A man’s gaze when meeting: how to understand him correctly

In this article we will tell you:
  1. “Reading” a man’s gaze when meeting
  2. 14 types of a man's gaze when meeting
  3. The look of a man who should not be taken seriously when meeting

A man's look when meeting him can tell a lot about his intentions. It is generally accepted that representatives of the stronger sex are far from talkative. But even behind the feigned coldness, you can discern true emotions if you look into his eyes.

Do they glow with joy and warmth, or do they pierce with lifeless ice? Are there wrinkles in the corners of the eyes that speak much more eloquently than words about the funny character of your chosen one? In fact, the look of every man when we meet tells what is hidden in the most intimate corners of his soul. You just need to learn to “read” it correctly.

“Reading” a man’s gaze when meeting

To find out the goals of your chosen one, it is enough to evaluate the man’s gaze when meeting him. What is it: reliable or unstable? What controls him: love or passion? You just need to look into his eyes to get answers to all your questions.

Representatives of the male sex are all different: walking and faithful, modest and courageous. However, most men are similar in that they do not like to talk about their feelings. But it’s not for nothing that they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Research conducted by scientists has confirmed that you can tell by looking at what a man is thinking about. In this article, you will find out whether you can trust his words and learn to read his thoughts at one glance.

You can find out what a man wants to get from you only by looking into his eyes. This skill is extremely useful, because it will help you find out whether this is just light flirting or whether he has serious intentions. Decide whether to continue communicating with your chosen one just by looking at his eyes. The most important thing is to make sure that the man’s gaze is directed specifically at you.

According to scientists, it can even be explained why a man looks away when meeting a girl. If a male representative holds his gaze on you for a long time and does not look away, he is aimed at a serious relationship and is sincerely inspired by you. Short-term contemplation speaks of completely different goals.

Pay attention to what his gaze catches. For example, if a man examines the contours of your face, you can safely say that his interest in you is not only of a sexual nature. He is really interested in the further development of your relationship, and he cares about you as a person in general. But if your chosen one focuses his gaze on other parts of the body, then, most likely, he does not plan for this meeting to develop into something serious. His thoughts are occupied with sexual desires, he views you as entertainment for one night.

A study was conducted in which 260 volunteers of both sexes were asked to look at photographs of men and women. The photographs depicted both half-naked bodies and portraits. According to the test results, it became clear that people in search of a serious relationship pay attention to faces, and those who are interested in one-night stands and short-term romances focus their gaze on the figure and various parts of the body.

If a man does not look away when he meets a woman’s eyes, but, on the contrary, looks as intently as possible, what should he do? What this all leads to depends on your reaction. Be restrained, try to speak softly. Avoid vulgar jokes and strong expressions of emotions, they can scare away your chosen one. At the same time, it is important not to be too tight and constrained. Shoot your eyes at him, but don't hold your gaze on him for more than four seconds. To interest a man, it is important to find this middle ground, otherwise you can scare off your partner with your pressure.

Why does a man look away when talking?

Everyone knows that a person’s eyes reflect his inner world.
They also talk about the feelings experienced at a given time. If a man averts his eyes when talking to a woman, this may mean that: These are properties of his character.

Perhaps this man is a nervous and fearful person and averts his eyes during a conversation, not at all because he has a negative attitude towards the interlocutor. This is, in all likelihood, his usual behavior.

A man avoids eye contact because the interlocutor or the conversation with him is not of much importance to him.

It happens. Perhaps the matter he is currently thinking about is more important to him than the conversation with the person in front of him, so he cannot concentrate enough attention on the interlocutor.

The man has a secret.

When talking, he subconsciously hides his eyes from the woman because he does not want to give himself away. Perhaps the man is ashamed of his behavior, for example, having cheated on his wife or having done something that is difficult to admit even to himself. This is his attempt to hide his feelings and experiences from others, which are still reflected in his gaze.

Habit, psychotype, behavioral characteristics.

Some people talk, rarely glancing at the interlocutor, no matter who he is. After observing them, you will notice that communication taking place with virtually no visual contact is their habit, the norm.

The female gaze is very strong and assertive.

If this is so, the man may not be able to stand it, so he will look around and not into the eyes of his interlocutor. Some people have such a hard look that it actually incinerates those who talk to them, regardless of whether they are a man or a woman.

Difficulty communicating with other people, arising for various reasons.

Some people don't communicate with anyone on a regular basis. Perhaps they simply have little experience in normal communications. But an introvert, a person suffering from autism, or someone with disabilities such as social phobia or sociopathy can behave this way. Therefore, when you notice such a sign, try to understand who exactly is in front of you. Perhaps there is nothing to fear. Or you should stay away from an unsociable person, especially if you don’t know each other.

People with low self-esteem often have great difficulties in communication. As a rule, they are distinguished by a general tightness, a somewhat insecure and nervous state, and constantly suspect that everyone is discussing their appearance, manners, etc. Such people avoid the interested glances of others, so they try to avert their eyes.

Anxiety about existing problems, nervous tension.

Let's say, while talking to a lady, a man thinks about his unresolved problems. He is worried about finances, preparing for a meeting with a partner, repaying a loan, etc. If a person tries to do several things at the same time, concentration weakens and the brain refuses to concentrate. And then the conversation no longer goes as it should, it turns out somehow crumpled, and the interlocutor, seeing this, becomes slightly confused. Perhaps the man is thinking about the reasons for the quarrel with his wife or is already late for an important event. This behavior can be caused by any resonant life situations.

Having warm feelings for your interlocutor and being afraid to talk about them.

This reason is written in any women's magazine. Let's add this fact: if a man averts his eyes during a conversation, most likely he is far from indifferent to the woman, but he has some reason not to admit it to her. Perhaps he considers himself unworthy of a relationship with this lady, or one of them is married. A man may also come to the conclusion that a simple acquaintance should not be translated into a relationship.

There may be other reasons, to find out which you need to carefully understand the current situation. It is possible to correctly explain his behavior only by analyzing the situation. You should find out information about a person’s character, how he communicates with others, and important events that have happened in his life.

The look of a man who should not be taken seriously when meeting

  • If a man looks you straight in the eye, pay attention to his pupils. If they are narrow, this is a bad sign. Such pupils are a sign of hostility and hatred. Be careful! For the sake of influence or revenge, some representatives of the stronger sex deliberately seduce women, despite the negative feelings they have towards them. Also, the width of the pupils can vary depending on the light level.
  • If your boyfriend showers you with compliments and talks about his dreams of being together happily ever after, while looking at all your body parts except your eyes, he is lying. He is interested in you solely as a sexual object, and not as a person.
  • Frequent blinking and a man’s lack of knowledge of where to focus his gaze during a declaration of love are unlikely to indicate his embarrassment. Most likely, he is lying and subconsciously understands that this can be read in his gaze, and hides his eyes from this.
  • Avoid shifty eyes! This is one of the main pickup techniques for winning a girl for one night. Most likely, you will simply be taken advantage of and you will be left with a broken heart.

To understand that the gaze is exclusively sexual, pay attention to the following signs:

  • the eyes do not focus on anything specific, the gaze is empty and clouded;
  • a tense smile that does not leave his face for a moment;
  • a daring, self-confident look only speaks of a desire to undress you as quickly as possible.

Men themselves say that they do not hide their gaze when meeting a woman they like, but, on the contrary, try to look into her eyes. Thus, they show their interest and sympathy. However, some of the male representatives note that looking into the eyes is a sign of respect, because if they look at the hips or chest, they will immediately be suspected of animal instincts and recognized as a pervert. The opinion of scientists on this matter is ambiguous. According to them, only looking into the eyes for more than eight seconds can be considered a sign of real feelings.

In any case, dear ladies, listen to your heart. Your natural intuition will always be stronger than any technical techniques. Only by opening up to a man can you understand his true intentions.

Psychological characteristics of the human gaze

It is believed that when communicating, people spend about 30-40% of their time making eye contact. If the percentage decreases, most often this means that the interlocutor is communicating without a mood, or is guilty of something in front of you, or he is simply not interested in you. Conversely, a persistent search for eye contact may indicate a desire to put some kind of pressure on you.

3 important steps

which every woman should go through

Anika Snagovskaya

Author and presenter of women's trainings on harmonizing feminine energy. Master of removing limiting beliefs and master of constellations.

I have prepared three lessons for you that will help you better understand yourself, remove the restrictions that prevent you from feeling loved and living happily.


Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

You will learn about 5 female states that exist in every woman, how they manifest themselves and which archetypes are most manifested in you and which are not developed.


Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships

I’ll tell you what you need to do to free your heart from old feelings and break the energy threads connecting you with your past partner.


Audio recording: Neuro-af

Thanks to this neuro-affirmation, you can regain self-love and feel sincere gratitude and happiness for every day.

Top 3 useful materials that will help you know yourself better

And start a new, happy life for yourself.

Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships

Audio recording: Neuro-af

Take your gifts!

The interval between the eyes depends on the degree of proximity of the interlocutors. Friends and acquaintances usually look at each other no more than 20-40% of the time they talk. Lovers cannot take their eyes off each other, so their visual contact lasts at least 60–80% of the time they communicate. When talking with subordinates, bosses look at them almost continuously (up to 80–100% of the conversation period). Thus, they emphasize their leadership status and authority using the method of visual influence.

You can learn a lot of interesting things about the gaze in general:

  • In most cases, a person looks into the eyes of the interlocutor at the moment when he listens to him.
  • A glance sometimes compensates for the information that we cannot express in words. A good example of this is the performance of an actor, whom the audience understands even by gestures and facial expressions.
  • People's mood for communication also affects the duration of eye contact. Interlocutors who enjoy the dialogue will happily exchange glances and, conversely, look away if the conversation is unpleasant for them.
  • Men and women approach eye communication differently. Men usually look into the eyes of their interlocutor less often.

How to understand that a man likes you

He stares at you

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Do you know that feeling when you literally feel someone’s gaze on you, their gaze?

You know he's looking at you, but you don't want to look up because you're afraid of ruining the moment.

If he realizes that you know that he is watching, he will immediately turn away because he is afraid to admit to you and himself that he likes you.

2. Controversial behavior

This is an obvious sign that he cares, and it scares him. Either he is full of love, caring and attentive to you, then he becomes cold and distant.

Sometimes you have deep, heartfelt conversations about life, and then he suddenly moves away from you.

It seems like there is a constant struggle going on inside him. Is he ready to let you into his life or not?

Conflicting signs are coming from him, and you cannot understand how to behave. The only question is whether you are ready to be patient enough to wait for him to admit his sympathy or leave, thinking that he is just leading you by the nose.

He spends time with you

He asks you out on a date, invites you to the cinema and the like. This shows that he really likes you.

He would not be interested in spending time with you if you are only attracted to him as an object to satisfy your physical desires. He feels good next to you, but he is not ready to admit it yet.

He doesn't make the first move

Let's say you are sure that a man likes you. All signs point to this, but he doesn't take the first step. You know it by the way he looks at you or talks to you. The truth is, many women just feel it.

However, if he doesn't take action despite clearly wanting to, he may be afraid to do so.

Maybe someone broke his heart, he's embarrassed by you, or he thinks you're too good for him. Once you understand the reason, let him know that he can approach you and that you want him to.

He gets nervous around you

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Did you notice that he said things without thinking or acted strangely? He's visibly nervous, but you're not sure why. Well, you can tell he likes you, but he's scared. He is afraid that he might say or do something that will ruin everything. He wants everything to be perfect.

When something is of great importance to us, it is completely normal to be nervous and sweat because we care what the consequences will be. The same thing happens with a man.

His friend knows, but you don't

This is a pretty obvious sign that he is scared of how you make him feel.

If you are the subject of frequent conversations among his friends, then you can be sure that he likes you. The fact is that men are unlikely to seriously discuss a girl if they do not plan any relationship with her.

Even if he hasn't called you his girlfriend, his friends or acquaintances ask about you and act as if you are already in a relationship.

He blushes when you're around

It's not just women who feel embarrassed and blush. Men are capable of this too, especially in the presence of the object of their desires.

If you notice how he blushes when talking about himself, this is a clear sign that he likes you, but is afraid to admit it. This means that he really cares what you think of him and wants to make the best impression.

All you need to do is make your man feel comfortable and ask him questions. This will set your date in the right direction.

He's sweating

We all tend to sweat when faced with something new and unknown. Imagine how worried and sweating a man is when he goes on a first date.

He wants to show himself in the best light in front of you, but at the same time he is trying to overcome his nervousness. Don't be too hard on him. Try to calm him down by smiling at his jokes and learning more about him.

He gives you signs that you are not indifferent to him, but he cannot admit it to himself.

Mixed signals

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It constantly sends mixed signals that you cannot understand. You feel like he's trying to play with you or manipulate you by showing disinterested behavior, but your gut tells you that deep down he cares about you.

A man may push you away with his behavior, but then he realizes that he needs you and tries to win you back again.

He laughs at your jokes

You don't have to be a great comedian, but he still laughs at your jokes.

This is a sure sign that he likes you, but he doesn't dare admit it. The man tries to create a pleasant atmosphere and laughs at your jokes to diffuse the situation.

Seeing a positive response will make it easier for you to relax and enjoy a good time.

He listens to your problems

A man who is willing to listen to your problems will be a good partner. This means he cares, but is afraid to tell you because he thinks it might scare you.

By his behavior, he is trying to show you that, no matter what, he will be there and protect you from any troubles and ill-wishers.

He looks away

Body language is very important, especially when you are just starting to get to know each other. At such moments, we are not yet sure whether a man likes us or not.

If you notice how a man looks at you? and suddenly he looks away, this is a clear sign that he has feelings for you, but is afraid to say it.

Moreover, he may never dare to tell you these words in person.

It will even be easier for him to write to you about his sympathy, because he is still nervous in your presence.

He doesn't ask you out

It is unlikely that you will think this is a sign that a man likes you.

However, men can be shy too. He may have tried to ask you out several times, but couldn't find the right moment.

You shouldn’t give up on it right away. Give him a chance.

He's trying to protect you

If you have a problem, he will go to great lengths to solve it. This is his way of showing you his feelings.

His actions speak for themselves. He will never tell you that he misses you and will not confess his love, but he is ready to do everything to show his caring attitude towards you.

This is one of the most obvious signs that he loves you, but he needs time to get his feelings in order. It may take him a long time to admit this.

Men are wired that way and you need to understand that.

He sends you messages

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A man who likes you will want to know how your day was. He may send spontaneous messages to wish you good morning or call you to a meeting.

He wants to spend as much time with you as possible, and even though he likes you, he's afraid to admit it. He just wants to get to know you better before taking this step.

He gets jealous when another man is near you

Even if you are not a couple yet, he will be jealous if another man is near you.

He sees a potential rival and is not ready to put up with it. He wants to protect you from all greedy glances and keep you all to himself.

He has feelings for you, but is not ready to admit it. He'd rather act like he doesn't care and say you're free to do whatever you want than admit his emotions.

He doesn't mention other women

It looks like he has found what he was looking for and there is no need for him to mention other women. In fact, he is only interested in you and cannot do anything about it.

His friends may even make fun of him, but he doesn't care. He only wants one woman in his life - and that is you.

He supports you

Every time you have a problem or are facing difficulties in life, he is ready to be there for you to ease your condition.

He knows that being with the person you love is very important, so he does everything in his power to be there when you need him.

He is a man you can trust, and he is ready to do everything possible and impossible for you.

He pays attention to detail

If he can remember your dog's name or the last time you were on vacation, then he really has some feelings for you.

When a man is not interested, he will not even try to remember such things. At the same time, such little things show that you matter to him.

He mentioned a painful past

From time to time he mentions some painful moments in the past, and he is willing to do anything to avoid repeating this scenario.

This is the reason why he cannot completely give in to his feelings. He is afraid that you will break his heart, as you once did.

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