How does music affect a person? Effects on the brain, health, mood and psyche

The power of music to influence human physiology has been known since ancient times. People have explored the effective effects of sounds and vibrations on the human body, trying to wisely apply their knowledge.

The healers of Ancient Egypt did an excellent job of treating insomnia using choral singing. The inhabitants of Ancient China used musical motifs to restore the skeletal and cardiovascular systems. Philosophers of Antiquity created entire treatises on the topic of various methods of music therapy. Let's consider several ways music influences the human body.

Music makes us stronger

Increasing physical capabilities and endurance is a well-researched fact. Over the course of many years of research, scientists have discovered how musical influence on a person improves muscle performance during physical activity.

When listening to music, there is an improvement in the results of athletes and the activities of people whose work involves heavy physical labor. This is explained by the presence of a given musical tempo, as a result of which synchronicity of body movements and the rhythm of the melody occurs. A person performing a physical action while listening to music spends less effort than when performing the same actions without music.

About 2,500 people involved in the Olympic reserves and taking part in the research noted that they were able to perform exercises more effectively and perform more approaches while listening to music.

Thus, a person achieves greater results with less expenditure of his physical resources.

In these cases, the state flow frequency effect also works. Simply put, the frequency of a mental state is increased, akin to a meditative trance process, during which a person acts automatically and correctly, which leads to good performance.

Poetry and its influence on people

Since ancient times, people have been surrounded not only by music, but also by poetry, which later combined to form ballads and songs.

Poetry affects a person in the same way as the sounds of melodies. Reading Pushkin, a person plunges into the world of his dreams and fantasies. Not everyone is able to describe natural phenomena and episodes of human life so brightly and rosyly. The reader is captivated by this new world created by the author.

Words carry special energy and affect a person at the subconscious level , which is why psychologists advise using words carefully. There is a wonderful poem by Vadim Shefner “Words” - it contains the following lines:

A word can kill, a word can save,

With a word you can lead the shelves with you.

Poetry influences a person in a special way - it promotes the development of creative potential, develops vocabulary, literacy, innovative thinking, sensitivity to life and its phenomena. Since ancient times, people have wondered: why was poetry given to us? Most likely, to touch the beautiful, the poems of the classics always evoke positive emotions, make you think about life, feel its pristineness and beauty.

Often people are led to poetry by certain feelings and life events that deeply touch the strings of the soul; there is a desire to express what is important and disturbing at that moment in time. Being a poet may be a calling, or it may be an acquired skill. Everything is very individual.

High poetry has always brought culture to people and enriched their lives . Now it is impossible to imagine your life without the great poets - Pushkin, Tyutchev, Lermontov, Yesenin, Goethe, Schiller, Byron, Milton. Each nation had its own classics, which are still revered today. In the modern world, when life moves at high speeds, poetry and music remain in demand; they are the foundation of a culture that ennobles and breathes spirituality into a person.

Musical background creates the illusion of time compression

Every day we encounter music that is in the background. We hear it in hypermarkets, train stations and airports, in banks and other crowded places. Background music serves to “compress” the temporal sensation. A person subconsciously slows down his body movements, completely immersing himself in the present moment without extraneous thoughts.

Often this is slow music with a pleasant motive: lounge, blues or other melody not loaded with lyrics and tempo. When listening to such music, the brain is susceptible to dispersal of attention, decreased irritability, and mental relaxation.

There is a loss of the sense of real time. A person can forget about time for an hour or more. At the same time, he will not experience boredom or increased anxiety. It should be remembered that a mental process is involved in the perception of a melodic background, which limits the assimilation of information, which affects the ability of mental calculation and clear thinking.

If you still choose music

It’s hard to argue that silence affects the efficiency of work and creativity, but sometimes you can’t do without music on headphones (for example, in open spaces and coworking spaces).
It is believed that some genres influence creative thinking better than others. The first of them is ambient. When there are no sudden changes in the track, the brain is not distracted from the task and productivity does not decrease. An alternative with a little more variety is generative music. This is a continuous audio stream that is assembled by a neural network from ready-made samples in real time. There are no sudden transitions or changes in tempo in such music, so it fits into the workflow almost imperceptibly.

Photo by Sergey Galyonkin / CC BY-SA

For those who love classics, researchers recommend listening to the music of the Baroque era - works by Bach, Handel, Vivaldi and other composers of that time. Suitable for work and compositions of the classical era. However, only works in a major key have a positive effect, for example, “Sonata for two pianos, D major” by Mozart.

Game soundtracks can also be used as musical accompaniment. They are specially designed to maintain concentration without distracting the listener's attention. One of the most “productive” game soundtracks is considered to be the work of composer Jerry Martin - he wrote music for games in the The Sims and SimCity series.

Sounds have an anesthetic effect

Music has the property of lidocaine and can not only increase the pain threshold, but also completely dissolve the sensation of pain through its effect on human nerve cells.

In some medical institutions, following modern trends, they often play music that is comfortable for the patient during surgical interventions or childbirth.

When using music therapy, a person responds more quickly to anesthetic drugs, and the patient's muscles reach a relaxed state faster. In addition, blood circulation improves, which helps doctors perform surgical procedures.

How to listen to music correctly

Please note that all of the above aspects will only have a positive effect if you listen to music correctly

, without harm to hearing and the body as a whole. There are some tips:

  1. Adjust volume
    wisely. Studies have shown that those who listen to music that is too loud are 80% more likely to have hearing damage. Scientists advise not to turn up the volume louder than a normal conversation.
  2. Don't overwork
    your ears. It is not recommended to strain your hearing for more than 4 hours a day.
  3. Use high-quality devices
    to play sound. Don't skimp on headphones and speakers.

The best listening option is, of course, headphones. And you don’t bother others, and it’s nice for yourself. This is where the catch lies. Not all types of headphones are equally safe. We will not dwell in detail on the disadvantages of various types of headphones. Let us only note that the safest ones are invoices


These headphones are large, massive earpieces connected by a thick hoop. They have excellent soundproofing properties and do not require the volume to be turned up to maximum. It is with monitor monitors that professionals who deal with sound work.

Below are examples of decent noise-canceling headphones. Take pity on your ears and psyche, choose your headphones wisely


Video on the topicMusic and its effect on the brain

Music therapy activates memory

The process of listening to music affects an area of ​​the brain called the hippocampus.

The hippocampus is an area of ​​the brain that is responsible for long-term storage of information.

Doctors use this knowledge to help patients suffering from dementia and memory loss. Music is capable of “retrieving” and restoring fragments of lost memories without the use of psychological conversations, even in the most recent stages of mental illness.

Different types of music

Rock music

Observations have shown that the impact of music on the psyche of a rock style person is manifested in increased emotions of a positive and negative nature. At the same time, musical compositions can charge a person with confidence and add determination . Of course, hard rock is difficult for the body to perceive, especially at high volumes. Such music leads to mental damage, a person loses orientation in space, and there may be partial memory loss. Doctors do not recommend overusing metal and hard rock.

Melodic rock can be useful to a certain extent, especially when using live instruments and a soft delivery . Folk elements significantly soften the impact of rock - string instruments (violin, harp) have a positive effect on the human body. As a rule, rock fans have high intellectual abilities and are quite calm personalities if they listen to moderate music. A positive example: “We are the champions” (gr. Queen) - the song is beautiful melodically and has quite strong lyrics, inspiring and energizing. Many successful people call it one of their favorites; it helps to believe in oneself and gain confidence to achieve the highest peaks. By the way, she topped the list of the most favorite songs on the planet.

Pop music

Naturally, pop music of different years differs significantly, and now we can single out works and songs that have become pop classics and carry their own positive charge, especially if the songs have a semantic meaning. Such music can improve people's mood and emotional state .

It is interesting that in Soviet times, the authorities, realizing the influence of music and culture on people, controlled this area and influenced the creation of musical works. The main ideas of the songs were eternal values. The songs brought positivity and faith in the best, and concerts and New Year's Eve evenings were an event in every family.

A separate area is the songs of the war years, they are still loved and often performed, they are imbued with faith in victory, they help even now to gain a charge of energy , to realize the incommensurability of our sorrows and human suffering in those distant years. The songs “Katyusha”, “Cranes”, “Blue Handkerchief” always live in our hearts.

As for the modern stage, the situation has changed - everything is dictated by the market, new music and songs are constantly appearing. At the same time, the person himself determines what will be useful to him and what will not. You need to turn on your internal filter, analyze what emotions the composition evokes, what meaning it carries. Music is spiritual food and is as important as eating healthy .

Modern popular songs are very different, it is difficult to compare and generalize them all, there are some with a positive meaning and sound, but there are not very many of them. Such songs help to distract yourself, lift your spirits, and can serve as a background , but doctors do not recommend listening to a lot of popular music; the effect of music on the psyche of a person of this style is not the best - a large number of monotonous rhythms, memory deterioration and decreased attention may be observed. Development requires varied, melodic music. Positive examples (classics of pop music): “Yesterday” (Ray Charles), “Nadezhda” (Anna German), “Antique Clock” (Alla Pugacheva), “Chervona Ruta” (Sofia Rotaru), “Yellow Leaves” (Margarita Viltsane and Oyar Grinbergs), “My clear little star” (Flowers).

Rap, hip-hop

These styles are also most common among the younger generation, this culture is borrowed from the West. Rap emerged in the 70s among African Americans in the Bronx (New York City). Initially it was used by DJs in discos; its development for commercial purposes came later.

This style is easy to perform, does not require strong vocal abilities, and allows you to freely express thoughts and emotions. However, doctors also observe not the best effects - an increase in aggression, anger, a decrease in emotional tone, and intellectual abilities.

Here, of course, a lot depends on the emotional mood of the performer and the thoughts he conveys to the listeners. This direction can also stimulate activity and sociability . Fans of this genre report that rap also has good songs. Examples of semantic rap: “Never was”, “Rain” (Strike Line). The main thing is the presence of melody and deep meaning in the song, then you can reduce the negative impact of this style.

folk music

Traditional and folk music, as a rule, has a long history; its origins are associated with pagan times. At the same time folk instruments have a positive effect on the body , and singing helps relieve stress and fight diseases of the nervous system, and has a general strengthening effect.

It is useful to sing songs twice a day - in the morning (rhythmic and invigorating songs) and in the evening (calming, lullabies). This music has a beneficial effect on a person’s mood and emotional state. Examples of folk songs: “Thin Rowan Tree”, “Oh Frost, Frost”, “Valenki”, “You Lured Me Away”, “It’s a Monthly Night”, “Mowing Yas Konyushinu”.

Jazz, blues, reggae

Jazz has already acquired the status of the founder of many directions in music; its sounds and combinations are combined and used in other areas of music. It appeared at the beginning of the 20th century, as a result of the fusion of the rhythms of African music with European and, in part, African-American folklore. This direction of music sounds melodic, positive, and energizing .

During the study, scientists noticed that areas of the brain that are responsible for creativity and improvisation are activated, and the ability to solve important life problems improves. Jazz is an excellent remedy against depression, relieves nervous tension, improves mood . Fast compositions lead to an increase in heart rate and improve blood circulation, while slow compositions lower blood pressure and promote general relaxation.

It is interesting that the music performer himself enters a special state, which contributes to the diverse and unique sound of music; his brain works in a special way, using creative potential.

Thus, jazz influences both listeners and musicians.

Examples of famous jazz compositions: “Let It Snow” (Jamie Cullum), I've got you under my skin (Jamie Culllum), Fly me to the moon (Diana Krall), The entertainer (Scott Joplin), Singing in the rain (Gene Kelly).

Club, electronic music

Electronic, club music has now become widespread; many young people prefer this style. However, you should be careful not to overuse this type of music. Studies have shown that constant listening to such compositions reduces learning abilities and negatively affects intellectual abilities.

Perhaps it promotes emotional relief, helps to distract from current problems, but often the impact of music on the psyche of a person of this style is negative - there is increased tension in the nervous system and irritation in behavior. It is better to minimize the influence of such music. Electronic music moves away from its roots, live sound, which has a beneficial effect on the entire human body.

Research has also been conducted on the question: what kind of music do successful people prefer to listen to and what kind does the poor class prefer to listen to? It has been observed that successful people love classics, various styles of jazz, opera, reggae and rock style, while low-income people often listen to country songs, disco music, rap, and heavy metal. Perhaps this is the secret to the success of many successful individuals.

Naturally, every person has favorite music and trends; if your favorite compositions inspire, give strength and help you live, then this is your panacea for the difficulties of life. Favorite music affects a person’s mood and increases resistance to diseases.

Playing music develops the human hearing system

Another sound phenomenon is that listening to music can develop and restore hearing. We are talking about the absence of congenital subtle (musical) hearing or its loss during life.

Polyglots and professional linguists are often inveterate music lovers, which once again confirms the influence of music on the development of human hearing and memory.

It has been proven that 80-year-old musicians have more acute hearing and are able to hear even a whisper on public transport than young people who have nothing to do with music.


Music and its influence on a person is invaluable. This fact has been repeatedly proven by numerous experiments by scientists from different countries. Music and music therapy can become a tool that allows one to achieve health and ensure longevity of a person.

Improving the health of the body through the means of musical art is accessible to everyone, since it does not involve significant expenditures of time and material resources, which means that knowledge of how to practice health improvement is necessary for everyone.

Let music always sound, giving the world miracles, sometimes moving hearts, it is tender, like heaven... Let music always sound, accompanying us through life, which will save and protect, indeed, it is holy...

Gennady Sivak

Music has the ability to penetrate a person’s soul, heart and mind, filling it with strong emotional impressions. I hope everyone understands the power of music in order to use it for their own benefit. I wish everyone pleasant life moments filled with the healing sounds of music.

Musical consonance improves adaptation and increases resistance to stress

Music undoubtedly has a beneficial effect on a person’s adaptation to stressful or difficult situations. It is easier for a person to perceive the environment if tracks from their favorite playlist are playing in their ears. Music increases stress resistance and helps you concentrate on tasks faster.

Cosmonauts have this tradition: before the launch of manned spacecraft, each of the cosmonauts on the active crew downloads two or three favorite tracks. Subsequently, the tracks serve as the basis for a background playlist during the launch of the ship.

Tarbin Dmitry Evgenievich, 9th grade student of MBOU Secondary School No. 96 with in-depth study of the English language, Novosibirsk, 15 years old

Nomination: “Psychological project” Curator: Chernenko Anastasia Nikolaevna

The influence of music on a person’s emotional state


Even in the Ancient world, it was known about the influence of sound on both the physical and mental state of a person: for example, the sound of the surf calmed and pacified, and the energetic, fast drumbeat charged with energy. Such famous personalities as Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle knew about the healing effects of music and believed that it restored harmony both in the Universe and in the human body. Our distant ancestors noticed that the rhythm and melody of music greatly influence a person’s mood, and even believed that they could cure various diseases. So Democritus attributed the ability to cure fatal diseases to the sound of the flute.

Music is beauty, joy, inspiration, happiness. Music penetrates directly into the soul and develops the desire for beauty. It has firmly entered our lives and become an integral part of it. Music has always claimed a special role in society. It is unlikely that there will be at least one person whom music can leave indifferent. The influence of music on children's health and harmonious personality development has been known since ancient times. Music can improve children's memory and language. That is why great attention should be paid to the musical education of children at different stages of their development. In the 20th century, interest in the influence of music on the human body grew significantly. Numerous studies show that music affects many subtle regulatory processes, changes the functioning of various organs and systems, and ultimately has a beneficial or destructive effect on human health. The health of a child is not only the absence of illness and physical defects, but also complete physical, mental and social well-being. One of the most pressing problems facing modern society is the problem of children's health. A considerable number of children are hyperactive and cannot control their body and emotions. And some, on the contrary, are passive and lethargic. A sick child who is lagging behind in physical development gets tired faster, has unstable attention, weak memory, and low performance. Their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, and self-confidence depend on the health and cheerfulness of children. Therefore, it is especially effective to carry out health-improving work using music. It is known that music, of all types of art, is the most powerful means of influencing a person. Music has a huge impact on us, affecting the psyche, emotions, soul and body. Sounds of a certain key can lead a person to various states, excitement, joy, sadness, and even panic.

Goal: to understand how music affects the human condition


1.Show how music heals a person

2.Teach people to listen to the right music

3. Give a lesson to 6th grade students

4. Develop a booklet “Foreign treks that can help a person”

Hypothesis: sometimes people have nervous breakdowns, lack of understanding for the world and people, and one of the most popular ways of healing is music. My performance will show you how music can help a person.

Practical significance: my research work can be used in psychology lessons, to turn a bad mood into a good and positive one, as well as for extracurricular activities, as an assistant for the improvement of the human soul

Object of study: children 10-12 years old

Subject of research: music influencing the human psyche

Project duration: December 2022 – March 2022

December: choosing a project topic, studying scientific and methodological literature

January: information distribution

February: presentation design, portfolio design

March: booklet development, lesson delivery

1. Music and people

1.1. The influence of music on a person

Music consistently went through all stages of development, just like humans. It developed, opened up new boundaries for the vision of the world, and served as an expression of people’s feelings throughout its existence.

Let's briefly trace the development of music in individual eras. Beginning with the primitive syncretic society, music was inseparable from the beginnings of primitive dance.

In ancient times, people began to pay considerable attention to music. Pythagoras and his students practiced mathematics while listening to music, noticing that it had a beneficial effect on the intellect.

Aristotle believed that with the help of music one can influence in a certain way the formation of a person’s personality. The great ancient healer Avicenna called melody a “non-medicinal” method of treatment, along with diet, smells and laughter.

Music educated, helped and made life easier for the Greek in many everyday situations, encouraged him in competitions, and delighted his soul on vacation and at feasts with friends.

In his treatise “Politics” Aristotle states: “The most important subjects of study for the Greeks are grammar (reading and writing), gymnastics, music and sometimes drawing...”

Our ancestors placed music among general educational subjects because nature itself strives to provide us with the opportunity not only to correctly direct our activities, but also to make excellent use of our leisure time.

From the above, we can conclude that for the ancient Greeks, music was, first of all, an active stimulator of activities performed under it, and only then a means of pleasant relaxation and idle entertainment. Since the 19th century, science has accumulated a lot of vital information about the effects of music on humans, obtained as a result of experimental research. It has been scientifically proven that music can strengthen the immune system, reduce illness and improve metabolism. The influence of music has been studied especially intensively in recent decades.

Experiments are being conducted in several directions, such as: 1) the influence of individual musical instruments on living organisms; 2) the influence of the music of the great geniuses of mankind, the individual impact of individual works of composers; 3) the impact of folk music on the human body.

It should be emphasized that in Russia, music therapy was recognized by the Ministry of Health as an official method of treatment in 2003. This method is widely used in psychotherapy, since music has a strong emotional impact on the psycho-emotional sphere of a person, it can serve as a non-medical cure for various emotional disorders.

Music exists in our lives as a means of self-knowledge and self-expression. Music, like perhaps no other art, can influence the mood and create it. All musical works can be divided into activating and relaxing, soothing.

There is even music “for the mind” - an example would be various dodecaphonies. In general, the perception of music is closely related to mental processes, that is, it requires attention, observation, and intelligence.

Music perceived by the auditory receptor affects the general condition of the whole organism, causing reactions associated with changes in blood circulation and breathing.

The influence of music on emotions

The role of music in human emotional development and the formation of character traits was considered by ancient Greek philosophers. In the Middle Ages, this problem was studied in line with the theory of affects, which established a connection between human emotional phenomena and the ways they are reflected in music.

One of the founders of Russian musical psychology B.M. Teplov, summarizing the results of many psychological experiments, outlined his conclusions in the following two theses:

1) it is impossible to comprehend the content of music in a non-emotional way;

2) the perception of music goes through emotions, but does not end with emotions: through them we understand the world. Extending these questions to all arts, B.M. Teplov expressed the idea that we are dealing here not only with different, but also with emotional knowledge of reality.

He wrote: “To understand a work of art means, first of all, to feel it, to experience it emotionally and, on this basis, to reflect on it.

The perception of art must begin with feeling; through him it must go; without it it is impossible. But artistic perception, of course, is not limited to feelings.”

The study of the emotional significance of individual elements of music has shown their ability to evoke certain emotional states in a person.

Minor keys have a “depressive effect”, fast pulsating rhythms and consonances are stimulating and cause negative emotions, “soft” rhythms and consonances are calming.

A large number of studies have been conducted in our country and abroad on the influence of music on the physiological functions of the body.

It was concluded that the cardiovascular system responds noticeably to music when it is enjoyable and creates a pleasant mood: the pulse slows down, heart contractions increase, and blood pressure decreases.

With the irritating nature of the music, the heartbeat quickens and becomes weaker. They began to talk about the coding of emotions in music, about musical emotions, which can be presented in the form of various formulas.

The same melody, depending on how it is performed: in a major or minor mode, fast or slow tempo, will convey different emotions. Considering the influence of music on the emotional sphere of a person, and the influence of the latter on his health, such a direction as music therapy is currently increasingly developing.

Music therapy was practiced by doctors in Ancient Greece, such as Hippocrates. Pythagoras also believed that music promotes health by influencing a person’s mood: some melodies act against despondency, others against anger and irritation.

In Russia, on the initiative of V. M. Bekhterev, in 1913 the “Society for elucidating the therapeutic and educational significance of music and its hygiene” was founded.

The decrease in anxiety is greater when listening to sad music. At the same time, using upbeat music to relieve anxiety can have the opposite effect, i.e., increasing anxiety and irritability. With pathological depression, patients do not perceive cheerful music; it deepens the depression even more, actualizing the patient’s experiences and thus preventing the perception of cheerful things. Patients who are deeply depressed experience relief when they listen to sad, mournful music. It is more advisable for patients with depression to first listen to minor music, which helps to establish “musical contact” with them. Only after several such sessions is an adequate reaction of these patients to major music.

The influence of music on a person’s physical condition

The variety of genres in modern music makes it possible to choose a composition that suits your spirit. However, why do we like certain music? A person perceives music through several factors: emotional state, individual characteristics, nationality. Each style has a different effect on a person’s physical and mental state.

Ancient studies claimed that music has a great influence on a person’s mental abilities, body and soul.

Modern research has been able to study this effect, namely:

  • the influence of the sounds of specific musical instruments;
  • influence of traditional melodies;
  • modern trends and psychological state of a person;
  • the influence of the works of certain composers;
  • musical style and its influence.

The influence of music on the nervous system and human mood

Mood can be defined as a continuous, constant emotional state of a person. Everyone has proven more than once from their own experience that our actions and actions depend on our mood.

Of course, a certain process or thing cannot globally affect the mood, although there are exceptions. One of the most important factors shaping our mood is our life situation in general.

In modern psychology, such a condition for changing mood as events is emphasized. They either depend on a person, or are created independently of him.

Example, phrases, words spoken to a person by someone else or spoken by him personally. The inner world of a person: his thoughts, what he experiences, his attitude towards the actions and actions of other people and events in the world.

Actions. What a person is willing to spend his efforts on. A bad mood leads to the fact that a person perceives the world around him and everything that happens around him in a dark color, and looks at everything through his disorder.

In a state of low emotional tone, almost everyone turns to their favorite music. It is worth highlighting that the impact of a certain genre is personal and depends on individual perception

The healing effect of music on humans

The healing influence of music was known to Pythagoras; the ancient Greek thinker and scientist made the first attempt to study its influence on humans. Certain compositions of sounds can change the general state of a person - the first scientific confirmation of this was given by scientists in the 19th century.

The first proposal to use music as a medicine was made by the psychiatrist Esquirol. Since that time, “music therapy” has been rapidly used to heal and help patients. In the twentieth century, doctors studied the ability of music to relieve pain and heal ulcers and tuberculosis.

The use of melodies as anesthesia has become more common. The second half of the twentieth century gave science the opportunity to study the influence of music on hormonal regulation, breathing, blood circulation, and the cardiovascular system.

The centers of modern music therapy are Germany, the USA, and Switzerland. The melodies produced by various musical instruments differ in their impact on humans.

For example, piano: affects the kidneys, thyroid gland, nervous system, bladder. The sounds of this keyboard device give a healing, cleansing result.

Percussion (cymbals, tambourines, drums, timpani, bells, castanets) normalize the functioning of the liver, circulatory system, and heart.

Wind instruments (bassoon, flute, trumpet, oboe, clarinet) have a beneficial effect on the respiratory and circulatory systems.

Strings (violin, guitar, harp) have a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

The impact of music on a person’s mental state

Music accompanies people throughout their lives. Certain rhythms can lift the mood, cause sadness, wake up or put a person to sleep

Music is an integral part of art. And art has a beneficial effect on the human body and its inner world. Scientists have proven that various musical variations can have a powerful effect on the mental state.

Aristotle devoted a lot of time to works on mimesis, which described in detail the influence of art on the human psyche. The philosopher spoke in detail about musical modes that changed the human psyche. Some musical modes made a person happy, others - sentimental and compassionate, and others - irritated and excited.

Aristotle proved that the courageous and serious Dorian mode balances the human psyche. The Phrygian mode has a stimulating effect, and the Lydian mode awakens pity.

In ancient writings you can find a lot of information about the impact of music on the human psyche. The Epic of Odin tells that Odin's open wound stopped bleeding under the influence of musical rhythms and singing.

The famous singing of Orpheus softened the character of people and tamed wild animals.

The king of Sparta composed musical motifs for his army and did not begin a military campaign until the soldiers were brought into a fighting state to the sound of drums and trumpets.

The Greek philosopher Democritus recommended music to patients with infectious diseases. And Plato, when he prescribed medications

recipes, forced patients to listen to magical motifs of music. He argued that the medicine would not start working any other way.

1.2 Music and modernity

Each musical rhythm has a certain effect on the physical and psychological state of a person. Rhythm can bring good luck or life experiences.

The psychological state of a person is influenced by the style, rhythm of music and the instrument on which the piece is performed.

Playing the piano harmonizes the psyche, normalizes the functioning of the kidneys and urinary system and cleanses the thyroid gland.

Organ music stimulates brain function and normalizes energy flows in the spine.

String instruments help normalize the functioning of blood vessels and the heart. In addition, these tools develop feelings of compassion in a person.

Wind instruments have a beneficial effect on the respiratory system and blood circulation.

Percussion instruments help restore heart rhythm and heal the liver.

Research by scientists has shown that any musical motif relieves muscle tension and promotes clear perception of information.

To relieve stress, it is recommended to listen to the music of Tchaikovsky, Schubert, Chopin and lyrical songs.

Jazz, blues and soul music help overcome depression.

Mozart's works activate brain activity.

The headache goes away to the music of Beethoven's Fidelio and Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody.

The plays of Grieg and Sibelius are the best cure for insomnia.

Classical rhythms are effective for rheumatism.

Periodically listening to musical works from the “Seasons” cycle helps improve memory.

Folk motifs have a positive impact on a person’s psychological state. The rhythms of ethnic music allow you to relax.

Music can have a powerful impact on a person's mental state. The main thing is that it is in harmony with the internal state of a person - then its influence will be as positive as possible.

1.3. What does the music say?

Music is a part of our life. Without her, our life would be boring and monotonous. She is always near us, even if we don’t feel her. Why is this happening? The thing is that music is like a closed magic box. To learn to listen to music, especially classical music, you need to pick up a magic key to the box.

Music can lift our spirits when we are sad; she can share joy and sadness with a person, make him kinder and better. Music can change a person's worldview and attitude towards life. She is able to make a person think about the meaning of life, reconsider all values ​​and set the right priorities. What does music tell us?

Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg said that words need music, but music does not need anything. Music, like a magical fairy, can convey mood, character, experiences, and depict pictures of nature without words.

Music contains mysteries, and people try to solve them. But the fact is that everyone perceives music differently. Someone, listening to a piece of music, sees himself in the forest, inhales its aroma and enjoys its charm. The other represents the heady sound of the surf. Not everyone will imagine a lunar disk in a beautiful night sky while listening to Claude Debussy's Moonlight, as the composer intended.

Waltz "Tales of the Vienna Woods" by Johann Strauss has nothing to do with the forest. The composer could have given this waltz any other name, but no matter what it was called, it was just a beautiful waltz written by a brilliant composer. There are no stories here, all the music is based on the description of some pictures. Listening to this waltz, we try to grasp the idea of ​​this picture. Some people imagine a charming night in the forest, others see the sunrise.

Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky created the talented work “Pictures at an Exhibition.” The composer wrote these piano pieces in memory of his friend the artist Viktor Hartmann. He tried to describe the pictures he saw in the museum.

Mussorgsky expressed the picture about chickens “Ballet of Unhatched Chicks” with squeaky notes, showing the cry of small fluffy balls. In the picture about children playing on the lawn, the composer imitated the children's voices with music, and he succeeded. The large chords in the next picture, “Bogatyr Gate,” easily conjures up in the listener’s imagination the heavy columns supporting the gate.

But isn’t it because we so clearly see what the composer wanted to say with his music, because we know what it’s about?

We think about the gate, but we could also think about the wide river if the play was called that way. The picture only complements the music itself; we do not have to imagine a river, forest, wind or sea.

The main property of classical music is that it conveys human feelings. It could be pain, despair, joy, fear, excitement, love, etc. Classical music can make the listener experience such strong feelings as the composer himself experienced while writing the work. Music means exactly the feeling we experience while listening.

But feelings are diverse, and we cannot name each of them. There is joy, sadness, and there are such deep feelings that we are not able to convey in words. Then music comes to the rescue, it works miracles and conveys them.

So what does the music say? She talks about a person's feelings. While listening to a piece of music, a person experiences strong feelings; some music causes him anxiety, while others, on the contrary, cause him a feeling of peace and tranquility. By expressing feelings, music evokes reciprocal feelings in a person. The meaning of music is in the music itself.

1.4. The use of music in medicine and commerce

Music has an impact on the emotional sphere of a person. The beneficial effects of classical music on human brain activity have been proven by numerous scientists.

Classics improve the perception of information, memory, and can help with rheumatism. According to research by surgeons, thanks to classical music the body works more harmoniously. The relationship between classical music and the cure of diabetes has been determined. Classical works also contribute to the formation of the child’s bone skeleton.

Different music can have a varied effect depending on the emotional activity, state of a person’s health, and his mood.

The first music therapy course appeared in the UK. It was tested in the 60s of the twentieth century. The Music Therapy Center was opened. Music helps relax muscles and treat obesity. Research has found that listening to music while exercising increases performance by 20%. The tempo of the music can be dangerous, causing abdominal pain and headaches.

The power of music has long been used in trade.

Certain melodies can relax the buyer or, on the contrary, increase his activity. This technology can be observed in supermarkets: during rush hour they play active tunes, at other times the music is more restrained.

The resonance from the ringing of bells destroys typhoid bacilli and pathogens of infectious diseases. The power of a melody is in its rhythm, volume, and tonality. Any musical creation that you choose to listen to will affect your health, emotional activity and mood.

Chapter 2. Practical part

2.1. Conducting a lesson

I taught a lesson to 6th grade students, in which six songs of different genres were presented (classical, pop, rock, hip-hop, lyrics, lyrics + hip-hop), to which the students drew, imagining a picture in their heads , with the help of a song.

The purpose of the lesson: to figure out what picture students see in their heads while listening to the song.

Lesson objectives:

  1. Find songs from 6 genres - classic, pop, rock, hip-hop, lyrics, lyrics + hip-hop
  2. Conduct a lesson with 6th grade students
  3. Create charts

The lesson was held on the basis of MBOU Secondary School No. 96 with in-depth study of the English language

Result: after teaching the lesson and looking at all the drawings, I came to the conclusion: due to the fact that children aged 10-12 years are just starting to listen to music globally, they, imagining the picture in their heads, draw more nature and people, and also people in nature


After conducting research on my practical part of the project, I realized that music can not only influence the human psyche, but also his imagination and fantasy. Sixth grade students showed me that they could draw while listening to music and what kind of picture they drew in their heads.

After conducting research throughout my project, I was once again convinced that music is an integral part of every person’s life. Music has an impact on the psycho-emotional state of adolescents, and music of different musical genres has its own influence. It can soothe and excite, soften and harden, evoke memories, relieve pain, and increase aggression.

According to scientific research, it has become clear that music relieves stress and improves immunity. It boosts your spirit. Music can inspire creativity. Music changes the perception of time and space. Music helps to understand the deep meaning of life. Music therapy is as relevant now as it was in ancient times.

I can conclude that music is capable of raising the level of culture of young people, but only one musical direction cannot do this. There is a need for a variety of musical styles that influence the formation of a person’s spirituality. Introducing to high musical art is an important factor of humanization, a necessary condition for the development of the musical culture of adolescents and youth. A person who is mentally gifted and understands the importance of music in our lives is truly happy. I realized how much music means to a person and how it influences various aspects of his life.

Summing up the results of my research, I would like to wish everyone: listen to music for good health! Don't forget about your body! Listen to him. And, if there is harmony within you, then music will help you, it will remind you of love for people and support you in grief, teach you to admire the beauty of the human soul and the greatness of nature, open unknown sides of the rich world of creativity, bring joy, health and pleasure.

List of sources


  1. The book “We are the music” - Victoria Williamson, 2015
  2. The book “Brain, Mind and Behavior” - Bloom.F, Lazerson.A, Iofstadter.L, 2006
  3. Book “Psychology of Musical Activity” - Bochkarev L.L., 1997
  4. Book “Psychology of Emotions” - Izard K.E, 1999
  5. Book “Psychology of musical abilities” - Teplov B.M., 1961

Internet resources:

  2.—temanedeli%2F%40elenka%2Fmelodiya-dlinoyu-v-zhizn-muzyka-kotoraya-daet-krylya-i- vdokhnovlyaet-menya&cc_key=

Application in the project



Music genres can influence gastronomic tastes

Restaurant and grocery store workers have noticed that music can change taste preferences. However, what is news for the buyer has long and successfully served for the benefit of marketing and the restaurant business.

Trade and restaurant workers can easily persuade a person to buy expensive wine or cognac by exposure to background classical or jazz music.

Listening to jazz or classical music is perceived in the subconscious of a person as a sign of adherence to the ruling class. This kind of music gives you a feeling of belonging to successful and rich people.
Under the influence of such music, people make purchases for a larger amount than when listening to pop or rock compositions.

An experiment with ethnic folk music showed an interesting tendency to choose one drink or another. In the days of German music, the choice of most buyers fell on the purchase of quality beer products and ciders. French motives encouraged the purchase of different types of wine, and on days when Irish bagpipes sounded, mostly whiskey was purchased. In the process of surveying customers, it turned out that they did not attach any importance to music at the time of purchase.

The impact of music on the human psyche: mechanism of influence

The impact of music on the human psyche occurs through sound perception, physiological and psychological. Music is a wave that affects the brain and the entire human body through certain brain signals through neurons. Thus, the reaction to music is ensured by the nervous system, interconnected with all human organs.

Sound is also energy that is created as a result of vibration. Music creates a special energy field that can carry a positive or negative charge depending on the volume, harmony of the composition, rhythm, and frequency. That is why music was used in therapy, especially to normalize the mental state in ancient times - Plato, Aristotle. They believed that music restores harmony in a person and in the whole world.

The following points are of particular importance when perceiving music:

  1. The acceptable volume for a person is 60-70 dB, 80 dB is perceived as dangerous, 120 dB is the level of pain, shock (this kind of volume is found at concert venues), and 150-180 dB is a sound level incompatible with life.
  2. How long does a person listen to music? If it is calm and relaxing music, then you can listen to it for several hours; loud metal music is unlikely to have a positive effect.
  3. Noise - a person is constantly in a noise environment, a level of 20-30 dB is perceived normally by a person, higher - it negatively affects productivity. If music is heard in the background, then it should not be loud so as not to harm classes or work.

A person’s life flows in a certain rhythm, each organ also works rhythmically, often music sets the mood for work and improves the state of mind. Now there are selections of music - for relaxation (calm compositions, sounds of nature), for sports (dynamic and rhythmic), for the development of children (certain classical compositions, especially Mozart), for combating insomnia (compositions by Tchaikovsky), and helps to cope with headaches Beethoven and Oginsky's Polonaise.

The impact of music on the human psyche is colossal; the most important thing is to learn how to use music correctly in life and not overload your consciousness with heavy and depressive music. You need to find your sources of inspiration. You can make a selection of your favorite songs that bring you back to life in any condition.

Melodies and songs of the 70-90s, classics of modern and foreign pop music, and rock music are very helpful. Everything is very individual, depending on the perception and life experience of a particular person; usually the music of youth and childhood evokes positive feelings, soundtracks, musical compositions from films.

What tools help in diseases

It is interesting that music affects human health; depending on the frequency of operation of each organ, instruments were selected that improve the functioning of the body:

  • String instruments (harp, guitar, violin) have a positive effect on the heart, it is recommended to listen more often in case of cardiovascular diseases, a decrease in blood pressure is observed when listening to quiet music.
  • Piano has a general effect on a person’s mental state, has a positive effect on the kidneys and the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Harmony - helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Saxophone has a positive effect on the genitourinary system and sexual energy of a person.
  • Bell ringing - treats depressive conditions, has a positive effect on the lungs.
  • Pipes have a general strengthening effect and were the first of the instruments used.
  • Drum - improves heartbeat, treats liver and circulatory diseases.
  • Cymbals are in harmony with the liver and have a positive effect.

Thus, by attending concerts with a live orchestra, listening to classical compositions or other melodic music, a person becomes completely healthy - soul and body. Maybe you should listen to useful music more and visit doctors less?

What are the “physics” and “chemistry” of musical influence

Human emotions are controlled by the central parts of the brain. Specifically, the hypothalamus, which is a small area in the diencephalon.

The ears receive the sound signal and convert it into a nerve impulse, which travels along the nerve endings to the hypothalamus. And the hypothalamus, in turn, converts nerve impulses into emotional experiences and informs the cerebral cortex about their occurrence.

The cerebral cortex and occipital lobes of the brain are notified of the received sound signal, after which it combines all the information received into certain associations.

The hypothalamus also plays a significant role in synchronizing the biorhythms of the human body: when the rhythmic balanced functioning of organs is disrupted, it receives signals and synchronizes their work, leading to a state of balance and harmony.

The wave vibrations caused by music, which the hypothalamus receives from the hearing organs, are similar to biorhythmic ones. And the hypothalamus processes them in the same way, but it cannot synchronize musical rhythms. Therefore, for example, polytonal or polyrhythmic music causes unpleasant sensations in many people.

The hypothalamus is also home to the pleasure center. When listening to pleasant music, more blood flows to the nerve endings, which stimulates the production of dopamine, a substance that causes a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction.

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