send balls of bright positive energy from the memories to your partner through tactile communication.

If the interlocutor does not want to make contact at all, refuses to spend time together, all of the above steps can be done mentally. In the same order, imagining the touches in the smallest detail.

Reduce negativity and pessimism in yourself.

This technique is similar to the one that surrounds with love. Only this time you will have to not release the flow of energy, creating a protective barrier, but, on the contrary, learn to let it into yourself. This is a difficult task for those who find it difficult to open up, freely express emotions, and be extremely sincere. Sequence of steps :

  1. imagine a large rock, a small area of ​​clean sand where you can sit. Heavy stones are scattered throughout the area;
  2. tune in to the energy of the area, but do not merge with it. Feel the silence, solitude, reluctance to approach boulders, as they cause anxiety;
  3. imagine a door in front of you. What lies behind it does not cause fear or apprehension. On the contrary - next to the doorway it becomes warmer, a slight excitement is felt - a premonition of something good;
  4. open the door as far as you want. You can push it wide open with one tug, or you can leave only a small gap, the main thing is to make it comfortable;
  5. to catch the positive emotions hiding on the other side, to appreciate that the colors there are brighter, the sounds are more melodic, the atmosphere is more comfortable. There is a pleasant spaciousness there;
  6. Having gotten used to the change in picture and emotions, open the door wider or cross the threshold, allowing new experiences to completely embrace you.

Everyone who tested this technique on themselves shared their discovery - with each lesson, the number of stones near the rock decreased. Changes were also observed in life - optimism appeared, a desire to act, uncertainty and suspiciousness disappeared.

Rules of meditation to attract a man's love

The purpose of meditation on love is noble. You should not use it for personal gain, because it will not help.

Techniques allow you to fill your soul with goodness and light. You should not try to tie a person to yourself through meditation to attract love. You need to let go of your thoughts and concentrate on your inner feelings and sensations. Pleasant feelings must be given the opportunity to fill the soul: love, joy, happiness, grace.

When conducting practices, it is recommended to use the most comfortable poses. Then the maximum relaxation effect is achieved.

Meditation is carried out regularly; one session will not give great results.

Self love

Meditation on happiness and love will certainly attract a bright feeling into your life, but relationships will become full-fledged when you can love yourself. The most eminent authors of self-development books argue that how a person treats himself is how others treat him. If you often neglect yourself for the sake of someone, then your partner will neglect you, if you consider yourself ugly, “not like that,” then men will not appreciate you. Accept yourself, your body, as it is. Yes, with all the figure flaws and freckles on the nose. Accept your explosive or too soft character. Forgive yourself for not knowing how to cross-stitch or bake cakes.

Everything about you is beautiful and there will be someone who will be delighted with the way you look in the morning and cook dumplings. All the shortcomings are in the head. Allow yourself the greatest luxury in the world - to be yourself without the desire to fashion an ideal invented by your head. Think about what is attractive about you, what do you like? Go to the mirror and admire these features. Regularly remember compliments or how great you did something. Savor the sensations. Remember the most “delicious” kisses, touching moments that brought happiness and focus on them. Go deep into the sensations.

Techniques that are at the peak of popularity

Many people believe in the power of the love mantra. It is a powerful energetic urge, the purpose of which is to change the frequency of the waves of love energy. This is considered a kind of magic spell that attracts happiness into a person’s life.

The text of the mantra is read only during the full moon, since the impulses sent by a person at this time are most powerful.

The day before reading the love mantra, it is recommended to cleanse the body and eat only light food. The goal is physical and spiritual cleansing.

For people who have realized the essence of meditation, effective techniques have been selected to attract love into their lives. For example, “Secret Marriage”, “For the Next Meeting”, “Strawberry” meditation and others.

For a happy life

Meditation to open the roads to happiness helps not only to attract pleasant events into your life, but also to find love, since most people (especially women) do not feel happy without a soulmate. Therefore, the technique below can fill your life not only with happy moments, but also with love, if necessary.

Meditation for women for a happy life is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • first you need to get rid of the fear of change and the fear of having a relationship with another person in your life;
  • be positive and believe that happy events will soon begin to happen;
  • visualize these events, imagining that what you want has already happened;
  • imagine in great detail how life has changed under the influence of new happy events;
  • feel the emotions that will appear and remember them.

Regular practice of the described meditation technique will quickly bring positive changes and real happy events into life.

Meditation on a man's love

The essence of meditation is to open the Soul and fill it with light. You should not concentrate on a specific person. The soul itself will find its missing half.

Meditation on a man's love is performed as follows:

  • Turn on relaxing music.
  • Take a comfortable position and close your eyes.
  • Relax, imagine the shore of the bay, warm and sunny around.
  • A man approaches from afar.
  • Imagine and feel the pleasure of the upcoming meeting with him.

"Secret marriage"

People are designed in such a way that a feeling of complete happiness comes only when a loved one and children are nearby. At all times, men and women have been looking for a soul mate so they can go through life together, overcome difficulties and enjoy pleasant moments. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to find such a person. This technique is based on the openness of the Soul, the inclusion of the Light of one’s own Soul. This practice frees you from subconscious blocks and stimulates your partner to develop. Don't introduce a specific person. Your destiny will find you.

Meditations for women to attract love in several steps:

  1. Play meditative music.
  2. Lie down and close your eyelids.
  3. Relax completely and imagine yourself on the shore of a sunny bay.
  4. Imagine a person in the distance approaching you.
  5. Feel the long-awaited anticipation of this meeting.

"Love flame"

The use of this meditation is appropriate for disappointment in life, lack of happiness, joy and love.

You need to sit down as comfortably as possible and enter a state of relaxation. Next, imagine that a pleasant light is burning inside, to which flows of love flow. He increases his strength. In conclusion, take a deep breath, hold your breath for a few seconds, and exhale.

A pleasant feeling of warmth will definitely appear in the chest area.

Forget your loved one

Meditation “Forgetting a Loved One” will help in working through past negativity and grievances that prevent you from moving forward and meeting new love:

  • take a comfortable position, make sure your back is straight;
  • close your eyes, focus on breathing;
  • relax;
  • breathe deeply until thoughts remain on the side;
  • imagine the internal situation and the man who needs to be released;
  • greet him and tell him that you want to express the feelings that remained suppressed, the words that remained unspoken, in order to become free and happy in your new life;
  • I am very offended by you for... and list all the reasons;
  • when everything is listed, say: I’m angry with you because...;
  • I am disappointed…;
  • I was scared…;
  • I'm in pain...;
  • I'm upset…;
  • I forgive you here and now, no matter what. I want to start a new life, I forgive you... forgive me for.... I didn't do it out of malice;
  • I accept you as you are, with all your flaws, because you will not become different. I accept you. I accept myself as I am. I love myself this way and thank you for everything good and warm and for the experience gained. I thank you for... And for our parting;
  • I'm letting you go here and now. Give me back everything that I gave you that belonged to me. Let the man hold something out to you. Accept it as your own, returned to yourself and feel it in your hands;
  • and now, I want you to take everything that is yours - and give him what is in your hands. Let him accept it, be grateful for what you received.

Give thanks and let go, feel complete. Say goodbye, gently return to reality.

"Meeting with Cupid and Vesta"

You need to relax and imagine a blooming place around you, where it is good and calm. Fountains flow, birds sing, the quiet whisper of trees is heard. Ahead you can see a temple of a golden hue, from where angels come out to meet you. They point the way to the hall, from where pleasant music can be heard. There are carpets on the floor, there are many vases with flowers throughout the hall, and in the center there are two thrones. Cupid and Vesta sit in them and greet them kindly.

In response, you need to say words of greeting, inform about the request to remove the obstacles that stand in the way of finding happiness with your loved one.

The gods Cupid and Vesta head to the center of the hall. A pleasant golden glow begins to penetrate the bodies.

Rising up above the floor, fears leave the soul. The doors open below, and at the entrance stands a man destined by fate. He gives his hand. The gods bless the happy union.

Before you start


For a meditation session to be as effective as possible, you should prepare for it and create the right atmosphere.

  • Find a quiet, peaceful place where you won't be disturbed.
  • Light your favorite scented candles or incense.
  • If you are into collecting crystals, you can place them around you on the floor to create an energy field.
  • Sit comfortably - it is better to meditate on a soft carpet or yoga mat rather than on a sofa or bed.
  • Take the correct posture - straighten your back, straighten your shoulders so that you can breathe freely, since breathing is an important part of any meditation.
  • Turn off the ringer on your phone - you can easily allow yourself a few minutes for “healthy selfishness” and relax a little.
  • Set yourself up for relaxation and for the next 20-30 minutes to be time just for you.

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More details

Opening the Sex Chakra

Svadhisthana is the name that people have for the sexual chakra. This is an organ filled with energy. Developed, it helps to achieve a harmonious intimate life.

The sexual chakra is located a few centimeters above the pubic bone, directly in the area where the genital organs are located.

Outwardly, it looks like a flower with six petals that are serenely open. There is an oval in its center.

The chakra is usually depicted in warm colors, often orange. Thanks to this chakra, sexuality, sensitivity, tenderness, and honesty develop. All those qualities that are achieved through meditation to attract love into your life.

It can be open (confident people, often women) and closed (people with complexes). However, the chakra can be opened by filling it with high-frequency energy. To do this, you can meditate or simply exercise.

For example, the “hip circles” exercise is suitable. The exercise is performed standing. Rotating movements of the buttocks must be done as if they were tracing the contour of a circle.

Oriental dances are also effective.

Breaking energy ties

Meditation on breaking energy ties with a man helps to ensure that your energy does not go to a person who has long been in the past or simply negative connections.

  1. Tune in for cleansing, close your eyes, breathe slowly and deeply.
  2. Keep breathing until your thoughts stop.
  3. Imagine a white shining space.
  4. You see people connected to you from different periods of your life, even those you have forgotten.
  5. Look at them.
  6. You are connected to each person by threads from the solar plexus. For some they are bright, for others they are neutral. Dark threads are people who take away energy. These are both men and ex-girlfriends.
  7. Say goodbye to them.
  8. Cut these threads with the purple light one at a time.
  9. Look these people in the eyes and say “I forgive and let go, thank you.”

Music for meditation

Music is an integral part of meditation. It promotes the opening of the chakra and helps accumulate energy.

Meditation music to attract love is calming. Performed on wind instruments.

Sound vibrations of melodies allow you to activate the love chakra.

Meditation to attract love is quite popular nowadays. Its effectiveness depends on one’s own aspirations and desires.


Meditation on forgiving a man will help overcome resentment and guilt:

  • close your eyes, breathe deeply and evenly;
  • imagine the image of your loved one, how you are standing on different banks, the water is muddy and dirty, there is a lot of mud and frogs. This is energetic stagnation;
  • look at your loved one or former loved one, what is he like? Pay attention to his eyes, emotions, feelings;
  • pay attention to yourself and your feelings, image;
  • look at each other;
  • mentally say hello and speak out;
  • ask for forgiveness and say that you feel guilty, talk about your emotions;
  • let the healing light flow from your heart and body, say “I’m sorry, I’m very sorry”;
  • the water becomes clean and transparent;
  • light energy comes to him;
  • look at the reaction and change of image;
  • look at the clean water;
  • everything is healed between you;
  • hear that he also asks for forgiveness;
  • thank;
  • watch how the image dissolves in water.

Repeat this practice twice a day for two weeks.

Karmic knots and mental attitudes

These are two more important points that affect our personal lives and which can be worked out through meditation.

Mental attitudes are blocks, fears, false beliefs that appear in our minds either due to the influence of the environment (for example, we are told from childhood that we cannot trust the opposite sex, that we will definitely be deceived) or due to personal negative experience (we were burned once, and began to think that all relationships would certainly end badly).

Karmic knots are connections that arise between people (more precisely, their souls) and can pass from life to life until they are untied. Obligations undertaken, mutual grievances, relations between aggressor and victim - all this creates karmic knots that must be found and untangled. Otherwise, problems will grow like a snowball.

Execution Rules

To obtain the proper fulfillment of desire and achieve your goal, you must follow the rules of meditation. These are mandatory conditions that cannot be neglected:

  1. Regular classes. To achieve results, you need to invest your energy in the exercises. In this case, you can count on the desired return. This rule includes choosing a place where you can relax and renounce the world around you, and determining your individual course of study. An ordinary room with a cozy atmosphere is also suitable for conducting a session. It is not necessary to practice meditation in a flowering garden, on the shore of a lake or on the edge of a forest. The technique is selected depending on the experience and goals pursued.
  2. Timing. The best options are early morning or late evening.
  3. Correct posture. In this case, you need to choose what suits convenience and comfort. You should not do meditation lying down (you may fall asleep). It must be remembered that the back should remain straight and the body should not feel discomfort.
  4. General relaxation. When performing the technique, you need to relax your body and mind. It is important to stay awake and capture the emerging images in your mind. When the exercise is completed, you need to analyze what you saw.
  5. You need to start meditation at short intervals (5 minutes). With increasing experience and number of classes, the duration needs to be increased.

To make it easier to meditate, you can think of the name of a loved one or at least imagine him for a moment. Setting goals will increase interest in manipulation.


To conduct a quality relaxing session, you need to prepare.

The first thing to take care of is the location. If this is a room, then no one should disturb or distract you. Extraneous sounds are also a negative condition.

The next step is to choose what to sit on. This could be a pillow, a special rug, a blanket, a blanket, a bare floor, or a chair. The main thing is to keep your back straight.

Create a relaxing atmosphere. In this case, various incense, soothing music, and warm surrounding colors will help. You can place natural materials around you. These are crystals, wooden figurines or geometric objects, beautiful shells, flowers. A good option would be to surround yourself with candles. With focused attention, an open flame helps you relax and connect with your inner world.

If the actions take place indoors, it would not be amiss to arrange the color scheme. Warm soothing colors and colorful inspiring shades are suitable for this.

Clothes should not be tight or restrict the body. It is better to choose spacious things with pleasant-to-feel material.

And the last step of the preparatory process will be the mood. With a skeptical mood or excessive anxiety, it is better not to start anything. Attracting negative energy can ruin the result of the meditation.


The benefits of daily meditation exercises have been proven by many scientists around the world. The effect on the body depends on the degree of immersion in a relaxing state. It can be much deeper than in a state of deep sleep.

Positive properties can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. Benefits for mental activity. Constant daily exercise has the following effects:
  • reducing the number of stressful situations;
  • strengthening emotional balance;
  • activation of the development of creative abilities;
  • a good mood appears more often than a bad one;
  • restoration of brain cells;
  • memory improvement;
  • streamlining and improving sleep quality;
  • sharpening the mind, developing intuitive abilities.
  1. The positive effect on the human body occurs due to the filling of the body's cells with vital energy. Beneficial effect:
  • stabilization of blood pressure;
  • reduction in the number of headaches, dizziness;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • reduction of pain;
  • increasing immunity;
  • reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases;
  • improvement of the breathing process.
  1. Other features of meditation:
  • development of consciousness (awareness of the subtle facets of perception of the surrounding world, independence from emotions and desires);
  • strong connection with the inner world (internal balance);
  • discipline of mind;
  • organizing life;
  • clarity of thoughts;
  • harmonization of moral and physical condition.

For the benefits to manifest themselves, you need to spend a few minutes a day meditating. At the beginning of this path it will be unusual, but after a dozen lessons, it will become a habit and the girl will begin to attract the attention of many guys.

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