Examples of how you can ask a girl out on a date

So you like her. Very. And you can't think about anything but her. But the question is: how to invite a girl on a date in such a way as to guarantee a positive response on her part? We hasten to disappoint you - this method does not exist.

No matter how good you are or what strategy you choose, the girl may simply not be interested in you specifically or in dating/relationships in general.

But until you ask, you won’t know the answer, and we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the guide, which, although it cannot guarantee her consent, will definitely increase your chances of success.

Invitation from a beautiful stranger2

Of course, a classic tackle will be rejected immediately. It is unlikely that an adequate girl, standing at a bus stop, will immediately agree to trudge with someone to the other end of the city to drink coffee from a plastic cup. It's the wrong format, and it's a gross mistake. It’s also a shame to miss out on a beauty. This means you need to act beautifully, clearly, elegantly.

First you need to get to know each other properly. First, you need to take a close look at yourself. The easiest way is to smile at the front camera to make sure there are no pieces of breakfast in your teeth, then smooth out your cowlicks, clean the corners of your eyes and chew gum. Better fruit. Frosty mint doesn't really mask the smell. Secondly, you need to come up with a reason. Just don’t do it impromptu, it will be a 100% failure. It’s better to have a ready-made script in your head in advance.


  • “Girl, hello! Did you know that today is chocolate day? On this occasion, I give you chocolate! And tomorrow, at the same place, at such and such a time, there will be an ice cream distribution! Which do you like more: chocolate or cream?”

Most likely, the reaction will be quite adequate and even positive. This moment can be played up: if the girl is busy and will not be here tomorrow, then a call is simulated to the “wizard in the blue helicopter” and the delivery of delicacies is discussed. It is unlikely that the girl will deceive, 80% of the time she will name the exact place where the ice cream needs to be delivered.

Thirdly, there should always be a small present in your pocket: candy, chocolate, flower... why? To reinforce the first minutes with positivity.


“Girl, excuse me, can I ask you for help? It seems my phone is broken: the signal is not getting through, but I’m waiting for a call. Could you just make a call so that I can make sure the device is working?”

The probability that she will not refuse tends to 99.9%. This way, the phone number will be obtained with incredible ease. Well, in gratitude for checking the device, you are given a sweet. Then it’s a matter of technique, but more on that another time.

We can assume that the acquaintance went well, the phone number is in your pocket, the name is written down. Now it’s the turn of the date itself.

Behavior during a meeting

Tip #10 – Financial opportunities

Don't forget that the one who invites pays the bill. Yes, for example, in countries where feminism is developed, girls are disgusted by this and they offer to pay half the bill. This trend has so far reached us in a distorted form. Therefore, calculate your financial capabilities.

Don't go to a posh and expensive restaurant if you can't afford it yet.

Life hack: to save a girl from a difficult choice (she doesn’t know your capabilities and may be indecisive when ordering so as not to put you in an awkward position) - in a restaurant, try offering to take the set (rolls) or recommend her some dish yourself.

“I recommend this steak to you. How do you feel about meat?

Well, at the same time, you’ll start a conversation about the dangers or benefits of meat for the human body.

Tip #11 - Punctuality

Don't be late for a meeting. According to etiquette, and even the unspoken rule of relationships between men and women, this privilege remains with the weaker sex. But it’s also not worth marking time (and even if with flowers). Sit down at a table, order something to drink (non-alcoholic), scroll through the news feed on your phone.

Try to plan in advance that you will have 15-20 minutes alone.

When should I start calling to find out where she is? If she hasn’t shown up 20 minutes after the scheduled meeting time, you can call her and say that you are there and waiting for her.

Don’t start a conversation with the phrase “Well, where are you?”

Tip #12 - Meeting

When you finally meet, you need to do 3 things:

  • smile at her;
  • greet (“Hello!”)
  • hug her.

These three components are very important for further communication. And you show that you are really glad to see her and are looking forward to a good evening in her company.

Most guys make the mistake of simply saying hello and starting to hesitantly shift from foot to foot. Hugs are a must. Girls are accustomed to such gestures and for them this is a normal and natural greeting.

Tip #13 - Initiative

Take the initiative right away: offer her your hand and invite her:

“Let’s go for a walk in the park” or “Let’s go to that table over there.” This relaxes girls - a confident man who is in control of the situation.

Important: place her in a place where it is difficult to see everything that is happening in the hall. This place should belong to you . In addition, while sitting there, she will be constantly distracted by people entering and leaving the room, rather than being focused on you.

Tip #14 – Something went wrong

If something went wrong and you didn’t like each other, then don’t dwell on it. You shouldn’t think that there’s something wrong with you, that it’s a failure, that life hasn’t gone well and stuff like that.

You are just different people, not suitable for each other. We tried it, realized it wasn’t for you and moved on. This rule also applies if you refuse an invitation. No, no, it’s a pity, but nothing terrible happened. Most likely, she will forget your invitation in 15 minutes.

The fact is that if a girl refuses and really means refusal, then her thoughts are very far from romantic dates. And then she will have no time or interest in thinking about it. So you can safely communicate with her in an hour and not stress.

Tip #15 - Breakup

After the date (if you plan to continue communicating), be sure to see the girl off. This will show you not only as a person interested in her, but also as a well-mannered gentleman. To the car, to the bus stop, to the house - it’s not important, but you simply have to accompany her.

Don't ask if she needs it. Say: “Come on, I’ll accompany you” - confidently and without objection. Help him stand up, take him by the elbow or hand and lead him away. Oh, not a man, but a dream.

Tip #16 - Aftertaste

After a date in the evening, send an SMS: “Thank you for the evening!” There is no need to call, it will be too intrusive. Let her also realize what happened, dream about you or about a future meeting.

I strongly recommend learning how to envelop a girl in an atmosphere of trust in you and relaxation on a date. Read the link.

Date with a stranger friend3

A date with a girl whose communication lasted only 5 minutes is a very troublesome event. But you should understand that, having set a high bar, you will have to maintain it until victory. Are you able to? And therefore, in order not to get into trouble, you will have to make do with a walk in quiet places.

The gentleman's package has not been canceled: flowers and coffee or tea in an elegant but inexpensive establishment. We immediately need to remind you that the phone should be on silent mode so as not to interfere with the conversation. The conversation should under no circumstances be associated with an interview or questionnaire. This is terrible bad manners. There is no need to burden your counterpart with memories from your childhood. This period of “pants with a strap” is of no interest to anyone, for the time being, of course. The conversation should flow naturally.

There is also no need to delay the meeting. Firstly, you need to take into account the lady’s appearance (shoes!) and how busy she is during the day. If a young lady has spent the whole day at work and is now hobbling around in 15 cm heels, then a walk under the elms in the old park will seem like the most perverted torture. It’s easier to immediately invite them to a light dinner with dessert.

The meeting itself should not last more than three hours; you should not sit on your ears for longer. But the ending should be classic: taxi, delivery to the entrance, if the young lady does not mind being accompanied. It’s better not to ask for tea if the girl hasn’t taken the initiative. But you can hint about the next meeting. And how successful this first date was, the girl’s answer will tell you: either “yes” or “no.”

What if it’s a refusal?4

If the refusal was received at the moment of acquaintance, then the “attacks” must be turned off beautifully. It is better to do this in continuation of the thread of conversation. Something like: “It’s a pity, the ice cream will melt and no one will get it.”

Refusal to re-date is also accepted in the continuation of the conversation: “It’s a pity, but I really wanted to know the continuation, but I’ll have to leave the intrigue.” Then take your leave and leave the lady.

Perhaps this is where the debriefing with the stranger can end. It's time to move on to a date with a girl you know.

Invitation to a date5

You'll have to turn on the "originality" function. She already knows the candidate well, so she needs to think about it. In principle, there is not much choice:

  • Intrigue. You need to be interested. For example, invite her to one place that is definitely interesting to her. You can offer just that: “I know one place that will definitely interest you. Can show!"

  • Mister X. Perhaps the most intriguing way. When a girl constantly receives small gifts from an unknown admirer, she will definitely begin to want to meet. At least just for the sake of curiosity.
  • Classic. Or you can not bother too much and just offer to go to the cinema, to an exhibition, or sit in a cafe.

Right to choose6

When making a classic invitation, it is extremely important to give the girl the right to choose:

  • Film reel,
  • culinary preference,
  • The cafe itself,
  • Date outdoors or indoors.

This nuance will give the girl the opportunity to correctly navigate the planning of the day. Then the date will not turn into torture. As for little things, it’s better not to force your preferences on her. Suddenly she likes chocolate ice cream, not creamy ice cream. And in no case should you ask: “Will you have ice cream?” a normal girl will always refuse. It’s better to face the fact: “What will you like: with nuts or with syrup?”

Find out 3 reasons for your fear!

You must learn that you can only overcome the “fear of approach” by practicing. The girl senses your lack of self-confidence, it can be seen from afar and such a vice cannot be hidden under clothes.

Almost always, a guy is stopped by the possibility of hearing a woman’s “NO.” Doesn't it look terrible even here? However, the fear of rejection is only half the story; the rest of the trouble is a variety of complexes, which often do not exist at all.

Main reasons:

  1. Fear of hearing a refusal.
  2. Feeling of own inferiority (Like, why does she need me, she can find something better!)
  3. A girlish way of putting herself above and turning guys' attempts into torture!

There is a cure for all ills and a few simple steps to the woman you want!

Planning 7

You cannot make a date based on the “here and now” principle. Firstly, the girl should have time to get herself in order. Secretly, not a single girl, even the most well-groomed one, is born with shaved legs and painted eyelashes. She may have just come home from work, and then: “At 18:00 in the park.” So you can call your wife to buy a new refrigerator. You need to invite someone on a date in advance. Otherwise, the quarterly report may be more important than walking under the stars. Then you'll have to eat ice cream in splendid isolation.

Examples of successful phrases

  • “Do you remember when we discussed Italian cuisine? Will you join me in a cozy trattoria? They make the best carbonara in the city...”;
  • “Let's go somewhere for tea/coffee/cider?”;
  • “Currently, “The Name of the Movie” is playing in cinemas, which everyone is praising very much. Would you like to join me?"

All these phrases indicate that you want to be alone with the girl, chat and get to know each other better. At the same time, they contain a certain amount of specificity, which allows the young lady to make a first impression. It is better to include a specific place or activity in such phrases. If this hooks her, then the time of the meeting is a secondary issue.

Transition to plan "B"8

Not having backup options for a date is carelessness. And we are not talking about the fact that there should be 33 more candidates in the notebook in case of refusal. It is necessary to calculate and assume force majeure circumstances:

  • Sudden deterioration in weather. This means that in addition to an umbrella, you need to know the location of the nearest cafes in order not only to shelter from the rain, but also to have dinner
  • The girl is not hungry. This could also happen. Accordingly, you need to go on a date well-fed and think in advance about where else you can go. If she stubbornly refuses, then wandering aimlessly around the park can become boring. Although, suddenly he works up an appetite. But it’s better to immediately look at the posters of interesting exhibitions, and after some time she will definitely not refuse a cup of coffee.

  • Detained at work. Classic. And it's double-sided. Then you need to act according to the situation. If a girl is detained, then patience will help. If you are delayed yourself, then the plan is as follows: taxi → courier with flowers → delivery of the girl to the cafe → waiter. While she waits, you can make it. But, of course, it is necessary to warn and constantly prompt at what stage the force majeure is completed.

Don't ask a girl what she wants to do

So, you were incredible, persuasive, effective, seductive, and made an appointment. And at this moment - do not make a fatal mistake that will nullify all your efforts.

If a guy asks a girl “What would you like to do” or “Where would you like to go” - the girl will most likely lose confidence and begin to slowly crawl towards the exit.

Girls do not like to take responsibility and make decisions. The girl wants a smart, handsome and strong man (like you, of course) to decide everything for her, to come up with everything, and for her to surrender to the will of the winner.

The girl wants to relax and enjoy the fact that nothing depends on her, and she is a victim of circumstances. In addition, the girl diligently avoids any responsibility. And when a guy asks: “What would you like to do,” for a girl this means only one thing: they are trying to shift responsibility onto her. And she is asked to make a decision. What any normal girl categorically does not want.

Whatever she would like to do, she will do just fine without you. She wants her to be an obedient little girl next to you. Well, she’s curious - what kind of perverted thing did you come up with, you naughty guy.

So - after you've agreed on a date and time - don't ask her what she'd like. Instead, think about what you would like.

If the girl still has an idea on how to spend your date, be sure to think about whether you can seduce this particular girl if you spend the date the way the girl wants. If the activity that the girl offers does not contribute to seduction, then it is better to reschedule the date. Or persistently offer your option.

What you should not do with a girl (at least until you have seduced her):

  • Go to the cinema (it’s dark and you can’t talk);
  • Go to a nightclub (where the girl will jump on you and someone else will seduce her);
  • Go hiking (especially in a group);
  • Go to a friend's birthday party;
  • Go to a meeting of her friends;
  • Go shopping;
  • Play sports in her group;
  • Go to the party.

These activities violate the prerequisites for a date (at least until you get laid):

  • Minimum costs;
  • Opportunity to get to know her better (talk);
  • Just for the two of you;
  • An opportunity to start seduction.

Therefore, the ideal place for a date:

  • Cafe (better near your home);
  • At your home (cook a meal, watch a movie, play a video game);
  • In the park (it is advisable to get away from people).

The most important thing is that your date takes place according to your rules, in a place where you feel comfortable and confident, and where you have been many times. Only in this case will you be confident, relaxed, and feel at ease. These emotions will be read by the girl, and she will relax too. Which is exactly what you need.

It is very important for a girl to feel completely safe. And if you get nervous and constantly look around, the girl will also start to worry, not understanding what is happening. And the date will go so-so.

Emotions 9

Since the date is with a girl you know, it’s not forbidden to invite her to a place where it will be really fun. This is a cinema, an amusement park, a concert, and even sporting events (suddenly she is a passionate hockey fan).

What is the purpose of a first date? Of course, rapprochement. When a person is charged with positivity, has fun, and enjoys tasty treats, then he opens up much more than in ordinary situations. The main thing is not to overdo it. This is especially true when choosing a film and your own knowledge of the world of jokes. In the first case, the girl can fill everything with tears and look like a panda because of the leaking mascara, in the second case, it’s clear: the joke is good, and not just to blurt out, and you also need to be able to tell them.

Mumble = failure10

No one argues that a first date is stressful. But it’s the girl who can shake like a leaf and remain embarrassedly silent, not the initiator of the meeting. But you shouldn’t overdo it either. Some young people are convinced that self-confidence, impudence and rudeness are one and the same thing. deepest delusion. Moreover, insolence and rudeness are generally unacceptable when meeting a lady. And it doesn’t matter how this manifests itself: a reproach to the waiter or remarks towards the drivers of neighboring cars. Culture, etiquette, self-control. Here are three principles for forming the right opinion and attitude. Everything else is just an addition.

As for your own shortcomings or minor mistakes, you can play with humor. Then, such an attitude towards yourself will cause tenderness or a smile, and not a contemptuous “fie”.

End of the meeting11

You need to end a date in the classic way: taxi → trip together → scheduling the next meeting. But, unlike a date with a stranger, in this case it is quite possible to hear an invitation for a cup of tea. There is no point in refusing. The girl is well known, and there is nothing reprehensible in visiting her humble abode. Yes, such a date can end in wild sex. But here the girl herself will decide what and how. You can't hint, you can refuse. And in general, it’s better to act according to the situation. In the end, sex in this case will not look like “straight to bed.” After all, a couple may have known each other for more than one month.

If you want to invite a girl to hang out over the phone, you can use these phrases:

  1. Hello. Are you comfortable talking now? I'm free today, I suggest we meet and go for a walk.
  2. Hello. When are you free? An idea appeared on where and how to spend time interestingly. All that is required is your consent.
  3. Hello, this is (your name). You and I met at (tell us the place/circumstances under which we met). I propose to arrange a tour of the city, I can show you unusual locations. You agree?
  4. Hello. So tired this week. Only a walk with you can please and invigorate me.
  5. Hello, the Ministry of Amorous Affairs is calling you. We urgently invite you to go for a walk in the fresh air.

Inviting a good friend on a date12

Dating an old friend is a troublesome business. It would seem: we ate semolina porridge with her, and drank more than one bottle of wine on hikes, but come on, leaving the friend zone is almost impossible. Here's the thing. The girl knows the guy very well. All his habits, quirks, his life, starting with the potty. Hearing the phrase “Oh, Vasya, I love you like a brother!” little pleasant. But it's worth a try.


Another good and more productive way of communication is to act as a lecturer. Give the girl bait for conversation, attract her attention to your words, and answer the questions that interest her as much as possible. This can be anything, it does not have to be limited to routine problems.

Less worry, don't be afraid to seem stupid or not good enough for her. Relax, only YOU are worthy to be with her.

Good advice from a beautiful girl, look at what the opposite sex reacts to:

How to beat dinner14

Most likely, she will show up on a date in jeans and sneakers. Therefore, it is better to have dinner in an ordinary cafe without a hint of pathos. But the dinner itself can be turned into a small performance. For example, agree in advance with the staff so that when the menu is served, the waiter presents something interesting: a flower, a postcard, a note. Something that will let her know about hidden intentions.

If a girl invites you home, it is unlikely that she will have eyelashes half a meter long and a pyramid of hair. As if not pajamas and fur slippers. But this is a familiar image, right? Therefore, it is better to take pizza, rolls and flowers with you rather than send a courier. Or order so that it all arrives a little later (except for flowers).

What mistakes can be avoided

An invitation to a first date and the girl’s consent does not mean that now you have “everything in your pocket.”

Try to avoid common mistakes and take note of the following tips.

  1. Girls love compliments, so don't forget about them. If you are too worried and nothing comes to your mind, think about them in advance.
  2. Think carefully about what you will talk about with the girl. Remember to avoid topics that are too personal or sensitive. You can read more about topics for conversation with a girl in our separate article.
  3. Don't talk about your ex stories.
  4. Humor can save any situation. Girls love witty guys even more than handsome ones!
  5. Late arrivals are prohibited. If you are not punctual in life, for the first date you will have to try and be on time.
  6. If you know she loves flowers, bring a bouquet with you. You don't have to spend a ton of money on a huge basket of roses. Even a modest, but thoughtfully selected bouquet will be received with gratitude.
  7. Choose a place for your first meeting based on your financial capabilities so that you feel calm and don’t break out in a cold sweat while waiting for the bill.
  8. During a date, you shouldn't drink too much alcohol.
  9. If you are not sure that the right moment has come, then you can wait until your next date with the first kiss.
  10. A first date is not a reason to immediately invite a girl to your home or hotel. You may come across as a frivolous ladies' man who has only one thing on his mind.
  11. Try to forget about your smartphone during the meeting. I understand perfectly well that modern people “have their whole lives on their phones,” but if you came on a date to stare at the screen, then you might as well stay at home.
  12. When organizing a meeting, listen to her wishes.
  13. In the evening after the date, walk her home.

For greater clarity, I recommend that you watch a video on how to properly invite a girl to your first meeting:

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