I’m embarrassed to ask: how to leave a person without being a bastard? Psychologist on how to ease separation and suffering after

Love, even strong love, tends to pass. There are often cases when a girl is present next to a guy because it is a pity to leave him. Communicating with someone you don’t love doesn’t bring one bit of satisfaction, and all actions cause a feeling of irritation. Maybe then it's time to leave the guy?

Afraid of offending a young man, a girl may be afraid to break off the relationship, but it also becomes painfully difficult for her to be in it. In this case, you should properly organize the separation process and choose your words as tactfully as possible.

How do you know when it's time to break up?

The desire to leave a guy is not always a signal that there is no love between two people. The reason may be that we are tired of each other. In this case, it will be useful to live in different places for a while and see each other less often. This measure will allow you to feel whether a guy is needed, whether it’s boring without him or with his departure from the girl’s life, she will feel freer and easier.

The prerequisites for the fact that it is time to end the relationship are the following actions of the young man:

  • stopped paying enough attention (and this is not related to his busyness at school or work);
  • does not try to find a free minute for a meeting, citing ongoing business;
  • uses violence against the girl, both moral and physical;
  • does not strive to take care of his beloved: give him a ride home from work, hold the door, ask how the day went;
  • threatens or insults his companion;
  • uses a woman to satisfy his own bodily needs, without paying attention to her desires and feelings;
  • behind the back of the chosen one, he cheats with another (this fact must be confirmed; abandoning a loved one if there is some suspicion of his infidelity is stupid);
  • constantly deceives both in small things and in more serious things;
  • does not give the same amount of love and affection as before.

These facts are obvious reasons for separation, because further continuation of a relationship with such a person is unlikely to bring joy; it will humiliate the woman, causing her to lose self-respect.

The main thing is to act with a cool mind, turning off emotions and minor grievances. Only by honestly and rationally judging a man’s actions can you make the right decision, which you won’t have to regret later.

There was love

The most compelling reason why girls break off relationships is a banal fading of feelings. Most often, love for one man is replaced by an outbreak of sympathy for another. In this case, the usual partner causes frustration, irritation, and depression.

The guy stops worrying, causing jealousy and interest. His caresses and hugs cause headaches, and the desire for sex causes the sudden appearance of menstrual periods. The girl seems to look at him with different eyes: where has his charm, charisma, sexuality gone? The man appears before her eyes as simple and boring, and his presence begins to depress her.

The woman catches herself thinking that she would like to spend this evening separately from him: reading Leo Tolstoy’s book “War and Peace”, monotonous knitting, walking the dog, gatherings with old neighbors - and with anyone, just not with him!

If the image of another guy has settled in your heart, your usual partner will irritate you even more. During sex, a desired image is born in a woman’s mind. She imagines how good she would be with another man. A careless partner begins to dream that her “other half” will become interested in another young lady in order to break off a relationship that is not pleasing. A thought is born and lives in her head: how to leave a man.

Important rules for a calm parting

Breaking up with a guy, protecting him from unnecessary pain and not offending him is not so easy. Some girls get so carried away by staging a serious performance and get used to the role of a benefactor that they completely forget about their own goals.

Such women begin to write tender poems that touch the soul, organize an evening full of romance, during which they tirelessly talk about the numerous merits of the chosen one, cry and offer eternal friendship. This is a fundamentally wrong approach and should be avoided.

In order not to offend a person with a breakup, it is important to rely on the rules:

  1. Think 10 times, assessing why the breakup is happening: to stop communicating with the person and not to give him false hopes or for an intricate game of feelings? Think about whether it will be possible to exclude him from your life and not be upset when, after a while, he meets another woman.
  2. Do not strive to break up in the heat of emotions or quarrels. It is better to prepare for this in advance by thinking through your own plans.
  3. Start a conversation at a time when the young man is not busy and is in no hurry. Give him time to think about the reasons for the breakup.
  4. Use words in conversation that leave no room for double interpretation and do not give a person false hope. Men practically do not understand hints, so you need to speak clearly and directly.
  5. It is preferable to communicate the end of the relationship in person; using the phone or social networks is not the best option and is suitable when there is a possibility that the guy will react inappropriately and it would be safer to stay at a distance.
  6. The place for parting should not be crowded, calm and not where the most romantic and memorable moments in the couple’s life took place.
  7. Try not to show the man your own pity for him, do not offer friendship. This is very insulting to guys.
  8. If the reason for the separation was the meeting of another, you should not advertise it. These hurtful words can upset a person, causing him to respond inappropriately.
  9. When explaining the reasons for separation, do not list shortcomings and do not blame the chosen one.
  10. Refuse to say a long goodbye accompanied by tears, kisses or intimacy.
  11. After breaking up, refrain from interfering in your ex’s personal life: do not follow him, do not write on social networks or call on the phone, inquiring about his condition and affairs.

Letter from Tatiana5

Women are romantic in nature. They confess their love, their worries and their reluctance to communicate through eloquent messages. A long message on the phone, describing in bright colors her desire to leave, will in no way soften the decision. A letter in a pink envelope sent by carrier pigeon will not help either. The man will read the letters and remain completely confused: what’s wrong? Why?

Girls are big fans of surprises. They can write such a message at the moment when a man has packed his bags with the goal of moving in with his beloved and starting a family. Only in the evening they discussed how good and cozy they would be together, the next morning the guy, singing a cheerful song, rushes to her house, and suddenly: Tili-li, “there’s a message for you!” Darling, we need to part...

Methods for breaking up relationships

Each girl independently chooses a model of behavior that will allow her to end a boring relationship with minimal losses for both. The guy’s excessive touchiness requires careful selection of the scenario according to which this process will develop.

Truthful conversation

Before starting a serious conversation, you should reassess the need for such a step several times. A firm decision and justified reasons are a sign of the correctness of what is being done.

A list on which a table is drawn listing and comparing all the advantages and disadvantages of existing relationships can help. Its careful analysis will lead to the right decision.

The separation process:

  • Explain to the person the reasons for the breakup of the relationship, inform them that they are in the past;
  • if the final decision has not been made, share existing doubts and ask for help in eliminating them;
  • point out to the guy the mistakes that changed the chosen one’s attitude towards him.

If a young man cares about a girl, he can agree with all her arguments and do everything necessary to improve the relationship.

Serious conversation

This separation option is transparent. If you are finally wondering how to leave a guy, then this advice is for you. You should call your loved one and invite him to a meeting for a serious conversation; it is better to hold it not 15 minutes after the invitation, but later. If you give a man some time, he will be able to prepare for a difficult conversation and will more easily accept the truth.

During the meeting you should:

  • report that feelings have disappeared forever;
  • do not be rude or insult a person;
  • do not agree to continue the relationship, listening to the man’s assurances that he will fix everything;
  • give up the possibility of remaining friends;
  • do not drag out the conversation, ending it immediately after announcing the desire and listing the reasons;
  • Don't hug the guy goodbye so as not to have an unnecessary impact on his emotions.

Breaking up well is an art

Help from a girlfriend

An interesting option for breaking up is in which the woman, having already made a decision, asks her friend to meet the guy and entice him with her. A woman who appears on time, who, having interested a man, offers him meetings and promises a lot of new emotions, will, of course, smooth out the rough edges of a forced separation.

A girlfriend should look great, be pleasant to talk to and happily agree to the guy’s proposals. During this period, the former companion must show herself at her worst, not take care of her appearance and constantly create scandals. There is a high probability that the guy himself will end the oppressive relationship.

How can a friend part with this man after completing her mission? It's simple: she can break off the relationship at any time without worrying too much about the possibility of resentment; this is unlikely to happen, because they haven't known each other for too long.

Method of provoking a scandal

This separation option is suitable for girls with acting talent . To make a guy less offended, you can divert his attention through a scandal, the reason for which can be any of his offenses. For the best effect, you can begin to behave in such a way as to provoke a man into a quarrel, during which you quarrel until the relationship completely breaks down.

Making a guy jealous is not the best option. Male pride is an explosive quality, games on which can end unpredictably.

Parting with a loved one

There are many reasons that make it necessary to end a relationship even with a person for whom you have serious feelings. These could be irreconcilable contradictions, forced separation due to moving to another city for work or study.

You can use one of the following methods:

  • straight Talk;
  • avoidance of communication.

It is very difficult to part with a person for whom you have real feelings. Here it is preferable to prepare your speech in advance so as not to get confused at the right moment.

The main rules of conversation:

  • do not be nervous;
  • speak with confidence;
  • do not allow a man to interrupt you;
  • the last words should become a point in the relationship, after they are uttered you should turn around and leave the guy;
  • exclude possible options for meetings with a former lover.

Telephone conversation

This method is ideal for girls who are shy or those whose boyfriends may give an inappropriate reaction to the words spoken.

Method usage options:

  • writing a text message via SMS or social networks;
  • ignoring calls from your boyfriend.

The text should be clear, understandable, and leave no doubt about your intentions: “Sorry, we should break up. I don’t love you anymore” or “I’m tired of your cheating. I wish a better fate for myself and a good girl for you.”

Once you send a message, you don't need to respond to texts or incoming calls. It is quite understandable that a man will want to clarify many points and personally clarify the relationship. However, this will not lead to anything good.

Unconventional love

This method is quite risky; to use it, you need to have a bit of courage and adventurism.

A man will be least offended during a breakup if a woman tells him that her preferences have changed and she suddenly felt same-sex love. It is important to emphasize that you have lost your attraction to the stronger sex and sexual desire arises only in relation to the beautiful creatures of humanity.

You cannot succumb to your lover’s tricks and agree to the options of sex for three or living as part of a “Swedish” family. This will not lead to anything good and can reveal all the cards.

Accusation of sins6

Some girls are lovers of melodrama and beautiful scenes. They don’t think for a long time about how to leave a man. They like to act out tragedies, sigh theatrically and wring their hands. This type of woman does not leave men secretly, but makes the breakup noisy, pompous, and memorable.

The main character prepares a list of accusations in advance, starting with grunting at the table, ending with dissatisfaction in bed, which is deafeningly exposed in front of an unsuspecting man. After charges are filed, at least one word from the accused is expected.

Some amazing representatives of the stronger sex manage to remain silent, but as soon as a man grunts, a storm begins. The woman is carried away, vomiting on emotions. Not only does she abandon the poor fellow, but she also seeks to destroy him, humiliate him, and wipe him off the face of the earth.

What not to do when breaking up

In order not to cause a mortal offense to a person, not to make him an enemy, you should not:

  • get nervous and freak out, accusing the chosen one of all mortal sins;
  • explain such a decision by the features of the young man’s appearance;
  • touch on the intimate side of life;
  • break off a relationship during a period when the guy is experiencing serious moral or physical difficulties (the death of a loved one or illness);
  • ask friends to convey the words of separation to the man;
  • make personal information concerning the partner public after the breakup;
  • act gently;
  • putting off an unpleasant conversation until later, hoping that everything will work out. If a decision is made, it must be implemented.

You shouldn't play with a person's feelings and leave him just to prove how much you mean to him. Such actions will not help warm up feelings and can destroy even the strongest couple.

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  • Why does every girl need a boyfriend, what is he for?
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Close together2

Courageous women make the decision to leave the man they love. Such a step is not easy, but most often unpleasant circumstances push it. It's hard to love a man who is an alcoholic, a despot, or a womanizer.

Each of the three nominations has a destructive effect on relationships. Women are patient creatures, but seeing a drunken, lumpy face every day is unbearable. It is also difficult to endure beatings and insults from a brutal dictator. And it’s terribly unpleasant when a loved one rushes after every passing skirt, like Kuzka after Murka in the March period.

Girls endure any adversity for a long time, but in the end they come to the decision to end a difficult relationship.

We broke up for a while8

Sometimes a woman suggests taking a break in the relationship. On the one hand there is a gap, on the other hand there is a temporary separation. This decision is not always stupid and imprudent. A woman makes a complaint to a man, then a serious conversation follows and a verdict: a 1-2 month timeout in the relationship.

Over the past period, the couple has the opportunity to weigh their feelings, problems that have arisen and take a break from each other. As a result, the partners either converge in the rapture of love, having missed each other and suffered a large number of days apart, or finally break up.

A humane way to break up with a man11

When a woman breaks up with her ex, she experiences a lot of claims, hateful and contemptuous feelings and violent emotions towards him. He is considered to be the culprit for everything: the fact that love has disappeared, youth has passed, the best years have disappeared and gray hair has appeared.

In rare cases, the girl comes to the conclusion that she was to blame for the breakup. This is surprising, but such young ladies treat their practically “former” partners in a friendly, gentle manner, wishing them with all their hearts to find happiness with another woman.

Serious conversation13

Men can’t stand a woman’s phrase: “We need to talk,” especially when it emanates a mournful spirit. But it’s also not worth announcing a breakup with a smile on your face full of optimism. A breakup is sad and unpleasant; you need to accept this fact and present it to your partner with dignity.

When it comes to separation, don't blame your partner. In unsuccessful relationships, both are always to blame. Let the woman admit that she is not satisfied with the relationship, softening some details so that her words do not sound too painful. After that, she can say: “It’s a pity that this happened.”

Analysis of feelings12

In order to properly break up with a man, without causing men’s hysterics, angry tirades and crocodile tears, a woman needs to listen to the advice of psychologists: “How to leave a man.” The first thing she should do is sort out her feelings and understand whether she really doesn’t need him anymore.

Let her imagine him with another woman, and imagine her own world without his presence? If your heart does not bleed and does not clench into a fist, then you should move on to the second step. And if your ex has confessed his love and is ready to take a step toward reconciliation, you should listen carefully to your heart.

Sadistic phrases7

The next type of women is even more insidious than their predecessors. In appearance, they give the impression of calm, somewhat sad ladies who meekly and dramatically invite men to break up. Their phrases are not accusing, they are full of touching notes and gentle blasphemy, because their text is at odds with what is associated with the “break.”

The girl talks about the inevitability of separation, adding a sadistic phrase, the meaning of which, like a sharp knife, pierces the partner’s soul:

  • "We can stay friends!"
  • “You’re so wonderful, I’m not right for you!”
  • “I felt so good with you, I don’t know what came over me!”

  • “You are the best guy in the world and I will never have this again!”
  • “Perhaps someday we can be together, but not now!”

It seems to the woman that, having heard such a phrase, the guy will calm down and accept the separation with a light heart, but while she is being nice to him and collecting her things, a devil is born in his chest.

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